Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 14, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
Weather Report
Oregon. Tonight and Sunday
rain -west portion, probably
rain or snow east portion, freshi
outherly winds. .
in own
President Poincare Met Him
At Bois Boulogne Station
This Morning.
Hreat Crowds Throng Streets
From Station To Prince
Marat's Palace.
By Wililam Phillips SUnms.
(Cuitcd Presg Staff Correspondent.)
Paris,. Dec. 14. "You will see in a
jj:inutc what the people of Paris think
of you, Mr. President," was Premier
(Mcmenceau's radiant greeting to Presi
dent Wilson, as tho lnttoi .wSingly
fitepped down from his train at the
'Bois Boulogne station today, and he
Already from the ni.kM winrtnw. -
iboth sides of the station cheers were ! machinery in this country is now turn
fucceeding cheers "vivo Wilson" "!? out about l.),000 men a day to civil
"vive I'Ameriquc.'' . t'e- The war department hopes to dou-
m. . ... 1.1. - . I 1
xneso demonstrations were started."'" p"' numuer. ueiuro mug,
the instant the special train wu sigut-
They wore redoubled when President'
Poincuro clasped Wilson's hands in
both of his and said in English: "Mr.
President I am very glad to meet you."
But when the presidential uartv au-
pearcd on tho street and came into view
nf fho (1,,,J, 1 ...
, """" u'"",," oviuus.Ki P lm Officorg aila k .'50 juen
cheering seemed as a whisper. 0 such have actually sailed-,
ovation had tvet been heard in Paris. Tnc war department is drafting a
WUsoJi Left Traim First. , bill for congress which will permit all
The president, who was the first one ' schargod officers and men to keep
t leave the train, after shaking hands Permanently one uniform f.rtfit, with
with President Poincare was presented Buctt equipment as is authorized for
rto Madame Poincare. Mrs. Wilson uw ceremonies and other occasions,
(then stepped down 0n to the red carpet- Mnrfh sairt- Under the present regula
ed platform and was presented to the tio"s m011 mu8t retnrn a" clothing with
1'Vench president and his wifo. Mmo. iaJ months- , x, . u .
Sr'oiucare handed Mrs. Wilson a bouquet 1 t . hf .f two of tho 81t christmas
of her favorite orchids, around which JW T ,i nVTi!' T'1 l" 8
was bound a small American fl total. of 2.248.00. Christmas packages
Premier Clemenceau was next pre
rented. He was follower! v tl.
.dents of the Herat ,! A,i :
rf,n(i .,j m" "V.-" ,
deputies and other officials
After the introductions were conclud
ed Poincare slipped his arm through
Wilson's and led tho way to the far
end of the platform. Thero they in
ttliccted the minnl nf hnnn. n.1,,,.1.
drawn up in a rigid line at present
arms.. A hunil ,.lnr k. nt u 1
ed Banner whito H, ff;i..i
at attention. After the inspection the
jiarty went upstairs to the waiting car
riages. rVUn .1 I.. . i. ,
,. .: '" ijr euuim
the Palais De Elysees.
By Fred S. Ferguson.
(United Press Utaff Correspondent.)
Paris, Dec. 14. President Wilson
arrived in Paris, the present capital of
the world, at 10:Ol o'clock this morn
ing. ;
His arrival was heralded by the
booming of guns throughout the city.j
Vast throngs in the Champs Elysees!
rot up a tremendous cheer. Trcmedous'
cowds lined the entire way from the
rnilway station to Prince Murat's pal
ace, which will be the first foreign
IrOiiio of an American president.
President and Mrs. Poincare greeted
the American executive and his wife
0:1 the station platform. The two presi
dents rode in one carriage and their
wives rode in another. Both carriages
were decorated with' flowers.
As the presidential party left the
station they received a tremendous ova
tion from the crowds. The carriages
Hrarted up the street, preceded by
mounted guards, and with carriages con
taining other members of the official
retinue in thir wake.
"Vive Wilson."
A great cry of "Vive Wilson" was
riised. The crowds were thickly
(pritiklcd with doughboys and poliuf
who shouted and whistled.
rresijient Vinson raised lus hat as
both he and Mrs. Wilson smiled In
icknowledgment of the greeting.
The procession down the Champs Ely-
sees with the guard of honor drawn up
on either side and the Arch of Triumph
11 the background, presented a new
dramatic picture in American history.
The demonstration increased as the
cortege moved on. Wilson and Poin-
jere were continually acknowledging
1 . i " i "" "i" divisions as follows:
I ; V :
the wild outbu if enthusiasm while
their wives in second carriage
I smiled and smiled.
jjiomzea .renuuug.
Premier Ck'mcnceau and General Per
shing were also lionized.
Many of the women in the throngs
wept openly and it was possible to dis
tinguish a significant moisture in the
eyes of some of the older men.
Iu a carriage sat two French soldiers
and their mother.
"I can't help weeping," she explain
ed to her boys. "I've feared so long
for both of you. And now you arc safe
ly back with me all because of these
two great men."
In addition to the crowds in tho
streets, great masses of people filled
every window and available vantage
point, including the roofs. Doughboys
clung to trees and captured German
guns along the Champs Elysees and
the Place Concorde, looking like noth
ing quite so much as clusters of human
Ruling Is Changed And Now
Discharged Soldiers Can
Keep Uniforms.
Washington, Dec. .-Demobilising
Announcing this figure today, Chici
of Staff March added that 824,000 nierT
in this country have been designated
for early discharge, while to December
12, a total of 5053 officers and 135,22-
i men had been designated for early con
ivov -Sack home from abroad.
In this country 17.203 officers have
' " (lii-"rgi"'i. lur uil- a..
i .a., l t: L. 1 .. ji A
on the way to the, troops in France,
f.nglanrt and Italy. Maicr General
n ues cn, 01 emuarKanon, snpervis
ed the despatching of th
Industrial Furloughs
Among the men in America designat
ed for discharge are included 1S,000
industrial furloughs, 332,000 depot bri-
RBd?, "td,."?plBr;t
ment battalions: 15,000 1
and uevelop-
corps and army
troops; 1(10,000 student army training
p,..,. ,. ailiin nlr1if.ro atta,.haA in.
draft boards and many others in the
quartermasters, engineer, medical corps
and other branches.
Answering questons. General March
Kig.htieth near Bar Le Due, Nov. 21
Ninety First, reached England July depressed over the disappearance ' of
l,!tl,is small, snectncled and modestly
(Continued on page seven)
When a woman says "they say'
means she. says it. 'llier s a wnolc lot ;
o' difference between droppin' out o'j
the army an' droppin' out of a mum
tions job.
' she
Net Qianges Were Slight
In General In Market Today
New York, Dee. 14. The New York
Evening Sun's financial review tod.iy
There was a firmer tone in the sec
ond hour. The alcohol shares gathered
considerable strength and Marine pre
ferred also. Net changes were in gen
eral slight, nevertheless, both in the
Industrials and the Kaiu, traotion
stocks contiiuod heavy. Traction bonds,
however, showed distinct improvement
Interboro Metropolitan 4V4s ud Inter-
boro Rapid Transit refunding 5 s ad
vanced more than a point.
Inter-Allied Armistice
Commission In Session
Berne, Dec. 14. Fhe interallied ar
mistice commission is now in session
at Treves, with Marshal Foch presid
ing, It is believed the commission will
remain there until the peace prelimin
aries are concluded, when it will be
ransformed into an administrative body
to handle affairs in the occupied terri
tories. Secretary McAdoo Will
Rest Up In Hollywood
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 14. William !
G. McAdoo will take the three months
rest which is to follow his retirement
from the cabinet, iu southern Califor
nia. That was the interpretation today
placed on the announcement that ulc
Adoo had leased the George Honk
home at Hollywood, one of the finest
of tho residences located there.
Kevelations t rom Secret 5
Chapters of Hun Royalty
Colonel Schrceder, an officer with the armies of German Crown Prince, once
trusted messenger of the emperor, confident and companion of Baroness Else
Baronin Schweirin, and until recently aide-de-camp to Rupprecht, the Crown
Prince of Bavaria, no wa deserter in Denmark, makes sensational revelations
and reveals the hideous secrets of kaiserly intrigue before and during the war.
I wonder what the kaiscr secretly'
thought of all that lies behind the so-1
culled "sudden death" of the grea
Berlin banker, Rudolph Thause. fctwist
papers reported the occurrence in Scpt.arc satisfied. And, mein Gott" she
ember, and pointed out that the loss of :
that financial genius was a blow to
Germany greater than the sinning or a you remcmiier wnat uismnrcK sain
half dozen of the drendnaughts. Yct"crush, crush, crush, and leave the wo-
the Gorman papers kepi silence about
it for a long time, and then they print
ed only a brief announcement. Of
course, they acted under orders. Had
Rudolph Thause "died" at any other
time than this there would have been
columns about him, and the world of
Gerniaji finance would have been shak
en to its foundations.
As it is. Germany must he horribly
dressed man, behind whose domed fore-! " on will enjoy yourself in Par
hend lnv- i,eihai)s the one lirnin that is, eh, Schroeder?"
miorht have contrived soinethim? liku'
order and hope out of the busines.
wreckage and blackness that soon ill
have to be faced by our kaiser and his
uniformed fools.
The Shadow of Doom.
His death induces me to hark back
to a surprising experience belonging to
the period just before the war.
.At '
nave vou any jugnsu ineitus iu
Germany that you know of?"
That was the puzzling question -th
Baroness Elsa Baroiiin Hchweiriu askee,
me one day in the middle of May, 1914
As it happened, I had two very nice
English friends, a man and his wife
who were in business in Berlin, and I
told the Baroness so.
"Well, tell them to get out of th
country before July," she said, "for
its coming, Jichroeder, it's coining."
The Baroness rose with sparklinp
eyes, and walked up and down her sit'
ting room as if consumed with excite-
"We nl.nli he rMvrenrlv thr.n "
shall be look here, Schroeder, I'll the windows of a famous jeweller's
show vou something. I'll show you thu',10P hie1i von K,uol, 1,8,1 Pr0,m(,l to
place 'where you shall dine with me onj1"' the Baroness, nnd I found my -
Christmas Day if you're very good.
shall have a large party.
A Dream That Failed.
Phc took a booklet from a drawer
and handed it to mc. It was a besu
tifully printed description, with pic
tures of a famous hotel in one of the
principal thoroughfares of Paris.
"I shall have a suite of rooms on
the second floor. There."
She put her finger on one of the U-
American Delegates Want Re
organization Of Interna
tional Relations.
By J. W, T. Mason
(Written for tho United Press)
New York, Dec. 14. The . program
suggested by President Wilson for the
(.nnnirlfnafinn nf tliA npsA nnfFnnitf
throws th. nhinf , imnortitnrn of the
work of the conference upon the
turc, while mcst of the allied powers
are thinking principally about the pre
sent. The allies are prjmarily interested in
repairing the damage which the war
has dono to them materially, industrial
ly and fiiiaaciallyV The Aineriean del
egates to the pcfice conference are
more immediately Concerned with a re
organization of international relations
such aa will muko warfare more diffi
cult. ' ' "
.The allies thus have their minds cen
tered on today, while' the Americans
are more inclined to consider tomor
row. There is no' necessary clash of
interest in this faejt. It is more a mat
ter of emphasis and of the relative de
gree of actual harm inflicted by the
ravages of the war.
Can Hav9 No Future.
I 1 Certainly thero can be no future for
I some of. the allies unless the damage
1 done by the Germans is repaired jn
j the present. The primary requirement
l in dealing with a wound is to cure it
" . . ..... A
l wwguards against a repetition or
Regarded from this viewpoint, the
allies arc .certain for the most part to
be more concerned about the amount
of indemnity 'they can get from Ger
many than the establishment of a
league of nations or a discussion con-
(Continued on page seveu
lustrations. "That window there with
the balcony that's where I shall wit
and watch our troops march by our
troops that will never leave until wo
struck her hand on the table "it s
to be real satisfaction this time. Don't
men with nothing but eym to weep
"And now, nciincuer," sue went on,
when her excitement hnd subsided
"you shall eo with me to beautiful Pa
ris next week. I'm going there to make
a few final arrangements,
'You like the little trip, eh!"
"Oh, that will be easily obtained!
t or my chaperon 1 shall take tho taux
Excellenz von Gunhcim."
"And now you shall act as courier,
and get the tickets and make nil the
necessary arrangements for our journey.
Apply for your leave today."
I applied for leave on absence on ur-
I gent private aftairs, which was grant-
cd WMliout any aimcuity, ana mo 101
lowing week 1 found myself in Fans at
the hotel-well, I will call it tho Hotel
v.inra t,.vin .onn th Rarnnmu onn"
.....-, -
; her travelling companion, the irau ix-
cenence, setiieu m luxurious auno
which looked on the Boulevards.
j-rau r.xccucnz von uunnenn, - or,
Her Kii-cllenre. was a littln. fair-hair-
cd, timid sort of woman, pretty in a
pathetic, confiding way, and apparent-
ly dominated entirely by the. Baroness's
superior will power and strength of
"Knjoy yourself for a eonple of days
nciirocdor, the naroness saia to mc
"'e day after our arrival, and men
w''" Kct to business."
I enjoyed myself thoroughly, going
about and seeing everything. I stood
'for some time ono morning looking into,,w ..,k idi0.. esneciallv the Baron
I:f'f tryine r0 mane up my mum wnai i
would like best of all in Paris,
A Chance Meeting.
t . ;,!i; hi. nlomont view.
when a man came up and spoke to me
in German.
"Taking a little holiday, Herr Bch- "on mn ' indcc", ne let out to m
. .. .... - , ,. 'thst he's here on a littlo sort of fman
ederT" he a.d. "Ah , you . don't,, a hc elta u fof w fnlJ(Cr
remember mc. I see. "I'm quite an in
significant person, but we were intro-,
PraciMl Racnnntlail Tn t rL !
dress Ut Welcome By rom
care At Luncheon. :
Paris, Dec. 14. (By Gow.nioent
Wireless.) President Wilson, in tho
first address ever mado bv an Amcri
car. executive on foreign soil, declared .
i.my .ui ... cui.j0lr..co ...uD.
intra aiifh nptmn IB Tn ' 1 rtthtllrA IvAr.
take such action as to "rebuke Ger-
fu-,nny' acts of terror and spoliation."
The president further stated that
the world mnst bo made aware that bnke guch cts of terror ftn. sl)olifttlon
such acts "cannot be ventured uponj,)Ut mke men everywhere aware that
without certainty of just punishment." canm)t be v(,n.nrca upon witi,iut
' Rinlvi,irf in tha nrllrnxa nf wi1innm ' . . ... . . . :
bv President Poincare at tho uin:nl
-f ' . '" .
luncheon at the Palais de Elysees to
day, President Wilson said:
"Mr. President:
"i am deeply indobtcd to you for
your gracious greeting. It is very de
lightful to find myself in France and
to feel tho quick contact of sympathy
and unaffected friendship between tho
representatives of the United States
and the representatives of France.
"You have been very generous in
what yon were pleased to say about
myself, but I feol that whnt I have
said and what I have tried to do has
been said and done only in au attempt
to Bpoak the thought of the people of
the United States truly and to carry
that thought out in action.
To Insure Future Peace.
"From the first, tho thought of the
people of tho Uaited States turned to-,
ward something more than the mere
winning of this war. It turnod to tho
establishment of 'eternal principles of
right and justice. It realized that
merely to win the war was not enough;
that it must be won in Buch a way and
the questions raised by it settled in
such a way as to insure the future
duced ut one of the Court balls in Ber
lin. My mime i3 Thause."
"Oh, of course, I know tho name very
well," I said. "But forgive inc. won 't
you? I can't remember you personally
at nil. Perhaps it's because 1 meet so
many new people in tho course of my
i'or as one of the kaiser's immedi
ate attendants I had to meet so many
people that it was no wonder I didn't
remember this man.
"It's my banker father's namo you
know, I expect," he said with a laugh
"1 111 afraid I 111 too lazy to earn a re
putation for myself. But why not come
and huvc, soino lunch with mo t I'm
liavine a very eood time over hero, but
I'm feeling rather lonely at present."
I lunched with him at Mourico s and
afterwards told the Buroness about him.
"Thausef Of course, he's the bank
er's son," she said. "I've n lUca
that yourn? man miuht be of some use
in father is a stubborn old blockhead
wh0 growls at me, but perhaps I could
,io something with the son."
"What do you mean, Countess, .if I
,ay !(?' ' I ventured to say.
' Jut this. Old Thause is against
us ,akiiig war, and it's chiefly be
,ause f hi,,, that tho kaiser still hcel
..... 1. .... ..i u i.,:f.wi
imt-n, aim, i. oiu i'
on Thause prophesies great financial
trouhlo. But
I say that that cannot
lot for, of courae, wc
Im France, nnd sho will
conic it cannot
gi.ail overwhelm
...... n. .ho an,;iu1 r m,. uurt
spoke with that curious frankness of'ig disregard of death that our longer
hera ",10W that things have gone so experience of this terrible war often
far) I don't waint la lose niy share. i moved us to counsel prudence,
Dri't the jeweler's shops make your, "They brought wi;f. them, in arriv-
mouth water, Schroeder! Perhaps injng here, tho entsusiasm of crusaders
onc 0f tl,em we may be able to find a'l(.avi,ig for tho Holv Land. It is their
ijttc diamond ring for you lieforo
Christmas. Ask young; Thause to dinner
with mc."
Of course ho was charmed to meet
CK8) WMo put fprth all her wonderful
charm to fascinate the young man, car
rying him off to tho Palm Court after
dinner for a pnvato chat
"That vounir nan's no fool," said
the Baroness to me after our guest hai"
left. "I think it's a sort of hobby
of his to pose as an idle young man
but I can soe he knows a lot abou'
(Contifi'od on i)ie icteti
P" e of tho world and Jay the foun
jdation for the freedom and happiness
of its many peoples and nations,
"Never before has war worn so ter
rible a visage or exhibited more gross
ly the debasing influence of illicit am
bitions, J am sure that I shall look
upon the ruin wrought by the armies
of the contra! empires with the same
repulsion and deep indignation that
,hoy tir , the hcarU of the men of
Fmnce ,na Belgium, and I appreciate,
. ... .. .
.i. m.. no.a;.v ..k
acUon in the final wttlemcnt 0f tn8
.,.. ty.a . t ,.
.itne certainty or lust piimsnmcnt.
Gavo Their Best
"I knsw with what ardor and enthu-!T-m
t soldiers nnd sailors of the
United States have .given the best that
was in them to this war of redemp
tion. And they have expressed the
true spirit of America.-
"Thoy believe their ideals to bo ac
ceptable to free peoples everywhere and
are rejoiced to hnvo played the part
they have played in giving reality te
these Ideals in co-operation ' with' the
armies of the allies.
"We are proud of tho part they have
played and wc aro happy t;iat thoy
should have been associated with such
comrades in a common cause.
It is with peculiar foelings, Mr.
President, that I find myself in
France, joining with you in rejoicing
ovor the victory that has been won.
Tho tieB that bind Franco and the
United Htntes. are peculiarly close. I
iU not khow in what other comrade
ship we could have fought with more
aosf or enthusiasm. , It will daily be
a matter of pleasure with mo to be
brought into consultation with ths
statesmen of France and her allies in
concerting the measures bv which wc
may secure permanence for these happy
relations of friendship nnd co-nporatioi
and secure for tho world at large such
safety and freedom in its life as can
be securod only by the constant asso
elation and co-operation of friends.
"I raise my glass to the health of
the presidont of tho Fronch republic
nnu to junname roincaro and the pros
perity of France."
Polncare'a Welcome.
President Poincare in his address of
wolcomo said:
"Mr. Presidont:
"Paris and Franco awaitod you with
impatience, They wore eager to acclaim
you tho illustrious democrat whose
words and doeds were inspired by ex
alted thought, tho philosophy ..0. not
ing in the solution of uuiversul luws
from particular events, the eminent
statesman, who has found a way to ex
press tho highest political and moral
truths in tho formulas which bear tho
stamp of iiiiniortiility.
"They had also a passionate message
to offer thanks in your person for the
invaluable assistance wniei. sad been
given spontaneously during this wnr
to tho defenders of right and liberty.
"Even before America had resolved
to intervene in tho struggle sho had
shown to the wounded and tho widows
and orphans of France a solicitude and
a generosity, the memory of which will
always be enshrined in our hearts. The
liberality of your Red Cross, the Miunt
less gifts of your fellow citizens, the
inspiring initiative of American wom
en, anticipated your military and naval
action and showed tho world to which
sido your sympathies inclined. And
on the dii v when vou flung yourselves
into tho battle, with what determinn-
tion your great people and yourswf pre-1
pared for united success.
Siat Steady Stream cf Men.
"Home months ngo you cnblcd to me
that the Cuitcd States would semi ever
increasing forces until the dnv shoulil
bo reached on which the allied armies
were able to surmierge the enemy under'.,
an overwhelming flow of new divisions.,,
1 And, in effect, for more than
- 'a stondy stream of youth and energy!
- Uaa poured ont upon tho shores of
Jxi 1. 1 ,
sooner had they landed than
you, gallant battalions, fired by their'
,-hicf, General Pershing, flung them-1
selves into tho conflict with such a
,..i.. .,. ..t ,1., .,,,,. ,,i,
right today to look with pride upon flic
work accomplished and tell themselves
that they have powerfully aided by
their courage and their faith.
Didn't Realize Task.
"Eager as they were t0 moet'the
enemy, they did not know when they
arrived tho enormity of his crimes.
That they might know how the Ger
man armies make war, It has been ne
cessary that they see towns systemati
eally burned down, mines flooded, fa:
tories reduced to ashes, orchards uev
nstated, cathedrals shelled and fired
.11 .1... .1.1.1. .... 4. ...rn..n A m.il in
destroy tho national wealth, nature and
beauty which tho imagination couii
not conceive at a distance from the men!
(Continued on page seven)
f 'i
Clear Definition Of Measicz.
Of Freedom Of Seas To Be
in 1 ji
American Conferees Favor !&
elusion Of Germany, But
Only On Probation.
(Copyright, 1918, by the United Press.)
Paris, Doc. 14. President Wilson 'a
wholo effort will be directed at ob
taining a "just and lasting peace."
The American delegation to the peace
conference, in carrying out this prin
ciple, stands squarely on those funda
mental contentions:
First Tho league of nations must be
a part of tho treaty, in order to insuio
a square deal for ail the people con
corned. The president, lacking support
of such a league, would feel that Amer
ican participation in the negotiations
is hardly worth while.
Second Freedom of tho soag must
be one of tho chief principles estab
lished through the league of nations,
thus making it unnecessary for Amer
ica to build a navy big enough to in
suro her against arbitrary action by
any nation.
Third Just claims against Germany
for her crimes must be ascertained and
then tho possibility of pajumui id
the niothod of collecting determined,
Public Final Meetings.
Fourth Whilo .the preliminary con
ferences may bo confidential, tho final
.conclusions should bo reached publicly
Fifth All pcaco dolegatos should sit
as representatives of tho now world,
not as masters of any nations. Any
other attitudo would mean that consnra-
mntion of pence would leave hatreds
which might breed future wars.
Tho American coruwiev r,?er
stood to favor inclusion of Germany "
in the leaguo of nations. But only on
probation, until it Is proven that she
can bo trusted. The president will ap
proach the conference with the utmost
frankness and by such processes as
will not involve any unnecessary an
tagonism. It is perfectly clear, how
ever, that for him the strategic centeia
of the whole business aro the questions
of the league of nations, indemnities
and freedom of the sensi
Clear Points of Difference.
The first tasl of the president will
be to get acquainted with the allied
premiers, lay oit the preliminary Hues
of procedure and altempt to cloar up
any points of difference.
There has been some talk of a pre
arranged program having been formu
lated by Premiers Lloyd (Jeorge, Cit.
menceau and Orlando at the recent Lon
don conference, but it is assumed tho
understandings reached there were only
provisional and for tho purpose of sup
(dying a concrete basis for discussion,
It is understood among other things,
thev concerned tho indemnity to be ox
acted from Germany.
The president feels strongly thai
Germany must pay for her crimes, but
it Is known he believes that the right
wav to collect a wav that would bo
consistent with high principles is to
determine just claims, then the method
r.r.d possibility of payment, not to as
certain whnt Germany has that can bo
tnkvi. nnd then pcrcel it out.
fhiie are no diflerences betwue'i
: view of President Wilson a?id th 1
Inllle.i ' riremb'M reenrdintt tho tvrones-
ilnne bv flf-niianv. The only DORsiblo
" , ., 'i; ,v , ' (k,i .,i
llirferece ' KlinB the method and.
eculo of payment.
Determined on League.
:',,, ,,
JI, ! , '
. " , I,
Tt is known that tho president i
agreement for estan-
ugue of nfilions shail
be embodied in the treaty, for the rea
son that the treaty would be valueless
were the leaguo left to subsequent con
ferences. .4-
The president is also known to be con
vinced that there must bo a clear defi
nition of freedom of the seas, which
pivots on the league of nations. Ho
dots not intend there shall bo any law
less freedom of the seas, or exposure
of any ration to its enemies because
the ic"a(ue could closo the sens for en
forcin.ent of international covenants.
Judgment is reserved by some govern)
ments on this question, but the Amevi
can delegates expect all doubts to be
clarified throuirh discussion.
Reduction of Armaments.
A decision alfo is expected to 1
reached concerning reduction and ap
port lonmcnt of armaments oota on iau
... . .
flilll Heft. niQK1112 11 UIimxtBi. j v.
America to build a vast navy, it 14
believed that American public opinion,
which is expected to favor construe-
(Continued on page seven)