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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1918)
be PgUp Jrfejxl Ifoumal SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1918. I YOU WILL HAVE TO PAGE EIGHT 1 : : ' All Around Town,!; WttkS,- LafcliaftS TT TT TT Y -1 JLi zJ? PP V IF YOU WANT TO GET ONE OF THOSE Dresses, Coats or Suits That are the best values you will find. Any one will appreciate what exceptionally good buys they are, g aiier giving mem a careiui inspection. 1 DRESSES I . ..... .J9.90J12.50 and $17.50 I f AH TO ffirrrn finrn .imtta I 3$ vvAu .pii.Du, ana m V SUITS ........... J. . .$19.50. $23.50 and $27.50 ! The Charles B. ArcWc" Implement II . ' ' I a 1 For Practical Christmas Gifts You will find you can always do better with us on Such as: Table Damask Ties Handkerchiefs Bath Towels and Sets Silks Shoes . Hosiery Books Bed Spreads Stationary COMING EVENTS TONIGHT Dee. 13 Company M benefit jitney dance at armory. Dee. 16 21 Fifth annual Marion county corn show, 141 North Commercial. ' " ' . Dec 30. Beeond election on school budget. "Tna funeral (Hough Co. Beautiful. ' .Webb ft tf -"Tie best' death comes. Phone 12U. iM all job can do when Call Webb Clough Co-. Dr. Cary Gregg Doney will speak on Saturday afternoon at the meeting of the Woman's club to be held in the aud itorium of tho Commercial club. High grade, genuine furs for Christ. mas gifts at special prices. West Fur Co., 217 South High St. tf Willamette chapter of the American Ked Crass calls for bids on the follow ing articles, which will be sold if fair prices can be obtained: 10,800 yards gauze. 359 pounds non-absorbent cotton 3-4 case scottissue Call 1500 or call at Boom 204 U. 8. National bank building. 2-12 .. : PERSONAL . E. A. Hhoten was In srer day, registered at the Seward. ' , . Louis I.achmund, now in tho political lime light as one of the senators from Unrion county, was iu, Portland yes torduy. . . H. (1. Wortman and wifo of Medford are registered at tho Bligh. 11. O. Holunr of Silvertuu was in the eity yesterday. Dr. O. B. Milog is iu Portland con ferring with tho state health authori ties. , , Fred Lamport is home from Bremer ton, having received his diachargo fronr tho navy yards at that place. AVOID coras AND C0UGHERS Your health and society demand that you take something for that cough. Coughing spreads disease. Good, old, tollable HllUiOil is guaranteed to re lieve the worst cough in 24 hours. SHILOH Stops Condu Stated meeting of Multno mah chapter No, 1, R. A. M., this evouing. Eloction of offi cers. Visiting companions wel come. Oass Erodes help to conjomiza and iiiuke a hotter cooked food, they make a 'sane Xnia gift. Gahlsoorf's store of housewares, 135 N. Liberty St. The S.A.T.O. boys are being mustered out his 'week. Yesterday 25, after the customary physical examination, were given their honorable discharges from tho nrmy. Tho boys will bo permitted to wear their uniforms four months but all other army equipment is to be turn ed in. 'The Fall of Barbara Coast" Kev. Paul Smith's mighty picture of tho great fisrht fhnt turned Ban Prancis- h red liirhte whito cominir to the Liberty Sunday. , Donations wanted. Open house at Old Peoples Home from 3 to 5 and 7 to U Saturday,. Public cordially invited. Groceries, vegetables, jollies or cash received any timo of day. 1213 Dr. Doney will lecture at trie reg ular meeting of the Salem Woman's club at 3 Sat. Business meeting at 2:30 D, A. White says that within a week or so thore will be an abundance of mill feed stuff which has boen so score this fall.' He says that tho big milling companies will soon contract for car lots but that the prices will be no lowei as the government etill has control of prices and then the price of wheat is estaDiisnod, The Charles &. Arc hen' Implement Co. now carry a full line of feed. 12-13 o Eel ax and rest in the dental chair. Dr. Hartley fills nd extracts teeth without pain and ' corrects diseased gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. . tf ' O . ; ; The funeral services of Mrs. & Jor gensen will be held Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from-the home of her daughter at 1331 McCoy avenue. ' The services will be conducted by the Bev. Leland Porter, pastor of the First Christian church and burial will be in the Odd Fellows cemetery. o, 1 Wanted fat hens and chickens. High est market price paid. Stensloff Bros. Inc. '8 12-13 . o - ' Junior Guild Xmas sale, Saturday, December 14, at Salem Hardware store Stato street entrance. Fancy articles; plum puddings, cooked food and pop corn balls. , ' 12-13 Private Eugene Appolo will sing Sat urday evening at tho dance to be given at the armory for the benefit of the soldiers' club house at Toledo. The danco, which is a jitney with 25 cents admission, is to be given that fund may be raised to pay off an indebted ness on the club house. It is announced that a ten-piece orchestra of soldicrE will furnish the music. I hare moved my offices Into more pieasant and more commodious quar ters on the third floor of the U. 8. National bank building. Dr. O. L. Scott uniropractic-BpinologiBt. 30U13 U. 8. National bank bldg. , tf DOCTOR STANTON Dermatologist . Foot Specialist . COBNS, BUNIONS, INGROWING TOE NAILS EEMOVED Without Blood or Pain or ' Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience. Chilblains and All Diseases of tho Feet Cured.- . . -Special Attention to' Antiseptics thert "j ' by Preventing Infection. .'....; Appointments by Phone. Lady Assistant. ' ' 618 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 416. Salem. Ore ital Journal enclosing $3 for ono year's subscription, he states that the yield in southern California of orange tfiis year will not exceed half a crop. Mr. Constable should be good authority n the orange situation as ho owns a fine tract within, the city limits of .River side. ' - Lunch counter opposite O. E. B. B. depot. Good lunches, M. J. B. coffee. Lady waitress. Open from 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. 12 30 o Dr. J, O. Matthls, associated with Dr. II. J. Ciwnonts, office 4V)4I0 Salem Bank of Com. bldg. Office tel. 573; res. 1705 South Fir St. tel. 596. 12-27 BIG SACRIFICE FOR CHRISTMAS We must close out this enormous stock of sOl CM. rarmers By March 1st. Below we quote a few samples of our many bargains: Good valley flour. r. ......1..... $2.75 Best Valley Hard Wheat flour......!...l";Zl."Z! $2!l)0 Sugar, per pound - ioc Fresh eggs, per dozen .........."..:.7g3c i an Fork and Beans 14C Columbia River Salmon 19c Sweet Corn I......." 17c Canned Peas r. .'""" ZZZZ!Z"l7c Canned sauer kraut 14c Cocoa .. L...Z.ZZZZl9c Canned Pineapple ............Z!..ZZZ.Z..Z23c All kinds of spices ZZZZZZjte White Beans, per pound ......j.. ZZZZZ.'9e Good headed Alaska salt herring, each 5c The best Reliance coffee, 3 pounds for 95c Economy coffee, 3 pounds for 53c Wesson Oil, quarts ..74c Wesson Oil pints ' ' 39c Big bargains in the lines of dry goods, shoes and rubbers. All qualities and sizes at your own prices. VEGETABLES Sweet Potatoes, per pound 5c Cabbage, pef pound Z.3 i-2c Selected Onions, per pound 2c Per 100 pound lots............:.......... .. $1.75 Best Oregon potatoes, per pound 2c Per 100 pound lots $1.75 Orders of $3.00 or Over Delivered FREE & Bacon Wholeor Half Piece 40c per lb. Pure Lard $1.35 per pail BestCL..i jiiui lening $1.20 per pail Leaf Lard 25c per lb. cd? Butter 59c per lb. Leg Roast D 1 of Pi, x urn. a 25c per lb. Highways Rapid Transit Auto service to Portland and Way points daily, leav ing aaicm at a. m. 'none orders ev ening before, 137 S. Com'l. Phone 663. tf o Evangelist C. W. Fields of Portland will speak at 2.30 p. m. Moose hall, Sunday, Dec. 15. 12-14 C. O. Constable, former county fruit inspector, does not agree with tho re port that tho crop of orangcg ig above the avorago and that low prices may do jooJtea for. In a letter to the Cap- 37ut NEW OXCEH - COLLAE 23 CENTS EACH CLUETT. PEABODY& Co. 6tc. JCakers Salem bread is best for Salem peo ple, tf o Extraordinary Hippodrome vaude ville show at the Bligh theater Sunday xnree or tne Dest acts this season. - . o ' Moose hall, cor. High and Court St. free lecture by Evangelist FieWs, "Blessings for all soon," 2:30 p. m. Doc. 15. Everybody welcome. 12-14 o - -- v . . With about $300 subscribed by the merchants of tho city for decoration of 17 blocks in the business section, there is tho assurance that by the first of next week, the eity will really be sug gestive of tho holiday festivities! The coimuitteo in charge of the decorationi have decided to buy the cedar ropo and tlten koep it for future Christma events. The wire necessary to properly hold o many trees will cost about $30 The trees will mostly be placed in ce ment blocks along the curbings. , o Buy Salem bread. tf End of Season's Sale Your Choice of: 50 Ladies hats, now $1.49 100 Ladies Hats, now $1.98 45 Ladies' Hats, now L$2.49 57 Ladies' Hats, now $2.98 30 Ladies' Hats, now ...:.;...:........$3.98 Children's Hats ...75c to $1.49 Our Prices Always The Lowest ' GALE & CO, Commercial and Court Streets PHONE 1072 Formerly Chicago Store Bemember Company M's benefit dance at the armory tonight. The mon ey will stay in Salem. Luther J. Chapin reports that tho fifth annual corn show to be held next week will surpass in many ways that of last year wheiK.corn conditions were most favorable. Mt. Angel, where a corn show was held a few weeks ago at the Mt. Angel bank, will send tho en tiro exhibit to Salem. Those who arc interested are asked to bring their ex' hibits in next Saturday or early Mon day or Tuesday of next week. - IThe show will be held Dec. 1.6-21 on North Commercial street, just a few doors north of tho V. S. National bank build' ing- ' v o 'Blessings for U soon." tonic of free lecturo by C. W. Fields, Sunday Dec. 15, Moose hall. 12-14 Hunt's orchestra will play for Com pany M 's danco at the armory tonight. o A telegram was received yesterday from llalph Barnes and Paul Doney stating they were enjoying the wonder ful sights of New Orleans on their way cast. BMACHE Limber Up With Penetrating Hamlin's Wizard Oil A harmless and effective prepara tion to relieve the pains of Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Lame Back and Lum bago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It pen etrates quickly, drives out soreness, and limbers up stiff aching joints and muscles. Yon have no idea how useful it will be found in cases of every dav ailment or mishap, when there, is need of an immediate healing, anti septic application, as in cases of sprains, bruisss, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or" have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. -W. I. Staley had a Dodge car yester day nvoming but sinco then it has made its disappearance and up to the pres ent writing is still among tho missing It seems that his son left it standing yesterday afternoon near ' the high school building during tho afternoon session and abont 5 o'clock whon ready to return home the car was gone. WHILE LOOKING FOR SOME REMEMBRANCE FOR CHRISTMAS SEE WHAT 25c 50 75c M WILL BUY SATURDAY AT THE McGILCHRIST & DIRECTOR SALE OF THE POMEROY & WALLACE STOCK i Market Originators of Low Prices 351 State St See What 25c Will Buy 75c Blotting Roll; 50c Ebony Handle Tooth or Nail Brushes; 75c Ebony Heel Spoon; $1.00 Tweezers and Cuti cle Knives; 50c, 75c and $1 Brooches, Beauty Pins,' Hat Pins, College Pins, Blue Bird Pins, C. E. Rings, Cuff Buttons, Unset Agates, $1.00 Bangle and Chain, Bracelets, etc. See What 50c Will Buy $1.00 Souvenir Call Bells and Match Safes; $1.50 Tea Strainers; $1.00 Sterling Top - Powder Box, Sugar Nippers; $3.00 Belt Buckles; $1.00 Brooches and Crosses; $1.00 Emblems and Pins; $1.00 and $1.50 Sterling Bracelets, Beauty Pins, Eye Glass Chains, Bodkins, Hat Pins, etc. See What 75c Will Buy 52.00 Rose Beads, Card Baskets; $2.50 Bottle Openers; $1.50 Set Beauty Pins; Brooches; $1.50 Chain Knives and Card Holders; $150 Sterling Baby Set; Brooches and Stick Pins, Charms, Emblems, etc. See What $1.00 Will Buy $1.50, v$2 and $2.50 Sterling handled Toilet Articles; Brushes; Souvenirs; Spoons; Clocks; Cut Glass Knife Rests; Locket, Charms; Necklaces; Lodge Emblems; Bracelets; Shaving Brushes; Beads; Ear Rings; Scarf Pins; Cuff Buttons, etc. Jtmk rank The Capital Junk Co. Always did and always will pay the full market price for all kinds of junk and machinery, automobiles, etc. WE ALSO BUY AND SELL all funds of 2nd Hand goods. Phone A change schedule of $8.00 Silk Lined Jewel $6.00 4-piece Smoking $7.50 Ivory Handle Man-Cases-Two only Set Saturday icure Set, Special $2.50 EACH $3.50 ' S3 50 $12.50 Triple Glass $g &nd $1Q Comb &nd $15 14.piece sterling Satf rdlyrr Brush Sets' SPecial Manicure Case, Special $5.75 " $4.00 $5.00 McGilchrist & Director 125 N. Com!! St. Salem, Oregon HIGHWAYS RAPID TRANSIT . COMPANY ; Trucks will leave both Salem and Portland at 7 a. ra. mak ing deliveries the same day. Salem people should phone "... i orders the evening before. v Open until 6 p. m. Phone 663 tf 44- '4 '4 x L.M.HUM are of C&inete lfediclne as 4 Tea C. Has medicine which will tmr f any knows disease. f Ora Sn&des from 10 a. m. T anU 8 p. m. X X 153 8mtk High 8t " Sclera, Oregoal PhoM 3K .