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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1918. PAGE SEVEN a 3 . arid the g that Fruit Padding? uestsodld, ft abouij Ml ATE is an excep tionally clever host? esa j her teas and! dinners ara the talk of all) she possesses that rare Knacs -of doing every thing just right , and having every ; thing .Just right. Last fall,, just about three weeks before- Christmas, she gave ft little tea that those who attended will never forget she did, as is natural with her, the unusual, and served all with a sliqe of fruit pudding. The. sauce was one . .of Kate's own conceptions and 'brought out the full, rich, aromatic flavor of thai pudding made it the 1 rarest dish on$ could Dossibly imagine. - V Though that te happened nearly f year ago, its utI equaled success and the delightful good ness of that fiuf? prise dish has re eeived appreciating comments ever since. ' Kate was kind enough to tell some of us about the pudding-she didn't make it as one naturally, would assume; she was just a trifle mnrm nrncrpssivfl than manv of US and had discovered that the best puddings are no longer made, but are purchased from the grocer. The recipe for the sauce-, she was mean enough to keep she does those little things; but she is so magnificently J generous generally, that one could never hold this against her. The pudding, it happened, was made by Mrs. Porter yes, by Mrs. Porter, herself. The name is inviting, but not ' half so much as the pudding. We all, IVwist Just u cft irOB' waas, xnaama; HM) two $tyv eJlthat u praati 3 hose puddi&n M tr iv learned, it mil mm VyJ 1 ltrf vV nd br Hit 6ri fibs oaalr4 such, m kill la ailing tnaam tnai a Dig numoer foUndl nrtnA - h place her aehlereiuent o thft market and whic' .nft VntllTlT All. HW w, irhea the wale QuMueroiRi proposiuoa bar puddings, she dlda I iroductt on ot the jsos.l eommergial ubUtTlte, f tnade the in th4 fcm4 axaotttig, careiul war from select Ingredient, It, ot eoorae, if the moat nataral thing In the world that ther akould be liked; ihat tbj 1 would wean hoiuewlYM away troa ta many houriol .vl.. nAAtmm - halm an mrafiilM ftxanuBNS J. ...4i...i. i Iiifi4 .imtliT a tmAdinsrs can ", pfroduoed during the pudding season) and these UTarlj atuoarl lone Mora the pudding seaion aomaf to 4 Wosa . . A - AH AM All I' M ana mow cit mor iwh h f w- " . 1 . . AV MM.vaMnlttA AaH tl AHA Af thflU Till rtfl 1T ffK it Sow bacomlng a real problem & kftow how to fftuku HUmoute nenu ,- . . j It yoa havenH r tried tlwn, fcr all mIV?' ' 0fltiaintanc9 ana t once, baoauia. It yo.u delay, life aueatlpn whethar wnot you will b able to obtalft faatt. Two allBa 20 and 66-dent. TO MSN CAW JBAinXT, HOT for t)0tt ufcr (UfcT boon buttr a Java pur Into tes k v-iun orq Pnr in tidt t oii J art rn lH With tOWajl M tt Of Mailt IllO VOld 4na tnen eui ipa os tratlon; thn btd C out their and off. wnois ana yrTc tamt On)-hmir ouj. Kro Itc-ar way a tOMthr, 4ut lar whtn honyj. .dd flovvof vitii vfcnuta. w IrnSU- VtnlUa. lwttuo at nutsioc! Ky M aaf.a, m noi nw hut (Ik OTMl r III iPIr Si loll of fonor "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report Killed in action Died . of disease Wounded severely .Wounded, degree undetermined Wounded slightly Missing in action -. 65 j ....... 82 57G ......569 b07 56 ' Totnl 2165 Today's casualty list contains the names of the foUowlng Orcoa mon: Floyd B Iwls, Salem, wounded se erely , Oscar W Klein, Salem, wounded tfiWaldo E Canfield,' Oregcu City, kill ed In action Lewis Branson, Burns, killed In ac tion Agnatz Keller, Mount Angel, died of wounds 1 . . Thomas J Tohin, Portland, wounded severely ,. . Baymond 0 Walt, Aumsville, wound ed severely . Bobert F Ingalls, Pendleton, wound ed severely . , James H Knauf, Silverton, wunded severely ' - , . Clayton C Moore, Portliuid, wound- Albert F Cooper, Hood Biver, wound d severely ... Mat ! Shadley, CUUoicin, wounded severely George M Ham, Lorance, wounded ' '"orton K Mudge,- Echo, wounded Loren C Cochran, Tortlttiid, wound- Arnold Streyffler, aaston,v wounded -t I vil lalph J Atkinson, Portland, wounded degree undeterminea Emmett Zj Morgan, PorUaud wound ed severely Killed in Action . Sergeants Robert H Conway, Portlnd Mo . . . Albert W Evans, Kevitt Ky . Paul B Jenkins, Fdanklm.on Js O Corporals Joeph S Bieranski, Minneola Ka John E Carpenter, ferr.s Ter Riehard ICissmann, Pig; Tex IjOius MuUer, Chicago ' Jewell C SliteMs, Lovclr.nd Colo Colvil E Stranbarger, MeCook Neb Clarence Stceker, ManaMjiian J Privates ' AtDih Weinheimer, Greenville 111 I,vnn Westherson, Spang:er Pa Wm H Whalen, Yonkers NT Travin B.White, Kenefie Okla John Zecmbke. Bridgeport Conn Carl W Ackerman, Merrram Kaa Cleveland Allen, Antrevi.le 8 C Philip J Anderson, AWen 111 -ass Atterbury, Dennwrk N C Wm J Barham, Raleigh S y ' Earl Bowden, Columbus O Wm C Briel, Stiuer .' ' Morria T Burnett. )Mnfelu La Samuel E Craig. Bieh Mo Levi Daniel.. Hartsviile J; C nron. Pt Coll us Colo Taoma, J Evans, Boffalo Valley Ten Chester B Howland. Plymouth Mass Walter Huber, Catspring Tei r Will Ivory, Baldwin Miss1 ,; William B Jones, Anabel Mo Jerry Judd New Hill ' C Xiueina 8 Kelly, Montici)lo Ga Geo H Klayo, Milwaukee Curly Ct Larson, Deorficld Wis Lester Le C'ompte, Houniii La Luke L Lowell, Newanstlc Wyo Bobt E McAdoo, Jaekson Tenn John McCarthy, Mt Vernon N Y James McClendon, Allipntor Miss George J MHljanghlin Brooklyn William T McNelly, Birmingham Alii Edward Fitzpatriok Jr. New York Clarence Ford, Detroit Mich Earl Oarinrd, Mnndota 111 , ... Edwarii W Gilbert, Orletns Cal Fred Gully, Bryson Tex Paul 0 Huyner, Yonkerg N W , 1-rank A tieiswrer. Little Rock Ark Harry R Hen?.," Philadelphia' Walter il .laeobson, Lake Pink la, Chris J Johanneson, Bryant 8 V Kermnn Kaplan, Mcwark J J Wm Wins. New York Thomas 1) Kirman, Lockport 111 Roy C Kline, Aurora Neb Edward F Mcnlecr, Brooklyn 'Cornelius B MoCabo, 0skaloosa la Clarence M ifassieo't, New Orleans Dade 1 Mnttice, Manchester la, William E Myers, rreeport Pa 'Sidney A Esirom, Willioins Mont Gustaf P Pcterson,-Aberuecn Wash Thomas L J'hillijXi; Midillcport N Y i; o necse, i ouiimuo iu I - - , Norman Richards, Blue Rapids Kas I began taking Tanlac and since that . . ' . , t . U! I ' .. ,iii,,ll mn.m.l -rur.Tit V -Wm J Hombcck ukaloo8a, Ja KRS J. W. WILLIAMS ,018 25 POUNDS Health So Bad Before Taking Tanlac Doa't See How She Lived. 'A little lees than two months ago Ellis D McMurray, Pavscms Kas William T McNoelv. Birmingham Ala Herman Madson, Kauia Pa .Arthur J Mannoss, Buffulo N Y Charlie Miller, Wallace Ala Ewin Myers, "Walkersvllle Va" 'Aaron E Morris, TVestervelt III Henry L Noonan, Fall Kiver Mass Thomas J O 'Brine, 'Sew York James iston, Otsego' Mich Harrison Parks, Gallatin Tenn Bennio H Paylor, Roxboio N C Forest Battison, Indianspolig Ind Elmer !F Paterson, Lafayette Minn Alto Pouncy, Osark Ala James E Ross, Cannon Falls Ky Arthur M Sehnorr. Richmond Hill X Y Paul Schur, Tcrnon Tex Avid Sikestrom, Canada Edw S Shipley, Birmingham la Kaford Smith, Durnham N C John E Staley, Lexington Ky Edw Tate, Vora Ilk . Doran Vernon, Dowville Tex Leonard Waldinan," Washington A H Walker, Glendale NY . Rossie Waller,. CarterviHe IU . "Ha-rry Watson, Johnstowu Pa .".oh,, M Woarn. Chaflotte N C Christian W Wohrle, MeCnneville O James H Weathers, Monroe ua Chas P Wiggins, Sisco Fla . Clarth J W'illinms, Laurim Mich Charles A Wilson, Rochester NY. Joe R Zacharias. Wagner 8 D Edward Holm, New York Wounded Severely Captains Samuel S Kroehlich, Harrisburg Pa Walter Sommers, Washington . Lieutenants Lewis B ox, Baltimore Clarence C Stephens, Clovcland 0 Ammi W Vamrnken, Kalnmazoo Mich Alfred L Adams, Omaha Neb .Tnlin Tt Onfln Elberton Ga Manton E Harwood, Springfield O Philip E Barnard, Washington Robert (F BTOwning, Rhinebeck N Y Richard C Christopher, New York Albert B Nixon, New York Donald A Perry, Rochestcr-N Y ElmoT 0 Peterson, Ded Ving Minn William P Urban, Buffalo N Y Chester A Davis, Pittsburg Janies E Coyne, New York Brie D Loeiwood,-Philadelphia Edw H McBrido, Chicago Herbert J Parten, Minneapolis Minn 'Edward L 'Nicholson, Burton Kas Herbert M Skillington,. St Louis. M ' Russell Wilkins, Frankfort 0 John J Bustard, ScottBlmrg Va Ward Hollis, Florida Mo Thos C Hughes, Cincinnati t) . Harry .V Jones, Winchester Mass Herman L Pohn, Nevana Mo John Bappold, Philadelphia '.inbn J Read. Philadelphia R Slav, fit Louis Mo Lylo C Pratt, Flint Mict . iMatlow Bellinger, Pittsburg Isaac W Hawkins, Bagriud Fla Edward Rinus, Plymouth 18 Olin L Taylor, War Shoel 8 C- , . John F Vaughn, Now York Clarence J Brown, Newark N 3 '.' Albert J Thorn, Minoola Tex ,f. ' Louis P Drehane, Pattott Me , Hubert D 3oodo, Washington , ' Chas T StuUback Egg Earbor N J Samuel Christenson,- Beiulridgo IU Leo E Dickinson, Mii(leri Cal Corporals Guy M Black, Sand Creo Mich Thenias J Clark, New York 1 ; ; James T, Buffalo N Y ' 'Alvin B Fische?, Blfio. Island III". . , Wado II Gunn, Hatwood Tex Stewart E Gilbert, Estill 8p;;S Tenn IN CHARGE OF CABLES Washington, Dee. 13 Newcomb Carl ton, head of the Western I'nion Tele- j graph company, has been appointed to take charge of all marine cobles under government eontrolt it wag stated at the postof fice department today. A new town called Liberty Bond ha! been started near White Salmon. Min nesota capitalists are preparing to eroet a large sawmill. Two thousand men, skilled and un Villcd. urn needed bv the Todd Dry- dock & Construction corporation at Ta- coma. THIN PEOPLE SHOULDTAKE PHOSPHATE Nothing Li&e Plain Bitro-Paosphato ta Put on Firm, Healthy nesn ana to Increase strength. Visor and Nerve Force Clat-ann ountv's roadmaster is pre paring specifications for the paving of the Smith's fomt roau- Tho Western Oregon Tio and Lumber Manufacturers' association has Been or ganiaed at Eugene vfith 50 members. 'rvrn. TT Wnlker of AlbnnV. the first wlrito child born in Oregon territory, reached the ago ot 8U years oaiuruay Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Open sluices of the system each morning and wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter, ThnsA nf us who aro accustomed to fnl dull nd hnavv whon we arise: splitting headache,1 stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty Dream, aum biuu ach, lamo back, can, instead, both look and feel as fresh as a daisy always by washing the poisons ana toxins irum the body with phosphated hot water oach morning. t ' Wo should drink, Dciore oreaKiasv, . joi. nt nnl ho water with a tea- spoonful o limestone phosphate In it; to flush from the Btomach, livor, kid neys and ten yards of bowels the pre vious day's iudigestiblo waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus eJoans i .nroutcninir and tiurifving the en- tiro alimentary twt before putting more food into the stomach. . The action of limestone prrospnaxe 3 I.,. .in, nn an emniv giomuou is wonderfully invigorating It cleBus out all thO Sour leriueuiuuuuo, , waste and acidity ana gives one -n,.nntita fnr lire.ttkfast. A ouar ter pound of llmestono phosphate will cost very little at .the drug storo, but is sufficient to mako anyone who is v.ii.. ,ii, i,n;,iiuii(9s. e.onsniation .i .-v. ,.l.ln n, rhnmuatism a real enthusiast on the subject of internal sanitation. Judffinu from the countle? orcnara- tions and treatments which are contin ually being advertised for the purpose of making thin people fleshy, develop ing arms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and angles by the soft curved lines or ncattu ano oeauiy, there are -evidently thousands of men anw women who keenly feci their e cessive "thinness. Thinness and weakness are usually due to starved ncTves. Our bodies need mnra nhAanhftA than ia CrmtailTOfl in modern foods. Physicians claim thera is nothing that will supply this deri ciency so well as the organic phosphate known among druggists as bitro-phos-phatc, which is inexpensive and is sold by most all druggists usder a guaran tee of satisfaction ot money back. By feeding the nerves diroctly and by sup- plying the body cells with the neces sary phosphoric food elements, bitro i.liifanl.oto nuinklv nroduce p. welcome transformation in the appearance; tno increase in weigni irequemiy uciuB astonishing. v This increase in weight also carries with it a general improvement in Che health. Nervousness, 'sleeplessness and lack of energy, which nearly always accompany excessive thinness, sooa disappear, dull eyes become bright,and nnln chepks clow with the bloom of perfect health. CAUTION Although bitro-phos- phate is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, sleeplessness sna gem- weakness, it should not, owing to ita remarkable flesh growing propcrtica, be used by anyone who does not desire to put on flesh. SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES JOURNAL WM ADS PAY .M HUM 1 CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. t - - ' i a i . E-i QUICK REFERENCE TO FIRMS THAT GIVE SERVICE ONjSHORT NOTICE " ... .n nin nnnirraTn Attn I IkirrnTICrnC 51 WREKE BUilK AND btLLtK iattl-nfi KauascMJ uia AurwiwE n " ' . . . , . . Telephone felftra Kiecvne Oo. BViaiTHTSO ELECTBIOAL Uasonis Temple, 187 North Hih . Main 120i OSTEOPATH time 1 ; have actuallv mined "twenty five pounds," was the Tcmarkablc statement mailo by Mrs. J. V.' Williams eft 5 Orca. St.. Seattle. Wash- re- - cently. - ' ' "My health has been very poor for 'many years," she continued, "but my 'condition has boon so bad during tho past two or three years thit I really Ann 't pe how I lived. I suffered most all the time with fearful headaches end awful pains in my back and, in ! fact, I was raoked with pain all over, il lost my appetite, and my nerves be 'Mmo ai huUarpd thnt I Lardlv knew What sleep was. When my .hui.bumi lost ail signt my aims, o: course, uccumv doubly hard, and "iy health being bad" T kept going down under the strain. I did everything 1 could to keep out. of bed lit finally got to vhere I was just in and tlown-wonld nil. nn nne iiav nnl in hil the next I- and I even had to ''ivc n mr house i work because I w is to w m. I '.vcryday rng and Thcmag A Sabot, Belgrade Minn Leonard Schaust,' Delano -Minn .. Max A Schntttker, Kelleys Island 0 Adolih H Sehulor, Atkins la J?iam R Scott, Covington La Kmery 1 Sours, Axih Mich Matthew J Spears, fledd ng Cal John A fltewart, Macalc Btar Okla John Walker, Hummitt aliss Austin D W'arher, Solvay N Y Died of Disease Lieutenants Floyd E Arnold, Athens Pa Alvin M Bentley, Owosso Mieh Wm J Ievaughn; LewislmrgW Va John M Paxton, Trenton N J Sergeants Douglas M Campbell, Brooklyn Ackhart Kessler, Cincinnati O Corporals Francis J Conchan, Roxbury Mass Ervvin L Lowin, Cuttiimberg la Charles W Yetto, Dnnki-k X Y Army iieia uictks . .r v Thurman Livrrgnod, X.-w Kirk Okla s J" another ' Wag Frank M Kain,.Murdock V t,i' 'Z "' Privates i "I went do Cark C Bock, Wallace Idaho Clarence A Fisher, Canal Fulton O Burton Francies, Tampa Fla Allie Bryant, Plaindenling La " .Willie Burnett, Mountainhurg Ark August Carlfon, Sweden Arthur B Christian, Lentz Mills Va Chas 0 Clark, Union Fornace O Bsnkg H Claxton, Paoli Ind Albert Casera, Bingham Urah John Cooper, Mahoney City Pa Walter Davenport, Glidden Ia Walter E Douglas, Acttfhnett, Mass Albert M Eidson, Clem (' Robert B 'Furling, Penbrook Pa '.' MauTifo Fernandez, Mndrid Colo f alvatore (Fort, S BethleTiim Pa Walter Fulton, Kingstre 8 C R H Hxnkinson. Jew Lexineton 0 Quinee E Harroll, Seller S C Harden Hart, Ennis Tex- Robert G Haught, New Matsmoras O Iester B Hayncs. Alton 111 Ror O Henderson, Millington Mieh Walter H Hilt, Schenectady N Y Ed;ar R Hite, C.reenville Va David H Hodge, Antrim N H DBS. B. E. WBITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathia physicians and n r.t.iilistn. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk iiia Vn Post graduate and spee- ialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Of fines 6US-ou fat Bank Bldg. Phone 85.' Kesidence, 1620 Court. Phone 28. Dr. White Bes. Phone 469. DENTIST n from ana hundred and fortv- pounds to less than a hundred and was just a frame with scarcely strength to move around. I -finally made up my mind from what J read about Tanlac to try it and I have ecr tninlv found it wonderful. T now wourh one hundred and twenty five ponnds ana ll anyone roma xeei hkb a new person 1 do. My appetite it sjilendid nnd I am just building uo'every day. xy Bcrveg are ill gtnni cumutivu, ' have gotten rid of all my pain and now l sleep line a enua every nigm T hnvA trninml an much in strength ai readv that I tan do all mv housework without any trouble and I have been benefited eo much that I .am lad to recommend Tanlae to everybody." Tanlaa is sold n (fubbard bv iinb- bard Drug Co., in Mt.'Angei t)y iien C.r.nvh in Roniii bv .Tfthn Kellv. In Turner by H. P. Cornelias, ia Wood- Darn Dy layman a., rBorey, in onmm By Ln. a. v. atone, in Duverton Dy no. A Steelbammer. ia Oatee by Mrs. J. r f-fbird- mnA in nt&Ttntt bT 11. A Beanehamn. ia Aurora by Aurora Drug iBtore. - i. REAL ESTATE 70 ACRES $100 land, on account of cir cumstances will sell for ft)3 on eaBy nil cultivated, good improvements VA mile of city limits only WMiv. acre gooa iiuuto, ram all in fruit, good soil, close to car linn 1 2.r,0. Soeolofsky. 341 State ' tt WANT $350, 500 and $1500 loans on good real estate security, oocoioisity, 341 Stato' St. . Mrmir.TlTJ 'WnnDM'EIT OT AMERICA Oroson Cedar Canrp No. 5248 meets . every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court end High streets. B. V. Day, V. C; T. A, Turner, clerJt. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of Mi.h month, at n. m. in I. O. O. F. Hall. Norma L. TerwilUgor, M. A.J C. A. Vibbert, secretary 34fl Owen svreei. DB. F. h. TJTTEB, DENr Il,T, BpOMS 413-41 nana 01 uommerne uvu'oiug. BRING YOUR TRADES I can mabch you. C. W. Niemeycr, Real Estate Agent, uanaaian uanat, im State street. : WATE1 COMPANY R A I.TIM WATEB COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable montniy in aavsnce. Phone 606. SECOND-HAND GOODS SCAVENGER M MARKET Oraln Wheat, soft white $1.W2 IVliAaf Inwar trrti r1a etn aftmnln Oats . 80cl Hav! oats ..... 26 Barlev. ton Hay, cheat, new Mill run 508'J 24 SALEM SCAVENGES Garbage and reruse or an mnus rom u. . . i nntrt. at reasonable rates. Butterf at Cess pools eloaned; Dead animals re moved. Office -phime, Main 2247. Besidence, Main 2272. Bntteitat 373 FINANCIAL mm TO LOAN On Good Beal Estate Security nrnfi. K. S'ORD Over Ldd ft Bush bank; Salem Oregon nrniraAT, TARM LOANS 6 per cent 34 years time. A. u. &onrnieut, 401 Maonie Temple. Balem, Oregon. STHVPl KEPATRINfi STOVES BEBTJILT AND BEPAIRED SO years experienee, Depot, National and American fenee. Sizes 26 to 58 in high Paints, oil and varnish, ete Loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fenee and Stove Works. 850 Court atreet. Phone 12. The Journal Job Department will print yon anything in the stationery line do it right and save yoa real money. LODGE DIRECTORY BOYAt NEIOKBOR9 OF AMERICA 'Oregon Grspe Camp" no. iaou. meets every Thursday evening it Derby building, Conrt and High St Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1430M. 68c ICreamery butter 6667o rora, real ana xauinm Pnrti nn foot 16c Pnrk. dressed lS(tv9o Veal, fancy 10(a)18e aAir. .. - - 7(3)9 f!nw . 48e Snrine lambs Ewes .-.eW Lambs, yearlings - - n(w9e Eires ana romnr V.ori. ah 64c Hen live 22a:Z4o Old roosters IS Chickens 21(S24e KJJIOHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET At McCornaek hall on every To-sdaj at 8. P. Andreson, C. C. P. 1. Eunti K. B. 8. HOME SEEKER, here is your oppor inn tv iirinir a p.D3s?p in oceuiw .U...l, V.. Q - " ;r. T num.u in TRfflOVt fim tllC eity'j henee I am offering my homo at a sacrifice, l nave m nw hpuod on a fine corner, east froat, near one -of Salem's excellent schools, roomy grounds, plenty of fruit and eement walks, for two thousand dol lars. Five hundred dollars, balance $13 per month at six per eent inter est. Telephone 1S10M or call on Square Deal Realty 'Company, tele phone 470. Joiaral Wast Ads Paj AND DARKENS HAIR on t Stav Grav- Sase Tea - j And Sulphur Darkens Hair So Naturally That Nobody Can Tell. Vnn nan turn orrnv. faded hair i)ean tifully dnrk and luBtrous almost over night if you'll get a bottle of " wcytn'e Sage and -Sulphur Compound" at any lima atnrn. Milliun'tt nf bottles of thlBt old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved oy tne aaaition oi oiner ingrnmeuvB, aro sold annually, says a well known, druggist horo, because it darkens tha hair so naturally ana evenly tnat as) ono can tell it has been appliod. Thoso whose hair is turning fray Of becoming faded have a surprise await. ing them, because aitcr one or iwt applicatons the gray hair vanishes and your locks beeomo luxuriantly dark and beautiful. This is tho ago of youth. Gray hairea unattractive folks aren't wanted ar with Wevth's Saze and Suliilinro compound to-night and you 11 bo acugntca wun your uur, handsome hair and your youthful ap penrnnco within a few days. , ThiB preparation is a toilet requisite, and is not intended for tho euro miti gation or prevention of disease. , Tinker eomitv dnirvmen have formed an association and decided on the Hol- steiu as tho best dairy animal for att purposes. A i.i.i.ii 1 1 i.i ,liit in influeii.a. Ilorlick's Multed Milk, very digestible . 4.50 4.50 $3.50 92.29 Rlack ficrs. 25 25 lbi. Pigs, 4 oz. packages .. H'lgi, 0 oz, paeKages , Pigs, 8 oz. packages Kiga, 10 ID. rancy . v in in. ex. zancv No. 1 comb honoy - Retail Prices Croamorv butter 73 Flour, hard wheal - 0(S)S.2a Country bntter 5fe70e PJggs, dozen 1'ortlainl. lec. u, anuier, enr reamory 66e Eggs, selected local ex. 5356o Eggs local ox. 70728 . Hons 27c . f Broilers 27(30o ' . . : Geese 22S'2."o Cheese triplets S538o Turkeys, dressed Turkeys, live - Vegetauiea Sweet potatoes . Potatoe .......-.. Onions, local Cabbage Head lettuce Celery 30fo.12c 2r.26c .. $4.50 - 1.75 1.75 .- ,. 2.75 90c Turnip Boots : Parsnips Cranberries, box Cauliflower 2 8e 5 $L8S Trnlt Oranees .". ,..-u.."i--i 3.50(Si6 Lcmuns, box 5.506.6O R..n.l 9C UnKlrlnhprrlps. nfnmd 15S Florida grapo fruit, case $0(U;fl-50 DAILY LITE STOCK MABKXT Cattle Receipts 107 Tono of market steady Prime steers U.50('12 Medium to good steers 9.50fi10.50 Medium to good steers 9((i10 , Fair to medium stroers 8(E9 Common to fair steers $5.50(5)7.50 Choice cows and heifers 7.75u8 Medium to ;ood eows and helfe i07 .... Fair'to medium tows ana aeuersj nf6 Canners 34 Bulls $5,7.50 Calve $9(a)H ' . Stoekers and foedors $CS Bags .Receipts 905 ' Tone of market steady Prime mixed $16.75(5)17 Medium mixed $18.!)((il6.'T5 Bough hpaviej $14.731G Pig. $ll()15 Bulk $ 16.50 ltf.75 14 . i Bheep Reeoipts 134 Tone of market hijjlier Prime lam)s $12(fi l3 Fair to medium lambs td8 Yearlings $8.5Of?10.30 Wothers $10I1 Ewes $910 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY