THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 191& PAGE FIVE ! H PROBABLE U:iE UP NEW TODAY a,H.tVta,ts.i.ta.ia..ta.ttt IIOFF OFFICE F0?.Ci ; 1 BUILD U? YCe EOE TOWNDSLNK LOJU AKD EAT SALE.M.IADE BREAD JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARB!ENT IS THE BEST SELLING ilEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESETS UkBsmco ABrgBxisaxa bates Bat pr word New Todays aeh insertion One week (6 insertions) Om month (26 insertion) - le . Be 17a The Capita Journal will not he re sponsible for mor9 than ana Insertion, fox errors in Classified Advertisement Bead joint advertisement the first da; It appears and notify ns immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 15a. POTATOES for sale. Phone 80F11. tf WOOD sawing. Call 927; prompt serv ice. , 12-26 I.ADIY '(wishes position caring for small child. 251 N. Liberty. 12-16 FOR (SALE Sept.' pigs. PhttiK) 45' 2. ." 12-ltt EARLY fuggle hop roots for sale. J. It Cooper, Independence. 12-26 FOR SALE Two Buttercup cockerels. Phone 6GF21. 12-13 rURNrSBED housekeeping rooms. 758 X. Oom'l. . : 12-14 WHO does accordion plainngT Leave Address at office. 12-14 BKLOIAN haro does for sale. Phone 5tF21. tf JHR SALE First class second growth fir. Phone 2199. 12-19 I. W. TSIOMAS, union barber shop, 424 N. Com '1 St. Come and see me. 12-14 X)R SALE Pigs, six weekg old. Phone 8GF5. . 12-17 SOW and pigs for sale. Phtne 105F11. 12-17 SLOGS cleaned 35c each. Phone 1470. 12-14 fftfAS trees for sale. Order early, de liTered, Phone 59F2. 12-14 JFpK SAMJ-Holly fqr 2Cmas decora tion. 2123 North Broadway. 12-19 BALDWIN apples 50e and 1. Phone , 10112. - . 12-13 FOR SAIiSJ Gas engine with pump jack. 1360 N. Print St. -JM.'."V.-"tf toOR SALE 1918 Ford. Phone 1579 af ' tet 6 p. m. . 12-14 WANTEDh-4 or 5 room houre, furnish ed, reasonable. Phone 1289. tf CORD wood for tale. Phone evenings 2093M. tf WANTED Fat thin and fresh cows, large calves. Phone 1425M. 12-28 FOR SALE No. 1-A Eastman Auto- graphic Kodak, practically new. Call Willamette university. 12-14 fOU iRIENT 2 and 3 room furnished apartments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. 12-28 POSITION wanted to care for invalid . or children, day times. Iuquiro at 666 N. Summer St. 12-1 WAMj PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. . WANTED A maid at 1110 Mission 8t. Call Mrs. Bingham, Main 8. morning. 13-14 A CHRISTMAS gift for jseur boy or girl, a thoroughbred Shetland pony to trade for good cow or horse. K. M. Harding, Silverton, Or. 12-14 LET me do your errands and deliver your -Xnias parcels, prompt, reliable service. 538 State St. Phone 6:!6. Paul M. Ryan, Prop. - , 12-17 FOR RENT Store room on State St. J. H. Lautennan, Argo Hotel. Phone 909. - tf JjOST 3 yearling Shropshire rams, one wears my label. If you find same please call "53F21, J. J. Doerfler. tf OLD papeTs for carpets, etc., 10 cent per hundred, call at Journal office. MAXWELL for calo, 275. Terms. Me chanically perfect. Highway Garage Phone 355. Call 1000 S. Coml tf LIBERTY BONDS If you must dis pose of yonr bonds, we will buy them. 314 Masonie bldg. tf A FORD truck, chain drive, good run ning order will be for sale next Sat urday at'Woodry'i auction house, December 14. 1213 FOB BENT 2 sleeping rooms jnst vacated at the Alexandria today, 1030 Chemeketa St. Phono 1280. 12-13 I OWN 200 acres, grain, hay and stock, farm. Will sell at a bargain. Might consider trade for small farm with difference. H. C. Haller, Salem, Gen. Del. , 1214 FOR SALE New Ford sedan, will sell way below eot, will take Ford ran about, and will give liberal terms on balance. Win. Dawes, Box 475, Inde pendence, Or. PLENTY ef money to low on goo" ferns; low interest rates; five years tote; privilege to pap 100 or mnlU pi. 0a any interest date. Can or write H. M.. Hawkins, S14 Masoni bldg, Salem. WANTED Place on fruit ranch, mar ried man with family. Address E. 1) Berry, Waconda, Or. 12-13 WANTED Experienced saleslady for geaeral store work, shoes, dress goods etc. Gale & Co. tf 11 LBS of fancy re-eleaned white beans for 1; 23 lbs for $2. Address W. care Journal or phone 14F15. 12-14 FOR SALE 8 cords of old fir, good furnace wood, Phono 7122. 1 12-13 FOR SALE One Ancona cockerel, April hatch. Price 1.50. Phone 1153. 12.-13 FOR SALE Roll top oak office desk and chair, W. C. Dyer, 542 State. Phone 224. 12-13 FOR RENT Furnished, strictly mod ern 6 room bun sain w. no chililrpn. $25 per month. W. A. Liston. 12-14 FOR SALE 3 passenger Overland tour nig car, dirt encap, at Ureat west ern garage. 12-13 FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell, fine con dition, $490. Oregon Garage, High and Ferry St. 12-15 WANTED To exchange double con Crete store building, fill) basement and furnace heat, for a farm. w. A Liston. . 12-14 BURBANK potatoes for saV, that were grown on hilly land, price lc. Will deliver I Back er more. Inquire B. C, Zeilinski, Rt. 9. 12-19 GOOD 4 room house and u acre for rent, or trade, with some cash, on small place; no objection to part timber. 2217 Fairground road. 12-12 WANTED Hour young ladies in the A ' 1 1 1 T 1 1 ... .11. nurses training ncuuui, vviiittuwbkv sanatorium. Apply to the matron. 12-13 FOR RENT Modern 8 room house, modern conveniences, wood in base' ment. $12 per month. 103'. Union St, . 12-14 WANTED By competent party, per manent position in hardware or gen era! store, married, ago 36, referenc es. Address Box 388 care Journal. 12-13 YOTJR Christmas will be happier in your own home. I can sell yon a ' beauty, close in,, for $2750. C. W. Niemeyer. 544 State streot.. 12-14 BUY your wife a house for a Christ mas present. I have several cozy homes at bargain prices. C. W. Nie meyer, 544 State street. 12-15 CALENDAR for 1919; large figures for practical use. Call on Homer rl. Smith, tho insurance man, McCor nack bide. 1-15 FOR SALE Registered Berkshire pigs . both sex, also one full blood Holstcm bull ealjf. yldcrrcss Gejo. Ramsden, Macleay. Ore. 12-19 FOR SALE Good five room cottage, finely located, close in, fioou un furnished, or $1750 well furnished. (Box J Z care Journal. 12-19 LET mo do your errands and deliver your Xmas parcels, prompt, reliable service. Phono dab uyde uutcner. 12-14 FOB SALE 2 house doois,. good as new, with facings and locks com plete. Original cost $12, Will sell for $3. Phone 142. ' 12-13 FOR SALE Heavy Wagon, or will trmln for ana horse wairon: also 2 ' fat pigs. Wilt dress them if desired, will ilress 60 or 70 Dounds. Rt. 7. box 93. Silverton road. 12-14 $50 REWARD offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of parties who robbed n.y house in the Liberty district. Fred J. Brown in?. 1605 'Westanna St.' Portland, Ore. 12-14 WILI' trade 40 acre ranch, gome under cultivation, some timber, barn, good spring, elose to new R. R., fine lo cation, 6 miles south of Grants Pass, Ore., for Salem propertj, a small house and lot or lota Auuresg r. Gottschalk. Salem, Or. 12-13 FOR SALE very cheap, 2 32x3 H 8. ft Vi.nnm iim firea run nhout 500 miles and 2 others in fine shape for extra tires; also 3 azxa ncany new gTay inner tubes. These are bargains. Monty 'h Tire Shop, 154 S. Coml. Phone 428. ' 12-14 20 ACRES of level land for sale or trade. Where you have no house rent to pay; no wood to buy; no water to buy, and if you keep a cow, no milk or.bntter to buy. Will take small truek or tin kan on the deal. B. Lamb, 645 S. 17th, Salem. tf I ITS m i mm s ill l I I ' ' 1 to Fcsr Employes Of State Treas urer Fill Likely Be New In Positions. If gossip about the state house is bas ed upon "inside dope" here is about the lineup for the office force of O. P. Hoff when he steps into the office of stntotreasurer: Deputy state treasurer Joseph G. Richardson of Portland. Chief bookkeeper H. M. Hoskins of Jiewbcrg. Cashier John D. Sutherland, Sulcra Inheritance t!x department otan ley Culver, Salem. Head stenographer Miss Lodge, Sa lem. Deputy sealer of weights and meas ures W. A. Dalzicl of Portland. There will be one or two other sten ographers, but so far no mention has been made of who they will be. Of the reported list,, Richardson and Hoskins, Lodge and Dalziel will be new employes, while outherlin and Culver are now employed in the slate treas urer's office. It is not considered likely that Rich ardson will become deputy treasuror until after tho legislative session, as he is a member of the house of repre sentatives from Multnpmah county. Ho was formerly employed in the corpora tion department as examiner. Mr. Hoskins is assistant cashier of the United States National bank at Ncwberg, and Mr. Dalziel is & deputy labor commissioner, while Miss Lodge has been chief stenographer in Mr, Hoff 's present office for a number of years. . The basketball season of the Salem high school will open this evening with sort of an informal game between tho university and high school teams, to be played at the university gym. The class rivalry series of 4he high school will begin next week. The great event of the school year will be the annual homecoming day Friday afternoon when all alumni are invited to visit the high school and take part in th program of the afternoon. FOB SALE-Portland, St. Johns large lot, small building, basement dug, cement walks, close to street car, price $500, half cash, ta lance $iu month. Consider trade nr Ford car, double bottom eulkey plow dfor sale. $30. Mrs. B. It Woods, West Salem. . -; - 12-ia BARGAIN 500 acre stock ranch close to ;$ow $650Q, -room ,4wngalow, paved street $Ja. -a room cottage, paved street $800. ' Exchange 320 acre farm Montana for valley ranch. 22 acres elose in, now burgalow, or chard and berries, want home part . pay. River front lot closo in, 8 room house very cheap or might trade. 120 aorer Morrow county, Or., for acreage or house. Want loan $400 end $500. 'F. L. Wood, 341. State St. 12-14 HERE TODAY f 8 ClARA KIMSALl YOUNG The HOUSE of 6tAS5" I Other Features Too LIBERTY NEW TODAY MARIE WALCABIP TONGUES OF FLAME ByBretHarte COMEDY-WEEEY . Saturday, HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE Sunday EXTRAORDINARY HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE The Best Show This Season BLIGH THEATRE IKf'S snr tr-i ?i 'It - - f A Big Money Saver just Santa Is Sure Going Over "- The Top S,1m& The War ...j.. ... I , K00 glove everywhere these '. v I . jf - days. We cany good gloves V Sfc good and smart. For dress, V ' v motoring or business wear. i j Mentioning standard quality, - d Mr I let us call your attention to 1 . Gm0 ' i; B Tubular IJ II or IMen and 'Boy g ' Refined imartness. Cn be Jy , 'Iwk knotted snywhere along their jzr length. Wear longer. Truly, .Sk, cravats with character. 0 ; Make "HER" Happy Whether MOTHER, WIFE, SISTER OR SWEET HEART, take advantage of our VICTORY SALE. Buy her a COAT, DRESS, SUIT, SWEATER. We can please them all. Here are a few more sugestions Rhmo Ivory Silks Hose Handkerchiefs Neckwear Silk Underwear Toilet Sundries Gloves Waists Blankets Hand Bags ; Ribbons S3 DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY. Stores will not be open evenings Christmas week. By' action of Business Men's League. mf Ladies9 Ready SlE(d. at the Right Time. Bear in Mind Always our Stock Is New and Clean, Bought and Shipped From the Manufacturers. tic joa 4 Wtfi Is Over! ...,.. j Salem's Toyland, Bring the Kiddies You can always do better at "Join The to-Wear Go the Limit, Santa! Boy Section Santa Claus must remember DADDY AND BRO THER, AND "HIM." They are the ones who split the wood, light the fires, work eheerfully to build up the home, and when danger threatens, they rally to the colors and "Go Over The Top" for Home and Loved Ones. We have appropriate gifts that are useful and practical. AUTO ROBES, SUIT CASES, HANDKERCHIEF SHIRTS, HAND BAGS, NECKTIES, SWEAT ERS, BLANKET ROBES. This is just a mention Let us Solve Your Gifts for "HIM." Eed Cross" j Sale Bobbie Says: Give Till It Hurts Santa It s' and Men's a 7 s 'f J" I Merchandise Orders When in doubt Make your gift a Merchandise order i ft V'' If