PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1918. THE Man's Gfft for a Dollar For the friends you especially want to please whether they grow, buy, sell or just ea t food there is one gift that is sure of a welcome, at Christmas and all through next year. It is a year's subscription to 95fe.COOTFRY GENTLEMAN It will come every Thursday bringing not only expert, helpful advice on every farm problem, and wholesome enter tainment in stories, anecdotes and pic tures, but also a weekly reminder of you and.your thoughtfulness in select ing this most sensible of gifts. The first c6py is mailed by the publisher to arrive on Cliristmai Eve, with a gift announcement beautifully colored, bear ing your name. Give me the names of the friends you select, with only One Dollar for each name, and your Christ mas "shopping" will be done I There's No Better Gift for a Dollar Call ine today MRS. II. C. HUMMEL .2340 Laurel Ave. Salem Phone 2097-J An sufhorlwd mihserlptlon representative of T!ie Country Gtntlemin The LtuWHome Journal The Saturday Evening Rut livestock Shipments Are Seriously Delayed CltinK cant's where a carload ship ment of rams shrunk 2,210 pound., and a carload of hogs .Immk on tliu average of seven pounds t0 the head as a rosult of the long delay the shipments encoun tered at the Btooklyn yards of the ,.pnniern J'acine, fubllo Service Com GIELS! HAVE A MASS GF BEATUIFUL HAIS, SOFT, GLOSSY, WAVY A Small Bolile Destroys Dand ruff And Doubles Beauty Of Your Hair. Within tea minutes after an appli cation of l'andoriuo you can uot find single trace of dandruff or falling mir and your sculp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' usi, when you soo new ioiri fine and downy at first yea Imt really new huir growing all over the se alp, A littlo Danderlne immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif t'erence how dull, fmletl, brittlo and "'rnggy, jt moisten a cloth with landorine and carefully draw it thru your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amazing your hair will be Unlit, fluffy and wiivyi anil fcnve an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable lustre, softuoss and In tu in nee. tiot a small bottle of Knowlton's nnderinn from any drug atom or toi let counter for a few cents and prove that jour hair is a pretty and soft as uny thai it has been neglected or in jured by careless treatment that's all --.voii surely can have beautiful hair ttod lots of it if you will just try a little anderino. 1 i lnissionor Corey lias written a strong letter of protest t0 J. P. O'Brion, fed eral imintigcr of the railroad adminis tration for Oregon. ' ' It has required from 15 to "J5 hours to shop sheep and hogs from Km lorn to Cortland, and as ninny as 30 hours from Mt. Alltel to Portland during tho lusl two weeks," soys Commissioner sCorey. "The greater part of these delays are occasioned after tho arrival of the cars at Brooklyn." ' lie nays tho trouble seems to be in not getting prompt service in switching the cms from tlio Southern Pacific trucks to the O. W, K & N. trucks, which run into the North Portand stock yards. Ho asks to have the situation remedied. SENATOR JOHNSON Continued from page one) knowledge (Init experience in tho Rus sian siluntion, nfter four months in Russia, utated over his signature that tho soviet government had cooperat ed in aiding the nllis and that he be lieved intervention in cooperation with the soviet, government feasible as lato Us the fifth of May, 1918 I ' ' iJa it true that the American i government so delayed cooperation with the Kerenwky government 's pltfu to Miipport tho morale of the nrmy and 'maintain that provisional government jin power as to contribute Inigely to the overthrow of Kerensky and tho success ixf the bolshevik revolution t " Johnson deelnrod that though "wo as a nation have never hesitated to express ourselves, concerning Russia, our words are at variance with our acts," Mere Skirmishes, he Says He declared that in spile of tlis- AVrtwnU hi- Una iritviiriniii),.! nt nnv in. cation to intervene in liuasiu, "press (dispatches have recounted battles and ishirmishes between Anterior, and Rus sian soldiers, the taking and re-tnking i of towns and various incidents iudi I eating a state of war." j No public official or member of con ;gres appears to know what this gov jerntneiit 's policy is, Johiisjn declared, j "What is tho policy of our nntion ; toward Russia t" Johnson asked. "Are I wo now engaged in destroying bolsher ;ism. If we ure?, what have we decided I snail take trs placet Are we again to UCKHECHT REG. U. 5. PAT. OFF. ARMY SHOE Why accept an in ferior Army Shoe whet you can get tlio standard article at th t same price or lea? Ask for the UUCKTBCHT Army Shoe and gel hal you ask for. Then you're sure to be satisfied I Look foe tlis nun BUCKHBCHT stamped on th soU of tvery Shotfor our mutual protection. Bhould your deo'ir be unable to supply you, end his name to tho manufacturers Buck ingham and Hechk Ban Francisco. Enclose jrica of shoes you desire and we will have ycur order filled. BLACK GUN f tETAL ,.,,,.1-tTi INDIAN TAN I" - ' "J CALF I''' "A iff Built sturdy and serviceable for Office Men Attorneys Physicians Hiker Farmers Orchardists Motormen Conductors Hunters and others in every walk of life -P M A fj ft RELIABLE PRESCRIPTS u,v.".u. . i FOR THE KIDNFYS TO BE FEDERALIZED War Strength. For many years druggist : have watch ed with much interest the remarkable ' .record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's j Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver Tfeis Is CcEiingent (to Filling at T. Of CtmminV Ta Ire Fill . I .SmP-?ot strengthening med- v wiuihiij mv i iui - jicine. It nelps the kidneys, jer and bladder do the work nature intended they fhould do. Swamp-Rout has stood the test of At a conference attended by Adju-1 years. It is sold by all druggists oa its tant General Becbe, Col. V". C. North ! merit and it should help you, So other and other military men tic very im-' kidney medicine has so many friends. portant sewg was divulged that" com-1 Be sure to get Swaiup-Rojt and start pany M, O. N. O., the IocpI company j treatment at onee. e f the national guard, would be inspect-1 However, if you wish to test this ed and recognised by the federal au-! great preparation send ten cents to Dr. thorities immediately. j Kilmer & Co.; Binghamton. N. T., for This recognition ig contingent npona sampie bottle. When writ;ng be sure the filling of the eompany to its full jand 'mention the Salem Capital Journ- war strength of 100 men 3 officers al. At present there are approximately 851 ' men and 3 officers. Thorefcio it is urg- ..... , ,, ed unon all who desire to enlist in the atf,i fbat 'ompany M was fully ree- national guard to immediately affili-! ognized by the state of Oregon on Sen ate witn company m as tnat unit win tember Soth, ana now lacks Dut rery I tew members to be on a basis that will bo satisfactory to the federal authori ties and the company officers feel con fident that the necessary recruits will be available at ouce. It should also be noted that when Vo. M is federalized it is subject to call as a scparuts company and does not have to wait on the dos- sible organization of a battalion, regi- put the Romanoff j up on the thronet.ment or other units. Do we ek a dio'ator for this atarv-1 The Il(,w federal inspector of nation- ed laid; Is thcr.' a single faction is! 81 gl,ard ' Col. Voting, commandant of . . .... win....,..-... , i rt a smiilo ma i to put into power " "'"' cuarge oi umloubtedly be the first to be called to possible duty. The new policy of the war depart ment as announced last night is to rec oxiii.e separate companies immediately after they have been mustered into sta'c service and comply fully with the national defense a;t in regard to strength, lu this connection it may be utter lmvo b d thronnh blood to the S. A. T. C. at that institution. Cot Moscow and Pelrograd; when v.- have ""! Voung will inspect and pass on biuied our d "ad of cold, of privation the efficiency of Co. M and all other and of fatigue, and those who wore pi-fonal guard units seeking recogni slain in battle, are we, with tho Amer- 'ion in this district, i -an flag flyir? "in the streets of the i Fr infrrmation of the public it Uussinn capital, to sit up ono kind of should be noted that recognition by government n. against another kind, i the war department means that nae.on one set of men against another,- or one 1 al guardsmen so designated are part limn who com out of tho old regime! 8nl parcel of the defensive and offens l do not kn .v our policv and know.jv strength of tho nation. They may no other man who knows 'our policy.") D" called anywhere and used for any iuruu wucre irirops are nooessarj N0TIC3 Oi' HEABINQ of Furl Account Notice Is hereby given- that the fin-1 al account of Lueilu Darby,' administra trix of the estate John Darby, de ceased, has been f ik I in the county court of Marion coun'y, Oregon, and that the Gth day of January, li)19, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in. has bee t duly appointed by said court for tho While Co. M now possesses a full sup ply of lii'h grade woolen uniforms nec essary to equip 100 men those uniforms will be returned to the state after rec ognition and in their . .-. ...a . ... equipment of the regular rimy infan tryman will be issued to every com pany member and this will be elone im mediately. Full equipment consists of es, lesEines weolen piuits, blouse RSvSXJSSr An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade xcS5S55sai , IT- m 'liill 1. It heariiiK of objections to such final ao- and overcoat, collar device hat cord, count aud, tlio Settlement tnerect uti"w "" ""w" icui, mr which time nnv nersoiiH interested in K't uip, canteen ami rifle. The federal said estate are hereby required to ap- fc'Overnmoiit has 'uugc supplies of this pear and show cutis?, if any liey have, why said final account should not be allowed and approved by s-iiii court. Untfd 'November 27, 1!)1S. fUBIiUA 1'AltBV, Ailministratrix of the esrntc of John Darby, deeened. 1 - JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY character and tho requisition for Co. M will be filled without any dolay whatsoever in fact it will bo but a few weelts until will have a fully equipped com; a:ny and ono that shs may justly feel proud or, Tho capitol issues committee lias au thorized the sale of $200,000 in bonds for reclamation work at Astoria. TOMORROW and SATURDAY iillliliiiiiiiiil . tegllHIIIIHHil ok ?. Cha Ties Ray in "THE LAW OF THE NORTH" of those side-splitting James Montgomery Flagg Comedies "ROMANCE AND BRASS TACKS" THE REG oN TONIGHT-ETHEL CLAYTON in "THE GIRL WHO CAME BACK" Ideal Christmas Presents-- Long Silk Kimonas, made of Best Quality Satins Fntirplv npw Dpsiotir Plnral Oripnt-al nnrl Porcian rM Patterns, Cape Collar, Loose Fit, Large Sleeves, I j ColorsPink, Blue and Lavender. Specially Priced 512.50, $14.90, $16.50, and $18.50 Charming Waists Charming Gifts Recent arrivals Just taken from the'r boxes on dis play for your selection. They are really beautiful. Artistic in design, and so well made and attractive that any woman will be delighted with them. Waists are ideal gifts and it is easy to select them here. Extra good quality Silk Crepe de Chine, extra well made, up to date, in various styles and colors, all sizes; specially priced $3.95 to $4.93 Georgette Crepe in plain tailored and also in novel ty styles, trimmed with beads; fine laces, also braids,' various colcis and styles; specially priced $4.95, $5.95, $6.50, ( 7.00, $7.50, $8.00, $9.00, $9.50, and $10 Lingerie Waists in white only, price $1, $1.50, $2 I Store Wifl Close at 6 p. m. Christmas Week 8 p.m. Saturday St&S&M&i&ftSSalf Store Will Close at 6 p. m. Christmas Week 8 p. m. Saturday 416 State Street, Salem, Oregon. Railroad Employes Will Face Bootlegging Charges Bootlegging business took a chance at Salem last evening rcjultiitg in the a,..-.,! nf V: CI "RiiHcr. fl brflkemnii on ono of the through S. P. trains, K B. Cowles, conductor on the Falls City S. P. lino, and the usual colored porter Wno tlgllies SO ireui-uuy in mmoioi rinff California booze to the thirsty of Oregon. Evidence in the case consists of the usual innocent appearing suit case con taining as ll inter ueveiopeu sumo fino whiskey, taken from the men by deputy sheriff Bert Smith. From tho evidence, it seems that the negro porter and tho brakeman- assist ed in the transfer of the booze to tho conductor o the Falls City line. Tho brakeman put up $'-."i0 bond for hia appearance for a prelim'nary trial while the Falls City conductor will re turn this afternoon and nu,ke his ap pearance. By the time the Southern Pacific had reached oRseb.irg, Sheriff Nootlham had enough evidence to ask tho authorities to hold tho porter. Ho -.. hsKk in Knlein instead of continuing his trip to San Francisco. The trainmen Claim tuey were accommodating somo in handl ing the unlawful stuff. This is the first bootlegging case brought to light in Marion county for sevetal months. Sheriff Needham has the booze. DOCTOR STANTON Dennawlogujl Foot Specialist CORNS, BUNIONS, rNGROWlNiJ TOK NAILS REMOVED Without Blood or Pain or Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience. Chilblains and All Diseases of tho Feet Cured. Special Attention to Antiseptics therp by Preventing Infection. Appointments by Phone, ljidy Assistant. BIS XI. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg. rhonc 416. . Salem Or t AS THE DAYS GO BY INTEREST INCREASES JEWELRY, CUT GLASS and SILVERWARE MAKE SUITABLE GIFTS APPRECIATED BY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD. OUR SALE PRICES PLEASE EVERY PURSE. SEE OUR SPECIAL DAILY ATTRACTIONS SEE OUR BIG SPECIALS IN THIS SPACE TOMORROW STERLING SILVER $3.00 Sterling Sugar shell $2.00 $12 Set fruit knives....$6 $16.50 Dessert spoons $l6r5dSaiad'setfor$5'.25 THE CLOTHES QUES TION Is a serious one in these times We Can Help You Solve It We have kept our quality up in spite oi all the talk of scarcity of good wool. WE WERE PREPARED And are now showing the finest of all wool fabrics at prices you can afford to pay. See us now about that suit. Vou have been wanting for so long, we n save you at least $10.00. SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS 426 State St Salem TABLE CUTLERY $20 24-piece set....$12.50 $21 24-piece set ....$16.50 $30 24-piece set ....$19.50 ?2.50 fountain pens $1.50 $1.50 Baby set 75c $3 Lavallieres $1.50 $2 Butter Knife ....$1.00 $5.50 Ornamental Clock :. $2.75 $2.50 Sewing set ....$1.25 $4 Ivory back mirror $2.65 $2.50 Pearl ear' f '"'S" pi.A i $10 Dinner Gong....$5.00 Ground Agates .25c $1.50 Chain knives 75c 50c Silver polish .25c TOILET SETS $9.50 Toilet set ......$4.75 $10.50 Toilet set ....$5.50 $12.50 Toliet set ....$6.25 $15.00 Toilet set ....$7.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 LaSalle for ....95c $2.25 Flash, for ....$1.65 $2.50 Startle for ....$1.75 MANICURE SETS $7.50 Ivory set ......$3.75 $8 Sterling $2.50 $12.50 Manicure Set $6.25 $15.00 Manicure set $5.00 LADIES' UMBRELLAS Ladies' colored silk um brellas, Ivory handles $8.50 Ones are now$5.00 $10.50 ones now ....$6.50 $12.00 Ones, now ....$7.00 MILITARY BRUSHES $10.00 Sterling. Comb and Brush sets, to day $4.00 $12.50 to $15 Sterling sets, while they last ......$4.95 CARVING SETS $9.50 set at $5.75 $10.00 Set at $6.25 W2.00 Set at $7.50 IKILCHRIST & DIRECTOR A ' T 1 1 i n n n Itm MMMHM I