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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1918)
5 I :NEW TODAY! tM MM JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN mONjraUNIYrYJIEII FOR RESULTS BLASSTFIED iD VEBnSINQ BATES Rate per word New Today: Eaa insertion One week ( insertions) ., - la 5o 17 Oh month (26 insertions) The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more oan insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements, Seal your, advertisement the first da; It appears and notify us immediately ii nor occurs. Minimum charge, 15c POTATOES for sale. Phone 80F11. it HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furn ished, at 633 Ferry streei. 12-12 BOW and pigs for sale. Phcno 105F11. 12.17 LADY wants unfurnished rooms, close in. Y G car Journal. 12-11 Bl?GS cleaned 35c each. Phono 1470. 12-14 fCMAS trees for sale. Order livered. Phone 59F2. early, de-12-14 LOST Sunday, child 'i dress. Phone 1029 W. embroidered 1211 HOUSE1 eleaning and window cleaning wanted. Phone 1237. , 12-12 BALDWIN apples 50c and $1. Phone 1QJ1F12. 1213 FOR 'RENT 3 room furniuhed ment. Phone 1525. apart 1211 FOB 6ADE Gas engine jack. 1300 N. Vrint St. with pump tf LITTLE pigs for sale. Phone aF13. W. Thurman 12-11 WANTED -Girl for general house work Phone 1304. , 12-11 WANTHD-Girl for general house work Phone 627, Mrs. Clfford Brown, tf FOR SALE 1918 Ford, tef 6 p. m. Phone 1579 af-12-14 WANTED 4 or 5 room house, furnish ed, reasonable. Phone 12S9. tf tX)B SALE A 1 Jersey oon. Phone 87F24. freshen 12-12 CORD wood 20O3M. for sale. Phone evenings tf WANTEf--Fat thin- and fresh cows, large calves. Phone 1425M. 12-28 .WANTED To buy beef calve-. Phone 1576W. eattle and 12-12 FOR SALE Bright baled straw. East no mile, sen road, rei Darn, iour corners. 12-12 KIOELY furnished roomg with board. Phone 1578 or call 332 N. Church. 12-12 FOB SALE 3 passenger Beo roadster in good mechauical condition. Phone 1141W. 1211 FOB RENT Store room on State St. J. H. Lauterman, Aigo Hotel. Phone 908. tf WANTED 15 to 25 single comb White Leghorn 1 year old hens. Phone 1947 J mornings. ti LOST 8 yearling Shropshire rams, ono wears my label. If you find same please call 43F24, J. J. Doerfler. tf OLD papers for carpets, etc., 10 cents vet hundred, call at Journal office. tf MAXWELL for cato, $275. Terms. Me ehanieally perfect. Highway Garage Phone 355. Call 1000 6. Com'l. ti UBERTY BONDS If you must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy them. 314 Masonic bldg. ti A FORD truck, chain drive, good Tun ning order, will be for sale next Sat urday at'Woodry's auction house, ' December 14. 12-13 PARTY who took umbrella at Oregon theater by mistake la.-t Monday night, please return to 03 N. 21st. 12-11 j.ALL PAPEB 15 cents per double roll vpward. Buret's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial tf LOT ME do your errands and deliver your Xmas parcels, prompt reliable crvice. 383 State. Phono 356. Paul M. Ryan, Prop. 12-17 L08T (Between Fruitland store and Prat am, Dec. 1st lady" gold watch. Leave et 140 S. High bt. receive re ward. 12-11 FOB BENT 2 sleeping rooms just vacated at the Alexandria- today, 1030 Chemeketa St. Phono 1280. 12-13 I OWN 200 acres, grain, hay and stork farm. Will sell at a bargain. Might consider trade for small farm with difference. H. C. Haller, Salem, Gen. Dei 12" FOB SALE New Ford sedan, will aoll away below cost, will take Ford run about, and will give liberal term on balanse. Win. Dawes, Box 475, Inde pendence, Or. f FLENTY of money to Ioa on good farm; low interest rates; five yean time; privilege to pap $100 or multi ple on any interest date. Call or write H, M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic t-dg, Salem. tf FOB SALE Pigs, six weehg old. Phone. 86F5. 13-17 EARLY futgglo hop roots for sale. J. B. Cooper, Independence. 12-26 FOB SAiLB 5 passenger Overland tour ing car, dirt cheap, at Great West ern garage. 12-13 FOB SALE 1918 Ford eoupelet. Ex cellent condition. Reasonable price. Phone 633. 12-12 FOB SALE 1917 Maxwell, fine con dition, $490. Oregon Girage, High and Ferry St. 12-15 LOST Saturday evening a chautfeurs badge No. 2494. Finder please leave I rim.. Tn: r in m HOLLY WANTED Want to buy holly branches for Christmas decorations. Call 2219 mornings. . 12-12 CEDAE WANTED-Want cedar branch es for Christmas docorations. Call 2219 mornings. 12-12 FOB SALE Few loads of manure suit able for lawns or rosebushes. "Hone 1366. 12-U REWARD Little girl's red knit Tam cap lost in Bligh theater. Address Room 6, 393 Court St. 12-11 WANTTD To buy fresh cow or one fresh soon. Must be gcod. Pearl Wood, Gervais, Rt. 1. 12-12 MAN WANTED Unmarried man for small dairy ranch on coast. Call at 1056 Chemcketa. tf FOB SALE Pigs weighing 20 to 34) pounds, $5 each; shoal a over 50 lbs. 12&o per pound. Phone 36F11. 12-12 GOOD 4 room house and a acre for rent, or trade, with some cash, on small place; no objections to part timber. 2217 Fairground road. 12-12 WAlNTED Four young ladies in the ' nurses training school, Willamette sanatorium. Apply to the matron. 12-13 YOUR Christmas will be happior in your own home. I can sell you a beauty, close in, for $2750. C W. Niemeyer, 544 State streot. 12-14 BUT your wife a house for a Christ mas present. .1 have several cozy homes at bargain prices. C. W. Nie--moyer 544 State street. 12-15 $50 REWARD offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of parties who robbed my house in the Liberty district. Fred J. Brown ing, 1605 Westanna St, Portland, Ore. 12-14 FOB SALE very cheap, 2 32x3 S, 8. Vacuum cup tires run about 500 miles and 2 others in fine shape for extra tires; also 3 32x3i,i nearly new pray inner tubes. These are bargains Monty'. Tire Shop, 154 S. Cornl Phone 428. 12 14 HOME SEEKER, here Is your oppor tunity, dosiring a change in occupa tion, I purpose to removo from the cityj hence I em offert&g my home at a sacrifice. I have a fcirfid house on a fino corner, east front, near one of Salem's excellent schools, roomy grounds, plenty of fruit and A ' 1 1. n x 1 1 ,. a J , I lars. Five hundred dollars, balance $15 per month at six per cent inter est. Telephone iaiom or call on Square Deal Realty Company, tele phone 470. 20 ACISES of level land for sale or trade. Where you have no house rent to pay; no wood to buy; no wator to buy, and if you keep a cow, no milk or buttetto buy. Will take small truck or tin kan on the deal. R. Lamb, 645 S. 17th, Salem. tf FOB SALE Portland, St. Johns, large lot, small building, basement dug, cement walks, close to street car, price SjOO. half cash, talance $10 month. Consider trade er Ford car, double bottom sulkcy plow for sale. $30. Mrs. B. M. Woods, West Salem. 12-12 HAYNES HAYNESiFOSTf R BAKING CO. Armistice At End But Is Arranged To Extend It The armistice expired at six o'clock this morning, Eastern United States time. It became effective at 11 a. m., French time, November 11, and was to continue 30 lays. The commissioners reserved the right t0 extend the armis tice, and it has been unofficial ly reported that arrangements to that end have been under way. lift frBE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM; OREGON. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11, 1918. WARDEN STEVENS HAS BEGUN CLEANING UP TASK AT STATE PRISON Says He First Intends To In ject Some "Pep" Into Con victs Themselves. Warden B. L. Stevens says he has his sleeves rolled up and he has begun the task of cleaning up the state peniten tiary. One of the first things he says he wants to do is to inject a littje pep into the eonvicts themselves, and by proper treatment improve their physi cal and mental condition until thev havo the right viewpoint of life. "As long as the morale of an insti tution like that is low it is diicult to do much with the men," ht uaMi, "but when the moralo i8 up and the men get the idea that it is worth while to put their best side orward then vou will see a big chaneo in the conduct of the men. Much depends on the view point of the men themselves." The warden soys he will rtvo ery attention to the Question of providing compensation fop the prisoners who are at work. Those emploved in the flax plnnt or in the lime plant at Gold aili are now receiving from 25 to 75 cents a day, lie pointed out, while the man em ployed in the kitchen or some other part of the prison is paid nothing, al though he may work as hard as the j others. That does not appenl to a man sense of fairness." he said. Ho said also he wants to arrange to nave eccn incoming prisoner tested for venereal or other contagious .diseases and arrange t0 have those diseased seg regated from the othor men. Ho de clared it was almost criminal to force a healthy prisoner to live in a cell with a diseased ono. Attempt to Escape Discovery of a trap door cut in the side of the refrigerator plant at the penitentiary reveals the manner in which Willard Tanner and George De mont, tho two convicts who attempted to escape Sunday, gained entrance to the refrigerator. . The discovery was made by Warden Stevens, who became convinced thut the convict who. has charge of the re frigerator did not admit the two men through the regular door. It is assumed that the door was cut into the wall to afford prisonerg means of helping themselves to meat. The meat for the penitentiary and other state institutions is kept in cold stor age there. Meat deliveries are made each Tuesday by a trusty, and it is sup posed that Tanner and Demont intend ed to remain in hiding from Sunday to Tuesday and take a chance on beinji smuggled out of tho prison yard as u side of beef or a stuck pig. HIGHWAY BONDS SOLD TO CHICAGO COMPANY AT LARGE DISCOUNT o. . it 1 n . . aiate nignway tommsssjon Received Fourteen Bids For These Bonds. At a meeting of the state highway commission in Portland yesterday, an issue of $250,000 of highway bono wus sold to William Solomon & Co. of Chi cago for $239,292.50, which is at a die count of $10,707.50. The commission received 14 bids for the bonds. A proposal was made to the commis sion by visiting delegations that the limit on the $6,000,000 bond issue be re moved and another isnie of $4,000,000 be voted, as it was estimated that in creased receipts from automobile li cense fees will take care of that addi tiontil 81. m. Relegations from various parts o the state appeared before the commis sion, urging that different paving pro jects be undertaken by the state. A delegation from Astoria end Portland mited tho commission to complete the Columbia river highway from Aston to the Tillamook county line. County Judge Gunning of Wasco asked the commission to complete the Columbia river highway between Chenoweth creek and The Dalles and between The Dalles and Petersburg, a distance of seven miles. Another delegation from Washing ton and Yamhill counties urged the early completion of the west side Pa cific highway from the Multnomah county line to McMinnvillo, by way of Hillsboro and Forest Grove. The commission is in session again today, working on the road building program for next year. J. M. Johnson has been replacod as ine trnsport .aansemona arrived at New York Saturday with 148 ill sol diers. Li "OKEH" HARROW 25 CENTS EACH BUILD UP Ladles9 ESeady-to-weaif Salem's Greatest Coat HIGH CLASS WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WOMEN'S AND MISSES' Coats, Reduced Suity $27.85 Coats, $12.95 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' Crepe Mline and Georgette HIGH CLASS Coats, $19.85 Wats SuitS RedBceJ HIGHEST GRADE n v !.M Sweaters Petticoats VA The finest showing of 'Her Majesty" petticoats ever jfol'1l!fl SeIling to $25, Xmas victory made. Made up in more attractive and dashing com- If Speda1' yUr unrestricted choice binations than ever shown before. These Petticoats (mW) w CT ai;d Pure not only please the eye for their exquisite beauty, Worsted, with contrast colors, w fnt, .v , . . H , ' WfiM large collars, with belts. Some but f the woman who appreciates a tnmness of nlf enuine cashmere trimmed. Also flgure they have a sVm&l aPPeaL Made with a Pat" JfiL 'jP S) new Tuxedo styles. A garden of ent toP that eliminates the bulkiness found in other 'tfjfl-i colors lines of petticoats. Most excellent Xmas gifts. Prices m ' 313.98 ;y $3i5taM0i5: DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY. Stores will not be open evenings Christmas week. By action of Business Men's League. FARMERS RAISE HUGE CORN Ai WHEATCROP WORTH $ WOOO Increase Of 280,445,000 Bushels Oyer 1917 Crop . Estimated. Washington, Dec. 11. American farmers raised a combined wheat and eorn crop this year worts $i),4O2,iffl6,0C0 in their efforts to feed the world, liit- eminent erop experts egtiniatcd today. Lnder a guaranteed priee; wheat ac reage increased 4,01,000 while the eorn acreage and yield decreased. The wheat crop alone, at war prices, ed an increase in value over the five year average of $1,073,352,000. The winter wheat yield for 1918 was estimated at 538,449,000 bushels, a yield of 15.2 bushels per acre, compared with 412,901,000 bushels in 1917 and a 1912 10 average of 552,594,000 bnehels. This year's winter wheat crop was estimated worth $1,154,200,000 compar ed with $837,237,000 for 1917. Estimates for the 1918 spring wheat ssaaaaa- YOUR HOME TOWN-BRINK LOJU AND EAT SAIEUIADE BREAD ton0 aed Sunlit: Victory X The "Kiddies" must be instilled With the Christmas spirit. Salem's Toyland Toys, Games, Dolls JJooks, and Model Builders Shop early. Stocks will soon be brol: en and That Will mean Disappointment You can always do better at iL xIooodIcood s VzLS "Join The yield were 358,651,000 buBhels, per acre production of 16 bushels. The total val ue of the spring wheut crop was placed at 7iO,4L3,00l, or $2,009-10 per bushel. The four year average for spring wheat production is 256,763,000 bushcis or 13.9 bushels per acre. The overage yearly value of the erop for the years 1912-16 was $230,622,000. The all wheat production including both winter and spring, was estimated at 917,100,000 bushels, an increase of 280,445,000 bnshels over the 1917 crop. STEEL SHAPES 6TK0J.U New York, Dec. 11. The New York Evening Sun's financial review today said: The steel and equipment shares were strong at intervals, but less aggressive ly so than yesterday and the day before The oil group displayed strength throughout. The rails were inclined to heaviness. AVOID COUGHS AND COUGHERS Your health and society demand that you take something for that cough. Ccughing jread diea. Good,, old, reliable MULCH it guaranteed to re lieve the worst eough ia 24 hours. SHILOH Slops Coughs Make this Red Cross" German Papers Declare Allies Will Enter Berlin Bcnio, Dec. 11. A wireless dispatch has been received in Germany from Washington n nouncing that the allies are planning to occupy Berlin, de clares tho Deutsche Allgcmcine Zcitung. The Vorwacrts says it has confirmation of this and adds a warning that Germans should bo prepared for occupation of the entire country. Nothing to It. Washington, Dec. 11 "Noth In it," was tho war depart ment's answer to renewed re ports from Europe flint the al lies were to occupy Berlin. Drove Car Off Laid Of Third Street Last W.gU Portland, Or., Dec. 11. Ikeuup Clarence Court thought he was On Un ion avenue at the tnd of which therr is a bridge over Mumvan (iuieh, h' drove his machine off the end of Ess Third etrcet last night. There being no bridge where Thiid PAGE SEVEN fttVV miviv. . a Sale inmasn Merchandise Orders When in doubt Make your gift a Merchandise order street stops, the automohite finally halted at tho bottom of tho deep rs vite. Five occupants woro picked up in a dazed condition. bUm Acttuns suf fered a broken leg and severe internal injuries. The others wero able to go to work this morning. The Beaverton starch mill is to be remodeled and rebuilt and a fino grade, of potato flour will be manufactured a well ns all tho other bv-nroducts. NEURALGIC PAINS Glv Way to Soothing Wizard Oil Hamlln'i Hamlin' Wizard Oil is a safe and" effective treatment for headache and neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pain is, it acts as a tonic to the tortured nerves and almost invariably brings luick relief. Its healing, antiseptic qualities tan iiNy be relied upon to prevent in fection,or other serious results, from sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites ind stings. Just as good, too, for lore feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sores and canker sores.- Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and jet your money back. Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 rents. Guaranteed. J