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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11. 1918. PAGE SIX I II it IN iii LHIU.0I' - - -urn i in irrn rnain-i i-trriiTi unrrt"! rritniTnirTPir r"HrffiytrBT Remember Our Reductions Are From the OLD NOT NEW PRICES And That We Must Give Possession of One Store on Feb. 15th, and the Other on March 1st. WOMEN'S SlIKPEniCOVFS $4.50 I . .. i 4l't TK $z.ou vames $ Silk waists, values to $10.00 -$3.95 $5.00 White Silk Petti coats $3.95 $4.50 White Silk Petti coats ; $3.50 $3.75 White Silk Petti coats $2.75 CHILDREN'S BATH AND LOUNGING ROBES $n.00 values now $2.00 $2.00 values now $1.50 $1.75 values now...: $1.25 $1 25 values now 98c $1.00 values now. .. 75c Women's Kid Gloves Our $2.50 Gloves now $2.00; sold elsewhere at $3.50 Our $1.75 Gloves now $1.58; sold elsewhere at $2.50 and $3. Others at $1.25 and $1.00. MEN'S GOOD LINEN COLLARS In the basement, 3c each ALL GRANITEWARE 2 pieces for 25c FURS NOW ONE-HALF Remember this is one-half of old prices CROCHET COTTON 3 balls for 25c 3 Skeins Silk Floss for 10c MEN'S SUITS. JUST TWELVE OF THIS FALL NEW SUITS LEFT; PRICES C,JfJTXS''', FR0M 12 TO 16 YEARS' NE-RD LESS- MEN'S HEAVY BATH ROBES ONL-lHHvD Hioo Women's and Men's ' SHOES Many of Them Below Even Old Wholesale Costs Values to $5.00 in Women's Shoes, now $2.50 $8.00 Shoes for Women $6-85 $7.50 Shoes for Women $5.85 One line Florsheim $8.00 Shoes for Men $5.85 Another line at - $6.8.) Many other big cuts, especially Men's High Tops $5.00 Hand Embroidered Laundry Bag $2.50 $3.00 White Petticoats, very pretty $2.00 $4.00 White Petticoats, splendid material $2.95 $3.00 Dresser Scarfs now '. .'. $1.95 $2.75 Dresser Scarfs, now $1.55 $3.50 Princess Slips, very new $2.50 $3.75 Combinations, now $2.49 Ribbons at WONDERFULLY REDUCED PRICES. $15.00 Leather Bags now $7-50 $10.00 Leather Bags, now $6.50 $ 7.50 Leather Bags now $3.75 $3.00 Leather Bags now - $2-19 $2.50 Leather Bags now...:.. $1.98 $2.25 Leather Bags now..... $1.78 . $1.75 Leather Bags now....... $1-29 $1.25 Leather Bags now.?.. 89c MEN'S SMOKING JACKETS 20 PER CENT LESS dm0 Corner Court And Com'l Street, Salem. Whether It Is a Watch, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Ivory Goods or Cutlery, it is Certainly that you'll buy at liBUSlNESS DISTRICT TO PORTLAND BREAD I S Ll HALF PRICE ID LESS This is an Opportunity That Comes But Once m a Life Tice, Grasp It Now 0 MEROY & WW STOCK It No. 125 N. Commercial Street ,Salem. Oregon, Is at Your Mercy As Long As It Lasts WATCH OUR WINDOWS! READ OUR ADS! Ladies' Silk Umbrellas Ivorv Toilet Sets Regular $8, $10 and $12 Regular $9.50 to $15.00 Colored Silk Umbrellas They will soon go at . $5.$6ar,d7 $4.50 To $7.50 Lavallieres Cut Glass Every Price from $3 to Cut glass in sets or $25.00 the sale Price separate pieces JUST ONE-HALF Sold at 1-3 Off . Brooches Stick Pins Set Rings . Regular 50c to $15.00 Big assortment Ladies' You get them now and Gent's set rings JUSTONHALF JUST HALF PRICE Sterling Silver Mi'iiarv Bnishes All sterling pieces will Sterling Silver Sets, be sold at Regular $10 Choice ONE-THIRD OFF S100. Men's Mi'itarv Watches fcicare Sets . Regular Prices are from Regular $8 Sterling $G up. Sale price 7-piece set LESS ONE-THIRD $2.50 Fountain Pens Baby s Set Regular $2.50 self filling Sterling Silver Comb fountain pens and Brush, Regular $1 S1.50 $1.25 Merchants Will Spend $200 In Street Decorations-Favor 6 0'Clock Closing. Tho business section of the city will soon take on a holiday appearance with 17 blocks decorated with Christina trees, holly, decorated lamp posts and tho front of stores festooned in all sorts of holiday green. At a meeting last .evening of tho Business Men's league of the Com mercial club, representative business men agreed to go down in their pock ets and each contribute $5 towards giv ing Salem a really distinct holiday ap pearance. It was figured that about 200 would be necessary with which to purchase fir trees and have then planted in ce ment blocks along the shorts of the business district on Commercial street from Terry to Chenieketa, on Court from imneiciiil to Iliuh street, on Liberty between Stato and court ttni Ion State between Commercial and High j In addition to the fir trees that will adotfn the business section, business men agreed to do their utmost to dec orato their storo3 both outs-'de and in 'gida with holly and fir blanches. 1 A committee appointed by chairman 0. 8. Hamilton, consisting of E. H, Choatc, Win. tiahlsdurf and Hal D. Pat ten was out this morning soliciting I decoration funds from mediants and everywhere found the .most willing co operation. In regard to closing lnuSrs before miirietmiia. Hi.i mineral feel nir was that very little business if any would ie done after i o'clock in the evenings. With this view the larger merchants j of the cite will not remain open even j for the Monday and Tuesday nights before ChrUtmiis. The feeling is that people favor early closing Mid will sup-1 port the mi ivhants who close early.' j AUei'e.l fake iidverVi.-ing eame in I for Home attention ntid i1 iam Unhls-, dorf was appointed a eomnitlce of one to cunt'ir with the district attorney in! regard to the advertising !:tv, s of the ( stale. I Seems Hoiiie Made Bread Will Have Some Competition -League Opposes. a The cvor 'big problem of urging Sa lem folks to patronize j10uio Industries camo before tho Business Men's League at the meeting last evening at the Corn- inercitil clUD.- This time-it is that of patronizing homo industries in .tho way of buying Salem bread and not that mado in 1'ort land It sseOipi that a Portland bakery is about t0 make nn attempt to corral somo of the bread business of the city and just as a means of breaking in, is willing to give away a lot of cou pons for free-' bread. Then the women who get tho free coupons are supposed to call at the grocery stores and make Frank Finn VavvA Desd At Own Hands In 'Phone Booth ! t ! mm & mom ) Portland. Or., Dec. ll.-.Wheu. Miss i Nellie Joha.-ou of llarton. Ore. stop :ped into a telephone booth here yc jteiday evening she eliatuo.i her mind : almm" cnllini' for a number, for she found a dead mail ill the i om artmt-nt. Prank W. Pinch, ag 'd 4". lo.-nl gro cery clerk, had chosen to suicide in the' booth, located in h'e inloriirbnn depot of the Port laud KaHuay. Light and IVvver company. He wiote tins note before u-uig a ivvo'mi. "i do this to protect my dear, dor ling fa.nily. Will society h;!p them and lied Suoiivc inc.'' Finch leaves a v, ife and five children. Indoor Golf Playing To Be New Sport In Salem Golf players who are anxious to keep in swing, vet not quite so anxious to play in the "soft" .Irish weather so common about this time of year, will now have a fine chance to Sfting their clubs safe from overhanging clouds and tho moisture of the Willamette valley. At the annual moating of the Coun try club last evening, held at the Com mercial club, it was decided to estab lish in door golf playing. This is done by securing a room in the business dis trict, putting in a sloping floor and with a canvas at one end, smash away at the balls, with the assiirauee that the balls will return to the plyor, thus eliminating the expense of an iu-door caddie. To create interest in golf a turkey tournament will be held next Sunday. The turkeys will be live and according to some low scores made last. Sunday, the player that wins one of the nation al birds will also have to be up mid a-eoiuing. Officers elected f..r the Country club last evening are as follow: Homer H. Smith, pn-ident. Curtis 11. Cross, vice president. W. 11. Tinrghardt. secretary. T. A. Livesley, director The links are said to be in fine shape and everything points to a most pros perous golf year. It was also voted to hold the regular New Year's dance. Caoffal Journal Vhzi Ads Will Get You Wki You Want Little Interest Manifest Today la Money Market New York. Dec. 11. l.ittlo inerest ws manifested in the money niurket to day. Commercial p;ipoi was discounted at six per cent. A little cull money was loaned at six porcont,.five per foot was the ruling rate. London bar silver -was quoted at 48 7-16 and New York bar silver lol 18. 'Merlins demand -l.7".(i"'... Tio'e tiwm-y ruled between ."'j and ti per eet.t. -; .': IIOv LAITD LEAVES ECSSBXTRG A K Or., t II. Lieu- s;: tc-.n:f A. F. H .!:"!!, flying ri; ei Se'oifle t S-i. rruuento, :jt !e': )i-whi.f. '"'. f t AO this me t i ,,- i(e v.iil ver iu Krdd'.-.i tonirbt. " JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY life miserablo for the grocers until they consent' to put in the foreign made bread. It was suggested that if the home bakeries would, advertiso a little and let people know just what they arc do ing since tho flour restrictions bad been removed, that an outside, bakery would have p lot. of trouble breaking) into the city. It was also opiued that if the homo bakeries would talk to their customers through tho newspapers and tell of a lot of things they are doing, the good housewifo of Salem would not want to buy Portland bread. As It is, the housekeeper isn't quite Buro wheth er tho Salem or Portland bread is the best. On motion of Henry W. Meyers, tho Business Men's League unanimously voted that the city ahould support only Sulom mado bread. As to what tho women would do if they had some freo coupons for the Portland bread ,that was too deep a problem for discussion Theodore Both said he didn't intend to put in Portland bread and H. S. Poi sal told of his trouble once beforo when free bread coupons were distributed by an outsido firm trying to got on tho insido of the bread business in Salem.. Dan Fry thought if the Portland folks wanted to establish a bakery here it would be nil right to patronize them but he was opposed to anything iu the way of working up business by means of "peddlers and wagons. He thought "Eat Salem Bread" would be a fine slogan. ' Anyhow as the matter now stands the Business Men's League is on rec ord against any Portland firm coining in. But with the housekeepers not cs- some doubt of tho outcome, especially , pociallv informed as to what tho Salem if freo bread coupons wcro distributed' bakery interests nre doing, there was by the Portland bakorq. 1 HI TO IV! II! VMS III TREATING SPANISH INFLUENZA The Influenza Germs Attack The Lining Of The Air Pass-! ages. When VapoRub Is Applied Over Throat And Chest The Medicated Vapors Loosen The Phlegm,' Open The Air Passages And Stimulate The Mucous! Membrane To Throw Off The Germs. 1 DOCTOR STANTON Dermatologist Toot Specialist COENS, BUNIONS, INGROMUNO TOE NAILS EEMPVED Without Blood or Pain or Causm Soreness or Other Inconvenience. Chilblains and All Diseases of tho Fee Cured. Special Attention to Antiseptics thor by Preventing Infection. Appointments by Thone. Lady Assistant. CIS U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 41G. Salem 0" In Addition, VapoEub is Absorbed Through and Stimulates the Skin, At tracting tho Blood to the Surface and Thus Aids in Seducing the Con gestion Within. Thurs.-Fri.-8at. S I r" tspU-tT )MeJ5sM I ft i.' t 4 .7- 1 UAXA lunaALL I "ThWOUS of CLASS" 1 CALL A PHYSICIAN GO TO BED i STAY QUIET DON'T WOEEY There is no Occasion for 1'iinlc Influ enza Itself Has a Very Low Per centage of Fatalities, Not Over One Death Out of Every Four Hundred Cases, According to the N C. Board of Health. The Chief Danger Lies in Complications Arising, Attacking Principally Patients in a Run Down Condition Those Who Don't Go to Bed Soon Enough, or Those Who Get Up too Early. Spanish Influenza, which appeared in Spain in May, has all the appear ance of grip or la grippe, whicu las swept over the world in numerous epi demics as far back as history runs, Hippocrates refers to an epidcmiie in 412 B. C. which is regarded by many to have been influenza. Every century jhns had its attacks. Beginning with, tnis country has had live epidem ics, the last in 1SS9-90. THE SYMPTOMS Grip, or influenza, as it is now call ed, usually begins with a chill follow- i by aeliiug, fevenshness'and some times nausea and dizziness oud a gen- eral feeling of weakness and depres sion. The temperature is from lUO to lot, and the fever usually lasts from three to five days. The germs attack hc mucous membrane, or l:mng of the air psr-ago nose, thWiat and bronchial ! tubes theie is usually a 'earj cough, ! especially bad at night, often times a sore throat or toiu'ilitia, and frequently I all the appearances of a severe cold.. I THB THEATMXNT I (to to he. I at the first symptoms, not only lor vm.r own sake, but to avoid iprra.M the ilisefse, to f I hers take in j--u.-:aiive. cat p'enty o' nourishing . t.iud. resinit P 'rfi'c'ly quiet an.l d i't wiinv. ((.:ii'.!ne, Aprrin or D.ivei " Pinvilrr. i-ie.. mny be ndn-.inis'cro 1 by jthe hvsir:;u:s, directions f relii-ve the' jai-hing. t.iere is no cure or spe cific t-ir inilueura the discas niuat r;r.i it f-nursi1. but nature herself will ; throw o-r the att.u k if only yon hep :tl vo-,:r renjth. The eliief dagger !.e! n the rmpl!fafion8 which may lanse. intiu'.-niai sr wcakenj the boiiily res.s'anee tnat there is danger of pneumonia or brnnchiti developi EXTERN AL APPLICATIONS In order to stimulate the lining of j tho air passages to throw off the gripl germs, to aid in loosening tho phlegm and keeping the nir passges open, thus' making tho breathing easier, Vick's; VapoHab will be found effective. Ilot, wet towels should bo appLed over thoj throat, chest and back between the shoulder blades to open the pores. Theuj Vapo-Iiub should bo rubbed in over the parts until tho skin i9 led, spread ) on thickly and covered with two thick-; nesses of hot flannel cloths. Leave the j clothing loose mound the neck as tho v heat of - the body liborates tho ingre- f " dients in the form of vapors. Theao j vapors, inhaled with each breath, car- j ry the medication directly to tho parrs ! affected. At the same time, VapcRub i is absorbed through and stimulates tho skin, attracting tho blood to the sur 'face and thus aids in relieving tho con- r !gcstion within. t HOW TO AVOID THE DISEASE Evidcnco seems to prove that this in -a germ disease, spread principally by 'iiiTiiiuiL euni-atu, ciut'riy xurouyn cuugu- ing, sneezing or spitting. So avoid per- 'sons having colds which means avoid-1 ing crowus common drinking cups, j roller towels, etc. Keep up your bod;ly j strength by plenty of exercise in tho j open air, and good food. i KEEP FEEE FEOM COLDS j Abovo all, keep free from colds, ns colds irritate the lining of the, air pas-J sages ami render fliem much bMterJ breeding places for the genus. Uso Vick'g VnpoKub at the very first sign of a cold. For a head cold, melt a lit-1 tie in a spoon and inhale the vnpurs, er better still, use VapoRub in a ben- zoin steam kettle. If this is not avail-f able, use an ordinary tea kettle. Fill? lii.If full of boiling water, put in haifi a tiaspoun ot upouub trein time toi ; t'.me -keep the kettle just slowly boil-, i in;:, and inhale the steam niTsing. i JxCVJs: Vick s vanoRub w the cis- .cuvery of a Xurth Caroli' a 'druggist,- i who imimt how to comb! . :e, in Ea..' form, Jfenthol and f anpho- w'.ih! r--ntial oils as Ku.-a !' vs. Thyme (.-.M.iis. cts., si that when 1 ho salvo i ni-j-Ved to the 1 ii v he:it. tiitse ingre-i ihviirs are ii; cih!;'i! in th.' firm of va-i W.v.oHuli New Yo:k, is comparative j n New England .cstcin slates, where it is 1 sometimes u, iia-ump.t;"n of the middle t't.r, er hart aff-'ctions. For these reason.!, it ii very i ".mrrta-it that (the patient remain in bed until his strennn returns siuv in bed at bast two davs or more after t'.e fever has left you. or if yen are over 50 or not strong nay in b"d four dr.vs or more. " V'"'':t "l A"f -f'hi- laeccrdicg to the scv..-:itv of the attack. LIBERTY! f 4 .just IJOW- h.-ing introduced. In other seetions off the cruiitry, however, it is the stan4- dnr.J home remeuy in ov. r a n-.illlun h '"is for all forms of eoM trouble. nor than six miUion jars were SjM.j ia-t y.-ar. j It is j-artieitlarly recommended f eliiUirea's i-roep or cobls, since it id. exicmally applied and. th '.-re fore, t 1-e iis-i'd es freely as des'-nd wi;hui th slightest ha: mfol , effects. Vipor-i K;i i can be had in tare s:fs .. IH'c, $1.-0 -at all druggist If