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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1918)
' THE DAILYCAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON.WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11, 1918. , PAGE TWO !ASS FOR Tke Original Nourishing AV ksmas 1 1 1 Tat I rtfanta, Invalids andGrowing Children. Rich Milk, Malted Grain Extract In Porvdtt Tba OrWrud Food-Drink For AO Ax. I OTHERS are IMITATIONS life S.aJ. Ccai F0RSIERTO2IER (Continued from page one) lution of her problems. Tbii could be brought about by the formation of a confederation like America, of all the Kussian states. "Thli Can Be Realized." "This ia not an unreasonable dream. The bolshoviki control about u fourth r.iiaaiNTFED TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE SOCIETY By CAEOL 8. PIBBLE. KT M m a rV 9 'Tf NU BtfUNOEO A5K ANY CHUOOIST. to help their comrade to his feet, in stead of robbing his pockets. til .......... 1 Amnrioa fn rmnPTTlVier f Ruaain nrnnor and a sixth nf riiberiu. Ilia eaaA aide of Kussia'B part in tho n the basis of population. The balance j w" well as the unfortunato. Per il composed of independent states haps President Wilson's presence at tho which have thrown off the bolsheviki , peace conference wm prevent any ung authority. "I believe it is possible to call a gen eral election for a constituent assembly to Include dolfgates from every part of Russia. England and France oppose this because it would restore Russia to hor former international position. They opposed my going to America in Heptembor because they did not want America to know the truth about Uus lia. "Forgetting War Alms." "The victorious allies are forgetting their idealistic war aims. England and France already have agreed on the di vision of tlioir spheres of influcnco in disintegrated Russia. "If throe men are fighting a brigand and olio of them is knocked out. the others, who continue to whip him ought andags." Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the tubsrl. tuts for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. ... People afflicted with bad breath find iuick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant sugar coated tablets are taken for bad breath ly all who know them, t Dr. Edwards' Oliva Tablets act gently but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire system. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any of the bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, 'wiping cathartics are derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping, main gvm onv dlonnrAtMlhlA effectJL UT, f . ivi. JKiwarai uiscuvorcu ins Sedgwick Post Elects New SetUf Dtticers Sedgwick W. R. C. No. 1, at tho lust regular meeting elected the following officers for the year 1919: President, Alico Uiluwcll; (senior vice president, Hue Salmon; junior viu president, Jennie Pope; treasurer, Hat tie Cameron; chaplain, Nellio Dension; conductor, Laura McAdams; guard, ssii rah Peterson. Alsn tho following delegates and a'. teiidants to department convention held b The .Dulles in Juno: delegates, ve ra U. Glover, Norma Torwilliger, Mag eio Cade, Florence Bhipp, Mario Howd Johnson. Alollv Doniscm. Alary HE Salem Woman ' elub will hold its December meeting Saturday ftmnnini t th Commercial elub auditorium. The outstanding feature of - .... .31 1 T- the program will oe an aaureBs Dy ui. Carl Gregg Doney, president of Wil lamette ' university. A short business session beginning t. two thirtv will nreoede Dr. Doney 's talk, which is scheduled for three o'clock. Following Dr. Doney ' participation in the program, the rema:nder of the wilt h devoted to a signif icant observance of December fourth, the date designated by he United States food administration during Oon- oor.Tfi t n.i wnav u nomas I vrKanuw- tion day, when the woman's clubs of the country were expected to panae in the nation wide movement to ini- new ami tn continue former en- J...... olnnn- thn lines of food conser vation, inasmuch as too n-uio monthly meeting of the Snlc-m club wag dated for Decern tier i, n was ucciuhu nr.t in hfilrl an v nroeram planned in connection with the. aforesaid Woinans Day until that date. Apropos of this event and in lino with the suggestions of the U. S. food administration re garding club participation in the con servation Week as Woman's Organiza tion program. Extracts will be read from .President Wilton's peace message and the recent speech .made by U. 8. food administrator, nerueri nuuv- er, who advised tne peopie oi uic country to prolong tneir euris m w blo economy. Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, chairman of tho Homo Economics de partment of tho Woman's club and Mrs. William ii. rune, enunwuu i" Woman's committee or tne manu county council of defense, will have charge of this part of the program. The Hoover pledgo will also he present ed to the members. Anna Wulkcr, Lcla Jorman, Celcstiuo Emmett. .Prudence bourileur, itoso na- gedorn, Margarete Stola, Lusann.. hiU3 v lola. Tyler, JNoll lioyal, (jretonia l is coc, Elixaboth Remington, Hattie Jew ett, J'.canor Kudelson. Sheriff Rcid Besieged With Calls For "Flu" Remedy Spokane, Wash., Doe. 11. Following his announcement yesterday that tie would turn confiscated booze over to the health department to holp fight tho flu, Shoiiff Roid was besieged with calls from people all over the city who iiHkcrl anywhere from a hint to a Billion tica amona patients amiccea wiiu . -- - bowel and liver complaint, witft the Urn.. nWlann Afiiinin Winflmtl. V VV-, WIW'J VMV.., " ,1 , . , v iint- rwiiniio To Hnr. ru.m .n.iniv mill usher in wnat I.ouia Short, Juuia Blodgott, Marq En- bids fair to be a year of unparalleled tress, Delia Clearwater, Jenmo 1'opu gayety tor lain w"n Allornates, Hannah Higgina, I.uella .Year's Eve danco to tie given ior vu T1" T ..11. II 1 n,i mhnii If TnA IlllUCrj VIUU v - ntfanrlnnf Karl Kmanth ai1-!1' v.v ) Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive ttik you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effect. 10c and 25c jNsrbox. All druggists. When yon use Journal classify ed ads get what you want them to they work fast. k - Woolens For a gift that is really worth while, for a gift that will be received with the highest degree of ap preciation, nothing equals fine woolens, and the fin est of such beckon you U. ttaiA 9 Untr r n Attractive Merchandise i At Prices Quite Subdued Gladsome news for holiday shoppers. The many at tractive bargains all ever this big store would make a wonderful spread. But we cannot tell it alL Come to morrow. It's worth your while. Messalines at 75c a Yard ' Here is the biggest thing in seasons. Our en tire line of 27-inch Messaline Silks, former ly priced at $1.15 a yard and really worth more, is being closed out at the above price of 75 cents. There are several hundred yards in almost every desirable shade, of which there are no fewer than thirty. What an opportunity to get a handsome waist or dress at but a fraction of its real worth. CORDUROYS 75c Yard All Striped Corduroys green. Iln, purple and red with black stripes; 38 in. wide, reg. price 1 yd., new 75c SWEATERS 20 to 33 1-3 Per Cent Off Women's,, Misses and Children's Wool Sweater Coats ia all styles, siara and colors. Sev eral dosen in this lot all good buys. Country club house. Elaborate pianB are being developed in regard to the decorations and program, for what promises to rami as one "" nt h function vet unuer- Li w thn nlnh. Tha affair will also serve to inaugurate an annual custom, on the part oi tne wu i; , of celebrating ew i i i u. .ink inmiilmn onlv. AS ounce iur hid w.u . -- , ' - . the majority of tho affairs sponsored by the clut tnrougaov i more or less open to guests and friend the yearly ball on December 31 will mark a distinct departure from the reg ular trend of club activities and wU nssurao in club annnle the unofficial role of honor night for thtt members. t...,. vwin ond eliildren are iurn. uuuiw . -t Qllft Center street haV- ine changed their residence from the Congregational parsonage, 44 Center street, in view oi iue of -Rev. Elvin who is engaged in X. J. O. A. secretarial worn. fr. ,W. C. Kantner of Portland has been spending a few day in Balem, having joined hor husband, Bev. Kant nor of the Congregational ehuroh over .v. i. Tlio Vnnt.nnrs have re- iiie ween ciiw. - . Bided in Po.rtland for several years, ana Mrs. Kantner lias conunuea w --r the Portland home open during the .f vr. while her husband had charge1 of the local pastorate. Mrs. Kantner rowmu vesterday accompanied by her husband. Bev. Knntnor is being urged by the members of the Congregational church to occupy the pulpit tor an six months, during the extended ab sence of Kev. jamcs been serving in the capacity oi x. C. A. secretary the past year. In tho liklihooa pr i". -return to Salem, he will be accompan ied by Mrs. Kantner, in which case they will occupy the- purtonage, Center street. Tho many om un friends of tho Kantners are hopefully anticipating Dr. Kantner s aecm.uu remain in Balem for the winter, the family having resided, in saiem ior . period of twelve years, wnen hud eharee of the church pastorate, miring w vear Dr. Kantner has maao nis at the residonco of Dr. and Mrs. George II. Aldeu, 820 North WDeriy airu Through the efforts of Miss Minnet ta Magers. who is dirot'tor of hevCeni; tenary 'Methodist episcopal , . ' .i.. .i......k mn. nnvileeeu to cnoir,, " i - r ,. hear Archie Smith, of Camp Lew!, who is in Portland on a lew "- Mr. Smith has a splenuin voice and sings with fervor and sin- of music ana mois ".r I . making a place tor nuiweu u . -i, a world. His solo, were "The Lord ia My Lixht," (Alitsen) and "The Re cessional' ueivoven.; v'.'B"- . . iKa week will A pleasing .-"i v - - . take place tonight when Miss Lliwibeth Levy will present ner JU.... ,...r- -violin recital at her residence studio, wi i'nnrt street. Assistinir on the pro gram will be Miss Prance Ward, so- .:n u r'ven bT the prano. oeieruuiw " ., - . , junior members of tho vh. i l ensemb e, composed of Miss levy's students, which wa featured on the j.msical pro gram of the lUregon st 13 YEAR OLD GIRL GAINS 34 POUDNS Mable Montgomery Recovers After Long buttering By Taking Tanlac "iV. nn. n mi 1 il oaa thji m- ni .1 rf ti I change that has taken place ia our lit- f Ia floiifrhtav Annna tha nnst flw weok -e---"- "B r " and doubt Tanlae being a grand med icine," said Mis. a. n. i-onigomer.v, remdina at 2701 Bristol street. Omaha. (Neb., reeentrr. ... - .... "Mable is now tnirteen years or age," continued Mrs. Montgoauery, "and had suffered terribly for five VAA.M. On nf hr troubles was inflam matory rheumatism. Her feet and hands would swell very badly and at times she couldn't walk. She ha I no appetite aiiffnrpil wiik 4 riirhtfnl h-Mn&chpa and in place of growing she seemed to be losing gound. une was oiten in Ded ior several weeks at a time, and we had to keep her out of school all the past year. Bhe was a very sick child, and although we spent lots of money for medicines nothing seemed to reach her trouble and wo had begun to think she would never get well. "One of our relatives urged Us to (rive her Tanlae, and now you wouldn't take her for tho same child. She has ac tually gained thirty four pounds and looks the picture of health, and to all appearances is perfectly well. She nev er complains of an ache or u pain nor a disagreeable symptom of any kind. She ig brimful of life nnd ambition ntw nnil nninvR life and nlav like oth- ler children. Soon after she began on Tanlae her appetite came uai'b, ana biic increased in weight so fast that we were astonished, and tho swelling, pain and headaches gradually disappeared. She is now able to enter school gain, and we are more than grateful for what Tanlnc hag done for ner. I nave aiso taken Tnnlnn fnr lnfts nf Rnnetite. tlOOr digestion and nervousness, and it has ilnnn ma n Arlrl nf frnnti. 1 fppl fine all the time, and am glad to say all t rr 1 I, l 4'4in ior xnuwc. Tanlae is sold ia flubbard by Hub bard Drus Co.. is Mt. Angei by jfea Oooch, in Osrvais by John Kelly, in Turner by H. P. Ceraehus, in Wood burs, br Lvmaa H. Shorey, in Salem by Dr. B. 0. Stone, in Silverton by too. A. Bteelhammer, n uaws Dy airs. j. P. IfuHnidv snil In Riavton bT C A. Beauchamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug BtOTS. Wants Investigation Of Ordnance Department Woshineton, Dec' 10. Sonator Poin dexter, Washington, today introduced a resolution for investigation of the ordnance and Quartermaster depart meats by the senate military affairs committee. . TTintino at micstinnablfl activities which he intimated might have delayed ... . . 1 1 . x i production oi guns ana sneais xur iub army. Poindexter said that "if some traitors and spies had been executed in tho early days of the war the lives of better men might have been saved." ' ' I want to find out whether treason able activities have anything to do with dclavins manufacture" said Poin dexter. "It socms strange American nimiuf nr.turers. noted for their efficien cy, eould not baie done better unless they were blocked by spies." roindextcr read puuasnea statements to the effect that no Amrican shells loprvov than thren inph calibev had been shipped abroad, and that the supply of thron ini-ti nhnlU was never laree enough t0 provide an adequate reserve. .Regarding the quartermaster s corps PnlmlxTter Miid h wanted tn find out the Quality and quantity of clothing and equipment on hand. CLOVERDALE NOTES. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Cloverdale, Or., Dec. 10. Last week Mr. Arthur Annis sold his farm, consist- The DON'T FORGET THE RED CROSS CHRISTMAS ROLL CALL JOIN NOW ?L Store of Practical Gifts SHIl R "Y"9S THE HUSTLE OF GIFT BUYING IS ON, YOU HAVENT ANY lilt 1U WAMt n RaIptti. rnmnare prices, quality jjo justice to luurseu uy accmg c.wj m.v . ,? , tj "4.:i styles, you will find that the Salem merchants have specialized on rracucai gifts at prices most Reasonable. This store specializes on articles f or Wom Sn, Misses and Children only. "Feminine Articles" w cut out all Gee Gaws, trifles, senseless gaudy novelties, showing only GOOD, Vbht Vh quai ity articles at repuiar rrices !oats $16.48 to $45.00 WOMEN'S CLOTHES- Suits $19.75 to $34.75 )resses l $14.75 to $44.75 The Greatest, Buying Opportunity of the Year Women's And Misses Sweaters A sample line added to our regular stock all extra quality worsted yams good long range of colors and sizes. $3.98, $4.98 Up to $19.75 Crepe De Chme Lingene Camisoles, envelope chemise, gowns the step-in closed combinations, in white, flesh, band tops, awl lace trimmed models. You will be interested. Moderately Priced; PreHoliday Selling on Novelty Jewelry Silk Waists Lingerie Waists Silk Petticoats Carters Underwear Silk Hosiery Children's Hosiery Kid Gloves Women's Handkerchiefs Hair Bow Ribbons GIFT SUGGESTIONS Lingerie Underwear Silk Kimonas Bath Robes Fabric Gloves Novelty Ribbon Novelty Neckwear Holiday Stationery Novelty Jewelry Parisian Jewelry Toilet Articles Leather Bags ' School Supplies GREETING CARDS XMAS BOOKLETS Feminine Articles Exclusively IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT BUY A MERCHANDISE ORDER Dennison's Holiday Boxes Dennison's Paper Novelties Dennison's Xmas Seals Leather Purses iColgates Perfumes ! Howard's Brushes DOLLS Towels Linens Bedding U. G. SHIPLEY CO. -as 145-147 N. LIBERTY STREET THIS STORE WIU CLOSE AT USUM HOURS DURING CHRISTMAS WEEK Quality Merchandise it YOUR SICK CHILD IS CONSTIPATED! ing chiefly of a big prune orchard, to Mr. Bntskc who at present is living near Turner. Mr. Annis and family ex- peet to leave here iu a few weeks to go to Salem or 1'ortlantt to live un til February when the yeipcct to go to Iowa. . Floyd Flctwood arrived home from the traiuing camp last Friday. On Thursday Mrs. Gus Draper wan called to Portland to the bedside of her daughter, Emma Drager, who is quite sick. there. Mich. Farrig and wife and four chil dren and his mother from Virginia ar rived here Friday. They are visiting at the homo of his brother, 6. W. Farris, lor a few days, after which they Mr. and Mrs. J, ing tho week in W. Lewi are spend-Portland, . . .:,1 mtkiwd at the homo of Miss Uetoni Byrn, 1003 Broad way street Tuesday evening of the joint birthdays of Mis. EU Dleman and Miss Wwcfce www and music were the diversion of tha evening. An inviting oinuaay was a feature of tho eolebration, whieh included the serving of a d.nty lunch- Icon. Clarke eounty t.. .....i i r.,m Raltimore witW OH II'IUIBTU ...- . t Frauk Webber, charged with being habitual criminal. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY LOOK IAT TONGUE If Cross, Feverish Or Biilious Gre California Symp Offigs. Vi vnntiA vltot ail vnuv hlU. s gentle, thorough laxative should always be tne unit treatment givn. If unnr litla nnA ia nut of nrim half sick, isn't resting, trag and acting uaturallr look, mother! see if tongue is coated. This is s sure sign that it's little stomach, Kvcr and bo wok dogged with waste. When cross, irri table, fvtish, stomach sour, breath Uad or hug dtomaehrh, diatrrhoea, sors throat, full of cold, give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of Wim mJI i A w kfliiM All thA MI11- stipated poison, indigested food and sour but gently moves out or. m mtie bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child agaia. Mothers can rest easy after giving this aarmresa "fruit laxative" because it never fail to cleanse tne ffttae oas's livw amd knarAU nA woten the atett- ach and they dearly lovo its pleasant .. t. v i v : I taata. mn directions ior eww m drea of all ages and for growa-ttps printed on each bottle. Hews re of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask vour druggist for a bottle of "Oairfsraia Syrup of Pigs," than as that it is atade by tha "California Rg rjyrnp Company." expect to rent the Dr. Massey resident in Turner. Mr. Anns Kunke went to Portlam Saturday to meet her husgand who ha been in training at tamp ijewiB. me; will visit with his brother in Portland for a few days before returning home. H. Floetwood made a business trop to Salem Friday. G. W. Farris was seen in Sulein (Saturday. EUTH LAW TO JAPAN Sun 'Francisco, Dec. 11. Miss Ruth Law, famed aviatrix is resting here to day preparatory to a trip to Japan. She is taking two planes with her. Sho plans a round-the-world trip and expects to give exhibitions in japan, China, Egypt, India. France and in land. ; : Warden Stephens has appointed John C. Talley deputy warden at the Oregon stiite penitentiary. . Getthe GcnuinesWX and AvoidgfAW &2vS&n Every Cake vvvt it it- 11 11 4 GIVE THAT V ICTROLA To the Family This Christmas J I You have been planning every "Christmas to surprise the folks with a VICTRQLAthen why not make this one that long promised Victrola Christmas? We have Vic trolas to suit every purse as low as $22.50, with a wide range of prices upward$:i2.50, $50, $60, $90, $115 and up to $400. You have no idea how easy it is to have a Viutrola so many styles from which to choose and con venient payment terms. Trade in your old instrument on a new Victrola December records now on sale. E. L.' Stiff & Son 448 Court Street Salem, Oregon HtMMMMtMMMMtHMMMIMi,HM