rreniTATinu UUVU vukvvLnl IVJ 1 (25.060 HEADERS DAILY) Weaker Report Oregoa: Tonight and Thurs- day unsettled, probably rain or snow; moderate south to west winds. ' Only Circulation in Salem Guar- nteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAIr LEY NEW3 SEBVICE FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 293. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 1918. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS A NT) NEW STANDS FITE CENTS Kerensk;-Says France tnglaMS)on tWan ussia fl ITEHTATES Believes British And French Would Impose Another Brest-Litavsk Treaty. FIRST REAL STATEMENT OF WHAT RUSSIA WANTS App als To Governments To Remember Good Side Of Russia's Part, Too.' The following interview with Ker eosky is the first uatiioritative state ment of what tfce ici Euttia not tis; lolslK,vil:i desires from the poaco confetance. It' also purports to show Kussia 's attituut tt ward t&e three lead--Jis powers, ih. i b ruled States, oreat Britain and l'rance. It was passed riy tLo Briton couu.r.Tlie UnitetT Prcm By 't'wiii Ilullingor (Copyright 1918 by the United Press) London, Dec. 11. Alexander Keren Hky, former Russian premier, ecjHfd u an interview with the United Press today that Great Britniu and Fianco ore opposing tho uuifiealion of Kussia, because it would restoro her to her for er international position. He appeal ed to America. to prevent the "exploi tation " of Russia. "England and Fiance arc smelting to (impose another Brest-l.itovsk upon litis said Kerensky. (Tho treaty by which the bolshevik! Betrayed Russia to Germany was sign ed at Brest-Litovsk.) "I ask America, as paralyzed Rus sia's true friend, to protect' her from exploitation by her former allies. "Fought Three Years for Allies." 'Kussia fought three venrs for tin Allies. It was due to her'tlmt Ammi md tune to prepare and administer the knockout blow. Now the allies ought to deal honestly with Russia. " "When the Ruisiuu people, despite the Brest-Litovsk treaty, were contin uing their fight, they culled upon the allies for military aid. This help rap idly developed into an organized ' tempt to exploit Riifsia'B wealth, and cut off Russia from Europo by a bar' rier of tiny quasi independent slates Thus ,they are completing the treaty oC Brest-Litovsk, which Germany be 'The peace conference ought to ru. nufc'e' the integrity of Russian tuiri--t'ny, as it was before Brest-Lit ovak, affording the opportunity fur a real so (Continued on page two) ABE MARTIN We don 't know why they 're called Hi w'akir ix 'less it's Vau.sc they tint lif. as imie Jest because a c uple has g.it a chdinmv roudter it's no sign they git along. on PREMIER ASKS ROM xUnifica Jir ALEXXANDER KERENSKY MN.R0MLDEC.22 ToBs Made Honorary Mem ber Of Royal Academy Of San Liica While There. By Henry Wood (United Press staff corres ondent) Borne, Dee. 10. (Delayed.) 1'resi dent Wilson will arrive in Rome at 11 a. m. iK'cemoer 23, it was announced today. " , Tho president will be th;- guest of King Victor Emmanuel for three days. A special performance of "The Bar ber of Seville" will be given in the Costanzi theater in Wilson's honor the night of his arrival. The following day, it is understood, he will visit Pope (Benedict and Cardinal Gas-parri, papal secretarr of state, All the provincial capitals in the en tire Piedmont region have decided to make Wilson an honorary citizen. Wilson also has been made an hon orary member of the. Royal Academy of San Lura. Other new honorary mem bers are Ambassador Page, King Al bert, Premier Clemcneei u, Premier Lloyd-George, Foreign SicMavy Bill four, French Ambassador Parrere, Pie mior Orlando, Foreign Minister Son nino, former Premier Salandra, Gener al D'az, Admiral Di Revel and Due D'Aosta. Famous Newspaperman Mentally Unbalanced Portland, Or., Dec. 11. James W. Foley, weil known, newspaperman and poet, who attempted to commit suicido here M nidny is on his way to Han Fran cisco, his present home, this afternoon. George Crowe, Foley 'steam mate in Y. M. C. A. lecturing among the sol diers lit various army cantonments of the country, declared today that Foley, as a result of his strenuous lecturing efforts had suffered a nervous break down. This caused his aberration of yesterday, which started when he wan dered from the Y. M. C. A. building in the morning and ended when he jumped into the Willamette river in the afternoon. He was unconscious when rescued. That Foley was unbalanced yester day is indicated by his rambling notu which was found on the river bank. It stated that his wife still loves him (but that his "destiny is evil." Friends had been trying for some 'time to get the lecturer to give up bis Y. M. I . A. work, due to nis weaKenea physical and mental condition, but he refused, saying it was the only thing he was aide to do for his country. Foley formerly lived at Bismark, X. d. TROOP SHIP CANOPIC DOCKS Boston, Mass.. Dec. 11. Amid a deafening uproar of whittles, sirens ad bells, the White Star J r.er Canopie with ltxi" men board, doi-ked at her pier at Charlistown today. The Canopie is the first ihip to briu overseas troops back to Boston. THREE BRIDGEHEADS IN HANDSOF ALLItS Large Portion Of West Bank Of Rhine Also Held By Allied Armies. London, Dec. 11. The three bridge heads to be occupied under the terms of the armistice are now in the hauds of the allies. - French troops entered Mayence (Mainz) yesterday. Previously the Am ericans had reached Coblenz, the Brit ish entering Cologne. A large portion of the west bank of the Rhine is now held by tho allied ar mies. The Belgian and British are along practically the whole course of the river, from the Dutch bonier south ward to Bonn. The Americans are on the Rhine in their whole zcne of occu pation, from Rolandseck to Trechting hausen (about sixty mil.s.) Their main force, however, still has to move for-u-Qio DKnii .;iau i n cupation of the sector immediately west or Uoolenz. The 'French hove yet to reach the west bank in a wide sector between Karlsruhe and Mayence. General March Assigns" , . More For Eady Convoy Washington, Dec. 11. Assignment to early convoy of 113 officers and 337(5 men of the following organizations was aiinomiecd by General March today: Meteorlogical section signal corps,& OSth regiment, C. A. C, headquarters with headquarters company and batter ies A. B, C, D, E and F; 814th pioneer infantry, first battalion with headquar ters detachment, supply company and medical detachments; K2nd and 174th aero squadrons; 110th, 301st and 331s1 trench mortar hattorics. AMERICAN TO MAKE DRAWING Rome, Dec. 11. Henrik An derson, American sculptor, will present the ppace conference drawings for a cap! to.1 of the proposed league of nations. He proposes that it be built either in France oi Belgium. FOOD CONTROLLER DELEGATE ' London, Dec. II. John R. Clyne British food controller, will be includ-'be ed in the British delegation to the peace conference, it was leirned today, When the Red Cross Takes Your Christmas Dollar to France - CAjSujJIg. Courtesy of O. Leroy Baldrldge, FORMS SOCIALIST ARMY TO OFFSET SPARTACUS1TES Workmen And Soldiers Coa cede Supreme Authority To Ebert's Government CONDITIONS IN HAMBURG REPORTED TO BE FEARFUL Gtizens Fcrcei To Go About Heavily Arnicd For Per sona! Protection. Berlin, via Amsterdam, Doc. 11. Chancellor Ebert l as decided to form a socialist army to offset the forces of tho Spartacus group. Concede Ebert Authority. Amsterdam, Dec. 11. The workmen's and soldiers' executive committee has conceded supreme authority in Germany to Chancellor Ebert's government, it was reported in dispatches received here today, Ebort is thug believed to have been provided with, sufficient strength to hold down the spartacus group, waico is overpowering sentries aud collecting arms. .The workmen's and soldiers' councils aro losing popularity everywhere, es- Vci'll'y .H'mnrf where conditions aro reported to bo fearful. Many citi- zeus there aro armed. The onlj- meat is horse sausage. . . A dispatch today from Munich said that troops (whose affiliation is not mentioned) have overthrown the work moil's and soldiers' council thero. The dispatch also repoiicd that Spartacu siaus seized four newspaper offices. Situation Growing Worse. Berne, Dec. 10, (Night.) The situ ation in Borlin is growing worse, ac cording to a Wolff bureau dispatch from that city today. Workmen aro collecting machine guns and munitions in tho suburbs. The military commandant ii concen tratiug troops but they arc not permit ted in the streets, because of tho dan ger of causing a conflict. Tho workmen's and soldiers' commit too demanded the arrest of Karl Lieb necht aud Hosa ;, Luxemburg, radical leaders. Attempt to Arrest Committee. Berlin, Dec. 10. (Delayed.) A German-American named Marten, who is known hero as Merard, led the attempt to arrest the executive committee of the workmen's and soldiers' council, it was learned hero today. MAKUFACTTJRE 'LIBERTY FUEL' Washington, Dec. 11. Quantity pro Iduction of "liberty fuel," the war de partment's new substitute for gasoline jtlmt can be manufactured and sold for half tho present price of "gas" will begun by private interests as soon jas patents protecting the government land the inventor can be obtained. The Stars and Stripes, France. mm CONDITIONS NOT SO SERIOUS AS P1TEUS BELIEF Bolshevism Wi Not Gain An Upper Hand, But Liberal Socialism Is Imminent. Washington, Dec. 11. While the state department today doclincd to be specific as to its information concern ing Germany it intimated that condi tions in that nation aro not as bad as painted. . This government is watching closely the developments within Germany as the time approaches for asombly of the natisnal soviet congress TKJcdy, as already pointed out, will set a dato for elections. It probably will also un dertake to lay down some basis for the future of the nation. Bolshevism probably wllV not gain the upper hand in Germany, it ig felt, but the outgrowth of tho present fer ment is regarded as likely to be very liberal socialism. Conclave Will not Wait It is doubtful that the peace confer ence will wait upon formation of a stabilized government in Germany be fore making its. conclusions. If there is an organization which ran conclude a pence, it will go ahead with its troaty, according to views here. As for iRussia, it is said that there will be representative Russians at Par is, but no actual delegates, inasmuch as. not even a de facto regime exists in Russia to appoint delegates. Hoheszollerns Aret Having Moving Day Amsterdam, Dec. 11 The Ho- honzollerns aro leaving Ameron- gen. Tho former kaisor and kai- serin aro reported to have rent- ed tho Castlo Do Monte near Wageningen. A hundred work- men are re-decorating the cas- tie, which is ono of tho finest in Holland. C S ' . V Wilhelm has asked permis- sion of Berlin to ship a great quantity of furniture from Potsdam. ' . Wageningen is located on the north bank of the Rhino ten . miles from Wilhelm 's present residence. ' ADRIATIC DUE TO ARRIVE New York, Dec. 11. The American transport Kroonland docked at Hobok en, carrying more than two thousand of ficers and men, mostly wounded and sick. Except for rough weather, tho voyage was uneventful. A large number of troops aboard were from New Eng laud. The transport Tenadores from Verdon was reported to be nearing the harbor with 832 men (medical cases not re quiring special attention); 149 civilians and SuO sacks of mail. Tho former Whito Star linor Adriatia is due to arrive in port tonight witl 2208 troops aboard. I The amount of taxes to be raised 'for the conduct of tho city of Forest (irove for 1919 is 14,000, the same as I'm year. MSI French High Official Thinks That American Executive's Interpretation Of Fourteen Points Will Make Their Application Easier. Thinks Germany Should Enter m. iviwiiuii uuvic xiuitlllicu iu .LilagUc By John De Gandt (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, Dec. 11. Franco is in entire agreement : with. President Wilson's principles, a high French official, de clared in an interview with the United Press today. He added, however, that tho American executive's interpreta tion of his fourteen points will make their application easier, "Wo aro eagerly awaiting the arrival of President Wilson," the official said "1 desire to reiterate to the American people that, despite all recent rumors. Franco entirely agrees with President Wilson 'b principles. , , "Clenienceau's democracy is Wil son's) America's ideals aro those of France: If wo do not talk about them so much right now it is because wo aro more impressed, by what tho Gor minis have done in violation of them. ' ' We must first deal with the materi al questions which are vitally impor tant. It is for President Wilson to in terpret his fourteen points after which their application will be rendered eas ier. KENLEY GIVES REPORT OFU.S.ARMYAVIATORS During Week In June Aviators Flew Estimated Distance - Of 30,0W00 Miles. " Washington, De. 11. American ar my ayiators in tho United States flow an estimated distance of 30,000,000 miles in a single week, or. 12l3 times tho distance around tho equator, s This is one of the interesting facts developed toduy In the annual report by Major General William L, Keuley, chief of military aeronautics. Ho point ed out that aviators flew 407,999 hours in the fiscal year as against 745 hours in 1914 when tho United States scarce ly had un aerial establishment. Kenley reviewed that the allies wore urgent in their recommendations for an independent air service and that as a result came appointment of Hucretury Ryan and Kenley as the first reorgani zation steps. Aviation .Develops Rapidly. Tho allied mission, bucked by tho French premier, culled for 2000 planes a month, a total of 0000 pilots and 00. 000 mocliaiiicisns. This was the fore runner of the original 40,000,000 ap propriation by congress for aviation. Kenley pictured the nation as lament ably lacking in 1914 in airplano knowl edge and facilities. In the two years thereafter, tho al lies developed aviation remarkably in stalling radio outfits, efficient photo graphic, processes, made regular bomb ing planes and developed engino effi ciency to 000 horsepower. The United Htates was without facili ties at tho outbreak of the war, yet did a remarkable work in developing flyers, mechanics aud equipment, the general indested. As against a person nel of 05 officers and 1120 men at tho outset, there were November 3 in air service 14,230 officers and 121,707 men. Armenians Massacred By Retreating Of Turks Washington, Dec. 11. More than .'10, 000 Armenians have been massacred in renewed outing's of evacuating Turk ish soldiers, diplomatic advices here stated today. Send Detachments. All..,u II.,,. HI (ll,.,ivn,li(n All. glo-Greek detachment landed in Con stantinople, following the killing of a Greek soldier, a dispatch from that city reported today. Calamares And Ascanius Arrive Covered With Ice New York. Dec. 11. Two more storm Ibattcrod transports arrived in New York harbor today, I The Calamarei an American ship, car ;ricd 14 officers und 1473 men of the 'naval service. Tho vessel. 1 -ft Bordeaux on December 1. i Thn 'Itritiuh ti-fliiRiiort Ascrmins. from j Liverpool, had 14 officer and 1427 men. Both vessels experienced bad weather. They were completely cover ed with ice having passed through a 1 , . . . . i . .1. ,. I I severe rticei siorm outsiue mir nmuur. Hood River county is taking steps to construct a road to Lost Lake, GREES W PEACE TERMS Must Pay In Full. "We have already decided that Ger many must pay in full for the damage she has wrought. The amount is ind teriuinnte at present. Demand for more than reparation is the only possi ble subject for differences of opinion. "President Wilson is likely to ask the allies to adopt measures enabling Germany to maintain her economic lib erty, which the allies will acecpt. But, concerning the league of nations, Ger many should enter a period of proba tion before she is admitted to full mem bership. The changes in German polit ical conditions cannot be accepted as proof of her good faith. Time only will tell. , ,,. 1 ' We feel a natural reserve regarding fricdom of the seas, owdng to- Greet lli'iinin's insularity and the scope f hor domains. ' But this should not ba hard to settle. ' ' "Wo shall not try to change any pf President Wilson's views, some of which, are so phrased as to give rise to various interpretations. These unoul),t ndly will be cleared up." GEORGE WASHINGTON Has Passed Beyond Range Of Wireless Commuiiicaiion Washington, Dec, 11. The presiden tial steamer George ' WaAingion ap peared today to have passe 1 leyond the efficient range of wireless communi cation with the United States and it was stated at the navy department that she is now entering the zone of com munication with France. Between four a. m. and five p. m. yesiernay ine navy oepu unenc wae out of touch with her and no direct messages had been receive I i;p to early this forenoon. However, it was said thai she was in communication with France aud that messages would be relayed lack friiu there. In View of Ponta Del Oado Paris. Dec. 11. The steamer George, Washington passed within view of Ponta Del Gado yrsterday morning, ac cording to a dispatch received from I that city today. The forts unrding the , harbor fired a salute. Ponta Del Gado is the largest town in the Azores, which are situated about 800 miles off the coast of Portugal. IlSUff IfflT FUNDS E Department Of Commerce Flans Outlined In Annual Report To Congress. Washington, Dec. 11. Extensive plans for expansion of the department of commerce to meet demands of post war foreign frrado promotion aro out lined in tho annual report of the do rpurtment of commerce sent to congress by Secretary Kedfield today. New commercial attaches, traveling and resident trade commissioners and statistical experts galore are needed, Redield said, if , the interests of tho United States arc to be properly looked after in foreign countries. In asking for an appropriation greater by $25, 000,000 than the, appropriations this year, he declared "It is regrettable the work of the department is not permit ted to expand as rapidly as the nation i interests require, because of a lack of funds." Kedfield recommends that new com merciai attaches should he sent to fr" eign capitals; Athens, Rome, Mndrid, Ottawa, Mexico City aud 8antis-s Chile. Additional resident trade commis sions should be established in Sweden, Norway, Great Britain. France, Greece, Switzerland, Russia, Mexico, Veneaii- j la, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, I Dutch East Indies, China, Philippine llslands British India, Janan, Malay j Peninsula, Egypt, Sooth Africa, Aus tralia and New Zealand. Conges is asked also t0 consider in 'creases in pav for the conuii.n-cinl roi lescutativee abroad. ,