Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 10, 1918, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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iiitttmtiiitH nmmiMM .
Eat per word New Today:
XmK insertion , , ,
Om week (6 Insertions)
On month (26 insertions) . , ...
The Capital Journal will not be re
Sponsible for more than ne Insertion,
for errors in Classified Advertisements,
Bead your advertisement the first daj
It appears and notify us immediately it
nor occurs,
Minimum charge, 15c
POTATOES for sale. Phone 80F.ll. tl
HOUaRKiKEPING rooms, nicely furn
ished et 633 Ferry street. 12-12
LATJY wants unfurnished rooms, close
in. Y Q care Journal. 12-11
JXWAS trees for sale. Order earlv, de
livered. Phone 59F2. " 12-14
LOST Sunday, child's embroidered
dress. Phone 102SW. 12-11
HOUSB cleaning and window cleaning
wanted. Phone 1237. 12-12
BALDWIN apples 50c and $1. Phono
101F12. 12-13
WORK wanted by 15 year old boy. 0
care Journal. ' 12-10
FOB BENT 3 room furnished apart
ment. Phone 1325. 12-11
FOB 6AM3 Gas engine with pump
jack. 1360 N. 'Frint St, tf
laTTLB pigs for sale. Q. W. Thurman,
Phone 3F13. 12-11
FOTATOES for sale, doliveied. Plhone
59F2,. . 12-10
TWO fresh cows for sale. Cherry City
Food Barn. 12-10
WAiNTBD-Girl for general house work
Phone 1204. 12-11
WAiN!TBD--(Krl for general house work
Phone 627, Mrs. Ufford Brown, tf
FOB BADE 1918 Ford. Phone 1579 af
ter p. in. 12-14
WAiNTED 4 or 6 room house, furnish
ed, reasonable. Phone 12S9. tf
FOB 8A'UH-tA-1 Jersey cow, fresh in
June. Phone 87F24. 12-12
' , WE went 'poultry, eggs and bide.
Cherry - City Feed Barns. 1210
' CORD wood for sole. Phone evenings
... E093M. , . ,f- ' tf
JVANTHD Fat thin and fresh cows,
largo Calves. Phone 1425M. 12-28
WANTED To buy beef eattle and
calves. Phone 1576W. 12-12
FOB SALB-J3right baled straw. East
one mile, pen road, red barn, four
corners. 12-12
jNIOBLY furnished roomB with board.
Phone 1578 or call 332 N. Church.
; i2-ia
WANTED To buy from owner, 20 to
30 acres fruit land, partly develop
ed. F M E care Journal. 12-10
FOB SATjE 3 passenger Ueo roadster
in good mechanical condition. Phone
1141W. 12-11
WANTl-ffi! (Experienced gir! for house
work, good wages. Apply 768 State.
FOB BENT Store room on State St.
J. IT. Lauterman, Argo Hotel. Phone
900. ,
WANTED 15 to 25 single comb White
Leghorn 1 year old hens. Phone 1947
J moraings. tf
LOST 3 yearling Shropshire rams, one
wears my label. If you find same
please call 43F24, J. J. Doerfler. tf
OLD papers for carpets, etc., 10 cents
per hundred, call at Journal office.
MAXWELL for tale, 275. Terms. Me
chanically perfect. Highway Garage
Phone 355. Call 1000 6. Com'l. tf
UBEETY BONDS If you must dis
pose of your bonds, we will bay
them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf
U ALL PAPEB 15 eecta per double roll
cm ward. Buret's Furniture Store, 17K
Commercial tf-
FOB SALE Two Jersey and Durham
cow, fresh in January, end young
Jersey buJI: win sen or iraue. n
South 12th St. 12-10
LOST Between Fruitland store and
Prat mn, Dec. 1st lady's gold watch.
Leave at 140 8. High tit. receive re
ward. 12H
FOB RENT 2 sleeping rooms jost
vacated at the Alexandria today,
1030 Chemeketa St. Phoun 12&0.
EABLY fuggle hop roota for sale. J. B.
Cooper, Independence. 12-26
FOB BENT Outside, unfurnished
rooms, heat, light, water included. I.
O. O. F. bldg. 18-10
WANTED A good used tir vulcaniz-
er. A aar ess vulcanizer care Journal.
12-10 i
FOB SALE 1918 Ford cunpelet. Ex
cellent condition. Seasonable price.
Phone 633. 12-12
HOLLY WANTED Want to buy holly
branches for Christmas decorations.
Call 2219 mornings. 12-12
CEDAB WA'NTED-Want cedar branch
es for Christmas decorations. Call
2219 mornings. 12-12
FOB SALE Few loads of manure suit
able for lawns or rosobuthes. Phone
1306. , ' 12-11
REWARD Littlo girl's red knit Tam
cap lost in Bligh theater. Address
Room 6, 393 Court St. 12-11
FOB SALE Oh cap, furniture for small
rooming house, must sell at once. 322
N. High, Salem. 12-10
WANTED To buy fresh cow or one
fresh soon. Must be gcod. Pearl
Wood, Oervais, Et. 1. 12-12
MAN WANTED Unmarried man for
small dairy ranch on eoast. Call at
1056 Chemeketa. tf
WIAiNTED Work by the Kour or day.
Airs. Vaughn, ovu D'crry St. or pnone
2199. 12-10
WANTED $200 against first class
personal security. Address K-12 care
Journal. 12-10
FOB SALE Pigs weighing 20 to 30
pounds, $5 each; shoals over 50 lbs.
12V&C per pound. Phone 36F11.
L08T-SmiiaH 'leather cotveredj oncn.
book, property of T. W. Bellamy,
Salem, Bt. 6, Phone 32F2.1. Leave at
Capital Journal office. 12-10
GOOD 4 room house and a re for
rent, or trade, with some cash, on
small place; no objection' to part
timber. 2217 Fairground road. 12-12
WANTED Jlour young ladies in the
IluraiB uuuiing Biiuuui, iruiaiupuv
sanatorium. Apply to the matron.
YOUR Christmas will be happier in
your own home. I can sell you a
beauty, close in, for $2750. C. W.
Niomeyer, 544 State streot. 12-14
BUY your wife a house for a Christ
mas present. 1 have several cozy
homes at bargain prices. C. W. iNie
meycr, 544 Stato street. - 12-15
WILL EXCHANGE my 8 acre farm
on main road near Airlie for small
acreage or good house in Salem. Box
13, Journal. 12-10
$50 REWARD offered for information
leading to the arrest and conviction
of parties who robbed my house in
the Liberty district. Fred J. Brown
ing, 1605 Westanna St, Portland,
Ore. 12-14
HISTORY of the World War By
'Francis A. March, brother of Gen
eral Peyton C. March. Complete 800
pages illustrated official photo
graphs. Your chance to make $500
per month. Freight paid, credit giv
en. Outfit free. Victory Publishing
Company, 431 S. Dearborn, Chicago.
' - 12-10
HOME SEEKER, here is your oppor
tunity, desiring a cnanjje m occupa
tion, I purpose to remove from the
city; hence I am offering my home
at a sacrifice. I have a fcvod house
on a fine corner, oast front, near
one of Salem's excellent schools,
roomy grounds, plenty of fruit and
cement walks, for two thousand dol
lars. Five hundred dollars, balance
$15 per month at six per cent inter
est. Telephone 1310M or call on
Square Deal Realty Company, tele
phone 470.
20 ACHES of level land for sale or
trade. Whoro you have no house rent
to pay; no wood to buy; no water
to buy, and if you keep a eow, no
milk or butter to buy. Will take
mall truck or tin kan on the deal.
B. Lamb, 645 8. 17th, Salem. tf
FOR SALE New Ford sedan, will sell
way below cost, will take Ford run
bout, and will give liberal terms on
balanoe. Wm. Dawes, Box 475, Inde
pendence, Or.
... PI
PLENTY of money to loaj on food
farms; low interest rates; five yean
time; privilege to pap 100 Of mitt
I in any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Maeonle
bldg, Salem. v
Omaha, Neb. Dee. 10. The seventh
day of the streetcar strike today found
the tie-up complete, ana no in sides p
parently determined to fight it. out to
a finish.
"There will be no streetcar service
until the war labor board acts definite
ly and orders the men to go back," said
President Wattles of the etreetcar eora
pany. "We will never recognize the
$709,724 SPENT ON
Largest Single Amount Spent
On Marion-Polk County
. Bridge.-
County funds to the amount of $709
724 were expended by the state high
way department during the last tw
years in connection with highway work
The money was paid out on vouchers
drawn by the highway department, and
the amount given does not include a
large amount of county construction up
on which payment was made direct by
the county, according to informatioi
compiled by the highway department
for its biennial report.
The highway department - expended
funds for 17 counties, tho largest
amount being expended for Marioal
county in connection with the construc
tion of the Marion-Polk county bridge
The expenditures cover surveys, grad
ing, bridge work and hardsurfacing of
roads. The following amounts were ex
pended for the various counties:
Benton county Survey, Independ
ence t0 Corvnllis, $475.20.
Clacakamas county Grading, New
Era to Cancmah, $37,852.44; grading,
Multnomah county line to Oawego, $5,
238.70; total, $43,091.14.
Coos county Grading, eoast high
way and Coquille-Myrtle Point , road.
Douglas county Grading, Divide to
Comstock, $17,119.44; grading and ma
cadam, Comstock to Leons, $73,349.72;
grading, Oakland to Yoncalla, $82,
081.02; total, $173,550.18.
Grant county-Survey, John Day riv
er highway, $291.10.'
Hood River county: Hood river
bridge, $3,968.49.
Linn county Survey, Albany to Jef
ferson, $5.
Mariou county Salom bridge, $223,-
Morrow county Survey of Columbia
river highway, $1,009.44.
Polk county Approach to Salem
bridge, $4,548.10; Dallas bridge, $10,
754.43; bridge between Monmouth and
Dallas, $1,898.17; total, $17,200.70.
Tillamook county Grading and pav
ing Tillamook to Clovcrdale, $26,009.84.
Umatilla county Surveys, Pendleton
to Echo, $1684.76; Pendleton to Pilot
Bock, $282.70; Pendleton to Kamola.
$1575.29; total, $3,542.75.
Union county Surveys, LaGrarrue to
Kamela, $78.59.
Wasco county Design for Three
Mile ereck bridge, $19.45.
Washington county Grading, Mult
nomah county line to Newberg, $9,-395.00.
Wheeler county Grading, Cummings
Hill section, $7527.20; grading, Bridgo
creek section,' $10,000; surveys, J-oku
Day river highway, $706.40; total, $18,-233.60.
Yamhill county Grading, Bex to
Newborg, $6153.05; Sheridan paving
1917, $10,000; Sheridan paving 1918,
$2121.44; total, $18,273.49.
.. -m . " 1 . .
The committeo on illiteracy of the
National Education association, in
writing to State Suprinteudcnt J. A.
Churchill, urges that each county of
Oregon redeem its illiterates, eithri
through special schools in the larger
cities of tho counties for the purpose
of giving instruction in reading and
writing and good citizenship or through
securing the co-operation of the teach
ers of the county who are to become
responsible in, so far as possiblo for
giving the instruction to the illiterates
in thoir respective districts. From the
1910 federal census the following facts
with regard t0 the illiteracy in Oregon
appears, tho figures being based on
persons 10 years old and over:
Illiterates Pet. Top.
Baker 636 4.4
Benton 46 0.15
Clackamas 370 1.6
Clntson 474 3.5
Columbia - 108 1.3
Coos 167 1.2
Crook 211 2.8
Curry 22 1.4
Douglas 233 1.5
Gilliam - 50 1.7
Grant 85 1.9
Harney - 77 . 2.4
Hood Kivcr 156 2.4
Jackson 219 1.0
Josephino 61 0.8
Klamath 424 , O.Z
Lake 98 2.6
Lane 422 1.6
Lincoln 160 3.7
Linn 149 - 0.8
Malheur 14fl 2.1
Murion 672 2.0
Morrow . 18 0.5
Multnomah 2862 1.5
Polk - 124 1.1
Sherman 83 2.4
Tillamook 249 4.9.
Umatilla 584
Union - 69 " 0.5
Wallowa 38 0.6
Wasco fc . 95 7.2
Washington 316 1.8
Wheeler 22 M
Yamhill 147 M
It 1 probable that the Science build
ing of Willamette University will be
used as club bouse for students at
the beginning of the second term, Dev.
.10. Already about 40 of the students
have signified their intentions of join
ing the club Until C'apt. Clyde T.
Hoekirtt of the medical staff at Camp
Lewis arrives to give the men the final
physical examination, the Students
Army Training Corps will not be de
mobilised. It ms thought that about
one-fourth of the men will not remain
to continue their studies.
John H. Carson of the law firm of
Ladies9 K
eci Suit Sale
Take advantage of this opportunity to buy the most prac
tical and useful gifts in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear.
Coats, Reduced
$45.00 Coats at $35X5
$47.50 Coats at $37.65
$55.00 Coats at ....$43.65
$57.50 Coats at ......$45.65
$69.50 Coats at $55.65
PLUSH COATS in best quality of
Salts, Textiles, Plain and fur trim
med. Your choice less ONE-THIRD
Suits $27.85
n Values to $40.00. Extraordinary
values, high grade, serges, poplins,
gabardines, worsteds, etc Novelty
belted and semi-fitted styles, some
with plush collars, fur and cloth
at a great saving. This victory sale
"' '$27.85 ;-
Coats, $12.95
Values to $22.50. Serviceable, prac
tical styles for utility wear, splen
did values and worth almost double
materials, slate pannette, mixtures,
tweeds, kerseys, etc .Special
Suits, $34.85
Values to $55.00. Very smart mod
els. An unparalleled offering. A
most delightful surprise. Tailored
and semi-tailored styles, elegantly
made, and very desirable. Extra
Special Values at
Suits, Reduced
$57.50 Suits at ; .....$45.65
$67.50 Suits at ...$53.85
DRESSES. Our beautiful stock of
the choicest styles in this season's
showing. Serges, Silks, Jerseys
Your unrestricted choice less
20 Per Cent
Coats, $19.85
Values $30.00. This group of coats
are the best of this season's offer
ings. Beautiful winter models of
velours, meltons, imported tweeds,
pleated and belted effects. Large
range of sizes. Special
" 1 $19.85
Citpe De Chine and Georgette
Special $4.95
Lovely waists of good grade Georg
ette and silk crepe de chine. In white
and flesh, neat tailored styles and
embroidered. Several models. All
Sale Price
Selling to $25. -Xmas Victory
Special, your unrestricted choice
in Silk Combinations and Pure
Worsted, with contrast colors,
large collars, with belts. Some
genuine cashmere trimmed. Also
new Tuxedo styles. A garden of
Make this a
Victory Xmas!!
The "Kiddies" must be instilled With the Christmas spirit.
Salem's Toyland Toys, Games, DoEs locks, and Model Builders
Shop early. Stocks will soon be broken and That Will mean Disappointment
n toe
Wool Knit
ii Smugglers
You can always do better at
"Join The Red Cross"
WVlATI Allf MolA Wt
gift a Merchandise order
Carson k Brown, i home from Fort
Monroe. He was with the heavy ar
tillery. Jfcev. H. N. Aldrtch nd Rer. T. B.
Ford are in Portland attending the
Orcjfon conference and a meeting of
clergymen and laymen of the Paget
Hound and Columbia Tiver $stri't.
The Rev. B. N- Avifion, and President
Carl Gregg Poney are on the program
for addresses.
The question as to whether the mer
chants of the city will co-operate to
give Salem a genuine cheery holiday ap
pearaneo in the way of appropriate dee
orations will eome before the meeting
of the Businea Men'e League to meet
thin evening in the auditorium of the
Commercial club at o'clock. At a re
cent meeting the t'herrian voted to
light, and decorate the regulation
Chrhttmaa trne in the court hmse yard
and to distribute presents a usual
among the children of the city who
might be overlooked
Irene Jiath h fil-d a Miit for di
vorce from Herbert N'ash. She alleges
they were married in fta'.em in 1!K!
and they have three children. That he
cursed and abuse! her In tho presence
of the children,t) at he strut h and clink
ed her nnd-bea; her and that for the
past year she has supported herself
and three children by taking ia wash
ing and ironing and doing other man
ual labor. Khe asks for tho custody of
the children and a reasonable sum lor
their aupport.
Vera B. Frickey ha filed sui for
idivorco from Frank E. Frickey. She al
;le'i'S they were married In Salem in
1!U and that they havo three children,
ri years, 4 years and seven months of
ja'e, Kho claims that he told her he
I haled her and didn't wim1. to see her
tatiy more and that ho struck her. That
furnished the money for the pur
,e!mse of a home but at his request, the
(deed was made out m his name. Sbo
Usks for $7 j a imonth for support of
! herself and three children, the return
;of her home property, and custody tf
the three children. Also that he be re
quired to return her diamond ring. She
alleges he is making $13 a month.