V 0 THB DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SAT F.U OREGON MONDAY TYF.CTCMRFiRJL 1918 PAGE FIVE rmwrnmiwrsaat-xB!! n in ww wwatmmm s f ' s ) . 4 1" z1 l ' X v- i TO INVESTIGATE WORKING CON DITIONS OF TELEPHONE EMPLOY EES Miss Julia O'Connor, of Boston, Mass., who was recently appointed by Postmaster General Burleson to repre iont tho organized telephone workers of the country on a committee which is to investigate tho working and wage conditions or inn teiepnone ana iei graph service. . Miss 0 'Connor is pros id'ont of the Telephone Operators Do partniont of tho International Brother hood of Electrical Workots and mem ber of the executivo board of the Na tional Woman's Trade Union League. (C) C-liondinst. The war labor policies board has dent telegrams to governors of all the states urging the- necessity of develop ing public works during the period of demobilization. II AFFIRMS CM OF EDWARD BOULB Is Awarded $4,50.) Daaages Agakist Columbia Coairsel R. C. COOKING "KITS" FRANCE JUST BIGHT Eapert Dietitians Devise PaJata- . We Menus for SoWiers in . Hospitals and Canteens. wiwi ion I VIOLA f DANA . in . , . n irt.r RIDERS ? - ! !'. THE f NIGHT j I A Romance of the If Bluegrass H SCENIC H COMEDY vi vr pb w t K Si I Supremo court today affirmed the caw of Edward Boulby against tho Co lumbia Contract company, appellant, wherein the plaintiff rs awarded a judgment for damages in the sum of $40ui) for injuries received whea he fell over a bluff at -the defendant's rock quarry, near St. Helens, ia Columbia comity. -.-, Boulbywas a laborer oa, hig way to work at an early hour in the morning. Ho was following a trail which was in general use, when a dense fog settled and tanned him.- to Jose ...the trail and fall over a bluff,--w-hkh-fwas :not pro tected by a fence or railing. Tho company appealed fro the judgment againt it on tho grounds that there was insufficient evidence o sup port the verdict and tho lower court erred in not allowing a motion for a directed verdict, but Justice Johns, in tho supreme court opinion, holds that the evidence is sufficient to justify the court in letting tit case go t0 th jury. Other opinions were, liauded flow as follows: State Ching Lem, appellant, ap pealed from Union j convicted of mur der in second- degree for killing' Wil liam Eng at Latirande.;. opinion by Jus tice Johns; Circuit Judge Knowles- af firmed. , ;. ., St. Helens Quarry Co. vs. F. T. Crowe & Co., appellant appealed from Mult noniah; action to recover upon contract .involving furnshing of building mater ials; opinion by Justice Olson ;: Circuit Judgo Morrow affirmed Thomas Malloy vs. Marshall-Wells Hardware company, appellant; appeal ed from Multnomah; petition for re hearing denied; opinion by Justice Har ris. John A. Ward vs. J. H. Seaward, ap pellant; appealed from Malheur; suit to restrain plaintiff from permitting waste water from his irrigation dit.elies to overflow defendant's land; opinion ry uniet Justice Mcuriao; uircuu Judgo Biggs affirmed. B. C. Massey vs. Rudolph Becker, ap pellant; appealed from Multnomah; suit to collect money loaned; opinion by Justice Bean; Circuit Judge Bolt affirmed. Iasaiah Ulysses Temple ct at vs. Oeorgn H. Harrington, appellant ap pealed from Union; suit to foreclose mortgage on real estate; opinion by Justice Olson; Cireuit Judge Knowles affir.)3. " Mght s TWar Elect Officers bst Ereniag Fraaee Is muolt iiitcrestel In Ameri cas caaklng, wlih is trsly a' gratiff ing CMipliinent t a aatioa whioh prist Us fasblouuWe aeiiu tuestly la Fr(. The twe hidir and aio.e Asiericaa Red Ot'M caateeua ttias th the French aa Anerteaa lines M caauBnaigatiou have been a succeia Willi th rilu as well as tho Yaak imi skat well known Preach orgnals tia fr the: wauaded, known as Hie Biea-Htra du Blese, has opened a naasast' f aisilel kltcheas ia Freuck hMsUtls, usually la charge of ama teur dietitians, wlia consult a profe slanat dietitian pjTiUe by ttie Amor- Red Cross, who goes about lei LIB THURSDAY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG SUNDAY TALL OF BARBARY COAST" ! lfolay Gommantfjiy W. i, Knights Templar, -at .a roeetiuf. held laet evening elected the I'ollowiug of iieers: Dr. O. A. Olson, eminent eomiaaader. W. I1'. Carleton, generalissimo. Percy V. Cupper, aptei eaeral A. L, Frazicr, aanior warden. Oeorge Bunsford, junior warde, Olea C. Niles, treasursr. W. T. Davis, recorder. , De Moluy Cummandery.aow mmliers abotu 1 imombe.'s, its jaritduiiioa. .ia eluding Woodburn, Sllvertcn, DallM and Independence. Dr. O. A. O'som who "Hi elected eminent aominander has had the distinction the pant year of presiding over three Masonic bodies as worshipful master of Pacific lodge No. GO, high priest at Multnomah chap ter Wa. 1, Boyal -Arch Maoa and il- llustrioua coaster of Hudson aoyusil Ho. j 1, Boal and Bslect MsftSiM' .. The eeneral weanua of urotoctire masks was resumed at Htm Kntuciscs Sundaf assaag these hospitals aid offers Bug- stiat and advice. Tkree hundred trsiaed dietitians we new ia service In hospitals, enntceas oc kitchens on Red Cross hospital anaias la France. The American Kk ediWeaary Force taok with It a traia ed dietitian for each base hosnlt&J. lie women are civilian employee t the Army, recruited through tlie Bum a f Dietitian Bervlce of the Aaericaa Red Cross. Red Cross Madel Farms."' Fac the double purpose of providing eaaugh fresli milk and vegetables far sick seldlers In hospital aad well sol diers la canteens aad providing henltta- fal aatdoor exercise. far the pntients well sleiig In tuelr coaTalescence the Red Cross lias established a number of farat and dairies la connection with hoapltals. Besides tlielr great practi cal value tliey have given an enonneua anseunt of entertainment to the men The French government, morS than In terested, has loaned some thousands f cows, and altogether It is a scheme which appeals to everybody. Hut it is not alone for the soldiers Hint the Red Cross does some of its thinking In terms of cooking and food stuffs. The Bureau of Dietitian Serv Ice has helped to solve the food prob lem of civilian refugees. The American Red Cross In France thinks In terms of huge figures, mar velous systems of transportation, tons of shipping space, and It also thinks In terms of the white ef egg or orange Juice for ooo single boy. That Is why 14,000,000 people have nfillated them selves with the Aaiertcaa Red Crass aad why QirisUaas this year la tlie Halted States Is asarked by the Red Oraw Christmas Roll Call. , MANY LIVES SAVED IN MINNESOTA FIRE Sortie derotloa to flity an the. sitrt of Red. Crass wankers la aarttieastessn Uiaaeaata saved hundred of llras. aaathed aat.oid eaia and fed. hoiuiad. aad comforted tens af taousoada i raaa recugeeg m mo awrui, rarast Irea wWck devastated a district of 180, sfaare asnoa. Kh Dttiutii Red CraH rauaediataVy forasied coauulttec, epeaed Hie araio or, aha cfearcfaea aad th cawttiaaee aa a teaiaorary refage for Hie vicltios, I She eaateea service in Dilata aad aiso ia Haaeriar, Wlscoasla, served hot aitaii. The First Aid Defartmeat ftf the Ifarsiac Service had Miyslciaus aad aarsea ready to meet alt Hie In caoaiac tralas, aad tin Motor CrftS acaared all the roads leadiag out ef DaJath, briagisg la hundreds of pee aJe who were exposed to eitreroe peril, aad worked far 2 boars wituaut paase far rest. Th Ariaona output-'of copper for 1818 wiU exceed that of lf17 by 119, QQQ,m poands. - . .vV Kotiee of modification of tie rVic- tiona os irreen eoffcA nnnrfc iuuf- iv- , - n r 'm p-ww f,- - .en by tho federal food adminiatratiofl I foreshadows tho reopening tf this max ket. 4 - -yi IP;-1 (8 IKill" - m Ml HI K ' .. IM m van V fliM&w l 4 y, - - I, 'J Wf tW- W T I-; A!- ! f ij I , ...I .. , .ajL-ju m,L.uummmm,mtmim.mw,m.m .mm,m,m, , , i ,.,lla,..l,,lll ii .. .aim i, j .tuxiuww . ;t"::-'UH. ' . i -i!:" j..--;;:: ;..:---!.J--, "- u "" --. -",r - -a -.. i ir - Ijix -t , Hi - r - " . - t h 4: .tb."Bjrj j- K j-'- - - ' r - 1 1-a.-'-.-jr 1. -t-:.-- -'v'" b "-:: r i- : " . S7 1 u 1L A 1 ( wiKmmm p - l Pl 111111 . : ymM lli.'VOUpayfifteencentsfbr yiiiailmkli i a 1 iiiiii I si II ! pa i BP Miliiiii "OU pay fifteen cents for twenty Lucky Strikes. You get the real Burley cigarette for the lowest pos sible price, because of the enormous business done in Lucky Strike Cigarettes. Tho growth in demand for Lucky Strike Cigarettes has never been equalled by any other brand in the history of cigarette making. 25,000,000 a day and growing. WHERE THE PRESIDENT WILL ARRIVEBrest will be the port of debarkation of the presidential party, which sailed last week aboard the George Washington. The party will be received by the French Foreign Minister and some of the most celebrated COBLEfZ CITIZENS WATCH YANKEES AS II? 0f CITY Gsnsazs Cress Rhiiw Three Honrs Before Arrival Of Americans. Ey Webb MUlei (United Press staff corresxondeiil) Coblenz Dec. '4. (Odayed.) The first intiniatitn most of the inhabitant of Coblenz had of the American occu pation yesterday wij when small de tachments of doughboy gwung through tho streets in a businoss l!Ke manner, bound for tho post designated for them to guard. Little a teution was openly paid to the Americans by the townspeople. De spite the surprise of tho iuvadera en trance ah ad of thodule there was no excitement. A few groups ga:hered and stared. Some children cheered shril ly and followed in the wake of the Am ericans, but their elders generally c-on tinned their strollj a'ong the boule vards The Americans without any bands playing or flxs a f ying quickly com pleted the task of peeeta occupation witnout any fuss or lormably. This, 'h first American soldie,, in ier arms t sot foot on tap banks of the "Rhine, teupied the capital of Rheiniuh I'niRsia, eonsumninting a mo mentous historic episode. Reach West Bank Today tlio main forces had reached the west biinlc of the Kliint from to lnndscck soutliward to lirohl (a lis t.inco of 12 miles), and were within less than ten miles of the" river at nil points along tho entire zou" of occu pation. The main body of tlio German nr guard crossed tho Kliine just three hours before the arrival of the Ameri cans. Tonight the (icrinau sentries uro at one end of the llliine bridge and tlio Americans at the oilier. Tho Germans are still in possession of tho famous foitrcsscg of Khren- CELERY KING ALAXAT1VETEA If You Suffer From Constipation, Up set Sumach or Inactive Liver, Give Celery King a Trial, If You Want Cranulne Rolief ar-d Want It Quick It's a purely vegetable remedy, gen ii and effective that drves impuri ties from the bowels and makes yon feel better right away ISrew a cup of this pleasant remedy wh"n you catch cold, get feverish and are out of sorts. l.'e it for sick headache! to g:ve yon a gw-t fc-rejith, clear skin and healthy appetite broitstcin end Asterstein, neross tho river. Tho enemy coinmiu tier held a eonforenco with tho American bridgo head comniisiion and ttirncj over tho plans of the forts, offering to surren der them wVen the American mum lines move across tho river. His offer was accepted. The special train bringi.ig thn Am ericans to olleuz was eyupuBed of German ears and a German locomotive ami wan operated by u licnimn crew. German switchmen threw tho awitclies over which the train enleR'J the city. :- 1 of the original lease. A state executive committer, consist ing of seven Portland citizens, has bocjf named Ibw Governor Witlivcemba i plan for a monster relcbrntjon in B'oj or of tho homo coining of tlio OreguS soldiers and to aid in plnc'iig the tai'A in civil life again. The members of fha committee are Mavor Geor;c L. IJaker. ehaimmnj II. L. Snbin, 8. B. liiistrfJ, John If. Burgard, Wil.iam M"Murraj, Mrs. Hel"ti Ladd Corbctt and Mrs. 9f rus A. Dolph. Slate House Notes t sjr )C)i!iC(!Sf!)!lt ( Chester Willard, committed to the Oregon tato hospital from Marion county, escaped lust night from a third story window by sliding down a rope made from bed sheots, Inu ho was caugJit this morning by tho Salem po lice and returned to the im-titution. Terms of a supplemental lcaie to Sumner lake, in Iako county, were pructicully agreed upon today by the state land board in fie-ssion with Jasnn (!. Moore and hi attorney. The state is to lease fio lake to the I'.cit i Chora ical company on a royalty basis. The company is to remove the salt, soda and other minerals from the bed of the 'ako and pay tho s nto U.I'iO for three years beginning with 1920 and the amount will thon gradually increase an il tho sloto ia receiving a minimum of $10,(100 a yar. The leaso was referred tr Attorney Genernl Brown for approv al as to various Jc-ral. p-nta. H for f its the fclO.OIK) which Moore hud de posited with the state uudur tho terms MR YOU IM FROM' IIEO&IATiM Almo3t any maa will tell you that Sloan's LlnlxuenC means relief For practically every man nas usetJ it who has Buifered frora rheumatie aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results ol weather eposui o. Women, too, by tha hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving; neuritir lama backs, neuralgia, aick headacha. Clean, refreshing, soothing, economical quickly effective;. Say "Sloan's Li:ii ment" to your druggist. Get it today. r -.if m rV 'nv Jtn 9 k-i tv. men oi Jf ranee. 30c, 60c, $1.20