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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1918. PAGE NINE mil flf if mm "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report Today 's casualty list t ostains - the names of the following Oregon men; Willard C. Anderson, Portland, killed in action. Orville A. Stevens, Portland, killed in action. Herman M. Gardner, North Bend, killed in action. Boy W, Erase, Ypncalla, killed in (Ktion Jerry C. Jones, Wamic, died of dis- Josepb. Thomas Holmes, Mcdford, 'died of wounds. Clarence W. Howard, Brogan, died of grounds. ; Vhi Boy Kouns, Camas Valley, wounded severely. Sidney A. Walker, Gold Beach, wound cd severely. . Charles M. Pickard, Portland,' wound ed, degree undetermined. Diifl l D. Johnson, Corvallis, wound ed slightly. Eugene A. Caris, Murphy, missing in Jwtion, The following casualties are reported by the commanding general of the Am erican expeditionary forces! Killed in action .... .351 Died of wounds.... 87 Died of accidont and other sauses... .7 Died of disease 125 Wounded severely . .... .4192 Wounded, degree undetermined 37 Wounded slightly... .64 ; Missing in action -. .... ..240 . Total . :...1103 Killed in Action. Lieut. Colonel Allen E. Williams, Capo Girardeau, Mo. Slajor Ward W. Pierson, Washington, D. C. Major Lyman C. Ward, St. Louis, Mo Captain Math L. English, CoupevUlo, Wash. Lieutenants. Walter V. Agin, Rnwson O Lawrence C. Alcorn, Fort Worth Tex Victor Kennedy Dodge Blakely, To: peka Kans Herman L. Hess, Jackson 0 Bobert C. Llewellyns, Braddock Pen Edward J. McLaughlin, Kcwrak N J Wade S. Priest, Greenleaf Kans Thomas I Russell, Farg0 N D Charles W Simpson, Indiana, Penn Orvillo A Stevens, Portland, Ore Bolla P Umstcd, Spring Valley Calif Francis Vanschoonhovcn, Saratoga Springs NY Henry B. Keep, Chicago William H. Obricn, Now York William C Stevenson, Abbovillo S C Charles H Lembko, Al.bcquc.rque N M Vnrlnltth V. PnfArunn .Tnmnntnivii AT V Sergeants. Wnltni- T.nTitr. Oinpinnnti O "Oscar Oerkvitz, Wilkesbarrc Pa Rernnrfl W Bnker. Cambria Kans William H. Kccnnn, New Kensing- inn Ta Emil Lang, Chnunccv N Y nuiil' xv xjunnuil, DUH ua&u ui Karl E Ross, Stockton Calif Andrew C Shargrcrt, Philadelphia Donald F. Smith, Edina Mo James L Buck, Conception Harbor, Fla Fred C Clonon, Chndwick N Y Caro E Freeman, Almond N C ... Alex Henley, Seattle James Hemicssy, Newark N J Fred R Lindscy, Lufkin Tex -Clydo Mcece, "Nettio Tex James T Rivar, Plymouth Ind John Robic, Boston Carl W Roberts, Cleveland 0 William Ostrnnder, Lakeficld Conn Corporals. William F. Campbell, Peoria 111 Stephen A Habel, Brooklyn N Y Aulman Hayles, Youngston, 0 Luther M Kelly Willinmsport Pa Maurice Masterton, Barncsville Minn Walter R Marks, Birmingham Ala Clarenco Maxon, Sidney 0 William A Miller, Lexington N C Carl Miller, Worchester Mass Bemliurd Nelson, Beach N D Conway W Powell, Chicago Bonnie Puryenr, Durban If C Louis Rothbcrg, Plainfield N J 'Joseph K Wilkins, San Rafael Cailf Sergeants. Ralph L. Coffnian New Cambria Mo Weaver Shrofner, Huntington Tex Corporals. ' Walter Scott Jumps, Uliriclisville O Murven B Yaudes, liberty Pa llnrry Arnold, Philadelphia . George M Blewer, Syracuse N Y Wm. E. Guyear, Proctor Tex Lester O Harris, Brooklyn N Y - Carl L Knauf. Johnston Pa Rudolph A Larson, Highmore fl D AVilliam H. McKimmie, Washington, . C. Earl S. Parkinson, Belfast- Me Chester Pennington, Manchester Ky Guy W Plnmmc, Brooks Mo William Batledgc, Decatur Tenn Ragnar Roeberg, Brooklyn Walter P Sharpe, New York Charles F. Wood, Grand Rapids Mich John V Bildner, Aurora Ind Charles 8 Broknw, Colton Calif Joseph W Coleman, Allen Tex Jack Correu, Laredo Tex John Frasco, Rome Italy Bobert E Frederick, Havredegraco Maryland Willie Geer, Corsieana Tex Mike Brenko, Nework N J " William H Levers, San Francisco Daniel E Lallie, Thermopolis Wyo Axel H Lundqiiist, Ligonier Penn Johii G Odonnel, Attica N Y rlemence Page, New York Williamg F Parsons, Bedrock Ariz John F Thornton, Ameabury Mast Richard E Yercavicz. Windsor Conn Busier John C Hanel, Ennis Tex Bueler Ouiney C Carpenter, Grant Okla Musisian Austin W Hersch, Elizabeth Thomas E Best, Hamilton O Nor is Bleich, New York Leven Brown, Normantown, Ga Jessie O Burns, Oliver 111 Tea Carter, Cloquitt, Ga Bobert Crenshaw, Iola Fla Clitus Curd, Oakland City Jnd " . Mech. Albert B Johnson, Brooklyn Mech. Richard C Henderson, Doug lasville Tex Mech. Sylvester C Miller, Gettysburg Penn Wagoner Charlie Elbert McCloud, ireeport Tex Privates. Earl D Airhart, Broadway Pa Alfred Antonio, Cincinnati O . Jesse E Arbognsf, Ree Hights S D Maurice Awnet,. Baltimore Md Bernard C Baer, West Arlington Mil Ezra E Barrett, Worcester, Mass Raymond F Bauman Baltimore Md Leonard C Cusack, Georgetown S C vv alter S. Douglas, Unity Me Francis J Doyle, Derby Conn Louis E. Dupious, Troy N Y James P Fahey, Philadelphia Herman M. Gardner, North Bend Ore Michael J Gavaghan, Philadelphia William Grady, Jr., Elizabeth N J Joseph W Grannan, Chicago Creg Green, Alleghany Pa Hugo. Grimm, St. Louis M Charles A Gross, Ada Okla Edwin Guthmnn, Brenham Tex Bernard J Harris, Brooklyn Alfred H. Hartzell, Locust N C Bortrand Hermann, Newark N J. . Edward H Hickey, Rockwood Tenn Grand DHolraes, Albany N Y David Hoskins, St. Benedict, Pa Jack G. Jenkins, Nashville Tenn Paul C Phelps, Peru Nebr Carl M Anderson, Mcllville Mont Prince Bradley, Lawton Okla Harvey W Bradshaw, Napa, Cnlif Frank Burrell, Santa Maria Calif Tony Cnllica, Easton Pa Wiliie Carroll, Parkersburg, N C Ralph W Caruso, Berca O William P Cotherman, Knox Fa . Carmine J Defco, Brooklyn N Y Dominlck A Detrani, Brooklyn David A Eplcr, Dazell, O Virgil R Erickson, Crary N D Albin Erickson, Wayne Kans Harry P Gobloin, Buffalo N Y ' Joseph W. Goolsby, Elba, Ala Harry Gostin, New York Harold V Arnold, New York Delbcrt Atchison, Harrisville Mich Edward L Baker, Decatour 111 Louis E Bauerbach, Lowell 0 Donatian Boihumcur, Woonsockct R 1 Harry J Benson, Brooklyn Bob Bcvill, Flintville- Tenn John C Bleight, Fredericksburg, Va Svlvcster Bombac. Pittsburg Pa Henry A Braunschweigor, Baltimore Joseph Brozinslty, Brooklyn David, Burckell, Monrovia Calif Olof Caoser, Brooklyn Russell, Cahoo, Now Haven Ky Robert Daniel Clements. Now York Richard Clinton, East Fruitland N 0 Michael A Crum, Summorville u Fredrick L Densmore, Oswayo, Pa Charles A Frcudcnthnl, Goodlnke 111 Howard George, Kenton Tenn Stanley -Gibas, Chicago Herbert E Gildmeistcr, Chicago James A Grady, New York. Raymond Gullian, 8 E Canton, O. George P Hamilton, Tutwiler, Miss. John Hnssett, Desoto, Mo Georgo S Jeter, Stupe Point Texas Allen W Johnson. Kerens, Mo Badger M Johnson, Mount Holly N C Paul Kicka, Barberton, O Charlie KicklightcrJessup, Go Stefano Laeomarsino, San Francisc Wesley M Lambert, Riverside, Cad Tom Lamberton, Fordtran Nov. Frank B Law, Warm Springs Va Emil Losehikar, New Ulm.Tcx Hugh G Logan, nickory N C Joseph M McCleskey, Dublin Tex John P McMahon, Erie Pa John H Mack, New York Bernhard C E Malmstrom, Chicago Clarence G Mallott, Fayetsville 0. Spero G Mantlvanos Richmond Va. Oliver Marquis, Koscviile ma I L Martin, Middletown Mo Allen H Matheys, Pinevillo La ' Morris T Metilis, New York Albert Moore, Mason City, la James C Mulcrone, Baltimore Sidney R Nclms, Brownwood, Tcv Moses Nchlune, Pleasant Point Me. Lloyd K Nutter, Nuttersvillo W Va James J Page, Long BeachCal William P rarker,-Boyce La Albert E Perlins, Fort Worth Tox John ressaeno. Philadelrmi Henry Walter Pickering, Junction City Kan Early Pierce, Lanorum b u Nicola Hisnckan, Newark N J Ralph L Post, Minneapolis Robert Pritchett, No Birmingham Al Nick Rogenwcther, Spraguville la Harry Rocker Brooklyn N Y Robert A School, Milwaukee Wis Delmar A Settle, Malta O Henry E Swanson, New York Marion M Bymhorst Woodstock Minn Warren C Ttate, Monrovia Cal John B Tavarcs, Fall River Mass Verno I Tavlor San Jose Cal Chaunse C Thalman, Elwanda Cal John W Watwood, Moscow Tenn John Wonzick Toledo O Clarence E Yoecket, Baravoo, Wis Grovcr C Young Lincville Ala Oliver A Zicders, Linglestown Pa James K Zimmer, Syracuse N Y James H Bicknlee, Indianapolis Chas Bnehler, Fairfax Minn Frank Carufia, Blackficld Pa Mike Dnaritza Watcrbury Conn Frank Eaton, Augusta Wis Harrison L Fuggett, Layford W Va Walter Hontzen Patterson, N J Jim Huff Spray N C, Teter 8 Kusdba, Chicago Edward Mahan, Clemington Heights N J Francisco Maltozzi, Port Washington Pa Joseph B Ncvins, Malono N Y Ike Novack Philadelphia Richard C Owen 8aco Me Lewis Varner, Monksorner, 8 C Earl H Hensel Cleveland O Carroll B Heistand San Francisco Robert I Hilton Yoeana Ark Sol Holtzman Rochester N Y Bonnie Horton Mt Boxe Ala alter C Ivcy, Long Island N Y Sam Johnson, Seattle ash. Joseph Jones, Randolph Utah Jetwe E Jordan, Lansing Mich Edward J Kelly, Baltimore Alex Keneda Uno W Va Howard S King Omaha Neb ' Christ Koenig St Louis George B Kolp Philadelphia Christian .H Larsen, Ada Minn Fred Laverdure Lewiston Mont Daniel -W Lefever Meridan N Y Oscar L McCollnm Double Springs Al Flovd McCullough ' Burlington, aKn Alexander Midas, New Haven Conn Harry W Mitchell, Whaleyville Md John J Morrissey New York Jesse F Mullens, Manchester Ala Peter Nicmczyk, St Paul Minn Maurice J O'Connell, Vallejo, Cal William D O 'Connell Garden City NJ John A Palmer, Volant Pa Swan L Palingren, Seattle Kowell L Person, Mt Pleasaut, Miss Melvin LPctorson , Coeur D'Alene Id Alo E Peterson,' Arpin Wis Viggo Peterson, Viborg S D Albert E Ploiss, Peru Ind Harvey J Ramsey, Ansonville N C Josepli A Riordan, Brooklyn N Y Lester W Rodenhizer, Danville Va Louis J Rowe, Piqua 0 Samuel T Sill, Perris Cal Keller H Stillwellr Huntersville N C Max J Studinski, Baltimore Joseph Tahlier, Wausaukee Wis David A Thomas, Alambra Cal Robt Tovsrud, Harjow N D M D Truesdell, Soraerville Mass Gunnar N Vedin, Athol Mass Joseph C Walters, Blackfoot Ida Raymond L Webber, Lititz Pa William W Wetzel, Omaha Nob. -William E Wh,itney, N. Brunswick , Joseph Wildfior, Kersey P John Williamson, Louisa Ky Donald Wilkinson, Baltimore Paul J Zimmerman, Chicago Chas A Williams, Farmingham Mass Julius B Grav Attalla Ala Chester R Hngcrman, Medicine Lodgo Kan Ernest Hamel, Waltham Mass Raymond H Hanson, Detroit -Sheldon R Hickox, Warren 0 James Hill, GoldsOoro N 0 Leroy K Holmes,, Butte jaont Clarence Hydo, Warren 0 Thomas B Irby, Brandon Miss Harold C Johnson, Bridgeport Conn .Tames Knrtanas, Amsterdam, N Y z Harry Nicholas Krivinsky, Chicago Georgo Earl Lannen, JonnBi.owu jtb John Mnndalaskis, Canton O -Flid F Mallctte, North Bangor NY Paul Manse, Grand Rapids Wis Stewart W Martin, Buffalo N Y Frank W Marquardt, Wausau Wis John T McBrido, Dorset Vt Thomas Miehaelis, Torrington Conn George W Tisdel Taylor Pa Henry F Misfeldt, Dixon Cal William Monster, Boyden la Victor Olson, Falconer NY George Pechota, New York Jaiiies L Pyne, Newcastle Ind . James B Pierce, Sycamore Ga Trillium TJndloff. Liduerwood N D Miles A Benningor, Mifflinburg Pa at B! Ripe. MeCOflta Mien Lally E Richardson, Pratt City Ala Samuel Biff, Now York Patrick A Robargo, Tomahawk Ind John Robertson, Cleveland U w,n P. Srliculcn. Brooklyn N Y William Castle Shradcr, Harrisville, nrv. Arthur E Schwerin, West wnn wasn James E Shea, Holyoke Mass Lars J Solstad, Minneapolis Albert Smith, Newark N J Louis Snvder, Annapolis Md Virgil J 'Stevens, Louisville Ky George Stewart, Julia W Va Russell Towers, Lebanon Mo Chas H Taylor, Chicago Earl Trimblcy, Sangrun Md Daniel Verowitz, Brooklyn NT Georgo Wieglonda, Gladstone N D John Zolenski, Cleveland O Died of Wounds Lieutenants Harold E Kilburn, El Faso Texas Frank H Taylor, Watertown N Y Joseph H Stcnrn, Los Angeles Sergeants Stephen A Guinee, Chicago Albert S" Lano, Liberal, Kas Joseph Maver, New York Richard W Moore, Bidgway Pa Corporals Howt rd W Bitncr, Blanchrd Pa P Goodman. Soinerville Mass Robert Durkee Quenthner, Lyons Mas Guy E Newman, Idaho iaiis luano Robert Riosz, Jefferson Okla Herbert J Sihultz, Baltimore Walter Schultz, Youngstown, 0 Alwin S Swcnsoii, Sterling N T Edwurd Joseph Wiley, New York RobcrtL Willis, Butte Neb Alfred K Young, Aubrey Texas Mechanic Oscar H Hines, Manchester Ohio Privates Jp V Arnsuskas. Chicago Kiimuel A Belden. Ploasaut Plains 111 Charlie D Benaway, Wcbberville lud Willinm Bradley, Cleveland O Albert Brown. Crofton Neb John H Brunncr, Linden Station Wis Dawson Caudill, Jacobs 14y Coy Check, Kyle W Va Lauren E Davis, Courtland Cal Guisepic Demichele, Utica N Y lieu 8 Dixon, Bobuck Va Joe Donibrowski,' Polaska Mich Arthur L Dovlc, St Louis Mo Milton Leo Dummirc, McVcyton Pa . Sam H Eddins, Ladonitt Tex Hern 1 an Eickstadt., Bemidji, Minn Hoy Finlcy, Ryosvillc 0 Boss E French, Williston N D John G Frens, Fremont Mich Patrick Grimes, New York Albert Harris, Bihmingham. Ala John Harris, Kingston NO. Floyd A Hauvcr, Boundtop N Y Jesse L Henderson, Cheyenne Wyo Edward Dunn, Cleveland O . Michael W Herbrand, Denver Ge0 B nandy, New Bedford Mas Sjalmer Hangen, Uraba Minn Russell L Hoffman, Clinton ni Huia W Holliman, Howe Okhv Arthur J Honard, Erie P -Wm Hoyle, Bcynolds 111 Frank Jablonski, Weser Texas Frank C Jahn, Brooklyn Albert A Justis, Woodhaven N 3 Sam Kopfovitz, Chelsea, Mass Loxlie Lacy, Bedford Va Chas C Lamb, Gunsford Ind :' Clifford L Lantis, Rickland Mo Fred Leimetz, Sheboygan Wis Wendell E Lord, Island Point Vt t George McNutt, Palmyra Neb V Germain F Mahoney, Watertown NY Joseph Margis, Cedar Point HI ITarley F Maxson, Chillicothe, O Ton Meskocsky, Indianapolis . Alex Mittet, Minneapolis -. August Ogitis, Shenandoah, Pa ' Peter Oweseythick, Chicago Loorcn Paroonagain, Philadelphia Clark H Pedcrson, Ashby Minn Jas H Patterson, Fry Pa- - Clarence L Perry, New Waverly Tex Leonard Peterson, Kansas City Kas Swan 0 Peterson, Pleasant Prairie Wis ;. ; " Henry Pinex; Burlington NO 4 : George Schmitt, Kimball 8 D " Howard A Sommers Greenfield O ! Lloyd B Steele, Alexandria, Minn Leon H Stillson, Richmond Va Willis E. Towcry, Forest City N C Joma Voenio, East Boston Mass Green W cWst, Wilch Okla Frank W Wilken,' Denison la Alba A Wilson, Tipton Id Burlcy Woodward, Kansas City Mo Died from Accident and Other Causes Corporals. Otto H Kops, Unity Wis Charles Luens, Louisville Ky privates Claude H Barnham, Thermopolis Wy Tony Corite, Gransboro Pa Freddy Joly, Salem Mass Reuben A Pf ettscher, Fesscndon. ND Ernest J Ruoff , Spokane Wash Died of Disease Captain Addison B Falconer, Gaiv. ton, Tcvas Lieutenants Arthur E Granberg, Rockford HI Lynn Y Shoub, Ft. Wayno Ind TLewis F Fitzhenry, Bevero, Mass Vornon Flcsher, Columbus O Thomas A Hodges, New York Albert, Huntley, Now York Corporals . John W Griffith, Wenston NO: Louis B Kopp, New Albany Ind Arthur Edwards Mackay, Yonkers ,N ; . :., :.:'. :; . Joseph Nonweilor, Loighton Pa Balph Waldo Searson, Mifflinsburg Pa .. ; Leonard Lake, Milwaukee tws Mechanics Jesse C Haiscn, Tuscombia Ala ' Josenh W PhilliDSi..WllmiU.gton iOl Wagoner Robert, S Carpenter, Utica Chauffeur Walter J Kcnuoy, Chicago Cook Norman Cunningham, valon' tine Nob ' ' ; Privates Sam Abraham, Floronce, S C Paul H Ackerman, Pottsvllle Pa Joseph Bayna, Chicago Louis Bollard, Churchpolnt La . Bon E W Bengstofl; Linstrom Minn Wm J Brenner, Peoria, 111 Jnmea B Brown. Mineral Point Wis William E CaddcU, San Juan Texas Jn0 J Cates, Cuba Landing Tenn Bobt E Cawsoti, Biehmond Va i Wm A Clino, Bcflcfontaine 0 Thomas P Colemn'fi, Laurel MiBS . Jno A Conway, Now York Truman J Cook Georgetown IIj ittntttmttttnitiHttiM tttnMMmimtntnintttiw a T4 I CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. 1 I: tt QUICK RErEREWtli JU EVElYTHINa ELECTRICAL Masonic Temple, 127 North High . MiBi Eectrio Co. OSTEOPATH DBS. B. K. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy. Kirk ville, Mo. Post graduate and spec ialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Offices S05-508 Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 85. - Besidence, 1620 Court. Phone ZZ13. Dr. White Bes. Phone 469. DENTIST OB. F. L. UTTEB, DENr Ii.T, BOOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce bunaing. WATER COMPANY 3ALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 606. SECOND-HAND GOODS FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Bes Estate Security THOS. K. FOBD Ladd Bush bank; Salem Oregon FEDERAL FABM LOANS 6 per cent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. STOVE REPAIRING 3TOVES BEBUILT AND BEPAIBED 50 years experience, Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 38 in -high Paints, oil and varnish, ets Loganberry and bop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street Phone 124. ' ' The Journal Job Department will print yon anything in the stationery line do tt right and save yon real money. Jno J Coon, Potomac 111 Harry B Graigo, Boscobel iWa Jno W Danielson, Orion HI Albert Davis, Somerville Tenn Walter J Davis Brooklyn Ethel B Days, Jackson Tenn Wm M Day, Cedar Springs Mich Richard Denn Jr, Painted Post XV Y ,'ames 0 Dummon, Faycttville Tcna Noran W Eberly, Lititx Pa ; John E Ellis, Hickman Ky Honry F Feisled, Brenham Texas Everet Fisher, Viola Tenn Clarence Alexander Forbes, Pascog- oula Miss ... Pines Gallion, Sheridan Ark Wm W Hagan, Prospect Tenn Samuel B Hager, Point Marion Pa ivels E Harrington, Milliean Tex" . Geo Hughes, Pittsburgh Pa Troy. Humphrey, ilouticello Ga Peter Johnson, iiontovi ieo Minn Andrew Jorgonson, Kansal N D James W Kaminski, Baltimore Dominick K Kelic.-, Wichita Tails Texas Waldrcn Bowers, Canton Texas Robert H Fletcter, Lancuslar N It Fred Freeman, Amcncus Ga James Hall, Lakt Providenee La George A Hansen, Minneapolis Minn Wilircd Mattson, Kcmictt Squaro Pa Ciesiau Memierski.. Dickson City Pa Clarence Movers, Nti c 111 Steve Pliinl, Clove-and O George G Hpotts, New Holland Pa f.harles M blrouie- Brimfield Mass Mivin G Kidnoy, BiiUgoport 0 Amos V Kildoy, Ellijay Ga Thomas Kinf, Oiiilette Wis T.eo L Klinger, Vondolin Dl , tjnrl A L Kooh, Havanna, 111 Avch.t A Knhr, Delroit Mich . G.w ' ''-usharty, Froni, N Max Dwight F Lamson, Little Biver Kn Bosiet W Lane, Eluford 111 -Floyd J Laney, Ma -ion 111 Leo iianlcy Lewis, Cliever, S 0 John Lisko, Chebanse 111 Cliff old B McCray, Summorvlllo Ga Claii Mazey, fow:k O .Tosenl. Mnglio, Brockton Mass Josep L'orris, FiOgvlile Okla Baloh Moses, Fort Witno Ind W.n Mullaney. Temn0 Wasa i.iu Oliver, lyrnowth Mich Harold G Peck, W Dickinson N D John 0 Pichca, Dotroli Mich Sam F Piorcy, Horsoshoe, Ky Oh ence J Poppii , 5'o irindge N H Luther Portei, Covington, Ga Willie Powoll, K."mieo, Fla Jes-U J Pueti, Eaily la . Ben Schultz, fla neve Kas ' Pirtcr sclvorson. ' akitjue Minn Rccley L Shaw,,CroU Cal Et:ii ) G Sheridan, Syr.grove Ky Thomas A Sprinsmaa, Williamsport, Pa Joseph A Staplcton, Flashing N Y Noonan 0 Sudduth, Leoma Tenn Paul C Tasse, Worcester Mass Georgo Thacker, Millard Ky Exra B Thompson, Dycrsburg Tenn Alborl Tollifson. Schetek Wis Edward 0 Untorholznor, Praire Du sac Wis ... Ira D Vanhcuser, Cooymnis N P. Grivor M Varner, Powder Springs G Harmon B Vedder, Now York Tony J outers, Jliartshorne Okla (lairet Verstegon, Sioux City la Caswull Vincent, Lawrcncoyillo V CUudo T Walker, Gaudy Tenn MRIllb IflAl UlVt MiKVlLt Telephone Main 120f REAL ESTATE FOB SALE And worth the price, five acres of choice land for hay, grain or fruit; located about V miles from city limits, a new and well furnished house tnd barn, an excel lent well with pump, Y aero of tim ber, place well fenced on R. F. D. Plenty and variety of fruit for fam ily use. Pries $2000. mprovements are worth the money asked. Inquire of Square Deal Bealty Co. Phone 470 70 ACRES $100 land, on account of eit cumstanoos will sell for 65 on easy terms. 8 acres all cultivated, good Improvements. 1 milo of city limits only S3500. 1ft acre good nouse, Darn all in fruit, good soil, close to car line, $1250. Socolofsky, 341 State WANT $350, $000 and $1500 loans on good real estate security. Socolofsky, 341 State St. tt BRING YOUR TRADES I can match you. C. W. Niemeyer, Real Estate Agent, lanaaian lianas, m State street. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGES Garbage and refuse of all kinds removea oa momn ly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone, Main 2247. Besidence, Main 2272. LODGE DIRECTORY BOYAl NEIGHBORS OF AMEBICA 'Oregon Grspe Camp" Ne. 1360. meets every Thursday evening is Derby building, Court and High St Mrs. Pea.l Courscy, 214 Court St oracle; Mrs, Melissa Persons, record er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 14C0M. SNIOHTS 07 PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hU on every Tn-sday at 8. P. Andreran,.C. C. E. J. Sunt KB. 4 6. When you use Journal elasslfi- ed ads get what yon want taem to they work fast. 1 1 No shop worn or" - moth eaten stock; nothing but ' fresh skins direct from the animals back. We also sell the ; furs for what they really are and do not substitute. Choose your fur now and we will hold it for Xmas. West Fur Co. 217 South High St Bichard Columbui Webster, Acorn, Mo. .' . . Edward Wells, Phlfsburg JN 1 Jim Wesley, Council Hill Okla Jescph Wcssel, St, Lolwy HI Waltor L Wicku;ini. enver SPRING VALLEY NOTES (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Andrew Malinon and Herman Han sen, of Doop Biver, Wash., were here buyinsr cattle Tuesday end Wednesday for their daries there. Four sows -were purchased from 8. H. Barker, two from G.H. Crawford, two from W. W. Craw ford, and one from W. H. Ciawiuia, all of which wero high grade Jorseys, Thoy wero taken to their destination in a truck and trailer belonging to the Capital City Transfer company of Sa lem. - Mrs. W. D. Henry and Mrs. Frank Crawford were Salem visitors Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Purvine moved to Salem laBt week where they are living on South Commercial street. They ex pect to spend the winter thore, return ing to the farm in the spring. Another neighbor who moved to Sa lem recently was B. Stafford and wifo, who niado the change so that their dau ghter, Dorothy, could attend the Salom school. s t. Bev. G. A. McKlnley has returned from a short visit in Portland. Lee Gibson has rcntcfl D. G. Henry ' UlNnUKl WUlltC MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEBICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. E246 meets every 8rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. B. F. Day, V. C.;,F. A. Turner, clerk. UNITED ABTI8ANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of each month, at 8 p. m- in I. O. O. T. Hall. Norma L. Terwilligcr, M. A.) C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 34fJ Owens street. Oraln Wheat, soft white $l.Wa Wheat, lowor gradss on sample Oats 80c$l Hay, oats $25 Barley, ton $50fi2 Hay, cheat, new $34 MiU run $3738 Butterfat Butterfat 68c Creamery butter 6867c Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork on foot 15Vfcfrt16e Pork, drossed 1820 Veal, fancy lOfalK Steers 9 Cows 4a)otte Spring lambs - 11c Ewes . .-..46 Lambs, yearlings bfefc Eggs and Poultry Eggs, cash 63 Hens live 2128c Old roosters . - 15 Chickens 21(o24e Turkeys, dressed - 30(u32e Turkeys, livo 2526c . Vegetable Sweet potatoes . $4 Potatoeg 91.10 Onions, local .- $1.75 Cabbage 2e Head lettuce $2.75 Turnips - 2s Beets Btte Green peppers . 8C Parsnips Se Cranberries, box $4.25 Cauliflower .... $1.8o iron Oranges . $4570 Lemons, box $66.7S Bananas . .... - . . . 9c THE MARKET t Make Furs your Xma Gift- Place . your order early while stock is. complete. SALEM. ORE. farming land for the coming season. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Crawford wera Salem visitors on Mondey. . Grandma Fronch has returned to her home in Salem after a visit of soveral weeks with her son, James, and family. Frank Rosebraagh Tells Of Life Near Verda Frank Bosebraugh not so long ago was leading a prosaic Ufa as chief cleric at the office of Superintendent Billings ley, of tho Salem Street Bsilway com pany. Ho had received a military train ing and -was one of the nrst ofiieert to drill men in Salem before this conn try thought of gotting into the war, and one of the first to be called into the service. . With his military training, he rosa rapidly in tho ranks until now he is a major n the servioe in France. In writ ing to his niothor Mrs. W. W. Bose braugh of Salem, ho expressed his will ingness to got back to the Willamotto Valley as soon as the job is finished over there, , Ho writos: "I sond you a eouple of vases that a Frenchman made out of the famous 75 French Bliolls. Tho follow that mada them has Bince been killed. You know the Americans ubo these shells too. They shot these and I sincerely hope they sent a gang of the Bochos down on th shovel gang. "Where I am new was 'no man's land' for four years and there is not enough level ground around for a IS , or 20 miles to pitch a tent on. The Crown Prince Wasted two armies try ing to tnko it. "October 29. Well, I am now in Par. is. It eortainly is a treat to be in the 'world again and away from tho ground hog life. . I mean that it is a treat to live on ton of the ground although we liavo many nice dougouts up there.' "They have got good entertatnmepta here in Paris in tho evening. I heard Lord Kitchner's nieco tell about the English girl's part in the war. What I really enjoy is good American movies as there aro several of them here. "I was standing in the lobby of my Paris hotel a fow dnys ago and soms one slapped me on the back. I turned to see 'Hub' Taylor. He was going buck from taking the fellows up to the front. He told mo all about the old outfit fellows. I received tho big col lection of Capital Journals and wm surely glad to get them." Huckleberries, pound ..... 15a Florida gnvpo fruit, case ... $0.50()T Black figs, 25 25 lbi 4.50 Figs, 4 oz. packages $5.58 rigs, 6 oz, psckagee W.ow t igs, s oz. packages a.ow Figs, 10 lb. fancy $U.HS Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy. $2.30 No. 1 comb honey $7 Betau races Creamery butter - 73a Flour, hard wheal . $33.2J Cuuntry butter 70 Eggs, dozen Portland, Or., Dec. 7. Butter, city; creamery 68c I'lggs, sclcctoa local ex. OJia'Doa Eggs local ex. 7072c Hens 27c i j Broilers 27(30c Geese- 2225c Cheese triplets 3o36e i DAILY LIVE STOCK MABKET Oartie Receipts 2231 Prime steers $11.50( 12 ' Choice to good steers $10.50lL5O Medium to good steers $flffilO Fair to medium itreers t(d9 Common to fair steers $5.0i7.5Q' Choice cows and hoifers $7.75?i8. Medium to good cows and heifer $6(7 Fairto medium cows ana neuera $5(0.8 Canncrs $3(514 Bulls $57.50 Calvog $912 Rtnoker ind fnpders 6(38 Hogs Receipt, 6708 .. . Tone of market steady .' Prime mixed $16.75(5)17 i Medium mixed $l.50).10.?5 ! Bough heavies $14.75(jlC . : Pigs $14(15 ' Bulk $16.50(16.75 .' ' ' Bhsep Receipts 1528 ' Tone of market steady Prims lambs $11.50(ci"12.7S Fair to medium lambs $ti(jj8 i YoarUngs f.!H(a.iu.DU Wethers $1011 - ' Ewes$9ai0 ' ;.