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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1918)
PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1918. 3 - -'.... - . - - - -- I,-,-, ,, )n , y I, -, - . . .. i i.. The war has taught us to be practical. Christmas this year will be a time of PRACTICAL GIFT-GIVING What can be more practical and useful and enjoyed, by the entire family, rp3 1 UseraL Ciiffts I JBIG Furniture. We have Gift Furniture for the Grown-Ups, and many pleasing articles for the Kiddies. Visit our store. Do it now while the stock is complete. You will find what you want. P Jo store is now the home of tee A ell 3 While our stock of Victrolas is limited we are receiving new shipments, every few days and will he able to fur nish you an instrument for Xmas. VICTOR RECORDS FOR DECEMBER Our new Victor Records are in and ycu will find the rievw est and latest to choose from. We will store your pur ' chases and deliver lVO Xmas eve free of VI J Charge ZZfjr VXetaoinshrdlucmfwyp WE MUST UNLOAD THE ENTIRE STOCK OF THE SPENCEI? HARDWARE CO., 466-474 STATE STREET, AND BY DOING SO, WE DECIDE TO REDUCE THE PRICES IN SUCH A WAY THAT EVERY HOME IN THE CITY AND COUNTY SHOULD DO THEIR BUYING AT ONCE. THIS FIRM HAS GIVEN THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTY SQUARE DEAL ON ALL DEALINGS AND WE EXPECT A SUBSTANTIAL SUPPORT OF EVERYBODY FOR THIS GREAT SAVING SALE. Go to Church Sunday Subjects of Sermons and Where They WiH Be Delivered in Salem Houses of Worship, Tomorrow . First Methodist Episcopal .V; il u, in. the pnslor will give the third message in ti:e series of Isunuay juoriiin'n on t ho Funduinontul liMitrimik of the Christian, Kolwji'in. HW'ject I or this morning, "ininiortiil'tv First Presbyterian Thomas N Henderson, minister. Bible school nt 9:45, Jos. H. Allii'rt, superin tendent; classes for nil ages. Morning worship at 11 o'cloek, tbnnic: The Di mensions of the Love of God. Y. P. or the lriump!. of l.if." At 7:30 p iS. C. K. nt 6:30. Evening worship nt in. K. A. Howelt, one of the fiist V. j 7:30. The pastor will give the Bocoud 11. C, A. apocial workers to go toJ amnion on tho Power of Habit How J' ranee, and who has travelled through to Form Good Habits. Good music. Ev- every section of tiaiue will apeak oC "What the Aritiy V.M.O.A. Does for flic iioiilier from the Tune He Leaves Aniui'.cu until He s it'turned." At t.l.r. a ni, Mr. Cue iii,. will meet tho morning i eases. At !'. U" a. ni. ihe Su-. flay ie!i .ol will mcc: willi John W Toiil superintendent. A, ,i p. m. regular wi viefK .it the Old reoji' Homo. Fx I cbfii'i: . aoir at ."' ' wr vires. At the cc erybody welcome. South Salom Friends South Commercial and Washington streets, H. K. Pemberton, pastor. Bible school nt JO a. m., clnssos for all agos Dr. Miller, superintendent. Morning worship and preaching at 11 u. m,; i't 7:30 p. in. wo continue the study o. i.'j,' and evening Rev., 4tU chnpter. C. K. meeting at iiu- serueo an or' :Ju book review of missions. All are ibcMiu (; li pieces will i (company (hp welcome, chorus ehoir. iforcafier tins wnl bo icsular feature of the evc,ri.i. first Congregational fiervktb. Ii. N. Aiion, pastor. '.' L'herty and Center streets. Rev. V.'. .'nMl(l,-l, HliuiPll-l, XV U. Ul, CHU1U Jf school, Prof. W. I. Staley, superintend ent. Masses for all ages. 11 a. in., "The Worth of Koligion;" 6:30 p. in. Christian Kndeavor; 7:30 p. ni., "Sham ion pic Jason .oo Menio:lal i.'orr,.'? 0t WinUr aih! J.,ix'eron stieett "J'!ia. a Aulieson,. . asin., Sundaj Mul i'V ; ei.'""V-. i- '""s' Hi" Ox-Uoad.- Moti juujNt. ' ihe 1 Uk us: Kilowshu, , Tu-ncnicnaklng iu AIl)erta. Life. ' Lpttoi.h l ou;no t).ii p. ni. , A steady Increase in atteudunce reveals the worth of these services. Evening Central Congregational . .H.rl.irt 7.1(1 ..I.I . 1(4 CI l r, , , vvimi liiiitiK-VIHU HIIU XVllY ?.1 " ,tlt' A ':,s Kt,viy.Rl ltK, II. C. Btovor, minister. A coii Kiiumo; nioriiiHg we snail inuiica mo. :.. ,i m r and morning scr- Hurtuu Edwards, llOfltflt rnnlnflHrti In thn .i.l.ip. nt ik. . ' ....v v. ...v miierii.ieii.lent. Normon by tho pastor. vhureh, and we urge upon our members , .irh, , 6.4J J M0. trnd rnnatitucncy the necessity of Ueiflj, . j,0 u Mto. jfj A lis, present. Prof. Clark will lead ,0luU,r. Kllli H(,ivi,,e , y.30 lu tho music. In the evening the or- ehoir B; ,.Cum0 Thou Almf hestra will play at Ep worth League Ki .. , Ir K. Vv Tri J levotional meeting and the regular of oul ., uy j, Carlton'orew, ehurch service. , A cordial invitation . hy .Mri. Hazel Nugent, Mia Ku vsifimcu iu rveryuouy. First Baptist Rev, G. V. Holt, pastor, Sunflay rchool at 9:45 a. m W. F. Foster, au erintendent. Public worship with iioachiiig at U a. in. and 7:30 p.. m.; topics: morning "Connected with Iho Source of Power;" evening "Sin ;lo-lIeartod Devotion to an Ideal Evwi wnu it'uiii. ioung l oopio s tv Welsh and Mr. Stover. Prayer meet ing at 7:30 Thursday evening. Court Street Church Seventeenth and Court. Frank h. Jonesi pastor. Our Hible school is tak i.ig ob new lifo. Boys' clusaes are growing rapidly uudcr tha Instruction of Hwo of the best boys' teachers in the etty. We ha.-c a lame class in 1 V. e !.iull achrioi Cf:.. ha In HtM.. ing, 6:30 p. m. Thursday evening at The nour ia 10 a. m. Bharp. Come and T:30, prayer meeting and eonferenoe. nroll. ixith tho prcachinff aovvices fTh public ia cordially invited to all Iliese service. St. Paul 'a Chorea. 7:30 a. m., holy communion: 9:46 a m.( ehurch school; 11 a. m., morning, ring at 7:30 the annual day for th.- w :i lb special sirueos today, il a. m. a report will oe given of the greal miasionary conference held in Portland l"c 3 The sc.jion subject will bo Unity in Christian nork. In tho eve y'iH meet at 0.,10 as usual. All r.i? invited to come and enjoy these sef vices na.- ' United Evangelical Cottage and Center streets. G. L. l.ovell, pastor. Hundny school at 11 a. m.; divine worship and preaching ser vice fvt 11 a. in, "Some Notable i'.x nmples of the Power of Divine Grace.' i lirislian tiiideavor at b:JO n. m. Paul iuo KoinitiBon, leader. Evening wor'.iir and sermon at 7:30 p. m. Prayer nveot- iiii( Thursday ovemng. Evangelical Association Seventeenth and Chemeketa streets. 10 a. m., Sunday school, C. T. Doty, siu- perintendent; 11 a. m., divine sorviej and sermon, "Tho Message of John tuo Baptist, a message for our day." 8 p. :u., service at Fruitland, 6:45 p! in., ouiij; People' Alliance, led by Do Cooper. 7:30 p. in., Sermon by the pas lor. LIST OF PRICES:- $9.00 all Copper Boiler $6.90 75c 10-quart galvanized buckets 52c $1.50 Granite water buckets 79c 50c Tin Water buckets 34c $2.50 No. 2 wash tubs $1.95 85c Tin dairy buckets, 10-quarts -55c $2.25 No. 1 wash tubs $1.75 $1.00 Tin dairy buckets, 12-quarts ...69c $1.25 Safety razors 29c $1.25 Tin dairy buckets, 14-quarts ...84c . . , . TA : ; We will close out Several Kinds of Clothes wash $4o.00 Hot Point electric carpet sweeper $29.50 Wringers, at Cost and Below. $4.25 Copper bottom boiler $3.15 An extra big reduction on every item of staple al- $5.00 Copper bottom boiler ...$3.95 uminum ware nails, per pound .1 5c and up $10.00 all' copper boiler, the very best $7.15 Kegs of nails I............ l...:i.....:................l,$5.30 First Christian Church Center and High streets, Leland W. l'oitci, pastor. MwS a. in., Itiblo -t ol. 11 a. m., communion and sermon; 6.3) p. u., C. E. service, led by tho pastor; 7:30 p. m., evening worship. Salvation Army Services will he conducted in tho hill at 2t.2 Ktate St., on Saturday at 8 p. in., and on Sunday at 10:45 a. m., i p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at p. in. Services every night at 8 p. m. (except Mouday and Thursday!. Captain J. Millar and Mrs. L. bp ton in charge Eifchland Frienda Sunday school at 10 a, m,; morning worship 11 a. nu; O. K. song and prayer service, 6:15 p. m., followed by Biblu lesson in tho epistle to tho Bomaus Kvoning preaching 7:30, subject "Thi Fact of the Seeond Coming of Jesus." Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. In conuectiu with the prayer aieeting we have our mission study, "The Call of the World Task." I. O. and Ida J. Lee, pastors. 1'i'Syet and aormou: 7:30 p. m area-. woman ' iniasionarv socict. will bo oh nni.and address. Everjbody welcome. J si i f d with an a,ipio,tnate sermon and thas. II. I'owell, rector. : special aiuging. aY Cl ristiau Eudev Fre Methodist 1228 North Winter. Sunday services: 8. 8. at 10 a. m., Kev. Walter Barham will fill tho pulpit at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Prnyor meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. W. J. Johnston, pastor. First United Brethren Tew Park. Sunday school at 10 a. m. preaching at 11 a. in. by Rov. Wal ter Reynolds, P. E. Communion follow ing the sermon. Tho elder will lso preach in the evening at 7:30. There will be a meeting at the Com mons miiwion, 241 State street, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Come and enjoy this meeting. A. Wells, superintendent Masarene Church ' Nineteenth and Marion. Take Cho meketa street ear to Nineteenth, go one block south. Service Sunday: Sunday ALL WE ASK IS THAT YOU VISIT OUR GREAT STORE WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT, YOU ARE . WELCOME. 0 Feldstein 466-474;State Street i. tmctofr Salem, Oregon. E L BFCiN IMMEDIATELY Mrs. John A. Carson And Mrs. . L Fisher To Have Charge Of City Campaign. Tho drive for memberships of Wil lamette chapter will bo put on nt once and will close Saturday evening, Dec. 14. I Ins wns decided at a mooting of the officers of Willamctto chapter and auxiliaries held this afternoon at the Commercial club. It was originally the intention to put on the campaign beginning Mon day, Dec. 16, but after a general ex pression of opinions, it was decided to day that, as the campaign was just for memberships at $1 each, there was no nco i of dolaying. The Red Cross will not at any time put on a campaign for funds as it has been definitely decided that the mem berships drives at $1 for eaca u.uter school at 9:45, W. B. Hardy, superinten dent, frcacking at 11 and again at 7:30. Tho subject for the morning will bo "A Lost Soul;" in the evening the second coming of Christ from the pre- millineal point of view. Thia is th most important subject of tho Bible. Come and let us atndy it together. Mid-woek prayer meeting Wednesday! evening at 7:30. You are welcome. A. i Wells, pastor, Florence Wells, Deacon-' ess. First Church of Christ, Scientist i Sunday sorvicea are held at 448 Cho-1 meketa street if 11 t m anil Ann, Subject of Biblo lesson, "God th only n . n . . . , . . . vnuw auu vreaior. eunaay senool at a. m. vteduesdny evening a tea timonial meeting at 8 p. m. Beading room in Masonic temple building, room 209 is open everT day except Sunday and holidays from 11:45 a. m. to 5 p. m. All are welcome to our services and invited to our reading room. i will care for its activities for some time to come. Each auxiliary was instructed to put on its own campaign and this after noon officers wero given the arm bands to be worn by solicitors, membership buttons and other things necessary whereby records may bo kept and for warded to W. M. Smith at the court house. Mrs. John A. Carson and Mrs. E. & Fisher will have charge of the cam paign in this city Dr. A. A. Starbuck was appointed chairman for Polk coun ty. Hnch auxiliary was instructed to eloct its three officers for tho coming year afld maintain its organization. Honce, with the asking for member ships next week, the Red Cross will be in position to maintain itself, and there will be at no time any solicitation for funds. Germany Declares She Is On Verge Of Famine Copenhagen, Dec. 7. Germany lias- sent a note to Denmark declaring that sue is on the verge of famine. "It is necessary we greatly reduco our rations up to February when our cereals were exhausted," the note said. "The present supply Is only a Uurd of normal. "Austria has not food enough to last a month. Vienna is without coal. It will be necessary shortly to cease rail way traffic, put out street lights and close a number of schools and shops." REVELATIONS OF A (Continued .from page four) October no quarter la to be given." "But," Colonel Walderstein object ed, "thia road your Highness speaks of is not shown on the map. If we miss our path or take the wrong one, the consequences may well be disasrrooa." The Strange Guide. ; Prince Bupprecht laughed disdainful ly at thia caution of the elder man's who, nowever, u the more prescient soldier. - "Pray, lave no fear, my dear colo nel," he sneered. "Don't distresa your sen. une oirricntty bad already occur red t0 me and I am providing yon with a guide an absolutely reliable ( . That he knew the route I could not and trustworthy guide you may depend doubt. upon. "Sergeant" him in." and , to the ordorly, "bring we turned to wait with Never once did he pause or hesitata as he led us past streams, down through glades, and on into avenues that ono lively interest to see what manner of ; would nover ha9 suspected existed. But man it was in whom Prince Bupprecht suddenly Walderstein touched mv arm had thus put hig faith, Ho was a strange figuro, Indeed. and pointed t0 the luminous watch he carried around his wrist. "We hi Half tramp, half mendicant, His ewttics ), i . . had iust that fantastic disarray timf" ClSe nPn an hour'" he said. Acoording to Bupprecht 's reckoning wo should have been through the wood by now. There is a mistake some where. . "Even as he spoke his horso reared and stumbled, his forelegs sinking in the ground. I reared back just in time, nd realized as I did so that we had been duped." Kuppreeht'g idiot had led us into points nearly always to a deranged mind. His gait was shambling and un certain, his face wreathed in a vicious smile. It did not need Prince Rupprecht's expressive gesture to tell w!iy he trusted him. Our guide was an idiot. It was for this reason that he could bo trusted. No Mine Belfrinn. certainly would l.ri n(r. ' f: rta "i-pv s iuioi naa lea us into truction of his own fellow-countrymen. '"n-'n t j . , ,a , But to this man's deranged mini war dii"1! w't' V' ' x,.v k.,;.. f. !, dismounting, ran to Walderstein 's aid. As I did so I heard that mocking laugh again, and tnrning we saw the guide swinging himself from branch to branch of the overhanging treeg anil watching our discomfiture with an ob- Tncnnn. Wnn th wnfl. f V M """" "mi intelligence tnat with a vicious smile (Jacques being, of trTcked ,B"",t,y thst w had course, himself .) " He knows each note n . . " ,. . , of the birds, and he knows the trees1 ,9 "I ,,.'8ht(,mng Walderstein and often talks to them. He will take out h,ls Jc'olv Veiled you there. all right," and he broke int. at m " hpnd, bnt. he too . .:..v.i. vii i-.v v te. A midden crackle of musketry from the trees told me tie enemy hail and deuth, the burned cottages, and tho manned corpses that wore lying strewn upon the road all these things were without significance, and the differen ce between Belgians and Germans, friends and foes, did not oxist, a. mirthless, hollow that somehow set mv nervea on edge and made mo t "i L 1 . I T7 na" wondeV if the man's madness wis so fl' ad he fe,ba dead in my very real as it seemed. But Bupprecht had no doubts. "Givo the poor fool some sweets," he stud to tho sergeant, ''and tnko him away," and he proceeded to dwell on the matchlcsg ingenuity of the idea of idea of defeating the Belgian rebel leader wh0 had secreted tlmsclf in the arms. JJext moment lead wa. nonrinir into us from all directions. The idiot had laid lis plans well, indeed. Our forces was cut to pieces; only a remnant returned to camp that morning. (To be continued.) . ( In tho next chapter Colonel Sch roeder will relate the story of his thril- 1 i n (T n TJn.ia V . town (a brave and skillful leader) by , theVutbreai Tof the w. Vol Tho Zl the aid of the village idiot. was r.romii loot W tL t? ! Duped by the Idiot. going to take from the FVenTh. Low It wag . great notion everybody ag-! clever French secret service man dup reed, but none the less I felt far from cd them ,nd t wUh happy, when, . few hours later, just as Elsa Baronin Schweirin's large sum. H- n! ore, al'vil h"v T J'w?" " hd o to buy up French ine over the hilltops behind which the property on the instalment pW trnst Belgians lay, we advanced in treole file ing that once Pari i taken hy rt through the wood that held the key f.HoWth. bX.ce due wo Id not e 2? their position. The darkness was inten-1 manded. However, the kaiser's advaZ Z ZZi Ofro,h0 S-Ta H "T2,ed knd ent lort everal f that aL.H , ??d mrk on the deal and returned to Hnn- miss thi. " " " v" "c"u U1 our 01-1 thrilling instalment in the Capital Jour- . '..I . C3. 1 . . ho nmn, i ucai auiiuuaj evening. If