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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1918. PAGE SEVEN . iiNEW TODAY; JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING HEPTOM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVXETISTNO BATHS Bat Pr word, New Today: Bath insertion . . 1 Om week (6 insertions) . 5o On month. (6 insertions) .- .. 17e The Capital Journal win not be x Sponsible for mor8 than ne insertion, far errors in Classified Advertisement Head four advertisement the first day ft appears and notify; ns immediately il nrror occurs. Minimum charge, 15a. . iPOE SALR-tOheap, furniture for small luuuuug iwusv, must seu at once. 322 N. High, Salem. 12-10 POTATOES for sale. Phone 80F11. tf WANTED Work on truck or machine shop. Phone 8F23 evenings. 12-6 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart ment. Phone 1525. 12-7 6TI1AYBD Brown horse with halter; finder please phone 1647. 12-11 FOR SAIiE-Second growth fir. Phone 2101J. 12-7 WANTED Typing to do after office hours. Phone 1356. 12-7 BALDWIN apples 50c and $1. Phone 10HF12. 12-13 20 CORDS old fir wood, $6 per cord, delivered. Phone 71F22 12-7 WE want poultry, eggs and hides. Chorry City Feed Barns. 12-10 .WOOD cutters wanted to cut about 5000 card M. Woods Bt. 9, Salem. 12-7 CORD wood for sale. Phone evenings 2093M. .v tf WANTED Fat thin and fresh cows, large calves. Phone 1425M. 12-28 WANTED To buy beef cattle and calves. Phone 1576W. 12-12 BrXSISTJaRHD Jersey bull calf for sale. Price $20. Cash or trade. Phone 2135J. 12-7 FOB &AIJ3 JJright baled straw. East one miley pen road, red barn, four corners. 13-12 XQUNGi man would like a job driving delivery or passenger mac hine. Phone 23OTR. '. 12-7 WANTED To buy from owner, 20 to 30 acres fruit land, partly develop ed. IF' M E care Journal. 12-10 HOUSE cleaning and window cleaning wanted. Phone 1237. 12-12 EARLY fuggle hop roots for sale. J. R. Cooper, Independence. 12-26 WANTTD To buy fresh cow or one fresh soon. Must be gcod. Pearl Wood, Oervais, Rt. 1. 12-12 WANTED Women to pack strawber ry plants and men to dig plants. Phone 9SF3. 12-9 MAN WANTED Unmarried man for uwu uairy raucn on coast. IMl at 1056 Chemeketa. tf FOR SALE Two good young Jersey cows, ene fresh, one soon; will trade for fat cows. 1925 State St. 12-9 RANTED .Work by the rour or day. Mrs. Vaughn, 570 Ferry St. or phone 2199. 12-10 FOR RENT 4 partly f urtifhed rooms, 2 on 1st and 2 on second floor. 720 N. Church St. near high school. 12-9 WANTED$200 against first class personal security. Address K-12 care Journal. 12-10 FOR SALE 2 two year old colts, cheap. Will trade for cow. Phone 1576W. 12-9 MONEY to loan, large and small amounts on farm or city. W. A. Lis ton, ageat. 12-7 FOR RENT Good seven room nouse close in. F. L. Wood, Bayne build ing. 12-7 FOR SALE 8 dozen Barred Plymouth rtocKs: also young gobbler. Phone 7F32. 12-7 TIMBER land for sale or trade, either town property or acreage. 1224 N. 14th. 12-9 WANTED Experienced gir! for house work, good wages. Apply 768 State. 12-10 GOOD piano for rent very reasonable. Phone 1416. Call at 1550 Waller Bt. i: 12-7 FOB SALE A young Jersey cow and un 8 months heifer calf. Inquire at 666 N. Summer St., Salem. 12-7 BARKJAIN 95 acre farm well improv ed, dose in, on main road. Box 67 Salem. 12-9 WANTED To rent house and barn with 1 to 10 acres good garden ground, close to Salem and car. S C care Journal. . , . 12-7 GOOD 4 room house and acra for rent, or trade, with somo cash, on small place; no objections to part timber. 2217 Fairground road. 12-12 A LADY wishes to care for baby or sinau cniiuren in her own home. Best of care will be given. Phone 642J. 12-7 FOR SALE 10 pigs 2 months old, $5 each. Phone 27F15. G. H. Thompson, Macloay, Or.. 12-7 WANTED Wood cutting by W. H. Propst, Salem, Or., Rt 4, box 118A. 12-7 FOR SALE 200 A. grain and stock farm in Idaho. Address 12-2 care Journal. 12-7 FOR RENT Store room on State St. J. H. Lauterman, Argo Hotel. Phono 900. tf WANTED 1 5 ' to 25 single comb White Leghorn 1 year old hens. Phone 1947 J mornings. tf 1VOST 8 yearling Shropshire rams, one wears my label. If you find same please call 43F24, J. J. Doerfler. tf OLD papers for carpets, etc., iu cents per hundred, call at Journal office. 1 tf MAXWELL for ale, $275. Terms. Me chanically perfect. Highway Oarage Phone 355. Call 1000 S. Com 'J. tf MBBRTY BONDS If you must din- ... i j . 1 1 i. pose or your uonus, wo nux uj them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf I, ait. PAPER 15 cecfs per double roll vpwftrd. Buret ' Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf. vrm usrvrn 2 slaenino rooms msrt vacated at the Alexandria, today, MM fhnmBkat St. PhOUO 1280. 12-13 FOR fiiALB Big Durham beef cow, or will trade for fresh Jersey. Peter Bischoff, Rt. 6, box 49A, Salem, Ore. 129 FOR SALE New Ford sedan, will sell way below eost, will take Ford run about, and will give liberal terms on balance. Wm. Dawes, Box 475, Inde pendence, Or. WANTED Maid at Hotel Marion, ex- yunencea preierrea. Apply Monday morning. 12-7 HAND painted place cards, calendars, Amas gifts, made to order. Phone 1348W, or call 3095 Portland road. , 12-9 WANTED Four young ladies in the nurses training school, Willamette sanatorium. Apply to the matron. 12-13 BUY your wifo a house for a Christ mas present, il have several cozy homes at bargain prices. C. W. Nie meyer, 544 State street. 12-14 YOUR Christmas will be happier in your own home. I can sell you beauty, close in, for $2750. C. W. Nicmcyer, 544 State street. 12-14 WILL EXCHANGE my 8 acre farm on main road near Airlie for small acreage or good house in Salem. Box 13, Journal. 12-10 YOUNG widow worth $37,000, good in come, many others anxious to marry honorablo gentlemen. Mrs. Warn, 2216', Temple, Los Angeles, Cal. YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD Send dime, age, birthdate for truthful, reliablo, convincing trial reading. Ha zel uause Box lwa, Los Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE 320 acre farm. 225 acres cultivated, balance frimler and pas ture, large plastered house, barn, rock road. 7vj miles from Salem. This is first class fruit land. Price $60 per acre. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. 12-7 FOR SALE 160 acre Howell Prairie farm, all cultivated and mostly in crop, good set of modern buildings, gravel road. Price $156 per acre. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co, 275 State St. THE Franco-American Hygienic Com pany announces to toe aiscriminai ing ladies that a full line of their household and toilet requisites is ear ned by Mrs. E. A. Bennett, 1030 Che meketa St. Phone 1280. MARRY if lonely; for results, try me; best and most successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish mar riage soon; strictly contfiiieaitial; most reliable; years experience; de scriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oak land, Cal. WANTED Agon ts 'sideline salesmen' housewives earn big money weekly. Will not interfere with regular work Elegant, beautiful niekk-d evaporat ed and condensed milk car. server. In stant seller. Every housowife needs one. Become agent. Write Davis Oaa Server Corporation, (Flatiron Bldg., New Yrk. THOUSANDS U. S. government peace positions open. Men, 16 or over, wo men, 18 or over. Railway mail clerks, city mail carriers, post office clerks, customs clerks, clerks at Washington, D. C. $1000 to $1500 year. Short hours. Common education sufficient. List positions now obtainable, free. Write today, Franklin Inbtituto Dept 376 K Rochester, N. Y. HOME SEEKER, here is your oppor tunity, desiring a cnange in occupa tion, I purpose to removn from the city; hence I am offering my home at a sacrifice. I have a fciod house on "a fine corner, east front, near ene of Salem's excellent schools, roomy grounds, plenty of fruit and cement walks, for two thousand dol lars. Five hundred dollars, balance $15 per month at six per cent inter est. Telephone 1310M or call on Square Deal Realty Company, tele phone 470. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch, for sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 8PIRELLA corsets sold by Alice A Miles, 1106 Leslie St. Measures tak en, fit guaranteed. Home Thurg. af ternoons. Phone 1425R. NEW shipment of rebuilt typewriters ana auaing machines just received, No reservations made without depos it. Rental, $4. Tvpcwriter and Office Supply Co, 143 N. High. Phone 340. 12-7 PLENTY of money to loan on good farms; low interest rates; five years time; privilege to pap 100 or mDjti" I on any interest date. Call or write H, M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic bldg. Salem. FOR BALE River bottom rnncn con taining 150 acres, 40 eras cleared, house, barn, soft and hardwood Um ber, at 65 dollars per aer Wilt take , some city property 1n exchange. Bee Merlin Harding at Salem Hdw. Co. I FOR SALE 56 acre tract 40 acres cul tivated, balance timber mid pasture, 18 acres of bearing prunes. 6 room ' house, barn, rock road, 4 miles' from Salem. Price $14,000. W. H. Graben horst & Co, 275 State street. 1: 20 ACRES of level land for sale or trade. Where you have no house rent to pay; no wood to buy; no water to buy, and if yon keep cow, no milk or butter to bny. Will take small truck or tin kan on tits deal. R. Lamb. 645 S. 17th, Salem. tf W WTTCT) ,Hi Dec. 10fTi full and com plete information about furnished roniiK. furnished hoasekecrins rooms. and also table board. State distance from capitol building, street number, how near car line, whether well or fairly furnished, how heated and lighted, hot and cold W4ter, bathing facilities, use of phone, etc. Gives rates for legislative session com mencing Jan. 13, 1919, cod address TirilatAr. care C'noital Journal. 12-7 NOTICE OF SCHOOL MTETXNO . 1,200.00 6,000.00 ,123.50 4,200.00 1,030.00 951.00 720.00 500.00 500.00 6.700.00 200.00 678.00 xx iNotice is hereby given to the 181 voters of school district No. 24 of Ma rion county, state of Oregon, that a school election of said district will be held at 379 State St., Salem, on the 30th day of December, 1918, at 8 to 7 o'clock in the afternoon to vote on the proposition of levying a special dis trict tax. Thfl trvtal nmnunt nf monev needed hv th rhirinff thfl fiscal vear beginning on June 30, 1918, aud ending on June 30, 1919, is estimated, in tne following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the coun ty school fund, state school fund, spe cial district tax, and all oxbor moneys of the district: BUDGET Estimated Expenditures Teachers' salaries .$105,417.00 Furniture 200.00 Apparatus and supplies, gucL as maps, chalk, erasers stoves, curtains, etc -. 4.500.00 Library books included in item 3 Flags included in item 3 Repairs of school house, out buildings or fences Improving grounds and bet terments, including tne metal trade building, and cauinment - ...... nt Holman oron- erty aou.uu Janitors' wages Janitor's supplies included in item 3 - ... Fuel Light and power Water and phones Clerk's salnry Postage and stationery prii't ing and census Miscellaneous expenses Interest on demand fnotert and bonds Freight, express and cartage nsuranco - ayment of demand notci outstandina June 17, 1918 34,500.00 Totul estimated amount of money to be expended for all purposes during the ycar 177,669.50 Estimated Receipts 'rom county, state school fund during the comn.g aphnnl venr From state school fund dur ing the coming school year Hon item above Cash now in the bands tf the district clerk ..... ninllfict.eii taxes Estimated amount to be re ceived from ' all other sources during the coming school year, tuition $1-V 500; U. S. gov. eubsidy 1.800 Total estimated receipts, nit including the money to no received from the tax which it is proposed to vote - HMMinitn1atlon Tntnl estimated exDenses. . 4177.609.50 Total estimated receipts not mirluflinir tne tax to DO voted 84,370.96 alanee, amount to be rais ed by district tax . - 93,298.54 $177,669.50 Th amount nf monev to be raised by this special tax is more than the amount raised ty special scnooi uis trift ti in the vear immediately pre- iiArliniv thia nliii six Der cent. It in nec essary to raise thig additional amount by special levy lor the 10 lowing rea sons; su1c-;i. tmvfl increased t...9il.59. The purchase of the Holman property at a eost of f asaO.ou was necessary ana me district will derive an income from tni. twoTwrtv nf M500.00 rer vear. in cluding the subsidy from the United States government lor tne nome eco nomics department. The loss due to the falling off of the census amounts to $2780.00. A shrinkage caused by de- 33,629.00 945.71 34,496.25 15,300.00 84,370.90 UMIMIHMIMMMMtMtvttM4t4HiMttHtMtMMUMHUMtM'MMUHUtHt1M ?ttMMmmmttmnnittMimMttmtmtttt i-- I I 14 More Shopping Mornings i More Shopping Mornings Stores will not be open evenings during the holidays.-Shop mornings if at all possible HAND BAGS-SUIT CASES A useful and most desirable present fnr nnvnnp flnr crnrlr ia trio Kocf (7,. shown- FURS Make excellent presents practical and most acceptable. We "lead all others in furs. u $ i WfiWl 111 f LADIES' GLOVES i. S 1.1 t Tf vnil rlnn't Vrin-7 a clo nr Viooi. tate on the color or shad, purchase one of our glove certificates, and the lady can make her own selection and be properly fitted by our glove fitters 2 LADIES HOSE " Our stock of Ladies' kose comprises the best makes in America, includ ing cotton, fine lisle and genuine Italian silk hose. Our prices are as cheap as inferior merchandise sold by many. i f,. SJgV-l XX ' MEN'S SECTION This section was never in a better position to please and satisfy. LOUNGING ROBES, NECKWEAR, HANDKER CHIEFS, HOSE, GLOVES, TOILET SETS, SWEATERS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR UMBRELLAS, ETC. SANTA SAYS: Buy the boy a suit. We have them; the best ever made, the "Xtra Good" Kind. UMBRELLAS Just received . a shipment of the "classiest" umbrellas we have ever shown. What could be more useful and more pleasing. Come in and look them over. TOYS Games and Toys of all kinds to please the lit tle "kiddies" up to the big folks. Toyland First floor. i III? m ! I Coats THIS SALE OF LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN Suits )r esses Waists n WILL BE CONTINUED. WE HAVE ADDED MANY NEW THINGS AND WILL ADD MORE NEXT WEEK. WATCH OUR ADVERTISEMENTS Salem9 s Greatest Coat and Suit Sale WHEN YOU READ IT IN OUR ADS ITS TRUE. A HOUSE THAT HAS ONE POLICY, A CLEAN, SQUARE DEAL, SELLING ONLY QUALITY MERCHANDISE AND FIGHTING TO BUILD SALEM INTO A CITY WORTH WHILE i v) 1 aLL linqnent taxeg of last year is eertain. Dated this seventh day of Decem ber, 1918. . H. L. CLARK, Attest: Chairman board cf directors W. H. Burghardt Jr., District clerk. 12-7-M-28 Tne heavy weight football players of Gai field and Englewood clashed this morning and the claRhiiijf resulted in a score of 18 to 6 in favor of Garfield. The teams stand 50-50 as they played some time ago with the decision revers ed and the tie -will be played off next Saturday morning. The Community Board met last eve- . . . il . IT CI T . I, in U at tne omce oi me -. n. x-nuui , bureau on State street. Mo special bus iness came before the board but it wan decided that it should be kept intact in order to act on any possible labor dinputes. Judge L.T. Harris is chairnmn of the board, T. B. Kay and Chun. K. Spaulding reprew-nt the employers and Arthur Lawrence and Roscoe Dickey the employes. o lightweights play football as well as the older studmit of the eity schools. This morning the lightweight teams of Ornnt Junior and Washington Junior high schools played on Willamette field to a score of (Irani 18, Waxhiugton 6. The lightweights say this gives the Grant junior high school the champion ship as it had already defeated Lincoln junior high lightweight in two games. Glen E. TJnnih, recently elected Jus tice of the pence for the Salem district, for a term of six ynn, announci that the court room in the Linn huil'inu ev er tho Ilartuian jev.'lry store will be ready for justice of tho peace business by Jan. 1. . In regard totb-. story that ft family is suffering at 10.10 North Front street the Social Hervico Center gives the in formation that as far as the neresisi t'us of life are concerned tho family hits been well taken care of for the past ten days. A nurse has been pt viticd and everything dono to allcviat'' the sorrows of the parents. It is al." 'undcrstooa tne lamny is not asking mi j charity. Rural school districts iu Marion coua. ty in some localities eontiuuo to di ri'Kard the law in reference to the fly ing of tho national colors during school hours. One of the districts that is negligent is tho Looney school, on tho I'acific highway between Jefferson and 'lib-Hi. The directors have failed to nrovldo tho district with a flag staff It hough tho school has a flag. Dur ing the great armistice celebration of N'ov. H the pupils displayed the right patriotic spirit by climbing on top of the school house and displaying the fin? on tho belfry, then all going to tto middle of the highway and saluting the flag. The directors of the district ore J. r. Hochspeier, chairman; M. D. Loo ney and F. D. Simpson, alits Mary An dersen is the teacher.