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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1918)
PAGE TEN Dallpjbijijl Ifouraal SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1918. MM M-MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MTtMMttM4MtMMMMMMtMMttMttt fj Incorporated ! 5'. PERSONAL O, E. King of Seaside is In the city registered at the Bligh. He is looking foe a location near Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Powell of Mon mouth are in the city. Parker E Branin of Portland came up to the city today from Portland t return by motor boat. C. B. Clancey went to Corvallis this afternoon to assist in the decorations of the banquet hall of the Julian hotel where there will be given this evening a dinner for local and eastern officers of the Delta Delta Delta sorority. Uts. M. Jay Meyers of Portland will be a Sunday visitor wotb Mrs. Mildred R. Brooks. Mrs. Meyers is on her way to Los Angeles to spend the winter. From the standpoint of "Usefulness" KRYP ,TOK Glasses represent the perfect Christmas Gift ; : . f or any one who needs classes for both near and far : : vision. And the USEFUL gift is the real expression : : of the Christmas spirit. Ask About The Kryptok Christmas Certificate DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 204-5 Bank of Commerce. Bldg. New and Second Hand tore will open Furniture Si In the near future in the Wagner Building at 373 377 Court street. We will pay the best prices for used furniture. New furniture will be carried. AH Around Town MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMSM COfflNGEVENTS Dec. 13 Company II benefit jitney dance at armory. Dec. 8-14 Red . Cross mem bership drive. Dec. 16-21 Fifth annual Marion cvounty corn show, 141 North Conjjicrc'a. Dee. 30. ttecond election on school budget "Tne funeral oeutlIul."Webb ft Olough Co. tf Announcement is now made that mon ey may be sent to Palostine through English banks. The English, army is entirely in control of Palestine, and regular mail facilities have again been established. "Tbe bast' leath comes. Phone 12U, la all yon can do when Call Webb ft Clough Co-M. o Dr. J. o. MatthJs, associated with Dr. H. J. Clements, office 410 Sr lcm Bank of Com. bllg. Office tel. 691; res. 1705 South Fir St. tel. 596. 12 27 Eel ax and rest In the dental chair. Dr. Hartley fills and extct teeth without pain and corrects diseased gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. tf o Prank Savage, who formerly was In the music business in Salem is ill of influenza at Walla Walla, ccording to word received in the city yesterday. His father left this morning to bo at his bedside. ' Frank F. Richter 373-377 Court Street. Salem, Oregon. I bare moved my office Into more pleasant and more commodious quar ters on the third floor of the U. S. National bank building. Dr. 0. L. Scott Chiropractic-Spinologist, 30S-213 U. S. National bank bldg. tf l'ne local exemption board Is now completing for record a list of namos of all men who wore inducted into the sorvico from the board and who were finally accepted. Besides the large number of enlisted men examined here and sent by the local board to camps about 600 were inducted into the ser vico through tho regular channels. Ac cording to orders recently received by the board, the rocords are to be sealed lc. 10 and tho offico closed. Lunch counter opposite 0. E. R. B. depot. Good lunches, M. J. B. coffee. Lady waitress. Open from 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. 12-30 High grade, genuine furs for Christ mas gifts at special prices. West Fat Co., 217 South High St. tf Members of the students army train ing corps of Willnmetto univesity will receive physical examinations and all be mustorcd out of the service by one week from today. Today the bar lacks in tho scienco hall was given a general- inspection. Many members of tho S.A.T.C. aro planuting to romain in scienco hayy and form a co-operative c'ul), especially as there has been in stilicd nn up to duto range and kitchen equipment. ' The Charles B. Arc hire Implement Co. now carry a full line of feed. 12-13 Willamette chapter of the American Bed Cross calls for bids on the follow ing articles, which will be sold if fair prices can be obtained: 10,800 yards gauze 300 yards cut gauze 182 pounds non-absorbent cotton 3-4 case seottissue 400 kraft bags 25 Vt case cut eellu cotton Call 1500 or call at Boom 204 V. S. National bank building. 12-12 The older football players of Wash ington and Grant junior high schools, who call themselves the heavy weights, played this morning on Willamette field and this time Washington came out ahead with & scoro of 6 to D. rtoine- time ago when the two teams measured tho scores have been as follows: Grant championship game of the three junior nign Bcnooi neavy weignt toams will be played next Saturday. Up to dale the scircs have been as follows: Grant 12, Lincoln 0: Washington 6. Grunt 0: Lincoln 6. Washington 0. The game .next Saturday will be played by Wash ington ana Lincoln. Gillette Safety Razor blades for sale at Hauser Bros., sporting goods store. 12-10 o Shortage overcome. Due to the fact that the U. S. government took over the Gillette Razor factory, people have not been able to obtain the Gillette Safety blades. Howover one may get me uiuues now as itauser .Bros, nave received a shipment of theso blades. Big dance Moose ball tonight. " o Ed Blessing,, who has been, for the past four years with tho Mecca billiard hall has decided to go into business for himself and has rented one of the store rooms of the Klingor building adjoin ing tho Masonic Tcmplo and will es tablish a soft drink and billiard par lor. , . Boiled barley J58?60 per ton at Chas. R. Archerd Implement Co. 12-10 Make her happy for f.very day of tho year by giving her a Hoover Electric sweeper. Uahlsilorf, store of housewares, 135 N. Liberty St. Dance Moose hall tonight 8 p. m. Examinations for state certificates will be held Dec. 18-21 inclusive by W, M. Smith, county superintendent. As in the past they will bo held in the First Christian church, :. Examinations will bo given for all throe grades. For one year certificates the applicant must make a general averrige of 75 per cent, ; News About 1 Musical Instruments XX XX 1 You can buy the same article better at Geo. C. Will's Each instrument must be tuned and adjusted after leaving the factoryand this can only be done by ex pert mechanics That's My Business Geo. C. Will 434 State St. "The Reliable Music Dealer" Salem, Oregon. MMfMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM' MMMMM-MMMMMMMMMMM4MMMMMtMMMMMMMttMMMtM Proclaim Ebert President Of German Paris, Dec. 7. Armed sol diers and sailors, massed before the ' chancellor ' palace last night, proclaimed Chancellor Ebert president of tho "Ger man republic," according to a Berlin dispatch to L'Heuro t day, received by way of Berne. - pend on what word Mr. Cick sends homo. Fordsons are coming in regular lv ilfi A. oar lnnd urna vnnnivafl a Innr jduys ago. I o j Jitney dance, benefit Company M I fund, Salem's home company. Homo j orchestra, Friday Dec. 13th. v Big dance tonight Cotillion hall. Why go olsewherc, when you can go to the Cotillion tonight and enjoy regular dance music. HAYNES n A Message To Every Car Owner immw HAYNES.; FOSTER BAKING CO. must be at lealt 18 years old. For the five year certificate, the teacher must stand an examination on 16 subjects must make a general average of 85 per cent end must have had 12 months ex perience in teaching. For life certifi cates, theteacher must stand an exam ination on 24 subjects, secure a general average of 85 per cent and have had 60 months teaching experience, 15 of which must have been in Oregon. No certificates are granted unless tho teacher is 18 years of age or over. Ladies of the First M. E. church will hold a cooked food sale Dec. 21st. o Bed Cross representatives from 57 Fellows cemetery. His father is E. A. King of Petersburg, Virginia. Mrs. King's father is H. W. Ilolman of rural route 4, Salem. Mr. King was a me chanic and was associated with tho firm of Halvorsen & Burns. When this firm left its location on High and Ferry strols, Mr. King went to Portland. The revolver that caused his death was placed in a fold of tho curtains of tho automobilo and when It r.rr, was dis charged, tho shot siiking Mr. Kisg in the right leg, tho bullet ranging up ward into tho body. Company M, O. N. O., will give jitney dunce at the armor; Friday ev-' ening Deo. Id, benefit company fund. Bemeinber Company M will give a big jitney dance Friday Dec. 13th at the armory. Geoige W. Vick Is now in Detroit and expects within a short time to make an announcement as to what Hen ry Ford intends to do for the people There is tho assurance that the Ford factory is now putting its big force to tho manufacture of cars and Ford sons but there is just a little curiosity as to what price will be announced for the touring cars. There has been all Mirts of juice rumors but all will do- auxiliarics called yesterday at the of fice of W. M. Smith, county superin tendent of schools, for posters, buttons and arm bands besides stationery nec essary to put on tho drive for mem berships the coming week. Mr. Smith has charge of the county campaign out sido of Salem. The active work in all auxiliaries for members at $1 each will begin next week and it is hoped to have all work dome and reports ready I to f ilo with Mr. Smith bv Saturday eve- mug, x'uu .iiu uiuiw uuun xur VB sistance will be made by the Red Cross as it is estimated that the memberships will be sufficient to keep up the work of the organization. Half of the $1 membership fee will go into the local! treasury of Willamette chapter and tho other half to headquarters in Wash- j ington, D. C. ' i o- Every Republic tire in use carries a message to the own er of economy Oregon roads are fierce on tires, and the ma jor expense incurred in the up-keep of a car is tire ex pense. When you need a new tire we want you to thor oughly investigate the Republic-We have them cut in sections so you can see the construction. Remember every Republic Tire carries a 5000 mile guarantee. Sharp rocks do not cut the rubber for it is the Prodium Process, known and used only by the Republic Company in their tire con struction. We make adjustments at our store. KEWAkBI WHERE IS THE COTILLION HALL? Find it tonight and your reward will be the best dance in the City. . Music by Hunt's Orchestra. The best music to be had. Junk junk Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Terwilliger, giad-, uate morticians and funeral directors, : 770 Chcmeketa St. Phono 724. t o i Ed Blessing who has been connected with the Mecca pool rooms for the last 4 years, has opened a billiard and soft Irink parlor at 44)3 State St., the Klmg- er bldg., where he will wclcomo all of j 1 his old friends. TUG fiyieral services of Harry King who was accidentallv killed by the dis- ji haigo of his revolver, will bo hold j (Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock fromi j tie chapel of Webb & Clough. They! (wiii be conducted by the Kev. B. N. 1 Avifnn nnd burial will bo in the Odd The Capital Junk Co. Always did and always will pay the full market price for all kinds of junk and machinery, automobiles, etc. WE ALSO BUY AND SELL all kinds of 2nd Hand goods. Phone O R9BS SUNDAY AND MONDAY Salem Automobile Co F. G. DELANO 246 State Street Phone 97 A. I. EOFF i 2 ; A t it 3 v " s " v s " ., n " v 5 a A winsome Story with a winsome star MAY AM.M in "The Return of MaryJ A Complication of Con flicting Loves "Neighbor's Keyhole" A new Sunshine comedy MAY ALLISON LIBERTY Where Those Who Know, Prefer to ez: Go tLKtt THEATRE H I P P.O DROME VAUDEVILLE. SUNDAY HOWARD and SCOTT Dancers that are different FRANK E. GORDON Th Droll Deceiver THE MELVILLES "Visions in Art" Nell Shipman and m Alfred Whitman "THE HOME TRAIL" "FIGHT FOR MILLIONS' LOTS 0' COMEDY, TOO! fj KUrM mm W7 THEATRE JiU