5000 CIRCULATION J (25,000 READERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar- K anteed by the Audit Bureau of ' Circulations t FULL LEASED WIRE S DISPATCHES - tk ' SPECIAL WILLAMETTE YAXr LEY NEWS SERVICE Weather Report Orgon: Tonight and Sunday unsettled weather, probably with rain west portion, partly cloudy cast portion; moderate winds, mostly southerly. ' FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 290. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1918. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS , - -, i i. a ' . AMERICAN ARMY11 OCCUPATION TSt now 140,099 SOUDERS TO BE SENT HOME SOOH. SAYS MARCH Discharge Of Men In This Country Is Speeding Up ; Since Week Ago. CASUALTIES OF 27TH NEW YORK DIVISION WAS 1153 flay Have To Modify Law Whereby Enlistments Expire Monti After Peace. Washington, Dec. 7. The American anny of occupation consists uow of Id 'irst, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, 28th, 32nd, 33rd, 42ud, 79th, 8!)th aud 90th divisions, Chief of Staff fctarch announced today.- The new divisions of this army of oc cupation are the Beeoud, 7th, 2Sth, 33ru end 79th. The makeup of divisions in the army of occupation in as follows: '-. First to Sieventh, tegular army; S8th, Pennsylvania national guard; 32ud, Wisconsin and Michigan national guard S.Trd, Illinois nutional guard; 42nd, itainbow; 79th, Pennsylvania, Mary land, District of Columbia national army; ' 89th,' Kansas, Missouti, South Iiakota, Colorado, Nebraska, Now Mex ico and Arizona national army; 90th, Texas and Oklahoma national army. They are serving as reserve organi sations occupying Luxemburg, Mont lnedy, Longuyon and St. Mihiel and will be held as reinforcement divisions; if such action should bo necessary. General March revealed that a total of 5362 officers and and 135,515 men have been assigned for early convoy (home while the grand total actually embarked to date stands at 854 officers 17,208 men, a few nurses, prisoners, ci yi liana, eleven navy officers and 554 pavy enlisted men. Increasing Discharge. In this country discharge of soldiers is speeding up. Whereas a week ago only 113 officers had been dismissed the itotal officers dsmi9sed up to yesterday was 7058 and the men over two hut a ced thousand. Detailed units scheduled for return fiitice last Saturday were t0 be added (luring the afternoon. Thore included units of the 92nd division coast artil lery engineers and parts of the 78tl division, not heretofore publianea. Among vessels sailing in the last tea diys were the Susquehanna, Nov. 29. Ciom France to New York, probably December 1, with casual company No. 101, and other casuals and sick; the, H:uta Ana, December 2, from France) for Kew York, due about the 17th, with 43 casual officers, 21 enlisted men, 79th division; the Dokulb, December 2, from 'fiance for New York, due about De cumber 12, with 33 officers, one mau f I navy officers, 354 enlisted men. May Modify Law. Answering exaggerated reports of ' casualties in the 27th New York divi sion, General March said its tot ay cos- lliiruiniiru fin inion U.rts, t X ABE MARTIN t Now watch North Pea minin' stock t ike a tumble. Uncasv lies th head that's makis' $3.S" an hour. 9 CONSISTS if 13 FORMAL ABDICATION Berlin, Dee. 7. The Wolff Agency publishes the adbica- tiin of Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm, dated at Wierengcn Dec. 1. It says: "I formally and definitely renounce the imperial crown, which might come to w through abdication of the unit- er and king, or other legitimate rights." - . CHAIRMAN HURLEY IS EXPECTED HOME FROM EUROPE IN JANUARY Return Believed To Have Been Hastened By Schwab's Flea To Be Released. PhiladeliJiiia, Dec. 7. Chairman Hur ley of the United States shipping boai'd is expected to sail for home "a few days before Christmas," according to reports from authoritative sources. - Hurley's return, it was believed, was hastened "somewhat by the plea of Charles M. Schwab to be relieved of the direction of tilie Emergency Fleet corporation. Officials Expect Kim Officials here today while admitting they expected -Chairman Hurley to re turn "around the first of the year," declined to say definitely when they expected Mm. The lifting of the ban on private d'lipbuUding was regarded hero as the best evidence that the actual program of ship construction was being trim med to the minimum. In connection with this indication officials pointed out that Director General Schwab was finishing plans which will permit him ,to turn over the work to Hurley with out leaving a mass of uncompleted de i tails. Want to Provide Work In allowing a resumption ot building for private account, the gh-pping board was said to have been actuated by a desire to provide work for all men who care to return to the shipyards from the annv. The board has limited the (construction of steel ships to construc tion for American firms only for the reason tlliat a danger exis'ed that too many foreign firms might engage our yards, to the detriment ot American interests, it was said. Few wood ships will be built for foreign countries, it I was believed. I It is generally expected among ship ping board officials that with Schwabs retirement many changes in the ship ping hoard organization would come. Activities thereafter, necessarily would have to center around Hurey. Charles l'ic7., general manager of tho fleet cor poration, probably will Also quit as scon as he can be" relieved. The retire ments while not meaning n chango in the board's personnel, were regarded as beinsr the forerunners of important moves toward making the board a com pact business directing group an agency to promote the shipping inter ests of pea;e rather than to develop a giant war construction program. Will Complete Program 'New York, Dec. 7. Completion with out abatement of tho construction pro gram of the United 5ats shipping board and the complete removal of all restrictions on foreign trade, were urg ed in resolutions adopted by the na tional foreign trade council in session here. j President Wilson Invited j To Cologne To Meet Germans j Borne,' Dec. 7. President Wilson isj invited by Cologne to meet delegations! from Berlin and other German cities j there, for the purpose of bringing about) an understanding regarding the integ-l rity of Germany. - j Gorman newspapers are showing a' universal dread of the various separ-' ati.st movements. ! Berlin, according to dispatches be i ceived here, wants to form a combined allied and German army to march I against the bo'shevikj in Russia. i ENGLIOSH WARSHIP MINED ! London, Dee. 6. (Delayed.) The British warship C&ssandra has been min ed in the Baltic, it was announced to day. , The name Cassandra does not appear! in any available British naval lists. I IIS UNITED STATES HAY MAKEJ8-INCHGUN Ordsence Bureau Report Made Public Today Indi cates This Possibility. ; Washington, Dec. 7. The United State may be preparing to make an ISinch gaii, the biggest weepon it has attempted. This possibility is indicated in the ordnance bureau report, made public today, when in dealing with the Water vliet arsenal, it said: ; "The arsenal has now a capacity of manufacturing up to IS inch calibro" Sixteen thousand contract-; placed during the year with a money value of $S,000,000,000. In this amount was $325,000,000 for expanding manufactur ing activities in order to meet adequate ly the army's needs. fitudies have been made so that the nation could lis- Independent of Chile for its nit'-ate in emergency. Tho surgeon general's report, pub lished today showed gratifying results on. the whole for the army service. So cial diseases were listed high, but pre cautions to limit these causes had good effect. " Had the Spanish war rate of these diseases prevailed there would have been 140,000 cases and 1400 deatnj in 1917, whereas there were oi ly 97 cas es of these diseases and 13 aeaths. Hohenzoileras No Longer Hold Immunity From Law ,. . ' -- , ;.-. London, Dec. 7. The German , government has withdrawn the privilege of immunity from the law previously held by mem- bers of (he Hnhenzollcrn fain- ily, according to a Central News dispatch from Berlin. DIIIIO Revelations From Chapters of Hun Colonel Schroeder, an officer with the armies of German Crown Prince, once trusted messenger of the emperor, confident and companion of Baroness Else Baronin Schweirin, and until recently aide-de-camp to Rupprecht, the Crown Prince of Bavaria, no wa deserter in Denmark, makes sensational revelations and reveals the hideous secrets of kaiserly intrigue before and during the war. At first, the new scheme against tho kaiser moved but slowly. The German generals whom the Crown Prince ap proached, held themselves aloof. Even those vftio were known to be dissatis fied with the kaiser aud t0 predict his fall, would not openly commit themsolv es, and without their support the pro ject was bound to fail. The situation seemed almost helpless till one evening, at tho close of a re cherche little dinner, the Baroness made a suggestion. A Woman Leads The Conspiracy. "You great captains,1' she said, "Don't know how to conspire. It takes a woman to do that. You get your own way in the world by ordering people about. We poor creatures, have to flat ter and cajole and porsuade. Hence we succeed where you fail. By far tho best thing you can do is to do is to take me into thc conspiracy. Make me a party to your schemes and promise me my reward, and I will undertake to bring General Falkenhayn over to your side in a wek. With his support, and feeling run dead against the kaiser and von Hindenburg, the ball is at yout feet." "And what, pray, is your reward you claim,?" asked Rupprecht. "This: That your highness goes through a morganatic marriage with me within a week after Falkenhayn con sents to act agi-;t the kaiser." For a moment Rupprecht hesitated and thc Crown Prince watched him In tently: "Then I agree," he said sharp ly, and the Baroness set out that night armed with n letter from the Crown Prince himself. The moment was a propitious one for the attempt bold as it was. Falken havn, a memlier of the Prince's Camar- il!:i, who had forced the war on the kaiser, was known to be consumed by a fierce jealousy of the marshal who had supplanted him to-wit: von Hinden burg. Moreover, the popularity both AFTER SM BATTLE National Union Now Controls A3 Of Ukraine And Is In tensely Anti-German. Lausanne, Switzerland, Dec. 7. Forces of tho Ukrainian national union have occupied Kieff after a severe bal tlo in which the casualties totalled 10 000, according , to dispatches received from Kieff by the, Ukrainian bureau here today. Among those killed were Gcnoral Skoropadski, hetinan of the Ukraine, and 500 Russian officers. The national union, the dispatches said, now controls all of Ukraine. Skoropadski, backed by the Gor Germans, became virtual dictator of the Ukraine when that district seceded j'from Russia and became an independ ent republic. Tho peasants revolted 'when the German troops began to seize j their grain and livestock and weer soon (joined by the workmen, who tied up (transportation and industries of the country with a general strike. The na tional union, formed by the Ukrainian proletariat, is not definitely pro-ally, but Is intensely anti-German. With drawal of German troops from the Ukraine apparently gave the union the opportunity to overthrow and seize the government. Eisner Can Prove That Wilhchn Started The War Berne, Dec. 7. Kurt Eisner, head of the Bavarian government has promised the Bavarinn council that he will pub lish war office documents with margin al comments in the former kaiser's handwriting, which will .convict Wil helm of responsibility for starting the war. , German newspapers repoi. mat e soldiers, council has decided unnnimous ly to support the Ebert-Haase govern ment. A dispatch -trout Berlin says that democratic German peoples parties have been combined. TO SEND CANDY OVERSEAS Washington, Dec. 7. Nine million pounds of candy were bought this week for the army overseas, along with Sti.i 000 gallons of pickles. of the kaiser and of Hindenburg him self was at low ebb. The German peo ple were incensed at the prolongation of tho war, and at the almost innumer able deceits that had been practised up on them. Those who knew Germany best affirm that thc throne was in dan-! gcr, and there could be no question whatever that a bold move out by the Prince's party, with Falkenhayn at their head, might be followed by startling results. Small wonder, thorcfore, that it was with a shaking hand and a voice trem bling with excitement that Prince Rup precht, thc man of iron, hut as I often thought of no blood, read out the cy pher telegram from his inamorata an-J nouneing her success. Falkenhayn had agreed to throw his lot with Rupprecht and the Crown Prince and if need be, was prepared, at thc proper time, to lead out a section of thc army against thc kaiser, whose power, already broken would receive a mortal wound. Crown Prince "Willie" Jubilant. The Crown Prince was widely jubil ant. Ho insisted on giving a dinner on a lavish scale to the Baroness, Prince Rupprecht, and myself, and made ar rangements for it t0 take place next evening, when the lady rejoined us. The guests were to bo few and care fully chosen. "We must preserve the strictest secrecy," he told Prince Rupprecht, "for if the kaiser hears ev en a whisper of what is in the wind he will act at once, and we shall be ruined. Remember it is essential that he should know nothing. Victory in this struggle will puss to the side who acts first and strikes hardest." And he went on to indulge, as was his wont, in a long disquisition oa mili tary mutters, proclaiming, inter alia, his own prowess as a commander; prow ess that Hindenburg and the other Ger man generals did not always appreciate. An additional reason for observing the sccreev that the Crown Prince insisted PRO-GERMAN PROBE SHOWS UP HEARST IN UNENVIABLE LIGHT Hearst Berlin Correspondent On Payroll Of German Embassay. Washington, Dec. 7. The Washing ton Post, listed in German correspond ence before senate probe yesterday as for sale or hire under Its former own er, the late John K. McLean, printed today a statement claiming that "it 'is another of Von Bernstorff 's infam lous lies." I Edward B. McLean, son of John B. i McLean, now editor-president of the Post said. I "My father purchased the Post for .me. He managed it in my interest. If 'any proposition had been on foot te seU the paper or ruin it by handing it over to any special interest, I would have known it. i " Von Bernstorff was anxious to put .through anything that would help his government. He often lieu to his gov ernment and he was often fooled by sharpers, as previous dispatcher have proved. This lie regarding the Washing ton Post is on a par with tho r'est of tho German propaganda.'' The iPost has been known under the younger McLean's management as dis tinctly pro-American and pro-ally. " Why Propaganda Failed German propagandist initiated by Dr. Dernberg in this country failed, large ly because of the sinking of the Lusi tania, and because a suitable editor for a pro-German organ could not be found. Ambassador Bernstorff so reported to his government according to evi dence presented today by A. Bruce Bie'aski of tho departmci t of justice before the senate committee investigat ing German propaganda. Importing to (Berlin, Nov. 1, 1910, however! Bernstorff said that the peace propaganda had been most successful. , Affidavits and reports tending to show that iBraun, editor of Fair vrlny had received a number of checks from Bernstorff and the Gernmr. embassy, were submitted.. One of these was for $5000 and another for $3000 and one for $1500. vThc checks in most cases were made Out to tho MFair Play Printing and Publishing - company," Bielaski said. He did not know that Brann ever received money from Bern storff on bis personal accmnt. Activities of James F, Archibald, American journalist, were then fc'ono (Continued on page three) Secret Royalty I upon lay in tho fact that tho kaiser had returned suddenly to Berlin, and might at any moment, as his son suggested, seize the persons of tho conspirators, and nip the whole thing in the bud, . Falkenhayn a Plotter. He had already summoned von Falk enhayn to the capital, but as yet wo suspected nothing, and if we could but mature our plans without his doing so doing so. Rupprecht and tho Crown' Princo could make him prisoner, and themselv es the real rulers of Germany, giving out that the kaisor had developed signs of mental aberation and needed con trol over him. That was the plan that was provision ally decided oa at tho banquet to the Baroness next evening. It was a gor geous affair, given, for thc sake of greater precaution at thc home of a supporter of the Crown Prince in tho suburbs. Thc Baroness was the only ludy present, and her health was drunk with boundless enthusiasm. Plans were discussed, details of the coup d'etat agreed upon, and finally it was arrang ed that she should proceed that even ing to General- Falkenhayn and give him, at his hotel, a letter from the Crown Prince containing all particu lars of the event, which was to coine off early thc following morning. Meanwhile, the Crown Prince, Rup precht, and the other guests, officers for the most pnrt, would, bestir them selves in other directions. Just one untoward incident mnrked tho evening. Just before the departure of the Baroness, Princo Rupprecht, who was sitting between myself and the lady, leant over and made a mom entous announcement in a low but cloai voice. Prince Rupprecht Backs Out "There is one little matter, Mad ame," ho said, "that I want cleared (Continued on page four) BRITISH NAVY LIST NAMESTWEN1Y ONE L includes Ships Of Iron Duke Class, Also Queen Eliza beth Class, London, Dec. 7. (British Auioiralty wireless.) The Times publishes an art icle by by its naval correspondent on wartime construction in the British navy, which can aow be reveallcd. He says: "In the descriptive accomus of the surrender of the German ships the names tho names of 21 additions r0 ue British battle squadrons have been ra tioned. These vessels have . Jjiaeo the grand fleet since the navy list Xm August 1914, was published. 11 Two are of the Iron Duke class, the Emperor of India and the Jienbow. They belonged to the 1911-12 program as did also tho Tiger, a battle ciuiscr. The five vessels of tho Cjuecn Elizabeth class the Barham,' Valiant, Warspite, Malay and the Naineship all of which wore of the program of 1912-13, are at so among the additions. Two Snips for Chile. "In the battleship program for 1913- 14, there wore five vessels which io armament and armor were to represent the Queen Elizabeth type, but of a slightly smaller displacement. The are all in the fleet the Royal Soverign, Koyii) Unk, Hamillies, Resolution and Bevonge. Then thero are the vessels whose purchase, was announced by Mr. Churchill in August, " 1914. Two of these battleships were owned by Turk ey, and were known as tho Osman 1 and Reschadieh. They were renamed the Agincourt and Erim. Two other battleships were building in this coun try for Chile, the Almiraute Latorre and the Almiranto Cochmno. The for mer has been acquired and renamed the Canada. The latter is believed to be tho vessel luuuched by Mrs. Page, wife of the American ambassador, last June, aud named the Eagle. Five "Hush" Ships. - ' 'Tho five remaining vessels of the 21 are those familiarly known as the 'hush' ships because of the secrecy maintained nbout their design and con struction. They are. known as the Be pulso, Courageous, Glorious, and Frivol ous and (name lost), aud they aro re ported to be nearly 800 feet in length to displace 30,000 tons each and to be cnpnluc of a speed of frgm 30 to 35 knota. Although so huge, thoy wcro to havo been completed within a year, while tho combination of great speed with heavy armament on a compara ltho wi(lpr an(i pcrhaps moro difficnlt tivoly light draft would allow thorn to quC8ti(m of thc limitation of armies bo used io int shallow waters of theand 0( nll programs of military prerar-' North sea fnd Baltic, to catch and tj0B. , smnsh a r: Healing enemy. "Difficult and delicate as these qscs- "Monsieur Kosseau, naval writer of ,rB i.v ,.,. , fn(,n,i wu.h thn Tempts, states that they are fitted with devices to neutralize explosions so fur as possiblo which gives them consider able immunity against torpedo attack. He instances them as proof of tho cou - f:dcnce of the British navy in tho pow - orful service capnblo of heavy hitting, "me only ono which appears able to an- swer the mastery of the seas.' ine contrast; presented wiui mis output of British ships is more marked wlion it is rocnllod that in tho battle squadrons of the German high seas fleet not more that two or three ves sles conld bo classed as products of war time. ' ' BRITISH CROSS RHINE Leeds, Eng., Dec, 7. (Noon.) "The British nt this moment are crossing the Rhine," Premier Lloyd-George an- uounced In a speech hero today. OXFORD TO GIVE WILSON ; HONORARY DEGREE SOON Expected Then To Give Ad dress And Express His Idea Of Freedom Of Seas. By Robert J. Bender (United Press staff correspondent) Aboard the U. 8. 8. George Wash ington, Dec. 7. (By wireless to tho United I'resi.) The United States, it is understood, wants a definite law for mulated at the peace con terf nee estab lishing the seas as an international highway, governed by the law of all nations combined not by the laws of individual Rations. This government, it is believed would secure the establishment of a minimum contrabrand list and a defi nite blockade. (In the latter proposi tion is seen a move against I'utnre tub marine warfare.) President Wilson in the belief of friends will make at least ono public address in England. It is understood ho will be given an honorary degree at Oxford university and it is regarded as probable ho will make this thc oc casion for his speech. The impression prevails that in his speech he will de fine his ideas of freedom of the seas. WILSONS TO STAND pat on f iran OF 8EASJCI8I0II Gave Definition Of Term la His Famous "Peace WilV eut Yictsry" Message. j FREE INTERCOURSE OF ! NATIONS NECESSARY Great Difference Of Osinisa Anticipated At Peace Table Concerning Armaments. , - By Carl D. Groat. (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washiigton, Dec, 7. President Wil son plans to stand pat at Paris on his definition of freedom of the seas as given in his famous "peace withoat victory" message to the senate Janu ary 22, 1917. In that speech he declared that "so far as practical every great peoplo now struggling toward a full development of its resources and of its powers should be assured a direct outlet to tho great highways of the sea." . If this could not be accomplished bv cession of territory, ho recommended that it be done by neutralization of di rect rights of way. , He declared that "great preponder ating armaments, " if continued, would rob tho world of a sense of safoty and inequality. These thought still consti tute the backbone of tho president's policy, it was learned definitely today. This Question Important. - 1 He stressed then, as he does now, this idea: ' "The question of-armament, whether on iand, or seas, is the most Immeit iatelv and intensely practical question connected with the future fortunes of nntiows or, mankind," ' V , '."Freedom of the seas," is absolute ly necessary to World peace, he thc: held. There must bo "free, constant unthreatcned intercourse of nations." Freedom of the seas, ho regarded as closely connected ." with a limitation of naval armament and tho co operation of tho navies of tho world," the keep ing of the seas free and safe. Must Face Issues Candidly ; "Under tho question of limiting na vnl nvmnmertt " ho continued, "onens ,llmost emtt d decided in n spirit of real accommodation if ft ponce, j to come with healing in its wings nn1 come to stay." , P..,m, .i.:; l.-irf KVetch of mlicv it 'wns p(,intC(i nut t0,inv that there, nrnv 1)C ft difference of opinion between President Wilson and de British pence ' representatives provided England mnin- tllils Jts roccrltly announced iutontim of keeping herself supreme on tho sens.'' BRITISH ENTR COLOGNE London, Dec. 7. A Central News dispatch from Amsterdam announced today that the British enteied C'olcg-.ie yesderduy. Colno-iin 1 tlin center if' tUe TvltinA bridgehead to be occupied h tho Hiit- ish under the terms of the armistice. All Must Make Sacrifice While there has been io official comment on Wilslon Churchill's speech in which on Winston Churchill 's speech would not be reduced in size, it is be lieved President Wilson hi, Ids uLl the powers- must make sacrifices if they sincerely tiesire o just pence. The na tions must follow a policy ef "giving in". in tho interests of sjcl) a peace. I Hhould the present world pilicy of 'competitive armaments b.' continued I the United States couid do more than j hold its' own with its new ship yards, its trained ship builders by the thou sands and its great estin-nlcd quanti ties of raw materials, according to the unofficial information. Churchill's declaration '.hat England would nit yield its sea su) rcmacy was road, with interest aboard the peaco ship when received by wireless. Tho president probably will voice his view on this point later. the sea continues rough 1 the timo of filing this message tho Ocorgo Wash ing'on was 7"0 miles due r-rst of Wash ington. The weather is warir.er. Tho president' cold is better. As the president docs ut want to arrive in Paris before December 14, he may step over for a (fay at the Azores, but this iha$ not yet been decided.