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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. PAGE NINE cans immediately began a f ight to de lay consideration of the measure speedy enactment of which President Wilson urged in his message to congress Moa dav. ' ..' ' ' ' ' Germans Expect Allied -Troops To. Police Berk Cpenhagen, tee. 6.' !The Dontseb lAllegemeine Zeitung publishes an al Bit fa , - a: -mk At THE OREGON Now! " : Vvt -------I I'll 'Iti-j ''W3 liTJ113 Ur 0OROTHY DAITOK Hrr I It's Great! Also one of those Laugh-GetlingSennett glitter Go! Comedies. Same snow Saturday. Commencing Sunday You Will See Frecl Stone In "37f GOAT" Stall of owir "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report Died of disease L...2 HO Wounded Beverely; 27 Wounded, degree undetermined 301 , iYVoiiajkiL.sagh.tlj; .''J Total 880 . Today's casualty list contains the names of the following Oregon tnen: Anibale Desantis, Portland, killed tn action :..' Charles Sy van Fisher, Minim, died of disease Wm P Monaghan, Yamhiil, wounded degree undetermined Sain Ventura, Portland, Wounded slightly Jesse Chester Burdick, Marshileld, wounded slightly ' ' .. Died of Disease Lt Maurice L Harding, Washington Lt Samuel' Solovie, 'Brooklyn ' ' ftgt Mnj Alban M Potvin, Willinian tie Conn Master Engr Jesse M Steed, Seattle Wash Sgt Edward R Lonl, Chicago ISgt Sam McKinnie, Snulibury X C Corporals Marion F Boon, Whchita Falls Tex William J Clark, Binghainton N Y iRalph Durbin, 'Chicago I'lummer L Haga, Shoal? Ind Filip Simunjak, Chicago 4 Robert E White, Woodbine la Wagoner CHee Hedasl, Woodbine In Cook Charlie B Coleman, Privates 'oilier Bradford, Gilmer Tex Milton H iBrosi, Coatsbnrg III James Brown, GoMdnot Tenn Joe Brunnecker, Biranwood la Fred Buss, Onens Wis Hulev MeCant'rell, Greenfield Tenn CONSTIPATION " is best treated by a vegetable remedy ! thnt gently drives cut th- poisonous - nase that lodges in the lower bowel. Celery King : is sure and acts witnnnt discomfort. dTa-? it for sick headache, colds and ,i fevcrMi condition. Same old temedy in the same old box. SPRINGTEX is the underwear with million little spring in its fabric which cive -and toke' with everv movement of the body, nd preserve the ihapeof the garment despite long wear and hard washings, it is the year-wound oaderwwir, light, medium or huvy weight, ujon like. "Remember to Buy It- Yn'll Forget Ym Hv It 0" Ask Yor DmJmt UT1CH KKfrrmS CO, Bakers Sates Room: ISO Creaswqr, Hm Yark Lfa FRANCE rasquale Cappabinnco, Brooklyn Ctmrles E Carlson, Le'advillo Colo v.)liloy F Clement. SnvannnhjTcnn Robert .'ollins, Bartlctt Tenn Charles L Oookf Pi Poulsbo Wsh JVarl T CowgHt, Hanson 1H Hemp ( leeclij Metter Ga William' F K'nrth jr, Chicago Krneist ftanghcrty, Kaufman Tex WoTsclu'H H Dawson, Galesburg 111 Clarence G Dolan, WOodhourne N V .'Harold ;ti BngUy Hancock Wis Ceo M llpton, Woodside Mills S C loaeph W Fishbourue, New York lio'ot G.imblo, Tuscombia Ala Oscar Gardner, Camden 8 C, Joseph li Gnlewooil, Richmond Va Elmer 'cnter, Milfprd NY..-. Willie George, Pomona 'F'n Alonzo Gillispi. West Point Miss Mien Groen, Whiterock HI Lawrence L Guimont, Mimienpolis Willie Hardin, Calhoun City Miss Lorenzo Hnrdwidge, Evanston Wyo Thomas P Harrigan, Hallsite N iC Mike Hen-en, Harrisburg 8 D . Dan Henderson, Iverness Fla Pallia E Hendrickson, Newcastle Col Corn- C Hormansen, Menmine Mich Willie Hicks, Crowder Wisj Fred Hoffman, Baltimore Eilert S Jackson, Elkmond Wis John '() Johnson, Stoughton Wi Ernest. Lewis, Jackson Miss August LoschiflVC, Cleveland O Rex MciC'ormick, Stotesbury Mo Solomon MeGrady, Barnwell S C' John A McLean, New York Spence McMillan, Osyka Miss 7, Leon Mcnish, Ruckford HI Liberto Marcsca, Jersey City X J Andrew J Nash, Philadelphia Johannes "NorelI, iseW York Edward R Osborne, Belair Md . INernice O Peak, Lovelnnd Col Thomas H Pearce, New Augusta Mis Sam Robert. Lobeville Tenn Charles F Roto, Mnlburn N Y Theodiis SandcToos, CeehHin Ga 'Rudolph C Santleben, Owoso Mich Fred H Schnare, town !ty la John A G Sedi'rburg, 'North Branch Minn John R ShaVp, Sprinafrcld Tenn : horge W Sharpe, X'aspy Co N Y t'hartes H Sheffer, Baltimore Rnbet heyidan. Ht Lonw Mo Mf'rt hnlrst, Polonia Wis Fratrk Simpson, Flrtcher Okla Harry 'R Hjoqnist, Dassel Minn . Edward Smith, Hagrod 8 C Horace T mith, Uiddin(!s Tex .Ino E Smith, Tier Ga '(sr Arrell-.Tr, Brooknenl Va Morton M Snyder Lowry City Mo Vineenzo Sperduto, Erie Pa William H fctarks, Clinton Mo .Frank T Stewart, Elkshnrt Kan Waltor C Stout, Avoen X Y Iwij Stotsberry, Bellairc O j 'Jl IB7: Geo W Sttcater, Newport News' Va Clarence V Stroutz, Whitewater Min Richard Sullivan, Eauclaro Wis Ingwald Tallakson, Eoshelle Wis Eobt Tate, Tatesville Tenn John N Taylor, Manchester Tenn Stoffeu D Thuno, Soumberota Minn John Visser, Waupnn Wis . Charles L oVss, Hokah Minn Henry Waddington, Dawkins S C Roy Wagley, Karnesvilla W Va Elwobd E Walters, Fianlcford Del Grover Watts, Blowing Rock IN C William H Welsh, Chicago Alfred5- A Wersonske Oconomowca Wis f-MatMWisijOalftei ' Frank Williams, Bertie N C " Jirii Williams G'aiucsvillo Ala 1 " Ernests Woodrey, Trenion O Mike ' Zoloko, Bayonne X J . SPNISH ISFLUENZA IS MORE DEADLY jHAN WAR The appalling rftvage of Spanish in- fltiCMa in this, country . are perhaps best realized by the-statement recent ly made, tlint more deaths have result ed in littlo more than a month from this - disease than through out whole eighteen months participation in the 'battles of the European Our greatest dM?cr miw, Klcclare authorities, is the great Ai.ierican ten dency to forget easily and to believe the peril is over. Competent authori ties claim the coming of cold weather is very apt to ibring a rettrn of this discaise and there should bo no let up throughout the winter months of the following easily observed precautions, remembering that iwflucnan, is far as ier to prevent than euro. Influenza is a crowd disease. Avoid crowds as much as possible. Influenza germs spread when ignorant and Care less persons sneeze or cough Without using a handkerchief. Cover up each cough or sneeze. Do not Spit on the floor, sidewalk; In street cars or pub lic places. Avoid the use f common tirlnkiiitg cups and roller towels in public places. Breathe some reliable germicidal and antiseptic air to do- stroy the germs that do find lodgement in your nose and throat. Remember, no safer precaution against influehaa conld be employed in this manner than to get frtm the near est drag store a Complete Hyomei out fit consisting of a bottle of the pare oil of Hyomei and a little vest pocket nard rubber inhaling device, into which a few drops Of the oil ire poured. You should carry this inhaler nKout with you during the Jay and each half hour or go put it in your moutl- and draw deep breathj of its pure, healing germ killing air into the pasxaijes of your nose, throat and lungs; By destroying germs befere they ac tually !bogin work in your blood, you may make yourself practically immune to infection. All these suggestions about Spanish influenza are equally true in the pre vention of colds, catarrh of nose and throat, bronchitis and ven pneumonia. Don 't become careless. Do your part. -Keep the germs away; Yon may save yourself a serious illness and the loss of several weckg work. Danl J. Fry. BACK TO REFORM SCHOOL Jerome Sacks and his companion who recently escaped from the state tcfortn school, wore captured yesterday near Portland. The boys had stolen an au tomobile and at once proceeded to the home of the lad that was accompanying Hacks. The father of the boy at once innd the young culprits asknowlcdge from wirom the ear had been stolen and hey were Compelled by flic former to return the machine to its rightful own er, aftei which both the escapes were tiiken tothe reform school. Roscburg Review. LOCAiL PAYKOLLS distribute Money in a community just as "lo cal rains" distribute moisture. Yon can 't get away from it be cause it's true. - Every time yon favor local pro ducts in your fcuying you are doing TOUR PART to help along this lo cal, distribution' of money. Homo Industry League of Oregon TRADING DEAD IN STOCK MAST New York, De;. 6. The . Evening Sun's financiol reviewtoday sayst Trading virtually wont dead in to day's session of the stock market. To-jwhere Mrs. Reiling nopC8 to her baccos were strong, as were a few oth-j health. The firemen of which Mr. Boil ers, including American Linseed. The inng wag chief, gave him a farewell coppers, like the steels, were subject surprise party at the Bex hall Monday to considerable pressure, but recovered evening. Mr. Boiling's leaving neoes their losses. Kails were neglected and : situtod his resigning as councilman, recorded only small fractional changosj Recorder P. M. Smith has been una 1 "r 1 ' bio to be about for two weeks, but is BEPORT REVENUE BILL Washington, Dec. 6. Senator .Sim mons, chairman of the finance commit tee, today reported the $6,000,000,000 revenue bill to the senate. Rcpubli- ! . 4,;i .X. rim- i Wave a compexhnttati is always prvsenaSfe- jf-now possible for every '' Woman through use of MARINELLO Phantom Powder Immediately gives skin appear ance of beauty t then really beautifies it. Unrivaled baouty builder for face, neck and hm.- Doesn't rub rwashoff. SplendidforeveninKmRke up. Your mirror will ecov its merit, ; " 123 N.HigrBt. .. Mis !jj vjr - ,n in mnj-i t fl CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. QUICK REFERENCE TO WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET WE RECOMMEND OUR ADVERTISERS - BVEKYTHINO ELEOTBIOAi lUscnie Temple, 12? North Hirfk . latton ' 3Cictrie Oo OSTEOPATH DBS. B. fi. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk ville, Mo. Post, graduate and spec ialized In ftervtms flisestes at Los Angeles College. Offices 505-608 Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 85. Residence, 1620 Court. Phona 2Z18. Dr. White Bes. Phoae 469. DENTIST 0B. F. L. TJTTEF, DEIT It X, BOOMS 113-414 Bank of Commerce building. WATER COMPANY ALEM WATKB COMPANY Office corner Commcfiial and Trade streets Ellis payable monthly In advance. Phone 606. - ' 1 ' SECOND-HAND GOODS FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good ReaK Estate Security TH08. K. FOKD Ladd A Dnsli bank; Salem Oregon fEDEEAL FAEM LOANS 5V4 per eent 34 years 1"mc. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Tomplo. Balom, Oregon. STOVE REPAIRING 3TOVES BEBUILT AND REPAIRED SO years experience, Depot, NatiouaJ sod American fence. Sizes 26 to S8 in high , -Paints, oil and varnish, ate Loganberry and hop hooks. jKak-ra Fence and Stove Works. 50 Court street Phone 124- : , ',.-,-.; - ' " The Journal 'Job Department will print yon anything in the V stationery line do it right and save yon real money.- leged American wireless d;patch del . claring that American and allied troops wilL occupy (Berlin provisionally for the 'purpose of policing the city. ' Ai dispatch from Heidelberg says the workmen's and soldiers' council there has announced the French prob ably will occupy Heidelbeig and the city of Mannheim because the watch men at the Mannheim prison killed i three iFrench prisoners. j Heidelberg i3 32 miles northeast of Karlsruhe. Mannneimis 45 miles south west of Frankfort. MT. ANGE LOCALS (Capital Journal Special Sorvice) Mt. Angel, Dec. 6. Mr. .Ban, the jeweler, made a business trip to Port land today, Wednesday. Thomas Boiling has rented his share in the butcher shop to his brothers-in- law, Albert and Fred Bourbonnma, nd with his family has left for California, ifccline better and has aeain resumed his official dutios. Councilman Jacob Berchtold, the gon ial proprietor of the Mt. Angol hotel, has just recovered from the toils of the "flu." Jake says that two days of perspiration, accompanied by happy dreams and ready-served meals is not the worst calamity on earth. Miss Helen Diclil accompanied Rose Traviss to Portland last evening. Rose TraviBs, h0 's employed by the North western Home telephone in Portland, spent Monday and Tuesday at homo.; - Rose Hassing of Dufur spent Thanks giving week at homo. Viince, Mr. Prfly's death, Mrs. Purdy and '-two littlo boys have moved to Portland. Rosalia and Elizabeth Keber ol Portland were home for Thanksgiving. Bill Terhaar and Alois May of Camp Lewis spent their four-day furlough at home.; They anticipate an early release from military duty, as also does Eil Unger, who returns to Camp next Mon day, after a 30 iey furlough. Several new cases of "flu" liavo been reported. '- . Wilfred Bassior bf the S. A. T.'.C at IT. of O. visited at the eollogu a few days. ..v - .. , r- Moe tixchter vf'Iitwksriaw")iana 0. J, Ter. aar visitod iiiends in Woodbura Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A'.tio$ Oswald took the FIRMS THAT GIVE SERVI C E Telephone Mala 1Z0I REAL ESTATE OB SALE And worth the price, five acres of choice land for nay, grain or fruit; located about 2 "4 miles from city limits, new and well furnished house end barn, an excel lent well with pump, acre of tim ber, place well fenced on E. F. D. Plenty and wiety of fruit for fam ily use. Pries $2000. tnprovementa are worth the money asked. Inquire of Square Deal 3oalty Co. Phone 470 70 ACHES $100 land, on account of cir cumstances will sell for $65 on easy terms. 6 acres all cultivated, good improvements, lVi mile of city limits only $3500. 114 acre good house, barn all in fruit, good soil, closo to car lino, 41250. Soeolofsky, 341 State WANT 1300, $300 and $1500 loana on good real estate security. Socolofsky, 3 State St. . .. tf isititvU Ivva I lu us ad I can matx-h you. C. W. Niomeycr, Beal Estate Agent, Canadian Lands, ' 644 State street. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refnse of all kinds removed on month ly contracts at reasonable rates. Ceis pools cleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone, Mala 2247. Besidence, Main 2272. LODGE DIRECTORY KOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA 'Oregon Grape Camp" Ne. 1360. meets every Thursday evening i Derby building, Court and High St Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 14 Court St oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record er 1415 N. 4th St. Pboae 143CM. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tndaj at 8. P. Aodrewn, C. C, f . J. Kunb K. B. 6. 4 When yon ose Journal elasslft- ad ads get what yon want them to they work fast. in your -W ! i; " rt C. S. Hamilton 340 OOCWP train to Portland this morning. WHY COUGH AND COUGH AND COUGH? Dr. King's New Discovery . removes the danger of , neglect .; . Coughing until the parched throat f rowi painful should not be permitted, t should be relieved before it gains headway with a dote of Dr. King's New Discovery. The same with a cold or bronchial attack. Millions have used this well known remedy for half a - century regularly without thought of change. Sold by druggists since 1869. An all important adjunct to any family medicine cabinet. 60c and $1.20. The Burden of Constipation is lifted, comfortably but positively , when you, treat your bowels witlj Dr, , King's New Life Pills. The liver gets ' busy, digestion improves, tht sickly, , sallow skin is freed from bile. Get a bottle today start tlx day right. 25c. ONSHORT NOTICE $ MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246 meets every 3rd and 4th Thur. tve, 8 o'clock In Derby building, eornor Court and High streets. E. F. Day, V. C. F. A Turner, clork. UNITED AETISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets first Thursday ol each month, at p. m- in I. O. O. F. Hall. Norma L. Terwilligcr, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 34Q Oweni (treat. THE MARKET Orals Wheatsoft white ... $1.942 Wheat, lower grades on sample Oate . 80c$l Hay, oats $25 Barley, ton $5052 Hay. cheat, new a...... .. $24 Mill run . $3738 Eutterfat Buttorfat 68c Creamery bnttOT fW67c pork, von and Hut ton Pork, on foot . 19e Pork, dressed . - 120 Veal, fancy 1617c Ststfrs , ., 7(3)9 Cows 4(f 8V4 Spring Iambs lie Ewes..- .'..' 4s3Bf Lambs, yearlings 8fe9c . gs and Poultry Eggs,- cash ...................5.,....... 63c Hens live .................; ... 2123e Old roosters 15c Chickens .. 2124 Turkeys, dressed 30(1326 Turkeys, live 202(jc vegatatnaa Sweet potatoes $4 i otatoe .. 91.70 Onions, local $1.75 Uabbage .... . .j ....... vyti Head lettuce $2.76 Turnips . 2 Beets - lt Grean peppers , Be Parsnips ! Cranberries, box Cauliflower iron Oranges . Lemons, box ..... . $4.26 - $1.85 $470 $0.75 Bananas home Will add 'joy ai Christmas time. Sing the joyous songs of peace. Sing the songs of the returning heroes of tha great war. Welcome home tfi( ; boys with joy and song. Ev ' erything is possible for the : Brunswick when it comes t records "of different makes. 0t plays them all at thei . best. The Brunswick getiP More Volume and a more mel-J low tone from a tecord tha1' the machine that is mado ea- ' pecially for the record. Call and let us show you. ' Home Furnisher I STREET GLASS OF SALTS IF I Eat Less Meat If You Feel Backachy Or Have Blad der Treble-Salts Fes For Kidneys Meat forms nric acid which excite and overworks the kidneys in their ef forts to filter it from the system. Bog ular eaters of meat must flush the kid neys occasionally. You must relieve) them like you relieve your bowols; ro moving all the acids, waste and pois on, else you feci a dull misery in iba kidney fgion, sharp pains in the bacB 6 sick headache, dimness, your stom ach sours, tongue is coated and wheal th' weather i barl yeu have rheumat ic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irri tated, obliging yoa to get up two , of three times during the night, To neutralise 1 these irritating eids and flush off tho body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Halt from-ny pharmaey; take a tablospoon ful in a glass of wator before break fast for a few days and yonr kidncya i will then act fine and bladdor disor ders disappear. This famous salts ia mado from the acid of grapes and lem on juice, combined with lithia, and baa -boon used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and atop bladder irritation. Jad Salts is inex pensive; harmless and makes a delight ful effervescent lithia-water drink! which millions of men and woman take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases. Tho diet during and after influenai. Horliek's Malted Milk, nourishing,' di gestible. Huckloberries, pound 15a Florida grapo fruit, case . W.mtyr Bladi figs, 23 25 lbs .fcO Figs, 4 0z. packages . $5.5$ Figs, 6 oz, packages ... $4.50 FUrs. 8 oa. packages $3.50 Figs, 10 lb. fancy W M Figs, 10 ID. . laacy No. 1 comb honey $7 Setau nces (Iroamcry buttor ........... 73 Flour, hard wheat . $S3.29 Country butter ; 70s. Eggs, dozen Portland, Ot., leo. o. Jiutrer, cnjl creamery 6(le Eggs, selected local x. wooe Eggs local ex. 7072c Hens 27e , j Broilers 27(a30c Geese 22fi;2 c Cheese triplets 85(2 86 DAILY LTVE STOCK MaXKJET Cattle Boceipts 100 Prime steers $ll.!50f12 Choice te good steers $,0.5011.5O Meilinm te good steers $PCa l0 Fair to medium stroers $8(a 9 Common to fair steers $.V)b7.56 1 Choice cows and heifers $7,7508 Medium to good eews and heifer 'K?7 ... Fairto medium . eowa and , aeiiera $5(06 - .;.'.-'. Cannors $3(J4 Bulls $5(7 .50 , Calves $S(12 Stockeis and feeders $ea Hoga Receipts 757 Tone of market strong Prune mixed $16.75(17 i Medium mixed $16.5U( lfi1r5 Bough heavies $14.75(4G Pigs $14(3)15 Bulk $10.5O(a'16.75 4 Bhoep Receipts 20 Tone of market steady Prime lambs $11. 50(a12.75 Fair to medium lambs tS(8 Yearlings $8.5() 10.50 Wethers $10U Ewes$9(a.l0 JOURNAL YANT ADS PAY, JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY