Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 06, 1918, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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6-7, 191
l Cross
All black kid, lace, Fi-ench heels. $5.50
quality, in sizes 3 to 5 only, at
. $3.35
All black kid, button, French heels, $5.50
quality, in sizes 3 to 6 only
French Heels
Red Cross, dark grey,
cloth top, $10.50 quality,
at :. $7.95
Red Cross, light brown,
cloth top, $10.50 grade,
at .. $7.95
All dark grey kid, high
grade 12.00 value, sale
price .....$9.65
Light grey kid, cloth top,
fine $8 shoes, for $5.95
.Dark grey kid, cloth top,
$7.00 values at $5.65
Dark brown Russia calf,
worth $12.00, special'$8.95
Dark brown kid de luxe,
fine. $9.50 value for $7.35
Dark brown kid, cloth top,
excellent $7.50 grade$5.65
Beautiful Patent Pumps
Elegant patent oxfords
Boys' gun metal hutton, Neolin soles,
sizes 1 to 6, worth $4.00, two days'
sale price
Same in sizes 9 to 13, worth $3.75, for
two days, sale price
Job lot Boys' Button and Lace, Heavy
and medium gun metals, $3.50 to $3.75
values, sizes 1 to 5, at
Cuban And Military Hesls
Red Cross, dark grey,
cloth top, to match, $10
grade at 7.45
Red Cross black kid, dark
grey, cloth top, $8.00 qual
ity for $5.85
Dark brown, all kid, fine
quality $9.50 shoes, so
at $7.35
Dark brown calf, low heels
fine $7.00 values at....$5.65
Black, all kid, lace, Cuban
heels, sizes 3 to 5 1-2 only.
$5.50 grades at $3.35
Black, all kid button, Cu
ban heels, sizes 3 to 6 only.
$5.50 value at $2.95-
Black kid, grey cloth top,
low heels or French, $6.00
grade at $3.95
Gun metal English, ' cloth
top, medium heel, $6.00
value ..::.:::.::::.::....$4.20
$3.50 And $1.65
All Kinds, All Siz-s
All Prices
Misses' Dress and Service
shoes, all prices from
$3.95 to $2.85
Child's dress and service
shots, sizes 8 to 11, from
$3.65 to $2.15
Infants' dress and play
shoes, sizes 1 to 8, from
$2.65 Down to 95c
Men's "Stetson" gun metal, English last, highest
grade worth $12.00, go in this sale at .....$9.65
Men's fine kid, straight last, splendid $8.50 qual
ity go in this sale at .$6.65
Men's gun metal, English last, Neolin sole, $7.00
grade, in this sale at $5.J5
Men's Arirto kid, broad comfy toe, oak soles, $7.50
values, go in at $5.85
Men's gun metal blucher, bulldog toes, Rinex soles
$6.00 grade, at $4.30
Men's gun metal, English bals, Rinex soles, $6.00
values, in this sale at $4.35
Men's brown calf, English bals, Neolin soles, $7.00
values, m tms sale at $5.45
Dark tan, army last, heavy
welt soles $8.00 values go
at ? $5.65
Black or tan, heavy soles
$5.50 to $6.00 grades, go
at $4.35 and $3.95
Almost All Crckrds Are Old
0nes.-0nly 25 Acres
Planted In 4 Years.
Salem was formerly advertised an tlio
Ofoprry City and although thero has
been no continuous advertising of the
fact, ye1: it ! 'rue Hint Salem s'-l if.
uihIih the cherry city of the northwmt
duo to the fact that It Is the. center
the great cherry producing district of
tho Willamotto valley.
An tlio center of the district, Salem
profits by tho acreage of Polk county
but In tlte report of aerobe made by
H. II. Van Trump, county fruit inspec
tor, Marlon county only is included, as
liis official duties are fur Marlon coun
ty only.
Tho cherry acreage uf the county is
4.12 and the number of trees, according
to the consus of Mr. Van Trump is 35,
feW, ait average of 80 to the acre.
Although Halem is the center of the
finest cherry growing center in the
United HliiU's, no very lurge tracts are
to bo found in the county, Tho largest
recorded by Mr. VauTrump is one of 5
acres owned by 1.. H. Huberts, rural
route 7, 8a!eui, on which is p United 8,
F00 trees.
The second tract in size hi orni ur 80
acres and 1258 trees owned by Kandali
Hroa. on rural route S, Stilom. The
third in sine is owned by 11. K. White
On rural route B, Suleiu. This orchard
contains 17 acres and has 850 trees.
I'.ijjht of the acres was plutited three
years ago. Close in size to the Whltl
orchard is one of 10 acres owned by Ma
Nary & Htals on rurul route 8, Salem,
Carpenter Bros, of rural route 3, Sa
loin, havo a 14 acre orchard on which
aro planted 900 trees. Tho Waldo Hills
Orohard at Mnclcny contains 12 acres
planted to 758 trees and of eipim
is the one owned by J. C, Morris of
Turner planted to 900 trees.
Other largo orchards in the county
aro as follows: D. J. .Reynolds, route
9, Salem, 10 acres, planted to 950 troos
O. K. Brooks, route 3, Salem, 10 acres
with 900 troos; C. J. Carlton with 11
acres on rotito 3, Rnlcin, with 1200 trees
II. H. Ridgoway of route 3, Salem, with
9 acres planted to J00 trees: Fred A.
I (icgg, routo 4, Suleiu, with 10 acres and
j 1000 trees and H. H. Hill of route 4,
Salem, 1000 troos on ten acres.
' There seems to bo but little interest
ln receat years in the planting of cherry
orchards. Mr. van Tump found Joo La
Folletto of Books with one orchard one
Follotlo of Brooks with one orchard 1
orcluirds ho found II. Brookins of Sa
loin, routo 8, with a 1 aero tract and
(,'lias. Kadcliff on route three, Salem,
with a three aero tract. Only 11 i
acres in tho county are three years old
and eight acres four yeas uld,
All of which seems to indicate that
while this may be tho finest district in
tho northwest for cherry growing, tho
fruit men of Mnrion, county have not
been disposed to take chancOB on cher
riea at least not for the past few years
Hamlin's Wizard OH a Reliable,
Antlsaptle Preventive
During influenza epidemics (pray
. the nose and throat several times a
r day with one part Wizard Oil and
two parts water, using an atomizer.
If you haven't an atomizer, gargle
the throat and snuff the mixture up
the nose. This treatment sets up an
antiseptic wall of defense against
"Flu" germs.
Chest colds and sore throat lead
to grip. Stop them at once with
: Wizard Oil before they can develop
into dangerous influenza.
Get it from druggists for 30c If
not satisfied, return the bottle and
get your money back.
Ever constipated or have sick head
ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips,
pleasant little-pink pills, 30c at drug
gists, -Guaranteed.
is mMMln 2
ft? A a rqij-?'' -
Instant Relief! Limber Up! Rub
Pain, Soreness, Stiffness
Right Out With "SL
Jacobs LinmcEt."
When your back is sore and In no or
lumlingo, sciatica or neuritis has you
stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a small
trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs
Liniment" ot any drug store, pour a
little in your hand and rub it right
iuto the puin or actio, and by tlio timo
you count fifty, tho soreness and lame
ness is gone.
Don't stay crippled! This soothing,
penetrating liniment takes the ache and
pain right out and ends the misery. It
is magical, yet absolutely harmless and
doVsn't burn or discolor the skin.
Nothing else stops lumbago, sciat'ea
and lamo back misery so promptly and
surely. It never disappoints!
Smiling Bill Parsons
Nothing Pertaining
to War.
Household goods, harness, wagons, tools,
ranges, heaters, cookstoves, farm ma
chinery, etc. I pay cash or will sell
on commission from stock sales con
ducted anywhere, Phone 510 or 511
Woodry. the Auctioneer.
A change of
Trucks will leave both Salem
and Portland at 7 a. m. mak
ing deliveries the same day.
Salem people should phone
orders the evening before.
Open until 6 p. m.
Phone 663
$ to
Court House News
In the case of Z. T. Bogard against
T. N. and J. B, Kennedy before Judgo
George G. Bingham tho court found
that tho suit was the same claim sued
upon in a former action and its adjudi
cation in tho former suit operates as a
bar against the prosecution of the pres
ent suit. The court further found that
tly) defendants wore entitled to a do
crco that tho plaintiff is not entitled
to the relief prayed for in his complaint
Mr. Bogard hail sued for $4777.76 as
ovidenced by a promissory note and a
mortgngo on real estate in Tillamook
county. -
F, C. Bromley has entered suit against
L. II. McMahon claiming $132.75 duo
for work on a caterpillar engine. It
seems that Bromley worked several
days trying to got the engine in shape
and thon went to Portland and hired
a lawyer to bring suit.
In tho case of Paul Marnach and L.
F. Evans against the Royal Insurance
Co. by stipulation the defendants may
have until Dec. 15 to plead in answor
to tho complaint.
mm childs
If Little Stomach Is Sour, Liver
Horpid Or Bowels
In tho matter of the estate of Edith
F. Reynolds, the court decided that tho
inheritance, tax is $13.15. The estate
is valued at $0310.05 and as L. T. Rey
nolds, tho only heir is entitled to $5000
exemptions, tho state will receive one
per cent on tho balance, $1310.65.
Nephew Of Salsm Man
Narrowly Escapes Death
Lieut. Merril B. Moores, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles B. Moores of Port
land", and nephew of A. N. Moores of
this city, had A most thr i'ing erpor
ience nnd a miraculous escape from
death following a fall of 1500 foot ia
an airplane.
He describes hi exprner.ee in a let
ter to his parents partly as follows.
"Wo were experimenting with several
types of parachutes whea one we were
dropping op 'nod up too soon nd
caught in the tail eontrol of the. air
plane in which wo were riding.
"We lost full eontrol of the plane
and on nearing tho ground saw we were
Toinsr to hit a fence. In trying to
shoot over it, we lest all flying eontrol
and dropped off on on? w ug. The ma
chine collapsed turning completely ov
er, leaving the pilot and myself pinned
underneath. T
"At first I thought my jaw bone
and cheek bone were, broken, but X-
rnv photographs shewed tl.it only my
left cheek bone was crushed."
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because
in a few hours all tho clogged up waste
soar bile and fermenting food, gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
e. woll, playful child aga'n. Children
simply will not take tho time from
ply to empty their bowels, and they
ibocome tightly packed, liver gete slug
gish and stomach disordered.
When cross, feverish, restless, see if
.tongue is coated, then give this doli
cious "fruit laxative." OVldren love
it, and it can not cause iiiniry. No dif
ference what aiU your little one if
full of cold, or sore throat, diarrhoea,
stomachache, bad breath, r-iuember, a
gontle "inside cleansing" should al
! ways' bo the first treatment given.
r un directions ror oa'mes, cnnurcn or
all ages and grown ups are printed on
each bottle.
Bowaro of counterfeit fig sf.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of Cal
ifornia Syrup of Figs,'- ithen look
carefully and flee that it is made by the
"California Fig Syrup Company." We
make no smaller size. Hand back wita
contempt any other fig syrup.
swsscwj Win? w ? WANT ADS PAY
Lima, Pru, Dec. 8. The Peruvian
cabinet has resigned. Anselmo Barroto
has ibren asked to form a nrw ministry
The Bolivian eonsula have taken over
Peruvian interests in Chile.
Former Chancellor Tudola is expect
ed to be appointed Peruvian ambassa
dor to the United States.
Stop Stomach Distress
Aid digestion) relieve gas, heartburn,
bloating and that awful distress that
follows after eating. Help to make
good red blood and bnild tip the nerv
ous system. .Neutralise stomach acid
ity. There it no better medicine made
for stomach troubles than Sfumeze Tab
lets. At all Drug Stores -5 cents.
-' . Dermatologist
Foot Specialist
Without Blood or Pain oi Causing
Soreness or Other Inconvenience.
Chilblains and All Diseases of tho Feet
Spocial Attention to Antiseptics there
by Preventing Infection.
Appointments by Phone.
Ladj' Assistant.
518 TJ. S. Nat. Bank Bldg.
Phone 416. Salem Ore
MM t
eare of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Mcdielne and Th tV
Ell. medicine whick will an
muj uom aisease.
Open Sundays from 10 a, a.
r. ootid s p, m.
, 153 Bontk High St
J Halem, Oregon. PKoas IK
Stop! Look! Listen!
In the thousands of big bargains at the
Of the enormous stock of groceries, dry goods and
Shoes of the
Farmers' Cash Store
A Sample of our prices
Crown, Snow Drift and Olympia flour at $2.90
Valley Hardwheat, at $2.85
Pride of the West, at ...$2.75
6 Pounds Crisco, at :.$1.85
3 Pounds Crisco, at .. .95c
.3 Pounds Reliance Coffee at 95c
35cF.C.S. Coffee, at. 25c
Good Economy Coffee, at- 19c
White Beans, pound, at 9c
Peanut butter for Saturday only al 18c
Dried Prunes, 2 pounds at 25c
Regular $1.25 Work Shirts at .....89c
. Heavy Flannel' Shirts at. ...".......;."................$1.49 "
25c Embroidered Laces, all kinds at 5c
200 yards Sewing Cotton at 5c
Also big sacrifices in shoes, rubbers, slickers -.
rain coats, etc.
Cabbage, per pound '...... 3 l-4c
Sweet Potatoes . 4 i-2c
Potatoes, pound 2c; sack ; Z...... $1.75
Onions, pound 2c; sack $1.75
No. 2 Onions, pound 1 l-4c; sack $1.00
Sale will continue until after Christmas
. We deliver $3.00 Orders Free of Charge