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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. ' H 44T4T4 NEW TODAY HBENAL WANT AD DEPAMfHT B THE BEST SELM asm m eiariokto-try to m resets KLASSOTED ADVEBTISINa RATES Bstfl per word New Today: Eaea insertion . i week ( Insertions) . Cto Booth (6 insertions) , -Is -5a 17s The Capita! Journal will not be re sponsible for mar than ene insertion, far errors in Classified Advertisement Sead yoar advertisement the first daj 1 appears and notify us immediately if error oeevt, Minimum charge, lSe. t POTATOES for tale. Phone 80FU. tf WANTED Worlc on truck or machine hop. Phone 8F23 evenings. 12-8 FOB RRNT 3 room furnished apart raont. Phone 1525." 12-7 FOB SALE 6 Orpington hens and 1 rooster. Phone 6SF21. 12-6 6TRAYBD Brown horso with halter; finder please phone 1647. 12-11 FOR SAJjB-Seeond growth fir. Phone iOW. 12-7 WATB&-JT-pin(T to do after office hours. Pnone 1J56. 12-7 FOR SALB 5 room bnnpalow eaeap, easy terms. 1335 N. 18th. 12 tf TOR BENT A house partly furnished $7 per month. Phone 193UM. 13-6 20 OOBDH eld fir wood, $0 per cord, delivered. Phone 71F22 12-7 WE want poultry, eggs, and hides. Cherry City Feed Barns. 12-10 COWS for sale. Cherry City Feed Barns ji26 WOOuT cutters wanted to cut about 5000ordse M. Woods Rt, 9, Salem. 12-7 OOOD horse and buggy for sale or will trade for eow. I, W. Thomas, West Salem. . - : 12-6 HOUSE cleaning and window cleaning wanted. Jfhone 1237. 12-12 WAXTT7D Woman for maternity" ease UQBQ . . A 1- EABMT firggle hop roots for sale. J. K. cooper, independence. 12-26 WAXTEDMesscnger boy. Western Union Union Telegraph Co. tf FURNISHED house for rent, P. 0. VS. 12-6 FOR SALE .Clheap, furniture for small rooming nouse, must sell at once. 322 N. High, Salem. 12-10 WANTT3-To buy fresh cow or one Iresi soon. Mast be gted. Pearl Wood, Gervais, Kt. 1. 12-12 GEO. MARTIN Expert on all makes or typewriters, l'hone 937 or call 124 S. Liberty St. 12-6 WANTED Women to pack strawber ry piaats ana men to uig plants. Phone 98F3. 12- MAtf WANTED Unmarried man for small dairy ranch on coast. Call at 1036 Chemeketa. tf FOR. SALE Two good young Jersey cows, one fresh, one soon; will trade for fat cows. 1925 State St. . 12-9 LOST Auto chains between Salem and Dallas. Reward. Phone 1712R. 12-6 MONEY to loan, large and small amounts on farm or city. W. A. las ton, agent. 12-7 CORD wood for sale. Phone evenings 2093M. tf .WANTED Fat thin and fresh cows, large calves. Phone 1425M. 12-28 WANTED -To buy beef cattle and ealve. Phone 1579W. - 12-12 BBO-WTHRHD Jersey bull calf for ale. Price $20. Cash or trade. Phone MatHf ;"' '- .12-7 FOB 8ALB . Bright baled straw. East one mile, pen road, rel barn, four corner . 12-12 YOIXN0 man would Eke a job driving delivery or passenger machine. Phone 235TB. 12-7 YOUNG- Filipino boy wants position as cook in private family. Phone 630, .room 27. , 12-6 TOR SALE 10 pigs 2 months old, $5 each. Phone 27F15. G. H. Thompson, Macleay, Or. 12-7 !WANTBD-,Wood cutting by, W. H. Propst. Salem, Or., Rt 4, box 118A. 12-7 FOB SALE 20O A. grain and stock farm in Idaho. Address 12-2 care Journal. 12-7 TOR RENT Store room on State St. J. H. Lauteraan, Argo Hotel. Phone 800. tf .WANTED 15 to 25 single comb White Leghorn 1 year old hens. Phone 1947 J mornings. tf LOST 3 yearling Shropshire rams, one wears my label. If you find same please call 43F24, J. J. Doerfler. tf OLD- papers for carpets, etc, 10 cents per hundred, call at Journal office. tf MAXWELL for tale, $275. Terms. Me chanically perfect. Highway Garage Phone 355. Call 1000 S. Com'l. tf UBERTY BONDS If you must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy them. 314 .Masonic bldg. tf ..ALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Burer's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial tf. R SALE (Big Durham beef cow, or will trade for fresh Jersey. Peter JMschoff, Rt. 6, box 4)A, Salem, . Ore. , 12-y GIRL WANTED For general house work. Must be good cook. No wash ing nor ironing. Apply afternoons at 325 V. Capitol St. 12-6 FOB RENT Good seven room nouse close in. F. L. Wood, Bayne build ing. 12-7 FOR SALE dozen Barred Plymouth Rocks; also young gobbler. Phone 7F32. . ,12-7 TIMBER land far sale or tiade, either town property or acreage. 1224 N, 14th. 12-9 WAOTED Maid at Hotel Marion, ex perienced preferred. Apply Monday morning. 12-7 IIAJXD painted place cards, calendars, Xmas gifts, made to order. Phone ' I342W, or call 3095 Portland road. ...... 12-S WANTED To rent houst- and barn with 1 to 10 acres good garden , ground, elose ti Salem and. car. B U eare Journal. 12-7 KM GATES FOMCICCQIIM ... Portland Railway Ligfa And Power Company Authorized To Charge More. Increases in commercial power rates are granted to the Portland Railway Light & Power eompany and the North western Electric company in ordercn issued yesterday afternoon. The in creases affect the medium and large consumers and apparently do not nf feet the small consumers. The new rates became effective yesterday. The increases will apply to the bus iness of the Portland Railway, Light ti Power company in all the cities and towns it serves up and down the Wil lamette valley and elsewhere in Oregon The Northwestern Electric eompany is only located in Portland. The same in creases are given both companies. But slight crange is made m what is kniiWn as the primary rate, but a sub stantial increase in revenue to the com panics will be obtained by a change in the number of hours of use of electric power each month that the primary rato will apply. The commission's or ders provide that the primary mo, which is higher than th secondary rate, shall apply to the first 100 liours uso per month of consumers demand, while the old rate provided, that the primary rate should apply to only 73 hours use. The primary rate is as follows: First 5U0 kwh, 5 cents per kwh; ncjt 500 kwh, 4 cents per kwh; next 4000 kwh, 3 cents per kwh; neit 10,000 kwh 2 cents per kwh; excess 1 cents per kwh. A complete change is made by the commission in the secondary rate, but as the same segregations are not used it is difficult to make a comparison. Tho secondary rate, which applies only after the primary rate is exhausted, al lows the first 4000 kwh at 1 eents per kwh; next 100,000 kwh at 1 cent per kwh; excess at .8 cent per kwh. MORS HOPS PURCHASED Frank Heyer, local agent for T. A. Livcsly & Co., of Salem, reports the purchase of 65 bales of hops from John Scavcy at 25 cents a pound and 30 bales from W. H. Hunt at 26 cents pound. Eugone Register. GOOD 4 room house' and acre for rent, or trade, with some cash, on small plaee; so objections to part timber. 2217 Fairground road. 12-13 20 ACRES of level land f or. "sale or trade. Where yon have no house rent to pay; no wood to buy; no water to buy, and if you keep a eow, no milk or butter to buy. Will take small truck or tin kan on the deal. R. Lamb, 645 S. 17th, Salem. tf WANTED By Dec. 10th full and com plote information about furnished rooms, furnished housekeeping rooms, and also table board. State distance from capitol building, street number, how near car line, whether well or fairly furnished, how heated and lighted, hot and cold, water, bathing facilities, use of phone, etc. Gives rates for legislative stssion com mencing Jan. 13, 1919, fnd address Legislator, care Capital Journal. 12-7 NOTIOE OF ASSESSMENT for the cost of Constructing a sidewalk To J. B. Young: iou are hereby notified that the city of Salem has, by ordinance No. labs, levied an assessment tipon lots 1 and 2 in block 1 of Central Addition to the city of Salem. Oregon, owned by yourself, in the sum of $70.42 for the cost of constructing a cement con crete sidewalk on the west side of 21st street in front of and abutting upon said tots. Said assessment was entered "CICEII" te.m CoiJUAll 25 CENTS EACH CLUETT.PEABODY4CafrCiav- in the minor lien docket of the city of alem on the 29th day of November, 1918, as a charge and lien against said lots, and the same is now due and pay able to the city treasurer. By order of the common couneil, this notice is served upon you by publica tion thereof for ten days in the daily Capital Journal, a newspaper published in the city of Salem. Date of first publication hereof is December 4, 1918. EARL RAGE, Recorder of the City of Salem Ore. 12-16 14 More XhAnnnwf Days Sbp Mornings it ' - 14 Elsre Shopping Days Mornings Stores will not be open evenings during the hoIidays.-Shop mornings if at all possible HAM) BAGS- SUIT CASES A useful and most desirable present snown. r FURS Make excellent presents practical and most acceptable. We lead all others in furs. tt It tt WAJfTED To trade timber claim in Douglas county for stock. Address 260 South 20th St., Salt-m. W. B. .' Burnett. 12-6 TOR SALE New Ford sedan, will sell sway below cost, will take Ford rjio- ( about, and will give liberal terms on balance. Wm. Dawes, Box 475, Inde-; pendente, Or. tif. PLENTY of money to loaa on food farms; low interest rat; fit years timo; privilege to pap $100 or mulU-4 fl oa any interest date. Call or writ H. M. Hawkin. 814 Masonie bldg, Salem. tf FOR SALE River bottom ranch o-' taining 150 acres, 40 acres cleared, loose, bars, soft and hardwood tim ber, at 65 dollars per aero. Will take asm city property ia eifirrs;. 8e Mori in Hardinir at Salem HdW. Co. I " tfl Special Bargains Suitable for Holiday Gifts Crepe de Chine waists $3.98 and $4.45 Georgette Waists ..$5.75 Bath Robes $3.98 Changeable Taffeta Petticoats $3.98 Silk Umbrellas . .'. $4.75 Washable Kid Gloves - $2-25 Complete line of Purses, Prices Ranging from 69c to $5.95 Georgette and Net Collars . .'....69c Call and note our prices on Silks and Dress Goods, Hosiery, Underwear, Hats, Shoes and Ready to wear Our Prices Always The Lowest ; ;. GALE & COMPANY FHONU 1078 Commercial and Court Sts formerly Chicago Store tt LADIB'OLOVES T . 1 A 1 Al 1 ii you aon i Kno wine size or nesi- tate on the color or shade, purchase lllpy r one our ove certificates, and the lady can make her own selection and be properly fitted by our glove fitters 2 LADIES HOSE . Our stock ofLadies' kose comprises the best makes in America, includ ing cotton, fine lisle and genuine Italian silk hose. Our prices are as cheap as inferior merchandise sold by many. .'. lie'ssEcnon This section was never in a better position to please and satisfy. . LOUNGING ROBES, NECKWEAR, HANDKER CHIEFS, HOSE, GLOVES, TOILET SETS, SWEATERS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR UMBRELLAS, ETC. SANTA SAYS': Buy the boy a suit. We have them ; the best ever made, the "Xtra Good" Kind; UORlllLA Just received a shipment of the "classiest" umbrellas we have ever shown. What could be more useful and more pleasing. Come in and look them over. TOYS Games and Toys of all kinds to please the lit tle "kiddies" up to the big folks. Toyland First floor. f o ran ii 1 1 11 I H t j li Make this a practical and useful gift Xmas and buy Ladies' Ready-to-wear. A most wonderful opportunty for the economical buyer. Salem's Greatest Coat and Suit Sale. I TA7T) DTP) l.... race Dmsion Boys ' Qye Dance Ia Salem A dance will be given at the Salem armory Saturday night, Dec. 14, for the purpose of raising funds to assist in paying for the soldiers' club house at the Toledo, Oregon, sawmill. Thjf building was recently finished, the ear ly conclusion of jeate not having been expeeted, and a debt of $1600 was in curred. Tho boys of the sprues divi sion must pay this off before they are mustered out of service, and are mak isg an effort to do so. Music for the dance here will be rur-: nished by the Fourth division oreres- j tra, which will eome heis in charge of! Lieutenant John M. .Bobson. -- I The dance will be a popular priced i affair. Crown Flour, sack ..... 2.05 Olympic Flour $2.95 Fadle bard wuoat .. 12.90 Valley flour .. , $2 86 Largo package Goidrn Bod Oat 32c Balaton's brand package 14c Coldea Rod. panes flow package S2c Orapenuts, 2 l-ga tor 25c Post Toasttes, 2 pkgs for 25c 6 llCrisc ..,...... $1.90 No. 5 lard $1.45 N. 5 compound ...... $1 20 No. 5 vegetable $1.30 Syrup Vi gl. Uncle Johns .1 97c Medium Uncle Jobrta - 84c Large Log Cabin ... ...u $1.12 Medium Log Cabin 87c Ghir&rtiellia ground eboce- olato 32a Ilerscney's cocoa 12 lb.....17e 12 os. Boyal Baking Fwd....38e Jello, package Ha