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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1918)
PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1018. 1 IP rouna i own CLOSING OUT building. A 11 A MIR SALE i 1 Special For This Saturday Only L ARB $1 3 5 NOTE--We guarantee this lard to equal any lard on the market at any price...' SUGAR CURED PICNIC HAMS Mild and ffc Sweet. . per pound Dry Salted Clear Backs 25 c per r. COMING EVENTS Pec. 16-21 Fifth annual Marion evounty eoru show, 111 North Coniuiercr. Doe. 16 23 Bed CroM Mem bership drive. Ioe. 30. Second election on school fcudgot. High grade, genuine furs for Christ)- mas gifts at special prices. West Fur Co, 217 South High St. tf The Charles R. Archard Co. now carr;- a full line of Implement feed. 12-13 "The funeral Hough Co. oeutifiU."Webb tf The Bales of stamps at the Salem post offico for the month of November amounted to ,644.90. For second class mail matter the receipts w-re $167 and for third and fourth class, without .stamps affixed, the amount was $690. ."Toe best" la all yon can do when death comes. " Call Webb & dough Co Paone 120. ' ' " ' tf Dr. J. 0. Matthls, associated with Dr. H. J. Clements, office 410 Stilem Bank of Com. bll'g. Office tel. 691; res. i"05 South Fir bt. tel. 56. 12-27 BEST SHORTENING PER Pail ges Cram BUTTER 59c lb. ftUScl Made in our Day light Factory Werners - 20c per lb. Bologna, 3 large Rings 25c Liver Sausage, 3 large Rings 25c Mome-made Head Cheese 20c per lb. In the county of Marlon, gales of wr .savings stampa for the month of No vember amountod 'to $31,675.32 und for thrift stamps, $619.75 The county is considerably behind on its quota for the yoar, somotliing over f 100,000 but it is thought that the Christmas giving will materially, reduce this shortago. o Relax and rest In the dental chair. Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth witliout pain and corrects diseased gums. Moore bldg. Phono 114. , tf o I have moved my offices Into more pleasant and more commodious quar ters on the third floor of the V. 8. National bank building. Dr. 0. h. Scott ChiropracticSpinologist, 30i-213 U. 8. Nulional bank bldg. tf Next dnte of Monday Evening Dane ing elub will be held in Moose hall next Monday evening, Dec. 9. 1 i Market Originators of Low Prices 351 Stale St. mm .li Attorney General George M. Brown received telegram today from I. H. Van Winkle at .Colorado City, Colon do, .stating that he is still confined to tho hospital hut that ho expected within a fow dayg fo start homeward with tlio body of his wifo, who died lust Saturday. ' ' . The Spauldlng Logging Co. is in re ceipt of offlcml notieo that all re strictions regarding' building materials liavo boon removed and that hereafter building may progress without any gov eminent record or government approv al, thus bringing tho building condi tions back to thotfo wasting before Iho government took Control of lumber and City Attorney Macy today filed ans wers to the suits brought against the city for warrants dated Nov. 26, 1912, and assigned by the Clark & Heuery Construction company and owned bv Mattie IF. Bcatty and J. 0. Moore, each for $1000. The answer will be prac tically the same as that filed to the suit of the Capital National "bank which holds $3000 of the warrants. o Willamette chapter of the American Red Crass calls for bids on tho follow ing articles, which will be sold if fair prices can be obtained: 10,S00 yards gauze 300 yards cut gauze 182 pounds non-absorbent cotton 3-4 ca9e scottissue 400 kraft bags 23 'g case cat eollu cotton Call 1500 or call at Koom 204 U. S. National 'bank building. 12-12 Dance Sat night Cotillion hall. Hunts orchestra. o Although there is considerable talk of influenza returning, Dr. 0. B. Miles says thero is no special danger in the city, although of course at this time of year there are a few cases. In Silver ton things have become rather alarm ing and unless conditions improve with in a day or so, the schools will be clos ed. Dallas cloned its schools again sev eral days ago. o Suckow on xlyophone, Warren Hunt, drums. Let's go, Cotillion hall. Casseroles help to economize and make a hotter cooked food; they make a sane Xmas gift. GaMsdorf, store of Housewares, 133 N. Liberty St. The Young People's Christian En deavor society of the Bungulow Chris tian church will hold its regular month ly meeting at tho church this evening beginning at 8 o'clock. After business bag been transacted, there will be a short program nnd this will includo the reading of the church paper named the "Bungalow 'Buzzer." A social hour will bo enjoyed and all young people irrespective of ages nro invited. o - -i You will like the regular dance mus ic Sat. night at the cotillion hall. - - THE PRICES WE ARE MAKING AT OUR UNDER MAKE SELLING EASY. IT IS A MERE MAT TER OF WRAPPING THE PACKAGE, AT THESE PRICES. THE GOODS SELL THEI4SELVES , As Belgium lg now iu tho control of 4 ho I'nited S nto, ind its allies, pos tal ijfrvice luisiticvn resumed, although us yet it does not include the parcel just. The serviie was discontinued Nov Si8, ll!4. Mail service for countries at war with die United tate... continue bs in the past which means there is no vlwmee of sending letters to Germany r Austria and things are bo tangled up in Kiiksiu that until service is dis continued to that country. Lunch counter opposite 0. E. B. R. depot. Good lunches, M. J. B. eoffee. Lady waitress. Open from 6 a. m. t. 13 p. m. , 12 30 Fivo Salem boys and giria won prise on Poland China pigs in the state wide lig club show at the HM 're;jon s'ate fair. The American Poland China Jiee ord, a paper devoted to swine interests, offered prixes in the way of war sav ings and thrift stamps and have mail ed as follows to the wiuncrs! .limiiiie Muno, 1 war saving stamp; Ktha Mu no, 13 thrift stamps; iva Muno, 10 thrift stamps; Vera 4)4 .ten, 6 thrift tanipj and Glenn Morrin, 6 thrift wtamps. MEN'S SUITS OVERCOATS $15.00 Suits ...$9.85 j $15.00 Overcoats ....$9.85 $17.50 Suits $13.85 $20.00 Overcoats $16.85 $20.00 Suits $14.85 $25.00 Overcoats $19.85 $25.00 Suits $19.85 $.'50.00 Overcoats $23.85 $50.00 Suits $23.85 $155.00 Overcoats $27.85 DUTCHESS TROUSERS M SHOES r,J0 Trousers $3.15 $5.00 Shoes $3.98 $1.00 Trousers $3.60 $5.50 Shoes $-1.48 $4.50 Trousers $4.00 $G.OO Shoes ....$4.98 $5.00 Trousers $4.50 $6.50 Shoes $5.48 $6.50 Trousers $585 $7.00 Shoes j..' $5 93 MEN'S SHIRTS MEN'S HATS $1.50 Shirts v....98c $2.00 Hats ..98c $2.00 Shirts ....-........$1.35 $2.50 Hats :.......:.......$1.68 $2.25 Shirts $1.68 $3.50 Hats $1.98 $2.50 Shirts $1.98 $1.00 Derbys $1.49 50c Suspenders 33c $12.50 Mackinaw ....$9.85 $1.50 Caps : :.........98c $16.50. Raincoats $11.85 50c Neckwear 44c 35c Fibre Sox ..27c 75c Neckwear C8c $1.50 Underwear ...,88c . w. mil & co. TT 5 TTl mi ftiiinriil SALE NOW ON Every shoe now in stock to be closed out as quickly as possible as we have placed orders for Spring shoes that will entirely fill our store. Thousands of pairs of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes at less than wholesale prices. Everything in the store on sale except Hanans and Rubber Goods. INVESTIGATE THESE PRICES We are making a special offering of Ladies Comfort Shoes in all styles, including widli ankles, up to $6.00 values, to close out at We are also offering two styles of Men's Black Lace Dress Shoes that we bought far below the wholesale price, good values at $8.00, to go at $3.95 $4.95 100 PAIRS MEN'S LACE GUN METAL SHOES, REGULAR $8.00 VALUES, GO AT $4.95 60 PAIRS MEN'S DAYTON LOGGERS, REGULAR $10.00 TO $12.00 VALUES, GO AT ... $6.95 75 PAIRS MEN'S DAYTON 16-INCH HIGH TOP BOOTS, $11.00 VALUES, GO AT v $7.95 60 PAIRS MEN'S DAYTON 12-INCH HIGH TOP BOOTS, $10.00 VALUES, GO AT ........ $6.95. 200 PAIRS LADIES' DRESS SHOES, BUTTON AND LACE, $6.00 AND $7.00 VALUES, AT $3.95 1000 PAIRS MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S TENNIS SHOES, BLACK AND WHITE, GO AT ........ ..: ...u......: :. ; .;. ;. 65c; 75c and 95c 300 PAIRS LADIES' PARTY SLIPPERS, $4.0 0 AND $5.00 GRADES, BROKEN SIZES,' AT - . '! l! ;' '-.A -f v - ' " , . ,. $2,95 200 PAIRS MEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS, LEATHER AND FELT, REGULAR $1.50 TO $4 GRADES, GO AT :........ "'" ' 95 cents to $2.65 500 PAIRS LADIES' HOUSE SLIPPERS, FELT, COMFY AND LEATHER SOLES, REGU LAR $1.50 TO $3.50 95 cents to $1.95 200 PAIRS CHILDREN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS, FELT, COMFY AND LEATHER SOLES, $1 TO $2 GRADES, GO AT ; 1 65c to 95c 60 PAIRS MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, $5.00 GRADES WHILE THE YLAST, GO AT $3.95" 200 PAIRS MEN'S WORK SHOES, TAN AN D BLACK, REGULAR $6 AND $7 GRADES GO AT '. ; . - ' $3.95 200 PAIRS BOYS' HIGH TOP BOOTS, TAN AND BLACK, ALL SIZES, 11 TO 2, AT $3 95- 2 TO 5, GO AT .: : ..' ' ' $495 DUX BAX OIL SEBY SHOES HANAN SHOES . : I niM ft I II if I Ti 1 iW I WITCH ELK BOOTS BALL BAND BOOTS FOX PARTY PUMPS 326 STATE ST., NEXT TO LADD AND BUSH BANK Thj o; 'lius of the board of educa te!; . . v- ninyt ti mve a date for ..hmLth: the vhool tudif for a nee i.i.l eLc.'c a was iestivo of former were botn present last even both were on -the board 10 or (?n when -thiniTo n-prn nrotlv liv.-!ir 11 I ing and (port to the budget to be volcd on Dec. j r: 13 years! 30. tj amen to, decided not to make t urn trip to the south today. j The aviator mado a trial trin w ;:ays, iijv cinlly ye.irs a so when there i-- -u" mm .ax v. uurea, voia lor-; . otuuie, asn., wee. fi. Lieutenant , '"ospnene eonaitions at noon, b ,wss (j-niial discord in the city's senooliiner directors were aluo present. All A. F. Hogiand. irmr aviator, blazer of'turncJ to tlia 8olt "kg where h 'alfairs. A. Moores aao A. A. Lee spoke briefly, giving their rfional sm th- nir ,nt c,..i. ! 1:19 'eiie. Xo time for dew I. i - - i - .viv. m'.u jiu in iinii run: .t