THE DAILY CAPITAL JQURH AL, SALE!!, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. PAGE-r::::! The Remnant and Sample Store ai 254 North Commercial Street M u I Headquarters for Santa Clam. Don't Forget What Uncle Sam Told You To Do SHOP EARLY Dolls 5c to $2.98 Celluloid China and Unbreakable American and Japanese Makes Doll All Xmas Buggies 'Kinds Books We have Of for the Them Toys Kiddies 98c 5c 5c $3.98 10c - 10c J4.98 15c 15c and and (0 $6.50 I 25c- 29c Come and see Salem 's G reatest Christmas Store. Fancy Come Xmas Dishes We have them Come and see Toilet Sets We have them . $1.50 to $6.50 Writing Paper In Fancy Xmas Boxes at 15c . fo Games I Mill Remnants of all Of Fancy kinds Floral and 10c PIain Ribbon 10 29c $6.50 Yard Movable Toys Trains Auto Tanks Street Cars Fire Engines Hook and Ladders At the Remnant Store Tool Chests Different Sizes up to $3.98 . Each Do Part Of Yoer Xmas Shopping in the Morning Buy a Present a day SHOP EARLY THE PLACE TO TRADE , THE REMNANT STORE PLENTY OF EXTRA HELP TO WAIT ON YOU DON'T FORGET THE PLACE 254N.C0kLST THE REMNANT STORE SAMPLE HANDKER CHIEF AT A BARGAIN . AT THE REMNANT STORE BIG LINE OF SILK HOSIERY MANY COLORS MEN'S NECKTIES AT THE OLD PRICES 50c EACH A NEW LOT OF SILK SHIRTWAISTS . $3.98 TO $9.50 1 BUDGET AGAIN TO BE SUBMITTED TO VOTER DEC Fill Be Two Mills Lower Than One Passed On Last Saturday. BOARD UNANIMOUSLY ABOPTEDSAME BUDGET Main Issue. Really Whether Present School Board Is Competent The school budget for the coming school year will again be submitted to the votors of Salem and the date foi election will be Monday, Doc. 30. Vhis was unanimously voted at a meeting of the board of education held last cve-iing. Thi budget will be practically the same voted on last Saturday, the only difference being two mills less. The final re-checking of tho school census, completed after the first budget was adopted shows a loss 'of 328 of school age in the district instead of 606 as first reported. With a credit of tho additional 338 names, tho budget to be submitted to the assessed voters will be $93,298.34 Last year it was about $80,000. The lovy now is 7.4 mills. Only one dis trict in the state has a lower levy." A majority of the first class districts lev ied from 9 to 12 mills. Finance Committee Reports. The finance committee of the board, E. T. Barnes and Waltor Winslow, in their report, stated they had gone over each" item separately and found that none could b reduced, especially as the school law is such that contracts for tho school year were all entered into. That the amount of money asked for had been based on the amounts called foi by theso contracts. That whilo the school year ran from July 1 to July 1, yet it is necessary to contract for teachors and buy materials during the summer months before the annual budg et was submitted. In submitting practically tlio samo budget - tho school board again voted and it was unanimously adopted. Direc tor E. T. Barnes, m order that each vote might go on separate record, called for a record vote and as the names of each wore called each voted in favor of tho budget. This included Director Clark who has in reality been opposed to the budget and the actions of the other four members, of the board, As the school record now stands, Clark vot ed for submitting the budget. Could Legally Borrow. In explainig the law with reference to school budgets and when they mv turned down, Director Walter Winslow AVOID COUGHS AND C0UGHERS Your health and society demand that you tako something for that cough. Coughing spreads disease. Good, old, reliable SHHjOH is guaranteed to re lievo the worst cough in 24 hours. SIIIL0H Slops Conghs 'I PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "Always at Your Service" Hejp of all kinds Furnished Free to Employers RESPONSIBLE, RELIABLE. - PHONE, WIRE tR WRITE. I. P. C0X0N, Vuafor. 233-235 Buraaide Street, Portland, Oregon Mt YOU HAVE ALL HEARD O F THE SACRIFICE OF NEVER HAS SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY BEEN OFFERED THE PUBLIC TO i GET DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVERWEAR, CUT GLASS, TABLE CUT- I X T T?TV T?rW 4 SUCH UNHEARD OF PRICE XMAS PRESENTS Will be kept in our burglar proof vault at our risk, and deliver ed to your address December 24. Alarm Clocks from 95c to $225 Military Brushes $2.75 to $4.50 Carving Sets From $2.25 to $12.00 Manicure Sets $15.00 Sale . Fountain Pens from $1.09 to $5.00 Playerphones And Records ion Sale Comb Sets $20.00 Set $12.50 Ear Rings From $1.00 to $50.00 Lodge Emblems 25s to $1250 Umbrellas From $450 to $850 Watches $8.00 Gentleman's Military ........$6.00 $10.00 Gentleman's Military 87.00 $15.00 Gentleman's Military $9.00 $20.00 Gcntloman's Military ..... $12.50 $25.00 Gentleman's Military ....$17.50 $30.00 Gentleman's Military $22.50 $15.00 Gentleman's MilitarT $30.00 LAMBI $2.50 Lavalliors ...'.....$1.50 $5.00 Lavalliors -..'.$2.50 $7.50 Lavalliers $3.75 $10.00 Lavalliercs ..$6.0 $20.00 Lavalliercs $10 00 $25.00 Diamond Lavallieres $12.50 $50.00 Diamond Lavallieres 825.00 $100.00 Diamond Lavalliercs 850.00 $150.00 Diamond Lavallieres $75.00 Cut Glass $1.50 .Salt and Toppers 85c $2.30 Nappies .. $1.75 $G.OO Berry Bowl 5150 M0.O0 Berry Bowl $6.50 $1.50 Vase 65c $6.00 Vase $4-50 $0.00 Set Water Glasses $4.30 $3.00 Cream and Sugar - $3.00 Ear ings $2.00 Rings $2.50 Kings . $3.50 Kings - - $6.00 Kings $10.00 Diamond Rings $20 00 diamond Kiifg $50.00 Diamond King $Wj.OO Diamond Ring . $110 Diamond King $1.00 S1.25 J1.75 .$3.00 5.00 .. J110.00 . . . ..00 $30.00 $55.00 LIBERTY BONDS Will be taken at face value in Payment for Purchases during this Sale Cut Glass Pieces from 95c To $650 26-Piece Chest Silver $25.00 value for $1750 1847 Rogers $4.00 Nut Set $2.00 Knives andForks $9.00 Rogers 1847 $6.75 Child's 3-Piece Set $3.50 Rogers 1847 $2.00 Silver Comb and Brush $27.50 set for $13.75 Silver Mesh Bags $4.75 Values $2.75 Cigarette Cases $3.50 Values $1.75 Leave your Xmas pre sent in our vault to be delivered Dec. 24 said that the sehool board could legally borrow money or issue warrants to car ry on tho sehool and whatever "amount was needed up to $100,000 t'ould 1p turned into the assessor nxt year with no chance for the electors to etjurnt themselves. Then there would be the regulur budget and at this time next year and tho taxpayers would have two years of school expenses to pay in one levy. According to the law, there is no way of closing up the schools. What ever amount is needed may be borrow ed and the district will then have the principal sum and interest to pay at a later data, the amounts borrowed can be certified up to the assessor and that ended the matter as far as voters were concerned. He didn't defend such a law, but it was there and Attorney General Brown had so advised. them. No Use Mincing Matters. A. A. Lee, who lias been oiVMm school board 15 years, told the directors thero was no use niinciiig matters. That in tho city there was an element that had attempted to defeat cvory school board Bnd every budget and that tho samo clement was out to discredit, the board this year. That at the election Dec. 30 this dissatisfied clement would vote against everything just -because it had alwaysbee n against every school board and that it was up to th.ose wlio wore satisfied with tho schools to come out and sustain the board. Ask for $13,000 Excess While the budget asked for is about $13,000 in excess of last year, it do- SOUROTAOT Mi-o-na Puts the Stomach In Fine Bhapo In rive Minutes. If your stomach is continually kick ing up a disturbance; you foel bloated and distressed; if you belch gas and sour fond into tho mouth, then j-ou need Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets. Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets give in stant roliof, of course, but they do more; thoy drivo out tho poisonous gas es that cause fermentation of food and thoroughly clean, renovate and streng then the stomach so that it can readily digest food without artificial aid. Mi-o-na stomach tablets arc- guaran teed to end indigestion, acute or chron ic, or money back. This means that nervousness, dizziness and biliousness will disappear. Druggists everywhere and Dnn'l J. Fry sell Mi-o-na. that during the past year tn board had paid off $5000 in popular loan notes, and that if it had not paid off this indebtedness, it would have redwed the lovy just that much. It al so developed that a few years ago the levy was 8.4 mills and that tho board had been gradually cutting it down jeach year until now it asks 7.4 mills, although the lowest levy was reached last year. It also developed in the"' discussions last night that Superintendent Todd had maintained tho full efficiency of the school with 107 toachcrs this year while ono year- ago it was 118. That when Mr. Todd became superintendent the board was about to build four small houses to accommodato pupils but that by a re-arrangement ho savod the dis trist this expense. Favor Budget TTnaniniously.' However, as the matter now stands, every member on tho scnuui k-o i on record as voting in favor of sub mitting the budget to tho assessed vot ers Dec. 30, It is also well known that a determin ed fight is to be mado, not so much on tho budget as to discredit tho present board of education and the question will be put to the voters Dec. 30 is whether tho board is capable of handling the affairs of tho district or whothor the board is inconipotont. Tho board of education consists of Chaun coy Bishop, E. T. Barnes, Harloy O. White, H. L. Clark and Walter Wins low. v , t Red Cross Notes. $ W. M. Smith, county superintendent of schools, has been appointed chair man of the Christmas membership drivo of the Red Cross for Marion county and Dr. A. A. Starbuck of Polk county. Mrs. E, E. Fisher and Mrs. John A. Carson will have charge of tho drivo in the city, to begin Monday, Deci'iu bor 16 Willamette chapter has decided to give tho sphagnum moss on hand 'to the threo hospitals of the city. Both the knitting department of Willamette chapter and tho sphagnum moss department of tho surgical dress ings department are now on tho honor roll and have roceivediueh notification from northwestern headquarters at Se attle. To b on tho honor roll, a depart ment must have complied ia every re spect in its work with the specifications and directions of national headquarters The executivo board of Willamette chapter has written a letter of appre ciation to Wm. Gnhlsdorf for his ser vices as chairman of the, canteen com mitteo tho past year. Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, chairman of the mailing de partment of the chapter has also re ceived a letter of appreciation and of thanks for tho work she and her as sociates did in handling tho Christmas cartons. A solicitor for Red Cross member-. ship will bo known by the bright hed band on the left arm. The bands aro three inches wide and 17 inches lone. Kod Cross headquarters will acoopt no packages for Christmas mailing to' soldiors over tho seas. The time has now past when thoy could be delivered by tho holidays. Waltor A. Denton and P. E. Fullerton are now closing up tho monthly pledge books of the Bed Cross. It will require until tho middlo of tho mouth beforo tho work is comploted and until tho 15th tho secretary will not bo iu posi tion to give information on tho Sub ject. ' : STATE HOUSE NEWS Bonds in tho supi of $750,000 of the Warm Springs irrigation district were Ln..,!f!j l.. c, i -., . , v-uimita luuay uy oetreiary. us sww Oicott, after they had been approved bjs the stato sc-cir.ities commission. The bonds wero-br jweiit to the secretary -of state's office Ly C. C. Mueller, treas urer of Malheur county and cx-ofXhuo tfCiuitcr of tho im'gation district, and a lorrcHentmivo of Clark-Kendall com pany, which has purchased the bonds. Tho "Warm tirin:m irrigation dinfri,-t has a large i ligation project in the courso of ewwueuou.hi Malheur Boun ty. Attorney- -Ccm-ral . Jirowa today ro Jeived. today a messHge from ColurajM Wi.rinrtB wtnfiy, 41. At T TT Vo ., UK 1, T. v assistant attorney general, is still cun fined to his bed in the hispital with a IHusnueu immi. io lucsBBgo says ne ,is slowly improving but will not bo-ablo to start homo for several days. When he comes ho will biinjt the body xf his wife who died a low days ago, The state highway commission has re quested the public service commission to intercede with the government rail road administration for a reduction In freight rates on sand and gravel and other material used for road construe' tion, Tho highway commission uhKS that the rate bo restored to what it was before tho rates were increased after tho railroads were token over by tatf government. Tho commiss.u wm o ai;out 1000 carloads of material on Uls rond between, Aurora and Brooks and 10 carloads between Oakland and Yoncalla. t HAXTD OVEB INDEMNITY Paris,. Dec, 6, -Complying with th armistice, the Germans have handed ov er tho Russian indemnity of 300,000,00ft , pounds ($1,500,000,000) fo the allien. The value of art works alrenly return ed is placed at 2,000,000,000 fraiit-a -($400,000,000.) PERSHINO REPORTS LINE 'Washington, Dec, 6,The Third Am erican army stood laHt night on the lino Oelladt-Walmntorn, Daun, Kavorshcur ou, Bingcl, Kohs, tienoral Porsliing re ported today. r At c J TODAY " I ; yJ C I '" f r " 4 "' X I : i f 1 1 1 -i 1 !L . mm uroc :enes This year's crop fresh raisins, 2 pounds for 25c New crop prunes, 2 pounds for 25c Home canned fruits (in glass jars) consisting of cherries, prunes, blackberries strawberries, gooseberries, etc., quart sizes, 25c; 1-2 gallon at 45c We have apricots, dates, figs, cocoanut, Mrs. Porters and Heinz fig puddings, mince meat and all the delicacies that ga with a first class Xmas dinner, and all at the right prices. Fine grade of white beans, 3 lbs for .25c rails Nice large oranges, No. 126 each 5c No. 80s the largest orange, 10c each; 2 for 15c; or 4 for .25c The choicest cranberries, quart 15c Large size Florida grapefruit, each .....15c Baldwin, apples, box $1.25 Fine pears, box ; Z$1.10 Vegetables S3Eng Tb Stock Of Poaeroy & WaSace J . ' iligli Theatre Fancy spuds, per hundred pounds $1.75 Sweet spuds 6 pounds for 25c Cabbage, per pound, 3c; in hundred pound lots, per pound 2 i-2c Turnips, per pound : 2t Table carrots, per pound ...Z.!.ZZ"l""3c 4 tons of fancy Hubbard squash going at, pound 2c SEE ME FOR LIVE POULTRY The Farmers Store of Quality 270 NORTH COMMERCIAL RRT PHONE 721 We deliver orders of BO cts and over free of charge.