PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. Ill, IMS PEOPLE NEED BITRO-PH0SPI1ATE Guaranteed to Put on Finn, Healthy Flesh and to Increase Strength, Vigor and Nerve Force Weak, Shin people, men or women -kre nearly always nervous wrecks; tans conclusively proving that thinness, "weakness, debility and neurasthenia kre almost invariably due to nerve star vation. Feed yonr nwve and all these symptoms due to nerve starvation will disappear. Eminent specialists state that the best serve food is an organic phosphate knows among druggists s Bitro-l'bos-hate, five grain tablet of which hould be taken with each meal. B'ing k genuine nerve builder and not a stim ulant or habit forming drag. Bitro I'hosphate can be safely taken by the weakest and most delicate sufferer, and the results following its use are often simply astonishing. Weak, tired people rcgnin strength and vigor; thinness and angularity give way to plumpness and curves; sleep returns to the sieepiess; confi dence and cheerfulness replace debili ty and gloom; dull eyes become bright, and pale, sunken cheeks regain the pink glow of health. Bitro-Phosphate, the use of which is inexpensive, also won derfully promotes the amnntHaetion of food,' so mueh so that many people re port marked gains of weght a a few weeks. CAUTION Although bitro phosphate if unsurpassed for relieving nervous ness, sleeplessness and general weak ness, it should not, owing to its remark able flesh growing "properties, be used by anyone who does not derire to put on flesh. PEACE PROBLEM ! , .. .-, i Continued from page one) tone of confidence in the monetary sit uation that did not before exist. Prices responded with more freedom to gen cral conditions, which at best are very unsettled, and there is reason to antic ipate irregular and more active move ments in security markots at least until preparation' for- tho" next war loan in jibe latter part of April, or near'.y six months hence. During the interval there will be offerings of treasury certifi cates every two weeks on a plan more ia accordance with good finance and one that will tend to materially pro vent any sudden strain. Demobilization continues to be an im portant factor in rtrek market values, the war industrials being most conspicu us ia this respect. Dividend and in terest aisbursiimiits of the leading cor porations in Dumber aro figured at about $Xi'A,000,300, Or ten millions less than a year ago. Practically all of this decrease wns among tho industrials wnose dividend I uvlrg abilities arc con hidera'oly impai.vd by hey tracs and iscreased expends. Tbi' railroad ar working tnder o.eie settled conditions, and the advance in rates is turning aef icits into surplus, but the outcome of government operation is still being watched with keen interest, especially in view of the' rising discussion upon tevcrnwent owneahip which promises to be nil active issue iu forthcoming political campaigns. More tittentior must now be given to foreign trade, since ending the war will promote a big expansion on tu part of the United States and Great Britain, For some time to come Germany wili bo a minor factor, at least until she has a surplus to export, but Great Brit ain is already putting plans into elo cution made months ago and the Unit ed States also is making ready. I 1 SOCIETY j By CAROL a DIBBLE. Mrs. W. W. Moore entertained the members of the P. E. O. Sisterhood yesterday afternoon at her heme, 635 '.North Church street. An interestng pa per on the history of the city of Je rusalem was read by Mrs. G. W. Laf lar. A short business session was also held preceding the social hour. Later simple refreshments were served the nine members who were present. Mrs. O. W. Laflar will b the next hostess; a a Mrs. Frank Jenkins and ehldren of Eugene arrived in Salem the fore part of the week for a month 's visit as the guests of Mrs. Jenkins' mother, Mrs. J. W. Woodruff at the Woodruff coun try home north of town. Mrs. Jenkins will be joined over the Christmas holi days ,by Mr. Jenkins, whs is editor of the Morning Begister at Eugene. A small company of friends were bid den by Mrs; E. F. Carleton and Mrs. ;W. I. Staloy for an ihforroal evening of dancing last night at the Iluhee club NERVES ALL ON TENSION? A mother in the home, or a man or woman at busi ness, with nerves undone and the system generally feeling,the strain, should find wonderful help in eh Powerful sedatives or strong medicines are habit forming and dangerous. The logical help is a form or nourisnmeni aDunaanc in tonic properties Scott's brings strength to the body, through nourish ment that is felt in every part. If inclined to be nervous, the logical answer is Scott's Emulsion, jrf Bcolt fk Bowne, Bloomfidd, N.J. SIMS i Your Friends Are Doing Their rChristmasShopping at I The game is on in earnest at this store, the store of real rallies, the store where money cannot be spent fool isMy. Take part in the fun. Shop early in the day, it pays. NINE MONEY-SAVING ITEMS READ THEM-- 1. STRIPED SILK LININGS, 36 inches wide. They were good values at $2.00, now clos ing out at, yard ..95c 2. SILK STRIPED WAISTINGS, JM in. wide. Splendid materials and good colorings, re duced to, yard $1.00 3. SILK WAISTINGS AND FANCY PLUSHES make beautiful shopping bags. Don't pass them up at, yard $1.00 4. VIYELLA FLANNELS wear well, wash well and do not shrink; good striped patterns; worth more, yard $1.00 5. LOT EXCELLENT WEARING SUITINGS, in good colors and patterns, 52 to 56 inches wide; they are big buys at $1.45 fi. BLACK PETTICOATS, mercerized and good quality; just a few at less than value of material alone. 7. UNDERWEAR, broken lots of women's un ion and two-piece, wool, cotton ribbed and heavy fleecd, at reductions of 20 per cent. 8. FUR TRIMMINGS, all colors, widths and qualities, the entire line, and there is a good assortment HALF PRICE. 9. REMNANTS, SHORT LENGTHS, splendid pickups in Silks, Woolens and all classes of yard goods. See them. BIG msm IN OTS HEAVY SHOE Mrs. B. L. Steeves returned last .night from Portland, where she enjoyed . i hi. ii . t 1 1 n lew ua,ye visit wua stir, gnu Jnrv. Leban Steeves and friends. . Misg Amelia Eabcock went to Port land today to visit friends over the week end. Mrs. Carrie Bunn was hostess for the members of the Sweet Briar club Wed nesday afternoon at her home on Ma rion street. Eight members enjoyed the social afternoon, Mrs. John Darby be ing bidden as an additional guest. The next meeting, which will be in the na ture of a Christmas gathering win be held at the residence of Mrs. C. W. Beckett on the Wallace road f Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Farnvr entertain ed Louis Josse of Portland as their guest yesterday. a Mrs. A. N. Moore and Mrs. S. M. Endicott were joint hostesses to the members of the Misionary society of the Congregational church which held its regular meeting at the church par lors this afternoon. The afternoon was devoted to Rod Cross work. , , . Mr. and Mrs. David B. Taylor of Salem are visitinjf in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clark are Port land visitors. Mrs. O. F. Holt is spending the Jay in Portland, where she is" attending a meeting of tho Iboard of directors of the Columbia River .District of tho Woman's Missionary society af the Baptist chitreh. -i Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker enioyably entertained a- number of friends Wed nesday evening nt their hone on 3Wth Thirteenth street. The uuor were mer rily whiled away with music and danc ing., A holiday deoorativo scheme of red was earned out in the dining roora where refreshments were" afterwards served. Quinine That Does Not Affect Head iBecause of its tome and laxative ef fect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can bo taken by anyone with out causing nervousness or ringing in the head. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c. . . the coming week the largest and most importnnt foreign trade convention- in our history will be held at Atlantic City to discuss the problems of foreign trade In all probability it will lead to the formulation of stops that will mark a new era in such relations. Iu truth events are marching with tre mendous rapidity; let us hope into a fresh period of peace, prosperity and justice. HENRY CLEWS. OBITUARY NOTICE. B 6 Beu-ANS i Hot water xmSureKeiieT ELL-AN S FOR INDIGESTION xx , MUM '? titttttttTtt 15 OTP! 15 DAYS r? z DAYS 8 NO BOSS FESTIVAL. Portland, Or., Dee. ft 'The annual Bose Festival will not be held here next summer and probably never again. This fact developed today following the refusal of the Multnomah county budget committee to provide a special tax with which to meet the expenses of the show. By eliminating a $10,009 item from the budget for the insurance of Bose Festival property, the : committee- prob ably Bounded the festival's death knei Tho committee favors selling or de stroying the show's paraphernalia. In stead of the festival, a great celebra tion is being planned in honor of the returning soldiers. EDMONDSGAINS TWENTY POUNDS After Taking Tanlac Thirty 30 Days He Says He's In "Pink Of Condition." "t Eav picked up at Uast twenty pounds i rhe past thirty doys by tak ing Tanlac, and now I In just in the pink of condition ail around." This statement was made by V'illiam M. Edmonds, a well known employee of the Seattle! Street Car company, living at 760 North 74th street, Seattle, re cently. '.'My stomaen," he cont:nuea, "Has been giving" me all kinds of trouble for yeara What I ate seemed to d me harm instead of good, as it would soar on my stomach- and muse me sr much misery. I could' hardly get my breath at times on oecorrat of the gas, which would press" on my heart antl cause it to palpitate fearfully. I was badly con stipated, air kidneys, were ijkbad shape and I wan never free from pain in the small of my baek. I eouldn r sleep at All well audi -would lay awaxe jior hour every night DefoTe getting a wink of sleep. I also had rheumatism in mv arms and legs, and my knees would get so stiff ,at times that could hardiv iDcmd oven.,., All mv efforts" to find relief felled until I began taking Tanlne, but this medicine has certainly put nie ia great shape. My appetite was never better, everything tastes good and my stom ach ia in such a good condition that I can eat anything. And since the gas has stopped forming, I 'm n'ver bother ed with palpitation, shortness of breath or any otner signs oi inuigrauuu. my kidneys don't botjier me any more, all the pain has disappeared, and I sleep fine every night., ' "My wifo has hcen taking Tanlne for headache and a run down condi tion and her first bottle has helped her so much that she told me to bring her another today. Itrcertainly is great to do what it ha'fr me and is the one medicine I don't hesitati to recom mend." Tanlae Is sold-in Hubbard by Hub bard Drug Co., in Angel by xJen Gooch, in Gervais by Jeha Kelry, in Turner by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood- burn by Lyman H. Shorey. in Salem by Dr. S. C. Stone, in Silverton by ee. A. steelnammer, in uawi oy mrs. o P. MeCurdv and in Staytoa by o. A. Beauchamp, in Aurora- by Aurora Drug BtOTS, av.) n Jessie Reno Yung was born in Jef ferson county, 111., March 23, 1901. Died in Portland, Oregon, Den. 1, 1918, ngod 17 years, 8 months, 8 duys. When but a child his parents moved to Arkansas where they resided for about three years. From there they moved to South Dakota. The fnmily resided at this place seven years. They then moved to Oregon, settling near La fayette where they lived about three years. In which time Reno was con verted. At the age of 14 he united with the Baptist church. He held his membership in the Baptist church of Lafayette until his death. Tho family moved from Lafayetto to a farm east of Salem where they now reside Ho leaves a father, mother, seven brothers, one sister aud a host of friends to mourn his loss, Guy, the eldest brother, is now io France in the service of his country, serving in Company M, Salem, Oregon. The rest of the children are at home. The funeral was hold December 3 at the Rigdon parlors and was preached by his Sunday school teacher,. J. Av Surgeon of Lafayette. The text was John 11-23: "Thy brother shall rise again,' HALE I1PL0YEI) 'Continued from page one) born, Vanderbilt university, Tennessee; Professor fleorge B MH1e!!un, Prince ton; David Stnrr Jordan, Berkeley, Cal, former president of StMaford uni versity; former Congressman Richard Bartholdt, St. Louis; William R. Hearst Xew York; Bernard Riddt-r, Professor Bushnell Hart, Harvard; Oswald (!ar mnn Villard, Illinois; liward A. Rumley, former owner of the JJew Yo.rk Mail; Frederick F. Schrader and Frank Harris, iXow Yerk; Kob I. Ford, Xew York, editor of the Freeman's Journal; Rev. Father Thierney, editor of the American Catholic Wceklyj Cteorge S. Vierock, New York; Mat 7. Hern, new York and Professor Kono G. Franke. Harvard; Professor James O. McDonald, University of Indiana, Bloomington; Frofesiwr E. C. Richard son, Pnneeton; Froressor A, a. XTkwn, Cornell: Morris JastraW, Jr., Univerul tv of Wisconsin; W. Mi Mitchell, Rich mond, Va; Arthur Von Biicssen,. 25 Broad streef uNeW yr; unarie sl. St. Louis; C. 3. Kexianor, Philadel phia; Mai A. Hein, New York- awl Ferdinand JScftevill, mrngo. This list, Bielaskl testified, was- sent to the Uorman government- styled as "the meet important! men ia the unit ed States from the pro-Jerman. point of view." Under the directa of Dr. Fnehr, 3, 908 articles on different topics were prepared and 1430 distribated through out the country. Those, he said, covered a wide range. Bernatorff, Von Papea and Boy-ed all helped with the work, he said. Working in conjunction with the Tin;: Briup Hsppiisss With lie Dawn Tt Coiaing af Baby Marks A. vtat of a Cloriow Fofctr, Sdmttats mr (met stm OmW b Uld Upon the rrkat! Intiwrir wtilcft the mother'! happr prv-nstsl dpmttloa has worn Urn kcallb and futor 0 U ptsra ttoiw to come. Iter hi splmidid Dmrnratkm wem tor tmr half m rmlvrf h tpp)li Im fnrs the stork's arrival, known u Mother's FUmkI. This Is newt trstrfut, pntntrnt n that at w anftrw aari Mnthfa tk myriad of bmail, Sal abdominal mnartaa andrr tha aMn of the aMoman. By Its n olar nae d-.ltlnir the period (he btt, t k and coron are Rlamd and there la aa abaesce of naiura, benrliHMren palna, atraln and frencral dlKWBfort anre ofta tSan otbanrlae experimced wbra Balsre M onaldnl. By tht nae of Mother's Friend uttM and awnint the mnarlea raht with euae whea bahgr mrnvn the Mine at the rriats la shorter and r! and dantrr la mtunDf amidad. Wrlhr the RradlMif Regllir Cowoany, BBf, K. Lamar BuUdliw, AUaata, Owwla. nr their Motherhood (took, -end ot-Uta hoHle of Mnthar'i Frland froaa the dnrlrt, w ail miu,ad art tsto ceaaWsa te awf uw crista. - v-f To choose your Xmas gifts Make this Xmas a Pleasant one This store will help to do its part xt SELECTIONS FOR GIFTS Sample line of Women's and Misses fine quality sweaters in Worsted, Silk and Hbre Silk, plain and novelty models, priced corderably under the inarket today. See these sweaters $1Z.5U, $n.5, SILK LINGERIE GARMENTS A most suitable gift for Xmas Camisoles 98c, to $5.95. Envelopes, $2.98 to $7.50. Gowns, $4.98 to $12.50. Extra quality Crepe de Chine XMAS MAILING CARDS- ., You are missing a good treaty if you do not see this line of quality cards. These are displayed on two large tables easy of access. Pric ed 2 for 5c, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c each. GEORGETTE CREPE WAISTS You will find a splendid line of Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists in all the best Models. And an array of shades to meet every occasion. Prices $3.98 to $25.00. DENNOTS XMAS BOXES- These boxes are the official Cheery Holiday Colors all sizes and kinds and solidly built on these same tables we are showing Seals, Twine stickers, all at 1917 Prices.: ::t it 4, XX NOVELTY RIBBONS We are showing a large line of Plain and Novelty Ribbons, for Hair Bows, Fancy Work and Holi day tie Ribbons. Extra Quality. Popular Priced. PARISIAN IVORY Extra Quality Parisian Ivory in all the wanted articles, plain and hand painted. Prices range from 24c for manicure items up to $95 for hand painted sets. The most complete line in the city. WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Just received a new Shipment of Novelty Neckwear. This line is Extra Quality in all the New Mod els. The prices are Extremely Moderate. .- LEATHER PURSES- A complete line of Leather Purses, Envelope Style and Hand Purse bags, 98c, $1.48, $1.75, up to $12.50. Leather Hand Bags. Good strong frames, genuine leather in t?tn, Black and Buff shades. "Extraor dinary low prices. DOLLS-A big display of Baby Dolls, Boy Dolls, Character Dolls, Dolls to Suit pverv nurse This selection comprises the best makes. All made in the U. b. A. every y . prices 24c, 48c, 98c, and up to $12.50 XX SPECIAL YEAR END SALE ON rnATS SUITS DRESSES "Where Shopping Is a Pleasure" U. G. SHIPLEY COMPANY 145-147 N. LIBEKTi HTKBbT i M and tooidrfg& fcjgg" Every Cake elaborate German burenvis wa the friah Pres and 'News Herv-ce, neaiieu by James K. Maguire, tl'O evidence showed. Eirrttctk from IViehrV diary were read by Bielaski showinjf Hale met Bemstorff the day before he sailod front New York. Owtr yivirtcr Vierieck, New Terk publisher, soojtht- to estaWith a world wide bureau to furnish Oerman propa ganda, Bielaski testified. JONXS WILL BB NEXT SPEAKER Seyntoirr Jones' has announced that he ha 31 representatives pledged to vote for him for speaker f the honse of represeatatHes at the coming ses sio of the Oregon legishiture. Thes who have promised their support ai Mrs. Alexander Thompson, L. M. Gra ham, Herbert Gordon, E. W. Hains, W.i B. IWnnis, Benjamin C Sheldon, Wil liam G. Hares, E. J. Edward, Johu Crawford, W. P. Lalferty, W. V. Pul Ict, Joseph O. Bichardson, David E. Lof grtn, Oreo Richards, C. 8. Scheubcl Charles Childs, L. E. Bean, H. C. Wheel er, H. R .Cress, Roy Griggs, Charles A. Brand, R. A. Hughes, Ivan G. Mar tin, George W. Weeks David K. Loon ev, P. J. Thrift, H. A. Dedman, J. R. Stannard, D. C. Thomas, W. P. Elnioro and Seymour JoneA Stat Senater-Elect 'Walter B. Jones yesterday received a telephone message from Portland stating that Herbert Gordon, representative from Multno mah, and Representative Ben biielilon of Jackson county, have withdrawu from the race for speakership in favoi of Reyinour Jones, of Marion county and that the last named is now sure of election Eugene Register. MINTS BREAK RECORDS Washington; Pec ft AH records for coinage1 went by the boarij Curing the year 1M8, Ray Baker, director of the i ed dlrcetly to war activities. The coin- mint, announced in his arnual report j age of pennies reached ,4.,'J. jno today. Coinage of denominations under (foM wag coined. $1 for the year totalled 714,000,000 J uAT-AVfAKD WILSON PRIZE pieces. This nearly doubled the coinage of 1917 and approximately live times the production of the min? in 191ti. The unprecedented demand for. frac tional coins, Baker said, could be trac- Christiania, Norway, Dec. 6. Norwe gian newspapers are agitating the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to President Wilson. ml if ss2t ffenlf tfinUi tmm Remember This Coffee Goes Further OurGusrwtee Your grocer will refundMull priceyou paid for M. J. B. Coffee, if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can. Vacuum Packed It Reaches You Fresh