Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 05, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Bring us Year Liberty Bonds. We WiO Taje Them At
I Cose Friday And Avoid Saturday $ RusK The Immense Business Opening Day Proves
That People Are
Diamonds sr ?
Diamond Rings, Pins, Brooches and Lavalieres,
J Unset Stones of all sizes,
or. We bought them at far less than old prices.
Select Your Own Setting. Buy them by weight.
The sale Prices Per carat
$100.00 to $300.00
$30.00 Pearl and Gold .-
$10.00 Murine Glasses
$18.00 Marine Glasses
.... .$20.00
. .$9.50
$2.50 King!
$5.00 King
$7.50 Bing ......
$10.00 Eing
$15.00 Diamond Eing -$25.00
Diamond Eing
$50.00 Diamond Ring
$75.00 Diamond Eing .
$100.00 Diamond Eing
$150.00 Diamond Eing
...... .$2.60
! Men's and Women's Umbrellas
$4.50 Men's Silk Umbrellas
J $7.00 Men's Silk Umbrellas
$4.00 Ladies' Silk Umbrellas $z.uu
$8.50 Ladies Fancy Umbrellas ...$5.00
;: $12.00 Ladies Fancy Umbrellas : $7.00
:; $15.00 Ladies' Fancy Umbrellas :.$7.50
1 Pomeroy &
Wallace stock
Salem Realty Board Was
Organized Last
The Salem Kealty board was organ
; 4zed last night at a meeting of ropro
, Bentative real ostute men of the city.
C W. Niomoyor was elected temporary
icuairmnn and Thomas A. Roberts sccre
. tary. Another meeting wi)'. soon bo
tailed by Chairman .Niemejer when tho
. members will, adopt constitution and
;' Tho Halcm Realty Board was organ
h isicd that all real estate men w"ho have
established, office and engage in the
' wiling and renting of real estate as
a regular business may cooperate for all
.'.that is best and to prevent as tar as
- jtowiblo what is known as tho "curb
real ostater" who often brings discred
it ou legitimate operators,
v One of tho first acts of the meeting
, Taut evening, one of ibonef't to owners
tit city property, was to offer a reward
for the arrest and conviction ot mny
person found defacing or in any way
damaging property. It is well known
that property-r-espeeially houses nob oa
euptcd halve suffered considerable
damage the past year and it is to pre
vent this that the 'Salem Bealty board
lias offered a enfk reward fur the ar
;Teit and conviction of an offender.
;Paul A. 4wgil of Portland, secre
tary of the Interstate, HeaHy associa
tion and also eeretary of tho Portland
iBcalty board guve a talk on tho ad
vantages of cooperation, telling of
, "what haa been done to aecuro coopora
1 tion in Portland and to force Into the
aiecard tho curb dealer who is Irre
sponsible. Mr. Oowirill conferred today with
Governor Withycombe in reference to
omo .miich needed legislation and it
is probable that tho realty boards of
ho state w 11 oak for the passage ot
lawB to protect, legitimato dealers.
Brother Of Ex-Kaiser
Will Protect Wffium
Aiiistoidaiii, Decj ". riftice
Henry of Prussia, brother of tho
former kaiser, has issued a proc
lamation slating that the ''old
est Hoheiuollern " has left Prus
sia and that ia is therefore in
cumbent upon him to do every
thing possible to assist the
lawfully elected government.
' At the same time," it con
cluded, "it is my duty to atnnd
by the kaiser and protect him
from harm."
Earthquake In South
America Kills Many
.." Buenos Aires, Pec. 5. Ono hundred
jnenwn are believed to have been killed
in tho earthquake ycoterday whica do
troyed the town of Vallonar and prac
Meally destroyed Cohiapo In Chile. Be-
- Horts from the devaetd diatriot today
Mid bodies ot men, women and efitldren
re still buried under the ruins.
Tho shocks, which lasted four inln-
Not Sow To Take Advantage
Perfect m Cut and Col
Watches at Half Price
and Less
$1.50 Watch 95c
$4.00 Radiolite Watch $2.75
$10.00 Elgin -....$7.50
$20.00 Elgin, 15 jewel,-20 year .:....$12.50
$25.00 Waltham, 17 jewel $17.00
$25.00 Hamilton $18.00 t
$85.00 Swiss Repeater, Solid Gold $50.00
$4.50 Mahogany Clock
$5.00 Keether Clocks $2.50
$10.50 Mahogany Clock $7.00
$35.00 Scth Thomas Chime .$22.50
$40.00 Seth Thomas Chime $27.50
. .
utes, were unusually sovorl
plainly registered here,
and wore
Copinho'is tho capital of the province
of Atacama and is locnlod on a hlgn
mountain 30 inile8 from the Boa. . It is
an important mining center, with a pop
ulation. of ton thousand. Vaileuur; with
a population of six thousand, is siluvt
ed 80 miles southwest of Copiaho. ....
Soyniour Joaies practically has the
speakership of the next house corrall
ed. Today lie telephoned that he hud
the support of reprosentativo Gore
pledged thus giving him 33 votes. Thoie
as 00 representatives in tho houso and
a majority elects. Mr. Johos is now
publishing tho nifmes of his supporters.
Upon receipt of tho telephone message
tho Marion county dologates wired its
congratulations to Mr. Jones, who hap
pens to bo iu Portland.
City Files Answer To
Capital National Sank
This afternoon B. W. Macy, city at
lorney, i.icu u,e cuy answer in w tl, n(.xt six mmi,3i cw wash.
circuit court ,n the But recently brought . ; Iliachie and other arfclcs of that
by the lapitnl National bank for pay nalro wcro I)urh.aSed, running the e
nieiit on :il00 of the city 's. warrants. ',,Bnditure for the month higher than
Tho answer practically admits every- usual,
thing as alleged by the bank. But the j Mr! Kny brought out that the per
city expressly denies that the wnrrautsienpita cost for October was also high,
contain no direction that warrants n ),e declared that it seems to be
were to be paid out oj any special climbing each mouth,
fund. I "I notice," he aid, "as in the case
Tho city also denies the assigjiiuniit of the penitentiary for the last year,
to the bank. Tho answer mentions, the that when the per enpita cost onco
fact of the execution of the contract gets high it does not come down again
between the city and the Clark ft Hon- iKvery month there is an explanation,
ery Construction Co. and then sots but tho next Vionth the coat continues
forth tho provision of tho contract to to be high."
the effect that it was expressly uro-l s tho penitentiary Is now without
ivideU that the contractor should loom;
i. r i i.i
ror payment ot an warrants ior costs,
of making improvements Solely and ox-,
flusivtf.lv to tho funds to be dorivod
from the assessment levied noon tho
property liable under the city's charter
to pay for the cost of the Improvement
to be collected and paid into tho city
treasury into a fund set apart for the
exclusive purpose of paying tho im
provement s.
The city also alleges that the contrac
tor did not hold the city in its corpor
ate capacity liablo for the payment of
' tiny part of the contract prico and mil
jnot roquiret he citv by legal procs or
otherwise to pay the same out of other
All warrants issued against this 12th
street improvement fund prior to those
of the bank's have been paid and there
is already money In the treasury for a
partial payment of one of the bank'
warrants of $1000. Money is coming
regularly into this fund.
It is understood that the bank sued
tho city only to protect itself on the
statute of limitation aa the throe war
rants of $1000 each are dated Nov. 8,
1912, and endorsed Nov. 30. 1912. '
Portland, Or., Dec. 5. In order to ex
pedite demobilization at Vancouver
barracks, a union ticket office was op
cned there today. Tea ticket aellen
will take care of tho soldiers
are discharged. The schedule falls ful
releasing 300 daily.
Face Value and Sell Yoa
Of Real Bargains
2.00 Comb Set
14.00 Comb Set .
UO Comb Set .
$10.50 Comb Sot
$15.00 Comb Set -
$1.50 Alarm Clock
$2.00 Alarm Clock
$2.25 Alarm Clock
$2.50 Alarm Clock
$3.00 Alttrra Clock
$3.00 1
Cut Glass
t..W Salt and Peppers ; 90c
dsil.ijO Nappies $1.7D
H0.00 Berry Bowl JLZZIZ 96.50 t
asi.ou vaso i voq T
.... - - . .A.
Art 1- ' 0. Crt T
"KBl' , :- T?-"" T
$0.00 Set Water Glasses ... U-oO J
$j.00 Cream and Sugar 3.l)0 i'
125 No. Com-ii
mercial St. ::
Per Capita Cost 0f State
School Higher Than Kay
Thought It Should Be. r
When the state board of control held
its regular inontihlv nicotine vestorday
j afternoon, State Treasurer Kay de
manded an explanation of Ii. M. Gil
bert, superintendent othe state train
in gschool for boys, for the aoaring fpsi
of maintenance of that institution. The
TU'r capita cost for November was ri
ported to bo $.'10, which is tho high
record for the school.
Jn explanation, Sir. Gilbert said a
large quantity of shirts were hought
for tho boys, which will last them for
iu;, oo.nueoer
'cs(Ml t'e P"son. 1110 governor rcler-
" lu, ,kio"u. J " ,l
?vtV "wiKKeep.ng memo is anu as-
ed him what sort of a system he had
at the prison.
"The system was recommended by
Secretary tioodin of the beard of con
trol and Professor Kirk of Willamette i
university," replied Davey. "I keep
a record of the cost of every depart
ment for every day and every week
and every month in the yer.r. "
"That is sufficient," the governor
said. "The grand jury must have thot
the niillcniuiii was here i- they think
we can turn the prison bookkeeping
over to the convicts."
Second Troop Ship Lapland
- Lands Safely In Hoboken
Now York, Doe.
Lapland, loaded
5-The transport
with homecoming
troops, docked here today. As she came
up the North river opposite Hobokeng ive th( COmmision information as to
there was a demonstration of whistles nft imount of moncv it will use for
and eheering. The George Wshington,!,.,,,! wjtf the star highway com
with President Wilson aboard, waiting mi?sin . anil if it is prepared to use
to east off, joined In the (rrwcttufi- 'euuiitv funds, and if o..to give nrile
sonnding Its airen. She anchored at M, n-d lnation of roads, and type
quarantine and this morning moved on of construction.
np to her dock at Hoboken. This U Although the comiuision has already
the second home coming transport to beu notificil that the e xmtv was njore
arrive here since hostilities eeaserd than willing to go ahead with its share
Moat of thetroops on he Lapland arc of the work, it is probable that the
attached to the aviation branch and county court will asain inj.m the
have been training in England. commission that it U ready any time
After Conclusion Of Member
snip Campaign No More
Calls For Funds. .
i "
I Portland, Dr., Dec. 5. The Bed Cross
hag held its last war fund drive. The
Christmas roll call campaign is the very
foundation of Bed Cross ettcrt.
These are facts brought out in a tel
egram just received by Willier E. Co
nian, state chairman of the Christmas
roll all drive, from H. P. Davison,
chairman of the war council of the Am
erican Ked Cross.
That the Bed Cross would make no
further war fund drives was a tremen
dous surprise to Bed Cross leaders, but
Mr. Davison telegraphs that he makes
tho announcement after consultation
with President Wilson.
It is probable, also, that .there will
be' no other war drives for any organ
isation whatever. .-
Despite the fuct.that so war fund
campaigns will be held. Had Cross ef
fort is to continue on e. tremendous
scale. It is probable that notwithstand
ing tho enormous amount c work still
to be done by the Red Cross, both in
this country and in Europe, its1 sole
source of revenue will be dues from
Tor this reason a greater and great
er effort is to ibo niado to make the
Christmas roll call campaign thorough
ly "Universal membership. 1 '
Mr. Davison's telegram to Mr. Co
man follows: "I am issu'ng today a
statement to tho' chapters and Bed
iCrosa members to Which 1 earnestly
; ; Icall your attention in the hope you will
- see to it that the statement is brought
; to the attention of every man and wo
!'man in your territdry. Aj that state-
ment will indicate, I cannot too strong
" ily urge upon you the importance of the
i forthcoming Christmas roll call. Con
;; :!foronce with our commission? in Europe
1! together with conferences I have held
t here the last two, days with the prcsi-
I dont, with our division managers anu
our heads of departments have shown
lcr1 th
Id for Kt-d Cross ei-
!; krtmtiful-.n laauirins
lUIl IN lULiri W HV
ujipn tfttuiciMiouB
UUU V v -.W i - o
I A. w, .lnll conduct no further
....! for war funds the roll call
I will constitute tho very foundation of
Bed Cross effort in t"e liuuro ana i
firmly believe that the future of tho
Red Cross will be devoted to service
which cannot -recoive less than the
wliolo heartod and active support of
the Whole American people and its abil
ity to realize that tho future will be
depondent upon that support alono. I
urgo you and your assistants to exert
rodoubled effort to make this roll call
in the pe.rio4 io'f , transition from war
to peace ,?uch a trtfmendpus suCTcss"fhat
our Bed Cross organization, which has
been 'built to such huge, proportions
out of ldvo, sympathy and effort dur
ing the1 war, may continue s to be an
agency of human service worthy of the
,wholo American nation.'' i
But State Highway Commis
sion DidntSeemKeady lo
Work la Marion County.
The Marion county court is not only
willuig to pave roads in the county ac
cording to the plans and specifications
of the state highway commission next
year, but it has been ready ior the past
two years.
Tho court hna notmeit tne nignway
commission Mat, according 10 iuw, n
is ready and will grade and dram all
tho Toads in Marion county that the
commission will pave or hard surface.
AH that the aounty court is waiting
for now is that the state highway com
mission will designate, according to law
what roads it will pave and the coun-
ty will at. onco get busy i:i preparing
the roads according to m pmus anu a tablespoonful in a glass of water be
spocifications of the commission. fore breakfast and in a few days your
Aa tho matter now stands and
stood ever since the passage ot tne
$(1,000,000 road bonding act, the court
. ,
een Willing to pave OUl Cvu ""li,. i, ,1(U,J . nuratinna in flush
nothing until the highway commission!
legally designates what-roads shall Be
prepared by the county for the hnra
sort ace.
The fact that na roads have been
hard .surfaced in the eonniy iin.s oeen
a orent disniinointnient to many and
fur n time it was thought that tho
t-ounty court had not proceeded as it
should have.
This pnviug proposition was brought
to the at ten lion of Judge W. it. Bushy
and Commissioners i, T. Hunt and W.
H. tioulrt vesterdav' by the receipt of
a letter from the state highway com
mission in which it was asked that the
court set forth to the commission by
Dee. 10 just what aid the county
would expect from the commission
during 19ltf.
The letter of Inquiry also asksi for
-information as to the amount of grade
the county had prepared for hard sur-
4--:- .".I.. tit ililrt OfMV hnml act
. u , ,,. win
rth toroinjt year.
" Th ,ou,,tv court is also asked to
S5S5S3l -An Economical, Delightful, light Place to Trade
- !
Apparel Heads the List of
Furs, Dresses, Suits, Coats, Waists, Skirts, Sweaters and Kimonas, outer ap
parel of all descriptions predominate among Christmas Gift selections. We
have gone beyond all former limits in getting together a most complete and
satisfying assortment in every class of apparel, all of which is here now
awaiting your inspection and selection.
Suits That Are DisHnrfivft
Christmas is almost
here and you will sure
ly need a new suit for
the holidays. Choose it
here where a big assort
ment of the newest fash
ions is presented at re
duced prices. Prices
$19.50 to
to grade and drain all the road in tho
county the commission wil' pave, and
wherever the commission indicates.
Thez county "wanted to fays two
years ago and again one year ago, but
nothing was douo by the commission,
due to war activities, as it is explained
Eat Less Meat If You Feel
Backachy Or Have Blad
der Trouble Take Glass '
Of Salts. .
No man or woman who eats meat re
gularly can muke a mistako by flush
ing tho kidneys occasionally, says a
well known authority. Meat forms uric
icid which excites the .kidneys, thoy
becomo overworked from tho strain, get
sluggish and fail to filter the waste
and poisons from the blood, then wo
get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, head
aches, liver -trouble, nervousness, dizzi-
noss, sleeplessness and urinary disor
ders como from sluggish kidneys.
Tho moment you feel a dull ache in
tho kidnoys, or your back hurts or if
the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, stop
catinir meat and net abont four ounces
0f Jnd 8a!t9 from any pharmacy, tako
1 kidneys will act fine. This famous salts
. from tho aui(j of erapt.s an(j
. Kmon ice combincd witl; ntfaia, and
stim.lte the kidnevs, also to
neutralize the acids in urine so it no
longor causes irritation, thus ending
bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure. makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-watcr drink winch everyone
should tako now and then to keep the
kidneys ciean and activo and the blood
pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney,
complications. ,
. .- . j
Committee Of . Senators j
Will Not Go To Erspc
Washington, Dec. 5. The senate for-'
eign relations committee today killed
the Cunrmina resolution for a senatorial
committee of eight to attendthe peace,
conference. I
The vote of the committee was nnan-1
imous. Senator Hitchcock, chairman
of the committee, announced he would
report the resolution in the senaM to
day. -
The committee's action probably spclll
tho end of any serious effort to send
a congressional delegation abroad.
Washington, Dec. 5. A list of Am
ericans in German prison camps an
nounced today by tho war department
includes: f
At Karlsruhe Lieutenant Thomas
Alluring Winter Dresses '
Ladies and Misses All
Wool Serge and Silk
Dresses as a gift cannot
fail to be appreciated.
Our entire Fall and
Winter stock has been
reduced. Prices .from
$10.00 to $39.50
Pcvans, Snohomish. Wash.
Camp Kastatt Thompson, Maudino
11., Big Timber, Mont. ' '.
-Camp Giesson Johnson. John -W..
Hall.Mont. . .
Information also was heceived as to
tho following:
Private Edward Hoffman, Sandy, Or.
reported in hospital at Metz, Germany,
with shot wound in both knees ana
Prices Disposed To Be
Heavy In New York Lday
New York, Dee. 5. The New York
Sun's financial review today says:
Prices were disposed to be heavy savs
in certain .groupg and individual share!
liko the tobaccos, American Beet Su
gar, Amorisan Malting first preforred
certificates, International Nickle pre
ferred, Industrial Alcohol and United
States Rubber which were all conspic
uously strong. Northern Pacific was
about tho only strong spot among the
rails. Trading was dull to a degree
and wholly of professional inspiration.
888688868888 8688888688868636868888 888886888686888886
If you live in Salem and you wanted a pair of shoes,
you would go to Paris (your shoe man) of course
you would because he only sells the best guaranteed
brands of shoes at the fairest prices. And the best
of all you buy as represented.
$7.50 Buckhecht. genuine army shoes at $6.55
Keith Konqueror, Two-Tone shoes at $8.65
Keith Konqueror waterproof dress shoes $?!65
Some Keith Konqueror shoes as low as $500
Don't buy before you see our shoes
Paris Shoe Shop
357 State St.
Charming Silk Waists
Recent arrivals, just ta
ken from their boes, on
display for your selec
tion at special reduc
tions. Waists are ideal
gifts. Extra good qual
ity Crepe de Chine
Georgette Crepe
Cleveland, 0.,iDcc., 5. Striking, car
men, meeting late todny, voted in favor
of .accepting the agroemont made by
the Cleveland company, un.011 official
ami city officials last night. This pi'o-
vided thiit conductorettos must all bo
off tho streetcars by March 1.
We ChoJleSgcyou to$et
Better results wan vxmfrw
you with a little Want Ad ,
Try 'one to-morrow.