Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 05, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    , , .
Bate per word ifew Today:
Eath, insertion. 7.
On week (6 insertions)
On month (SO insertions) ,..
- 6
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for mor4 than ne insertion,
tot errors in Classified Advertisements,
Bead your advertisement the first da;
It appears and notify bs immediately ii
prror occurs. ,
Minimum charge, 15c
POTATOES for sale. Phone 80F11. tl
SAHLI I aggla bop toots tar ale. I. B.
Ooopes, Indepamde . l-6
WANTBD--KBeaejiger- bof. " Tfotera
Union Union Teii'grapa C. tf
EURNI3IIED house for ut. r. 0. 1.B.
i2 6
FOB SALE tluod boat house, cheap.
u v i . .
i- journal. i3-a
FOR SALK Oheap, siraitar far small
rooming nouse, must sell at taco. 322
N. High, 6alem. 12-10
HUB SALE A 1 fresh Jersey eow.
fhone 3UF13. 12-5
WANTED Work oa truck or machine
shop. Fhone 8Fii evenings. 12-6
FOR KENT 3 room furnished apart
ment. Phone 1525. 12-7
FOR SALE 6 ' Orpington liens and 1
rooster. Phone 6tiFl. 13-6
STRAYED Brown horse with
finder please phone 147,
halt or;
TOR SA"LE Second growth fir. Phono
2101J 12-7
WANTED Typing to do after office
hours. Phone 1356. ; 12-7
IFOR BAIB 5 room bungalow cheap,
easy terms. 1335 N. 18th. " 12-6
3-X)R I4ENT A house partly furnished
$7 por moilth. Phone 12-6
0 00RD8 old fir wood, $0 per cord,
delivered. Phone 71F22 12-7
POR SALE 6 Orpington tons and 1
rooster, Phone 60F2. 12-5
WE want poultry, eggs nnd hide?:
Cherry City Peed Barns. 12-li)
GEO. MARTE4 Expert a all makes
of typewriters. Phone 837 r call 124
S. Liberty 6t.. 12-6
LIGHT driving horse; .will trade for
pigs or-chickens. A. L. Smith, Rt. 1,
box 84. : - .-...v J2.5
WANTED A boy to stria tobacco at
the Salem Cigar Factorf toS Oha
meketa Bt. 12-3
WANTED 'Women to pack strawber
ry plants and men so dig slants.
1'houe 9SP3. 12-9
Largest Ordiard la Marion
County Owned By Senator
Lods LackionaY
COWS for sale. Cherry City l ead Barns
OOOD horse and buggy for sale or will
trade fop cow. I. W. Thomas, 'West
Balem. 12-6
CORD wood, for sale.
2093M, -.
Phone evenings
. tf
FOR 8ALE Trycycle, ladies framo, in
good condition, 18. 876 Binout, Sa
lem, Or. 12-5
SHOAT3 for sale, 50 pounds and up,
layje per pound. Hkyliuo Orchards,
Ht. 3, Phone 3UF11. - 12-5
LOST Auto chains - between Salem
and Dallas, toward. Phone 1712R.
LOST (Brown Haunan ohoes on Silver
ton train. iRetura to Price shoe store
MONEY to loan, large and - small
amoufits on farm or city; W. A. Lis-
ton, agent. , 12-7
t OR SALE Or rent, one acre in Salem
Heightg one block to car Four room
houso, well and two thirds acre Lo
ganberrics. E. Horton, ItrO N. 17th.
' , 12-5
A YOUNG woman, three children de
pending, desires a position as houso
lteepor for widower with children,
country preferred. J J care Journal.
HOUSE cleaning and window cleaning
; wanted. Phone 1237. 12-5
WANTEDFat thin and fresh cows,
large calves. Phone 1425M. 12-28
WANTED To buy beef cattle and
calves. Phone, JS?GW,t i2-i
BEaiSTHRHJD Jersey .bull calf for
sale. IPrice $20. Cash or tiade. Phone
- 2135J. 12-7
YOUNiO Filipino boy wants position
at cook in private family. Phono
630, room 27. 12-6
1XR SALE 10 pigs g months old, $5
each. Phone 27F15. G. H. Thompson,
Jtfacleay, Or. 12-7
WANTED Wood cutting by W. H.
Propst, Salem, Or., Et i. bor 118A.
farm in Idaho.
" Journal.
A. grain and stock
Address 18 2 care
IflOR BENT Store room on State St.
J. H. Lauterman, Argo Hotel. Phone!
900. tf
!0 ACRES of lovel laud for sale or
trade. Where you have no houso rent
. to pay; no wood to buy; no water
to buy, and if you keep a cow, no
milk or butter to buy. Will take
email truck or tin kan on the deal.
B. Lamb, 645 S. 17th, Salem. tf
WANTED y Dec. 10th full and com
' plote information . about ' furnished
rooms, f urnishod housekeeping rooms,
ana also ta We board. Mute distance
from capitol building, street number,
how near car liucj whether well or
fairly furnished, how heated and
lighted, hot and cold w.ttcr, bathing
facilities, use of phoney etc. Gives
rates for legislative Hussion com
mencing Jan. 13, 1919, end address
Legislator, care Capital, journal.
for the cost of Constructing a sidewalk
pWAINTED 15 to 25 single comb White
Leghorn 1 year old hens. Phone 1917
J mornings. tf
IXJB SALE Cheap, 4 Belgian docs, 1
buck, 4 3-months Flemish. Beehtel,
Et. 2, Salem. 12-5
liOST 3 yearling Shropshire rams, one
wears my label. If you find same
please, call 43F24, S. J. Doerflor. tf
Did) papers for carpets, etc., 10 cents
per hundred, call at Journal office.
MAXWELL for ale, $275. Terms. Me
chanically perfect. Highway Garage
Phone 355. Call 1000 S. Com'l. tf
UBERTY BONDS If you must dis
pose of your bonds, we will buy
them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf
TWO and three room fnraisled apart-'
ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203.
ALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Buret's Furniture Store, ,179
Commercial. tf.
GIRL WANTED For general house
work. Must be good cook. No wash
ing nor ironing. Apply afternoons at
325 N. Capitol St. 12-6
To J. B. Young:
xou are hereby notified that the
city of Salem has, by ordinance No.
1503, levied an assessment upon lots 1
and 2 in block 1 of Central Addition
to tho city of Salom, Oregon, owned
by yourself, in the sum of $i0.42 for
the cost of constructing a cement con
crete sidewalk on the west side of Slat
afreet in front of and abutting upon
said lots. Said assessraont was entered
in tho minor lien docket of th's city of
Balem on the 29th day of November,
1918, as a charge and lien against said
lots, and the same ig now Que and pay
able to tho, city treasurer. -
By order of the common council, this
notice is served upon you by publica
tion thereof for ten days iu the daily
Capital Journal, a newspaper published
in the city of Salem.
Date of first publication hereof is
December 4,. 1918.
Recorder of the City of Salem, Ore.
.- Although, peaia raised in the Willain
ette valley and especially those in Mar
ion and Polk counties are the finest in
the United States the fact seems to be
that a good proportion are sold through
out the country under California brands
Packing houses in Salem are owned
by California, interests and for thisaea-
son the fine Bortlett pears raised near
Salem, with all their distinctive flavor
are sold in the east as "delicious Cal
ifornia fruit."-
"There is at present in Marion county
350 acres planted in pears and on this
aerenge there are 30,959 trees. Almost
all orchards are more than five yearb
old. There has been but litUo piantine
tho past few years. In making fi In cen
sus of the county, 8. H. Van Trump,
county fruit inspector found but half
an acre planted during the past yeav,
and only three acres two yearg old, 17
ioi et three years old and 32 acres four
rears old.
The largest pear orchard in Maiiiu
county is owned byf Senator Louis
Laehmund on rural routc8, Salein. The
tract has 4000 trees and is more than
five Tears old.
The second largest orchard is owned
by B. K. Rodman of route 4, Salem.
The tract contains 30 acres. It is fivi
years old and on it, are planted 3200
Another lurge orchard is that owned
by A. P. Beardsley, rural route 8, fca
lem. Ho has 10 acres four years old
and one acre five years old.
Noxt in acreage is the fifteen aero
tracts, of which there are three in the
eounty. Frank Durbin'a tract ig five
years old aud located on rural route 7
out of Salem. McNary & Stolz orohaid
is moro thsn five years old and on tho
15 acres are 1100 trees. TJiu Fargo
Orchard Co. at Fargo has ono of tk
15 acre tracts plantod to 750 trees.
John W. Plank of Macleay owns o
12 aero tract with 750 trees and N. C.
Jorgensen of rural route 9, Salem, an
11-aero tract with 600 trees. V. V.
Sheridan of rural route 4, SaJni, owns
a 10-acre tract planted 80 to the aero.
Lloyd Reynolds along with his other
fruit interests owns a nine acre tract
with 600 trees. . -
About Croup
If your children are subject to croup,
or if you havo reason to fear their be
ing attacked by that disease, you
should procure a bottlo of Chamber
lain 's Cough Remedy and study tho dv
rections for use, so that in case of an
attack you will know oxactly what
course to pursue. This is a tavorite
and Jvery successful remedy for croup.
and it is important that yen observe
the directioas carefully.
Eaglish Papers Think
Statement Remarkable
v. ' ' I
Jyt 0 Pi
t zz:,., , ZZ3
e Ml Oil. hi ir.R act ! !
This S
'"'wM'"l"nl..a)..i., -in k, ,,...-.. . , -.,,, ., .y,-- j-mzj j. m i: : :
iis sale coming at this time is most:
portune for the economical buyer.
cmas Diioppsng in useful presents
easily solved throueh this store
i r
! r
s f
i t
t m
1 1
i r
i f
i f
iWANTED To trade timber claim in
Douglas ounty for stock. Address
260 South 20th St., Salem. W. 8.
. Burnett.- 12-6
fX)B SALE New Ford sedan, will sell
aw &y below cost, will take Ford run
about, and will give liberal terms on
balance. Wm. Dawes, Box 475, Inde
pendence, Or. t
Lester Gray Watson Goes
Oyer He Top Three Times
Lester Gray. Watson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Watson of F&irmount, is
among the Salem byg seeing things in
" t France. In several letters to his par-
PLENTY of money to toad on 1 ' ent, -M reeounU several interesting ri-
Sf5$SZ& periences while at the front ,nd again
pis on any interest date. Call or iB the transport service. He writes
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic ju part a follows:
Wdg, Satan. " Aftci I get hon.e t. have a mi
' story -.u Ml; as juit l .-'Sfnt the go
FOB BALE River bottom raneh con- (II ifjit wants us . hep whit we
taining 150 acres, 40 acres cleared, j, ;o ourselves. F r-m the J.k if
konse. barn, soft and hardwood tim- muntrr where we now are one
London, Dec. 5. (By wiri
Uota nurnin(r and afterr.oon papers
prominently display the United Press
dispatch, riled by Robert J. Bender
just beforo President Wilson sailed yes
terday" in which it was stated that the
president ' undoubtedly will ask dis
armament on aoa as well us an land."
(Bender further 'said that the presi
dent 's "insistence on consummation of
yimerica's three year navui building
program may ipossioiy renoct nis oucer-
mina-tiou to ask other nations to 'scale
down,' -or the United Slates will
'scale up,' and that "it is reported the
prosident regards the danger of mili
tarism at ea to be as great as on land
and that he does not favor a joint sea
policy between Oreat Britain and the
United (States.")
The Westminster -Gazette says:
"Tho correspondent of the Unitod
States i clearly a rather abrupt man,
or ho would have endeavored to put
the new -doctrine a little more persuas
The Gazette expresses hope that Wil
son will not stress naval disarmament
excessively, thus overlooking tho dis
armament on land, ,
The Evening Standard callg it "a re
markable statement."
Sleep and Best
One of the most common causes of
insomnia and resxiesnesa is mm gust-ion.
Take ono of Chamberlain's Tab-1
lets immediately after supper and see
if you do not rest better and sleep Det
ter. They only cost a quarter.
pond to see it again.
'My first timo over tno top i was
a private but the second time a corpor
al. The last time I led a platoon as
acting sorgeaut and out of the tor-
geentj. 1 came out next in command to
tho lieutenant in charge.
' ' Tell Geoigo if he knows when he if.
well oft ho will make no complaint
againrt Texas. I have been quite lucky
hero and have been through thrco hard
battles and only received ono small
wound which was eared for by first
All stocks are complete for Christmas Shoppers
y lore
M. sE
will make Christmas Purchases NOW, when they can re
ceive prompt, efficient service and avoid the 11th hour
crowd and danger of spreading the influenza Shop Early j
The largest and most complete stock of Ladies'
.and Children's Handkerchiefs.
As usual We are
Bring in the Kiddies
r i mm M m .--i.
SI r.J
r a m
inv msuits nomdkr
j The Journal ciaMiriea ao ar
; ereat favorite srith people who
Jer. at 65 dollars ner act. Will take nnH 0t call it worth fighting for. do things Try OB
ome city property in exchange. See jnBet might have been a pretty place
Officers Forced Revolution
ists To Haiti Down Their
Red Rag.
one day but I would never cross that
Amsterdam, Dec. 6. Serious fighting
bag occurred in Kreuznach, in which
rcvelutionists were defcatod by army
officers, it was reported here today.
Officers forced the revolutionists at
the point of pistols to haul down tho
red flag. Following the removal of
their wounded, the officers eheered for
tho former kaiser.
Kreuznach is on the Nalie river, eight
miles south of the bend in the Rhine at
Binpen. It is in theterritoryto be oc
cupied by the French under the terms
ef the armistice and is only 18 miles)
south of Kaub, which is expected to be!
the southern point of the American
bndeehcad. Kreuznach is an imnor-f
tant manufacturing center. It has a
population of about 3,000.
Jcarnal Wast Ads Pav
Troops On Board Consisted
Of Aero Squadrons And
Washington, Doc, 5.--Carrying 90 of
ficers and 2092 enlisted men, the trans
port Adriatic sailod from Liverpool for
Now Y';rk on the afternoon of Decem
ber 1, General March announced today.
The troops consist- of seven aero
squadrons, five construction coinpanioa
of the air service and casuals.
On the Adriatic are those aero squad
rons: '
838th,- five officers, 134 men.
338th, four officers, Hi men.
130th, throo officers, 129 Bion.
3341b. two officers, 138 men.
472ud, four officers, 144 men.
,377th, four officers, 179 men.
837th, three officios, 108 men.
Construction companies:
Faurth, five officers, 44 men.
8ixth, five officers, 261 men.
Seventh, five officers, 230 men.
i.irtth, three officers,, 242 men. ,
Jiinth, five officers, 242 men.
Caasuals, medical detachment,
officers, aovuatccn men.
Casuals, medical detachment,
Board Of Education Will
Meet To Discuss Budget
At a special meeting of tho. board of
education fur district No. 24 called
for this evening at the lngh school
building, thore will bo a general di
cussiim as to the budget to be present-
on again to me. assessed voters of this
State Supoiiutomlcnt cf Schools
Churchill, backed by an opinion of
Attorney General lirown bus informed
the Kti-hool board that County Treas
urer Ben 1 West was l(i;a!ly within
his right in allowing tho board an ex
tension of 30 day befor.. tiling its
levy for the coming yenr.
With the legality of the recond bud
get electiou settled beyond qneauon,
the action of tho board this evening
will b9 principally as to whether to
submit tho same budget or to Change'
it. Tho general opinion of a majority
of board members r that the etuue bud
get should he voted on again.
Th opinion of Mr. Churchill and
Mr. Brown, the two highest legal au
thentic is the stats on tchool ques
tions, is that should the budget again
bo defcatod. the board has the .ciral
n'suo warrants on which would be
stamped "not paid for wart of funus" .
Tho meeting thi evening, as welt
as nil meetings of the bourd of edu
ciitjon is open to the public.
The Bolshevik government of Russia
has instituted a.military order "for
"Adler-i-kg is the oulv medicine fe
gas on the stomach. I never had so
much relief with any medicine. J would
not take 25 for the relief one bottl
of Adler-i-ka cava me. I raanol iak
done recommending it." (Signed) if;
L. Hicks. Ashler. 1)1.
Adler-i-ka txpclg ALL gas and sour
ness, atonping stomach distress IX-
Stantly. Empties BOTH upper and low.
right to borrow the U5,000 mwsnr ' ' i " "J"f .S" J, "
to support the schools .for the coming i80ng , otbE8 Vonitl
a Xubk bJuZ nd ".WaU.plt drugs.' J.O. far-
If the asHctued voter do not support ,
the budget, the board hui the Irgal mm . s i t --
four right to bolxow for all it needs ir to JC'jrEal VflCi fij