THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1918. PAGE SEVEN MM ! tNEW TODAY i 3UENAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING DDIUU CI MARION COUNTY-TRY THEE1 FOR RESULTS euLssnTED ADVEETiama sates Bate Pf word New Today: Zbeh insertion . Oa week ( insertions) Oat month (26 insertions) It - 6 17 The Capital Journal will not be r ponsible for more than one Insertion, for errori in Classified Advertisements, Bead four, advertisement the first da; It appears and notify us immediately ii error occurs. Minimum charge,. 13c POTATOES for sale. Fhone 80FH. f FURNISHED; apartments for house keaping at 633 Perry street. 12-2 FltRXTSlTBI housekeeping rooms at 758 "N. Com 'I. 12-2 TOR SAJjE Iff in. old wood. Phone 1536M. growth fir 11-30 CORD wood for sale. Phone evenings 208314. - - tf HOUSE cleaning and window oleaning wanted. Phono 1237. 12-5 FOR wood sawing call 103, business hours. 12-2 .WANTED Plain, sewing. Phono. 796. 12-9 TOR SALE Fresh cow, 3 year old Jer sey. 1925 State St. . . 11-29 WANTED Fat thin and fresh cows, large calves. Phone 1425M. 12-28 FOR SAiLE Good milk cows. .Inquire 629 N. Wtnter from 8 to 10 a. m. tf JWANTED To buy beef cattle and calves. Phono 1576W. ' 12-12 WANTED Girl for general house work State School for Deal. Phone 646. 11-30 WANTED Assistant lady eook and lady waitress. 223 N. Coa'L H-30 J . City News t - Lawrence Gale, manager of the Gale & Co. store, was operated on at the UooM Samaritan hospital in Portland last week. Today ho is reported as making a most satisfactory recovery. The English department of the Sa lem high school will present at recit al to ba liven Friday evening. Dee. HARIjY fuggle hop roots for sale. J. R. 6, Miss LucUe Elliott The rceital will Uooper, Independence. . 12-26 he ivfin in th amiitnrillm of the Com- . o mercial club, ..Beginning next Monday, the sugar allowance is four pounds to the per son jer mouth. So orders the Brute food administration. It is now three pounda a month and it was. but a short time ago that tho allowanet was two pounds a month.. The purchaser may buy the whole month's supply at one time, figuring on ths basis of four pounds to each member of the family, young or old. Restrictions on the man ufacture of ices and Bherbots will also be removed Dec 1. FOB SAUE Ford, 1918, 05 per cent ew. una orate Bt. U-29 FOR SALE Nine A-l six weeks old pigs;, also- Jersey cow. Phtn 71F12. 11-30 WANTED Messenger boy. Western Union Union Telegraph Co. tf FOR SATiK Three good dairy cows; two in. milk other to frephen soon. Address. Box 83, Kt 1, Salem. 12-2 FORD delivery body, mot&i fendors complete for sale at a bargain. Call room 304 U. S. Bank bldg., or phone 87& or 55F13. 11-29 M.Y husband has entered the service and I wish to sell our 490, 1918 Chevrolet. Phone 1925 after 5 p. m. 1 Liiclltes9 George F Vick, will save this evening for Detroit, Mich., to hold a confer ence with Henry Ford. In regard to the rumor that some radical changes would be made in the selling price of , i ou ; Fords, Mr. Vick said he had no in- ' formation whatever. It is learned that GOOD farm 2 miles northeasf of 'city a "amber of manufacturers who had limits, to trade for good city resi- .'"tentione on the automobile market donco and some cash. Dr. Patterson. ln.tne 1,ne of Ford prices are feeling a 420- S; Com'l. 11-29 1 trifl nervous, fearing that Henry may spring something, notwithstanding the tv o ,m . ,. . high prices of steel and auto materials. FOR SAITB-JChoice E. I. K. rooster, T)fe meeti in jtroit next week is SI Fill & irn m fan Wxiinr Whita - .... - r i j t V ' """' for a conference witn all Ford agents --- tit .Pi WW coco to-we&if or light colored Ieii&n Runner ducks. Phone 53F15. 11-29 FOR 3AM3 A pen of White Leghorn hens, ready to lay. Phone 1531S. ' ... . " 12-2 FOiR BENT . Well furnished apart meats, close in, good location. In quire 891 N. "Commercial St. 12-2 FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell touring, fin shape, looks like new. Bargain. Will take libterty bond. Call at Ore gon Garage, corner Ferry and High. 11-30 TAKEN UP Stray, dark Jersey cow. Owner identify and pay expense. ' Albert Jonientz, Steusloff market. 12-2 WAlNTHDMPosition by elderly lady as- housekeeper in small family. Kt. 5, bor 24, or first house at end of S. 12th Bt. car line. 11-30 FOR (SIAILE 1917 electric Barley Davidson motorcycle, Phons 1536M. 1130 WANTED-JTame goat, broken for chil dren to drive. K. M. Harding, Sil rtr 1 11-29 IiOST 3 yearling Shropshire rams, one wears my label. If you find same please, all 43F2 J. J. Doerflcr. tf FOR SMLLE S. C. White Leghorn roos ters, O. A. C. strain,, cheap. Phone 113SW. FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms in Hubbard bldg, heat, light and water furnished. Call room 304. . if OLD papers for carpets, etc., 10 cents per hundred, call at Journal office. MAXWELL fDr tale, $275. Terms, Me chanically perfect. Highway Garage Phone- 355. Call 1000 S. .Com'l. tf FOR SALE 1916 Ford, shock absorb ers, speedometer, good tiros ana ex tras, 350. 2645 Portland road. 11-30 Liberty bonds if you must dis- - pose of your bonds, we will buy tiMn 314 Masonic bids. tf TWO and three room furnisted apart mAnta 431 N. Cottaee. Phone 2203. ia-5 WANTED-nWomaa for cooking and general house work in family of three $29 per month. 82S S. 12th. Phone 1384. ' 11-30 FOR SALE One Vest Pocket Kodak with- fast anastigmat Ions, for sale cheap. Inquire Cha. Lanham, Oregon FOR SAXE Bay mare weighs 1150 lbs works: single and double and sound in every respect. Sorrel mare, 6 yrs. old,weighs 1160, soundand gentle. Jirowa horse age 7, weighs 1350 lbs. blocky built, suitable for all kinds of work. Gray driving mare, har ness and nearly new buggy, at real bargain, $85 takes complete outfit, also heavy double set of harness and 34 farm wagon in good condition, $65 takes them. Brown horse and nearly new Prineville saddle, horse weighs 1000 lbs., good any place, $80 takes this outfit. Don't misg this if in market to buy. Call for Taylor at 225 Center St. Phone Main 927. 11-30 ,WILL trade Salem residence property for merchandise of any kind. Ad Uracil M S eura Journal. 12-1 i. AT.T, PAPER 15 cents per double roll wri Ttnrar Furniture Store. 17ft tf. TViR. TO.WNTT Cottaee. 227 S. Winter street, five rooms with baili and fire place, ten aollara per month. Inquire PTinnn 213fiJ. H-29 i JOR RENT Furnished sleeping room With all modern convenances, out Near Post office JhnnA 773R. 240 S. Cotiagc, 11-30 BALEM chimnev sweep, clean, them without dust on the carpets, furnaces cleaned and repaired, stoves repair oil PhnnA 19. tf PLENTY of money to load on good farms; low interest rates; five years time; nrivileire to Dap $100 or multi- da nn unv interest date. Call or write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic lAr ftalera.. ""I vran MOETGAGES for sale. Seenr ed by well improved valley farus !n amounts of $500 up to $10,000. Thos. A. Roberts, Phone 1427, 314 Xaaonia building. .1" Taxi Co., Miasonic bldg. 11-29 not only in tho United States but throughout the world. Willamette chapter, Red Cross has received orders from headquarters at Scattlo to dispose of materials collect ed by the surgical dressings department at the postoffice. This will include the sale of 10,800 yards of gauzo drossmgs 300 yardg cut gauze, several hundred sacks of sphagnum moss and other mi nor articles. As soon as these are sold, headquarters a8 well as all other depart ments of the Ked Cross will be moved to the second floor of the postoffice building. , ; .- It 'was rather lonesome in ths city and. county jails yesterday. There was no one entitled to turkey as & transient boarder in cither place. Or - Dr. a B. O'Neill, prominent member of tho Elks' lodge who went into the service a few months ago, writes that he is now in Charleston, 8. C. and that he was waiting for a ship to take him to Santo Domingo, West indies, i'rom the standpoint of the doctor, old South Carolina doesn't stack up with Oregon when it comes to climate. He writes: This is not much of a country. Give me old Oregon. It is much colder here at present than any time on the.racitlc coast so far tnis winter." FEED PRICES The -marlcet is slightly lbwer and you will find that wo are always the first; to drop our prices. We have a complete stock of all the different kinds of feeds now on the market including hay aud straw. . With our Ions experience and ample facilities we always sell at tho lowest nricoa nnsaihlB and 0U Wlli find Our prices the lowest in "the city. Investigate our new casn pian us n will save vou monov and we are able to give you tne very iowesr. pneeo. 1 A win IP OG okjiio S.-. iSrate St. Phone 160 11.30 RIVER BOTTOM FARM, 160 86-100 acres, about 148 acres under plow. Thi in all sandv bottom loam land, all fenced and cross fenced. Good house, good stock barn, dairy barn 40x120 feet, with cement floors, stanchions for 36 cows. Gas engine in barn with water tank and full barn equipment. Good peach orchard, grape vineyard, apple orchard and small fruits. Plenty of fine wood on fhn nlace for fuel. This'place is on good graveled road only two miles from Corvallis. It is considered one of the best bottom land places in. the Willamette, valley. Wheat made as high as 22 bushels to the acre tnis past season. The land nas produced as high as 5 tons of alfalfa per acre. We might take a small piece of good town property or a good car as part paymont. Price $22,000. Call on or write owners, E. A. Miller and H. E. Walter, Box 86, Corvallis, Or. 11-30 n n it Salem's Greatest t'Ah event long-looked-for and the most l I important sale of the season combining ; Thanksgiving-Christmas suggestions ::t X t t I High Class Coats, Reduced $45.00 Coats at .':1$35.65' $47.50 Coats at ...$37.65 $55.00 Coats at $43.65 $57.50 Coats at ... : $45.65 $69.50 Coats at .........$55.65 PLUSH COATS in best quality of Salts, Textiles, Plain and fur trim med Your choice less ONE,THIRD Two letters are at the Salem post- office, both from the war-risk depart- . ' .. ... ii . . ment from tne u. a, treasury. iau moans that both contain allotments, but as- the parties. to. whom they are addressed are unknown, nor have any record at the postoffice, nor. have ever called M tne- posronice iur mini, m" is. of eonrse no chance for delivery! One received Nov. 27, is addressed to..Anna Jane Shearer. Balers, Oreeom The othor was received in Salem .Nov. o, ana is addressed to Jess A,. Wilkinson, Salem, Oregon. Anyone having inormation as to theso parties would,, comer a iaioi on the "nixie" man, as well as the parties themselves by calling or send- j iug word to the postoffice where they may be found. o Contrary to the state law, all scueols in tho countv are not flying tho na tional emblem. The Battle Creek school two -milus west of Turner is pretty close to the law. It has a fine big flag polo but just at present the flag iB floating from a 8111811' pole without much dicnitv. The Union Hill school near Silver Creek Falls has been doing nrettv well with its flag this fall but recently a storm came along and blew down the flag pole. Hence no flag is flvine today. The Pleasant View school four miles south of Turner has the flaa and polo but the teacher was under th-.i impression that the right placo t0 show the national emblem wa in the school house. Tho law says the flag polo is the right place when school is in ses sion. Silver Creek Falls district is up and coming with a new flagpole and a new flag. Summit school about four miles southwest of Turner has no flag pole and its flag is in pretty bad con dition, hardly lit to ny. cut in mvu- crai, rural scnooig are complying wnu tho law which provides that the school must have a flag pole and flag and that tho flag must fly When school is in session. Women's and Misses' Suits, 27.85 Values to $40.00. Extraordinary values, high grade, serges, poplins, gabardines, worsteds, etc. Novelty belted and semi-fitted styles, some with Dlushr collars; fur and cloth It at a great saving. This victory sale t Crepe, DeChine and Georgette Waists, : Special, $4.95 Lovely waists of good grade Georg ette and silk crepe de chine. In white and flesh, neat tailored sty les and embroidered. Several mod els. All sizes. Sale Price Women's and Misses' Coats, $12.95 Values to $22.50. Serviceable, prac tical styles for utility wear, splen did values and worth almost double materials, slate, pannette, mixtures tweeds, kerseys, etc Special $12.95 Women's and Misses' Suits at $34.85 Values to $55.00. Very smart mod els. An unparalleled offering. A most delightful surprise. Tailored and; semi-tailored styles, elega made, and very desirable. ! Extra special value at $34.85 The Label of the Lamb Signifies the highest grade of knitted wearables. These snappy mornings suggest knitted snug glers,, shawls, sweaters, mittens, leggings. We have a great line. Go the Limit, IDB SALE River bottom ranch con taining 150 acres, 40 acres cleared, house, barn, soft and hardwood tim ber, at 65 dollars per acr. Will, take some city property in exchange. See Merlin Harding at Salem Hdw. Co. tf HELP WAXTED Govern roent needs thousands men and women for gov ernment departments, railway ma", ffiM. customs, internal rev- SH10O.. 1800. Eeminations. soon. Experience unnecessary. For Free particulars regarding examina tions write J. C. Leonard, (former civil service examiner, 1059 Kenois kuilding, Washington, P. C. U A 'JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY STATE OF OEEOON Proposals for Supplies , The Oregon State Board of Control will receive scaled bids on December 11, 1018, at 2 p. m., for furnishing supplies- to the various state institutions, .ot,fit4nir of iirv eoods. clothing, furn ishings, groceries, shoes, hardware, brooms, drugs, stationery, crockery, plumbing etc., for the semi-annual period ending June 30th, 1919. Specifi miniia anrl schedules will be furnished upon application to the secretary, at Salem, Oregon, also from the-Industries and Manufacturers Bureau, Cham ber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Each bid to be accompanied by a cer tified cheek representing 10 per cent of the whole amount of bid, payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, hich shall b held as guaranty oi When it comes to one family being the whole thing in a country school, that of George M. Starr holds the Mar ion county record. He has five child ren of school age and they constitute the whole school for the Elkhorn dis trict, iMi miles over the mountains from Mill City. The teacher in Martha A. Watts and the salary is $00.00 a month. Going to the district from Mill City, it is two miles up tun to tne crest oi the mountain and two miles down and then a quarter of e mije- on level ground. But this district ranks with some of the best in the countv when it comes to sehcol building and school property. The school house is newly painted and the school property wcil taken eare of. WILL NOT JOIN EUTEIfTB 23. Tio t'nile! Washington, Xov, the faithful performance of - the eon-bUte probably will not join with the 4.M. rTr.A cirri T-PftprVPi thp riffht toita'.enie ita its reported plan to ask i' in land to-surrender the kaiser, according to indications at the state department tract The board reserves the right rejec any or all bids or to aecept any part of a bid. , B. B. GOODIX, Secretary, Oregon State Eoard ,of Control. " 'oy 29, 30, Dee- , 7 today. .. Buford Eockafellow and Victor L. Gaume, both Winloek, Wash., boys, ! $4.95 ii- 2fff'l -'AAfUfL WAS: . . ii . .... Bua-- . " .... .... 4 r u a. ...... tltsttttttstsltttttttttt'tttttttttt,m.-.jf.--'-i KJI-- DANCE 8 f?r 8 iri s&w ft High Class Suits, Reduced $57.50 Suits at ....$45.65 $67.50 Suits at ..$53.85 DRESSES. Our beautiful stock of the choicest styles in this season's showing. Serges, Silks, Jerseys Your unrestricted choice less 20PerCect : Women's and Misses' Coats, $19.85 Values $30.00. This group of coats are the best of this season's offer ing. Beautiful winter models of Velours, meltons, imported tweeds,, pleated 'and belted effects. Large range of sizes. Special , $19.85 Handkerchiefs for Everybody Women's and Children's Handker chiefs. From the plain sheer cotton and linen to the exquisite dainty embroidered ones. Also colored effects- in a wonderful array. Single and in special boxes. Full stock for the Holidays. V 4t The war is over, buy the children toys while our stock is complete. Dolls and Toys on the first floor now. Very convenient. 000ID smmfmm Ho Agreement Between :T0DRR0W NlGBTr. COTILLIAH HALL m DANDY MUSIC ,'riTjmi imroun whmt Arw BDrwr vaii dpsiiits p,:jt wiW. .ttitnde on free-!have been killed in action in France,; Lftf llnii JUU1UUU. HiiiU AWJ UlUilU IVU lUUUUbia 2rs"::r Get Yea What Yea Wan! Forty thousand men engaged in the '-American supply service, will be sent fL? A J D I 0 It !" advanced areas as. replacement uiue nun rci j in oipi tr troops. . .ji 1 New York, Nov. 29. The dispute be- j tMcen Cliile and Peru lias not been set--t.ed and no ainua' le agreement be-; tween the two coui tries Is in sight. ! This statement v us made here today, by Dr. Carlos Cas'ro Buiz, the Chilean consul general ir New York. He said j hoyevor, that both countries were qui-1 et, according tn his latest adviee Dr. Ruiz denied today that he ha I . given out any statement that ahe con-1 troversy had been settled. He said that on November 26 he ansounced the re ceipt of a telegram fro nithe Chilean foreign office, stating that the Peru vinii government had not accepted thu j apology, . There's a regular . meal in POST TOASTIES Mea-ty and Good ritn o com)