PAGE EIGHT (D) DafofefoM Journal SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 191S. !1 4 m j J j J i 5 1 s i M 4 i a i it 4 i We wish to call To Our Prices on a few articles, with which you are laminar, that will five you an idea of the GREAT SAVING" We make you. Similar savings will be made on other things throughout the entire store. Dress Ginghams -29c Yard Zephyr Ginghams, 32 inches wide ..g5c 2 Percales 17c, 20c, 29c, and 35c Yd Cheviot Shirting . 9c Yard Kiddie Cloth, 32 inch 3gc NEW CIIALLIES in neat patterns for a nice dress, kimona, dressing sacque, etc, which are good and wear fine . ggc DO NOT OVERLOOK US FOR PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS J. C. Penney Co. Men's 0 vercoats for Thanksgiving Day and Afterwards No store in the country can sell you overcoats as low as we can. Overcoats in absolutely all-wool materials in the popular Balmaccan style with plain or Raglan shoulder at $16.50 Buy one of these warm, serviceable coats now. You will save $10.00 by doing's. "We Keep the Quality Up, and the Prices Down" icoroorated. 1 V "" .hit j - p m Incorporated MIA, L-M..MJSj I All Around Town , i t COMGEVENTS Nov. 28. Thanksgiving. Evening services at Central Congregational church, 7:30 o'clock. Nor. 30. Election en School Budget. Dee. 1. Elij Annual Mem orial Service, Open Hoax 2:30 p. m Dee. 11-14 Fifth Annual Marion, Count Cora Show. Dacca at armory tonight, 7 j. m. . . MARIONNEWS. ' (Capital Joarnal Special Service) Marion, Nov. 23. Albert Mitzner has been promoted from corporal W sergeant, after acting as corporal only oae mcnth. He is still in Miryiand. Mrs. Byron Poisell lrho is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oisen of this place, acd her husband, are botk vic tims of the inflaenzaat Portland it to Portland and way points daily. Leav-1 hwne- Ib, ,h '"J? ea Salen 10 a. a. 137 S. Coral a r"1 thl tprnble disease, they sent . I ! oorted Sunday that the ba was re ported Sunday that the baby had the influenza, bat we are glad to say that friend, of the death of Merrit Wy !U ProTe4 n0tiD W0TSf last week of influenza at Albany. He!?? .VS was the son of Mrs. Ad die Cimsby and i"u " " was well known in Salem. I" . , 0 , j A Christian Endeavor society was or- A daace- wUl be gLrea at the mJ n the Friends ehorea'by soaie Temple on the evenirjr of Sat-,er of Kosedale. Th.y will hold orday Dee. 7 for the S. A. T. C. bovs!their flrst ntlT mkefl!E8 &t th under the aospiees of the local branch' 5 rleE ' l1""10 iu"u,6lwu8 of the Aational Leazue of Mothers. ; Danco at armory tonight, 7 p. m. "Tk fuerai oeotlfal."Wbb SJongi Co. tf "Th bast' leath eonea, Phoaa 120, it 0 : PERSONALS : W. and Mrs. P. 0. DcVoe are en tcrtalnLnjf today Will Dcoe of Nevada who is rrmkinff an automobile trip to southern California, aeeompaiiied ty Bort Thomas of Gresliam. Mr. DeVoe f Nwada Is a emmin of P, 0. DeVoc. Miss Lena Pearl Wright will Irave Saturday for Boisn, Idaho, where she ha accepted a powtion in the project office of the If. H. reclamation service. .John W. Todd went to MrMinnvillo this morning to take part in a com munity aim;. Howard Persons of the hospital corps I Born KUHNKE At the Balem hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhuke, route 4, Hlem, Oregon, Kridny, Nov. 22, 191$ A daughter, to be called Bernice Anna. WIIITXKY At the Salem hospital, to Mr. and Mfs. Orrin K. Whitney, 1230 X. IJbertv 8t., Kslem, Saturday; Nov. 23, 1918, a son, to be tailed William Kimiiett. Tor those who wish to attend a Thankxiviiiij IITvice this oveninjr the nu naymonii wnuuz or me enxineers ( ctral Conurcgutioiial chtinh, Houth are homo from Seattle on a five days' .19th and Ferry stteets offers a pro furlmigh " gram of music." Among the soloists are M.-j, Viola Oglethorpe in the city Albert OiI!c, Miss lierlrudo Aldri. h, from Patterson, N. J, 8he wi!l ttarli the Rev. H. N. Aldrich and Kev. H. C. 4iriiig Valley school in Poll: county. Htover. I Gray-Belle Special Thanksgiving Dinner THURSDAY, NOVEMBER TWENTY-EIGHT Served 5 O'Clock Till 9 p. m. ONK IXiU.AK Io ou r ember when you were a younger how 'delicious that young Krain fed turkey used to tmto nr.d how your mouth watered when you flinty tauKbt sight of the perfectly jellied cranberry sauce and the other fixin's that went with the birdf Wc'I, our chef will mako ou think of those early davs you 11 imagine you're-a youngster again. Everything will be cooked 'to a ,lu Hn juai wuat you want from an Olympia oyster 4 4 V la aa yow caa do wlum Call Webb A Clongh Coif. o ' Woodmen of the World, attention ! Don't forget tomorrow night. Nov. 29, election of officers. Come. Consul com mander. o Dr. J. A. Matthia, associated with Dr H. J. Clements, office 410 Salem Bank of Com. blfef. Office tel. 691; res. 1705 ovum rir ou leu osro. v& zt 0 Dr. fichenk ha now returned from kit vacation and he extends a cordial invitation to his patrons 'and friends to visit his institution. tf Ladies' Kid Gloves REDFERN WASHABLE KID GLOVES .ALL COLORS' $2.25 ALSO WHITE KID DRESS GLOYES - $2.50 This wiU perhaps be the onlv dance i ,i:oa Jh"k5vi given them as the 8. A. T. C. will be gin to demobilize Iec. 4. Iheld in the Friends church at 10 a. m. Bev. MeFarland of the Presbyterias church will deliver the sermon. The Thanksglviiut weather of Inst' Len Fsst hM been ulte'lil tne one rr ... 911 a . Past week but is now improving. warmer than today as the maximnml Mrs" Cflest?1' Ke'l has been eon was 48. and three va .) ,ht fin"! to her bed for a weei and is no thA .;) . ,..; i7 v. better at this writing. terday the official maximum tempera- Mr- and Mrs- J- Y; DeB'6' of S tore was 44 and last night the mercury we7e thf gnf-s M'-and Mr" H; for the tecond time this week went two r. They motored put degrees below the freezing point. The Collections for Armenian and Syrian relief were taken up at the Lesb Methodist and Central Congregational entireties at their lhankirvnig ser vices this morning and will be includ ed in the general collection taken at the f irst Methodist ehuch. Belax and rest in the dental chair. Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth witaout fiain and corrects diseased gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. A marriage license va Issued yestex day to William Gix, an auto mechanic of Portland, and Mi Margaret 8em merier of Bilverton. They were mar rieu today. o How is the time to place your orders for rosebushes, shrubbery, fruit, walnut and ornamental trees for immediate planting, with the Capital City Nur sery Co., 1030 Chem. 8t. Phone 75. 11-31 o Word was received this morning by Mrs. Hubert Hansen that her brother. Clyde Ritchie, underwent a serious op eration in the Good Samaritan hospifal at Portland, lie is reported to be mak ing a sntitifactory recovery. He form erly lived in Salem. 'Ttotorlife" a carbon remover. A gas engine cleaner. A gasoline saver. Will be here on or about Dec. 1, dis tributor for Marion and Polk counties, Clark's Tire House, 319 2f. Com't St. 11-30 Artisans attention I Xo meeting tonight. The funeral services of Mrs. Martha Houck, who died Nov. 26, will be held Haturday afternoon at 2 o'clock irom the chapel of Welib k Clough and will be conducted by the Rov. Leland Por ter. Burial will" be in toe Odd Fellows cemetery. homegrown Englinh walnuts at the Consomme Eipe Olives cocktail startor to balem's rich finish. Oyster Cocktail. Cream of Tomato Lake Lablsn Celery CHOICE or Boast Tonng Turkey, Cranberry Eauce; Chicken with Dressing; Prime Ribs of Beef an 3u Mashed Potatoes; Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style CHOICE OP Stewed Corn; ' Lima Beans CHOICE OF , Combination Fruit Salad, Cream Dressing CHOICE OF Dessert Hot Mince Fie; Plumb Pndding.Lenion Sauce; Home Made Fruit Case; Or Choice of Ar.y pie or Ice Cream. Tea; Coffee; Milk. Creamed Cauliflower; BhriDip Salad, Mxyonalse; I ' THE GRAY-BELLE I 440 STATE STEEET Tv -- 4444444 4 rH-- I have moved my offices into more plva.mnt and more commodious quar era on the third floor of the U. B. National bank building. Dr. O. L. 8cott Uhiropractic-Soinologist. 309-213 U. 8 National bank uidg. tf Dean Oeoig Alden will deliver an address on "Changes in th curricula due to the war" at the annual confer ence of presidents and faculties of in dependent colleges in ureaen at the meeting to be held at Newberg, Friday an;i taturuay of tnis ween. Home Bestaorant 223 S. Com'l St. After two months of much needed rest wi'l open doors for borinef; Monday morning, 11:30 a. m., Dec. 2, 191 Meals served at regular hours. Price 40c. Short order in morning to 8:30 a. m. vte always endeavor to give the public the worth of their money of the best the market affords, prepared by the best lady eooks, served in fam ily style. Yours, Home Restaurant. 11.30 THE CHARLES B ABC HERD IM PLEMENT COMPANY take pleasure in annoiticin( that they have added feed to their line, and are now prepared to supply the trade with the following: ROLLED BARLEY ' "GROUND OAT3 AND BARLEY GROUND BARLEY (X)RN CRACKED CORN HOITKIN DAIRY FEED CARNATION DAIRY PEED BERKSHIRE HOU FOOD SCRATCH FOOD - tXlTTON BEED MEAL Other feeds will be added from time to time, for it is their intention to car ry a full line. Terms oa feed will be strictly cash. 11-28 Cartons may be sent to soldiers acro the seas only Friday and Sat urday. At 5 o'cUick 'Haturday afternoon the office of the Portland Railway Light and Power Co. will elcse and at the same hour those who have bees handling the mailing of carton for the Red Cross will weigh the lat one submitted and no more wilt be mailed as the work will be discontinued Sat urday evening. river today is 1.6 above the low water mark and falling. At the meeting of the Six O'clock club of the First Methodist church Tuesday evening of this week, Dr. B, N. Avison announced that the club would meet every two week during the winter. For that of Dee. 10 the address of the evening will be delivered by E. E. Bergman, who is in charge of. the trades metal work of the fealem high school His talk will be on " Vocational education as outlined by the federal board." The annual Elks' memorial services to be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the opera house promises to be more impressive than of former years from the fact that during the, past year nine members of the lodge have passed away. The address of the day will be delivered by Arthur C. Spencer, a prominent attorney of Port land. Two well known soloists of Port land are also on the program for two solos each, Mrs. Lula Dahl Miller and Paul Petri. Charles' v. Galloway - will pronounce the eulogy. . o The annual election on the school budget for the coming year will be held next Saturday. The voting booth is located at 379 State street and the polls will be open from 2 until 7 o 'clock p. m. Only those may vote who are .tax payers, or who have property that is subject to be taxed at the com ing assessment. Due to the increase in the salary of teachers, the purchase of the Holman property and a loss in the annual census of school children, there is a slight increase in the budget over mat oi vne year nju. Letters from two soldiers have been received at the postoffice and so far, those to whom they are addressed can not be located. As an aid in helping, with the possibility that some one may know the proper addresses, they are given. One is for Mrs. Fannie Long, 254 North Front street, Salem. The family has moved away and leit bo for warding address. The soiaicr who writes the letter is in the 2th engineers corps. The other lette is addressed to Mrs. H. D. Forest, Salem, Oregon. In the address of the "nixie" man, there s no such name, and the letter has not been called for at the general deliv ery. o The auto hearses of both the Big- don company and Webb & Clough met with rather peculiar accidents last ev ening. In going out into the eountry for a body last evening, the hearse of Webb & Clough ran off tha bridge on tooth 2.rth street and was overturned. The driver A. M. Clough and assist ant were unhurt. They came down town and secured the auto hearse of the Rigdon company. In going out of town the driver of this heerse got on the wrong road and was stuck in the mud for several hours, arriving in the city about 5 o'clock this morning. The hearse of Webb & Clough, althougn overturned sustained but little damage and it was driven in this morning on its own power. bringing with them the Misses Harriett Colgan and Viola Boucic who are at ten'line school in Salem. L. E. Peterson is having an addition built to his house. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Snath spent a few davs last week visiting their daughter, Mrs. Webb, who lives near Philomath. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mote left last Thursday for Fossil, where they ex itect to stav for about tw months. Sam Warren of Gails Creek visited at the B. F. Snsley home t few days last week. Robert Stewart and family and Mrs. Patton moved to Crabtree last week where they will make their home on a ranch. Prof, and Mrs. Chester Lyons of Osweeo visited the Moritz home last week week. John oriti who is stationery at Bremerton, Waph was al so home at that time on a ten days fnrloueh. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith have re ceived a telegram stating that theiv son, westcy, is very jow wun mur enza in Portland. Oscar Bouck who is at tamp Lewis had the misfortune to break big wrist while playing push ball. The Endeavor society of the Pres byterian church' will hold their regu lar monthly business mcetinc and so cial at the "home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thcmas, the first Friday in December. Albert Fenne.'l, who is now stationed at Homestead, X writes that ne expects to be home by Chru tmas time. Also James and Vern Morrow who are in France, are expeeted home about that time. Hugh Cook and family are living in the Webster Adams house, and Mr. Johnson has moved into the Worthing house. Max Robins, who has been attending the Benson Polytechnical school in Portland, was taken seriously ill with influenza, then pneumonia developed, and also a severe abeess in his head. He was removed to a hospital in Van couver, where he is slowly convalescing . . vies Died LABOR LEADERS KOLD CONFERENCE WlfH GOVERNOR STEPHENS Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 28. "The governor was courteous, kind and pleas ant. But ho was absolutely non-committal." This is the summary of the one-hour conference between ton California labor leaders and Governor Wiliam D. Stephens held yesterday afternoon as related by D. C. Murphy, president of the California State Federation of La bor. "Governor Stephens welcomed us, lis tened to what we had to say, and said that he wonld give it careful con sideration. He would not ndeaae what "Our Prices Always the Lowest" GALE & CO. PHONE 1073 Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago x Store decision he might make, nor when it would be forthcoming. "We came here to discuss with Gov ernor Stephens the fact that in the minus of thousands of California work men there is a doubt that Thomas J. Mouney received a fair and impartial trinl the question of guilt Or -inno-cense aside. If he shall hang, it will make of him a martyr. ' We feel sure that the governor will ive the matter his deepest thought, but what he is thinking we failed to learn." BE THANKFUL SAYS REV W. C. KANTNER Mailed Fist Of Kaiser Not Fit ted To Strike Down Hand . 0fGoA terially assist the allies as well as sus tain the Rod Cross, Y. M. C. A. and other kindred war activitie to allcviato suffering. "This war and this prosperity has made the tramp or hobo a thing of the past" said the speaker. "He is' now ft lnvth. In ver in enme ther. may be some doubt as to whether ho ever existed." "Had we not gone into this war, we would always have been ashamed of ourselves," he said. "But the Ger mans could not have succeeded unless God Almighty had abdicated from nis throne. The mailed fist of the kaiser was not fitted to strike down the hand of God." The musical services of the morning was the singing, led by a choir of 50 voices with an orchestra of ten pieces ably directed by Prof. J. B. Sikcs, of Wilaluiette University. The collection of $118.39 was for the Armenian and Syriim sufferers. There Are Oilier Holidays Besides Thanksgiving Day While everyone is supposed to be enjoying a holiday, it might be well to state that the next one will be on Wednesday, Dec- 25. According to the state law, a number of days may be re garded as legal holidays. The year starts out of course with a holiday, Xew Year's, day. The next one is Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12, and then At the union thanksgiving service held this morning at the first Meth odist church, the Rev. W. C. Eantncr pastor of the First. Congregational j Washington 's birthday, cn the 2ind, church delivered the sermon. He spoke the shortest month of the year having ' i i i. . .3 from the Psalms "Thou Crownofct the.1"" KS"',TI . ,., . Yar With Thy Goodness." De0rra,1 Vli 1 d&7 V,0' Dr. Kantner thought that the dawn!"" -.,:' , al 7 " ' i ' wh ; n.i,; i, ine urst .uoiiuay ill oepieuujcr la itj a lcgal day of rest, Labor day. Then by proclamation of either the, preside nt or the governor or both, Thanksgiving day is a legal rest day, having been first observed on proclamation of of peace in the war in which this coun try waa engnged was the great cause for thanksgiving, remembering that one year ago the country was just engag ing iu the greatest of all wars. That the principals of peace should, T :,,., forever supplant that of brute force j r In Oregon election days are legal a uuuiur uw i., i..ur.K. . . noi,tja y and of course Sunday is a day ing. As for other reasons the Americans should be thankful they have dwelt in peace free from ruin and destruction. That in the goodness of God, the eoun try had been blessed with abundant crops and that, when other nations were starving, this eountry was able to ship them food. It is a greater thing to feed nations than to destroy them, in. Kantncr declared. He thought that the eountry should be thankful for its great financial pros perity, thus making it possible to ma- JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY iS when no legal business may be trans acted, or is wnai is icrniea a non-ju-dieial day. Fr school children -u this part of Orjgon the second Friday in February is tt. be observed as Arbor d:iy whm exercises are to be held encouraging the planting of trees, and shrubs Frances E. Willard day is another semi-holiday for children, to be observ ed on the fourth Friday of October. On this day exercises are to be held !in all schools calling attention to the work and lifo of Fiances E. Willard. I Then the school children aro aso per Imitted to observe Columbus day, Oet. WANTED LONG At the family home eight miles from Albany, Xov 27, ItH. Miss Lavina Long, at tlu age of 19! years. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Long of Albany. Besides her parent she is survived by two twr sisters, Mrs. iR. T. Kampt of Portland nd Miss Helsn Long of Albany, and lso three brothers: Karl, Chester and John Lone of Albany. The funeral services will he held Friday in Salem. Miss Long attended school at one time in Salem and im large number of friends in the city. J-- trti ririrmr nrr-mnrt'r ' II Household goods, harness, wagons, tools, ranges, heaters, cookstoves, farm ma chinery, etc. I pay cash or will sell in commission from stock sales con ducted anywhere. Phone 510 or 511 Woodry, the Auctioneer, HOVCK At her home 1710 Mission street. Nov. 28, 1918, Mrs. Martha Houck at the age of 63 years. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Ada Hatsop of Salem, Mrs. F.dna Martin of Butte, Montana, Mrs. Olive Lacox and Mrs. Jessie Kennry of Ana conda, Montana. The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be in charge of Webb Clough. . . ,m. " . , The Jonrnal classified ade are great favorite with people who do things Try on. TODAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN "The King of. Laughter" ALSO- . "CONQUEST OF . CANAAN' . BLIGH T H E A T R . DOCTOR STANTON Dermatologist Foot Specialist ' COBNS, BUNIONS, INGROWING I TOE NAILS EEMOVED Without Blood or Fain Or Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience. Chilblains and All Diseases of tho- Feet 4 Cured. Special Attention to Antiscpticg there by Preventing Infection. Appointments by Phone. Lady Assistant 518 V. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 416. Saiem Ore WHEN IN SALEM, OEEGON litop at BLIGH HOTEL "A Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern $1 per Day 100 Rooms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel in Business District L.M.HUM ear of Yick So Tos Chinese Mcdieine ui Tea Oa, Baa medicine whieh will ai ay known disease. Open Sundays fnss 10 tat j p, a 153 Booth High St Bales, Oregon. Phot 18 es4 I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a square business deal. I always pay th highest cash prices,' I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my Prices Before you sell THE CAPITAL JIM CO. . Phone 393 The Square Djal House 271 Chemekda Street