PACE SIX THE DAILY CAPTTAT, .TOT.'KKAT. OPFCrW. T.TPSDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1918. IT'S NOT YOUR HEART; IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney disease is uo rr-vetor of sigrtals to warn you that the kidneys ersons. It attack nil (' ''. regard- i need help. You should nee GOLD MKD of , soi or condltiuus. A major-' Al Hairlem Oil Capsu'e3 immediately. . 4ly of the afflicting pto:I today ' TU soothing, healing oil stimulates th trae.ej tack to tht kidney trou-' kii?3ry tlievt inflammation and dc- ' ' ''rv tli germs which have caused The kilncvi are the mo t;, Do not wsit B.a tomorrow. Uo to organs of th." body. They nre the fi-'yotr druggist today and insist on his terers, the purifies , of your Wood. If nupnlyin? you with a box of GOLD tie poisons which nro swept from the MEDAL Hanrlem Oil Capsules. In twen tissues by the blood are n:it eliminated , ty four hours you should feel healti through tho kidneys, disease of . One nd victor returning and will bless the torm or another will claim yon m a.,jay you first heard of GOLD MEDAL ivietira. " j Haarlem Oil. . Kidney disease is usually indicated. After you feel that you have cured . Iy weariness, sleeplessness nrrvous j yourself, eentinue to take one or two ress, despondency, backache. sU' mat-h capsules each dav, so as to keop in trouble, difficulty when urinating, pain first class condition and ward off the in loins and low.'r abdomen, ga l stunts, danger of other attaeks. 'gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lum-t Ask for the original Imported GOLD fcago. ' MKD A I, bratid. Three sines. Money re- All these derangements are nature's ft:ndM if they do not licit) you. MONJSOUTB NEWS ALMOST 1038CRI (Capital Journal Hj.e-isl Kervi-c.) Jlomoouth, Or., Nov. 27 D. C Walk of Bi:el visited brother Odd Fellows a, their regular wssion Mor.iky night when the si uiiiuuuul nominations srure made. Dick Savage returned Thursday from Ulows. California, where he bus ken naststiiis. Clark Henibree with the har vesting of his rice crop. The thresh ing was not yet finished when he left. Mr. Havaae savs that nart of Califor nia is in a flourishiim condition. Waoes The growing f English walnuts are high and the country is booming. promises to become one of the great Dick expects to return to Willows aft-industries of the Willamette valley. In er visiting a few Weeks with hi, re!a-Kfariln .. . tlw .. ,, tivcs here. Alva Craven is slowly reeoveriue 0,1 n!l"ost 10u0 a"es- To be exact, the from the operation for anuendicitis acreage is 994 1-2, according to a 'very which he .underwent a few weeks sgojareul survey made of the county by nut is not yet able to do any farming.!3- an irump, county rruit inspee. Growing Of English Walnuts To Be One Of the Great Paying Industries. ' . ; I & - & ' ' , : f Wf ; -"'.., f l n in liiiiiif ipiilwaiill 1 f -f. for. ; -iff j .?;- ? r-'f; M HAKIK APK1 U : CMMl PI(IIXS OP TUXEMMMm. ADIHTrOiV- AL IN'I l'llflT Ai rA! iir To TlliW rH.oa'(ll)K.AI"n IY THK HAC-T THAT AA1.MHCAX TIMKM'H IV TIIMlllt. .AIWAINOK A 'RE V.NTHRlNfl- Til K tiiiVD lil t II Y. . - . PR) r. Business Man As a matter of economy you 4 should consult the Journal's Job Department before placing your printing-we are satisfying Salem's leading firms put us on your calling list. Phone 81 Journal Classified ads bring results. : Milton Hoyser is doing a lot of iilow-. ing for him' with Mt Kidell's caterpil Ifr and several other neitrhlmtH nrir i helping to get the seeding done. Mrs. (Craven is convalescing from an attack iof influenza. H. C. Seymour, state club leader.1 tor. This survey was made bv Mr. Van Trump this summer and is the on ly complete record ever made of the walnut growing indsutry in Marion county. On these 994 1-2 acre arc plantod 24,-ttiS trees. An idea of the value ol The Government wants tin was a visitor at the normal Friday auditl"s crop to the citizens of Marion coun spoke at the chapel period. ty may be estimated from the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riddell Jr. weio;"lan.v trees' of the older orchards yield shopping in Salem Saturday. . led this year a crop value of more thnn iy double header basketball match'"'" each. In the Reuben l. Boise fiiok place Friday evening in the hindi ! vtird at Church and Court streets, oue English walnut tree yielded a crop that sold for 4135 which Mr. Boise gave to the ed Cross. The largest " English wafnut orchard in the county U the ore owned by the sctiooi gymnasium. The s'p!inn:nre girls played the fresh men g;r' and finished with a store of I'Jtit 7 in fuvor of the former. Later !h:! Mtiiiunuth hil; boys played ntainst tlu l i lcpendence hiuh boys, the unniu Skylino Orchard Co. in the Liberty dis (suiting in vieto: v-'for the home team'triet, with 212 acres planted in 4100 jvsi' h the score hoi ig 25 to 19. j trees. This orchard is over five years I Mrs. Edith Fe-k-r, genial cle 'r of tho -M- MilKr Mercuiitile store, stole a i:i;u-.:i' The second largest walnut tract is on her. friends f re when bIio wnet tS' '"K'(l hy M. Churchill of Salem, rural Portland last ve. k to fee a friend and '' " On his 87 12 acres are plant a fcv.- days lai. r ic turned with the ed 21S7 t:c s. This orchard is fjur f:ier.d :uul i-itrud-rcd him as "Dr .".rears old. . I 'Will I'ntton, l:'r liusbAiul." The cere-J Mrs. Charles Lloyd is tho owner of in'n:y took pl:r last Buniiny on board iriM Bimiewue.-j oursme tne Dounilnry 1 mir ot the l'attttn hnils unit ttH'ir I) bins for the fiitinn urn nnf trees. This is Ihctknd In west trnnt I ve' intuit kiiiiu-n till, ttm iiinitv Mrs. Lizzie Bow:" an returned Wed-i 0:her large English walnut orchard iiewtjy from Nelirnf!:a where srm tias owners are as follows: " been visitiiiif an ailiit-- sister. She was 1 Jury, 1 28 acres, m ire than f '. c ( u exactly five v.e ks. i.veuis-oM, in 4o0 trees; M. J. Patter- son. 17 acre! moio thnn five vrnr. old BRITISH FAVOR EA3X.Y SldNII-TO. Sn 430 t:ees; Pete Cornstein.'so acres ninre than five years old In 550 trees; jj- nvre'i. it is more tnan live years old and is p'anted in 600 trees. I . S.. it is renorted. TAr. An orchard that is h;st one vrnr old oni Canada. Tho couple ' known as the Cascade Orchard. It have gone nv ny on a honeymoon trip consists uf jj acres, planted in 1100 fei'S So hereafter all three brands KGLEYS will be wrapped in pink paper and hermetically seaiea m wax. London,. N'ov. 28 British officials favor aignii: the peace treaty' Mithln three in-.; t so as" to alio v r.r'ly de inobilizution and begiiin'pL; of reenu struetion, the Expiess dch'xd Indav. ' Authorities fet For 28. Ferty1 gold, the , Los Angeles, Cal., Nov; eight thousand dollars in proceeds of a train robbery near ICan sn City by the llale Jones gang of bandits, was thetreasurc Los Angelas and San Bernardino couuy nitthnties were hunting today. A "tip" came to the shert'f'f office that after the Kansas City robbery one member of tho gang started to L "s Angeles with tho loot.. Near CoUon, so tho story goes, he saw oficers ex amining regntr-.tion cards. He had no card an! knew he would be .picstiom-d So he threw the gold out of tno win dow. A little later a stranger was given permission by the railway seetion fore man to 'dig for treasure he had seen in a dream" along the track. But. the best informntio 1 is tha: tho digger did not find the treasure. Las "iy Orchard Co , 35 acres more than I five year old in 900 trees; A. J. linger 17 acres more than five years old in 40(1 trees; Flank' Durbiu,, 20 acVes more than five years old in 400 trees; William Blake, 30 acres, j Louis Luchimmd, 27 acres, more -than fivo vnnm ..1.) in ".111 I,-,.,.. I.",, ,.,! jilt Trfll'?'H"J f!ntlin, 30 a " -s more than five years I Tho census sIiuts that but few acres have bren planted the pakt. vear or so. although the Cascade View Orchard). with j acres is but one year old. Of the three year old orchards there aro ti")(l 2 acres. Only seven acres nre. two ! years old and in addition -to the 55 .acres of tho Cascade -View Orchard, on ly six acres are one vear old. Hence jit may 'be seen that about three fourths) or me wainut acreage in tne county is 'more? than five years old and that with iiu a few years, 8O0 acres, or more will 'be yielding commercial returns. Look for WRIGLEYS in the pink - end packages and take your choice of the same three popular flavors. Be sure to get . l . 8 for quality and because Sleep and Rest One of the most common causns of i insomnia and restlessness is indigos-1 tioit. Take one of. Chamberlain's Tab- iers nuiueuiaiciy aner supper and see if yon do not rosfybetter and sleep bet ter. They only colt a quarter. flavor Lasts! SMAUT WINTER tXWTUMK Design ed for skating or other winter sports, this smart coat costume for severe weslher, is one of tho moat popular piVscnted. It is of velvet with scarf coliar of game. The novelty waisteoat is a feature. About Croup t -If your children are subject to eroup, or if you have reason to fear their be ing attacked by that disease, tou should procure bottle of Chamber-' Iain's Cough Remedy and study tha di rections for use, so that in case of aa attack you will know exactly what eourse to pursue. This is favorite and very successful remedy for eronn. nd it is important that ytu observe STATIONS DISCUSSED Experiments Are Being Made With New Airplane Known As Kirkplane. s n - i Washington, Nov,. 27. Naval plans ior tne permanent establishment and the construction of 21 coastal air sta tions, building of war 'planes, includ ing a new type of tri-planes which in experiments made' 130 miles an hour and the purchase of hundreds of dirig ibles and other lightor than air craft were laid before the house naval nf fttirs committee today by Admiral Tay lor and Captain Steele of the naval avi atou service. i Steele revealed that the navy has been experimenting since August with the new tri planc which is known as th Kirkhnm, which would be tho fast est iu the world and is a product of the Mi; plant. Coastal air stations, according to SI e!o, will be located at the following places; Boston, Xew York, Chatham. Mass: Naiansctt Bay, IRockaway Point, N. V.; Cape May, N. J.; Hampton Beads Brusnwick, Oa.; Mitmi, Fin.; Key West Fla.; Galveston, the cr.nal stone. St. Thomas, West Iudies; Fort Arthur, Tex- hs; pian.traneisco, Seward. Alaska; two in Hawaii, Guam, Cavite, I. I., and oue between Portland and Rockland in Maine. , The stations at Narasansott Bar. St. Tiiomas, San Francisco, Seward, Hawaii Gmiu, Cavite and the New England stations aro iu contemplation, no wrk ha .ug been done on thoia. AH the s'. t'nn, will have seaplanes, kite balloons nnd dirigibles, .except those at Now Yoik, Port Arthur. St. Thomas sr.. I the .Anal sone, which will house oa'r light er than air craft. Steele asked for a total of l-N't'-Y.- t" vith which to build uai-uon ar(' dirigibles. AUSTRIA WILL TRY OFFICIALS Amsterdam, Nov. 28. The Austrian officially ;broken off "all connection allotment per person will bu increased between the Bavarian foreign office ( to four pounds per month on December and the present representatives of the today. sv.ciu.uvm m lojnuce on inai an men Berlin foreign office," according to a responsible for the war,'uding for-j dispatch from Munich received here .n'1-iur xmii, nu oinciai uispurcn from Vienna declared today. EISNER BREAKS WITH BERLIN Copenhagen, Nov. 28. Kurt Eisner, president of the Bavarian r public, has 1, it was announced today by the Cal- lrornia food administrator on advices) from Washington. The present allot ment is three pounds per person. On that date, also, restiietions oa the manufacture of ices and sherberts wi:i oe remoitd. May Get 4 Pounds Of Saear WANT ADS PAY STARTS TODAY 3 DAYS CONTINUOUS SHOW TODAY NO! NO ADVANCE IN PRICES 7 Tha Journal i Dopartment will print ynu anything in tk tatSonery'Hne do it right aid ave yoa real money. NOTHING PERTAINING TO THE WAR MITCHELL LEW As "LONE DEER" iipr1t''s-w.'i'wsaii,ii m i' in 'is The story of a man who de fied Heavea and earth and what happened to him where they meet in the Canadian Northwest. "Tlie 'tea MvflsSfele" A RED-BLOODED STORY OT THE NORTHLAND WITH THEBABSXER' ' ALL-STAR CAST Where Those Wbo Know Pr fer to Go-Always first Rca Pictsres. IEDICITh 2&533ttSS939Ml the direction, rarefully,