Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 27, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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i 'mmthe in comfort I
. ff-ri- . , r
WH Al) VI Perfection Ofl Heater I
. V Y'-i I cnases chills In ilffv. Ik
1 . A I Lights at the touch of
t : W I match elves instant. F V
h V 1 cory warmth. No smoke Xf
w I or odor. lVv SVill
' VsY'A ' I Portable. Economical W 7
I Jv. I .WaCfonOm. J?LM I
. BFgy Standard Ofl SfOOT
daughter, Mrs. Bose Chapman, returned
to her home in Sheridan Saturday.
Mrs. Ritchey was in poor health last
Louis Weiss moved to the old An
derson honse on the highway last Fri-'
day. 1 .
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice spent Sunday
at the U. B. parsonage.
Miss Hilda Williamson spent Friday
at her counsin's Edgar Johnson's.
Homer Davis took a load of fin iur
' ' ......... - . "I V. V. JJUUUIT iUUll' .... -
(Ibv., I0U ""gas be surprised to- know that
- ' - Ins . 1. : .. .. C . -
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Par.neter were in JT'T.""'!.
... i.v u fun ui uini ntx a
1 A ilA liiililtAAitAAA
Quick H'aii to I
Stop a Cougft o
' - 1 - (
: - i
TUa lieaM-mda aynw 4se tha '
ark ia hurrr. EMity pr-
pared, and (area alwat S2. i
pared at home in lust a few momenta.
It a cheao. but for nromnt reRiilta it ItPAtn
Thanksgiving Services . . S?&S :ZM$L S?&
I. I i m n ii i f noura. lastea pleasant, too chuoren
At Leslie m. Ji. thurch rstf it ? prf aDni .
. . VUHU Vu pour 2 Va ounces of Pines in a pint
Donie: toen nil it up witli plain
ranulatea ucar syrup. Or use clari-
molasses, honey, or corn syrup,
A Song of Thanksgiving, hy
E. L. STIFF & SON, SALEM E. M. niCKS HDW Co Hilvertnn Or
C. 8. HAMILTON, SALEM 8. AMES HDW. Co., Silverton, Or.
Thanksgiving services will be ncld in
fl. I xr Ti1 ..l 1. . .
. . , jviu- i,lMA nf ; - r,.n if
niercial street 'lhursday morning at Thus you make a full ninfc a familv
10:30 o'clock, members of tho South upply but costing no more than a
Salem- Frieinds church unitiiur. The small bottle of ready-made cough syrup.
Voluntary, selected, Miss Huth Bed
ford. Hymn: "O God, the Rock of Ages."
Prayer: by the Bev. George E. Git-tiiis.
Governor's proclamation read by J.
D. Neale.
Psnltar, Thanksgiving day.
Gloria Patri.
Scripture losson.
Offoring for Armenian and Syrian
Statement of relief funds, made by
Mrs. F. A. Elliott. .
President Wilson's proclamation read
by Kev. J. W. Perkins.
Hymn, "How Finn a Foundation."
Sermon:, by the Bev. II. E. Pembor-
ton. ' '
ilymn: "Faith of Our Fathers."
Benediction by the Bev. A. S. Mulli-
price. It goes right to the spot and
wes quick, lasting relief. It promptly
cals the inflamed membranes that line
e throat and air passages, stops the
annoying throat ticklo, loosens the
phlegm, and soon your cough stops en
tirely. Splendid for bronchitis, croup,
whooping couch and bronchial asthma.
Pinox is a highly concentrated com
pound ot Norway pine extract, famous
for its healing effect on the membranes.
To avoid disappointment' ask your
druggist for "2 Ms ounces of Pinex" with
directions and don't accept anything
else. Guaranteed to give absolute' satis
faction or money promptly refunded.
The Pinex Co.. Ft. Wayne. Ind.
Willamette Valley News
9C 3)C 3fC 9S 9c 3C 9C JS SC 3ffi
Mr. and Mis. C. A. Hartley motored
to Portland and return Inst Monday,
. Chorley Best has-been visiting 'rela
tives in tlio community.
End Noedliam has been in Portland
a fow days, i ,
Mr. Irvln and 0. Bloom hovo gone to
work in a lumber eanip at' Forest Grove
Mrs. Gardner viited her parents at
fipringhtook .Wednesday and, Thursday
Miss Beryl Nui'dlinm bus begun bus-
iness college in Halem. i
AC, E. social' was enjoyed by ft good
, sized crowd of young people last Fri
day evening at the hoine of Miss Hoi
en Canuack.
Mrs. Kroba, who rei-ontlv had a seri
ous operation in a Portland hospital is
convalescing at the home ot her. moth
cr, Mrs. Irvin. ,
u. A. Hartley Helped organize a new
t Christian Endeavor society at Marlon
riday evening.
.Cecil Pearsou of Newberg was a wel
Mine guest at the C, K social Friday
F.loyd Bales from Camp Lewis spoilt
.Sunday with lliu homo folks,
Tliiiiiksgiviug service will bo held lit
the Friends church next Thursday at
10 o'clock, A community riiimct will
he served afterward. ,
Mr, mid Mrs, J)eb Hliuston are visit
ing relatives nt Lebanon, '
B. V. Bates and' family visited with
friends near Blinw lust Thursday.
The ludies of. the Hewing club met
with Mrs, Canuack Tuesday af lei noon.
They are nt present making garments
lor Kuwiian- refugees.
The young 'people's Sunday
clans will hold a social at the ho
Flora Tuinbull next Saturday evening
All young people of the community are
cordially invited to be present.
J. D. Craig was a Salem visitor Fri
day. Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. Loo
noy liavo a fino big baby boy at their
homo. Mother and babo doing nicely.
Dr. Fischer of Salem was called to
tho home of J, D. Craig on Friday ovo
niug for the two children who uio hav
ing a aevoro caso of tonsilitis. Both
arerostiug a little easier today.
Miss Lorona Farris quit the Dallas
high school and is now attending in
Turner, r
Carl Wood visited Sulem Saturday
Lldrod Hamilton spent the week cud
here with his grandfather; J. M. Hamil
ton. ' ' ' " "- 'i
F. A. Wood has been sawinc wood ov
er near Jefferson for the past wcelc.
Ho expects to have work there for ,.
other weok.
Arthur Kuuko came homo on a fur
lough from Camp Lowis Saturday night.
iNormau Hamilton and Mr. Dorcie of
Salem spont Sunday afternoon visiting
at J. M. Hamilton's.
Mr. Kunke wis in Aumsvillo on bus
laoss Friday. , i
ivnu iiuuiey nauiea a load or prunes
to caioiu iiiuay.
On account of the dance at the ar
mory Thursday evening the weekly
drill of Company M has been postponed
unm riiaay evening or this weeki
Baruch Says He Would Not
. Accept Secretaryshio
Tiaruch today personally told
1 nowspapor correspondents that
ho had not been offered the
post of secretary of the treas
ury and that if he should be,
he would decline to srve in
that position. His announce
ment followed unfounded re
" ports that he had been offered
the post by President Wilson.
(Capital .lournal Special Service.)
McAlpine, Nov. 2.Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hunt and family accompairied
oy aiiss Downing visited at tho Orlo
Humphrey home Sunday,'
The Misses Lois Mcioihanev nnd Hfli.
el 'King retuii-ed to Lyons 'for school
work again.
The Me Alpine Kiiitt iiiu- club met nt
uio Mci'.uiauey Homo Wednesday, Nov.
-0, for the purpose of deciding about
If Cross, Feverish, Constipa
ted, Give Caifimia Sy
rup Of Figs." j
but we understand that he was unable
to do so, and must get his own machine
ropaircd, which will delay light several
days, at least.
Mrs. W. J. Jones of Fern Bidge is
visiting at J. M. English's,.
Lafo Hill and wife of Salem visited
at tho A. Hill home the first of the
week. , :
Mrs. Leona Bodigheimer visited Sa
lem Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
Sho has resigned her position in the
J. B. Miller returned Monday eve
ning from. Kerry, Or., where ho has
been the past three or four months
working for tho Hammond lumber com
pany. v. ... ...
Mrs. Zulaj Rosier of Silverton is vis
iting at the'Jfmne of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W.S. Watters, ' . -
John KerSev received n telegram- on
Monday evening announcing the death
of his youngest sister at Perham, Minn
Miss Crystal Shank. of Mt. Pleasant
damaged liflr'car considerably Saturday
uy running .auto tie cuiD near Deid
ricli's store., ,,
Charles .Lampman is home from To
ledo, where lie has beon working tho
past conplp ,f months. j .!
' Roy Buspio; who-has boen some time
in'.: Calgary, Cnnfidu, has returned to
Stayton aud ill inake his home here
for the present.-. ".' ;
i 1 .
' the GenuinegffVTV
and AvoidTi2J
ICcaggjy'" Every Cake
- 1 !
. Piro-Germajx uid pxtrioi in. conflic-C' ' 7l
"THE HUN VITITINViih Dorothy Gish.Con(e Pavcett StuCast,
A Faumount-Artctift Spcoaa
Y Gtsk
(The Little Girl Who Made You Laugh in "Hearts of the World")
The Hun Within
With Olin Howland And Beautiful Florence Dixon
A 2-Reel Up-To-The-Minute Comedy By "'' ', .
Upward Swing Was In
Maia Progressive In Market
Except for occasional setbacks here
aud there, the upward swing was in the
main progressive. Gain expanded to
j tw0 and three points in the afternoon-.
.- '. j Steel crossed par. The equipment, mo-
New York, Nov, .20. The - Evening tor and copper groups were in -good dc
bim tmaiicial review today said: i mand. and American Rnt S,,nr
ican Can, C. S. Kubber-aud Xobaco
Products were steady. In the rail lis)
features of ' strength included Unioj
Pacific, New York, Central, Stmthori,
Pacific, Baltimore and Ohio an aTortli
era Pacific. Marino common and mi '
ftVVai n-iwn 4. T X.. J! . . '
uu up vvv to iour points. )
Look back at. your childhood days.
Remember the "dose." r.i nker insislod
ou castor oil, calomol, c ithartics. How
you hated them . how you fought
against taking tnem.
With our children, it's, different.
Mothers who cling to tho old form of
physio simply don't realize wlfat they,
do. Tho children's rcvtlt is well fourd-'
cd. Their tender, little "insidc-s; ' are
injured by them. ' -
If your child's stomach liver and
bowels need cleansing, give only deli
cious " California Syrup of Figs." Its
school I wlmt 0 do ilh the yaru and knitted H1tifm is positive, but gentle. Millions
mo of R001'81 w"''h is now in the hands of of '"'.others hofp ts harmless "fruit
(t apitnl Journal Special Service.)
. Cloverdttle, Nov. 2(1. Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Hennis were Hulent visitors lusi
Mrs. 'Bhico of Newport, Oregon', ar
rived here last Thursday to visit her
son, Walter Bluco, and family for a few
weeks. -
Miss Knox of the Summit Hill dis
trict gave a fine little Tliiiiiksgiviug
Jirograiu Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Pickett of Halem, visited her
daughter, Mrs. W. J. Hudley, here last
Tuesday afternoon.
the club, It was decidod tlmt ,n n, i laxative " handy: they know childreu
yarn and knitted goods bs sold. j1,)vo t0 tllli0 !t' tlmt il nev,,r fails t0
Mr, aud Mrs. W. H. Humphrevs f I "'fan tho liver and bowels aud sweeten
htnytou arc visiting at the Orb, Hum.
tho stoiiacli, and that tenspoTfhful
given today saves a sick child tomor
row. '
Ask ys-r t'-.j-'u st iVr a tni'o t
'Calif omit f"jn:p of - Fig,-1' whifh
with it, too.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
School opsued Moudnv after being
closed two weeks. ' '
, Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes
Most Women Can Have
' Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Kaowu.
Ohio Physician
Dr. F. M Edwards for 17 years treated
cores of women for liver and bowel
ailments. During these years he gave to
his patients prescription made of a few
well-known vegetable ingredients mixed
With olive oU, naming them Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets, You will know them by
their olive color.
action, carrying off the waste and poison.; ,',.', , ..
ous matter In one's system. I Ul '"""f" has moved into the
it you nave a pale face, sallow look, dull , '" ii'.-a uy r. un
eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a r,ff'" ' 1,HWo11 i ""
listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, Ar?- Parmonter has been confluod to
Inactive bowels, ou take one of Dr. 6tf' wi,lj h'p trouble.
Edwards Olive Tablets nightly for a tirao J- Wilson and sun O. C. returned
and note the pleasing results. hist week from eastern Ore.
Thousands of women as well as men Hm-y llasumssen U working with
take Dr. Edwards'OHve Tablets the sue lis uncle in Clackamas comity.
cesstui substitute tor calomel now and
. then just to keep in the pink of condition, b
1'JC and 2Jc per cox. All druggists, i
phrey homo,
Moss Arleta (livens returned to her
school in Aumsvillo last Monday,
f .1...,. n , ... . .
ill to. s, i, Vim . 7 ih'is full Ji?e- tijp, lor bab.rs, children
hi ior iiime tune is now lmprovinc i, j , i.
Mr ,i m,. , v " J 'uvi"K- ot all aj's a, 1 lot grown i pi plainly
t-S" ia' Sow, H turd;CL1"ail0y '''0.. -ch 1-ottle Beware of eoUUf
T. i,,. i , . . Isold here. See that it is mado by " Cal-
. 'tt f'VW around -l(ornia rig 8vrup Company." Refuse
f Z ' w , V t groumls tor the pastailv otilorind witn ...l.tempt.
tew weeks. It seems ns though horses m
uio not iiini'U use or value uow-n-days
or they wouldn't be at large. If they
are not takeu care of soou they are lia
ble to get the flu.
Charles Moroley had u bad mi.s'for-
,.f .we.CK WM, 8hl,,K,t"8 (Capital Journal Special Service.)
r . i, ' at Vlctor li,lat etavton. Or., Nov. 27. Mrs. Sjdvcs-
U 1!n 1 fi-,,,,, , .A t .1... j, ..... - . . . ' . .
.... .... ...... ,,, ut , null ,0 tc 4.rletar,i wli0 i,ve about half
' R ,l,R,,n 'o the hoy Jones mile south of the Weasel Plat school
home where ho was treated. Iln rn.,i v. !,...... t. .,.i
1 n .liyi-it irmn'
0111 her homo
now contined to1 his bed nn,l m r 1 .1... t 1 1 ....
slowly Improvnig Utamlin,, bv a water barrel nt tho end
before the
.,.! ..,
Tho flu has escaped since 110a.cn v.is,,i..-., n,. ....(.,, ,.f .i,., i,..,..i, ni,.,.i
i declared as no-new cases have been re- tho engine. It was impossible to stop
! ported. Suppose the kaiser made oeuce : n.n tmin n,i aim wa hit slh
Woman Badly hjured
By Railroad Train
cd a number of bruises and was unable struck by a Corvnllis & Ea
0 retur,, to his home for few days. Moudnv morning not far f roi
1 0 is now contined to- his bed aud is It is said that the engineer
slowly Improving ,1:.. 1. .... t 1
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ituiuphieys mo- f a trestle and that just bef.
ll lTlom Bmiy-, ! train reached her she started
lV"i; v'Vi,i;f)lV ' . ' TV ' I
, 'yj '''' bssbss - , -j 1
taken oil the train and brought to
Kingston and Dr. Beauchamp of this
place was called. He gave her first
aid and she was taken to Albany and
placed in a hospital. Her right leg
was cut off just above the ankle, her
skull crushed about her forehead, her;
p.... .i i., n, ...... 1....: .
ed. While her condition is precarious,
ut lust report it was thought she nou-fl
recover. She was without shoes and
stockings .and only partly dressed. It,'
is daid that she recently lost a sister, I
and has two boys in the army. j
Stayton is still without electric light..
Manager Taylor went to Seattle last!
week and secured a dynamo ordered
H shipped to Salem by express. 1-1
loading the machine it was broken,and-
That of Freedom of the
World for Democracy and
the return of Oar Boys to the home and fire
side Make this event more enjoyable by
having a Brunswick Phonograph in your kome
C. 5. Hamilton Furniture Store
340 Court Street
.. - i'f - .i -fcL
et r - j'i hp "tpr1
if! r
lit, r "'-s!!" " ;v .
Mr, Bud who ha, beeu visaing her kane, .Hero he expected to get mother' 888KB968B