THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. PAGE FIVJ5 v. SAVESZRVE buy mr savings sx4mfs "WSS- -11 Jm " ;: YOU H r !f- HffflW-. I JO When a mother asked her little helper to get the short-ening-the little tot knew mother meant Kream KrispJ Do you know "the shortening" is Kream, Krisp? You will be convinced that it is, once you have tried it, because Kream Krisp brings such economy and satisfaction into your baking that you eliminate other shortenings from your grocery orders. ' Kream Krisp is just a pure product of whole some, appetizing peanuts. It is so pure that a meas ure of it is just that much shortening. In frying, Kream Krisp doesn't absorb flavors or odors. It browns the food quickly, without any smoke and without soaking in. For these reasons you can use the same Kream Krisp over and over. Also, your food will be far more wholesome more appetizing. It is pure delight to use Kream Krisp for short ening and in frying. Try it today. BROWN COMPANY, Kream Krisp Dept., Portland, Me.. Purely Vegetable N The UniverhShorienin UNI VERS a'l SHORTEN! Sij ' "" i ' V MAit -in MMff pi GIARK ACCUSED OF Claimed That He Agreed TO Board Oa Budget Bat Now Attempts To Knife It Double crossing- his associates on the school board was tho charge made, against Director H. Clark last eve ning at a regular session of the board. Ho denied giving the board a back handed wallop but it later developed in a discussion that while agreeing with thy board on tho proposed budget, Mr. Clark was secretly working against it. It rather riled the feelings of sev eral members of the board ot emnoii to think that anv member should uro- t..c. t.. ... ,.i .;th ..,fi.. i 'do-veloument of Orecon ami the fcrma submitting and preparing the budget"!'011 0I' ,he provisional government by and then to go out and attempt to knife whleh thl Kai northwest came un it. The oiiinion was exriressed that if der the jurisdiction of the IV ted States any member was opposed to any action 1U!)I, ot Lngland M LEE GIVEN ; CREDIT FOR OREGOIl i . C J Joores Declares Tbl It s Is To His EfforlsThat Ths Northwest Is Americaa 1 It Is to Jason Lee and to th. Meth odist church (hat credit should be- giv en for the fact that at tli famous Champoeg meeting May 2, 1343, byt vote of 50 to 52, the, pioneers, ot Dra gon voted a provisional foim of gov ernment under; the jurisdiction, of ths United States. Hon. Charles B. Moores c f Portland in an address lust evening before, the Six O'clock club of the iSrst Method ist church gave Jason Lee .anil his Methodist friends nil credit for the r i. WWW of tho board the right time was fo these fncts were established, Mr. , bring tho matter up before a regular i.Mor,s '10,bv -Methodist church ..oi!.,. ...i ,. a in i'"toriau but by histories of the north- THANKSGIVING GREETING At this, the world's greatest Thanksgiving time, when all the earth has the greatest reason for rendering thanks to God for the cessation of war, ' fop the prospects of a long period of peace and prosperity, great-' er than ever before. It seems to us that our ' great Salem, city of peace and the wonder ful Willamette valley has more to be thank ful for than almost any other district, for great blessings and we want to join you and have you join us in Deep Heartfelt Thanks. And may Peace, Prosperity and Happiness abide with us and may we strive to be worthy of such great blessings as we are . receiving, is our wish and hope. Community Sing At Armory Thanksgiving Afternoon Lee Gilbert Moving From Portland To Salem Soon Lee h, Gilbert, distributor in Ore gon for the Elgin Six and the Harroun Four has decided to mako his homo in Salem and has leased the bungalow of Mrs. M. B. Morris. 1355 Court street. He will brine- hia family from Portland city attend and the suggestion hai within a few days and js disposing or all his Portland property. After siting up tho general business situation in Salem and vicinity, Mr. Gilbert is impressed with the future business of this section of the state. Ho will make Salem the wholesale dis tributing point in the state for the distribution of Elgin and Harroun cars- He will also secure large ware house facilities in Salem -and will put in a larger stock of parts for Elgin and Harroun cars. The first Elgin Six ever sold in the state was handled by Mr. Gilbert. That was two years ago, and tho car was satisractory, tnat air. wiioert aa- session and not to go out and seek to defeat the proposed budget to be voted on next Saturday. Said There Was No Opposition As t0 whether there was any opposi tion to tho budget, Mr. Clark said he could suggest several who were oppos ed and he named Dr. Stoue, Bay Farm er, D. M. Eisner and Mr. Basey. Clark finally agreed to support the budget. The increase of tho proposed levy for the coining ycur to maintain, tho ctty schools is -duo to the inerenso in thu salaries of teachers, to tho Joss in the fchool census by which the district rej oeived $8 for each name and to tne of tho Hulman property ad joining the high school building. Superintendent John A, Todd ex plained tho workings of tho Smith Hughes act by which the government appropriated money to assist in tho buiiUing of trades schools similar to the one erected adjoining tho high school building. To encourage practi cal machine work, the government is willing to pay half of the teaching ex panses of this work and by this' means the district will receive this year $1800 and each year with better facilities the government will ad to this, to be ap plied ou tho salary of teachers. A. A. Lee Present. A. A. Lee, who was present ns a vis itor said that he had carefully exam ined the budget and that ho felt the directors had done the best possible tun er tho circumstances, although the levy had been raisod to 7.6 mills. As tothq census, in all his 15 years experience on tho board, ho found, it had never been satisfactory ou ' account of so many gcoplo being out of the city at the time the law required tho census be made. As to the present proposed budget, ho said be had figured it 'with schools of othtr cities an with tho budgets of tho past 15 years an that ho figured the board was running closer on general expenses than ever before. Mr. Leo said thcro is always opposi tion to any proposed measure- but that from his personal experience ho Km n0 school board had over been refused its budget when the pcoplo wero ap pealed to. In this instance, ho felt the board should have the approval of the people at tho election to bo held next Saturday. "Taking everything At 3 o'clock Thanksgiving afternoon at the armory thero will bo held a com munity Hin a-. A SDoeial effort is beini? made to have all school children in the ,n "". e scnooi ooara naa city attend and the suggestion hat "uV.'r B, T", , r been made that parents interest them- stjtu, Plu,u f"cts " said Mr. Lee. ,iv. ; n,ni- !,' Among thoso present at last night's selves in having their children toko It is thought that botwoen four and Kcucl'al IT 1 - I 1 i t L i il. .. xf,i. 4.ttn uottiu at;sfiuji mm who iouk. imri. 111 inu five hundred school children will avail themselves of this opportunity for so i .. -1 il , : j i r. e .i.u .T. . c huh wio npiiuiuHuom u Biaio uio- fuji HpPI)1. .ft w tributor. He says that since last April up to date he has sold more Elgin Sixes than for the two years preceding. The Salem headquarters will continue at 15C South Commercial stroet. Addi- WHY ACCEPT GRAY HAIR? elt Is Unnecessary Most women ould laugh at the per son who suggested having the teeth pulled out because time had impaired their usefulness; or not caring for lie skin because maturity and wrinkles us ually go together. Vet many middle-aged women sor- ir as inevitable, when proper care will hold its dark, youthful color indefinitely. O ban Hair Color Restorer is a de- on were u. u. bhiiiiey, Joe H. Albert, 0. S. Hamilton, Wil liam McGilchrist Jr., A. F, Marcus, A. A. Le,e and W. D. Evans. All wero unanimous in supporting tho proposed budget general sing. Among the patriotic songs there will be America, Tho Star Spang led Banner, Speed Our Kepublic, Keep sity credit for koiii" the educational oy Histories or lue norm- i west wruten entirety luuepemient oi church influence. Ho described Jasos Leo as tho man who was most effective in tho development of the northwest, ever more so than Dr. McLaughlin, who was a British subject. Although Jason Lee was born just across tho ijJcw 'Hampshire boundary line in Canada, he was selected as the proper man to lead tho groat mission ary movement into Oroaon. "With a few missionaries ho arrived at Vancouver Sept. 11, 1831, and in the following month preached tho first sermon ever delivered in the Willamctto valley. In 1S37 he wns reinforced by David Les lie and others. Through the influence of Jason Lee, a bill was introduced in congress in March of 1840, looking to American occupancy of tho northwest. Lee canio in contact with tho leading legislators of tho day including the president and members of his cabinet, at all times urging that something bo douo to se cure tho great northwest for this coun try. His campaign was carried into ths central states and people in Illinois especially become interested in the V lllamt'tto valley, Mr. Moorca s'd For 20 years, those who came to the northwest had beeomo interested thru tho addresses of Jason Lee. Tho charter of the Hudison Bny com pany gave its members unlimited ait ministrntivo powers in this country. When Jason Leo was here, Amoricans had no legul rights noi jurisdiction until Loo appointed David Leslie a jus tice of tho peace. Then law wa es tablished that was recognized. At the famous Cliampoeg nioctinjf of May 2, 18-43, when the test vote was taken as to whether this country should ba under tho law cf Engian4 or tho United States, the Amenicans won by, a majority of two in the-102, votes cast. Mr. Moores said that among the 52 Americans who voted, thoro was seven Methodist ministers, four mem bers of tho Mothodist church and, 17 others who camo to tho country thru tho efforts of the Methodist church. Tn fact, Mr. Moores was inclined to beliovo that tho Chnmpocg meeting was, pretty much of a Mothodist affair, as the CO who voted against tho United States were traders under the influ ence of tho Hudson Bay company and at that time exerted scarcely any real influenco in the valley. While no singlo man or element sav ed Oregon, Mr. Moore said that th chief glory was due to the Methodist church as it was Methodists who bad the coura'ge to eomo into the field and were tho advanco guard of civilization. Willamette university was the great est contribution of Jason Lee, and Mr. Moores noted tho fact that only 00 Methodist institutions in tho country antedate Willamette. Ho alsn mention ed the fact that the university now is Hearing tho $1,000,000 endowment fund from which it dniws its income. Mr. Moores gavo Willamctto univcr- WTiat'i th$ use of pretending? ' Time will Jindyou out. IMPEBIALES MOVTHIlCB make no pretense but . they've taught thousands j of men w hat quality means ' iii a cigarette They are. what they are, always the longer yon smoke them, the better you'U like them. I II llllll.l IMl.ll ' SCHOOL DI3TSIOX BUDGET To ths Clerk of School District No. 21, . Marion County,, Oregon: 'Following is a statement of the es timated amount of money needed by the district during tho fiscal1 year be ginning on June 30, 1918, and ending on June 30, 1919. This budget is, mado in compliance with Section 217 o the School Laws of 1917, and iu eludes tha estimated amounts to do received from ths county school fund, state Bchool .fund, special district tax and all otber moncvg oi mo aisTiici: BUDGET Estimated Expenditures Teachers' salaries $105,417.00. Furniture 100.00 Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, cnaiR, erasers, stoves, curtains, etc Library books (iucludod in ' item 3) , Flags (included in item 8) Repairs of school houses, out buildings or fences - Improving grounds and bet torments ......(. Playground equipment Transportation of pupils .... Tuition of pupiU, purchase of Holmau property .......... Janitor's wages Janitor's supplies (included in item 3) Fuel 4,500.00 , l,200.0fc 6,000,09. 3, 250.00-7,123.51). center of tho early northwest stating that its graduates included leading men in all activities of life !n the north west and especially in the holdiirg of the Homo Fires Burning, Tha Long, Long Trail and others well known. Tho new patriotic song, "Sons of America" wilL also ho introduced. The Girls' Glee club will take part in the program j higher political offices, singing several selections. The com munity sing will bo propertly directed and the invitation is extended to not 4,200i)O Light and power 1,030.00 951.00 780.00 Water and phones Clerk's salary , Postage and stationery, printing and census For tho payment of bonded debt and interest thereon, issued under Sections 117, 144 to 148, and 423 of tho School j Laws of Oregon, 19J7 MiBcellanaous expenses Intercish on demand noted and bonds ........ Freight express and cartage Insurance Payment of demand notoa .. i outstanding June 17-18... 34,500.00 500.00' 500.00 : 6,700.00 . 200.00 878.00. Total estimated amount ot , ' . monoy to be expended fo all purpose! during the year 1 7 7,609.50 Estimated Receipts) From county and state school fund during the coming school year 31,109.00, From, state school fund dur- . ing coming school year . , (soo ahovo) Cash now in hands of the district clerk fH-1.71 Uncollected taxes , , ol,I9GJ3 Estimated amount to bo re ceived fi-oin all other sources during coming school year: tuition 13,- 500; V. S. Gov. subsidy $1800 15,300.00 lightfiul toilet preparation for restoring only school children but all of the JZnTCtaSS fV; with gray or faded hair grown ups in the city who .ove music " fn io VAitthfiil PAlim iwl Inarm U- if. - - of the Eogera estate. Mr. Gilbert now L - 3 -T L ' . . 1 . - U 1. rl has hh shop well equipped .with mo-. u,'"1 " u."- ""'. chanics and has added materially to ual ? . "'"J'1? the onpnaUoolor the stock of Elgin and Harroun parts. f(1 b'utr of .th h"'r- I,oe ? 8'ftlu witr the shampooing or waving. Erad ieates dandruff. Easily applied. Tho makers of Qban have been known for a generation as specialists in tho treatment of tho haii. Hold by all reliable druggists everywhere on Monev-Bac.k O'uarantee. Price 75c. ' 'f' "T 'f' -j, i ' J f f, STOP BACKACHE! RD LUMBAGO RIGHT Walter A. Denton Talks To Astoria Chamber Commerce Total estimated receipts, not including money to bo re ceived from the tax which it is proposed to vote .... 81,818.51: Recapitulation Total estimated expenses for tho year .,,$177,669.50 Total estimated receipts not including the tax to be voted 81,850.90 When yon use Journal classifi ed ads got what yon want thsm to they work fasti i Here's Instant Relief. No Pain Soreness, Stiffness, After Rubbing With WSL Jacobs i Liniment'' ' , Ah! Pain ig gone! i Quickly t Yes! Almost instant re lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and pain follows a gentle rubbing with 'Bt. Jacobs Liniment." Apply this soothing, penetrating oil : directly upon the ache, and like magic, relief "comes. "St. Jacob Liniment", conquers pain. It is a harmb-ss back ache, lumbago and sciatica relief, which never disappoints, can not injure and doesn't bu or discolor the skin. Straighten up! Stop those torturous "stitches." in a mimtnt you will f';r-! get that you ever hftd a back, because', it won't hurt or be stiff or lame. Don't i suffer! Get a small trial bottle of I "St. Jacobs Liniment" from your drug .gist now and get this lasting relief. j The Journal classified ade are 4 ' great favorite with people who i do things Trjr ne ' SPECIAL .. ATTRACTION THANKSGIVING DAY BL1GH THEATRE Walter A. Denton is home from As toria whoro ho delivered an address bo fore tho Astoria Chamber of Commerce, by special invitation. Ho says tho"As toria men arc up ami a coming and that it is their intention to build a strong commercial club. Tho Mouriiig Astorian says: "Mr. Denton is secretary' of the Oregon i?u tail Merchants afsui'ation and is a real live wire in the technic of up to dato business methods, and his talk last night will result in putting such drive into our business organization as is certain to result in a. better commu nity spirit. Ho showed clearly that a live organization of tho business men of any city was the dynamic force in that city. "iloudvissd the retail n crchants to organize a Business Men's hagne. Mr. Denton outlined tho details showing conclusively that tho leaguo would op erate as a protection for every mer chant against unfair, practices of ad vertising agents and fake solicitors. After an hour's talk, tho 5i or more business men who were so fortunate as to hear him were so enthusiastic that stops were taken to organize a Busi ness Men 's League before adjournment. A voto of thanks were given Mr. Den ton for his helpful ant timely address." Balance, e mount to bo rais ed by district tax 95,818.51 A Leader -ReuJb em out Want Ais-Tkey lead the wau to Better pczims Dotter WorKew $177,6(i9.50 (If tho amount to bo raised by spe cial tax is more by 6 per cent than, the amount raised tho year immediate- jly preceding, fill out tho following blank; otherwise cross out this part.. i Tho amount of money to bo raiser! by this special tax is mora than tho amount raised by special school dis trict tax in tho year immediately pre ceding this, plus tj per cent. It is nec essary to raise this additional amount by special levy for the following rea sons. (Hero five reasons in not to ex- jeeed 100 words.) I Tho incrense in taxes ia due to four items: (1) Increases in salaries,. t5, 971.59; (2) decrease in money coming from tha stat'o and county funds be cause there is a decrease ori numbur of pupils on ths census which decrease lcwerg the incomes from stato and county funds by $5300.09;,;, (3) a shrink ago of $873.75 at least oa uncollected taxes of last year is certain and (), the purchaso of the Holninn property which is an addition to the high school grounds and buildings costing tUiilJ. Tho first three items are directly caua? ed by war conditions: (1) The teach ers' salaries had to be raised to. maiit tain our force; (2) parents with large familiei moved to localities where sio ploymcnt is more profitable and it is not safe to figure all the incom from taxes. The Holnina property is a good buy at the figure mentioned, Dated this OtJi day of November, 1918. it. L. Clark, B. O. Bishop, H. O Whi'e, W. C. Window, ' E. T. Barnes. 'Board of Directors, Schncl Oivric No. li-t. 11-12, 15, 18, 27"