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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1918)
THE D AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. PAGE THREE IMPORTANT LINKS Hygiene, rest, pure air, sunshine and a well-balanced diet, plus ; r- aTT' to improve the blood-quality, increase body-weight and build up resistance, are important links in; the logical treatment of in cipient pulmonary affections. To a child or adult with a tendency to weak lungs or tender throat Scott's brings a wealth of rich rnnie.nounshment. ' - A little of Scott' EmaUian today may do yon . world of good tomorrow. - f '( i'Ott. Hnwni- lllnnm" t 1?-1S TOEMER O. A. 0. INSTEUCTOa 1 . Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis,!Nov. 27. The French war cross, le eroix do guerre, has 'been awarded to Lieutenant W. J. Chamberlain, 0, A. C. graduate and an instructor in forest en tomology at the college, for his disting uished service as a birdnian in France with the 91st aero squadron. He tells of bringing down a Hun plane in a letter to A. L. Lovcft, professor of en tomology at the college. COMMISSION HAKES REPORT CONCERNING ITS INVESTIGATION Discloses Fact That Compe tent Operators Are Avail-' able But Not Employed. That the service being given by the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com pany is "very poor" and "inadu- quate" and "deplorable" is the find ing of the public service commission in an order issued today directing the com pany to improve its service by employ ing competent and experienced switch board operators and taking such other steps as may be necessary to improve its service. rJ.-' v m l 3 6 W 4&H CSCs. JOARLEY 2H IN. DEVON Z14 IN. MOW, COLLARS dUETT, PEABODVft CO.. IMC. MAKERS moralization of service by allowing po sitions to remain vacant. - ''Our investigation does not disclose the reason for this apparent failure to secure the services of these competent assistants; justification, if there be any, is known only to the operating of ficials of the company who have not seen fit to offer any explanation. There appears to be no assurance that the ser vices so offered by these skilled op erators would be utilized any more readily after an increase in revenue or an advance in the wage scale, than ui tier the conditions heretofore prevail The commission gives the company five "davg in which to notifv it of its acceptance of the order and the fact that it will comply with its provisions Wounded Dallas Soldier " ' May Be Home Soon 6 BiLL-ANS "Hot water Sure Relief (Capital Journal Special Service.) " Dallas, Or., Nov. 27. Since the an nouncement by the war department that the first soldiers to be returned The commission finds that the com-1 to this country would be the sick and pany's operators are inadequately paid. wounded who were able to travel hopes and should be given a wage increase, are entertained mat several oi me vm hnt that is not considered tn be the on- las boys who have been injured in bat- ly cause for poor service. tie would arrive here in time for the "From testimony produced at theliuar festivities. Among the local hearine. which testimony stands nn.i boys who were wounded and whq were RELL-ANS LaFOR INDIGESTION east. Folk County Boy Kolled in Battle Information has been received in this city that Homer L. McDaniel a son ot Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDaniel, had been killed in action with the American troopg in France ou October 12th. Mc Daniel was a sergeant in the l8th field artillery and was assigned to the 41st division. He was about 38 years of age and was born and raised in the vicinity of Rickreall where the family resided until a few years ago when they moved to Portland. The young man had many friends in this city who were shocked to learn of his death. I . s it it ..-.... 1 T T '. t -it - i eat Unloa ding v 7q Dallas Sailor Beturns Home. F. H. Morrison of thig'city who ro challenged," says the commission's or dcr, " it appears that ntfmbers of com petent and experienced switchboard op- last known to be in hospitals in France are Liard Woods, .Paul Praast, Irving Baldaree and Robert Muscott. The last erators, formerly in the employ of ,his!worls reccived-from these boys were to company, fully trained in the own""" of tho particular equipment used by it. and who happen to be members of Tel ephone Operators Union havo rocenuy applied for positions and have been ad vised that they would be called in caso they wore needed. . Have not Been Called. .'.'The trained operators . have not teen called nor employed even during the "past months of public clamor for better servico, although the company was continuously and extensively ad vertising for operators, requesting the public to limit its use of the service to essential conversation, using many in experienced girl on responsible posi tions on the boards, and at the samo time contributing further to the de- confined to the hospital they were well on the road to recovery and were ablo to be about. Dallas Pastor Leaves for France. Rev. W. S. Plowman of this city, who for the past few years hag been minis ter at tho United Evangelical church, left Monday for New York city where he will take special training in Y. M. C. A. work for several weeks after which he will be sent to France. Rev. Plowman is the fourth minister from Dallas to enter war service work since tho war began and is the sixth Dallas citizen to enter that service. A f aro woll was given the pastor by the Dal las people before his leaving for the BACKiACHE Umber Up With Penetrating Hamlin' Wizard Oil A harmless and effective prepara tion to relieve the pains of Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Lame Back and Lum bago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It pen etrates quickly, drives out soreness, and limbers up stiff aching joints and muscles. You have no idea how useful it will be found in cases of every day ailment or mishap, when there is need of an immediate healing, anti septic application, as in cases of sprains, bruvsas, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. la,, anift ruflftaflfcli sisll One m 1 T eac e A at HE WORLD IS AGAIN AT PEACE--.. While the United States as well as every nation in Europe faces peace problems as serious as were the problems of war, we of this country are particularly fortunate in that any food crisis which may havd threatened us islike the war- a thing of True we must hnsbacd our food resources, for we still have a great humanitarian service to ren der all of Europe-We must help to supply her peoples with food. One of the blessings which has come to us with the declaration of Peace is the permission grant ed our people by the U. S. Food Administration to return to an all-wheat flour basis in their . baking and cooking It is no longer necessary to use wheat substi tutes Some will doubtless continue to do so because they learned to--like them; the great majority of American people however greet the " return of all-wheat bread, cake'and pastry to the , daily table with as much joy as they would the return of a friend long absent - . No other food can take the place in the American home of bread made from flour, produced by the : scientific grinding of choicest wheat berries. When the Fisher Flouring Mills Company began the manufacture in "America's Finest Flouring Mills" six years ago of Fisher's Blend Flour it annouonced Fisher's Blend a product superior to other flours. Housewives so found it, hence its extreme popularity on the Pacific Coast. This superiority has always been maintained; even during the trying war period. . It has always been made of choicest Eastern Hard Wheat and choicest Washington and Ore gon Bluestem. In pre-war times housewives found that it was real economy to pay more for Fisher's Blend Flour than for flours made of Washington and Oregon wheats. It is greater economy today than ever before to buy Fisher's Blend because the government having advanc ed the price of Washington and Oregon wheats, manufacturers of Washington and Oregon Wheat flours increased their prices until there is little if any difference between the pride of Washington and Oregon wheat flours and Fish er's Blend. 29 Beginning Friday NOVEMBER Remarkable reductions in- Coats, Suits, DresseSfFurSj Waists, and Millinery For particulars, watch our ads and see window display Old White Corner Building Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store tt eonly enlisted in the merchant marine and who left Portland soveral weeks ago on the Anoka, a wooden ship built in the yards in that city returned to his Dallas home the latter part of tho week from San Francisco having de cided to quit the service ; Mr. Morn son signed up as a quartermaster, bul after being assignod t0 a ship found that he was placed in another position for which he was not fitttd. Mr. Mor rison when a young man served sev eral years in Uncle Bain's navy and aft' cr the war with Germany was declared again offered his services to the coun try in spite of his ago which is some thing like 05 years. President Jordan Says Wilson Great Leader Palo Alto, Cal., Nov. 27.--" Nothing which President Wilson has said could have becu said better. No man in, au thority in the world today hag had such clear vision of the existing situation." In those words David titarr Jordan, president omeritus of'Leland Stanford Univorsity, was on record today square ly behind the president in his war rec ord, and peace program. . -' Addressing the students of Stanford, Jordan spoke on "How Nationalism will fit into the Future." ' A. u. jrowrmn., iuwgr ox im, v;l-,a forwftrd moVonient for a council of forma Packing corporation plant in.: nati ho ,Tll0re mugt tins city, returned from, a M.sii.esS trip , Sf itttioih lt wf, mcM . ro roruana ana Vancouver, """"'"B-fc(iCTation which will take off the ion ounuay evoiung. . r(mh ,. of nation-ftl ,. lt will do No man or woman' who eats Wilt to gularly can make a mistnko by flush ing the kidneys occasionally, say. a Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Nun oil Man- away witu conquest and recognize the woll-known authority. Meat forms uriu HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat If You Feel Backachy Or Have Blad der Trouble Take Glass Of Salts. aanity Beach are the proud parents of a baby girl according to word received at the home of the grandparents, Mr. nd Mrs. J. B. Nun of this city, G. 0. Grant hag roturuod from Fort laud where ho has been working for tho past year in the shipyards of the metropolis. Hon. I. L. Patterson of Eola, senator elect from Polk county, wag a Dallas business visitor Monday. Charles Munson of Albany transacted business in Dallas this week, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Phillips of Pasa dena, California, are guests ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Phillips. They inado tho trip by automobile. Mrs. Win. llimes is in Portland call ed by tho serioug illness of her son, Glenn Wkitaker. Mr. Hoover Says We Must Continue To Economize Using Fisher's Blend Flour Is Real Economy MADE IN "America's Finest Flouring Mijls" - by FISHER FLOURING MILLS CO. SEATTLE, U. S. A. . . Stomach Dead Man Still Lives People who suffer from sour stomach, fermentation of food, distress after eat ing and indigestion, and seek relief in largo chunks of artificial digestorg, are killing their stomachs by inaction just as surely as the victim of morphine is deadening and injuring beyond re pair every nerve in his body. What the stomach of every sufferer from indigestion needs is a good pre scription that will build up his stom ach, put strength, energy and elastici ty into it, and make it sturdy enough to digest a hearty meal without arti ficial aid. The best prescription indigestion ever written is sold by druggists every where and by Dan'l J. Vry and is rig idly guaranteed to build up the stom ach and cure indigestion or money back. This prescription is nama.1 Mi-o-na, and is sold in small tablet form in large boxes, for only a few cents, he member the name, Mi-o-na stomach tablets. They nevcf fail. "The Sip Invisible'' At Liberty Theatre Manager Bligh of tho Liberty thea tre promises his patrons a feature of unusual excellence when "The Sign In visible" openg at his house tomorrow. He says it is a picture with a punch and a moral but that the latter doesn't strike one until .the play is over, so dominant is the power of the plot. Tho story tells what happened to an em bittered young surgeon who visits a far Canadian trading post to forget his troubles and perhaps avoid a drunk ard's grave. His former religious faith has been shattered hy tho Almighty's fuilurc to spare the livcg of several of his surgical patients and especially by the death of his mother. Bv the time le reaches the trading station presided over by Lou Bnribeau he is ready for any sort of devilment. There he i first sheltered by the elcr rvnian's daughter, but later cast out of her father's home because of his athicstic utterances. Finding himself rights of nationalists. Backward peo pleg unit bo placed under the control of a commission. The open door to trade must come. I don't beliovo in protec tive tariff." . . IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What a Heap of Happiness It Would Bring to Salem Homes Hard to do housework with an ch ing back. Brings you hours of misery at lei sure or at work. If women only knew tho cause that Backache pains often come from weak kidneys, Twould save much needless woe. Pouu ' Kidney l'iil8 aro for weak kidneys. - Read what a Salem citizen says: ' Mrs. G. H. Deacon, 1498 Mission St., says: "It has been & long time since I havo taken Doan's Kidney Pill's, but, speaking from past experience, 1 can gay they are a medicine of merit. I had a dull pain across my kidneys and at times it was very severe. After I had taken Doan's Kiilncy Pills a few days, pthntrydisugrcdnble ache disap peared.' My back and kidneys have raiised mo but very little trouble since." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't meiuply auk for a kidney remedy get Dodn 's Kidney Pilols the same that Mrs. Deacon had. FoBter-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N: Y. Tho diet during and aftor influenza. Horlick'g Malted Milk, nourishing, di gestible. refused by the righteous, ho turns kgnin to the wicked and in one Monoluin, "the toughest river boss that ever hit teh north," meets a mentor in iniquity second only to the vicious factor him self. . His advent at the post saloon and hotel is marked by his insult to and thrashing by Lone Deed, a mighty hun ter much beloved bv tho community. Once in the society of the lawless cle ment the young man is involved in a scries of hnppenings both thrilling and pathetic. The author. Anthony P. Kcl- lq, has drawn on tho folk lore of tho French Canadians lor some very eiroe tive lccndary bits which add greatly to the charm of tho picture which was photographed on the shores of beauti ful Luke, George in upper Now York state. It is said to bo so full of incident that its length six reels is hardly realized. The First National Exhibit ors' Circuit announce it as one of their best purchases. g ASQTJTTH ENDORSES LEAGUE. London, Nov. 27. The election mani festo of Herbert Asquith, leader of the opposition, endorses the league of na tions, favors home rule for Ireland and opposes tampering with free trade. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY acid which excites the kidneys, they uocomo overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to fillor the waste and poisons from the blood, then wo gut sick. Nearly all rheumatism, head aches, liver troublo, nervousness, dizzi- noss. sleepleasnoss and urinary disor der come from sluggish kidneys. i lio moment you ice I a. dull ache in the kidneys, or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, of l'onsive, full of sediment, irregular oi passage or at tended by a suusuliou of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; tuko a tablespoonful in a glass of water bo fore breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fiue. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and hag been used for generations to flusli und stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize tho acids in urine so it no longer caiiHes irritation, thug ending blaildef woakness. ; : - . Jad Salts ig inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-wnter , drink which ,; everyone al.n..M n trt imnt ftn.l limn- t r liann tt.a kidneys clean and active. and tho blood pure, thiycby avoiding serioug kidney' complications. ' . . " EXTRA T AKE ABOLISHED. Washington, Nov, 27. The extra half cent a milo charged for passago in sleeping carg today wng abolished by the railroad administration. The on!ur id effective December 1. This restores the flat three cent rate fur standard mui tourist conch tavcl. This reduction will cut off $37,000,- 00ft annually from 'railroad revenues. Tho estato of John C. Miller has been closed and tho administrator discharge eil and relieved of further duty. The only beirg are tho father and mother. "OH, IF I COULD BEAK THE COLD!" Almost as Boon as'saii w!tH Get a bottle today! The rapidity with which this fifty year-oH family remedy relieves coughej . colds end mild bronchial attacks ia what has kept Jti popularity on tho Increase year by year. This standard reliever of colds and coughing spells never loses friends, lt docs quickly and pleasantly what it is recommer. Jed to do. One trial puts it in your m:dicice cabinet as absolutely indispensable. 60c and $1.20. Bowels Usually Clogged? v Regulate them with safe, sure, com fortable Dr. King's New Life Pills. Correct that biliousness, headache, sour stomach, tongue coat, by elimin ating the bowel-clogginess, 25c,