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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1918)
PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918. THE FAEIIER MUST BATE BOGGED HEALTH Many Break Downs and Failures Due to Exposure and Hard Work Catarrh in Soro ml It's Many Form Claims Thootaajs Enr farm family ha its medletaa cabinet and b almost every one via b ftroad a bottle of Dr. Eartman's World Famous Peruca, For eottgtia, ooids ana catarrh It U invaluable. It'i dm U Indicated la ail caea of. catarrhal Inflammation and oornreatloa whether of res piratory organs, stomach, bowels or ether organs of tbm body. Temple of 304 Lincoln Art, Delaware, Ohio, offered tor mnammatloa of the moeoos Balnea of the stomach and Mr, W. J. years with bowels. AocortJJrog to his own story ha aid not eat a meat for n ranma h sola everywhere. To without distress. He says: 1 am a farmer ana must be exposed to u klnda of weather. After yean oc aoaermc a dnwrtart recom mended Peruna. I took ail together ore bottle ana am a well man. Formerly, I eeald not do a day work. Now, farm work doe not xaUgne aae In the least Feruna U the beat enedldne and tonie on the market. Time only strengthens any aJmimtkm tor It, especially for atarrh and Co Ida may boy it In either liquid or tab- Jet farm. Ask for Dr. Harrmaafa Well Known Penm Tonie and if yon are seeking health taka nothinsr alee. Insist noon Penma. If yoa are atck and saffermtv rite The Parana Company, Dept. 77, Colambua, Ohio, for Dr. HarU man's Health Book. The book la free and may help you. AA your dealer for a Perusa Almanac, Cusp Lewis WHI Tern Ost 250 Men Daily Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 27. Deinobili- cativa at the rale of 250 men ofmore a slay from now on i expected by mus tering officers at Camp Lewis, follow inf ,tba physical examination of the first batch of 800 enlisted men yester slay. When the remobilizing machin ery hat reached a smooth working stage lie number of men returned to civilian life daily will be considerably increas fcxemtnatien l proceeding today at rapidly aa possible and more than 200 aaea probably will have passed throuhg aae aanon or tae physicians and be slat J for discharge before night. C7AST HOMJS IV TWO WEEKS Washington, Nov. 27. Secretary of war Jtaker estimated this af ernoor hat in Juta inaa twc weeks' iiwe turn will be starting homeward from anion'; the Jaet eitkt divisions abroad sained for atilicina; in last week's ordir. tin doubted (bat any whole Uivls'on wo;ud be home by Christmas, Lkktr also rulnd that no individuals shad be discharged until their nuits are di-fhnrged. iw PI As a 'MM Fact Pomdt II elmgt to tUniian on. Ke- moves all sbme. Enhances nat ural beauty with velvety amooth tieaa Tint for every complexion. Exquisite fragrance. The pow der that ia different ewwoatfy btttr. Trjritaiidiaa 1EE8. OKemS 80OTT 125 N. High Bt. ; society By CAXOL S. DEEBLB. ALL arnnea lead to Iks daaee Coostry ekib tonigist where ThanksgiviBg Eve will be cele brated ia deiigkifol manner with a brilliant daaee. About 130 persons pronrineat ia Salem aoetery and elnb eireJee will motor ont for the raveties. Preeedinj the danea aeverC informal dinner partita will be given, waea va riona elnb members will entertain am all eotariea of frieada. Though the Cona try club has sponsored many a lovely party during ita elnb annals, few hava given greater promise of a 'gala good time than the one anticipated to aight. Though one of the first strictly formal functions since the close of the war, the festal atmosphere will be none the less gay, and indeed will be height ened by the genuine holiday and vic tory spirit pervading all social assem blies those days, Mrs. Henry B. Thielten and Miss -Veil Thielsen will arrive from Portland this evening te pass Thanksgiving in Salem, as the gnest of airs. Bussell Catlin. Miss Thielsen will attend the danea at the Country elub tonight. Mrs. Catlin will be hostcta for the Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. Cov ers will be arranged additionally for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spears and small son. Mrs. Thielsen will remain in Sa lem for a week or more, while Miss Thielsen will return to Portland Sun day, Looming large among th parties to be given for the 8. A. T. U boys ol Willamette university the next month ia the dance being arrangdd in tneir honor by the entertainment committee of the ftalem branch of the National War Mothers' association. The affair will be held at the Masonic Temple, December 7. In anticipation of the event, Mra Balph White has volunteered her jet vices as dancing instructor in acquaint' ing the boys with some of tha late steps The Lee orchestra will eontnouie tne music as a complimentary attention to tha o. A. T. C. men. The dance win be in the nature of a Christmas holiday diversion andwill be the first of a semes to ba give by the association, -j Mra K. J. Hendricks is state chair man of the National War Mothers as- ITHOIISOIi SAYS HE D34P0I0S Suffered Fifteen Years M Rhemfea Acd Odier Troubles. The estate of Anna P. Merrian hi been closed by the county court and Isolation, Mra John carson serving as h muiuuHiBiui tfwua ji. jMvrnan, re lieved or luruer duty and discharged. Ugly, Unsightly Pimples Civ Heed to the Warning. Pimples en the face and other rart of the body are warnings from Nature that your blood if sluggish and Impoverished. Sometimes they' xorataii eczema, bout, blisters, toaly rupticni and other skin disorders that barn lihe flames of fire. Th nwn that your blood neadi S. S. 8. to purify it and cleanta it of these impure accumulation that can causa unlimited trouble. This remedy la the area test vegetable blood ouri- Are Signals of Bad Blood tier known, and contains do minerals or chemicals to Injur' the most deli cate skin. fj Co to VOUi dramtors. ai3 r a bottle ot S. S. 8. today, and -get rid ui wios- nnsignuy and disfiguring pimples, and other skin irritations. And n will cleanse vour blood thor. oughly. If you wish special medical advice, you can obtain it without charge by writing to Medical Direc tor, 29 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Georgia. 1MM'M" MMM ik hftJLls 1,1. L-arf I A Good Wool Mackinaw-- Is a Friend Indeed to the Man That Must Face The Elements. We doubt if there is a better collection of good Mack- : maws in baiem man trie one you'll find here. The : weight, ouality, finish, colors and patterns of our : coats will please most men who want something : really worth while. Cheaper Mackinaws than these are of little value and less protection. On the other hand, there e no better coats at these prices. Men's Sizes, 34 to 52 $7.85 to $14.45 Boy's Sizes, 5 to 16 ... $5.95 to $10.45 Auto Robes Let us show you some really good heavy Wool Robes. An Orcffon product made for your comfort when it's damp and chilly. Choice patterns in plaid efects, fringed ends ......$11.45 NERVOUS PROSTRATION My b Overcome by Lydia Ei Pmkhara's Ycjretable Compound Tbia Letter Prove It West Philadelphia, Pa" During tho thirty years 1 have been married, I hava been in bad health and had several at tacks of nervous prostration until it seemed as if the organs in my whole body were worn out I was finally persuaded to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and it made a well woman of me. I can bow do all hauaownrk and advise all eihntr women to trv Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and I will ruarantee the will derive great benefit from It" Mrs. Frank r itzgkrald, fj N. ilstSbreet WwtPhiWelrAiaTPa. There are thousands of women every Where in Mrs. Fitxtrerald'a condition, i suffering from nervooanaae, backache, headaches, and other symptoms of a functional derangement It was a patef ul spirit for health restored which led ber to write tha letter so that othet women may benefit from her experience and find health as she baa dona For sutnrestions in renrd to vonr eon. dittOn WriLI,vriiF Pinkham Mlinu (the stars and atnpcs. Tbe main feature I Co.. Lvnn. uW Th reanlt r tHi. mmm44mm4mtt of the day, was the bountiful dinner 40 years experience is at your service. the local chairman. - Misa Margery Kay arrived home yesterday from Eugene, where sbe is attending the University of Oregon, to ipass tha Thanksgiving recess with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas tiay. A feted visitor in Balcra this wees ia Miss Eulda Basler, formerly of Grants Pass, now a yoomsnette at lircnrerton. Miss Basler is the house guest of Misa Grace Presley at her home on Center street Misa Presley is also from (want Pass and as sharing the honor of entertaining Miss Basler with a group of Grant Pass girls, who are now residing in Halem. Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Anderson mo tored to Portland today to spend Thanksgiving. WWW Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hamilton will be Portland visitors over Thanksci.rng, joining a gathering of relatives for the lay s festivities Mr. and Mrt. Stanley Morgan drove down from 'Portland yesterday, return ing homo today. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ti. v. jneaiecnan 01 the Electric apartments while in town. ' Mra Walter Kirk of 540 Mill street, has returned from Eugene, where she has been doinir professional nursing the nest month, during the absence of her husband, who is stationed at the U. 8. naval training camp at Seattle. Mra. Kirk wa taking care of Bollo lirain. whose buck wa injured in a recent automobile accident. Mrs. Drain was Miss Emily Necrod of Salem be fore her marriage. Mrs. Kwk visited her parents, Mr. and Mra J. B. Howe, at their home in 'Brownsville for a week before return ing home. Mr. Kirk ornvod from Se attle laitt nitflit and will remain in Sa ints till the first of next week. Han of tbe men in the naval training camp were given a five day furlough last week, and this week the remainder of the men are granted tne same leave. WWW Mrs. E. E. Fisher returned last night from a three weeks' 1rtp to Iowa, where she visited her mother, who lives in the northwestern part of the state. lr. and, Mra. Fisher will be hosts to morrow 'at a large family dinner at their rcsiilerrcc, MS Market street. Tha guests will itumbfir twenty three. The members f the freshman class of the rialnm high school will be the guests of honor touight at the annual reception given the incoming class by the hijih srhool student body. Earl Hhaefcr is chairman of the committee in charge of tbe affair, with Misa Eliz abeth McCoy as faculty adviser. A combination color scheme of maroon ami black, the high school colors, will be used in the decorations. An enter taining program will also I e a feature of the cveuiug. e Misa Nollie Fowler loft yeslerdey for Portland, where she will spend Thanks giving with her fnmily. r Mr. and Mrs. "Thomas lowre 'were lulightful dinner hosts this week when they entertained Mra Henry Werner of 8ilverton, Mrs. Carl Uner of ra-1 lem and Mra B. C. Ifeuegar of Salem. The table was attractively decked it h chrysanthemums. , The home of Mr. and Mra J. Kuckel- berg of the Oardea road, was thrown open Katiurday to the members of the Ked Cross auxiliary, who met to cele brate both the victory and the anniver sary of the auxiliary. The rooms were beautifully decorated with the national colors, while the flag of Belgium, the native country of Mr. ad Mrs. Knckel- berg, was displayed aide bv side with L. ... 1 .f Mat.. .t - . Aa other reaurkable stateaseat to be added to the thousands already given, testifying to tie undoubted benefits that have been derived from tbe use of Tanhve ia long standing eases of rheumatic troubles, is that made the other day by ilanean Thomson, who is in the meat market business and lives at Hi Hawthorn Ave., PoitJand, Or. In telling of kia experience with Tan lae Mr. Tbonuaa said: "I feel it my duty to tell everybody how Tanlae restored my broken dowa health, for the aaly way I found out about this wonderful medicine was thra others telling haw it helped them. "I suffered from a rheumatic con dition of the system for f if Ken years" continued Mr. Thomson, "and I kept getting worse all the rime. My kidneys worried me too. for the but two years and the misery in my back was so ter rible I thought at times it would sure ly break ia two, My legs and knees would draw up. till my muscles felt like they were tied in knots and ach ed so bad I could hardly bear to have anything tonch them. I was so badly constipated, that I had to take some thing for this condition every two or three days, and my troubles weighed on me so and pulled me down till they nearly pot me ont of business. I lost weight, and felt so tired and worn out alt the time that it was all J could do to drag myself off to my work. "Well, I tried everything 1 could hear of, bnt got no better, and had be gua to think there was no help for me at all. I waa ia frinyler. Oklahoma, when I first heard about Tanlae, Everybody there was taking it, and the results they were getting were so remarkable that I bought some myself to try. Why. I personally know one lady who was dowa ia bed with rheumatism for six months and her friends had given her up to die. She took Tanlae and is now up and doing her own work, as well aa ever, and I eonld tell yon of many other cases, liut to get back to my own ease, I felt so much better after- tak ing my first bottle that I kept on with it til) now my rheumatism and kidney trouble have been entirelv relieved, my constipation has been removed and I have actually gained thirty four pounds in weight I am stronger and better than I have been in years, J work as bard as a man half my age and it don't hurt me a bit. 1 have al ready told many people about the way Tanlae haa fixed me up and I expect to tell many more for 1 think Tanlae is the best medicine anybody can take." Tanlae is sold ia Hubbard by Hub bard Prog Co., in Mt. Angei by xles Oooch, in Gerre. by John Kelly, in Turner by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood bnrn by Lyman E. Shorey, in Salera by Dr. S. a Stone, in Silvertan by Geo. A. tsteeihammer, in Gates by Mra J- McCurdy and ia Staytoa by U. A. Beauchamp, in Anrora by Aurora Drug Store. (Adv.) HtStetMfttTTttTteTtVVMTTt IMMMMMIXMMM DOLLS S H ttTseeesesMttivvsvvvMttMtet IPLEY'STI DOLLS PRICED TO SUIT ALL PURSES You should see this display of Dolls. De not wait until Latersee them now. The assortment is large and you will find a doll to suit every gift occasion. You will be interested to know how rapid the. advance in American manufacture has been during the past two years. Every doll offered for sale made in the U. i V T S.A. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR ffiADQUARTERS ' "Everybody Knows Shipley's The Place to Buy Reliable Merchandise at Pop ular Prices" Gift Suggestions n it Dennison's Xmas Boxes . Dennison's Xmas Seals Dennison's Crepe Paper Dennison's Tissue Paper Dennison's Paper Garlands Dennison's Paper Napkins Box Stationery Pound Stationery Paper Dolls Lead Pencils Christmas Cards Christmas Booklets Novelty Jewelry Leather Purses Leather Bags Parisian Ivory Howard's Brushes Toilet Articles CARTER'S KNITTED UNDERWEAR PHOENIX SILK HOSIERY V BUCK CAT HOSIERY Crepe de Chine Underwear, Denton's Sleepers, Children's and Women's Knit ted Headwear, Plain and Novelty Ribbons, Women's Neckwear, Kid Gloves, Fabric Gloves, Women's Handkerchiefs n Silk Waists Un3ermuslins Silk Petticoats Warner Corsets Voile Waists Modart Corsets served at noon. Patriotic and old fa miliar songs filled the afternoon, and a talk by L. U. Roberta closed a plas- ant day. The Garden road Bed Cross auxiliary of the Willamette chapter, was organized Nov. 2nd, 1917, and dur ing the year just completed, the mem bers have turned ia the following work Triangular banitades 381, head band ages 4tK), abdominal bandages 68, pa jama suits 28, bed shirts 17, handker chiefs 127, socks 88 pairs, gnn wipers 1700, tea towela 32, ambulance pillows 14, bed socks 2 pairs, balls of string 14, refugee dresses 8, sweaters 3, hel mets 1. WVlUUlHUllJ iiituukOIIIug At Monmouth This Year Monmouth. Or., Nov 27. Monmouth is to have a community Thanksgiving this year wnth exercises appropriate to the most notable of all Thanksgiving dnys that the world, has ever known. At 10 o'clock a m. the students and people of the town and surrounding country will assemble in tbe Normal au- n Kimonas, Bath Robes, Blankets, Comfortables, Pillows, Richardson's Linens, Art Linens, Umbrellas. Coats Suits Dresses "Feminine Wear Exclusively" WOMEN'S GLOVES Lamb Skin, Cape Skin and Kid Skinodd lines all sizes in the lot one clasp, two clasps and some three clasps. Some of the gloves in ;bis lot sold as high as $3.00 a pair. They are bargains well worth taking advantage of. SPECIAL, $1.95 PAIR U. G. SHIPLEY COMPANY 145-147 N. LIBERTY STREET Au ditorium to enjoy the program and to give thanks to God for world democra cy and universal brotherhood which seem now to be not far distant. The principal address will be made by Hov. Peter Conklin. The music will be un der the direction of Miss Schutte. Mem bers of the faculty will contribute to the program. Monmouth is coming right along with her contribution to the united war work fund. The quota of (1400 still lacks something like 1150 to complete it. The high school contributed (110 and the children of the training school (30. rroiessor lhoa bentle has been on the eiek list for the last two weeks, being unable to fill big place as prin cipal of the training school for that DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER " BEFORE BREAKFAST. ! : .."X j . Say we wilt both look and feel Clean, sweet and fresh and avoid Ulnsas, ' : sanitary science has of late uiaile rapid strides with results that arc of untold blrming to humanity. The lat est application of its untiring research is the recommendation that it ia as necessary to attend to internal sanita tion of the drainage system of the hu man body as it ia te the drains of the house. Those of as who are accustomed to feel dull and heavywhen we arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foal, tongue, nasty breath, aeid stom ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the cluiees cf the sys tem each morning and fluohirg out the whole ef the internal poisonous stag nant matter. Kveryone, whether ailing, siea or . writ should, each morning before brealLfatn drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful ot limestone : phosphate in it to wash from the stoin- ; aea liver land- ho wets the previous : day's indigestible waste, sour bile and ! poisonous toxiss; thus uleansins, sweet i ening and purifying the entire alimen-, tary canal before putting more food into the stomach, The millioae of people who are both- ered with eonftipatiea, bUiou spells. , stomach trouble, rheamatie stiffnesf; i others who have sallow si ins, blood disorder and sirkly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of lime- j stone phosphate from the drug store. This will east very little, but ia snffi- cient to make anyone a prononnced 1 eraak on the subject ef internal san- j itation. ' P"!04, , 1 threw her forward, through the wind- Mrs. Wm. Biddell Jr. went to Port- shield, cutting her considerably and land Sunday where she haa aeiw tted t otherwiso injuring her. to act as witness in an automobile ae- , a - eident case to be tried there Monday. - . . . . . The accident, hann. in Pvi-!ii w An American Bed Cross mission hoad- wcen when the itiddells were in at tendance at tho funeral of Walter Phil, lippi, a brother of Mrs. Biddell. The funeral procession , was passing along the street, having the right of way, Mra Biddell being an occupant of the second car from the hearse. In some manner a heavy truck crashed into the ear ahead in which the nearest rela tives, among them being a sister ef Mr Biddell, were riding. The sudden shock ed by Colpncl Capps, has established headquarters at Salonika. Get Rid of That Persistent Cough Stop that weakening, persistent coughi or cold, .threatening throat or tuns affections, with SckmuTa Alterative, the tonic and upbuilder of 20 years" euccessful use. 80s and CW bottlea from drug-gists, or from 1CCKMAN LABORATORT, Philadelphia Loganberry Growers! YOU AND ex a x 1 1 t- & If 4 . "SJBiii' a 4 ,. rt&: urn Pure Juice c have had two bad years during ' 917 1918, even though we vol'intanly in creased our prices $10 per ton to you and charged more for Phez. Neither of us got rich, but Phez kept on building its business as the war could not last for ever. When times are normal we can both make money. ' We are prepared. Increase your acre-"-age and prepare for the future now. Phone 204 f it': PHEASANT NORTMEST PRODUCTS CO. ft