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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1918)
DailpHftl journal " " SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918... PAGE TEN t We wish to call your attention To Our Prices on a few articles, with which you are familiar, that will give you an idea of the "GREAT SAVING" We make you. Similar savings will be1 made on other things throughout the entire store. Dress Ginghams .. -29c Yard Zephyr Ginghams, 32 inches wide r35c and 39c Percales ........... . ..... ... ..... 17 20 29c, and 35c Yd Cheviot Shirting ..29c Yard Kiddie Cloth, 32 inch 39c NEW CIIALLIES in neat kimona, dressing sacque, etc., which are good and wear fine 9gc Yard . DO NOT OVERLOOK US FOR PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS . C. Penney Co. Men's Overcoats - for ' . Thanksgiving Day No store in the country can sell you overcoats as low as we can. Overcoats in absolutely alUwool materials in the popular Balmaccan styje with plain or Raglan "shoulder at $16.50 . ... Buy one of these warm, serviceable coats now. You will save $10.00 by doing so. "We Keep the Quality Up, 31 KYfJ Incorporated 77 Things will be a trifle quiet down town tomorrow. The grocers wlU not open and the meat markets will soil only until 10 o'clock In the morning, the postoffico will do no business, and every business that can close its doors v m - . Gray-Belie Special Thanksgiving THURSDAY, NOVEMBER TWENTY-EIGHT Served 5 O'clock Till 9 p. m. ONE DOLLAR D0 you rcmembor when you were a youngster how delicious that young Kinin fed turkey used to taste and how your mouth watered when ynu limply caught sight of the pe.-fcc'.ly j-'lied trauuouy causo and tin other fixiu's thnt went with tho bird! . Ve!l, oui chef will mnko fou think of those enrly davs you'll imagine you're a youngster again. Everything will bo cooked to a turn and you can get just wiuit you want from an Olympin oyster cocktail starter to Salem's riell homo-grown English walnuts at the finish. t Oyster Cocktail. Cream of Tomato Consomme Lake Lablsu Celery Ripe Olives choice or Boast Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce; , Chicken with Dressing; Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus Mashed Potatoes; (Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style . CHOICE or Creamed Cauliflower; S.ewod Corn; Lima Beans choice or I Shrimp Salad, Mayonaisc; Combination fruit Salad, Cream Dressing CHOICE or Dessert Hot Mince Pie; Plumb Puddlng.Lemon Sauce; Home Made Truit Cake; Or Choice of A iy Pie or Ice Cream. -Tuaj Ojffee; Milk. THE GttAY - 440 STATE YD) 7M AAiiLA AID) , f i (i n y i j m w ii ii i tin n m w i U il o A Viio ,fM HI Let's: 'Go patterns for a nice dress, and Afterwards f and the Prices Down" .will do , so. Of coursa the banks an 3 court house will bo a lonesome place for any who might straggle in to trans act business. An dtho saifo is true of tlio city hall. Salem will be in overy respect e closed town tomorrow. ajr BELLE STREET lIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMt mill MMM l AH Around Town COMNGEVENTS Nov. 28. Thanksgiving. Nov. 30. Election on School Budget Dec. 1. Elks Annual Mem orial Service. Opera House 2:30 p. m- Dee. 11-14 Fifth Annual Marion County Corn Show. "Tne funeral (Hough Co. oe&tifoL"Webl ft tf I hare moved my offices Into more pleasant and more- commodious quar ters on the third floor of the U. 8. National bank building. Dr. O. L. Scott ChiropracticSpinologiBt, 30&-213 U. 8. National bank bldg. . tf 7 uuS , i, a mous Gates Half Bole man has moved into larger quarters,, just across the street from its former location. The new quarters are just south of tie Cap ital Journal office. There are three Montgomery's in the tire shop, father and two sons. Highways Bapld Transit auto service to Portland and way points daily. Leav es Salem 10 a. m. 137 S. Corn! St. Phone 063. tf "The best" loath comes. Phone 120, la ail yon can do when Call Webb ft Clough Co. tf. THE CHARLES B. ARCHERD IM PLEMENT COMPANY take pleasure in announcing that they have added feed to their line, and are now prepured to supply the trade with the following: ROLLED BARLEY GROUND OATS AND BAELEY GROUND BARLEY (JOHN CRACKED CORN , IfOLSTKIN DAIRY FEEP . CARNATION DAIRY FEED BERKSHIRE HOG FOOD (SCRATCH FOOD COTTON SEED MEAL Other foeds will be added from time to time, for it is their intention to car ry a full line. Terms on feed will be strictly cash. 11-28 Fordsons are now in the market and the .chancos are that other Ford pro ducts will be arriving within a month or so. Elbert Thompson of the Valley Motor Company announces that a car load of Fordsons arrived today. Order your,. Ice Cream for Thanks giving. We close at noon that day. P. M. Gregory, Salem's Ice Cream Man, 240 S. Coni '1 St. Phone 1196. 11-27 Dr. Bchenk has now returned from his vacation and he extends a cordial invitation to hit patrons and friends to visit his institution. tf There might be a rush of eastern people to Oregon all anxious to buy pruno tracts if it was properly adver tised ;this winter with records that havo been made in tliu prune growing business this year. For instance, C. H. Taylor of the Sunnysldo district on his 9 acres sold prunes to the value ,of 1739.61. His trees arc set 24 feet apart. Other growers have done Tcmarkably well this year and it has been sug gested thnt pnmo growings a busi ness should be advertised in the ei-n tral and eastern statet when so niwy want to cot awav from farming and hard winters and eng;igj in the prune growing business. , ,0- Now is the time to place your orders for rosebushes, shrabbery, fruit, walnut and ornamental trees for immediate planting, with the Capital" City Nur- scry Co., 1030 Chem. St. Phone 75. 11-31 o Wanted next Friday and Saturday fat hens and chickens. Highest market price. Steusloff Bros., Inc. o CAttlJ ux The children and relatives of the lato Mis. Eliza Ann Free hereby ex press their sincere appreciation for the help and sympathy of friends and neighbors during the sickness and bur ial of this devoted and dearly beloved mothor. Tttere ? ?"J.?,KU on at trie jason memorim uniM) corner Winter and Jefferson streets un der the auspices of' the Epworth Lea gue chapter. The campaign will close Sunday evening, of this week. Special meetings are now being held each even ing at 7:30 o'clock and for each even ing thero is a different speaker. All aro welcome to these meetings. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. TerwiUigar, grad- uate morticians and funeral directors, , 770 Chemekcta St. Phone 721. j O. M. Lockwood, county food admin istrator, returned last evening from a trin to Portland to attend a meeting of the county food administrators with the head of the state food administra- j tion, W. B. Ayre.' Ho says that all of BIG THANKSGIVING DANCE Everybody's Happy the county food administrators agreed that most important work was now be fore them and that the officers should be continued. Mr. Ayers also agreed that the food administration work should continue and that no office should reduce its clerical force. How ever, nothing special was done as to the future work as all depended on What Mr TTnnvnr ahnnl nr o reeuing or tne starving nations in Eu rope. There was a feeling that Turkey and Bulgaria were not entitled to anv help from America in the way of food supplies. "Motorllfe" a carbon -remover. A gas engine cleaner. A gasoline saver. Will be here on or about Dec. 1, dis tributor for Marion and Polk counties. Clark's Tire House, 319 N. Com't St. 11-30 "When a fellow needs a friend' Is when as in "The Sign Invisible," the special Thanksgiving program at the Liberty, he is staggering through a blinding storm in' the mountains has lost his way and doesn 't care where he !Js anyhow, , j , , T About that time the chords of "Lead Kindly Light," float ing through pelting weather, would sound mighty good. There is more than one touching bit in this big drama of defiant man vs dominant nature. Out of town people who do not like to go to their local postmaster and cash in War Savings stamps are coming tJ tho Salem poatoffice to cash in. If the letter of the law is adhered to, no one can cash War Savings stamps unless a I ten day notice is given. Judging from the Amount of War Savings -stamps that are now being turned in, many people seem to think the government has en abundance or moiiay, now that . the tm.iietice has been Mgncd. It also I sc?;n;i tbfct many who ware afraid to i turn Oown solicitors for War Scvings ', are now cashiAg in tho Bti.ini.s and making payments on thoir war bond's. O-i If you want to Hooverize for fair, saving time, labor and fuel, oat your Thanksgiving dinner at the Cherry City Homo restaurant, at 50c a plate. Meals served from 12 to 2:30 p. m. and from 5:30 to 8 p. m. 186 South High street. New show today at the Liberty, also au entire new show tomorrow. Home Restaurant 223 N. Com'l St. After two months of much needed rest will open doors for business Monday morning, 11:30 a. m., Doc. 2, 1918. Meals served at regular hours. Price 40c. Short orders in morning 6 to 8:30 a. m. We always endeavor to give the public the worth of their money of the best the marketraffordg, prepared by the best lady cooks, served in fam ily style. Yeurs, Home ReBtaurant. , !. ' U-30 The mercury did some dropping last evoning and officially managed to touch the 30 notch and thore waB plon-ty-of ice formed in tho quiet pools thiB morning- Last night was the coldest since tho little cold snap on April 2 of this year, when early gardens were nipped when the temperature dropped to 30 degrees. Dr. J. A. Matthis, associated with Dr. H. J. Clements, office 410 SiUera Bank of Com. bll'g. Office tel. 691 ; res. 1705 South Fir St. tel. 596. , . 12-27 Tonight masquerade at Chemawa. Tinin service out. auto service back. Lunch. 'Cash prizes. - Sevmour Jones, renresentative elact from Marion county and one of tho five candidates for speaker of the house, was in Portland yesterday just I looking around. Witn Mr. Jones were tlf) other four c(lniijaates who were alsQ iookjng arollnd, and taking a .; cnanw on a little fence building. Mr. Jones fp0i9 pretty safe as he feels that ailea(iy ,ho has enough of the 00 votes 'pledged. However, as political life is triflo lutCCTtain he is out looking ovef p089i),ie wcak ,rpos. It seems the .'Multnomah delegation is badly divided leud for this reason the five candidal lr the speakership are keeping close tab on tho iblg city iciiows. o " Relax and rest in the dental chair. Br. Hartley fills and extracts teeth without ipain and corrects diseased gums. Mooro bldg. Phone 1H. The Elks dance to h given on tr.e evening of Tuesday. Dec. 3, will be an . , , ... m , tf.irmiitlbn is iriven for the special ''bonef it of some of the boys who hapron to be short on dress suits yet were planning on at tending, but didn't wnnt to go if the other boys come donned in spike tails . tf, aiid Mrs. J. M. Garrison will have ns guests over Thanksgiving their daughter and husband, Air. and Mrs. E, S. Huckabav of Portland, accompanied by their children Marjorie and Dor othy. They will come ty motor. A drug store is a pretty difficult proposition to cIobo up but the drug gists will break the record tomorrow B3 they have all agreed to close at 6 o'clock in the eveuing. This includes mm PERSONALS J Dr. H. C- Epley went to Portland this morning on the early Oregon Electric. Major Francis Drake of the Oregon National Guard is in the city from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hamilton went to Portland this afternoon to spend Thanksgiving. Miss Laura McGee of the eounty clerk's office went to Portland this v.ening friends. to spend Thanksgiving with A. M. Blinston left today over the Oregon Electrie for Reygate, Montana. Earl Jones went to Kennewick, Washington, yesterday. - Born OTJEN.To Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Otjen, of 205 North 23d street, Nov. 27, 1918 a daughter. She has been named Elizabeth Anna. every one. There are no holdouts this time. It is unanimous. A marriage license was granted yes terday to Arthur B. Hale, a farmer of Independence and Miss Addio rat tcrson, a school teacher of Salem. Thoy will be married Thanksgiving- Officers attending training school at Camp Pike, near Little Rock, Ark., with the exception of a few who will remain to secure a commission for the reserve, will leave for their homes next Satur day. Fred E. Maneis, is. one of the Salem men who will bid good by to that part of cotton land. Before re turning Mr. Mangis will go on a pos sum hunt. Every man who spends any time in the south is supposed to go on a possum hunt and then eat the pos sum, cooked with sweet potatoes and all swimming in possum gravy. " Lloyd W. Ivie is mentioned in today's casualty list as severely wounded. Ho is tho son of Mrs. Mae Ivey, pro prietor of the Capital hotel, State and Commercial streets. He enlisted in tho engineers April 2, 1916 and was sent to Vancouver barracks for eight months' training. Then he was order ed to Camp Green, where he remained four months, rle sailed ior Trance in April 1917. Qn Nov. 19 his mother ro been severely wounded on August 5. ceived a cablegram stating that he had She has a letter from nun dated act 16. saving he was well and that ho had been detailed as an escort for German prisoners. After he was wounded, he was sent to tho hospital at Nantes, France. . ''-','.'.'. . r I ADMINISTRATRIX AUCTION SEE The undersigned auctioneer has re ceived instructions from Alice M. Good- ell, administratrix of the estate of A. G. Dalrymple, tosell same at public auction at the farm of the deceased at Macleay, Oregon, Friday, November, 29 at 1. p. m. ALICE M. GOODELL, Administratrix F.N. WOGDRY Auctioneer. CLOSING OUT ) MICTION SALE. CLEARWATER BROS.' BARN SAT. NOV. 30, 19 A.M. SHARP 10 tons bailed hay; i tqns straw; 16 sacks potatoes; 1 set heavy breeching harness; 10 second hand horse collars; 8 new collars; 3 2-ton wagon jacks; 2 buggy tongues; hay forks, rope and pulleys; 1 doublo harpoon hay fork; 2 singlo harpoon hay forkB; 1 2-ton ex press wagon; 1 s.teel wheelbarrow; 1 new set 34 I 4 auto chains; 1 good stock sadillo; 1 office desk; 3 office chairs; 1 work bench; forks, shovels, chnius; automobile bumper and other articles too numer ous to mention. Terms Cash CLEARWATER BROS, Owners. Note I will hold a sale of high class Household Furniture at my Auction Market in 'the afternoon, 1:30. Be on timo. F.N.W00DRY Auctioneer Phone 510 or 511 1 Our Prices Always The Lowest GALE & COMPANY PHONE 1073 Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store DOES YOUR EYEGLASS FRAME OR MOUNTING FIT COMFORTABLY? Toy need rwoii.? if ijou need 'Glasses4 DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 204-5 Bank of Commerce Bldg. WANTED Household gooda, harness, wagons, tools, ranges, heaters, cook stoves, farm ma chinery, etc. I pay cash or will sell on commission from stock sales con ducted anywhere. Phone 510 or 511 Woodry, the Auctioneer. DOCTOR STANTON Dermatologist Foot Specialist 1 -' COENS, BUNIONS, INGEOWING TOE NAILS BEHOVED wVjiout Blood or Pain or Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience. Chilblains and All Diseases of tho Feet Cured. Special Attention to Antiseptics there by r revenung inieciion. Appointments by Phone. Lady Assistant. 518 V. 8. Nat. Bank Bid. Phone 418. Salem. Ore. L.M.HUM . care of Yick So Tcng Chinese Medicine utd Tea Ce, Hat medicine whiek will tut any known diaeaee. Opn Sundays from 10 a, until 8 p. in. 153 South High Bt. Salem, Oregon. Pkom SSI i4HH4tM SSt4t JOURNAL VANT ADS PAY Ladies' Coats Dresses At Greatly Reduced Prices Coats, $16.75 And Up Suits $12.90 And Up Dresses $9.90 And Up Is it optically cor rect? Right lenses and wrong frame do not give comfort. Yet us put your len ses in- a. new Shell tax frame or mounting. Be up to date and be comfortable. t WHEN IN SALEM, OBEGON sitop at ELIGH HOTEL "a Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern $1 per Day 100 Booms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel in Business District I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my Prices Before you sell. THE CAPITAL JONK CO. Phone 398 The Square D jal House 271 Chemekc ta Street JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Kum Early