THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. PAGE FIVE OTHAL WANT AD EPASHOT IS TEE BEST miM Ml O OARI0I1 COiirY-TRY TE21 FOR RESULTS HBLA6SQTEO AXTBEnSHf(i BATES Bat Pr word New Tad ay: Sash insertion toe week (6 insertion) On month (6 insertion) 1 E 17 Tie Capital Journal will not be r gponsiblo for more than one insertion, (tor errors in. Classified Advertisement Bead four advertisement the first daj It appears and notify u immediately U error occurs. -Minimum charge, IE. POTATOES for sale. Phone 80FH. ti CORD wood: for sale 2Q93M. Phone evenings tf FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 69 N. ComU St. Phone B454W. 11-27 TABLE squash by 100 lbs. Cummings, 84F13. - 1127 FOB RENT Furnished apartments, 330 6. 14th. Phone 2092B. 11-30 HOUSE cleaning and window cleaning wanted. Phone 1237. 12-5 KDQHMON piano, good as now, for alo. Call at 1144 i'erry St. il-2tf FOR wood sawing call 1.93, business hours. 12-2 FOR SALE -4-weeki old pigs. Phone 39F31. J. O. Schinder, Rt, 7. 11-26 HORD truck Center St. , chain drive, for sale. 225 Feed barn. 11-28 liOST Tollow Persian cat. Finder please leave at 648 Union. 11-27 TST ANTED Plain sewing. Phono 796. 12-9 JIOR SALE Pigs 6 weeks old, $4. Phone 4iF5. H-2S FORD deliTery body, mertav fenders complete for sale at caigam. iau room 804 U. 8. Bank bldg., or phone 378 or 55F13. U-9 Piano at half priee. High grade Story vjiara, aa goo a as new. tu m room 304 U. S. Bank bldg, or phone 876 or S5F13. 11-29 ilY husband haa entered the acmes and I wish to sell ear 490, 1918 Chevrolet. Phone 1925 after 5 p. m. 11-89 WE BUT all kinds of" old fcorsea there is nothing we will not talt. Bring to Center St. Feed barn, C. L. Beott. 11-28 WANTED Steam boiler not les than H5 h. p. Mat more than bu. Address A. W. lane, 1440 North liberty St. H-fi8 SALEM ehimney sweep, elean them without duet on the carpets, furnace cleaned and repaired, staves repair ed. Phone 19. tf FOR SALE Span of mules, on mile east on fairgrounds road. Take sec ond road running south. C. T. Jones. 11-26 EDS TO ELECT This Is One Organization la vin l r ntf e : nmcn tvery umcer yiats After Serving 1 Year. To tlect King Bing and other offi cers of the Cherrians for the coming year, a meeting has been ealled for Tuesday evening, Dee 8, at the Com mercial club- This is the annual election and the meeting has been called by Hal D. Pat ton. Kinc Rintr. Aa fha hv-lawa Ann. stitution and public opinion is not in ravor or any rung mng noiaiug tne job more than one year, the main duty of the Dee. 3 meeting will be the elec tion of those who will hav charge of Cherrian doings for 1919. On account of war conditions and other depressing matters such as the flu, the Cherrians have not been mak ing much noise the past year, But with the eoming of the New Year, and with a general (better feeling, it is felt that the main boosting organization of Sa lem should again make itself felt in the community. Now, when the Chemans meet at this annual session, they will first be served with a luncheon. After this im portant affair has been properly cared for, will come the election of officers as follows; King Bing Hal Patton has officiat ed the past year. For his successor there in Tin ftln.tA aa will h TviAflA WANTED Woman for cooking and 'from the floor. Among those "favor- gonerai nouseworx, must do expen- amy menuonea " ana wno ere tnougnt ened. Give teloprone number. Ad- to have the proper makings are U. G. ,!,.,. Tlv 19. no-n Journal 11-27 BUnlnv T TJ Ti.omon T M. linn OMULS! MIT! . STOPDMIO BEAUTIFY YOUR HA!S Hair Stops Falling Out And Gets Inick, Wary, btrong And BeaEtiful Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf- rV Atiiiniln-nt Anil unnniira ah toft, lus- trous and beautiful as a young girl's after "Danderine hair cleasse." Just try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it tii rough your hair, taking one email atrand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few momenta you nave aouui ed the beauty of your hair- Besides beautifying the hair at once Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig orates the scalp, forever stopping itch ing and falling hair, s Tinf wlmt will nlease vou most will be after a few weeks' use when you ... - . i : .1 will actually see new uuir un auu downy at first yes but really now hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, seTt hair and lots of it, surely get a small bottle of Knowl ton's Danderine from any druggist or toilet counter for a few cents. FOR SALE Or exchange, aheotp ranch 608 acres, price $33 per aoro. Want residence or small, well improved farm near Salam. What have you to tradel Bt. 1, box 60, Brownsville, Or. 11-26 FOR SALE River bottom ranch con taining 150 acres, 40 acres cleared, house, barn, soft and hardwood tim ber, at 65 dollars per acre. Will take some city property in exchange. See . Martin Hardins at Salem Hdw. Co. tf Shipley, J. H. Lautcraan, J. B. Linn, Kay J-i, Fanner, Uapt. A. it. Wilson, Wil- !FOR SALE Fresh cow and Durham cow, fresh soon. 715 South 12th St. ' 1126 LOST Small purse Sundaj, contains M. W. A. receipts and 10c paper bill Return to Journal. Reward. . 11-25 ANTED Girl for general houso work State School for Deal. Phone 646. 11-30 FRESH cow, heavy milker, for sale or exchange for stock hogs. Jo9cph Barber. Phone 84F4. 11-27 WANTED A boy who is not afraid to . ; hustle a1 few hours each day. Apply at Capital Journal. BOY WANTED To atrip tobacco, Sa lem Cigar factory, 359 Chemeketa 6t, H-26 FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms in Tr,iV,w,i Vildff. heat, licrhfc and water urnisliifid. Call room 304. tf RIVER BOTTOM FARM, 160 86-100 acres, aoout la acres unaer piow. This is all sandy bottom loam land, all fenced and cross fenced. Uood house, good stock barn, dairy barn drill ;n font, with cement floors. stanchions for 36 cows.t Gas engino in barn with water tanu ana iuu barn equipment. Good peach orchard wrn.nn vinnvard. btd1b orchard anO small fruits. Plenty of fiuo wood on the place for fuel. This place is on good graveled road only two miles from Corvallis. It is considered one of the best bottom land places in the k Willamette valley. Wheat made as high as 22bttshels to-the acre xnis past aeason. The land has produced as high aa 5 tons of alfalfa per acre. Wo might take a small piece of good town property or a good car as part payment. Price $22,000. Call on or write owners, E. A. Miller and H. E. Walter, Box 86, Corvallis, Or. 11-30 OLD paper for aarpets, etc., 10. ents per hundred, call at Journal office. . tf vitwht.1. Cor 275. Terms. Me chanically perfect. Highway Garage Phone 355. Jall 1UUO . n FOB RENT 1355 State St. beautiful 7 room bungalow, strictly modern. Adults only. Phone 997. 11-26 WANTED House work, no chillron, r, TMuliimr. flail 144 S. 13th St. 11-26 FOR SALE 1916 Ford, shock absorb ers, speedometer, good tiros and ex tra a asn 8(545 Portland road. 11-30 LIBERTY BONDS If you must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf WANTED To buy beef cattle and .Wo. Phnna 1578W. 12-12 TWO and three room furnished apart fa 401 N Cottaze. Phone 2203. 12-5 WILL trade Salem residence property for merchandise of any kind. Ad M n ata .TnurcaL 12-1 uifas " - I, ALL PAPEB 15 cento per double roll upward. Burse's Furniture Store, 179 Iwmmflroiq 1 v SNAP 2 acre tract on Garden road, good buildings, take auto, little cash, ooav tnmia nn balance. F. L. Wood Ttfivnn hl.l.r. 11-20 WvTKT) To buv an oak or steel fil ing cabinet, write us giving deserip- Inn and .nrini. Mitlcr & Walter. Cor- m. 11-27 LOST Or stolen. Saturday. White French poodle dog. Reward for re turn. 495 N. 12th St. Phore 1020J. 11-27 liam McGikhsist, Jr., and Frank Myers. Keeper of Rolls. William Gahlsdorf has held this reispoosible job the past year. The work requires that of keep ing minutes of all meetings. Other officers to be elected include the Duke of Lambert, now officially held by Frank Lovell. Keeper of the Archieves, David W- Eyre, present in cumbent. King's Jester, Walter Wins low occupying the office for the past yoar. Kuecn Anne's consort, P. E. Ful lerton present incumbent. Archbishop of Bickreall, Elmer Dane, whose suc cessor is to be chosen. Earl of Waldo, Paul Johnson, who has seryea nis one HELP WANTED Government needs thousands men and women for gov ernment departments, railway mail, uMarqui of Maraschino, present post, .customs, mtcraal t- , 1-?(Z,II10 -rox. now in Port- enue. $1100, flSOU. examinations . y " soon. Experience unnecessary. For q h lunchGon and variou8 Free particulars regarding examma- Entertaining features .of the tions wri e J. C. Leonard, '(former I ggn'ng King Bing Tatton has eppoint civil service xam..ner,) 1059 Keno.s J ,nraittoe: P. E. Ful- bmiaing, waslnngton, v. U ll-M - " " ,.air. Elmer DauCC. E. Knowland, Paul Johnson and Grovcr Bellinger. NOTICE OF TEMPORARY APPOINT- In tho county court of tho state of Oregon for the county of Marion. , PnrHnnd Trust Comnanv of Portland. a a corporation, plaintiff, vs Finckney d , Bros. Dairy, a corporation, Welch Elec tric & Fixture company, a corporation, and J. R. Kennedy, defendants. . NriHflA la hnrfthv criven that bv order of the above entitled court duly made ... .1.. .nit. -. and entered on the 19th day of Novem-, . til thcr are approved by ber, 1918, John E. Cronan was appoin f ! cL,uissioa and an WANTED Girl or woman for general house work for two weens. Appi Mrs. Warren Hunt, 890 Oak. Phone 1296. na6 FOR SALE On registered Shropshire ram lamb, weight 110 pounds. His siro is an imported Shropshire. Price $18. Fred Schneider, Albany, Rt. 1, box 43. 1126 RANTED Two men with families for general farm work. Furnished house and other supplies; ateady work; wages. W. J. Turnidge, Talbot, Ore gon. f1 PU3NTY of money to loaa on good firms; low interest rate; five years time; privilege to pap 100 or multi iil on any interest date. Call or write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic bldg, Salem. t FIBST MORTGAGES for sale. Seed ed by well improved valley farms in amounts of 50O up to $10,000. Thos. A. Roberts, Phone 1127, 314 Masonie 'building. 1S-4 FOR REAL ESTATE TRADES See NIEMEYER TTns.9 farms all over the TJ. S. from Florida to Washington. From Michi gan to California, and Canada to oi fer for farms in the WILLAMETTE VALLEY Vau nan tradB vour Salem property for property in Seattle, Boise, Chica go, San Francisco, Spokane, Portuuid, otc. I have tho properties to otter you. For instance: 112 acres Imperial valley 320 acres near Maffison, Wis 240 acres at Grand Island, Nob. 200 acres cotton land, Texas 480 acres at Ray, N. Dakota 243 acres at Council, Idaho 40 acres near Delta, Utah A linnui in PnCfttpllo . ,r,nrtmPTit. house at Riverside, California. Beautiful residence at Spo kane, another in Los Angeles, une ai Thn owners or tne eoove wm " fj noh i;ffirnnc.n. But the farms suuit; wio" -- . offered must bo absolutely first class Co.. vnn mfttch anv or tnem n W. Niemever 544 State street, ai, tjaicuii . . . References: Interstate Realty Asso ciation. Portland Realty uoara, ckuvu. Bank of Commerce. . Real estate is beginning to boom. Get ready! fiOOD BUYS .un fm of first class farm land in high state of cultivation, 100 acres in crop, balance pasture, ruumnS price fS5 per acre, iu acre iracu, ., acres bearing Italian prunes, small housn, price $3000. 75 acre trr.ct, 56 acres of bearing Italian prunes in fust class condition, balance in mmus-i, price $21,500. 15 acre tract, 10 ecres of prune orchard, balance crl ivated land, price $5000. 160 acre farm, all cultivated, good buildings, daik soil, price $125 per acre. 25 acre frm a .11 iMiltivated. pood house. orchard, price $5000. 100 acre farm, 40 icres eultivated, balance pasture and imber, running water, old buildings, nnice 6000. 17 3-4 aero tract, 5 acres if Ijoganberries in first class condition jcveral acres more cultivated, balance in timber and pasture, 4 miles . out, price $3500. 1 acre tract, S-4 acre m Loganberries, good house, well, price 1300. 320 acre farm, 225 acres cultivat ed, balance timber and -pasture, good house, barn, rock road, 7 nHe from Salem. This is good grain or y.ane land, priee W V" " r'000 awn' balance terms at 6 per eent int. Good 7 room atrictlv modern house, paved street, price $3700. Good 5 room p al tered house, paved etreet, fnce UM 10 acre tract, 5 acres cultivated, bal ance pasture, house and bain, chicken house, wen. ... n If you want to buy, traue or sell, WH. GRABBEXHORST & CO. 275 State street H-2 iH 4oTHTiriraTir receiver of the defend ant, Pinckney Bros. Dairy, a corpora tion, sola1 appointment to continue un til the 30th day of November, 1918, at ho linnr nf 2 n 'clock m.. at which time all persons interested are hereby notified to appear in tne court room oj. the above entitled court to show causa if any exist why said receivership should not be continued subject to the further order or tne saia coun JOHN E. (JKOjNAJN, 11.27 Temporary Receiver. 1WTTRT WAVE APPROVAL OP COMMISSIONERS The increase in telephone rates which tho Pacific Telephone & Telo- graph company sought to put ovor with out recoLmmns tho Oregon state law regulating public utilities, will not go thoi public, service conimissiou ' and an ordoro issued. - This turn in the drawn-out controver sy between tho public service commis inn onl thn Romnanv and the poBtmas- rlnveloDcd today wlien the conmiisBion recoivcd a telegram irom Vostuiaster General Burleson requesting tho commission to consider the schedule of increased rates filed a8 an appnea tinn fn an increase. Tin nuks tliH commission to grant an early hearing on the application and to 4T I pi &mk Mm wm A. . I Rfl Bl? iif ' m EVERY DEPARTHEITT I Prepare for the Holidays by Shopping early; Please shop in the mornings if t possible; our service will be better. " It 4- w-wwwwm w w-w-w-w -r-w-w -w -w vtt-w v v v w -w -w -w w --r -r-w-w-wT w w w w WW" TTTTT CKrisbnasSuee i h !f iuits Dresses Reduced 4 We have selected a lot of suits and dresses to make our Ready-to-Wear department a busy place dur ing Holidays and have reduced them all 20 per cent regardless of their real worth and values. See this selection if you wish to save money. "Iff ' 4 Compared With Ordinary Underwear Silk Underwear Is Inexpensive These soft, dainty, lux urious garments, which wash with the e?.E2 of a pocket handkerchief, af ford the same protection as ordinary under v ar of much greater" w tight Many persons have looked upon the use of KayserMarvelf it". Ital ian silk underwear as a luxury. The present ad vance in ordinary ma terial, such as cotton, has by comparison made silk underwear in expen sive. A great luxury at 6mall cost. n Si Salem's Toyland is runmiig full blast. it Toys, Games, Dolls, Trams, Books THANKSGIVING ,ALS BUY YOUR WANTS FOR THE TI1WSGIVING DINNER AT CLOSING OUT SALE fa -Store farmers9 Cas Groceries. Crown and Olympia flour $2.95 Snow Drifted, Hardwheat flour ........ . . . . .$2.90 Economy flour .$2.75 6 pounds Crisco at Reliance Coffee, pound ? 30c Economy Coffee, pound 19c Canned sweet corn, at v. . .15c 20c canned peas -17c 15c Campbell Soups, at 12c Ghiradelli's Chocolate ......30c Cream of Barley, package 22c Saler Brand Pineapple -23c All kinds of spices, can ...... ; 8c Best White Beans 9c $1.15 Brooms at .75c VEGETABLES Best Australian Onions, lb. 2c; sack delivered....$1.75 No. 2 Onions, pound ---- 1 l-4c Best Potatoes, pound . - -2c Best Potatoes, sack delivered , $1.75 Good Cabbage, pound '. .i:.............3c Sweet Potatoes, pound 4c No. 2 Cabbage - i- 1 l-2c All Orders of $3 or Orer Delivered FREE of charge Shop Early Be- XX fore Stocks Are Depleted You can Always do Better at Shop in Morn ings. We can give - you better ser-vice COO&lCOOPS tt recognizo the urgent need for addition-' al revenues from the tclcpliono service. The postmaster general ponies our that ho duns not riaaa an the Question as to whether the United States gov ernment, which now has control of the telephone company, would be claflsed as a public utility under tho pit, t .'tins of the stato law, but he is willing to proceed in tho method laid down by the law for obtaining an increase iu rates. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY HOOVER AUBIVBS IS FABIS. Puris, Nov. 2tf.--Herhert Hoover aud his party arrived here from England this morning. Ho plans to confer with Colonel House and Food Minister lior-et. I ' 41 Ai ber fcVfckVN I J tat nr irAinnnnnur AMI) THURSDAY - W J : : ; w u MH EDITH TAIJAFERRO Wf X f-rt;.! (; JACK SHERRILL I M ItaCOilltl . j : -YWl a II liHIIHHIl j - yv-. Charlie I " I . 'X SOME SHOW cJ li- r; MITCHELL LEWIS THE SIGN INVISIBLE " Jourcal Want kk Pay ifvoing picture lovers who remem- Ttie Harrier " with piensnrc which means pretty well every one "U . ..... .. ft"'" " ' 7 J "The Sign Invisible," enminit to Ijib'rJ erty theater, starting Thursday, is the ( i ;work of the same airceior, r.dL'ar ijtw i, and that the leading parts aro play ed by the jame actors who hud so much in An with tha oonularitv o' Mr. Lew is' former miwss. Mi'chcll Iewis, ( ( Tt' I . l. 1 1 1.!- f-lnAm ..!! li!m, Viftnr Riinilnrlnml Edward F. Eose- man, Mabel Juline Scott, were in 'The f Warner,' iicaua is aw w cast. rr.,rTrt-H THSATR5 . V5