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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1918)
PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. H.R.PARKS,DIR OF MINES BUREAU, E - Mini riiiif & mfefestei SMfeiMij - ; lip lii iff : 'IBS alf i , h ??-i5 - irim i Yn prftr tnfi rem Kiir pv iraitroui : C7f 11 ' sible price, because of & " inn iyBWii s n mmi enormous business done in . mmm . . !l nn&PX Sm : Icky Strike Cigarettes. ' I mi ' JMrfff f 7 I 7fflBffi8l ' s- ; .11111 : 1 HI hZHU U SMI Th w, . nHT,W 1 itH J I I I VS. -Ys L I I II . Hmtitittt 1 .1 V... ItttiffitfttW 1 , I e)H Ln m Ji I Strike Cigarettes iias.never been in '9111 W Uta' cfil 1 1 eqea bY any other;brand in the IJ 1 1 ill roW rfflltllli faist:oa:y o oigrax-etto mkto. ' , ' inpiiHi liliiilillii v 1! i foWWli feiiidfii&firi lit If lift m ill I fliifi! . i i nM 1 " "" 1111 I I I f I 'AtTT'MnvriM'r irrivi I . uuvLKfuucni mid The Capital National Bauk hM brought suit npuiist tle City of 8lwn for iMW), on three warrants of $1000 each. Thoy ar dated . Nov. 25, 1912, and aa Iho statute! of limitutiuu wan about t0 oxpire ,the bank brought rniit not especially to irot the nioncv but tn a. ana i. i iiimaii tiuvo brought suit Keep Uio wurrunti fi'oia being outlawed ajtainst Kin ruw, a Chinauiriu, sua C. Court House News W. A. Jettee, ai trustee ,aml C. W. A. Jrtte. They allege that 2833 wa fur nished the Chinamnn, which amount is utill due and that he had contracted to Mil 20,000 puunda of hops from the ' 1918, 1917 mid 1918 crop, at 11 centa pound. They ak for 14,o80.0. Mr.1 Jcttte la included in the suit aa he was ' A iwleniFnt nenmst tho e'itv will have the effect of extending the leRal life time of the warrants. 8ix years aeo tney were prescuted to the eity for pay me nt and returned with the notation "no fundi." They were later present to iur pnTiueui ;nror me uaiiK chused aal again returned with the notation there waa r funds in the to aet as trustee Tho DIET Curing and After lh Cli RelUbls Raasd Pactagg for Kin Pn.w 1 . . DM i city treasuery for their payment. 1 V'l'wi""', J v 0 MS V I ?.. FLUERZfi IKIcdHdcEs altod r.liltt Very Nutritious, Digestible Th REAL Food-Drink, Instantly prepared. Made by tho ORIGINAL Horlick proceaaand from carefully (elected materials. Used successfully over century. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. ' or lick's ttcr;-i M. L. Whitsoll brought suit against W. n. ltoss, May Boas and Welch Bros. After hearing the testimony ,the eourt decreed that the plaintiffs recover from Welch Bros. 700.00 with. 81.75 interest and $18.50 tuxes paid on the mortgaged land and $74.00 attorney's tees. Also that the plaintiff have first lien and title totha mortgage to be fore closed on Lot 38 of Hmith-'a ITruit farms No. 1. Also that the interests of Welch Bros, were inferior to that o fths plain tiffs. , Abandoned by his parents when one day old and taken in the home of E. E. 1'iirker, a boy, giveu a temporary name of John Anderson now beeoinea a legal son of Mr. and Mrs. E. . l'arker. They have named him. Ivan Clare, Parker, and by oritur of the county court, he is legally their son. The estato of Jonninaa Smith has boeu closed and the administratrix, Ma ry li. Wnu th. has been discharged and her final report approved. Tho estates of John Anderson and I a; wis Anderson have both been closed by the couuty eourt. For each Chris- tia Anderson baa served as adminis tratrix. The eourt orders that she tw discharged and her bondsmen released soon as she files reeeipta for dis bursements of both estates. Henry B. Hoffman ha been appointed by the county court as administrator of the estate of Harlan B. Hoffman. (Continued from page one) 15 British prisoners of war tell of fear ful atrocities by their German captors.! They are reaching the allied lines rag-the army and takes the case out of the ged, hungry and suffering from abase. I state authorities. In striking contrast to this was the ac tion of the Ban Francisco labor couneil which Friday voted against a Mooney strike. The council action, however, did not bind the machinists' union. which voted to strike December 9 and telegraphed President Wilson asking him to intercede once more for Mooney. ' Claim nckert "Framed" case. Labor's claim for Mooney lire is based upon its firm belief that perjured testimony- of Frank C. Oxmau convict- ed him and that District Attorney Fickert "framed" the ease against Mooney in an attempt to victimise nn- hiu labor. They coint to the recent dictagraph expose by John Densmore, representing Secretary of Labor Wilson ag prooa that Fickert "caused a condi tion of anarchy to exist in the hall of justice," quoting Densmore s report Tho grand jury investigation te Densmore ' e harrow, whioh started last night, adjourned before oy evidence was taken. It will resume Friday morning. Densmore, in Portland, announced he' would return to testify before grand jury. But none says for the grand jury that it ran -save Mooney. - It is purely as investigation into the methods ef the district attorney and others. ' Mooney will hang , unless Governor Stephens acts, er, and this is eonaidor- , i v , n .... .mf t e a wnt ewtnee, unless rresiaen v rr u- son step la aa commander is chief of j Interested la Chrome Ore In dustry Which Has Devel oped As Result of War. H. B. Parks, director of the Orezon I bureau of mines and geology, was here today to enlist the co-operation of Gov- jernor Witkyeombe 'and Attorney Gen eral brown in upholding the handg of franklin i. Lane, scwetary of the in terior, relative to the f ioht being ninde by the steel corporation against the minerals control bill recently enacted by congress. Mr. Parka is interested particularly. I just now, in protecting the elu"ome ore industry wnich tas developed In tbis stato as. a direct result of the war. This oro is used in the manufacture of steel, and under the provisions of the miner als control bill the secretary of tho in- I terior, who has been appointed admin- Iisjrator of the bill, can protect the in dustry by shutting down on imports of chrome ore. This would force contin lucd use of the domestic product and give the men who made large invest ments for the purpose of developin' ehronie mines opportunity to recover tho money they, have expended. uregon is in position to turn out B0,- 000 tons of the ore next year, Baid Mr. Parks. The priee has been $60 a ton. This would amount to $3,000,000 for I this state. SHOE OFFER to siraniK I Grand Duchess Will Take No Share In Government Of Her Country At Present Washington, Nov. 26. President f Wilson's (intervention in behalf of the grand duchy of Ljxemb.irg was be sought today in a telegram from the grand duchess. She asked thai he save the duchy from the passage of GTrman I troops (probably moanin? dttlrucfion committed by them) and that he pro tect at tne peace negotiations' tne rights of Luxemburg as a small, inde pendent free nation. The message was referred to tho Vervailles council. To Take no Sb&t in Government London,, Nov. 28. The grand duoh- I ess of Luxemburg has decided to take I no share in the government of her eountry for the present, a dispatch to. the Express, announced, to.lay; Luxemburg has been un'ler German military rule from tre siart of the war until the recent evacuation. It is now occupied by American and -French troops. . : LTJDENDOKFF TO SWEDEN" . f oponlingcn, ....ov. 26.-Goneral I.u- I dendorff, former commander in chief I of the Gorman armies, has. gone to Swo den, it was reported today. STOPS ANY COLD IN A FEW Recent arriyal of a big shipment of shoes (ordered a good while ago but delayed by the shoe factories being busy on government orders) makes it necessary for us to re duce our stock so that we will have room for other ship ments due to arrive soon. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE PRICES : f$10.50 Florsheim Shoes .:-Cg 71 $10.00 Keith Konqueror Shoes : -$8.65 $9.50 Keith Konqueror Shoes JcL35 $&00 Keith Konqueror Slypes :--$7.85 $8.00 Keith Konqueror Shoes : - $6.85 $7.00 and $7.50 Keith Konqueror Shoes, choice t.$6.35 Other Keith Konqueror Shoes, $5.00 and $5.35 $9.50 Tilt Shoes : $7.85 $7.50 Buckhecht Genuine Army Shoe -:- $5.95 $6.00 Buckhecht Army Shoes, second grade ".-$4.95 Remember, every pair of shoes in stock is on sale during these five days (Nov. 26, 27, 28, 29, 80) at equally low prices, and we are not selling some one else's goods but our own lines which we carry in stock at all times. Paris Shoe Shop 150 Thousand Casualties . Yet To Be Made Public Washington, Nov. 25. Publication of nearly 150,000 casualties of various kinds, roniaiiis to be made. Total pub lication to date amounts to about 85, 000. Many of the remaining 'lists will bo muinly minor wound cases. Whilo the war department gave no figures today as totho euniber of tele graph notices sent to relatives it was said that tho press publication now runs about a week behind the , telegraphic notification. It is uncertain how soon General Per shing will be able to furnish the gov ernment the complete list of names on tho casualty list. EX-KAISER- USED FRAU1 Geneva, Nov. 26. "The kaiser took with him all tho government gold and silver securities and used fraud to get them past, the customs authorities," says the Neue Leipziglixeitnng. CENTRAL O. T. S. DEMOBILIZED Rockford, 111., Nov. 25. The three hundred and twelfth, Thirty ninth and Fortieth coast artillery companies, to talling more than 6000 men, arrived at Camp Grant today for dcmobiliza. tion. TliOy--wflt be-mustojed out at once. Demobilization of the central of ficers' training school also began to HOURS Pane's Cold Compound" Ends Severe Colds Or Gnppe In Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every two hours until three doseare taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either in the head, chest, body or limbs, . s It promptly- opens clogged-up nostrils and- air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, re lieves sick headache, dullness," feverish ness, sore threat, sneering, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuf fed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Kase your throbbing head! Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only a few cent, at any drug store. It aets with out assistance, tastes nice, causes no inconvenience. Be sure you get the genuine. ' $325 ,$2.50 t The best 72-inch Mercerized Table cloth, yd........90c When Tongue Is Coated Drink Celery King Take it yourself and give it to the children for it's a purely vegetable laxative tea that acts promptly on the bowels and never causes the least dis tress. It puts you right over night and when vou catch cold and btome fev erish yeu mustn't fail to drink a cup ful hot before going te bed. f or sick headarne, buuouroess, ilu- ainesft, dtsordesed stomach and slug- gisto liver there is nothing that will do the work so well. Every druggist has it. A generous package costs only a few teats. I ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM ! REAL TABLE LINENS. All -Linen TahV Cloth $1.50 Mercerized Table Cloth All Linen , Table - Cloth 2 Yards Wide A Yard $00 Extra , Pine Ali : Linen Table Cloth AYard i i Nice new dress ginghams, pretty plaids and stripes, ,fast colors, a yard 35c TOWELS, TOWLING AND STAND COVERS Stand Covers . 36x36 " $1.00 Toweling Yard 10c Guests all linen towling, yard 75c, 50c, 45c and 42c 18-inch heavy all linen bleached towling, yard 30c ' unoieacnea, pari unen toweling, yaru ioc Big assortment of bed spreads $1.50 up to $5.00 tied spreads, vexes, at $3.ou, ?j.uu ana v I 3 Lb. Cotton Batts Turkish Table Towels- . Runers 25c Up 17x54 Towels C 18x36 13 1-2x70 20c 38c ' Cotton Blankets ,68x76 $230 Nice Plaid Blankets 66x80 Cotton $6.50 At 65c At $1.00 r Silk Umbrellas, black or colors. Ivory handles and : -, t ivory tipped ....:........r..$el50, $5.00 and $4.50 ; : Umbrellas at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.25, $2.50 : : 240-246 COHHERCIALSTREET e