m PAGE TEN fkllallpiifjllfoumal SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. We wish to call your attention To Our Prices on a few articles, with which you are familiar, that will give you an idea of the "GREAT SAVING" We make you. Similar savings will be1 made on other things throughout the entire store. Dress Ginghams 29c Yard Zephyr Ginghams, 32 inches wide 35c and 39c Scales 17c, 20c, 29c, and 35c Yd Cheviot Shirting..... 29c Yard Kiddie Cloth, 32 inch 39c Yard NEW CHALLIES in neat patterns for a nice dress, kimona, dressing sacque, etc., which are good and wear fine 9gc yarJ DO NOT OVERLOOK US FOR PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS J. C. Penney Co Men's Overcoats for Thanksgiving Day and Afterwards No store in the country can sell you overcoats as low no uro ran fvornmtia in ohanlntolv all-wnstl matarlola I in the popular Balmaccan style with plain or Raglan m a shoulder at $16.50 Buy one of these warm, serviceable coats now. You will save $10.00 by doing so. "We Keep the Quality Up, and the Prices Down" All Around Town Not. 28. Thanksgiving. Nor. 30. Election on School Budget Dec. 1. Elks Annual Mem orial Services. Opera House Si:30 p. m- Dec. 11-14 Fifth Annual Marion County Corn Show. Incorporated jwri S PERSONALS Sergeant K. E. Baker of Camp Lewis Is home on a short furlough. He has jost recently recovered from a severe attuck of pmununnin. Muuvlce Hunt, formerly with tho J. A. Sword Neekwonr company of Tor onto, Canada, will leave Friday for Los Angeles, after a visit In the city with relatives. , Mrs. James C. Bowen and three chil dren arrived in the city yesterday to remain during the winter. Mr. Bowen whi is in tho cattle business at Knglo Valley will join his family in about I a month. J. M. Lehman, a former resident of Salem, is in tho city visiting his dniigh- ter Mrs. B. O. Orb on South Winter1 street. It was about 8 years ago that Mr. Lehman made his home in tho city. T. fl. Albert, Miss 'dura Albert and Mrs. Sarah Robinson will go to Eugene tomorrow for a family Thanksgiving meeting. They will be tho guosts of E. T. Albert. 8. E. Notson, district attorney for Morrow ouaty is in tho city visiting his sou and daughter who are attend ing school in tho city. 0. M. Lbekwood lef this morning for Portland to attend a meeting of all state "couonty food administrators. Hurley 0. White went to Portland this morning on business matters for I). A, White and Sons. C. F. Holmes of Cambridge, Mass., is registered at tho Bligh. Mrs. Elizabeth Reed will leave Thurs day for Holyoke, Colorado, 9r. M. 0. Findley will return Wod neldiiy from au outing at Klamath Falls. Dean Curtis, son of Mrs L. G. Cur tis, who has been visiting the past two weeks in Halem, loft last evening for Vallejo, CValif near Han Francisco, Ho will serve on one of tho now de stroyers just completed at San Fran cisco, Young Curtis came to Salem di rect from yueenstown, Ireland, whero he was in the V. 8. naval service. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAf EXTRA FANCY CORN FATTED RKEYS TU CHIC KENS STtUSLOFF BROS. mc. Wholesale and Retail Butchers And Packers MEATS OF ALL KINDS, SAUSAGES, LARD, ETC Northwest Corner Court and Liberty Sts Perfection and Qeanliness of SALEM, OREGON rhone 1528 Manufacture " "Everything Guaranteed" "Tne funeral Beautiful. " Webb 3kugh Co. tf I hare moved my offices Into more pleasant and more commodious quar ters on the third floor of the U. S. National bank building. Dr. 0. L. Scott Chiropractic-Spinologist, 309-213 U. S. National bank bldg. tf The annual campaign for Bed Cross memberships will be put on in Salem from Dec. 15 to Dec. 23. A membership in the Red Cross is only one dollar and it is thought there will be no difficul ty in securing memberships close to the present number, - Highways Bapid Transit auto service to Portland and way points daily. Leav es Salem 10 a. m. 137 S.. Com'l tit. Phone 603. tf "The best" is all yon can do when loath comes.- Call Webb A Clough Co Phono 120. tf. WANTED Man to take general agency for Ma rion county on a high grade specialty, patented and endorsed by the best people of this and foreign countries. We have men making $500 per month and up. If you havo $200 for stock you can secure sole agency. JNo competition. Investigate and be convinced. See J. D. Lewis, Bligh hotel. . Mr. and Mrs. B. C Slnegar received a telegram this morning from their son Ray L. Binegar with the news that ho had been appointed first sergeant. Ho is stationed at Camp Kendriak, Lako Hurst, Now Jersey. Flan to eat Thanksgiving dinner at Hotel Marion; A splondid course din ner at $1.50 per cover will be served from 5:30 to 8 o'clock. 11-28 THE CHARLES B. ABCHEBD IM PLEMENT COMPANY take pleasure in announcing that they have added feed to their line, and are now prepared to s'TP'y tn trade with the following: . I .ROLLED BARLEY 1 GROUND OATS AND BARLEY GROUND BARLEY ... ' (X)IIN CRACKED CORN 1LOLSTKIN DAIRY FEED CARNATION DAIRY FEED BERKSHIRE HOG FOOD SCRATCH FOOD COTTON SEED MEAL Other feeds will be added from time to time, for it is their intention to car ry a full line. Terms on feed will be strictly cash. 11-28 Thanksgiving is one of the real holi days and not a sort of half way, ono. It is national and for this reason, tho post office will be closed in all depart mentB excepting for ono hour between 9 and 10 In the morning when the gen eral delivery window will be open. There will bo no mail service in tho city or for the rural routes, Order your Ice Cream for Thanks giving. Wo close at noon that day. P. M. Gregory, Salem's Ice Cream Man, 2k) 8. Com'l St. Phono 1490, 11-27 Diuidjitf starts at 7 p. a). Thanks giving day at the armory. 11-27 CAED OF THANKS Wo wish to thank our friends and the members of the Odd Fellow lodgo for their acts of kindness and words of . sympathy-during our recent bereave-1 rneiit. Also for the many floral offer- ... . . , . IT ings. -Mrs. Bupnio JV-'ene, .urs. . a. Hughes. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friendsi for kindness dunnir our days oi sor row, during the illness and death of our late daughter and sister. Mrs. Minnie Potwm luik, Special mcet'.ng cf Multno. mah chanter No. E. A. M. this evening at 7.30 sharp. Work dii the Murk Master degree. Visiting Companions welcome. Now that the Thanksgiving buying is about over, the market on oranges and lemons is weakening. For those who enjoy grape fruit, it nyiy be said that the Florida Black Diamond brand will soon bo on the market. This is regarded as one of the firest grape fruits on the market.. Big Thanksgiving dance at armory Nov. 28th. Fivo piece orchestra. 11-27 Dr. ftchenk has now returned from his vacation and he extends a cordial invitation to his natrons and friends to visit his institution. U For real Interesting new read the "New Today" page of tho Capital Journal. For instance there appeared yesterday the following: "Lost; Small purse Sunday. Contains French poodle I dog. Reward for return." Mistake, will ! occur in the best regulated families as well as newspapers and m this instance a correction line just happened to be dropped in the wrong place. But tho fact still remains that the "New To day" pase if always full of human iutervst. To a great extent tho col umns tell an interesting story every day. Better dentistry without pain. Two post graduate eoure in painless den tistry. Dr. Hartley. Phone 114. tf Yesterday on his 91st birthday, Basil Todd of Sidney died at the home of his son Ernest Todd. For the past three years he had taken no medicine nor called a doctor. He had serenely thot of the time when he would pass away and had given several instructions as to his funeral services. One was that he wanted no automobiles in the pro cession, but that the hearse should be drawn by the horses that he had seen with the hack that worked out of Sid ney. .Another .was that a plain black casket would be. suitable. In all to spect9 his wishes were complied with at the funeral held this afternoon at Sidney. o Dance with the happy crowd at the armory Thanksgiving day. 11-27 Died t - JLAJrWAaA a. I a 1 a ajBrTalBntaMl ft. a V a 6H fli'S We have both and the quality is A-l. If you have not al ready placed your, order for one of these fme birds we ad vise you to come and select one at once if you want a bet ter Turkey or chicken for your Thanksgiving dinner. Then for those who prefer PORK Wehave som very fancy Corn Fed Pig Pork, especially fattened for this day of thanks CREAM FED V VP A I BOHLE At the home of Hy Riedesel, 704 North Cottage street, Mrs. Clara A. Bohle.- She is survived by her husband Wil liam Bohle and two sons, William Bohle and James H. Bohle. The body will be shipped to Falls City for burial. Now is the time to place your orders for rosebushes, shrubbery, fruit, walnut and ornamental trees for immediate planting, with th Capital City Nur sery Co., 1030 Cheni. St. Phone 75. 11-31 The bridge, auditing, engineering and drafting departments of the Highway department at the state house will soon move to rooms on the fifth floor of the Salem bank of Commece building. These departments now occupy commit tee rooms in the state capitol building and as there is a prospect of consider able committee work the coming leg islature, they have been asked to make way. A life prisoner, Edward Gossort died this morning at the state penitentiary. He was sent up from Umatilla county i for murder. At the fifth annual Marion county corn show to be held the second week in December, the prizes will be the same as last year and all the rules in force for the last December Bhow will prevail for the coming one- This was decided at a meeting held last evening at the Commercial club, L. J. Chapin presiding. Miss Mary McCann, a demonstrator, will demonstrate Umeco" and Colum bia oleomnrgorine for several days at the Roth grocery. The Elks' lodge will hold its usual meeting Thanksgiving evening. It is felt that after taking life easy all day and doing justice to the national bird, that tho iboys would like to stroll down town to enjoy a short session of the lodge. Alternating lights from the Bishop clothing store windows reflected across the . street ana into tne rooms oi tne Oreeon hot) erowers association last night, giving the appearance of a flash light in-the office. The police inves tigated when a report was made of the flash lights in tho office. . THANKSGIVING DAY AT . THE CATHOLIC CHURCH According to the request of tho pres ident, there will be an observance of Thanksgiving Day at the Catholic church. It will consist of a High Mass with special music and a sermon bearing on the day at 8 o'clock in the morning. Everyone is invited. ' Ed Gosson, the tenth convict to die at the .penitentiary tfrom influenza, passed away this morning. He was serving a life sentence for murder, having been received from Wasco County in 1908. WANTED . Household goods, harness, wagons, toaaa, ranges, heaters, cook stoves, farm ma chinery, etc. I pay cash or will sell on commissioil from stock sales con ducted anywhere. Phono 510 or 511 Woodry, the Auctioneer. If you have not yet enjoyed a delicious Roast of our Cream Fed Veal, surely you have missed something when it comes to good eats. DOCTOR STANTON Dermatologist ' Foot Specialist CORNS, BUNIONS, INGROWING TOE NAILS REMOVED Without Blood or Pain or Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience. Chilblains and All Diseases of tho Feot . Cured. . Special Attention to Antiseptics ther by Preventing Infection. Appointments by Phone. Lady Assistant. . 518 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. 'hone 416. Saicra-Ore L.M.HUM are of MIDGET'S Made expressly for your" Thanksgiving Breakfast Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine taa Tea C, Has, medicine which will tan any known disease. . Opn Sundays from 10 t. a on til S p. m. 1S3 South Hiuh St. Salem, Oregon. Phoaa 181 t Market ! Originators cf Low Prices 351 State St I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber tnd junk. Get my Pricis Before you sell. THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. Phone 393 The Square D House 271 Chemekcta Street h4 ! Ladies' Coats tvJUlldand I Dresses At Greatly Reduced Prices Coats, $16.75 And Up ' Siiits $12.90 And Up Dresses $9.90 And Up Our Prices Always The Lowest GALE & COMPANY : ,' ' , PHONE 1072 Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store Thanksgiving Delicacies SEE OUR Before Placing Your Ordet Elsewhere UMECO NUT BUTTER DEMONSTRATION It will pay you to investigate this- wholesome food article. Umeco Nut Buter 40c. Oleomargerine, 45c - C Home-made Mince Meat, per pound.... :.20c Extra Selected Sweet. Potatoes ...5 lbs. for 25c Lake Labish Celery, fancy quality, 10c, 3 for 25c Los Angeles Extra Fancy Head Lettuce, 3 forrs;.25c Navel Oranges, dozen 60c, 75c and $1.00 Fancy Florida Grape Fruit 2 for t25c King, Northern Spy and Baldwin Apples, box....$1.50 TABLE DELICACIES R. R. Plum Pudding; Mrs. Porter's Fig, Fruit and Plum Puddings, 25s and 40c tins; Stem and Canton Ginger; Preserved Ginger in glass jars; Preserved Figs in glass; Layer Figs; Figs in wooden boxes; Fard Dates; Cluster Raisins; Mrs. Kidd's Pin Money Pickles; Heinz India Relish; Heinz Mustard Pickles, Relishes and Sauces; Ripe Olives in Bulk, glass and gallon tins. , ( LESTYOUFORGET Fisher's Blend is the best all-purpose flour on the American Market today. $3.15 per sack. ALWAYS SERVE GEM BLEND COFFEE With a special dinner; fresh roasted and ground. It's sure to please; 3 lbs. for $1.00. Roth Gtfocey Co. "DO YOUR SHOPPING TODAY" Caoital Journal Want.Ads Will Get You What You, Want