4 ' . SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. PAGE EIGHT Wie u;sA to call your attention-- To Our Prices on a few articles, with which you are familiar, that will give you an idea of the "GREAT SAVING" We make you. Similar savings will be1 made on other things throughout the entire store. Dress Ginghams 29c Yard j zepnyr uingnams, dz mcnes wwe fiC jj jyc If Percales - 17c, 20c, 29c, and 35c Yd if Thpvint Shirfiiijr 9Q YoyA , . 1IUU Kiddie Cloth, 32 inch 39c Yard NEW CHALLIES in neat patterns for a nice dress, 1 B kimona, dressing sacque, etc, which are good and if wear fine c Yard -41 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 m i 3 3 3 DO NOT OVERLOOK US FOR PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS J. C. Penney Co. Men's Overcoat ' for ... Thanksgiving Day and Afterwards I No store in the country can sell you overcoats as low as we can. Overcoats in absolutely all-wool materials in the popular Balmaccan style with plain or Raglan shoulder at $16.50" Buy one of these warm, serviceable coats now. You will save $10.00 by doing so. "We Keep the Quality Up, and the Prices Down" ft MM Incorporated The usual winter lectures of the Ba-1 The law firm of Trunin and Macy lorn public library will not begin this will move its offices Jan. 1 to rooms year until curly in Juuuary, Miss Flora Case, librarian announced today. , As now planned, the course will includo ix loctures to be given mostly by pro fi8ora from the University of Oregon. Tboro will bo three delivered on Gor many, referring espoctally to the Inter nal cqnditions and three on France. Ono of tlio lectures ou Franco will be illustrated. iu the Gray block, over tho Hurtman jewelry store. The election of Mr. Un ruh as justice of the peace has made it necessary to secure larger quarters. Tho firm will occupy four office rooms und a justice of the peace court room 18 by 24 feet. In all respects tho of fices will be furnished according to modern ideas, and this includes tho lurger room where tho justice's court will be hold. ; All Around Town COMNGEYENTS Nov. 28. Thanksgiving. Nov. 30. Election on School Budget Dec. 1. Elks Annual Mem orial Services. Opera, Bouse 8:30 p. in Dee. 11-14 Fifth Annual Marion County Corn Show. .Webb tf "The fun oral oeaatUnl.". COough Co. o I have moved my offices into more pleasant and more commodious quar ters on the third floor of the V. S. National bank building. Dr. O. L. Scott Chiropractic-Spinologist, 309-213 TJ. S. National bank bldg. tf o The ice is now broken in the issuing of building permits as Saturday the city recorder issued one to W. F. Gru sh aw for the erection of a building tc cost $1200 on State street between 19th and 21st. The permit previous to the ouo issuod Saturday wag dated bept. 18 Highways Bapld Transit auto service to Portland and way points daily. Leav es Salem 10 a. m. 137 S. . Com'l St. Phone 195. tf 'Th beat loath eomes. Phone 120. is all yon can do when Call Webb Clough Co. tf. Dr. Schenk has now returned from hit vacation and he extends cordial invitation to hii patrons and friends to visit his institution. tf Better dentistry without pain. Two post graduate courses jn painless den tistry. Dr. Hartley. Phone 114. tf Constance Overholt of Bellingham has writton tho police for information regarding hor son Gaylord -Bodenbcrg, whom sho has not seen for 11 years. Sho writes that he at ono time workod on a dairy ranch near Salem. i o Mince meat, plum pudding, cake, pie, bread, etc., for snlo by Presbyterian ladies, Tuesday. Court streot next to Stcusloff's. o WANTED Man to take general agency for Ma rlon county on a high grade specialty, patented and endorsed by the best people of this and foreign countries. We have men making $500 per month and up. If you have $200 for stock you can secure solo agency. No competition. Investigate and be convinced. See J. D. Sirvis, Bligh hotel. - O :' Ladies of the South Central Circle of the First Mothodist church have taken up tho Bod Cross nurses's training course for study the coming year. Tues day evening they will meet at the homo of Mrs. John Todd. The lecture will- bo givon by Jdiss Cook, a trained nurse. i o Plan to eat Thanksgiving dinner at Hotel Marion. A splendid course din ner at $1.50 per cover will be served from S:30 t;o 8 o'clock. 11-26 Presbyterian Cooked Food Bale Tues day, Court stroet next to Steusloff's. . o Captain Floyd D. Lewis of Silverton ,9 now in on American nase "!' training for officors. commissions will uuur l.UIlllUII. it nun OUiVillj;, l the ambulance service of the medical Chrestomathean and Chrestophalian are not names of pre historic animals, found in tho Willamette valley. TV'hile the names sound rather antediluvian and ferocious, the facts are they rep resent two societies of Willamette uni versity, and indicate that members are lovers of learning. The societies have exalted ideals of culture, limited in number and chosen each year. In the social world the Chrestomatheans co operate with their brother Society, the C'hrestophalians. It was these two so cieties that gave $400 for the erection of club rooms for the S.A.T.C. boys. The building now in course of erection will cost about $1200, the remainder of funds to be given by friends of the university. Now is the time, to place your orders for rosebushes, shrubbery, fruit, walnut end ornamental trees for immediate planting, with tli Capital City Nur sery Co., 103Q Chem. St. Phone 75. 11-31 Vide Bros, have been notified by the Ford Motor Co. that the new Ford cars will begin to arrive very soon and they are again taking orders. The enrollment of Willamette Uni versity now numbers 297.- At this timo one year ago it was 281. Masquerade 'at Chemawa Wednooday night. Cash prizes. o Dance with tha happy crowd at the armory Thanksgiving day. 11-27 o It looks just now as if the Thanks giving turkey will eost the good house keeper or the head of the family who pays the bills about 42 cents a pound. That is of course for choice turkey. The figure will run about from 40 to 42 cents. Turkeys, , are plentiful but the price remains steady. ,. . o Big Thanksgiving . dance at armory Nov. 28th. Five .piece orchestra. 11-27 " o Dandtng1 starts at 7 p. m, Thanks giving day at the armory. 11-27 Joe Owens of Oregon City left $10 in the city treasury yesterday. The speed cop got him on a double count, that of exceeding tho 15-mile limit in tho business section, and of hitting it up in tho business part of the city with tho muffler cut quf open. It was about 10:30 last night when it happened. .7- 0 No word has, as yet been received by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eckerlin, 605 N. Liberty strejt, as to, the correctness of the telegram with news of the death of their son Ernest in France Oct. 5 The family is hoping that some error has been made as they have a letter from him dated Oct. 16. PERSONALS . Fred S. Lamport is home on a few days' furlough from the Bremerton na vy yard. S. E. Notson of Heppner registered yesterday at the31igh. Abe F. BennotWf Eugene was a Visitor in Salem Sunday. Harold Eakin, now stationed at Camp Lewis was in the city over Sunday. He will return this evening. Lewis Griffith, who is in the mar ines, stationed at Mare Island, is home for a few days. Dr. Geo. F. Holt, pastor of the First Baptist church, will go to Portland tomorrow to attend as director the Bap tist state convention. J Died S HEBEL The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hcbel, Nov. 24, 1918, at tho age of one month. The funeral services will bo held at 10 o'clock Tucs day morning at the home 2105 Center street. Burial will be in Lee Mission cemetery. Born Cross To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Cross, 350 North 14th street, Sunday morning, Nov. 24, 1918, a daughter. She has been named Virginia Ellen. FEILER To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foilcr of 1496 North. Winter street, Nov. 24,' 1918, a daughter. day and hour -that the Bed Cross will accept cartons for Christmas presents, as the mailing office will be closed Nov 30. During the past four days 100 car tons were issued on permits while here tofore, there has been only 200 issued on labels. It was estimated that 750 cartons would bo called for and mailed from Salem alone, and against this es timate only 300 have been taken out. Although some of the restrictions have been removed regarding tho sale of the ingredionts of explosives, con ditions as in the past will continue tho sumo for those who are in need of stumping powder or dynnmito. Anyone needing such explosives is obliged to secure a permit to purchase from the county clerk. It seems that a number of people from widely different sections of tho country are becoming interested in the fruit possibilities of Oregon. livery day letters are .roceived at the Com mercial club asking for information, es pecially of that part of tho valley near Salem. There is no late advertising literature to send the people interested in the west and all that can be mailed is the old paniphlot of Salem and vi cinity prepared about five years ago. Inquiries were recoived today from Portland, Maine; Hoboken, New Jersey ' The fifteen' Willamette University, and Tucon, Arizona. o.a.t.u Doys now. at waco, lexas, Everything Got to be sold Before the 15th Of December GET WHAT YOU WANT AT A BARGAIN Musical Instruments (old violins), Clothing, Shoes Rifles, Watches, Tools, Suit Cases, Show Cases, Safe, Fixtures For Sale CHEAP he recoived his injury he was under fire for six days in the beginning Of the Oc tober offensive of tho American rtoops receive tnoir discharge ana be given corp8 mat no was wounacu. ueiore (jcrstood that aU of the young men will ..on - roturn to coutinuo their studies at Wil lamette but that only two have elected to remain in the Student s Army Train ing corps. These are Paul Flegol ai Benjamin Bickli. This week the boys are enjoying themselves seeing things as they are down south in the land of cotton as they have been given per mission to attend the annual cotton stato fair at Waco. ' Capital E xchange SECOND HAND STORE 337 Court St. THE CHARLES B. ARCHERD IM PLEMENT COMPANY take pleasure in announcing that they have milled feed to their line, and are now prepared to supply tho trade with the following: BOLLKI) BARLEY GROUND OATS AND BARLEY GROUND BARLEY I OOR.N I ('HACKED CORN j HOLSTKIN DAIRY FEED OA UN AT I ON DAIRY FEED BKKKSH1R1'! HOG FOOD HCUATOH FOOD COTTON HEED MEAL : Other feeds will be added from time to time, for it is thoir intention to car ry a full line. Terms ou feed will be strictly cash. 11-28 o Drop in this evening or tomorrow and get a nice fat young turkey at 38 cents a pound. G. W. Eyre, old Inde pendent market location, South Com mercial street. o i . There is an old song about a police man's life not a happy one. But Hie men lias nothing on the prune pack ers in tho Willamette valley this fall. Just as things were about to finally move Hlong all right, came tho tele phono mcssugo this morning to all prune packers to hold up shipments of prunes to tho war department. This means that about 10,000,000,000 pounds ' At today's weekly meeting of the Salem Minister's association, Rev. C. L. fcovel rend a paper.. on "Tho War and Spiritual Relationship." Figuring on a basis of the number of soldiers in tho service from mvcui and vicinity, and. on the number of carters that have been mailed, to tho boys overseas by the Bed Cross mail ing department, about half of tho men will receive no Christmas present. Sat urday evening at 5 o'clock is tho last v-M-M-v-H-TTT-fv CLOSING OUT AUCTION SALE. " CLEARWATER BROS.' BARN SATJOV.30,10A.M.SHARP 10 tons bailed hay; 4 tons straw; 16 sacks notatoes: 1 set heavv breochine of prunes that were about to be ship- harness; 10 second hand horse collars; ped to points in the United States and g ncw collars; 3 2-ton wagon jacks; 2 overseas lor American troops are nei(i'j,Hggy tongues; hay forks, Tope aud up awaiting further orders. At the pulleys; 1 double harpoon hay fork; 2 Friends of John Loder, city recorder of Oregon City, are greatly alarmed ov er his disappearance last Wednesday. Since he was last seen Wednesday n word has boon hoard from him although every effort has Becn mado to find him. Ho is an attorney and at ono time serv ed on tho city council of Oregon City. Ho is about 50 years old and has r. family. A "Victory" road from Portland to Salem ,decovnted with triiipiphal arch es looks better to a number of Portland people than an investment in a victory monument. Beccntly a meeting was held in Portland to effect a permanent organization to work out some plan in tho way of tho "Victory" road. Money for tho triumphal arches is toH)0 raised by popular subscription. The Six O'clock club of the First Mothodist church will ftTrct Tuesday evening in tho church parlors, and wo men ns well os men are invited. It is to be a pioneer meeting. The address es of tho evening are to he delivered by the Hon. C. B. Moores of Portland who will speak on "Belntion of tho Methodist Episcopal Church to tho Early Political Life of tho States" and Justico Henry L. Benson, who will speak on "The Tioneer Minister." Mu sic for the evening will include vocal solos bv John H. Todd and Prof. J. E. Ladies P urses- a new and splendid showingof Ladies' Pocketbooks, in all the Latest Novelties. Many pretty styles to choose from. Prices 69c, 98c, $1.49 and up to $5.50 each "Our Prices Always the Lowest" GALE & CO. PHONE 1072 Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store i Administratrix auction sal: The undersigned auctioneer has received instruc tions from Alice M. Goodell, administratrix of the estate of A. G. Dalrymple to sell by public auction at the deceased farm, located at MacCleay, Oregon, on FRIDAY, NOV. 29 . At P. M. Sharp ''V. The Following: . . . . -. , n -14 1 sorrel horso 3 years old woigut pounds; x sorrei mare o yer urn weight 1050 pounds; 1 black Jersey heifer 2 years old 1 hav horse with calf at side; 1 black Jorsey cow 3 years old, can at siao; i yel low Jersey cow 8 years old fresh in December; 1 yellow Jersey heifer 8 months old, fat; 1 black Jersey heifer 8 months old, fat; 2 brood sows, Duroc Jersey weight abopt 300 lbs each; 16 ducks, 19 barred rock hens; 7 Whito Leghorn hens; S tons loose oat hay; 2 tons baled straw; 7 cords' of stove wood; 3 acres artichokes; 1 acre field carrots; 70 pounds beans; 2 sets single -harness; 1 hay fork, carrier, 146 feet ropo and trip rope; 1 role barbed wire; 1 top buggy; 1 light hack; 1 8-ineh garden plow;' 1 light wagon with boj 3 forks; l.hog crate; 1 scalding vat; 1 post hole digger; 1 splitting bar; 1. brush hook; 1 hand cultivator; 1 pick; 1 grub hoc; 1 scythe; 1 new Viking cream separator 500 pounds capacity; 1 washing machine; 159 quarts canned fruit; 90 quarts vege tables;'! cook stove; 2 heaters; 1 dresser; 6 diners; 2 rockers; 1 good couch, bedding, dishes, kitchen utensils and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: CASH F.N.WOODRY, Phone 510 or 511, Salosi, Oregon Auctioneer ALICE M. GOODELL Administratrix, phone 26F21 Sites. Tho Ladies Aid society of the church will serve a chicken dinner at 6:30 o'clock. In response to the appeal of two rep resentatives of Vancouver Barracks who came to Salem to interest people in the need for apples at tho barracks, five boxes will be. sent today. They were delivered at the Commercial club Saturday and were given by the follow ing: D. K. Brannon, Salem route 2; B. W. Hogg, route 2; J. W. Bellamy, route 6; C. C'louser, routo 9. All gave ono box excepting Mr. tsraunon who gave two. DOCTOR STANTON Dermatologist foot Specialist COENS, BUNIONS, ING BOWING TOE NAILS EEMOVED ; Without Blood or Pain or Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience. Chilblains and All Diseases of tho Feet Cured. Special Attention to Antiseptics there by Preventing Infection. Appointments by Phone. Lady Assistant. 518 TJ. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 416. Salem Ore, INTERNATIONAL rwrasoondonce Schools. Mr, Perkins tho Field Kp is nt the Bligh hotol and would like to meet au stuaenis of the I. C. S. as soon as possible. WANTED Household goods, harness, wagons, tools, ranges, heaters, cookstoves, farm ma chinery, etc. I pay casn or win geu on commission from stock sales con ducted anywhere. Phone 510 or 511 tVnndrv. the Auctioneer. same time the packers were informed that none whatever would be released for civilian uw, As to the reason why tho shipments were held up, there is none as it i not customary when deal ing with the war department t0 ask questions. o Order your Ice Oreant for Thanks giving. We close at noon that 'lay. P. M. Oregory, Salem's loe Cream Man, 240 S. Com 'l St. Phone 16. 11-27 Masquerade at Chemawa Wednesday night. Cash prises. As Thanksgtviag is national holl ' day, the city public library win tie j closed next Thursday. This closing no : tiro also applies tothq, pogtoffire, banks ) and all rountv and state offices, as Auctioneer from a closing standpoint, Thankgiving j single harpoon hav forks; 1 2-ton ex press wagon; 1 steel wheelbarrow; 1 new set 34 x 4 auto chains; 1 good stock saddle; 1 office desk; 3 office chairs; 1 work bench; forks, shovels, chains; automobile bumper and other articles too numer ous to mention. Terms Cash CLEAEWATEE BEOS, Owners. Notc I will hold a sale of high class Household Furniture ' at my Auction Market in the afternoon, 1:30. Bo on time. F.N.W00DRY Phone 610 or 511 day rnakx along Now Years. with Christmas DOES YOUR EYEGLASS FRAME OR MOUNTING FIT COMFORTABLY? satueu noed -uiasses Is it optically cor rect? Right lenses and wrong frame do not give comfort. Yet us put your len ses in anew Shelltax frame or mounting. -Be up to date and be comfortable. DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 204-5 Bank of Commerce Bldg. ttM t- L.M.HUM I eare of YickSoToog Chinese Medicine and Tea 0. Has medicine which will tan any knows disease. X Opn Sundays from 10 . K. nntii 3 p. m. f 153 South High 8t X Salem, Oregon. Pfcoaa 181 1 I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and yve you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber &nd junk. Get my Prios Before you sell. 1 THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. Phone S98 The Square D ial House .271 Chemekcta Street