Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1918, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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"From Over There"
General Pershing Official Report
Died of Wounds .... 81
lieci of accident and other causes..:. 5
(Died ot airplane accident 1
Died of disease .. ...... 340
Wounded severely . 45
Wounded, degree undetermined S37
Wounded slightly . 195
'Missing in. action I .... 110
Prisoners .. ... 7
Today's casualty list contains the
names of the following Oregon men '
Boydea Burlingame, Toledo, killed in
Action i
Henry Cooper, Richland, killed in ac
tion Ned Miller, Fort Bock, killed in ac
tion . George D Lange, Portland, died of
airplane accident
Raymond J Cross, Elgin, die from
airplane accident -.
Frank Mitchell, Garibaldi, died of ac-
cident or other causes
Crl H Kinmell, Estacada, severely
wounded .
Benjamin ' W Heartly, Tualatin,
Wounded severely
Vincent M Howard, Portland, wound
d slightly
Milton- Foster, Harbor, wounded
George E AlWn, Philomath, wounded
degree undetermined
Died of Wound? .
Capt Robert Hayes, Doreester Mass
Harold L Hemingway, New Haven
iGharlcsi IB Mowbray, Fcderalslburg
Md . .
.... Everett L Varncy, Marshficld Wis
: Chas.F Coughlin, Hartford Conn
: George Goldman, New York
Thorns A Leslie, Madison Ala
. .i Will I Tredway, GJonbrool: Cal
. . Corporals . ,
.. Tidal B Brown, Boswell Pa - :
John Moitegue, Passiae N J ' '
... John, A.Nelson, Elliott Wash . ,
" Roscoe C Olds, Oakland Cal
Allen 0 Sullivan, Card well Mo
Joseph A Stephens, Hinnom Va
Joseph Tribblc, Kingsport Tenn
Meek Prank A Bidwcll, Warerviict
K Y, p : .- , . '
Privates ;
Gbrdie C Amox, Avingor Tex
Joseph A Ashi, Niagara Falls N Y
Helmuth A Aukes Wellsburg la
Charles R Blake, Los Angeles
, Wm, Bobiah, Rockford III
Ale. B Boldie-, Clinton Mass '
Dyle E Bray, Bangor Pa '
Will M'Bridwcll, TureeH Okla "
Thomas W, Bro,gan, Medford Mass
Rossie Bryant, Hampton Va
Clarence Buck, Terrell Tex
h In- .
We offer the ideal shoe for Particular Men. Men who
desire Trim, Stylish, Comfortable and Seviceable
Shoes, In the Very Popular '
5 They come in all the latest
as tne Tony Ked English
Tan Army Blucher, the
Tan Army, at $11.60 and
g at
S 1ir 1 1 Ti
r vve aisu nave uie Drenxian saoes. m an siyies anu
s leathers at ..... . ...$9.00, $8.50, $8.00 on down to $6.00
And other makes as low as $5.00, $4.00 and $3.50.
Frank E Butke, Nnshvillo Tens
Elmer f Burket, Lancaster Pa
Oliver W Buxan, Glcnroso Tex
' Heary A Christen, Keadall Wash
Temple I Cook, Philpot Ky
Edw Crum, Newmarket Ma
James Dacoles, Salt Lake I'tah
Fred W Dietrich, Minnemuuken N D
Elwood Doras, Baltimore
Robt A Do-ier, Fountain N C
Michael Duffy, Mineral Kas
Felix G- Dunlap, Middle N Y
John L Fischer, Columbus O
Albert E Forsythe, Philadelphia"
Joseph Fiistos, Chicago
Luther Gabbard, Parrott Ky
Julius Cordon, New York
Robert Grace, Kingston Mich
Charles N Gum, Cass W Va
Dean A Hall, Pittsburg
Harley V Hammond. Hortonville Wis
Bert Hoffman, St Marys Pa
Thomas L'llolt, Sanford N C
John A Horan, Cleveland O
Anthony Klos, Buffalo NY
David V Larch, Brechaiu Tex
Mont O Lindsay, Puxieo Mo
'Guy Malatesta, Woburn Mass
John J Maloncy, Brooklyn N Y .
Nick Medinger, Bollcvue la
Charles I Middaugh, Du-imingvillc
George H Miller, Flint Mieb.
Earl E Morley, Westervilte Pa
Niel J Nelson, Norden S I)
Leo I Nuedling, Highlamltown Md
Albert P Roulard, New Britain Cona
Patrick Scarritt, Chicago
Fred S Schmaelding, Brooklyn
, Virgil D Sellars, Gaffney ti C.
Connie Simmons, BurkvilUi Tex
Verdie B Sparks, Rutherford Tenn
Otis Turbaville, Mounds 111
John A Vance, Brooklyn .
Robert Walker, Ekron Ky
Christigen Weide, Renius Mich
Died from Accident and Other Causes
Kgt John E Ransom, Cincinnati -Corp
Jog H Bobinson, Brooklyn
" Privates
Benjamin E Altenbcrn, Lena IH
John J (Shea, Jorgey City N J
Died of Airplane Accident
Lt Alex T Burr, Chicago
Died of Disease ..;'.''
Capt John S White, Baltimore
Capt Austin L Loer, Evansville Ind
. Lieutenants
Lyle A Kheclnnd, Owoshoo Mich
Richard W Ibcll, Hartford Conn
EBW 0 McGrain, Clvdo Mich
Field Cleric David Warren, NY
Nurse Katherino E Greene, N Y
Nurse Clara Orgren, Colorado Spgs
Bergents y
Lcroy Davis, Natick Mass -John
W CHi'lton, Lawmr.e Mass
Elmer A 4ruy, Greenfield Mas
Homer D Zimmerman, Bcllofonte Pa
Willis H Gray, Joplin Mo '
RoyF llogan, Pittsmiell Mas
'Russell Johnson Philadelphia
Vernon J Johnson, Molu.t ill
Patterns and Colors, such
Jtial at i....-...$12.00
Vici Kid Stetson last, the
the Great Corndodger last
1 T .11 i.l.- J
. c .
Jacob J Jones, Chicago
" Corporals
Overton Carter, Nashville Tenn
Joseph D Crowly, Maiden Mass
John S Dade, Warrenton Ya
Frank E Dmikin, Washington "
Matin B Fox, Brockton NY
George W Frank, New lo'k -Elmer
J Grant, Pascagonla Miss
James H Leonard, Tulsa Okla
Arval Manning, Bowniaa N D
Lilburn Nayler, Lairc aster Ky
Grover O Townsend, E Moittpelier Vt
William J Myer, Winona Minn
Thomas Woodcock, Scotrsvillo Ky
John H Camp, Stmord Mo
Robert B Bit.er, Eastoa !'
Benjamin F Eyier, Frederick Md
Lyle Fike, Bloominten' 111 .
Baxter Hulshauser,- -Cedut Hill Vex
Garrold E Picwe, Chicago .
Irvia W Rife, Danville III
Mech Granville Sharp, Atiens O
Wagoner. ..' . . .
Jerry DesauteU, Spriagficld Mass
.Hershal R Smith, Jadepeadeace Mo
Geo B Steele, Colorado Springs
Orlan Wrsbey-Saa Dieg Caf
Joha V Crawford, Orchard la
Angelo Barti, Firebaugh Cal
Frank B Lawrence,Ogdcn9burg N Y
Will Gentry, Little Rock Ark
Waymaa PrOetor, Charleston S O
Fred E Harris, Harvey III "
John F Gordon, Cascade la :
Chas E Anderson, Stephen Minn '
Enoch ti Austin, Ashevillo N C
Monroe J Baggctt, -Tawferd Ter
Wm A Bcaty, Pash Ind
Benjamin F Blue, College Point NY
Arthur R Boles. St Louis Mo
Ezra E Brewer, Belfast Ark
Robert F BroylesC LafolleMe Tena :
Mack Bullard, Fort Meade Fla
Merle M Bunco, Colorado Springs
- Benjamin H Burris, Fortsell Mo
Franlt Calabise, Onaway Mich
Loyd E iCaldwell, Wyaconda Mt
Bunt Cox, Puryel Tenn .
Ry J Crevaa, Axtcll K8 .
Donall F Cunningham, Rcxie Miss
Wm Curry, Tolu Ky .
Lawrence Dailey Kelvin N D ,
Herman F Dammeier, Shell Lako Ws
Charlie B Davis, Bio Frio Tex
Paul Dearborn, Southlandficld La
William A Dempsey, GroverhiU O
Oharles V Dew, Crooksvillo O
Alvin Dick, Lewisville 1)
George R Easter Jr, Hunibolt Minn ,
Jlarold A Egan, Milwaukee Wis
. Edward B Everett, Rock Port Mass
Robert 'E Fitzgorald, Medford Mass'
Frank S 'Frasier, Franklin Tenn
Henry F fulgliam, Garrison Tex
. Dennio Fulka, Madison Ala
Vane W Gandee, Sterling Nob
Charles1 I" Gelwicks, Emmetsburg Md
Albert A Gerken, Fairmoht W Va
OUio .'Griffith, Elkhart Kas " :
Lena F Groner, POwoll Sta Tex :
Robert A Hays, Columbia Tenn :'
John G Hollis Westpoint Tenn .
Noah M Hudson, Hallsvillo Mo ;
Carrel M Hunsacker, Pittsburg .
Herbert Jenkins, Stonewall N C
Maurice Johnson, Fairbury HI
Wilbur C Johnson, Oskaloosa lf , .
James 8 Jones, Dublin Tex ' 1 ' '
John F Kemniorlin, Cameron N C
Glenn T Lavender, Mctter Ga
; Victor Leday, Oklahoma i ity Okla
i Cliris Linder, Paulliiia, la '' ' '
- Wilfred T" Lowtidesf DaTie'n' Conn -Selmer
Oie, Scobey Mont
William M Pavlik, Buffalo Minn
Bertram F Phillips, 8t Lours Mo
Ottie B Proffitt, Amberton -Ky
Edward H Roohr, Mont-lair SJ .
Charles F Schaadt, Celina O
Oby Allen, Jefferson iCitj Tenn
Cyrus B Boone, Manchester O
Fred E Boston, Sioux City la
Thomas J -Bottoms, Milwankeo Wig
Hillis F Buchanan, IngelvUe Kas .
Floyd Buckley, Lafayette Ind .
Henry N Burton,: Spieewood tex
Wm J Buttcrfield, Now Haven Conn
Paul L!ar4er Creightou Neb
Otto Chri.tophcrson, Kilbourne Ga
Howard U Colbert, Washingtou
James E Davidson, Fairmont Ga
Roy Dunham, Whiting Kas
iJames F Dyar, Calhoun S C
Ed Deaton, Brook wood Ala
Frank II Eyok Whitehouso Sta N J
Willis T Ferrell, Avenger Tex
Thomas A Callaglier, St Louis Mo
Harry Gillespie, Lometa Tex
Andrew J Gurley, Jackson TeBn
Harry 8 Gurncy, Montgomery Mich
Peter M Ilanley, Jersey City N J .
Harve Hatmaker, Jacksboro Tenn '
Alee T Heduian, Strandburg S D
Richard T Henwood, Jermyn Pa
Lloyd P Hicks, Cominto Ark
Alvin "J J-ilker, Paulliiia 1
Alf Hillis, Crossville Tenn
Louis Ilillman, Philadelphia
Michael J igo, 8-enandouh Pa
Clyde Jeffry, Banco W Va '
Cornelius Johnson, Merry Hill N C
James W Johnson, Washington
Richard Johnson, Yazoo Miss
Lee Jones, Bonneaus 8 C
Samuel Joseph, Hattiesville S O
For Marion County, Oregon
Frank 3, Kalis, Walters Minn
: Christian F Karlson, De Moines la
John G Konler. Rochester N Y
Elmer L Kesolburg, Waulton Jet la
In the matter of the estate of Ann
Kay, deceased, citation.
To Thomas' B. Kay and Cora Kay,
his wife, C. P. Bishop, Libby Coshow
and O. P.- Oetshow, her hnsU.ml, Bertha
Kay Fisher. Lenore Roberts and C. T.
Roberts, her husband, and all others
interested or concerned ' in the estate
of Ann Kay, doceased: '
In the name of the state of Oregon;
You and each of you are hereby cit
ed and required to appear in the coun
ty court of the state of Oregon for
Marion county, in the court room there
of, in Salem, county of Marion, state
of Oregon, on thc23d day of December,
1918, at the hour of ten o'eloek a, m,
of "that -day, then and there to show
cause, if any there be, why Fannie
Kay Bishop, as administratrix of said
estate, should not be granted power,
authority and license to sell all of the
real property belonging to said estate
and., described in her petition en file
herein for the purpose of i plying the
proceedg received thercfroia in pay
ment of the cost of admin Istratiua of
said estate, as prayed for in the peti
tion of said admiaikiratiix on file here
in. Witness the Honorable W. M. Boshey
judge of the county court of the state
of Oregon, for Marion eonnty. with the
seal affixed this. 14th day of Novem
ber, 1919. ' .
Attest: TJ. G. BOYEB,
Dee 18 . . County Clerk.
Look At Tongue! Remoye Poi
sons Frca Stomach, Lvier
And Bowels.
Accept "California" Syrup of Kirs
only look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most harm
lees laxative or physic for the little
stomacr, liver and powels. Children
love its delicious fruity teste. Fall di
rections for ehild's doso on each bottle.
Give it without fear.
Vestus Kesterson, ' Mohawk Tenn
Arthur King, Laurinsburg S C
Paul Graves,. Fouke Ark
John H Gray, Philadelphia , .
H M Crowns, Norwich Conn
Leon B Gunn, Palisade Neb
Otto J Hahn, Deerpark Wis
George Harper, Washington Ga
Clarence E Harris, Lancaster Q .:
Nelson Harris, Mason Tenn"
James E Hatchcock, Bcllburkle Ten
Wm B Hughes, Sherwood Tenn
Clifford Huntington, Darlington Wis
Fredolph Jacobson, Minneapolis Min
Charley L James, Bolivar Pa
Moses Jeffreys, Milton N C
Henry Johnson,' Lavestation Miss
Herman J H Joens, Denison In
Thomas Jones, Ashland Ky
Edmund A Kaaper, Potter Wis .
innvun wnlirht and strength of thin,
delicate, nervous people. It Is the
onlv diuesttble form of phosphate Hint
feeds the nerves direct, the chemically
pure form of phosphate naturally
fount in bintn and nerve cells.
Sold by dniRRlsts under a guaran
tee of satisfaction orjponey bac. .De
mand the reimiuo nrrRO.PhoKntiote,
the kind that physicians prescribe
For Thin People
3f C PERRY, Druggist
X HiirnE diivcd ivn ecu ed MPrT.WP PPrnPflPKI. miff AUVFRTISFJRS t.
Jaltn XloctrU Co- U&socie Tempi, 127 North
TON Osteopathi physicians ana
Serve specialists. Graduates of Am
erican school of Osteopathy, Kirk
ville, Mo. Post graduate and spec
ialized in nervous diseases at Los
Angeles College. Offie 505-508 Nat
Bank Bldg. Phone 85. Residence,
182. Court. Phone Ztlt. Vt. White
Ee. Phone 409.
413-414 Bank of Commerce building.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable nwntbly la advance.
Phone 606.
Men's eiotnee, snoes, nais, jeweiry,
watches, tools, mssical instruments,
bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, snit
eases, trunks, 'cameras, typewriters
and furniture. Capital Exchange 887
Court street. Phone 483.
On Good' Rent Estate Becurity
O-er Lad d Bush bask; Salem Oregon
cent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnitedt,
Mssonie TcniTle. fgalem, Oregon.
60 years experience, Depot, National
and American .feaee. . "
Bizes 26 to 58 in high
Paints, oil and varnish, eta - -Loganberry
and bop hocks.
Palera Fence and Stove Work.
250 Court street Phone iZi, ......
Benjamin E Kling, Hickman Neb
George S King, Mt Moriah M
Arthur H Knox, Sylvian Grove Kas
Berthold F Krogal, Larson. Wis
. Edward E Lasseson, Buffalo S D
Samuel D. Larue", Terrell Tex
Joha Legenfeldt, Menasht Wis
Geotce F Life, Elkton V
Warner A Lindbcrg, Princeton Minn
Walter L Maggs, iiarkville ilina
Donald A Martin, Montpelier Ida
Thomas J McCoy,' Wichita Kas
Thomas McNeir, Robinson Ga J
Glenn Merillat, Bonfield 111
Isadore Miller, Athent Tex .
Bessiek Montague Whitest-one Va
Charles I Morton, Oakfiell Mo -Millard
I Newrtom, Celuutbus Ind
- Richard I Nicholson, Denver
Tom Partlow, Honora Ga '
John 0 Pertns, Radoliff Ya .
Alien Pierce, Birch Tree Me
J J? Pingree, Nashville Mo
George W Pottrats, Ward 8 D
Herbert H Riggias, Dover Tenn
Henry S Schaumleffol, Idaho Falls Id
Moses Scott, Bellinger S C
Stanley W 'Sheppard, Fairbanks la
Walter H Skow, Irvington Neb
Edwin h Spriggs, Palmyra 111
, Lenard Steen, McBee 8 C
. Joseph Anderson, Aiken S C
Jeese S Anderson, Bloomii.gton 111
Henry A Anna-la, Annadnlo . Minn
Abraham Avnet, KingstOA N Y
Eraest Benford, Lucky Tt'nn
Otto h Bethaaser, Tomah Wis
Ernest I Blake, Gardea Prairie 111
Carl F Blosser, Bryan O .
Ira D Bray, Zurick Kas
Barnev J Burk, Johnstown Colo
Benj l Brooks, Corbett N C
Simpson S Bishop, Horseshoe N O
Orto H Brummnnd, Rieeiile la
Mike Caslae, Chicago . ,
Chas W Chase, AHstrm Mass -
Isaac -Chisholm, HaiVeeville 8 C
Hardie E demons, Bluffton S 0 V.
" George F Coates, Boone la
Samuel D Conrow, Bljrthe Cal
David A Coon, Amos Mo
Charles J Cool, Wilkesbarro Pa'
Lloyd Cooper, Wirmingham Tenn
Claude Ctow, Owensbore Ky
William C Criner, Waco Tex
Robert Cruesnberry, BrBystol Tenn
Parrott F Daniel, Elm City N C
Martin Davin, Roxbury Mass
John Dayton, Knoxville Tenn
Earl S Dictson, Martin Tenn
Arthur J Desilets, Montpelier Vt .
Feston Dillon, Scotlown O
Henry Dodd, Chireno Tex
Carl E Dorr, Efimsen la
Arthur S Dnggor, Annta Mo
Harvey H Fcavel, Appleten Wig
John W Fleming, Sevierville Tenn
Earnest Fly, Humboldt Tenn . ...
Alfred W Fohs, Baltimore
; EwaJd Fuhlbohm, SeodHrg Wis
Gilbert Ganrud, Spring Greve Minn
Ami Glevch, Dcorbrook Wis
Binhart C Bergman, Hartford Wis
Jesse h Deere, Murfeeaboro Tenn
Joseph O Deveillo, Deveillo La .
,i Lemuel J Fito, Walnut Grove Mo
Harry Johnson,' Huntington Mo
Ralph A Lemon, Houston Mo
Thomas A McConnell, Philadelphia
' Norman L Mulligan, NewaTk N J
Alfred J Smith, Clark S D ,'.":,,
Frank C Tierncy, Chicago
: James Williams, Raeford N, 0
iVirgeJ Kiper,' Vioton Ky V ;
Peter T Klilas, "Stevens Point wis
Eddie Larson, Germantown Minn
Holmer Ijoe, Brookpark Minn
Preston L Lear, Red Springs N C
k44 - 4
' Telephone
Main liM
FOR SALE And worth the price, five
acres of choice land for hay, grain
or fruit; located about 2 miles
from city limits, new and well
furnished house end bars, an excel
lent well with pump, aero of tim
ber, place well fenced en R. F. 1).
Plenty and wriety of fruit for fam
ily use. Prices $2006. mproveijrents
are worth the money asked. Inquire
of Square Deal 2clty Co. Phone 470
70 ACRES 100 land, on account of cir
cumstances will sell for i(()3 on easy
terms. acres all cultivated, good
improvements, VA "i''o of city limits
only $.'J500. 1 acre good hosse, barn
all in fruit, good soil, close to car
line, $1230. Hocolofgky, 341 State
2 ACRES, 5 room house, barn, fami
ly fruit, on good rod, close in, 1700
$S00 will handle the deal.
A n'Tc eond 8 room Tilasterod
house, barn, lots of fruit, all good
' soil, iclose in on good road, will take
resilience close in, not over 1)2500
anl part cash, price $3500.
70 acres, 100 land at 05 per acre
. oa easy terms, joining city. Btrictly
modern ban;rak)w 2300 feoeolofsky,
S41 State M. - .;, . . 11-23
WANT $350, $500 and $1500 loans od
good real eatate jeeurify. Socolofsky,
341 State St. " tf
I can match you. C. W. Niemeyor, Aeal
Estate Agent, Canadian Lands, 544
State street.
THE FIXIT SHOP Let "s repair and
Sharpen yont lawn mow art. 20? Court
Phone 1022. tf
refuse ef all kinds-removed on month
. ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re
moved. Office phone, Main 4247.
, Residence, Main 2272. . .
George Lunde, Sehlarville Wis
Charlie Martin, Lawtey Fla
George A Merrill. Clarksviile Hick
Fred W Miller, Chicago ,
James Nave, Red Granite Wis
Frank Odom, Tyler Tex
Harold D Parker, Buffalo N Y
Roy L Pearee, Flora 111 ,T'
BBenj J Picton, Beebe 8 D
Wa'ren Rutherford, Dowagiae Mick
William Schaefer, Merrill Wis
Arthur F Schultz, Oshkosh Wis
Hoy 8 Sexton, Elmo Ark "
James Smith, Waterbury Con
Jim Smith, Shannon Miss
Ole Steen, Big Falls Minn
Louis E Stolte, Beaufort Mo
Robert N Tilghmaa. Baltimore
James H Underwood, Paonia Colo
Peter Vandel Veer, Somerville N Y
Paul Warner, Redsburg Wis
Albert W Walt, Sioux Falls N D
Nicolas E Wallace, Trade Tenn .
William A Wallace, Willow Miss
Estel Watts, Covington Ky J .
Wayne K Wheeler, Brandon la
Jarvis Scales, Steens Miss
Coney Severin, Lepauto Aik
Henry W G Simpson, Powder Springs
Ga .
Frank Smith, Belmont Ky
Mote 8mith, Me Vernon Ird
John J Snndden, Collinsville 111
Dixon Solomon, Cloady Okla
Otho Staggs, Seymour la
James M Steele, Norton Tex
Harry H Stein, Cleveland O
Otto Steinke, Leopolis Wis
Bowie G Taylor, Womick Okla
Alonzo Terry, Gladys Va
Milo A Thomas, Lowell Ind
John L Thompson, Hector Minn
John A Timmenuan, Mandan ND
Edgar S Tingley, New Richmond 0
Ellis Tidwell, Bonaqua Tenn
Nicholas Torborg, Richmond -Minn
Traver R Trcloar, Coopersville Jtieh
Birdie M Turner, Manson Tenn ;
Frederich Ulrich, Astoria N Y
Bath T Vaughn, Lochart S C
Adolph Vollmar, Silver Peak Nev
Cecil F Watts, Spokane Wash '
(Thurchill P Webster, New York
Leuig M "Willie, French Settlement
Ora F Winn, Modesto Cal
Robert H Woodruff, Langford 8 D
Leander M Loung, Gaville S D
Harry Stophney, Colambia S 'C
Horace Stevenson, Lima Okla
Earl R Stratton, Bryan O '-'
Io Swrni, Independence Kas ;
William E Thompson, Leavenworth
Kas - '','
Joseph Tomanek, E Bernard Tex
John F Toraashaska, Richland Center
wis , ;
Harley M Tronthnm, Hurricane Mo
Joe fubberville, Hot Springs Ark
Raort-'.y Tucker, Ml Vernon N Y ,
James '8 Ward, Sealski O :
Joel Wait, Brighton Ala
' Bert Walters, Holden Mo
Walter E Webb, Olympis S C
Wllbert White, Dover Del
atkin Williams, Chasez La
Harold L Wilkins, Lake Placid N K
Merrill B Witlirow, Kirvia Tex
Raymond H Woppert, Milwaukee Wis
Charley J Groves, KucKiora xu
For value buy our apectal
It's a beautiful Stone end
itore k HM.urtei for MUiUrf WrW
Watches. WriMoe ' -
- 4
"Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1300.
meets every Thursday evening it
Derby building, Court and High St.
Mrs. Pearl Couracy, 214 Court St
oracle; Mrs. I'clissa Persons, record
er 1415 X. 4th St. Phone 343CM.
McCornack hall en every Tuesday
at 8. P. Andrescn, C. C. F. J. Kuntt
K. R. A 8.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets
every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clock
In Derby building, corner Court ani
High streets. R. F. Day, V. C.j F. A
Turner, cloTk.
bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of
each month, at p. m in I. O. O. F
Hall. Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A.J
C A. Vibbart, secretary, S4fl Owen
. Grain
Wheat, soft white $1A42
Wheat, lower grade on sampl
Oats 80c$l
riay, oats $25
Barley, ton $5062
Hsr, cheat, new $44
Mill run $37g)38
Creamery butter ...
Fork, Veal ai Mutton
Pork, on foot 16s
Pork, drossed - 18(ffi20
"Veal, fancy 1017c
Steers . 7(38t
Cows , 4tH
spring lambs ,.. ; lie
Ewe.-- ' . .,. ...4(-?6(
Lambs, yearlings .. 8fa 9e
.. tnd Pooitr '
Kggs cash . . 61&i-e
Hens', live .. 20to22e
Old roosters ..... ; 15
Chkkens :.. 81fo24e
Turkeys, dressed 3335c
Turkeys, live 25to2
fleesc. live 18((i)20c
Papes Diapepsin At (hec
nds Soarness, Gases,
Acidity, Indigestion.
Undigested food. Lamps of pain;
belching gas, acids and sourness.
When your stomach is all upset, huie is
instant relief No waiting!
The moment you eat a tablet of
Pane's Diapepsin all the iadijrestioa
pain, dyspepsia misery, the sourness,
gases and stomach acidity ends.
raise s inapepsin tablets cost little
at any drug store but there is no surer
or quicker stomach relief known.
In the county court of the state ol
Oregon for the county of Marion..
Portland TniBt Company of Portland,
a corporation, plaintiff, Pinckney
Bros. Dairy, a corporation, Welch Eleo
tric & Fixture eonipany, a corporation,
and J. R. Kennedy, defendants.
Notice is hereby given that by order
ef the above entitled court duly made
and entered on the 19th day of Novem
ber, 1918, John E. Cronan was appoint
ed temporary receiver of the defend
ant, Pinckney Bros. Dairy, a corpora
tion, said appointment to continue un
til the 30th day of November, 1.18, at
the hour ef 2 o'clock p. m., at which
time all pe-sons interested are hereby
notified to appear in the court room of
the above entitled court to show cans
if any exist why said ; .ceetveTshvo
should not bo continued subject to the
further ordor of the said court
11.27 " ' Temporary Receiver.
Usnranttfa are 11
Ducks live .. 2')(2-e
Ducks,' dressed 2730e
Sweet potatoes - S
Potatoeg $l-'i
Onions, local ...-,.....-.-.. $1.71
Horse radish root. lb. .....
.... $8.71
Green peppers ..........
Cranberrios, box ...............
Jrmt , ,
Oranges .. 1'
Lemons, box , $8.50(W
Bananas - .
Huckleberries, pound
California ffrane fruit, ca.e i7.50ffi8.5
BlaA figs, 25 25 lbs . -5
Figs, ol packages W
t'igs, o oz, pacKages .....-..... .
Piis. 8 07.. Dacka.es
Figs', 10 lb. ex. fancy.-
No. 1 comb honey .
Figs, 10 lb. fane-
Retail Prices
Creamery buttor ......
Flour, hard wheat .
Country butter
. $33.8S
Kf?Ks. dozen ..... . ...
Portland, Or., Nov. 25. Butter, titf
creamery 60e
Eggs, selected local ex. B356o
Eggs, local ex. 6668o
Hons 2527o f '
Broilers 2730e
Geese 17(ffil8e '
Cheese triplet 8536
Receipts 1750 '
Tone of market srteady
I'rimo steers $12.25(S)12.5rt . )
Choice to good steers $1118
Merlrium to good steers $10(?.ll
Fair to medium steers $8.50(89.50
Common to fair steers $08
Choice cows and heifers $(a)8.50
Medium to good cows and heifer
Fairto medium cows and heifew
Canners $3(fp4
Bulls $5(7.50
Calves $9(i,12 ' '
Blockers and feeders $68
Receipts 4280 ,
Tone of market steady 1
Prime mixed $17(n!17.15
Medium mixed $16.7517
Rongh heavies $1516
Pigs $14(0)15
Bulk $16.90
Receipts 10
Tone of market weak
Prime lambs $ll.50(Til2.75
Fair to medinm lambs 0C8
Yearlings $S.50f 10.50
Wether $1011 ,
" Ewes $9&10 ' '
r v . . a
Geese, drcssod .. 20(a;22