Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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OLASsinxi) iDVEEnsufa bates
Bt per. word New Today:
Xach Insertion ,
me week (6 insertions)
Om month (26 insertions) .
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
(or errors in Classified Advertisement
Bead your advertisement the first da;
it appears and notify as Immediately il
rror occurs.
Minimum charge, 15a.
POTATOES for sale. Phono 80F11. U
CALF to give away. Phone 2445. 11 26
TOR 6ALEOne 32x4 tire cheap. 177
. fi. Commercial St. - 11-25
TYPEWRITER for Bale or rent. I. S.
lit. 9, box 34. 11-25
1918 CHEVROLET touring car, cheap.
Enquire 660 Union St. 11-25
CORD wood for sale. Phone evenings
2093M. " tf
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 694
N. Com"! St. Phone 2454 W. lizi
TABLE squash by 100 lbs. Cummings,
WANTED Fat and thin cattle, fresh
cows and calves. Phone 1425M. 12-25
TOR RENT Furnished apartments,
330 6. 14th. Phone 2092R. 1.1-30
BOUSE cleaning and window eleaning
wanted. Phone 1237. 12-5
BIOHMOND piano, good as new, for
ale. Call at 1144 Ferry St. il-2
VBTOH SEED for sale. Charles Ar-
cberd IniDlement Co. 11-25
rOR. SALE Fresh cow and
N. Commercial.
calf. 771
TOR RENT Two houses close in. 771
N.- Commercial. t , H-25
PIGS FOR SALE About S) lbs. Price
, $6 each. Phone 29F11. 11-85
FOR wood sawing call 493, business
hours. 12-8
FOR SALE 4-weeks old pigs. Phone
39F31. J.C Schinder, Bt, 7. 11-26
FOR SALE Ford, 1916, in good con
dition, 1203, N. Church &i. , H-25
FOB SALE A-l stock ranch. Would
take soma trade. 812 care Journal tf
"WANT To rent, small furnished house
. or. apartment. Address H A care
Journal. 11-25
FOR SALE Fresh cow and Durham
cow, fresh soon. 715 South 12th St.
liOST Small purse Sunlaj', contains
M. W. A. receipts and 10c paper bill
Return to Journal. Reward. 11-25
"WANTED Jirl for general house work
etate School for Deal. Phone 646.
FRESH cow, heavy milker, for sale or
exchange- for stock hogs. Joseph
Barber. Phone 84F4. . 11-27
FOR SALE Or trade, good sized farm
team, harness and wagon, big bar
gain. Phone 75F5. 11-25
WANTED House work, no chillren,
nor washing. Call 144 S. 13th St.
' .. 11-26
FOR SALE 1916 Ford, shock absorb
ed, "speedometer, good tiros" and ex
' tras, $350. 2645 Portland road. 11-30
liIBERTY BONDS If you must dis
pose of your bonds, we Will buy
them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf
"WANTED To buy beef
calves. Phone 1576W.
cattle and
TWO and three room furnished apart-
meats. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203.
- ia-5
.WILL trade Salem residence property
for merchandise of any kind. Ad
dress M S care Journal. 12-1
.ALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
rpward. Buret's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf.
WANTED To buy an oak or steel fil
ing cabinet, write us giving descrip
tinn And ,nrieO. Miller k Walter, Cor-
Tallis. Or.
WANTED Oirl or woman for general
house work for two weeks. Apply
Mrs. Warren Hunt, 890 Oak. Phone
1296., ... -11-26
FOR 8A.LE One registered Shropshire
'. ram lamb, weight 110 pounds!. His
eire is an irnported Shropshire. Price
)18. Fred Schneider, Albany, Rt 1,
ox.43. I126
RANTED Two men with families for
general farm werk. Furnished house
, and other supplies; steady work;
. wages. W. J. Turnidge, Talbot, Ore
gon. 1127
WiENTI of money to loaa on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap 100 or multi
plo on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 311 Masonic
Wdfc Salem. . 41
JTRST MORTGAGES for sale. Seed
ed by well improved valley farisa
In amounts of 500 up to 10,OCO.
Thos. A. Roberts, Phone 1427, 3M
Masenle building.
OLD papers for earpets, etc., 10 cents
per hundred, call at Journal office.
MAXWELL for sale, $275. Terms. Me
chanically perfect. Highway Garage
Phone 355. Call 1000 8. Com 'L tf
FOR RENT 1355 State St, beautiful
7 room bungalow, strietly modern.
Adult only. Phone 997. 11-26
SNAP Two acre, improved, Garden
road, close in, worth $2000, make
a offer. f L. Wood, Bayno bldg.
FORD delivery body, metn fenders
complete for sale at a bargain. Call
room 304 U. 8. Bank bldg., or phone ,
dO or aoili. il i!' j
Piano at half price. High grade Story i
t& f? $2 .C4JLUnargcs against Deputies . FalcoU, Sci-
2-fl . V-pA ' i i.oq
lfV 1 1, J 1 . . IL. t n
.-.i t - ii Ann loio'allttl,
wiu A man (u veil vui ww, wiu . . , .
Chevrolet. Phone 1925 after 5 p. m. ho .ch.ar8e8 wee g"ndlcss and other
, - ii-29 Socialist members demanded Ceatun
' I one's resignation. The - investigating
LOST inall purse Sunda
French poodle dog. Reward for re
turn. 495 N. 12th St. Phore 1020J.
WE BUY all kinds of old horses
there is nothing we' will not take.
Bring to Center St Feed barn, C. L.
Scott 11-28
WANTED Steam boiler not lesg than
25. h. p. Not more than 50.: Address
A. W. Lane, 1440 North Liberty St.
. 11-28
SALEM chimney sweep, clean them
. without dust on the earpets, furnaces
cleaned and repaired, stoves repair
ed. Phone 19. tf
FOR SALE Span of mules, ona mile
east on fairgrounds road. lake sec
ond road running south. C. T. Jones.
FOR SALE Stock ton ' store sewing
machine with electric motor, cloth
shrinker, large scales, office- desk,
and. all store fixtures. . -87
FOR SALE Or exchange, sheep ranch
608 acres, price $33 per acre. Want
residence or small, well improved
farm near Salem. What have you to
trade Rt. 1, box 64, Brownsville,
Or. ,11-26
FOR SALE River bottom ranch . con
taining 150 acres, 40 aeres cleared,
house, barn, soft and hardwood tim
ber, at 65 dollars per acre. Will take
aome city property in exchange. See
Merlin Harding at Salem Hdw. Co.
. ... tf
acres, about 148 acres under plow.
" This is all sandy bottom loam land,
all fenced and cross fenced. Good
hpuse, good stock barn, dairy barn
40x120 feet, with cement floors,
stanchions for 36 cows. Gas engine
in barn- with water tank and full
barn equipment Good peach orchard,
grape vineyard, apple orchard and
small fruits. Plenty of fine wood on
the place for fuel. This place is on
Bood (traveled road only two miles
from -Corvallis. It is considered one
of the best bottom land places in the
- Willamette valley. Wheat made as
high as 22 bushels to the acre tnis
past season. The land has produced
as high as 5 tons of alfalfa per acre.
We might take a small piece of
good town property 'or a good car as
" part payment Price $22,000. Call on
or writo owners, E. A. Miller amt H.
E. Walter, Box 86, Corvallis, Or. 11-30
"The Sign Invisible," to be shown
at Liberty theater starting Thursday,
Thanksgiving day, was produced by
Edgar Lewia, the same director who
made "The Barrier" and "The Bar
Sinister." Mitchell Lewis, the big fel
low who was Poleoa in "The Barrier."
plays Lone Deer in "The Sign Invis
ible." !
yoi. results nomatterwnaT
GoEtti, Head Of Itfc Gov
ennneiit la 1914 Was Ac
cused of Treason.
By Henry Wood
(United Press 8taff Correspondent)
Rome, Nov. 25. Former Premie Gio
litti, accused of treason Saturday night
by Deputy Marquis Centurionej was ex
onerated by a special investigating com
jmittee last night, "Which reported that
wie charge, were wunout xounuauon.
Giolitti, who was head of the Ital-
jan government in 1914, Was; generally
,crcditc(j wjtii keeping Italy out of the
i wa nmine the early months of the
conf lict Hig eabinet was overthrown
and a new ministry formed by Premior
.,, mmi,fo tn-,.;tA,l th
orati - De Giovanni and Chiranigiio, and
'Senators Panizzardi, Cefaly and Fras-
sati, who were accused jointly with Gi-
The committee reported that
committee included former Ministers
tiianciu and raneo ana ueputies ue
Scalca, Turati and Bistoia.
The accusations created a tremendous
uproar and socialist members; tried to
manhandle Centunone. A' special ses
sion of parliament was held yesterday
to hear the report of the committees..
Program For Union Services
At E t Church Thanksgiving
The urogram for the union Thanks
giving services to be held at the Firsa
Methodist church next Thursday morn
ing at 10:30 o'clock is as follows, Dr.
R. N. Avison presiding:
Prelude and processional, organ, or
chestra and choir.
Doxologv Choir and congregation.
Invocation Rev. Leland C Porter of
the First Christian, church.
Hvmn Choir and contrrezation.
Scripture. Reading by Rev. G.- L. j
Lovell of the United Evangelical
church. )
Prayer By the Rev. T. 8. Anderson
of the First Presbytoran church.
Anthem, "The Heavens Are Telling, "j
Haydn, by the choir. . .
Beading of president 's proclamation
by Rev. H. C. Stover, Central Congre
gational church
Reading of governor's proclamation
by Rev. F. H. Neff. ,
Offering- for Armenian- and Syrian
sufferers, presented by Rev, I. G. -Lee.
Anthem, "The Glory of the Lord"
Handel, by the choir.
- Sermon by Rev. W. C. Kantner of
the First Congregational church.
Hymn, choir and congregation.
Benedicaitno by the Rev. G. F. Holt,
First Baptist church. -v
McAdoo Confers With Rail
Managers Today In Atlanta
Atlanta, Ga., Nov.' 25. William G.
McAdoo, recently resigned as secretary
of the treasury and director general of
At Closing Out Sale of
Fanners'; Cash Store
Just received a big bankrupt stock of dry goods and
all kinds of shoes that we will combine with our
. stock and sell at 50 cents on the dollar.
Crown and Olympia flour t ..... . .$2.95
Snow Drifted, Hardwheat flour $2.90
Economy flour .$2.75
6 pounds Crisco at $1.90
Reliance Coffee, pound 30c
Economy- Coffee, pound .19c
Canned sweet corn, at .15c
20c canned peas 17c
15c Campbell Soups, at ; .12c
Ghiradelli's Chocolate 30c
Cream of Barley, package 22c
, Saler Brand Pineapple 23c
All kinds of spices.can .8c
Best White Beans 9c
$1.15 Brooms at '. ....................... .75c
Best Australian Onions, lb. 2c; sack deliverecL..$1.75
No. 2 Onions, pound 1 l-4c
Best Potatoes, pound 2c
Best Potatoes, sack delivered ..... $1.75
Good Cabbage, pound. .". -3c
Sweet Potatoes, pound . - 4c
No. 2 Cabbage 1 l-2c
All Orders of $3 or Over Delivered FREE of charge
i . " '';-y.",,imi,i' ft A
FOUR YEARS OF SERVICE She doesn't look 'like a war veteran, but Mis.
Arthur Gler.son is one of the most experienced war worker from the; Unit
el States. In 1914 she was decorated by King Albert for her services in Bel
gium, and ig now worKinjr in the "Y" canteen, Soldoers from all over the
world, many of them, much older than herself,, gratefully call the canteea
hostess) "Mother," '
railroads, who is ia Atlanta today to
confer with southeaster railroad manag
ers, will visit his boyhood home at MU
lcdgeviHe, Ga., while in the south.
McAdoo indicated be would take a
long rest when relieved' of his duties.
Leaving here tomorrow morning, Mc
Adoo and his party will go ,to Milledge
ville, probably by wa eff Augusta, and
thenee ' to ' Pensacola; .'spending ' in all
about a week visiting southern centers
of railroad activities.,.;
John W. Haines of Bllverton had the
misfortune, of breaking his leg a few
days ago at the - Silver Falls Timber
company saw mill.
o - '
Insurance Commisioner Wells today
received a letter from the assistant
secretary of the treasury advising him
that the licenses of all insurance com
panies organized in Germany end oper
ating in this country have been revok
ed and the custodian' of alien property
is liquidating the companies.
Salem To Hayej Two Oregon
Guard And Two National
Guard Organizations.
The Oregon Guard wth its organiza
tions in Salem will be maintained, ac
cording to the best information from
military authorities. This js in oppo
sition to the rumor given out a few
days ago that the four companies of
Oregon Guard in Salem, would soon be
disbanded. -
on the part of the hither authorities
to disband the Oregon Guard, and so
far, 'no disbanding orders have been
It is probable however, that as soon
as the Heeond OregoD National Guard
company is organized in Buleni, that
members of the Oregon Guard who
winh to remain in their organizations,
will form two companies. By this ar
rangement. Salem would then have
two companies of Oregon National
Guard and two Oregon Guard compan
ies. .
It is probable that a few men who
joined the Oregon Guard from patriotic
motives especially the older men
may not enlit with, either the Ore
gon National Guard or the re-organized
Oregon Guard companies.
Having served when there exidtcd an
emergency, they do not now feel espec
ially called on for service.
With four miliary companies in Sa
lem, there will be ample opportunity
for those who winh to continue train
ing. With the assurance that the Ore
gon Guard will not be disbanded and
also that the Xational Guard will soon
have another rompan)tin the city, Col
onel A. T. Woolpert is pushing the work
of renovatng the armory to make it
eventually a mre suitable military
Better Than
Her Best
'Hungry Lions'
on a
Midnight Ex
100 per cent
The Magnetic
Edith Taliaferro
' and the Delightfully Versatile
Jack Sherrill
Supported by 2000 Players in the Exquisite
The Conquest
of Canaan
Homeward Bound
Sailors Sail From
Liverpool, England
Seven Thousand Yanks Em
bark Today, According to
General March.
Washington, Nov. 25. Seven thou
sand Yanks are now en route homo
from Europe, General March revealed
lata today.
8niling aboard the Minnekahda, Lap
land and Orea, the troops coming back
are for the most part from the air ser
vice. They are due to arrive at New-
Yosk late- this niorith. '
Minnckahda with the Second air
craft acceptance park, 29 officers and
5S7 men; 220th aero squadron, three of
ficers and 249 men; 219th aero squad
ron, three officers and 129 men; 254th
two squadron, two officers and 256
men, lth constrnetion company air
service with six officers and 24. men;
19th construction company air service,
seven officers and 238 men? 15th m
truction company air service,, 5 offi
cers and 228 men; 92nd aero squadron,
24 officers, .01 men; 227th aero squad
ron, two officers, 2JU enlisted) man;
10th aero squadron, two officers and
251 men; 83rd aero squadron, four of
ficers, 123 men; 833d aero squadron,
four officers, 123 men; 839th aero squait
ron, three officors, 90 men; 259th aero
squadron, three officers, 127 men ad
casual medical detachments, six offi
cers, 18 men total for ship 99 officers
and 2913 men.
Lapland Bail
Lapland First Handley-Page train
ing (section, 128 officers, 449 menj
9th photo section, one officer and" 30
men: 70th thoto seetio., one officer
and 30 mon; 71st photo section, onefrom to i3 days t0 ,ite ,
offieor and 30 men; 72nd photo section journey from Liverpool to New Vork.)
State House Notes
J. A. Churchill, superintendent of
public instruction, has taken under ad
visement the case againsi Clarence
Phillips, formerly Marion county echool
teacher and who was given, a hearing
before Mr. Churchill Saturday on
charges of immorality. He was disrharg
ed from tho Beaverton schools and the
county superintendent of Washington
county brought proceedings -before Mr.
Churchill to nave lus ceri.iiente to;
teach revoked, l'hillips was not prew j
. , .. i I
ene ar, ino neanng, uemg it-irrsmu;u
by Attorney George C. lirowncll of
Oregon City. His wife and brothers
wore present. The state was represent-,
ed by Assistant Attorney General Ben
jamin. The principal witnesses agiunBt
him was the girl involved in the case
and Mr. Barber of Forest Grove, an
agent of the department of justice.
Governor Withvenmbe is i-npotiatiiiRI
the sale of his resilience in Corvallis i
to the Oregon Agricultural college, anif .
thus is completely severing his eonnee-1
tinn with the college town, according.
fto information reaching hcr!. Jt is not
known what price the governor will
receive from tho college for his wai-
denee Tho governor is chairman of.
the board of regents of the college.
The city of Klamath, Fulls, repre
sented by City Attorney It. C. Groos
beefc, will appear amicus curiae be
fore the supreme court in connection
with tho ouster suit brought by the
state, on relation of T. L. Perkins,
against Dan Kcllahcr, who il! -still hold
ing the position of-eity cniomisrioner
of Tsstland after Perkins has been
elected to -c-rve the urxpired balanee
of the term to which Kcllahcr was ap
pointed. Down in Klamath Falls the trouble
is over the mayora'.y. That city now
has two mayors, a- the incumbent re- j
fuses tor give up h s office to his sue-
eessor. The PortlR id afd Klamath Falh--tasea
are similar, a both of them
bring into que' ion the validity of the
constitutional cmemlment providing for
the holding of all elections on tho
same day. City Attorney Greosbocki
was given ontil Wednesday in whieh to '
file a brief.
tK pryTj
influenza. He died yestcrduy, He was 1
one officer, 29 men; soil makers de
taenment, one officer, 100 men; .651 h'
aero squadron, two officers and 11 S
men; two officers, 123 men; two of li
ners an 125 men; 258th aero squadron,
two officers, 126 men; 320th oro
squadron three officer and 123 men;
31-lth aero squadron, two officers, 134.
men; 318th aero squadron, two officord
120 men; 350th aero squadron, threo
officers, 121 men; 812th aero squadron
three officers, 123 men; officers eaic
uals, 4 officers; mixed casuals, 11 of
ficers, one enlisted man and one ex
nurse; casuals, sick and wounded, fivn
officers, seven officers 15 enlisted men
not requiring special attention; enlist
ed men attached to wounded officers,
six; nurses, three; casuals, medical de
tachments, 5 officers, twelve enlisted
men total for Lapland 233 officer,
four nurses, 1797 other ranks. ,
Ores Sailed November 23 ' front
Liverpool for Now York with: 470th .
aero squadron, two officers, 127 men; ,
471st aero squadron, three- sffieors, 131
men; 478th aro squadron, six officers,
125 men; 479th aerb squadron, 4 offi
cers, 140 men; 224th aero squadron,
two officers, 225 men; 260th aerm
squadron, two officers, 12tf men; 261st
aero squadron, 8 officers, 144 men;
806th aero squadron, two officers, 41
men; 823rd aero squadron, 3 office-,
119 men; 824th aero squadron, It. offi
cers, 99 men; 831st aero squadron, 3
officers, 106 men; 836th aero squadron,
4 officers, 109 men; 82nd aero squadron
4 officors, 125 men; third construction
company, air service, 4 officers, 23.1
men; iiial medical dcpurtiment, 4
officers, 12 men total for the Orcu,
50 officers, 1874 enlisted num.
ThB vessels are oxpeoted to arrive)
about tho end of the month. (It takes
from Crook county for lar-
State Trcaurcr Kay has gone to Sau
Francisco on business relating' to gov
ernment contracts held by his woolwi
Notice was received by tho public
service commission today that tho Pa
cific Telephone & Telegraph company
will discontinue its public office at
Kickreall, in l'ulk county, on December
5, 'as tho company has been unable to
find an agent to run the office.
A Number Of Men From Ore
gon And Other Western
States On Boat.
Washington, Nov. 2o. Fourteen men'
the hungry remnant of the crew of
1 the sunken steamer Dumaru-havo land-
icd at San Jose, L'Orient, east coast.
of the Philippines, sad navy department
advices this afternoon.
The story of the Dumaru and hi r
crew is one of the " most remarkable
narratives of shipwrecks in recent
The Dumaru put out at Guam, Oc
tober 16. Only a few miles off this
mid- Pacific island, the vessel ws
struck by lightning, which igniting the
; gasoline, destroyed the ship. The crew
I put off in lifeboats. Thirty eght days
!t''iey drfted in the open boats, ten days
without food und five days without
i water.
Sixteen of the crew died from ex
posure and two others drowned whilo
landing at Pan Jose 1200 miles from
their starting point.
Two other ligfebooats were rescued
same' time ago- This last group accounts
for all of the crew.