Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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An Economical, Delightful, ugu piace to Trade tttttttttr.utt:
v - -
Had Approved Ultkahsn Sent
To Serbia In 1914 By
1 A Pair of Shoes Is a Welcome Gift I
1 1 1
8 . . f?
Footwear Favorite for Women
The woman who steps into a pair of our shoes immediately proceeds to for
get the question of foot corirt, for there's no occasion to recall it. Our shoes
are correct in every detz.1i and their wearers appreciate it. Our - shoes are
correct in every foot comfort, continued service and neat, correct styles.
Sturdy Shoes for Kiddies
"My youngster used to go through a
:: month; but I buy them here now and
much longer."-p-That's what a pleased
yesterday. . -
Misses And Grown Girls' Shoes
Widths, A, B and C, Black gun metal
welt sole, 7 1-2 inch top, all leather,
good-fitting last. Sizes 11 1-2 to 2;
$4.5P; Sizse 2 1-2 to 8 ...;...$5.75
t Dark Brown Calf ---7 1 -
welt; all leather; sizes 11
t $4.95 ; Sizes 2 1-2 to 8
Brown, Black, Grey, Top, White Top,
Patent Leather Well assorted styles
child's and misses.' SpecialSizes 8
1-2 to 11 1-2 $1.95; Sizes 12 to 2 $2.50
County and city officer! at Baker
eonfiscnted 276 quarts of whiskey and
Harry Newton end Jake Decker have
been fined $300 each and sentenced to
60 days in jail.
J MJ.B.Cottee
Best Coffee
at any price
You can make more cups
of good coffee with less
M. J. B than with any
other coffee.
Ground just right to make
the best cup of coffee. ..
Blended from the finest
flavored coffees grown in
the world.
Thoroughly aged before
it is roasted. -
Quality never changes.
It's the most economical.
It goes further.
Vacuum Packed by Spec
ial Process to Preserve its
"strength and flavor.
It Reaches You Fresk
i Every Cam Guaranteed
Women's Dark .Grey, cloth top, Louis Heel, 8-inch top;
) special ..- . $6.75
Women's Dark Kid Vamp, 8-inch grey cloth top, Louis
heel; all sizes and widths; extra special $5.75
Women's Dark Grey, 8-inch top, all kid, military heel;
special .. $7.95
Women's Dark Grey Kid, 8-inch cloth top, military
heel; welt; special $6.75
Women's All Grey Calf, 8-inch top, military heel ;
special ...$7.95
EXTRA SPECIALWomen's Black Kid Vamp, Grey
Cloth Top, regular $7.50, to close out ,.$4.95
Also large stock in Brown Calf, Brown Kid, military
and Louis heel, from $5.50 to $9.50
pair of shoes a
they, last ever so
customer told us
Sizes 2 1-2 to 6 ........$3.50, $3.95
Children's Goodyear Stitch, Cream
Color Sizes 5 to 8 $2.65; Sizes 8 1-2 ,
to 11 1-2 $3.25; Sizes 12 to 2 $3.95
Children's Black Stitchdrawn ,
Sizes 5 to 8 ....$2.25
Sizes 8 1-2 to 11 1-2 $2.65
Sizes 12 to 2 $2.95
2 - inch top;
1-2 to 2;
Child's Brown Stitchwrawn
Sizes 5 to 8
Sizes 8 1-2
Sizes 12 to
State Street, Salem, Oregon.
new douks ieteiveu
. At Public Library
"If I Were Twenty-one;" tips from
a business veteran to young men enter
ing tlio business world, by William
I "Central America;" the history and
present situation in Guatamala, .Nicar
agua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama nd
Slvdor, by W. H. Koebol.
"Co-operation, the Hope of the Con
sumer," a discussion of the trade sit
uation and its remedy in the Boehdale
plan of cooperative buying, by Emerson
; "Practical electricity, " a presenta
tion of the fundamental facts and the
ories relating to electricity and its
; present day applications by . Terrell
"The New Tinsmith's Helper and
PattornJJook," a guide in the cutting
and fitting of' tin work, by Hall Wil;
liams.- .
"Dramatized Bcenes from American
History," sevon pageants full of sug
gestive material for patriotic holidays,
prepared by August Stevenson.
"Spanish American Life," a reader
for students of modern Spanish, by E.
L. C. Morse.
"The Foundling Prinee and Other
Talus from the Eoumanian" adapted
by Julia Harris.
"Tho Patriotic Poems," of Walt
Whitiaan. ,
"Hearts of Controversy," critical es
on Tennyson, Dickers, Swinburne,
the Brontes and on literary tendencies,
bv Alice Mcynell.
"The human element in the making
of a Christian," a study in personal
evangelism by Bertha Cocde.
TKeligion and Common Svnse,". dia
tu&ion of some of religious questions
ly the author, of "Student in Arm.-'
Donald. Hanke).
"lie Itird and Fourth Generation"
a simple study of heredity throwing
lighv on the jtbjoej of eugenics, one
o the "PubK:V,'xn in Kclieimis Kdn-
cation " put out by tho University of
Chicago. The author is Elliott Down
ing. "Bpst Selections,'.' eight additional
volumes of readings, edited by Shoe
make. "Cambridge History 'of American
Literature? VoL 1, Early National Lit
erature and Colonial and Revolution
ary," edited by Trent, Sherman and
"Battles Royal Down North," sto
ries and sketches by Norman Duneaa.
"Hira Singh," a story of when In
dia came to fight in, I'lander by Tal
bot Mundy.
'JJoan and Peter," the ttory of an
education,- by Herbert Well.
to 11 1-2
We Pay Cadi for
PORTLAND, ORE . iw.fr, ft in
Hazelwood Co., Front and Ankeny SU.
Mrs. Jos. Lackpelle
Dies In Washington
Thursday evening of last week Jos.
Lachapelle received a telegram from
Raymond, Wash., announcing the death
of Mrs. Lachapelle at that place. This
news came as a shock to the family as
only two days 'before a letter was re
ceived from Mrs. Lachapelle saying she
was well and was planning to com to
Hubbard in a short time.
The body and accompanying friends
arrived nore Monday morning, the fun
eral being hold at the home on South
second street at eleven o'clock. Inter
ment in the Hubbard cemetery.
Mrs. Theresa DeGicr Lachapello was
born April 24th, 1849, died Nov. 14th,
1918, age 69 years. Was married to
Joseph Lachapelle Oct 30th 1866; to
this union there were born nine child
ren, Joseph Lachapelle, Jr., Blanche
Cornell, Montana; Eli, Portland; Olivet
Washington state: Edward, Portland;
Mrs- Mae Dryer, and Mrs. Myrtle
uoenran, Moialla; Albert with the Mar
ines, Alfred in Washington state, Hub
bard Enterprise.
The second annual corn contest was
held at Mount Angel Saturday. Philip
J. May took first prize.
Siva Way to Soothing Hamlin's
Wizard Oil
Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and
effective treatment for headache and
neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pain
is, it acts as a tonic to the tortured
nerves and almost invariably brings
quick relief. - . - .,
Its healing, antiseptic qualities can
always be relied upon td prevent in
fection, or other serious results, from
prains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites
nd -stings. Just as good, too, for
ore feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold
lores and canker sores. . ,
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back.
Ever constipated or have sick
headache? Just try Wizard Liver
Whips, feasant little pink pills, 30
cents. Guaranteed.
Washington, .Nov. 23. Germany's
hatched-up plot against the peace of
the world is being unfolded by the new
Bavarian government. -
wearied of the doniinat-on of Prus
sia over German affairs, the Bavarian
authorities are now officially revealing
documents detolUng lemma iJf the
former Bavarian minister to Berlin and
showing how Germany connived with
Austria-Hungary to bring on tho war.
.The .first summary of these to reach
this country shows thnt Germany ap
proved Austria's ultimatum to Serbia
which started tho war -apparently
believing that war - would be good
tiling for tho dual monarchy. The act
ion against Serbia, the report shows,
was carefully deliberated upor by Ger
many. I csiiDerateiy cited war
The Bavarian government, revolting
against the domination of Iiussia, antl
charging the. kaiser's '.group with de
liberately inciting the war, published
officially a summary of a report from
Lerchonfeld tho Bavarian, minister to
Berlin. . ' ' r '
"Lerchonfeld informed his govern
ment on July 18, 1914, of the plot
hatched against .peace," the summary
of tho expose received in diplomatic
quarters here stated, "On July 18, he
announced the Austrian ultimatum to
Serbia, saying that its deliverance has
been postponed to July 25 until Mr.
Poincare and Mr. "Vi viani' were on their
way back from 8t. Petersburg," the
diplomatic dispatches stated; '.' We gave
a summary of the note and added that
it is plain that Serbia cannot accept
these exigencies -which are irreconcil
able with her dignity as an independ
ent state. Berlin f)llty approved of
Austria making use of . the opportunity
even at the risk of ulterior complica
tions. Mr. Von Jagow, like' Mr. Zim
merman, still doubts that Vienna will
maintain her exigencies to tho last.
Tho under secretary . state tells me
that 'Austria-Hungary,' owing to her ir
resolution and her tMncordfr had really
bccom$,jtbe sick man,'if.,Euriipo as Turkey-
was before. ThoiBussians, Italians
Ritrnj&rilans, Serbians "ami. Montenegrins
are" waiting for this country to be di
vided; thnnkg to the victoiious inter
vention.'.'. ... .;, : , '' ..V '.. 1
vj... . ,.. ...
';. ' . " '! ' .
Debarkation Hospital Number
3 In New York. Has Ac-
New York, Nov. 25. Debarkation
hospital number 3 the largest institu
tion of its kind in the United States
is today taking caro of its first contin
gent of wounded American doughboys.
Hie hopsitul iu which some of the na
tion 's greatest medical and surgical tal
out hud been mobilized, is located in a
six story business block at 18th and
Sixth avenue. .-..
Thousands of person, literally sore
naded tho institution, gathering in tho
streets about it trying to get a gliinpec
of' the wounded veterans. The soldiers
were enthusiastic and joyful over tho
ovation and waved their hands to the
crowds below.
Every Comfort Provided.
Every comfort ' und convenience is
provided for the wounded. There arc
accommodations for 4000 beds. Al
ready 426 of these are occupied. With
in ten days it is expected that the
hospital will be filled to its capacity.
Tho institution boasts of a number
of recreation features, such as no oth
er hospital of its kind has. ,
There is a roof garden and an ob
servatory. The Ked Cross has provided
a recreation auditorium for movies and
theatricals. There are billiard and pool
tables, bowling alleys and smoking
Two floors of tho great building are
devoted to surgical cases. In connec
tion with these all of the latest and
most improved surgical appliances and
apparatus are provided. Captain K. B.
McLelln, of Cleveland, who is in
charge of this department, has a largo
staff of surgeons.
Efficiency Great, -The
. efficienty of ' the hospital's
equipment is indicated by the fact that
2000 persons may be served a meal with
in ten minutes. One hundred men aro
employed in the kitchen.
Major W. J. Monughan of the medi
cal eorps is in command of the hospi
tal. It was announced at the hospital to
day that arrangements were being
made for receiving relatives and friends
of the wounded soldierB. The Bed Cross
is planning to furnish accommodations
for the relatives.
Friends and relatives will be allowed
to visit the wounded, at all times, it
was stated. No restrictions are con
templatcd. '
How Archbishop
Frustrated Plot
Chicago, Nov. 25. That the late
Archbishop Ireland frustrated a plot
to make the Soman Catholic church in
For Thanksgiving Turkey QCP
per pound j . . yj
Ali Turkeys not contracted by Wednesday at 10 a. m. will be shipped to Port
land. We have Mince meat and all the necessary Fixins for a ... first class
Thanksgiving Dinner.
Cranberries, per quart - I5c
This year's raisins, 2 lbs for. 25c
Mixed Nuts, per lb ; :.30c
Filberts, per lb 25c
Choice English walnuts.....:.. 35c
We extend to all our Friends and Patrons THE YEAR'S GREETINGS and
wish that those who have loved ones Over There may have them around their ,
festive boards again in the near future. , . u x iJ&i!
The Farmers' Store of
ttip United States a tool of Gornmny
was tho assertion made, by the Kcv
Charles McGinnis, of St. Paul, in un
address tonight.
"John Ireland," he said, "discover
ed an attempt throughout the country
which would have established German
and Austrian Catholics in colonics in
various parts of the nation. When war
cam tho "church- would have been
placed- in the position of harboring en
'cmy . aliens. ' ' v '. ' ;
"When the project had gone bo fa
that ambassadors had almost convinc
ed Pope Leo thnt tho movement was
all right, John Ireland slipped away
from St. Paul without any ' announce
ment of his destination, went to Moiue
and convinced tho pope that the move
ment wag dangerous and the latter pro
nounced against it."
Fred fhlen Is Dead
Of Wounds In Battle j
Aurora, Nov. 25. Mr. and Mrs. II.
C. Ehlen have received the news of Uie
death of their son, Fred Ehlen, in
France on October 8 when he died from
wounds received in battle. Ho belong
ed to company C, 127th U. 8. infantry,
which was made up mostly of Wiscon
sin troops, to which organization he had
been transferred from tho Third Oregon
Ho was very popular and greatly lik-
gassed, but hnd returned to his com
pany about September 15. Ho was in
the fierce, battles that followe, wus
wounded again and sent to the hospital
where ho died. Ho was but a boy in
years only 19 -but was a seasoned
and vetoran soldior in experience.
Ho was very uopular and greatly lik
ed by old and young here. Ho was a
bright young man whose future was en
sured had. he lived through tho awful
scones into which the war plunged him.
His star on tho Aurora service flag is
the fourth one to change from blue to
Ambassador Jusserand
To Accompany President
Washington, Nov. 25. French Am
bassador jusserand will accompany
President Wilson to tho pcaee confer
ence, it wa learned authoritatively to
day. .
Jusserand, dean of tho diplomatic
corps in Washington, is intimately ac
quainted with the entire diplomat, sit
uation both from the point of view of
France and of the United States. His
particularly close association with
President Wilson will enable him to ce
Sayi Cream Applied In Nostril
Kelieve Head-Cold at Once.
If your nostrils are clogged and your
lead it stuffed and yon can't breathe
freely because of a cold or catarrh, just
get a email bottle of Ely's Cream Balm
at any drug etore. Apply a little ot
this fragrant, antiseptie cream into
your' nostrils and let it penetrate
through every air passage of your bead,
toothing and healing the Inflamed, swoU
len mucout membrane and you get in
stant relief.
Ah! how good It feels. Tour ooe
trilt are open, your head it clear, no
more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no
more headache, dryness of struggling
for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just
what lufferera from bead colds and ca
arrh need.. It't a delight, .
ment more firmly the friomlhipbe
tween France and America during the
peace conference. - "
J.B.Densmore la Portland
To Confer With Council
Portland, Or., Nov. 25. -"1 suppose
so,',' snid John B. IVensmoro when ask
ed today by the United Press if he Will
appear bofore the San Francisco grand
jury which will investigate his alleged
Mooney conspiracy. Mr, Densmoro, who
is director general of the United States
employment service, is hero to confer
this afternoon with the Portland Metal
Trades Council regarding tha handling
of metal workers in the shipyards. He
wJt.9i w w .
It " d r 'w ii 3
stands for COKE
so clean and so handy
stands for OAK
so costly and tough
stands for KNOTS
of which oak has many
stands for END
of your troubles and huff
Phone 85
Almonds, per lb 35c
Hickory Nuts, lb 30c
This year's Chestnuts, lb 20c
Pecans, lb I..............:............. 35c
Brazil Nuts, lb 35c
Black Walnuts, 10c, 3 lbs for ,.25c
will leave tonight for Seattle to "ad
just some employment affairs" and ex
pects to return to San Francisco within
a week. ' ' ' '.
Farmors in the vicinity of Warren
are making arrangements to buy hay in
carload lots.
The Original
Malted r.liikv
For Infanta and Invalid
-m-v t s.f-
:' r.TTT iCnrt, rfc