Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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.f-fr&ifrifr" -i'l : society : WIlME mm 5 TUrTO
washday, use
Fels-Naptha Soap in the
Fels-Naptha way.
Because it makes boiling
water unnecessary, it saves the
extra coal or gas you need for
boiling water.
It is economical
Fels-Naptha when
alone you save 15
to 25c on washday.
At your own foctf
Patriotic Poem Written
By I C S. Representative
Benjamin B. Perking, who has de
cided to make Mi horns in Salem, will
represent the International Correspon
dence School in this vicinity. Ho will
move to (he city with hii family from
However, when not working with bin
regular business, Mr. Perkins cultivates
the muses and occasionally breaks out
into poetry. His latest effort in this
line i a poem entitled "Our Home."
Jt may be sung to the music of "Co
lumbia Ocm of the Ocean." The poom
Ja as follows:
.lVe will stand by the homes of our na
tion, The Homes that were built by the
Ttt will save Homes from their desO'
Aad dig for the tyrant a crave.
AVe will sweep from the foftls of "Old
The clouds which are dark'nlng its
And wo '11 blot from the world-honored
The words which its pages now mar.
We will stand by the red, white and
Our star-spangled banner so true.
And we'll sweep from the folds of
"Old Glory
The clouds which now hang o'er it
. t blue, .- . j, . r.
VF are coming, tlio scions of heroes,
. To pvove that )hey died not in vain;
And we challenge the sin-hardened He
roes '
Who play o'er the graves of the'
Away with the laws of protection
Which shelters their infamous trade;
Vu are coming to show by our tenon
The strength of tlio vows we have
Watch Your Blood Supply,
Don't Let Impurities Creep In
Pnftf Blood Means Perfect
Th average druggist has handled
fcundreds of medicines in his day,
soma of which have long sine been
But there is one that has been sold
fcy the druggists throughout this
country, for mors than fifty years,
md that is S. S. S,. tba reliable blood
1 lliiMi ku!iia
I w-ji r,..;,Ti 7 1
I S M -
'J t ' A :
. I ...... - !
e ill "i tuv-,' .wowuiw3 i .- ' - vv iv i is i ?
iior? s a
Real War
to buy
When Itching 5tqpaj
There is one safe, dependable treatment
.v.... ntuna jrhlnr tnrtnm and akin irri-
U10I.IV..VTV. .VW...B "
tation almost instantly and that cleanses
and soothes the skin.
Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 bottle
vf mamn onA nnnlv If lis directed. Soon
v& wt-n'v .... rrv "- i
you will find that irritations, pimples,
blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm
ana similar Skin troUDies win disappear,
A Mnn thm mCTifttratincr. satisfy.
ing liquid, is all that is needed, for it
banishes most skin eruptions and makes
UK) akin son, smootn ana newuiy.
The E. W. Ross Co. Ctevehnd, a
Chorus: (Same as above)
We re the bomeguaru that never sur
Tlio legions of honor and truth;
We're Columbia's Loyal Defenders,
Who Tiave pledged her our unspotted
For God who niarcliinc before us,
For home, whose protectors we are;
And the glorious country, that bore us,
We've enlisted our lifo in tbig war,
We'll unfur the red, white and blue,
Our star-spangled banner so true;
And we'll sweep from the folds of
"Old Glory"
The clouds which now hang o'er its
The United War Work drive for
the different districts with Gervais
ns the central point, did not all raise
their" quotas; the committees having
the work in charge report that many
socm to lack interest and are indiffer
ent, whether it is because peace in in
sight or from other reasons it 1s hard
10 to.
The amounts donated by the differ,
rliof Pints tiv frits unnnSfAi) aa ass I
eut districts, so far reported are as fol
lows: District No. 59, St. Louis, $94j
IMst. No. 26. Fairfield, l 02.50; Dist.
No. 13, Manning, 123.50; Dist. 2, Par
kersville, 150.50; Dist. No. 76, Gervais
$275.05. Star-
medicine, that is purely Tegetaoie.
Many druggists have seen wonderful
results accomplished among tneu
customers by this great old medicine,
and they know that S. S. S. is one ot
the most reliable blood purifiers ever
made. Keep your blood free of Im
purities by the use of this honest old
medicine, and if you want medical
advice, you can obtain same without
cost by writing to Medical Director,
Swift Spoeifie Co., 23 Swift Labora
tory. Atlanta, Ga.
in iuei ri '
Our Overcoat
Thanksgiving Day Will Find Them Wher
ever GOOD Coats Are Worn'
And who doesn't want a good Overcoat
on that day? Not the man who reads
Now if you nted a ntw Overcoat to go
somewhere, to participate in the great
est Thanksgiving festivities ever known
to be in the game, and in the game
for seasons come tomorrow. No, don't
put it off another day, this is the cli
max! By Wednesday evening we make
the goal the best will be gone after
that the leavin's and not the faintest in
dication of lower prices. Our prices
range from
By CASOL b. oibsia. i T& ?CTs? Hot water kr - i .
1 rTVrll
Salem friends will be interested to
hear that Miss Ada B. Kuntz, s well
known Salem girl, sailed from San
Francisco Saturday for the Philippines.
She took passage on the steamer, Vene
zuela, which takes her first to Yokaho
ma, arriving December 13. 8he will
leave Yokohama for tne. rtuiippines
December 19, reaching Manilla Decem
ber 28.
Miss Kuntz will be met at the Islands
by her fiance, Hadwrn H. Williams.
The marriage of Mias Knntr and Mr.
Williams will take place abortiy alter
her arrival. Mr. Williams holds a po
sition in the school service of the Is
lands, corresponding to that of state
superintendent in the United States.
His headquarters are in the city of
Nago, where Miss Kuntz will also
teach in the schools this winter.
Miss Kuntz is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Kuntz of 2360 8outh
Commercial street. Mr. Williams is for
merly from the east, having met Miss
Ktmrt at Braincrd, Miune4,i,a, tvaerc
she held a school position. Mr. Williams
has been in the Philippine! tne past
six years. .
Miss Kuntz left Salem for San Fran'
Cisco over a wees; ego, expecting to
sail immediately but the ship on which
she had secured passage was suddenly
taken over by the government for oth
er purposes and she was forced to wait
until Saturday. She has been domiciled
at the Hotel Stewart meanwhile. This
fall Miss Kuntz taught in the high
school at Vancouver, Washington.
Felicitations are being showered up
on Mr. and Mrs. (Junius B. Cross at
their home, 250 North 14th street, on
the arrival of a daughter, who made
her advent yesterday morning. The
small maid has been named Virginia
The home of Mrs. T. W. Davies, 941
North Cottage street, was the scene of
a merry party Saturday evening, giv
en by Mrs. Davis in honor of the sev
enteenth birthday of her daughter, E-
taer Davi.es, Tne rooms were elaborate'
ly decorated with gorgeous yellow and
white chryaaatehmums, effectively com
Dined with autumn (foliage ami ferns.
Miss Hester Welsh assisted in the serv
ing of delicious refreshments. -A
variety of games, music and danc
ing whiled the evening away in a gala
fashion for the jolly gathering of young
i- t mi: t t i
people, miss lauian duquui coninuuiuu
to the general pleasure with several
piano numbers.
Miss Davies was presented with a
handsome five piece ivory set by hor
guests, who included for the most part
the members of the senior class of the
high school to which she belongs.
The guests wercr Mus XManebe Gib
son, Miss lieah. Oreenboum, Mass rior-
once Keefe, Miss Pauline Porter, Miss
bisio Pletz, Miss Rose B. Mo:gniiMiss
Charlotte Horning, Miss Lillian Jne-
quet, Miss Catherine Barhyte. Miss
Hester Welch, Misg Lobto Davis, Miss
Doretha Douglass, Miss Hazel Eldon-
kin, Miss Vera Wright, Paul E. Davies,
Garnet Harra, Herbert Booth, Milton
OrnlBjm: Aldni A. 'Eaton. Fall W. Tav
AH)riuh Juha lbri,.h A ;
' ' '
Grrice, La Doyt Davies, Clifford Town
send. Merle Porter, Gay Taylor, Walter
Miss Verma Baker and Miss Freda
Campbell were charming hostesses Fri
day nuzht when they entertained a
group of Willamette university girls
informally at the home of Miss Camp
boll, IStIO North Summe- street. Miss
Bnker and Miss Campbell are juniors
in the university and they asked as
their honor guests their university
"sistera" in tho freshman class.
A small coterie of friends were bid
den by Misg Margery Marvin to en in
formal knitting party Thursday even
ing at her home on South Commercial
street. Dainty refreshments formed a
feature of the evening's enjoyment.
Tho guests included: Mrs. Keith Powell,
Miss Catharine Carson, Mr. Hugh Me
canimon, Mrs. Allan Bynou, Mrs. Dan
Fry, Jr., Mrs. Earl FlogoJ, Miss Haaet
Downing, Mra. Norm Courtney.
$15 to $36
I -..aaiTJaSSJatk
6 Bcu-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Professor Dells Crowder Miller of
Willamette university entertained in
formally at dinner Friday evening at
her residence, 666 Ferry street. The
table, centered with a hanubome deep
bowl of yellow chrysanthemums, was
eircled by Dr. and Mrs. George H. Al-
den, the hostess and her son, Orville
Crowder Miller.
Sunday Mrs. Miller was aieo a din
ner hostess in honor of two 8. A. T. C.
students, Ralph Thomas and Frederick
Scott. Professor Miller's son, who for
merly taught in the public specking
department in Elon university, North
Carolina, is taking work in Willamette
this year.
, Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper return
ed to Portland Saturday after a two
week's visit in Salem as the guests of
Mrs.. Cooper s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Mover, at their home on the
Wallace road.
The members of the Tillicum club
will hold their first dance of the sea
son tomorrow evening at the Masonie
Temple. Though a holiday atmosphere
will prevail, tne affair will oe or a
strictly informal nature. The club mem
bership role comprises 64 names.
k L!cthdr"s Happiness
V.ziz Perfect
Of Utmost Imortance That She Hm
Every Care.
The expectant mother's nhntcal contort
should be our first thought, and all about
ber should
to K that her preparation
lor ham's eomliw be cmrdm
Then is a moat sekndid remedy to nrs.
wi wnmesj jar in areaien worn in 11
ana, idowb aa Mother's Frlmd. It Is ap
piled to the Biuaales of the abdomen, rtly
nibbed In, and at wiee penetrates to relieve
strain OB Mrea, eorda and Ikraments, It
make the aMuelce so pliant that they ex
pand esilly when baby arrives; the hours
t the time are fewest and pain and donfer
at the crista In natonulr avoided.
Mother's Friend enables the mother' to
preserve her health and strength, and aha
remains a pHretlf another br havl ir avoided
discomfort and suffering which mojn often
than otherwise accompanies such In eceo.
ajoa when natnra is unaided. Every nerve, ,
muscle and teadeai is thoroughly lubricated.
Discomfort during the period Is counter
acted, and the akin, after the crisis, left
smooth aad natural.
Write to the Brad field Regulator Coa
ly, Dtpt, B, Lamar Building-, Atlanta.
riaU for thrir Matherhond hank, and nlv
tain a bottle- of Mother' Friend from tba
drug tor todar wltltout loll
Horlick's Maltt'cf Milk, very digestible
Continued from page one)
on them.
; , Socialists Plan Army.
Socialists in Berlin are reported to
be planning formation of an army. Ev
ery soldier is. to, wear tho same kind
of uniform, only the shoulder straps to
designate difTcrejce in ran. , J(V
Spread of bolshttvism-is-grealv fear
cd and the authorities are taking every
precaution, massing troops and machine
guns in buildings overlooking the prin
cipal streets.
Karl Licbnecht is jivcd by his sup
porters to take the same precautions.
Chancellor Kbert deelartio. in SB inter
view that the Socialist groups are unit'
ed in their desire for peaoe and that
only a handful ot idiots' want to
continue the war.
It was officially announced that the.
Htcialists and woikiue'l and soldiers
have united and th4 the workmen's
ixrA soldiers' council m Berlin will o
rti.'ute with, tne government, unui a
government represait'G th workmen
snd soldiers ean be s'-j.imoned.
Coatinned frost page one)
If the constituent assembly is indefi
nitely postponed the soviet system of
government may become fixed through
Saving aotsing to replace it.
But wheather Oermany has a coun
ter revelation or not; and whether the
Soviets or a central government exer
cise sovereign powers, there can be no
safe trust in German ambitions. What
ever the method of government now to
be adapted, Germany's spirit must
prove itself before it ean be aeeepted
in confidence by the world which the
Germans have so savagely wronged.
School Has Three Puuils
An J Eyeryllling IS LOVeiy
With only three scholars ia the school
all from the aama family and the teach
er drawing $63.00 a month salary, Ce
dar Camp school in Marion county be
yond Hullt, away up Silver creek,
stands in a class all by itself.
Ia the district was formerly a lod
ging camp and to accommodate the
largo attendance a modern school house
was erected and the school property put
in first elase shape. But with the clos
ing down of the camp the attendance
dropped off gradually until now there
is but the one family ia the district
with the three children of school age.
Of the three pupils, one is in the
first dc. and the other two ia the
second grade, but on account of the
personal attention received by each,
the pupils are making rapid advances
in the stadiee not exactly contemplat
ed in the regular grade work.
alias Alice Lanmo-U teacher and she
boarda, with the parents of her three
pupils, Mr. end Mrs. J. . Thomas. Bat
as a little extra exercise oa Saturdays.
Misa Larae walks six mj!cs to Hullt
to ct the nail.
To organize a new achoal district,
ittttttittitltltltltiiH"IIHttt M
You should see this display of Dolls. Do not wait until later-see them now.
The assortment is large and you will find a doll to suit every gift occasion. You
will be interested to know how rapid the advance in American manufacture
has been during the past two years. Every doll offered for sale made in the U.
S. A. ' " ; I WffilJ f
RlAKE this store your headquarters
"Everybody Knows Shipley's-The Place to Buy Reliable Merchandise at Pop
ular Prices'
Dennison's Xmas Boxes
Dennison's Xmas Seals
Dennison's Crepe Paper
Dennison's Tissue Paper
Dennison's Paper Garlands
Dennison's Paper Napkins
Crepe de Chine Underwear, Denton's Sleepers, Children's and Women's Knit
ted Headwear, Plain and Novelty Ribbons, Women's Neckwear, Kid Gloves,
Fabric Gloves, Women's Handkerchiefs
Kimonas, Bath Robes,
-trr-1 1 err
Before applying powder give your
skin a protecting coat of
Motor Cream '
Shietdssfcln acainst wind and weather.
Prevents tan and atmbam. Kes skin soft
and velvetv. Eliminsvca anus of mopt coro
plcxioa dpfrrts. Ahsnhttaly easflHisi to
.uoper care of facial beauts. Try it.
125 If. High St
the proposed district and later to main
tain the school there is supposed to tie
sis 'who are of the school age between
four and 20 rears. But after a dis
trict is established it may continue in
definitely even if the attendance does
fall off. Hence, the three euisw-av -
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thomas are assured
of school facilities, even if they are
the whole school.
Oregon Was Beaten
By Narrow Margin
Berkeley, Cnl., Nov. 24. Seven H.?n-
ff 'r Orcgea L Saturday's interstate
Bears went ever the goal line for s
Stuff "the bird with
(Made of Corn)
Makes the finest
kind of cJressir.5
Sak-f, A
r ... Mm
Gift Suggestions
Box Stationery
Pound Stationery
Paper Dolls
Lead Pencils
Christmas Cards
'Christmas Booklets
Silk Petticoats
Warner Corsets
Blankets, Comfortables, Pillows, Richardson's Linens,
Art Linens, Umbrellas.
"Feminine Wear Exclusively"-
H.M tiivttttiitmrvmttnmiHMiniitt
MM MM teessseeeMet
touchdown the only seore of the game
California winning 6 to 0.
"Shy" Huntington may well feel
proud of liia oleven men who battled
the Californians to a fare-tho-well. Out
weighed fully eight pounds to the man
and with the ground soggy as a result
of torrential rains, Oregon's football
ists gave the Beari everything they
had stored in their systems that was
possible, and in the fourth quarter a1
the ball on California' three-yard line;
but the Bears' almost impregnable line
presented a stonc-wall defense and the
Eugene warriors lost the ball on tho
fourth down.
Jacobberger Oregon Star.
California had the edge on the Ore
gonians in every quarter except tho
first. The Bears ran up a total jof.' 280
yards, gained by rushing, to Oregon's
198. Sprott, Watson and Hooper, Cali
fornia 's trio of line plungers, worked
overtime, and made first down 17 times
during the battle to Oregon's nine, but
Oregon was out there fighting every
inch of the way, with Francis Jaeob
berger standing out as tho bright Btar
of the big game. .
Washington Beats O. A. 0.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 24. Plunging
through left tackle for the only toueh
dowu of the same, Bay Evkman, dimin
utive quarterback of the University of
Washington eleven, won the opening
gain of the 1918 gridiron season yes
terday from the rugged u. A. U Hus
kies, 6 to 0. Surprising the purple and
gold's most ardent admirers, the vic
tory was unexpected.
Disorganized Now
Boston, Mass., Nov. 25. The signing
of the armistice came so suddenly that
few interests in the men's wear trado
had an opportunity to prepare for it,
even in a small way, and as a result re
construction will probably be slow.
lots of wool still is being valued by
tho different units as fast as they eaa
be graded and made ready by the var
ious houses.
All the problems of the wool sirna
tidm are not bound up in the question
Carter's Little Liver Pills
You Cannot be k A Remedy That
and Happy
A BSENCE of Iron ia the
1 v Blood is the teasosi for
Baany cnaorleae faces bvt
M ,lsURirR.al
Fr in
Novelty Jewelry
Leather Purses
Leather Bags
Parisian Ivory
Howard's Brushes
Toilet Articles
Voile Waists
Modart Corsets
To Cure a Gold in One Day
(Tablets.) It stops the Tough antt
Headacho artd works off the Cold.' E.
W. GKOVE'S signature on each box. .
30e. -
of government control. Comparative
prices of foreign and domestic wools
and the possible competition of Eng
lish manufacturers of woblcn fabrics in
the markets of tho United States are
causing. much anxiety in manufacturing
circles. They aro said to be at tlio tooi
tom of the disappointing way in which
the civilian demand for government
owned wools has developed.
If importations of men's wear, fab
rics are to bo made with the freedom
that now seems probahle, of goorls
made from shenper wool than is avail-;
able in this country, the incentive for
manufacturers to -operate will be lack
ing. -!
life's momentum, depends upon
a well-nourished body. When
strength is depleted and the body
lacking in essential nourishment,
(he nerves ore the first to suffer
simon-pure in substance, rich in
tonic qualities, nourishes the
whole body and strengthens and
steattiea the nerves. Wherever
the sun shines, Soott'i is the
recognized standard tonic-foed.
ana conserver ot strength.
ScottaBovrac.Blooafttld.KJ. 1S-17
Journal Want Ads Pay
Makes Life
Worth Living
will greatly help moat pala-faced people