Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 23, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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I Go to Church Sunday
1 ...II in. .i--.il- n .i -i-.i.m. h.h i. j mi. i .11 -
Subjects cf Sermons and .Where They
, Will Be Delivered in Salem Houses
of Worship, Tomorrow
I IS FOR US, LUKE 9, 49.50.
'(A Poem iu tho Interest of Christian!
Tolerance, by Jacob Stocker.) I
"And John answered and said, Mas
ter, we saw one casting out devils in
thy name and we forbade hint, because ;
he fulloweth not with us. And Jeeus j
nam unto nim: lorbid him not: lor no
that is not against us is of us. ' '
A union Thanksgiving service, under Mrs. Anua rx-hultz, the preaching acr- - .. .,
the auspice, of the Salem Ministerial vices br Bev. Blocker. There will U Why do you grudge the name of brother
Association, will - be held Thursday Thanksgiving aerviee, at 10:30 a. m. ? h "l0-
morning, Nov. 28, at 10:30 o'clock in Thanksgiving day. U. r. Lcining, " "
1L. V: - ... I. .J ' 1 l. l. I I. W W U. I t . I . t , at.AA. .liii.Ak I
IUV first mvillUUMH VUUICU. i-'i . n. . ui.f 4 aiv. uf iMvuitf. Diivuk yuuiy
Avison, president of the association,
will preside. Rev. W. C. Kautner, pas- First Christian Church.
1 It,. rn...;nn-l Phii-oh will
deliver the message. Other pastor, will1, c' Owtw High streets.
Uke part in the service. An offering w'm " WM
wUl be taken for the Anueu. aad Flad.wl"n ? go
Byiian relief.
Prof. Sites, head of the musical de
parttnent of Willamette University,
Las charge of the musical part of the
service. He is organising a large chor
us and orchestra. The choirs of the dif
ferent churches will be combined io
form the chorus.
This ig a community aeiviee which
t thik time should appeal to all 9lr:n
First Baptist Church.
Tommorow is Mobilization Day at the
First Baptist Sunday school. The ses
sion meets at 9:45. A full attendance
of members and many visitors are ex
cocted. Special oponing exercises in
eluding a patriotic pagoant will be ren
dered. After the study poriod the
school will pbs in review before the
officers of the church, the classes and
departments carrying banners and greet
)ng to the officers with mottoes and
slogans. Public worship at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. . Young Peoples meeting at
6:30 p. m. Dr. Holt's topics will be
morning, Whose Tag do You Wcar;t
Evening, An Old Story Retold. Every
one cordially invited.
Leslie Methodist Episcopal.
Corner South Commercial and Meyers
streets. Horace N. Aldrich, pastor,
0:43 a. in. Sunday school, with classes
for all ages. E. A. K ho ten, supt. Woll
equipped primary department under
the direction of Mrs. Mason Bishop, 11
a. m. public worship, with sermon by
the pastor. Theme, "A Modern Con
version." Sneciiil music by the choir
into the house of the Lord. (Psalm 122)
Bible sshool at 9:45 a. m., Dr. H. C. Ep
plcy, superintendent. American home
missions will be gives a liboral offer
ing from the school at this session.
Communion and sermon at 11 a. m. Ser
mon topic, "Justification by Faith."
Evening sermon topic, "The Moral
Glory of Christ." Christian Endeavor
prayor meeting at 6:30 p. in., Miss Wen-
gor leading. Pro-prayer service for the
officers at 6:2a. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening at 7:30. Choir re
hearsal Thursday evening. Thanksgiv
ing services at the First M. E. church
at 10:30 Thursday morning, a union of
all down town churches, Dr. Kantner
preaching. Sunday evening, Dee. let,
special services with music and the
reading of Van Dyke's "Tho Lost
Word." The general public Ig welcom
ed at this as at all of our services.
TJjilted Evangelical
C'ottnge and Conter streets. Bev. 0.
L. Lovell, minister. Sunday school at
10 a,
Now Gospel f" The two churches of
tho Evangelical association will meet
with us in a union service in the even
ing. The Christian Endoavor socie
ties .will meet at 6:30 p. m. Bev. J.
Stocker will preach the sermon of the
evening at 7:30 p. m. Our congrega
tion will unite, in the union Thanks
giving service in the Methodist church
Thanksgiving morning at 10:30. The
offering is for the starving Armoniang.
Why do you blaspheme, calling 'Woe I
For servants many needs tho master
And thousand hands fight for his realm
And in tho thronging of the battle
Is for you who is not against.
"Who is not for me is against me,"
The Lord of angels spoke of yore,
He knowg his own and sees the en 'my
His eye is never dim or closed.
But not disciples are the judges
Tbe servant is not as the Lord,
To mildsr words you are indebted,
"For you is wh0 U -t against."
To carry gospel news to mortals,
Must wo be graduates of schools!
Will grace bo measured by diplomas
And limited by iron rules!
To azure heights the spirit soarcth
And. meditates wherov'r bo will
And if in spirit realm he warreth
He needs not our doctor's skill.
Are there no other frays to battle
Than fight for syllables and words! .-
fibould Satan 'a kingdom not be fettered
With ardent faith and holy swords!
O, gladly hail as fellow servant
Who fights the battles of the King
Close up tho rows, with prayers fervent,
For there's no other way to win.
Would you that Satan ue victorious
Before you yield your grudge and Bpite,
snail ziou's building lie in ashei
Era that you ask your neighbor's help!
Furrtare B
. m. Divine worship and preaching T m ttnie'taeaa kindness,
ico at 11 a. m. "Do We Need a T. ,; , ., tiI1 , '
Is this tho poverty of spirit,
That Jesus urgos us to seek!
True, as my spirit feels and holds him
He is and ho romainoth mine,
But in the higher light is puling
All of my earthly wisdom's shine.
And why then should I curse the bro
ther .
Who of the spirit feels a spark!
No, peace to all that seek the haven
The street that leads to Zion's arch.
Look up to yonder fields of ether,
Each star iu his light solely glows,
But all the happy suns and planets,
They fail to crowd thomsolvos like foes.
Tho diamnnt trail sireno they journey,
And heaven's splendor they reflect,
Creation's primal light encircling,
,Midst sounds of harmony's effect.
Behold the meadows in the spring time
And walk among God 's beauties, fair,
Sural Congregational Church.
II. C. Stover, minister. Sundny school
at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 . in.
will include an anthem, "O Lord, How
Manifold are Thy Works." Nevin and
a baritone solo, "Hail Holy Light," Central Congregational Church,
sung by Charlos Douglas. 6:30 p. in. Corner South 19th and Ferry streets,
dovotional nioeting of tho Epworth H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school at
League. Topic, "A Cnll to Separation. "10 a. m. Christian Endoavor at 6:45
Leuder, Mrs. J. B. Ulrica. 7:30 p. m. p. in. Evening sorvice at 7:30 p. m.
finff aaKiina 1.1.1 l.r .l.n fl la Pl,n rpi, IU... mi 1 "
miR , mi ivu Uf 1,11V Ulilfl VllUll, IIUUIU 1 HO VV OI IU S 1 UUII1VS12 1 V1UU T- Al ! .. . J! . ,
nd a livo mcsnge of tho day, deliver-; Season. Sacred concert Thanksgiving A" ". iL . , 7 ., Iorest8' ,
ctA h h.i,i h iw,,t r.:,i.,f ' .,,.!.. i. ... i..,ii.. Ono lcaf the same 'midst flowors rare!
c7.:' a ;. ."7. " L. f ".,VAr"',rrV!,"i Carnations quarrel not with roses
State Sunday school association, 8:30 numbers by Mr. Albert H. Gillo 'and
p. in., social nour. a good slug around, Uev. U. N. Aldrich,
the piano, an opportunity to got ac
quainted and some good refreshments.
All young pcoplo especially invltod.
Thanksgiving services will be held iu
Nicarene Church.
'Nineteenth apd Marian Streets. Suji
dav services are. Sundav school nt 9:45
liOslio church Tiiursoay 1U:30 a-, m., the with W. B. Hardy, supt. Preaching at
Mouth Salem Friends uniting with us,! 11, and a,gnin at 7:30 o'clock in the
and the sermon, will bs preached by! evening. Mid-woek prayer meeting on
Bev. H. E. Penilivrton. The offering Wednesday evening nt 7:30 nnd on Fri
will be for tho Syrian-Areumina Keliuf dnv uinhta thero will bo a Bible etudv
iNnd, j . ,' j of tho Second coming of Jesusu. Every
body welcome to any and nil of those
services. A. Wells, pastor. Florence
Wells, deaconess.
State Institutions.
Services at tho institutionj Suuduy
will be os follows: 9:00 a. m. state
hospital, by L. W. Porter. 2:13 p. in.
mute school by G, F. Holt. 3:00 girls
Ocouuons Mission.
There- will 1 mCetinir at tho Com-
tniining school, by H. N. Aldrich. 3:15.1 mons Mission Sunday afternoon at 3
tuberculosis hospital, by T. B.l o'clock. Come, and enjoy. t huso meet-
Salem Ministers' Association.
Tho regular meeting of tho Stilein
Ministers' Association will bo held on
Monday morning at 10 o'clock in the
Y. M. C. A. Subject, "The War and
Science. " presented by G. L. Level).
All ministers in Snlem and"vwtttm'
ings which wo are sure yon will if
you come. A. Wells, superintendent.
First Methodist Episcopal Churcft, ;
State and Church streets. Tho pas
tor, Dr. K. N. Avison, will speak morn
ing and evening. At 11:00 a. in. the
tliimio is "The Significance of tho In
carnation." Tho 7:30 p. m. theme
'Some Things Not Subject to Change.'
Music by the chorus choir directed by
Prof.' John K. Sites, dims meeting n't
S:15 a. m., Sundny school nt 9:43 a. m.
Huperintendont, John W. Todd. The
Epworth League will meet nt 6:30 p. m.
Poung peojile not otherwise obligated
will be cordially welcomed to these
meetings, as well ns to all the services
of the chinch. Kiclmrd N,
Free Methodist.
At 122 Winter street. Services 10
a. m., Sundny school. Preaching ut 11
a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject,
Thehird Temptation. Kcvival sor-
elyiues'begin TluirsdHv night, Bev. Wiil-
'!lll)l Baii'iun, of Bertruni, Minn., cvniigel
mt,T. ,".. Johnston, pastor.
Court Street Church.
At 17th and Court streets. Frank E.
Jones, pantor. Bible school at 10 a. in.
Sermon ivt 11 a. nt. A Thanksgiving
topic. Y. P, 8. (!, E. at 6:30 p. Ser
mon nt 7:30. All are invited.
Evangelical Association
At 17th and Choniokpta streets. Jacob
Nor docs the oak fight with tho pine,
They know: We blossom and aro fading
In one sun's golden, mollow light.
"Wo blossom and are fading" yes fado
Will much, wbaf's1 new in-bloom,
A day oi wrath will be appointed,
To steeples high, and day of doom.
What silver, gold, and what aro jewels,
What stubbles were and what was hay,
The Lord of hosts will once reveal it ;
In thunder of tho judgement day.
Thus still and quiet use your talents'
Until the mnster cometh home, i :
Employing life's few, proeious hours
fn harvests rich of goodness sown.
Tho truest worker was for fathor
Who diligontly served tho Lord,
But that one servent blumes another,
This is, what grieves the heart of God.
"May there bo never strife, I pray thee
lietween tho herdnion miue and thine,"
f or earth i8 large and room is plenty,
To treat the world with bread and wine
Vor never gospel truth should serve us
To fight and quarrel nnd debate
Tho mystery of Christ's last supper
Is not for them who brothers hate,
liehold tho folly of thy children
With great compassion, highest Lord,
And build thine own, eternal kingdom,
in harmony witli ftlastor-Word.
And if thou boldest with souls trans
figured The heavenly communion,
May not my enemy be missing
Jn heaven' last reunion.
Presbyterian Church.
Communion sorvice nt 11. Evening
service at 7:30. Special music by the
Let Us Supply You Your Xmas Gifts
Furniture make the most acceptable ffifts and is enjoyed by each and every member of the family. We It j
hive the largest and most complete line of up-to-date furniture in Salem, and our prices are the lowest, ft
We now have one of the largest stocks of wall paper outside of Portland and will have same displayed and
arranged for inspection b ythe buyers in the nejet few days. Get our prices on wall paper before you buy. ft
111 I .. '-
Salem's Agent
For Victrolas and Victor Records
We have nothing but new and fresh records, no old or Second Hand stock. Just re
ceived $1200 worth of the very latest records direct from the factory. We have the
pieces you want. You are welcome to the use of our music room.
We ar now located and
prepared to give you the
'"best of; service. Pay us a
: visit. I ;;, -' 'nV::
We ask you againGet
other's prices---You get
more for your money at K
Moore's. . -
Slacker, pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday school ,hn,r.u ,,,f.r d,rc?t,0 Ml8S A.U Mil
11 a. in. divine worshin and sermon
"Christian Courage." 3 p. m. Sermon
nt Fruitland. There will be no Young
ler nt both services. Tho opening ser
vice of tho Sunday school at 9:4a will
be iu the nature of a Thanksgiving
First Congregational Church,
Liberty nud Center street. Uev, W.
C. Kantner, minister. 10 a. m, Suminv!
Si'liool, Prof. W. I. Stnley, supt. Classes inon nt 7:30 p.
Avison, nt the local church. This church will
j join with the Liberty street church in
a union meeting at the United Evange
lical ciiuivn, cottage and (.,.mi.
i i otiiior Peoples Alliance and Kevstnne
League mcvliuir nt 11:30 p. in. nnd sor
inon nt 7:30 tt nt. Thi nlmvli n-lll i
for nil. 11 n. m. sermon b u., Kant Inito with the down tow.. clinn-tii-M in
rer, acting pastor. 6:30 p. m. Christ--n union Thanksgiving service nt the
inn Endeavor. 7:30 p. ni. address by First M. K. church lt:;;j n. m. Thanks
Rev. Janes Klvin, subject: "Some giving morning.
Characteristic of the American Sol-'
ier." South Salem Friends.
- . ' South Coninierciiil nnd Washington
West Bnlora M. E. Church. (streets, lie v. If. E. lVniborton, pastor
. Erwiu G. Bunion, pastor. Preaching Bible school at 10 a. in., Dr. Miller,
Sundny evening at 7:45 o'clock; Fub- supt. Meeting for worship uild prench
ject: "Two Views of Life." Come all ing at II n. in. and 7:30 p. m. C. E
yo West Salem peoplo and worship to- meeting at 6:30 p. m. No prayer
Blither. Everybody welcome. i meeting Thursdav. A unimi Thnn'ks-
church ou
People, Keliance, nor pleaching vice! rLT "
quartet. Mrs. Parks' Bible class will
meet to oigunize. Strangers and all who
nro not regularly attending other chur
ches are cordially invited to make their
church Inline with us,
Wo are living in tho time of union
and federation. The churches of
Christendom are awakening to the con
sciousness that in union there is
strength. The spirit of world democ
racy gives to all of us a wider vision
and tho church cannot but be affected
by tho contemporary movement.
Tho latest in tho the line of church
union and federation ig a contemplated
merger of the two branches of the
Evangelical churches in tho United
States of (he Evangelical Association
and tho United Evangelical church. The
general conference of the United Evan
gelicnl church has appointed a commis
sion with power to act to confer with
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. D'cotz of Needy
were notified Monday night by the war
department at Washington that their
son Edwin Dcetz was killed in action
A news dispatch in the Portland pa
pers narrates the story of the ousting
of Clarence A. Phillips. suDerinteudent
of school of Bcaverton. Oreiron. Phil-! October 9, on tho field of battle.
lips formerly taught here and wa twice I Ho enlisted with Company I, Third
an unsuccessful candidate, for county j Oregon, but had probably been trans-
supenntendent of Marion county. Atil""ua to some other regiment as the
the hearing the girl in' the case told the j Third Oregon (or 162nd U. S. Infantry
... a m.:n: n .1 1 ns if in nrnv nolln : i 1
iiury 01 lucuuiig jruuuwH m jroruanu - as nuui is jmiowu
Inst summer, and was led to believe as a replacement regiment. No dotails
that ho was divorced. She said he ledlf t"? yuun" soldier's death are known
her tifbelievc he wanted to marrv. and ! here. It is onlv five months am thnt
easilv won her affections. Later shoiJ,lms Itetz, a brother of Edwin, died
. . nc 1.: ...
learned he was a married man wtth a tounns received
wife and son. Tho girl's sister and
mothor, with friends, cave further tes
timony, which was heard by a crowd
which gathered in the auditorium. Phil-
,! .. 1, . .1 3. .1
a similar commission of the EvanKff.'')"'" o wunpses, aim came near
AOQrti.;n:.. i murmur Ht-vcrut noi uurinjr ao pro-
in general conference next fall and , ! . " - r.ul. w
the Western front in France.
in action, on
double blow has been a severe one to
tho parents and their family, all of
wliom have the deepest sympathy of all
wh;o knew the two fine young men who
have mado the greatest sacrifice thaC
their country can ask.
.Mr. and Mrs. Dcetz have another sou
Alvin J. Dcetz in the army camp at
Camp Fremont, California. Strangely
enough, out of all tho men in the army
rrom this section, tho three who hava
died in the service are all from the
Needy neighborhood and two are from
one family. The three were Jonas and
Edwin Deetz and Leonard Askitt, whoso -places
on the Aurora community service
flag aro now occupied by three, gold
stars. Aurora Observer. ,
line western iront in France. The ' j
i Pure Juice i
& 4. js 7
from the prevailing sentiment tnero is
no doubt that the highest body of that
church will endorse a complcto union. 1
There nro three Enangolical churches f'1 4 '' I V , Bl"lB"C-,
bj . ,, ,1 ... toudent has been asked to revoke Phil-
break in during tho examinations
Tho school board fired him from the
supcrintendeney, and the state supern-
TJnited Brethren in Christ,
Castle Chapel, United Rrethren
giving sermon at the M. E.
j Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.
Christ, corner 17th and Nebraska avej
r. H. Ncff, pastor. Bible school at 10
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Sunday services are held at 4-18 Che
a. in. w. w. Hosohaiigh, supt. J'reaeh- mekota afreet at 11 a. m. and 8 p. .111
Ing 11 a. .111 by the pastor. Topic Subject of Hible lesson, "Soul and
Transfiguration, Matt. 17. C. E. and iladv." Sunday school at 0:4.'! a. m.
Intermediates will hold a joint meet- Wcdni.l ovonino imnnil ui.
ing at 6:30 to 7:30. Mrs. tin Fitch jne at n. m. Readinv room in Mason
I'belps, pres. Preaching at 7:30 by the' i temple building, room 209 is open K.7 original imported (.OU
pastor. Prayer meeting every Thurs-ipyer. flar except Sunday and holidiTs' A,i.1,oorIom 0l1 ll,,,,u9- vhH
day at 7:30 p. m. W. W. Bosebaugl,' f Tom 11:45 a Z. U All are "n 'B " tA to help
r; , . . r- '" . 1 , '".your money wil be refunded.
' ' welcome to our services and invited to,;..,.. , :n k ,.,f.i.i
Evangelical Association.
There will be Sunday school next
Sunday at 10 a, m. and preaching ser
vice at 11 a. m. at the -Libert strcat
our rending room.
Catholic Church.
Corner Cottage and Cheniekctu street.
Mass at 7:30. Hieh Mais at 10:30 n
church, corner of Center and Liberty ,m. Benediction at 7:30 in the evening,
atrocts. In the evening will be a union Subject of ermon for High Mass, the
meeting of the 17th street Evangolisnl End of the World," and the lecture for
ehurch and the United Evangelical Sunday evening will be, "Where the
rhurch on Church street. The Young 'ible Originated." Everyone is heartilv
Peoples meeting at 6:30 will be led bywelcoiue.
Maktsg Good At Sixty-Five
Don't worry about old age A sound
man is good nt any ugo. Keep your
body in good condition and iu can be
as hale and hearty and able to "do
your bit " as when you were a wountg
Affections of the kidneys and blad
der arc among the leading causes of
early or helpless age. Keep them clean
and the other organs-in working con
dition, and you will have nothing to
Drive the poisonous wastes from the
system and avoid uric acid acciimiila-c
lions. Take (1,1 MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules periodically and you will
find that you are as good as the next
fellow. Your spirits will be rejuvenat
ed, your muscles trong and your mind
keen enough for antv task.
tH)LD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap-
i sules will do the work. Hut be sure to
get the original imported GOLD MED-
They ore re-
1 you or
For sale
your money will be refunded. For sale
three sines.-
WnfD yon $ Journal elesslfi-
fd ads get what yoa want thm
tn they work fast.
at Salem and in the case of an organic
union thero probably will evolve one
strong Evangelical church.' This com
ing Sunday evening, Nov. 24, 7:30 p. m.
lips' certificate He will bo given
hearing to show cause why his certifi
cate should not be revoked.
tlnA n.lli 1. . ! v. wiuiiia lilill Will l-oinu up UL-1UH-
lu. . , , i v : Slato Superintendent Churchill at 2
charge against him is immorality and
is uiailo by County Superintendent
Vrnuf nl ' .1 at, i rt n .Aii,fvl i.patb
ifnaiiin ft T 1 ..v,ll I. ,,u(nr 1 " v.mU..v.
of the local United Evangelical church,! ",irvrr- , , ,
tiev. (i. F. Liening is the minister of GET A BLACK BEAR IN THE
tno inueu r,vnngeiicai A-jsociation MOLLALA THIS WEEK.
. enter street coivgregaiion, ana kov.
United Evangelical church, located at
-North V inter street, Rev. Jacob Stock
er to preach the sermon suited to tho
Jacob Stocker of the Seventeenth st.
Evangelicnl Association. These union
meetings will take place from Hire to
J. A. Edison, Wm. Eiscnhart, Wm.
('rnhnin nnd John Moilev mado up a
lrum tine to k ;.. ., .i.. It;. ,.
...... t i j . . ""'.-'"S rw,,J "ll H fc King tllT uc
tune, to foster a more ardent spirit of llr,,:lv !Kt LT , ,,, ,rfr :
cooperation between the two Evangeli
cal churches. The deplorable split and
division of the two churches took place
in the year of 1891, but good common
sense at lust seem to win the day.
search of bear. They had several dogs
along and wero successful in jumping
a bruin which fell prey to their marks
mansnip. ine near orongnt in as a
trophy cf tho hunt was on exhibition
at the Water street meat market ou
Monday. The animal was judged to be
FROM VALPARAISO, CHILI, about one and one-half years old and
' I was about as fat as it was possible for
A business begins to- ahuw consider-p"1 t0 Kot at hi8 tender years. Bear
able expansion when orders for goods j "teaks were quite in evidence among
arrive from points as far removed as ,hc their friends during
Valparaiso, t'hili. but this ig the easel ,ne Ioro PH" ot lrte ween. biivenun
with the Siiverton Blow Pipe company,
of this city. Tuesday the company re
ceived an order from the above point
fir two of theif spark arresters, and the-
Silvcrcliff School Pistrret's War
wnntintf them were asVino fnr:Work campaign was subscribed in part
iiute deKverv. The spark arrester h7 citizens of the district with patriot-
mniiuf.ictured bv this company is eon-jlt nd benevolent spirit. The quota
reded by all who u.- it to l.e th beat "8 -17.50, making a little more than
ly fnr of anv'thing of it kind on the S9M to :h family, and it was aub
n srkej, Siiverton Appeal. .scribed to the amount of 4133.25. So-
' m . jlicitnrs doing tho work were the Misses
Raising Loganberri
of the
Guarantees a safer average return
and a brighter future than hops.
in price.
Loganberries are more steady
Other berries also. -
The market and uses of Loganberries
far exceed hops. Loganberries have
a future.. Plant Loganberries. We
supply tips at cost of production.
Phone 204