PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1913. H II 'II Bf CAEOL & DIBBLE "V- - ' PEE-THAXKSGnIXq. ' festivities will hold full sway oiHght among the clubs and societies of both rollege environs an the social regime of the eity. In foot the club life of Helem held full tight of way this wek, society submerging individual func tions to a great extent tha' the long delayed and postponed events of club dom might usher in their winter act ivities with an impetus of gnyety that laid well for the brilliance of the sea oa's calendar, tt'or without the dubs, lodges and kindred organizations, so ciety would indeed droop and languish, beverel of tho most elaborate dances of the coming week will be under the ttsprces of a few of the select clubs -of (Salem society, looming large among 'Which will be the dance at the Coun try club Thanksgiving eve, and the party t be given Monday evening by the Monday Night Dancing elub. The thoroughly delightful assem blies of the Merry-Go-Hound club. which met Tuesday evening nt the res idence df Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bpences and the Thursday Afternoon elub en (rtained by Mrs. Fred Stewart and Mrs. Frank Spencer this week, were amonz the most notable of the week's event A. number df needlework societ ies, inchidine the Priseilla, Leisure Hour and Sweet Briar eluhj also serv ed, to add a gay note of color to the youp-gotherings of the past fow days. College jollities are being resumed - with an eventful rusn, now mat ins influenza ban is a shadow of the dim past and with the promise of univer sity students returning home for the Thanksgiving recess, a whirl of merri ment is presaged for the younger set aext week, a V Distinctive in, every detail was the , -afternoon arranged for tae matrons of the Thursday Afternoon club by Mrs. W. Bpencer and Mrs. Fred Stewurt, at the regular meeting of the dub, which was held- this month nt the home f Mrs. Spencer, 287 NorthvThirteentb. street. Beautiful yellow and pink ' chrysanthemums graced the drawing tmois, while- an artistic bowl of mag aificent white chrysanthemums center ed the table in the dining room. The guest circled a number of small tables at the refreshment hour. . r A feature contributing to the morri went of the occasion was a guessing contest, in which photographs of the members, taken when children were passed around .by the hostess, and the person guessing tho correct identity of the largest number of pictures - was warded the prize, which in this case proved to be Mrs. A. N. Moores. , .The members comprising tho Thurs day Afternoon elub number- Mrs. Alice . IKidd, Mr. A. N. Moores, Mr 0. J. Bishop, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. M. M. Chapman, Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, Mrs. Ceorjio J. Burnett, Mrs. W. H. Kldridge, Mrs. B. C. MOles, Mrs. Russell 4!atlln, Mrs. George J. Pearcn, Mrs. J. H. Albert, Mrs. A. N. Bush, Mrs. B. B. Wcming, Mrs. C. A. Park, Mrs. 0. K. Spaulding, Mrs. H. IB. Thielsen, Mrs. V. IL Raymond, Mrs. K. .T. Hendricks, Mrs. W. A. Cusick, Mrs. Henry J.' Beau Mrs. Fred S. Stewart, Mrs. F. W. Spen cer, ... . t - t Mrs. B. M. Hofer was liostcis at a fesudtmHr appointed little dinner Thursday evening- at the Hofer home 785 Booth Commercial street. DelUnte pink begonias formed an exquisite een terpiece for the table, while clusters at yellow chrysanthemums further adorned the rooms. Covers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Eyre, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Burghardt, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ThieUea and Mr, and Mrs. Hofer. '. Mrs. Martha Wright Evans was the guest of honor at a charming little luncheon given by Mrs. George H. Al lien yesterday at the Alden residence on North Liberty street. Mrs. Evans, whose home i situated in Ohio, as customarily passed her winters in Flor ida, but following a visit in Salem last spring, as the guest of her niece, Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, was so., delighted with Oregon, that much to the pleas ure ef her Salem friends she decided to spend this winter in the Capital city. Mrs. Evaas is domiciled at the residence of Mrs. W. C. Voung, 461 North High street. The dainty luncheon tab'e wag cir cled yesterday by Mrs. Evans, Mrs.' Donev, Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, Mrs. Wil liam 'E. Kirk, Miss Prances M. Rich ards and Mrs. A'lden.- Society is anticipating with much pleasure the visit of Mrs. Robert Kin ney (Althea Moores) and small son, Robert, Jr., of Astoria,-who are expect ed in alera the fore part of nert week. Mrs. Kinney will be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Moores, during her sojourn in Salera. She will be joined over Thanksgiving by Mr. Kinney- This is the first return of Mrs. Kinney to her home in Salem since the arrival of Robert, Jr., and her girlhood friends are eagerly awaiting the oppor tunity of an introduction to the new member of the family. Beautifies vS Bi In tha akin a delicately ckar. S surly white ampluioa- Hi mm. tuck It iUHmoolli ipunnimof youth. KttulU M are tatUot and fcapetvmuint ewnHiitt, I Couraud's iOrkntal Groan tWMK T. HOPKINS SON. Nw Y A multitude of friends are deploring the decision- of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lewis to change their place of res idence to Portland. They eipect to leave Salem within ten day and will make their home in the attractive res idence districts of Kings Heights. .Mr. nd Mrs. Lewis have lived in Salem for several years and have made an extensive circle of acquaintances in tho city during their residence b, havina been actively identified with the social life of Salem. Mr. Lewis is a well known hop buyer and will con tinue in he same business in xvrv ,snl1- ... ' Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will be accom panied to Portland by thei- small i son and daughter, Jack and Mary. Their present home, 892 South Twelfth etroot will be temporarily elosed. Mrs. Lewis u wnmnlimpnled with numerous pretty social affairs prior to her departure. The home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Spencer, 287 North Thirteenth street 1 t 1 i.-. 41. main. was oienca xuesuay muv t wu . Wr of the Merry-Go-Kound club, ho led for their initial weoting of the year. Chrysanthemums n tne pas tel shaacs were tasteiuny the rooms. . Seven tables of "500" were eirciea by tho players. The high scores were captured by Mrs. Will Thielsen and Max O. Buren. In accordance with club custom the prize money was turned over to the Red Cross. Later samplo re freshments were served. Dr. 3. N. Smith u elwitud as uresident for this year. The next hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. 'A. K. Moores. The club members number: Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Rnllin K. Paeo. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. ISmith, Mr. and Mr A. W. Moores, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Max XX Buren, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fleming, Mr. and Mra. Russell C'atun, rar. aim Mis. John McNary, Mr. and Mrs. Will Thiplanii. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben P. Boise, Ml. and Mrs. John I. HutJnerland ana Mr. ana Mrs. F. W. Speaccr. A few friends of Mrs. A. Iu Johnson met at her home on State street yes terday, for an informal afternoon over the card tables, five hundred being played for the most part D. H. MOSHER High Class ladies' Tailoring Choice Serge Bolta $60 and up 474 Court Street NPLAM NOW To spend your i THAfllfQfilVIMfi iiini.iiuuivinu with j Tine Oregon The girl, of the Philodosian' society of Willamette university entertained a jcoterie of the new girls of the col lege, this afternoon at a charming tea; given at the home of Mrs. Earl Fie gel (Barbara Steiner), a former Wil lamette student and Philodosian. A handsome yellow eolor scheme prevail ed in the decorations, masses. of beau tiful deep yellow chrysanthemums making a brilliant foil to the dainty gowns of the co-ed guests. Mra Flegel was assisted at the serv ing hour by Mrs. Allan By bob (Flor ence Hofer) and Miss Mary Parouna gian, president of the Philodosian society. An informal program was enjoyed during the afternoon. Miss Laura Areni gave several pleasing piano numbers, and Mrs. -Richard Robertson (Louise Benson) of Portland sang a group of sones with her old time charm. Misa Anna Packiagham also gave a most en. terrnininfr readiniT. Calling between the hours of three . .. r t .. 1 TJl,. V, and live, were: miss bumu ford. M,if Blanche Steinieer. Miss Mil dred Stevens, Miss Faye McKenneth, Miss Grace Collins, Miss Genevieve Sevy, Miss Leisla Rubey, Miss Ruth Austen, Miss Mabel Stanford, Miss Eunice Kush, Miss Marjorie Brown, Mliss Vivian Islam, Miss Pearl Ander son, Miss Lucile Tucker, Miss Ruth Rush. Misn Doris Sikes. Miss Carmen Wnwnrd. Miss Rubev Ledbetter, Misa Pnvlar. Misa Eva Roberts, Miss Helen Flnti.W. Misa Emma Shanesett, Miss Helen Hlis. The W. H. Lytlee and W. 8. Waltons were the sponsors of a gay little lin ner party Thursday night in honor of the seventeenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Locke. Tho din ner was served at the Locke apartments and formed one of a series of game dinners, as a eulmination to several hunting trips, which the men of the oartv have taken lately. The one of Thursday night proved to be a snipe dinner. Circling the festive table wore Mr. and Mrs. LocKo, Mr. and airs, mi inn Mr. and! Mrs. Lvtle and Mr. -and Mrs. wuliam ijercnen. imping in "i or for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Wijliam Burghardt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lnflar were hosts last night nt a jolly "500" par ty at their residence, 1190 South Lib erty street. Five tables of cards were arranged for the players, the high scores falling to Mrs. W. F. Buehner and K. U. iiunter. Quantities of multi-hued chrysanthe- mums furnished effective decoration in tho rooms. The finale of the evening's jollification enme in the form of an invitinar ovster supper. Those bidden were. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Volk. Mr. and Mr?. W. W. Moore, and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wood, Mr. and Mm 8. M. Endicott, Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. East, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Buehner, Mr. and Mrs. K. . Marster, Me. and Mrs. B. C. Hunter, Dr. and Mrs. O. L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs George Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Foisal, Miss Caroline East, Miss Grace Brcckin ridge. Mrs. Harold Jonoe and son, Whit son, of 'Boston were entortaired the lat ter part of tho week in Salem, as the giiet. of Clyde B. Clancey. The visit ors have been touring California our ing the summer and fall, and were en route to Washington, having left this morning for Morth Yakiina. Mrs. Jones husband is a commander in the United States navy. Mr. Clancey entertained a fow friend at dinner last eveniug in their honor, at his apaitnienta ou North Liberty street, A maequerado progressive dinner par- vt Droved to e one or no most im portant social eVonts of the past week. The affair was planned in a very orig inal manner, and was decidedly differ ent from the usual gathering. Of the many clever and unique costumes were those of Hula girl, an impersonation of Huckleberry Finn, Scotch Highlander, polite Chinese girl, Robin Hood, pier- Atta mil hnttcrflv. Machines carried the suesta to and from the homes of those entertaining. Of the seven courses, the first was served at the home of Miss Olga Gray, 11349 (lapitol street. The color scheme 'of pink was attractively curried thru out the entire course by means of blossoms and dainty Japanese favors. The second course was at the home of Miss Marie Marshall, 1010 Oak atreet. A rather different floral deco ration was used, in that c bunch of eelery graced the center of the table, flanked on both tide bv a lnrgo carrot and a bunch of beets, the guests were seated according to plaee cards which nroveil to be shiDpinir bills and the I soup was served in granite "cafeteria' bowls. Miss Vivian Hargrove served the third course at her home 484 Center street, sevoral small tables were arrang ed, each lighted by a brilliant candle, s and several strips of lumber with benches to correspond. Granite enps and wooden plaee cards helped to car ry out the idea. The guests aade merry with dancing the remainder of tne ev ening at the Spauldine home. The party included Miss Mary Belle Reinhart. Miss Nana Putnam, Miss Marie Chittenden, Miss Reatha Hughes, Miss Grace Holt, Miss Marie Marshall, Miss Edna Howd. Miss Vivian liar grove, Misa Da Spaulding. Miss Clara Breitenstein, Miss Ethel Frnzier, Miss Olga Gray. The members of the Tuesday Music al club met on Tuesday evening as the guests of Sir. and Mrs. Milton Meyers t their residence on Court street, a highly enjoyable pro (tram forming the thief interest ef the occasion. Claude Debnssy and Mrs. H. H. A. Beach were the composers studied, and interesting sketches oi the former were read by Mts. Walter' Denton of the latter by Mrs. Bertha J. Darby. Miss Lena Belle Tartar, with Miss Elnia. Weller at the piano, sanz Debussy's exquisite "Ro mance," and they had to repeat it be fore their hearers were satisfied. ' ' Gol liwogg's Cake Walk," by the same composer, was played by F. E. Sanders, "The Little Shepherd" being tne en eore. All enjoyed Miss Dorothy Pearee 's interpretation of Debussy's "Ara besque," No. 1,-in E major. "The Year's at the Spring," and, as a re call number, "Where did you come from, baby dearf " were charmingly sunir by Misa Lucile Barton, T. S. Rob erts playing, the accompaniments with fine taste and sympathy. Miss Elma Weller and Misa Isola Smith delighted everyone with four beautiful piano du ets, "The Brownies," "Robin Red- (Breast." "Twilight" and "Taran- telle," by the same composer. Th next meeting of ,4he eluD -wall take place on the evening of Tuesday, December 3, at. the home ef Mrs. Goorge reareej 207 -North Winter street. ' ;,- ... ' The twelfth anniversary of the or ganization of the Priscilla club, one of the representative needlework clubs in Salem society; wag most pleasurabXy observed Thursday afternoon when, the members were bidden to the residence of Mrs. Dan J., Fry, Sr., for a social afternoon. The club was named in com pliment to the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fry, Miss Priscilla Fry, who wag a wee maid at -the time the Prisoilla elub. was formed. A matter of justifiable pride on the part of tho club, is the fact that one half of W original member pstaU . belong - to the club. - . ,:i;y " . -v-.. i , The rooms were decorated with mass es of brilliant ' marigolds. The hours were pleasantly passed with knitting and needlework. Mrs. u. SI. jsppley will entertain the club next month. A delightful social eourtcsy was be stowed on Mrs. Henry D. Kimball of rasadena, California, on the eve of her departure for California Monday night, by a number of friends and members of the faculty and stndenl body of riimball college, who met f t the resi dence of Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Talbott quietly surprising Mrs, Kimball, who was the guest of the Tarcotts. A re ception to the new students of Kim ball college and a farewell attention to the prominent visitor were happily combined in the one gala evening. An informal social hour occnpied the fore part of the evening, followed by an impromptu and interesting program in the upper assembly hall of Kimball colleiged. Short talks in the nature of impromptu toasts were given by vari ous guests. Also a speech of welcome to the new students by G. R. Abbot, president of the student bodf of the college with responses by Mrs. Kim ball and Talbott. Afterwards deucate refreshments were served by Mts; Talbott. As a final mark of appreciation tho 44 guests accompanied Mrs. Kimball to the train at the hour of her departure for the south. A pretty song service was held at the station just preceding the leave taxing. The first of a series of receptions to be tendered the students ef the 8. A. T. C. orps of Willamette univer sity by the ladies of the S. A. T. C. club of the First Methodist church will take place tonight at the church parlors. It will be in the nature of a Thanktattv&ng function, and will be open to the student body of the univer sity as well. Other invited guests will include the members ef the Sunday! school classes of the church, taught by Mrs. C. C. Clark, Mrs. J. W. Todd, Mrs. Curt Oreep Doney and Mra, tiit- lette. -The affair this month wi'l be under the charge of the mothers "here" of the boy "over there." oeveral uni que features have been arranged in the way of entertainment for tho evening. The decorations will be of a patriotic order. nt embrson several aovel touch which afforded a most delightful ef- of a seasonable note. A large ag f;t. Igregation of young people is planning The members of the Sweet Briar elub were enioyably entertained - Wednes day afternoon by Mrs. C. C. Chaffee at her home on the Wallace road. White chrysanthemums were" used as attract ive decoration in the rooms. The meet ing culminated pleasantly with the servinr hour. Mrs. Carrie Bunn will be the next hostess. In keeping with annual custom of holding three evening gatherings thru the year, the Sweet Briar club will sponsor a social entertainment, which will be. open to the men of the neigh borhood en December third. This will be the first evening series this season and is to be given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Imlah. ''. The gayeties of Thanksgiving week will be auspiciously opened Monday night with a brilliant dance to be giv en by the Monday Night Dancing club at the Moose hall. This will be the first party given by the chib this season and promises to rival the 4!ub balls irf wis winters, which have long held a reputation for-distinctive and gala assemblies. A recent business meeting of the Monday Night elub was responsible for J. V. Perry Being- eiectea presiueui. Ellis Grier. secretary and Robert Dun can treasurer. The personnel of club membership, was also considerably en larged by .the addition of a number of new names to tne rosrer. The decorations for the dance next week, will be of a patriotie character and suggetve of Thansgiving. in decorating committee includes Mr. and Mrs. John Brophey, m. anu Jirs. wo Ver Bellinser. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bur ton. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Brown ing and Dr. and Mra. W. H. Darby. A rtromressive undertaking in which much interest is being evidenced by those eoncerned is the formation of the- Soutb Central Circle ef the First Methodist church into a Red Cross or ganisation for the purpose of studying nursing. The members of the circle consist, for the most part, of home- keepers ana roomers, wno mmm a inn er knowledge of the principles of pro fesaional narsinz and a practical ex perience, which will better enable them Id ecpe with emergenclies "and prob lems arising in their own homes. With this need in view, the South KJentral Circle has been organized into a virtual Red. Cross Auxiliary under tne irTirftfttinn of Miss Grace Taylor. The would-be domestic -nurses will devote considerable time and Btudy to the course given unde the instruction of Mis Mina Cook, and will go through the regular procedure of final examina tions, in order that tney may auaiuy if need be, as trained nurses. The first lesson will be given Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. John 'W. Todd, 345 Bellevue street and the subject will be biology. There will be fifteen lessons in the course. A large portion of the dancing con tingent are evincing much eagerness i the dance to be sriven by the Jocal Elk kitee Tuesday night December third at the Elk Temple. This is the first formal functioa sponsored by the Elks this winter, and elaborate plans are undee way for a program brim ming, with, novel features. The danc ing parties at the Elk lodge havw al ways token rank among the most en joyable of Salem's social affairs, aud the dance for the members and their invited guests next niontn,. will be no exception. To those who have had special sym pathy- with the artists df the country, who have unhesitatingly volunteered their five on the Battle fields of the grat war, the following fact will be of timely interest:. , Mark Twain's homestead, --aiorm-fiekl," at Reading, Conn., has been do nated by Clara Clemens, his daughter, The DIET During and After The C!d Reliable Round Package on ""j aw wtttB INFLUENZi H3ri0cEcys halted Milk Very Nutritious, DlgestZMs K The REAL Food-Drink, Instantly prepared.' Made by the ORIGINAL Horlick process and from carefully selected materials. Used successfully over Va century -i Endorsed by physicians everywhere. t St IlOrllCk'S The Criglnai Tfos Avoiding Imitations for the housing and care of convales-, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rigdon wero cejit soldiers from the artistic fields, hosts to the members of the Woman's "Stormfield" during tnat penoa . Home Missionary society of the First will be under control of Jhe Bewly.. . ... . ,h i,0h..w formed "Artists' War Service Legue' "; . Wednesday evening at ineir resiuvucu, Slrt Xorth Winter street. The affain ' was in tne nature of an annual thanta ' offering meeting. A short business ses sion was followed by a plcosurable so cial hour, includling a varied program and tho serving of simple refreshments. Miss Lela Rigdon a daughter, and Edith Libbey, a niece of the hostess assisted her. .Tho rooms were prettily! decorated with seasonal flowers. A splendid iprogram was enjoyed. Dr Avison led in the devotions, the les son was very ably presented by Miss Grace Smith,, J. W. Todd furnished; the special music. Mjs. Martha Evans gave a talk on the work of the society; as she had been associated with it in Ohio. A contest has been on for new membors, forty have bcon secured. About fifty guests were present. headed by a committee of four leading representatives df the arts; The committee consists of John Drew, dramatic; Enrico Caruso, mus ic; Rudyard Kipling, literature, and Daniel C. French, sculpture and paint- Membership to the league is t o sought, revenue from dues being em ployed to pay the wartime expenses of operating "Stormfield." A memorial service for Mrs. Chaun- cey Bishop and Mrs. R. 8. Wallace will be held tomorrow afternoor at the Y. W. C. A. rooms at 4:30. Both Mts. Bish. op and and- Mrs. Wallace were very ;le voted and active workers in tne i. W. C. A. and the service tomorrow, comes in the nature of a high tribute to their character and the esteem in which they were held. The program to De given win in clude: Hymn (Love Divine all Love Ex celling. Devotional, Mrs. t'Aas. a. f arK. SoloWhen the Roses Bloom, Reich- ardt. ' Tribute to Mra Wallace. Mr Alice H. Dodd. . ; Solo Come Ye Disconsolate, ' J. W. Todd. Tribute to Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. it". A. Elliott. Solo Requiem, Stevenson. Tom Orde man. - Benediction Rev. Thos. Anderson. Mrs. William Burahardt. Jr., will be the accompanist. The Kia club held a' business meet ing Wednesdav evening at tue home of Miss Luella Fatten, 883 Court street. MHss Eliza Nolan and Mifs Marie Briees were voted iB as new members-, TL. 1 Lt.n 9 ,lia Via liih ' 1UB lULHUUeiMUir OA Ulfl v.w ncludcs a coterie of the girls ol oa- lem 's younger set. . Mr. and Mrs. H. C, Marvin were de lightful dinner hosts this week, when they entertained a .number of friends successively on Tuesday and Wednes day evenings at their home en JJorth Church street. Guests were bidden in formally to the number of eigh on each occasion. The tables were attract ively decked with chrysanthemums The Wednesday Night Dancing elub insngiirat'jt festivities for the winter this week, when the members met at Cotillion I jilL Wednesday ; evening for a few hours of stepping. A number of new steps were introduced by Mrs. Ralph White, and proved decidedly popular with the dancing enthusiasts. Abont thirty eouples were present. A near event of the holiday seawm is the Xmas party to be given by the club members. - Miss Mary Talmadge of Portland is a week end guest of Mr. and Mra Warren Hunt at their res! dense, SCO Onk- street. Miss Talmadge is studying violin in Portland this whiter. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, accompanied! by Miss Talraadge and MSse Pearl George motored to McMinnville last night for th elocay Elk dance, which was ene df the - large social events of the early season. Mrs. C. H. Castner, president of tlm Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, who came to Portland at '.the request of W. B. Ayer, state federal food ad ministrator, has announced that she is making a special plea to county chair- (Continued on page eight) BAKERS 1 Jdelicious iff I soitne dri1 I i f I I ofSreatfood I J iM i value and kMjjljj absolute : "r purity. ff - llffl 1 ."Chocolate and cocoa add flavor and energy giving material to a diet and their use will help in many ways in the preparation of palat able, nourishing dishes from those foods of which there is an abundance." AeaJUsr or Choi's Rtclpt Sent Frit. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited DORCHESTER MASS. EsublutMa 17N ' New Music The guests were next entertained by Mis. Clara Breitenstein, 230 South Twelfth street. Dainty place eards and delicate pink blooms were feature ot the pretty decorations. The fifth eoursa was served by Miss Mario Chittenden at the home of Mra SayrS on t'hemeketa street. She was assisted by Miss Grace Holt. The dee orations were decidedly patriotie with red the dominating eolor. The eentet piece being an immense bowl of red carnations. Misa Marybelle Reinhart, HO South Twenty Fourth street eutertUned with the sixth eourse. The table was charm ing In every detail aud lavendar was the key note. The last course was served by Mise Ila Spaulding at her home on Court to attend, and the event is being look ed forward to as something varied and original la the way ef college good times. The respective committees follow: decora tioa Mra I. L. Me Adams, eaair maa, Mrs. B. L. Salmon, Mrs. P. B. Gilbert, Misa Chapter; refreshment Mrs. U. O." Holt, chairman, Mra. Wil ls rd Prwtor, Mrs. Anna Walker, Mra Jennie Tolmsn, Mrs. Ida McDaniels, Mrs. W. H. Mtller, Mrs. & T. Randall, Mra J. O. Reigetmaa, Mrs. J. L. Mat thews, Mra Paine; entertainment Mrs. A. A, ee, chairman, Jlrs. W. H. Byars, Mra Ronald Glover, Mra W. E. Violent, Mrs. George Aidea, Mrs. Edwin Sherwood, Mra. J. B. CoxMra Cecil Hawley, Mrs. O. i Day. w m Miss Clara G. Beott is the neet ef .street. Tk itlmrerlv rr r j tah to which she led her guests was con-1'- Mrs. John H. Scott at thsir -acted by means of two wwdea aors-'wmdenee Court street. Mia Scott iwiis aear uaies, urrguo, CO 5 I I 0v Buy your new music now. Our stock is complete for your Thanksgiving and Hol iday festivities. Also the latest phono graph records. Geo. C. Will . Pioneer Music Dealer of Salem