Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 23, 1918, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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f I; Hailtjjgjfgl Uonrnal
You Should Come
And Inspect Our New
Which just arrived and are the very latest and best
They are very pretty colors in the popular Fiber
Silk with angora wool trimmings. The prices are
$7.50, $8.90 $9.90
Ladies' Purses
A 1 ; l" 11 . - f J 1 J
j Always mah.e aceepiauie gnus, aim we jiavu a &uuu
line that will supply your wants.
You can get them at 98c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98,
and $3.98.
AH Around Town;
But when they do", remember that we can make
prompt repairs. -
If we made your glasses, you need only to tele
phone your name and new lenses will be ready
when you call J
If you bought your glasses elsewhere, bring us
the pieces and we will duplicate them exactly'.
This is the Kind of Service You Want!
DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
204-5 Bank of Commerce Bldg.
' V
Miss Minnotta Msgers of Portland
la in tho city.
Ray Bates of Vancouver is register
ed at tho Bligh.
Harry W. Swafford and wifo and two
children are visitors at the homo of
E. J. Swafford, WOO Ferry street.
Muyor Walter E. Keycs i in Port
land today on legal business.
F. W. Steusloff returned last night
from an extensive tour in the east and
south. ' . 1
Walter A.' Denton will loave tomor
row for Potrland and Astoria to be
absent a few days. ,
J. A. Mills of Portland was in tho
city yesterday. He says Harry Mills
is now stationsd at Bordeaux, i'ranco,
with tho ordnance Corps.
A marriage license was Issued -yos-terday
to Ronald Lee Dibblo, 21, a log
ger near Lebanon, and Mibs Bertha
Nno Monroe, age 16, of Bodne, Oregon
At Closing Out Sale of
FarmersOash Store
Just received a big bankrupt stock of dry goods and
all kinds of shoes that we will combine with our
stock and sell afr50 cents on the dollar.
Crown and Olympia flour .$2.95
Snow Drifted, Hardwheat flour ...$2.90
Economy flour . , .. .. .$2.75
Gpouiids Crisco at .$1.90
Reliance Coffee, pound 30c
Economy Coffee, pound .19c
Canned sweet corn, at . . . ,15c
20c canned peas .......... t . 17c
15c Campbell Soups, at ..... . . 12c
Ghiradelli's Chocolate ,30c
Cream of Barley, package .22c
Saler Brand Pineapple 23c
All kinds of spices, can 8c
Best White Beans 9c
$1.15 Brooms at. ... 75c
Nov. 28. Thanksgiving. "
Nov.. 30. Election on School
Dec. 1. Elks Annual Mem
orial Services. Opera Bouse
2:30 p. m
Dee. 11-14-Fifth Annual
Marion County Corn Show.
"T&a funeral oeauttfuL"-
Plough Co.
- tf
I have moved my offices Into more
pleasant and more commodious quar
ters on the third floor of the U. 8.
National bank building. Dr. 0. L. Scott
Chiropractic-Spinologist, 309-213 U. S.
National bank bldg. tf
This is big potato story number L
One weighs 4 1-4 pounds and the other
five pounds and are both sound speci
mens. They wore grown by W. C. Dib
ble and W. C. Franklin on the Dibble
ranch in Polk county on the Wallace
road, " ..juj.ijiui
Highways Rapid Transit auto service
to Portland and way points daily. Leav
es Salem 10 a. m. 137 S. Com'l Bt.
Phone 195. tf
arrested as Richard Roe and gave his
name as Clarence Lethledge, plead
guilt of petit larceny and was fined
25. Unable to pay, he is in jail,
held on an order from the Walla Walla
penitentiary. He is supposed to be a
paroled convict. He is the one that
worked the old soldier game, begging
for small amounts to reach kind rela
tives at Calgary.
Dr. Scnenk has now returned from
his vacation and Je extends a cordial
invitation to his patrons and friends
to visit his institution. tf
Better dentistry wicnout pain. Two
post graduate course in painless den
tistry. Dr. Hartley. Phone 114. tf
To arrange for a premium list at the
coming fifth annual Marion eonnty
corn show to be hold in Salem the sec
ond week in December, a meeting has
been called at the Commercial club next
Monday evening. Members of the ag
ricultural committee of the duo will
also draw up rules and regulations for
tho show. L. J. Chapin will preside.
! o
Now is the time to place your orders
for rosebushes, shrubbery, fruit, walnut
and ornamental trees for immediate
"planting, with fh Capital City Nur
sery Co., 1030 Cham. St. Phone 75. 11-81
There is real satisfaction in a tire
that runs over its guaranteed mileage.
The "Revere" will give yon this sat
isfaction and is moderately priced, is
first in quality and service. Clark's
Tire House, 319 N. Commercial St.
Phone 74. 11-23
(Marshal Petaxn Will Come
To ITiank Red Cross
Washington, Nov. 23. Mawhal Pet
ain, commander in chief ot xae French
armios, is coming to America to thank
the American Red Cross for its aid to
France, according to Kcd Cross cables
here today.
"TiM bast" is all yon can do when
leath comes. Call Webb A Clough Co.
iiione 120. tf.
Last Night the mercury in the offl
ine light weight football team of cial government thermometer touched
the Lincoln junior high school played ihe S4 notch, the lowest since April 3.
in hard luck this morning. In a game The inoiaee tomperature of this monln
played with the light weight football is .miming about ten degrees lower than
toarn of Orant junior high school, Grant 'or we ntontn a year ago.
won by a score of 12 to 0.
O. W. Eyre will receive turkeys at
tho old Independent market location
South Commercial street, from Satur
day morning to Tuesday night, Noth
ing but good fat turkeys wuntcd. High
est markot price paid. Phone 2206M,
evenings. . 11-23
Dance Silverton
Nov. 23.
Danes Silverton
Nov. 23.
opera nouse, Sat.
opera house Sat.
Big sheep men in eastern Oregon ne
now becoming interested in silos. The
, , Hp8U((lng Logging Co. has recently SB-
Federal tires. Will give yon the moat ceived an order for two of the lare-
miles for the money. We guarantee sat- nr izea gilog. 16 bv 36 feet tn be nlaeod
isfaction to the user, Try our up to date on the Echo, Ore., range of the Smytho
vulcanizing Shop for tubes or casings. H1,BBr) fo. Thi nnmrainv nnfirntaa with
Special service to users of Federal tires the pon(ii0ton Sheep Co. and together
vien xrua. tinv hnvn nhnnt. 1(0.000 sheen nn tha
There is a tendency in Salem as well
as eisewticro, to easn war savings viclc Bros, have been notified by the
Stamps, now that the war is about over. Ford Motor Co. 'that the new Ford
It saonis that many people regard the cars will begin to arrive veiy soon ftnd
stamps in a different light from Libor-j they are again taking orders.
ty louri bonds and have subscribed f or . o
the stamps just as a means of saving We buy and sell liberty bonds. 314
some monov and not as a patriotic prop' . Masonio bldg. ;,. tf
o L. H. Suter of 1005 North 17th
Fords are coming. Leave your order gtrcot has iust returned from a three
for that Ford you have been waiting month's trip along the gulf coast of
for so long. The now oneg will soon bo
In. Viek Bros.
Hippodrome vaudeville rt the Bligh
thoater today and tomorrow, all new
acts each day,
Mrs. Mark T. Brown of 201 North
Texas where he has interests. He re-
ports the high price of cotton lias
brought wonderful prosperity to that
country and that in many localities
farmers aro selling as much as $100
worth of products from an acre. How
ever, the unusual prosperity has not
Mrs. Mara x. .Drown ui vi advanced the price of 'lands as Mf But
5th street reportod o tho police that M s n fftrms bo urcna8e(1
her son Sam had not returned home aft-
says many
ffti Ipsa thn.n tliA rftfnrna Tier AC.rA (if
or going on his newspaper route nor tW( ,g
had he reported at school. As the boy's. - 0
Dance at Moose haJl tonight.
father works in the car shops at Port
land the supposition is that he had
Bturted out for that city to be wnn hi
Best Australian Onions, lb. 2c; sack delivered....$1.75
No. 2 Onions, pound ........... ..............1 l-4c
Best Potatoes, pound 2c
Best Potatoes, sack delivered ... , $1.75
Good Cabbage, pound.. ...3c
Sweet Potatoes, pound 4c
No. 2 Cabbage .'. : 1 l-2c
AH Orders of $3 or Over Delivered FREE of charge
The latest methods are learned by.
tho pupils of the Capital Business col
lege operation of bank posting ma
chines, -adding machines, etc. A new
class in shorthand next week. There
aro so manv who thiuk of taking this
course, but for one reason or another
!pnt it off from time to time. Plan to
enroll now, and begin 'the eourse that
j will result in ultimate pleasure and
i profit.
j ' Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. TprwUliger, gral
luate mortieinng and funeral directors,
!77l Chemekcta St. Phone 72 1.
! Solicitors for the United War Work
fund had all sorts of experiences work
inu the state capitol building. One of
the solicitors said that of all the large
i offices, that of the secretary of state
! responded on an average most gener
ously. In one office were tnreo ap
'pointers, one man pulling down $laO a
month, another $175 monthly and tho
third on tho Btnte's payroll at JOU9
a yenr. Yet from these three men the
total sum of 10 was given for the
, United War Work fund.
I ....Bogular $12 per yard blue serge suit
able for ladies' or men's suits, special
i to close out at $7.f0 per yard. D. H.
jMoshcr, 474 Court St.
I o
The Ford Sedans the ideal car for
this wet weather are now in and can
deliver promptly
The two men who were picked up in
Albany a week or so ago, charged with
stealing some goods from the Sundin
store appeared before Jwlge Webster
this afternoon. E. W. Bents, who was
' '
Died :
FREE In Portland, Nov. 21, 1918, at
! the home of her son, Ernest Free,
Mrs. Eliza. Free, at the age of 60
year. Besides her son in Portland,
she is survived by a son, Archie Free.
of tho Liberty district and Willis Free
ason now in the service at Camp Lew
; is. The fusoral services will be held in
I tho city next Monday,
We have a few yards of high grade
fiO-inch blue serge suitable for ladies'
or men's suits, present retail price over
$12 per yard, our price per yard $7.50.
D. II. Mosher, 474 Court St.
A cablegram wag received yesterday
sftori.oon by Mr. and Mrs. Eugono Eck
erlin of 605 North Liborty street, with
news of the death of Ernest E. Ecker
liu on October 5, in Fiance. The par
tuts are hoping that some error has
been made us they had received a let
tor from him under date of Oct. lii
atuting tliHl he was in good health. The
letter wns wiilton from gonoral head
ciiartiis. Until tr.n.0 definite word is
received from tho war department the
family will bo in dm.bt as to the eei
rectness of the telegram. Ernest Eck
Cancer Is Cured-
erlin was one of 'e fjrst young men
in the city to volunteer, going into the
service with the marines. Another son,
Eugene Eckerlin, is now in the service
in France. He went over with eom
pany M, but was later transferred to
another company.
Dance at Moose hall tonight.
' lOo music. I keep in stock the entire
catalogue of both the McKinley anjl,
iemurjr leu ceui uiuviu, nsit lur cata
logue. 3co. C. Will.
0 .
Company M, Oregon National Guard
at the meeting last evening decided to
do a little gloom dispelling and to start
things out right, fixed on Friday night.
Dec. Id as tho first of its official mili
tary, balls. The second big affair will
be given on .New year's evo, both at
the armory. At all of these dances, the
military element will predominate All
officers and members of Company M,
O. N. G. will attend in uniform and an
invitation will be extended to officers
and members of the four Oregon Guard
companies to attend in uniform.
"Fight for Millions," the big fight
story full of pep will be on again at
the Bligh theater starting tomorrow.
. O ST
MT, and Mrs. Albert Oehler, accom
panied by their four daughters and one
son arrived in .the city this week from
Hawkeye, Iowa, and expect soon to
make their home in the Parmenter res
idence, 623 North Commercial street.
At present they are visiting relatives,
tho Spitzbarts, on North Capital street.
Within a short time the Oehlcrs hope
tq be joined by their son, now an of
ficer in France. Mr. Oehler expects to
purchase a farm in the vicinity of Sa
lem, having recently disposed of a 300
acre farm in Iowa.
0 :
"Fight for Millions," the big fight
story full of pep will.be on again at
the Bligh theater starting tomorrow.
' Young folks who would like a posi
as editorial clerk in Washington, D. C,
will have a chance at a life time work
in the civil service when an examina
tion for editorial clerk is hold U)c. Ik
Tho time and place will be given later.
The government at Washington "is
greatly in need of such clerks. Grad
uates of schools who are qualified are
urged to take tlie axamination. All
civil service examinations in Salem are
held by. Paul Miller, local secretary of
the Civil Service commission, but an
nouncement has not yet been mate
whother examinations will be given in
the city.
Hippodrome vaudeville at the .Bligh
theater today and tomorrow, all new
acts each day.
O '"': ' '
Business is good with the women who
have charge of the Bod Cross mailing
department with headquarters in the
P. It. L. & P. Co 's. building. It seems
that labelB from the soldiers were slow
in coming in but as soon as .the ndxt
of kin were enabled to send the three
pounds on making a statement equiv-l
alent almost to an affidavit, the de
mand for cartons was such that the la
bols were soon exhausted. However, a
new supply has been received and car
tons are .now going fast . The fiifhl
day for sending out cartons is one week
from today.
Walter A. Denton will go to Port
land tomorrow to confer with the state
directors of the Oregon Eotail Grocers
ami .Merchants association .in reference
to the. annual convention to le Jieid
in Salem early next February. Mr.
Denton is secretary of the association,
Next Monday ho will go to Astoria on
special invitation of the chamber of
commerce of that city to deliver an ad
dresg on commercial club work. The
Astoria uiainuer or commerce is in
the process of reorganization and asked
Mr. Denton to tell them all about com
mercial club work in tho capital city.
Willis W. Brown, well known stock
man of eastern Oregon who formerly
lived near Salem in Polk county, diod
yesterday afternoon at his homo at The
Dulles from cancor after an illness of
six months.
A Special
-We have a real, special reason for Thanksgiving this
-year, and to fittingly observe the day you should at
once place your order for one of our.
Remember we handle only the choicest birds. Your
order if placed with us will be filled to your entire
satisfaction. . . ,
Columbia Oleomarger
ine and Umeco Cocoanut
We are selling great
quantities of both of the
finest butter substitutes
ever placed on the mar
ket. 40c and 45c lb.
Blue Hill Chilly and Pi
mento cheese, Wiscon
sin brick and Limbur
ger. Tillamook and
Cheddar cheese.
Prune, Nut, Angel, Co
coanut, Ginger, Raisin,
Center and Sugar Cookies.
Fresh From The Garden
Los Angeles Head Let
tuce, Celery, Beets, Car
rots, Cauliflower and
Tomatoes and Selected
Sweet Potatoes.
Black figs, White Figs,
Layer Figs, Fard Dates,
Cluster Raisins, Sultan
as, Seeded Raisins.
Oregon Grown Walnuts
35c Pound
At $3.15 per Sack.
Is the cheapest flour sold today, irrespective of price.
Don't let them fool you. Try it out.
Roth Grocery Co.
Lincoln . Junior, high football team
played the Washington junior high
toani this morning with a score of 6
i to 0 in favor of Lincoln. Thn Li
Cnpt. P. F. Clark, prominent: boys say that Washington had the
rosidont of Polk county, whoso heavier team but thih snap aud push
aauress is noute i, oaioni, vre.,:won tne game. JNext Saturday Lincoln
tells personal experience
To anyone Suffering with Can
cor: I was afflicted with cancer of
the lower lip for one and one
half years, to my great discom
fort and worry. I applied to Dr.'
8. C. Stone here in Salem for
Ho applied a paste for four
days, then a simple ointment',
and in a few days the eancer
fell out. My lip healed up per
fectly. I have no sign of can
cer any more.
Route 1, Salem, Oregon
Dec. 8, 1917.
The above is but one of sev
eral cases of cancer I have cured
in Salem recently.
Stone's Drnj Store
8(1 North Commercial Street,
Salem, Oregon . .
Phone Si
Consultation and Advice Free. .
will play Grant.
Court Hoase News
When a minor sues, it must bo thru
a guardian. Hence in the suit of W. H.
Vearrier, H. i. Kosher, William Lonse
G. H. Drost and W.- P. Drost aeainst
the Progressive Land Co. of Silvtrtony
To Mattie A. Parrish, $75: to Frank
Fitts, $500, and tho balance of the fund
1483.65. be paid to Mrs. Ella Watt as
In tko county court in the matter of
tho estate of: fill Warren, A. M. Clough
administrator, the court confirmed the
sale of lot 8, block 44, in North Salem
to iidith ay Uoode for $5Jat cash.
Home Surgical Dressing
Department Complimented
A letter direct from tho N. S. naval
dispensary at Bordeaux, Franco, has
been received by Willamette chapter,
American Bed. Cross, in -which the Am
erican navy officer in ehnrgo writes
some .complimentary things about the
work done by tho surgical dressing de
partment at- Salem. The letter m as
follows and is dated Oct. lki, 191S:
"You will no doubt be pleased to
know that- surgical dressings prepared
by the Willamette chapter, A. R. C,
of -which you are a member, are being
used' in this institution.
"We have had the pleasure of open
ing some of your cases, and the man
ner in which tho dressings weire pre
pare! aud paeked was remarkablo and
worthy of comment. They - speak for
themselves and it is evident that overy
interest must have been taken in their
"ion aro assured that they aro be
ing used for the purpose for which in
tended, and further, your efforts in
your work have not been in vain.
"The chapter in general will prob
ably be glad to know their efforts are
bearing fruits oversens. I thank you
and the Willamette ehnpter for the
portion that has fallen to us for use in
our institution."
Mrs. Leland W. Porter To
Read In Public December 1
At the First Christian church on
uiiday evening, Dec. 1, at the regu
lar Sunday evening services. Mrs. Le
land W. Porter, wife of tup pastor or
tho church will read Van Dyke's story
"The Lost Chord." There will be no
sermon but the evening -will be devot
ed to the rending of this classic. There
will also be music appropriate to tne
occasion to include several of Salem
prominent sinirers. There will be no ad
mission charges but the usual evening
offering will be taken.
Mrs, Porter is a -graduate of several
eastern schools of music and domestic
art, completing her studies with a
D., and the Fargo Courier News.
This will ibe Mrs. oPrter's first pub
lic appearance in Salem aud it is felt
that it is most appropriate that this
first appearance should be in her hus
band's Plllpit. ' ' : ' ,
Stop at
"A Home Away from Home."
Strictly Modern $1 per Day
100 Rooms of Solid Coffort
Only Hotel in Business District
Foot Specialist
Without Blood or Pain Or Causing
Soreness or Other Inconvenience.
Chilblains and All Diseases of tho Foet
Special Attention to Antiseptics there
by Preventing Infection.
Appointments by Phone.
Lady Assistant.
518 U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg.
Phono 416. Salem Ore,
. care of
Yick So Toiig
Chinese Medicine and Tea Ce, X
Ha medicine which will ears
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a, sa,
antii 8 p. m.
153 South High Si
Salem, Oregon. Pkoxs 181 I
an application was made to the court j three year post graduate courso at th
for the appointment of a Sjnardian for i Emerson college of Oratory in Boston.
W. P. Drost who is 16 years old. The Sho has had several years experience
court appointed the young ruan's fath- on the lycenm plntform and stage nd
er G. H. Drost. The" case is one of a I has been successful in her presentations
foreclosure of lumbermen's lien on of. religious classics in the pulpit.
lumbar at
In the ease of Ella Wati, executrix
of the estate of Chas. L. Watt against
P. H. "Reeves, ct al, the suit was set
tled by stipulation, after having been
remanded by the supreme court to the
circuit court for re-trial to i.ichide oth
er parties. The court orderea that from
the redemption fund of a foreclosure
of real estate, amounting ro 2263.83,
that the defendant K. H. Reeves be
paid the separate sums of 300, $90.50
and $236.93 and from this fund Reeves
wag to make the following payments:
This will be Mrs. Porter's first pub-
ary notices from the- press including
the Daily Record of Helens, Montana,
the Fargo Daily Forum of Fargo, N
Honsehold goods, harness, wagons, tools,
ranges, heaters, cookstoves, farm ma
chinery, etc I pay cash or will sell
on commission from stock sales con
ducted anywhere. Phone 510 or Sll
Woodry, the Auctioneer.
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay th highest
cash prices. -
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my Prias Before
you sell. '
Phone 398
The Square Dal House
271 Chemek(ta Street