Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 22, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in Salem Guar-
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
Weather Report
Oregon: Tonight fair: Satur
day rain west portico, fair cast
portion; gentle easterly winds,
fresh oa the coast.
..JT4 " V I.X
Russia Is Striving To Be Rep
resented At Peace Con
: clave As Stable Nation.
Greatest Effort at Peace Meet
kg To Turn Affairs Back
To Natural Status.
By. Robert J. Bejnder. . t
V (United Press Staff Correspondent.)..
' Washington. "Nov. 22. Tlmt Presi
'drtit Wilson will participate actively in
the campaign against bolahovism while
iu Europe was the intimation of his
feiends here today. -
He is expected tq make speeches not
only in France but certainly In Italy
and probably in England, setting forth
the aim of the associated governments
, uphold thg'eaiisp of free jicopjes and
upport law and orderthat the world
may rapidly resume its normal' course
The keynote' of his proposed effort
5a expected to bo sounded in a speech
or message to tho people of this country
before he sails. Or, it may be covered
Iji his message to congress, outlining
what he believes im be tho fundamont;
' als of this, nation 's readjusnient work.
Meantime, behind the" glamor of the
president's forthcoming trip the diplo
mats of the world nro working fever
ishly to compile-, tl!,. data for the
Tvncn conference mid determine upon
the main propositions which must be
cleared away promptly that trade may
.. .1e- rcsunted and employment made av
ailable for the millions wh0 liavo been
"filler arms or at war work for vears.
Danger in Idleness. "
it U pnifrtcd out that danger comos
-mi mieiess ami f01. that reason dip- ti',, ,
ints are anxious to have the princi-' t Vh
' questions of the peace conference,,?:,, vi
disposed of .rapidly that men may turn hvLlrlcn
?! om. guns ami suspicion-to-toil' and
Russia is striving to be represented
wt the peaco conference as a stable na
, 1on.
Diplomats here see this angle in Ad
. roiral Kolehak 's seizure of the Omsk
ftovernmont, for they believe he is
oeekinc to bring order in Russia, to
dodge bolshevism, to have, Russia oo
i'Cr own policing and thus escape Ion
roi.tinued or iiicieased allied-American
T'flici'ig. If he can succeed in getting
stability, Russian authorities hold that
' nation will seek a sent at. the table
- Lroff Consults the TJ. S.
Prince Lvoff is consulting with Presi
dent Wilson and Secretary of State
Lansing, Russia wants .economic aid
mid is opposed t0 increased associated
policing. v
Another phase of peace speculation
fiore among diplomats concerns the
"Rhinelanda. Diplomats declare Prussia
5 willing to sacrifice this territory to
ovoid some of the indemnity burden
Germany is destined to have." As seen
liere, this sacrifice would leave her sold
Ifree for development purposes and la
ter the militarists might arouse thcr old
war soirit bv making the martyr like'
appeal of "lost provinces."
Porfhrd l'M Ownw
)!oycs Getting Raise
Washington, Nov. 22.-Icreased
3rr.riaTd TYy by,the B -
llLZrJ:, e"'p,0,5'e" f
... -,u ana
- , v.ev,u.
iae new scale provides passenger
mt freight trainmen working on the
Jr shift shall receive 54 cets and 56
. i.ts an Hour, respectively. iVoM shift'
T-;iisciiger and freight trainmen -shall; V,' . ,
ec.ivo 60 cents an hour. Day passen-j Thc pent up feelings of the fleet
f-er and freigh't brakeraen will reeei ve J Were loosened when Beatty 'g flagship
5! cents an hour and night passenger ) pass?d bak through the lines, men
i."d freight brakemen 60 cents an hour. :arl officers wildly cheering. A French
Time and a half was awarded for over- je ratter following the Queen Elizabeth,
time. - J was also received with eheers, wnile
The award is retroactive to July 17, Preach, Britifh an! American sailors
l!'iS. The eompany is allowed until joined ia singing th "Marseillaise.''
1'ehruary 1, 1919, to make back jay- AmerieaB Ships Present .
muts. ' .Aiaiiral Rodman eommar.dinj; the
Wilson Toured England
Oa Bicycle On Last Visit
') Washington, Nov. 22. When i
President Wilson visits Eng-
land this 'year, the eentral"rfig
ure of the world and accorded
' all the homage of a kiig, he may
reflect . upon his last . visit
there; in" 1908, when he toured
the country on adrieycle, unnot
iced and unacclaimed. r
' At. that time he pedalled over
the- country roads of northern
England and Scotland, probab
ly with never a thoueht of the
' day that will be his when he
arrives next month!
The president also has visited
Prance and . other European
Eighty More Submarines Lost
Than Allies Thought Had
Been Sunk.
v " By Lowell Mellett
(United Press staff correspondent)
Aboard the U. S. S. Arkansas, Nov.
21. 3 p. m.) Seventy German war
ships lie in sulky silence in the Firth
of Forth.
They are surrounded by more than
20Q allied battle craft which are pre
pared to guard them until peace is
signed. - - .
Gorman officers command and Ger
man seamen man the vessels, which are
miiuw Rinmnttittoa nd'otherw.i&e maa
eulateil ' At 9:10 o'clock this morning, Ger
man naval officials, carrying out the
distasteful orders ot tne German peo
ple delivered this powerful fleet to the
allies, who are represented principally
by the British navy. Five American
dreailuaugWts and three French war
ships assisted in the ceremony.
-'Dramatic Spectacle :;
As seen from the crow's nest of the
Arkansas, this spectacle was dramatic.
First thej appeared off the port bow,
in direct line with rays of. the sun, the
llritish observation 'balloon towed by
tho British cruiser Cardiff, which went
yestorday to escort the Germans to the
rendezvous. A few seconds later, thru,
the haxe across the fun's path, appear
ed a low black shape, which gradual
ly took the form of a battle cruiser,
the smoke poming from her two fun
nels. This was the Weydlitz
Th? evdlitz oassed out of the patli
sun, growing indlistinct, tuouga
isiblo. Another appeared tne
Moltko. Then came the Uinrtenour.g,
the Derfflinger and" the Van Der.Tann
in single file. ' ' '
They all looked alike to the layma'n
at the distance but the enthusiastic
ensigns in the crow's nest promptly
identified each one.
Pass Between Two Lines
The Germans found themselves pass
ing between two lines of wt rships, s'x
miles apart. Fach line war .15 miles
long. The line of German ships was on-'
ly slightly less.
,The allied flct was divided into j
squadrons according to the sbip's class.
As the German corresponding squad
rons came alongside the allied war
ship counter marcher! and ( escorted;
them to the Firth of Forth. ,
Thus 6ur ships nicknamed by Ihe
Britlibh the "death or glory sqnnflron'
in counter marching, brought the
Arkansas broadside to the Hindenburg
her particular charge', together with a
British dreadnauht, six miles distant.
While the Arkansas was turning, the;
Friederkh Der Groase, leading. the bat
tleship squadron, eame in sight. She
was followed bv tho Kaiser, the Kais
crin. and Koehig Albert. Then came
the Bayern, the Grosser Kurfurut, the,
Mafgraf and tha Kronprin.
Next was'the Karlsruhe, hading the
cruisers. Somewhere hidden in the haze,
trailed fifty destroyers, escorted by
130 British destroyers.
The Queen Elizabe:h, Admiial Beat
ty's flagship, was seen dashing east
ward, thea returning.
Siinuktancouslv with the surrender
of th.? f""18" fleet' A(fmirSl BemT-
"'hVbe.B tog must be hauled
down at 3.57 p. m. and must not be
. ; d withoat permission
After the ceremonv of surren'ler,
Beatty sent messages to the allied fleet
recommending that service of thanks-
givinir be held at 9 p. m. on every
i.-... !,,. uo God for vic-
German Troops Rush From
Front To See Revolution
The Hague, Nov. 22. Gorman troops
arc stampeding from the battle fronts
toward Berlin, in order to "see the
revolution" according to German news
papers received here today.
The soldiers are seizing railway
trains which had been intended to con
vey the troops to different parts of tbfl
empire and forcing the engineers to
take tneui to the German capital. "
The roofs, platforms and brako rods
are loaded with returning soldiors,
many or whom are suffocated and
brushed from the roofs when the trains
pass through tunnels. '
Troops have been stationed outside
Berlin for the purpose of disarming the
soldiers and diverting them from the
capital to their home cities and towns.
American squadron, was aboard the
New York, with Aidmiral- Sims as his
guest. The other American dread
naughts, in addition to the Arkansas,
were the Florida, the. Texas and the
Famous British vcsssls included in
the fleet were the battle cruisers Lyon,
Tiger and Princess Boyai, all heroines
of the Jutland battle. Their own crews
were probably the happiest participants
in today's event, though many of the
officers and men averred .they were
t'orry the finish came in such fushion.
The feelings of the' Americans ap
parently were chiefly confined to the
most intense -citrioadty, whMi increased
with a leap at 8 o'clock when the bat
tle flasrs wetehoisted" atop the grace
ful ",-Hasket masts "t of the" American
sin))-,' preparatory to reception of the
surrendering, fleet. This curiosity grad
ually subsideVl as the long Hue of Ger
man "craft- steamed monotonously by
and nothing happened secret hopes
tlmt something might happen had been
entertained by many.
King Reviewed fleet
King Georgo reviewing the grand
fleet yesterday, visited the New York.
He ijpressed to Admiral Rodman the
hope that the working arrangements of
thA British and American navies could
b continued in some manner after the'
war, possibly through some, American
shipping being attachod to the British
fleet and vice Versa.
It was revealed today in connection
with the armistice negotiations that
Germany had lost eighty more subma
rines than the allies were certain had
been sunk.
TWiCl number ships
D2stroyers Represent Back
bone Of Increase, Says
Admiral Taylor. '
Washington, Nov. 22. July, 1920,
the American navy will have more than
twice the number of ships it had be
foio the outbreak of the war, Admiral
Taylor, chief of naval construction, told
the house naval af fairs committee to
day. .
This is inclusive of about 350 wooden
submarine chasers, which, the navy ex
pects to fell other governments or to
mif nut nf mmmtflamn
Destroyers represent the backbone oi'
the inerease, Taylor said. There are
now 100 of these in. commission and 240
more will be added in the next eighteen
monthes, making thi coimtry'a de
stioyfr force nearly equal to that of
; Idaho Commissioned.
One new dreadnaught, the Idaho, will
be commissioned in about a month,
Taylor said. Two more, the Tennessee
and the California, are rapidly ap
proaching completion and an addition
al two will be done before the aum
mcr of 1920. There will be no hew
scout cruisers until late in 1920.
Twenty-nine more submarines will be
completed before the middle of 1820,
giving- this country 35 to 40 more un
derwater craft tjjan in 1916, Taylor
said. Fiftv mine sweepers which will
likely be converted into gunboats, 100'pnrt una tevcral near balem, it is safo.Rizeker tract in the Shaw district has
Eagle boats and 25 tugs make, np the estimate to place the prune acreage oil 25 acres with 2,500 trees.
ret of the trreat increase, revelation ' the county at close to" 6.000. " I In (he Mcotts Mills district there are
of which today astonished even mem-r
icrs ot tne naval eommittjfc. tiio have been difficult to secure trees for plain-
kept in close touch with naval aiiairs'ing. For this reason in the estimate
throughout the war. The strength of of Mr. Van Trump, there-are only 2r5J
the navy in 1916 Admiral Taylor said' acre with one year old trees, 'fo 4
""" I., 'grent extent, the difficulty in getting
(Continued on page' two) ' pioper trees for planting i due to tne
Secretary Of Treasury Will
Leave Public Life For Pri
vate Business.
Heal of National Railroads Is
Also Given Up Along With
Treasurership, -;
Washington, Nov. 22. 3:cretary Mc
Adoo of the treasury, has resigned.
His resignation from the secretary
ship and railroad administration has
been accepted by the president.
McAdoo assigned as bis reasons for
giving up these important posts the
fact that his energies have been ex
pended by heavy war-tiine effort. He
said, too, he felt he ougut to return to
business to make his living.
American Aviators JfVho
Were Prisoners Reach Paris
Paris, Nov. 22. (By Wireless to
New York) Among the American
prisoners who reached Paris yesterday
by way of Switzerland was Captain
James Norman Hall, of Cclfax, Iowa,
American aviator and author of ''Kit
chenor's Mob."
Other American aviators to arrive
were Lieutenant Eobert J. Browning of
Minneapolis, Lieutenant Charles K.
Codman of Boston and Lieutenant
Henry !. Lewis of Philadelphia, They
said they ewed their rapid return chief
ly to unsettled conditions in Bavaria.
Garfield Has Lifted
' 'lightless' Nights" Order
Washington, Nov. 22. Mar's goom
will be lifted from the nation's grent
white ways.
Tomorrow night the "bright lights"
on Broadway and every other night
light section will twinkle v.ith peace
time brilliancy. Fuel Administrator
Gnrfield has lifted his "lighttess
night" order," which, for i year-depressed
the ale and lobster palace
crowds, it was announoed.noday. riut
the fuel administration wants the pub
lic to i-ontinue conservation of anthra
cite ecal because 'its production has
been seriously hampered by the 'flu'
Billy Sunday Will Go To .
Europe Next . Sufar
, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 22 Billy Sunday
will take the 'sawdust trail to Europe
next summer.
'Ma" and ' Bill v " arrived hore to
day en route to Fort Worth, Texas,
where they will conduct revivals. From
there they will go to Richmond, Va.,
leaving there for France in the spring.
Sunday declared today.
''Those boys over there want the red,
blooded gospel; they don't want milkmaid today, .that itn effort will be mane,
toast preaching about uoa," isunuayy i
said, '
Largest Single Tract Is Sky
line With 1X1 Acres In
Liberty District
Planted in prunes in Marion, county
tfiere' are abont 7,000 acres. And on
thcfe acres are close of UjO.OOO trees.
At the request of the Commercial
club and the Salem Fruit Union, H. H.
Van Trump, county fruit inspector, has
made a careful census of the prune
ai-re;,ec in the eounty. While on uis
('avels throughout the county, Mr. Van j
Trump has collected statistics from
growers. With the exception of a few
districts, including Jefferson, some
near Ktnyton and a few tracts north
west of Marion, his figures rhow a to
tal acreage of 6,38fli 011 which are 585,
194 trees.
. Hence taking into consideration the
w-viial districts not included in the re-
During the past year or so, it has
'Big Question To Be Whether
Congress Will Initiate Re
construction Measures.
Republicans Will Demand Ab
rogation Of All President
ial War Powers.
By L. C. Martin ,
(United Press staff correspondent)
Washington, Nov. 22. One moment
ous session of congress .having just
passed into history, the next cue, like
ly -to be even more important, holds
the attention of official Washington
today. - .
Within ten days the third am! "final
session of tho Sixty Fiflh congress
will assemble. ,' .,
The paramount issue of that session
is: -' - " - : -
- Shall congress capture ftrni the ex
ecutive branch of Uie government pow
ers conferred under Btress of war, and
assert itsc-lf as the constituted authori
ty fl initiate ani direct reconstruc
tion policies or shall President Wil
son keep these powers and exercise as
an executive function the neeessury
reconstruction measures!
Number of Offshoots
There are numerous offshoots from
this main issue. One is the republican
denial of democratic right to enact a
tax law fixing -the lsvie for 1920.
This thucatens to tio i up indefinitely
a report by the senate financo commit
tee on the tax bill and to postpone'
final enactment of, the measure until
ext spring. ,... v-..-
t Anbr-hef is the public ownership is
sue,' which is jo enfanghd with the
general cause of dispute lis to. bring
uneasiness to both aidmiiiistration and
republican forces. Publte ownership has
a bi-partisan following in both houses
But public ownership of utilities, tak
en over by the government during the
war, is condemned by the republican
"old guard" leuderg as a democratic
plan to create a socialistic state. The
test on this question is expected to
come on a bill giving tho government
permanent eoniroi of the wire systems
of tho country, which, it is believed,
the administration will back. .
- ' Three Cornered Fight
.TJipon such a bill a three cornered
fight would be made. One group, com
posed of both democrats and repub
licans, would oppose it- out of hostil
ity to public ownership of anything.
Another would fight it because of par
tisan political opposition to any recon
struction measure backed by the pres
ent administration. The " third group
would assnil it because of personal an
imosity to Postmaster General Burle
son who now controls the wire sys
tem and who has long advocated ipub-
lie ownership.
To Hurry Next Session '
Republicans will demand abrogation
of, ail presidential war powers and
handling of reconstruction problems
largely by congress. They foresee, they
(Continued on page two)
fact there are aboiit 300 in two year
old trees, about the same in the three
year old.
But in the acreage of the four year
olds, there is quite an increasc,.as the
census shows 586, to which may be ad
ded 50 or more acrcg fo( the few dis
tricts not covered. In the five year old
orchards soon to come into commeieial
bearing the census showed 873 actus,
which may be estimated closely at 10 JO
acres in the county that will soon be
yielding a commercial return.
In general, prune tracts lnay bo sai''
to average close to 13 acres with the
great majority from 10 to 12 acre
tracts. 100 trees to the acre seems to
have been the average for the later
plantings while many of the tracts ov
er five years old oiiow a Icndcifcy u
closer planting.
mic Hhaw dii-:'. there um a num
ber of tracts with more than ten acres.
Tho largest acreage in this district a
shown by the report is the E. W. Peter
son of 30, with 3,000 tiees. Tho Clura
several fair sized tracts. The J. D. Wor-J
den place has 50 acres with 5,000 trees
waiie the I. J). Wordcn tract lias 40
acres with 464S trees. J. A. Taylor has
26 acres planted 100 to an acre. L. -J.
' "
Continued on page two)
Evidence of German
Plots For Revenge
Appears on Horizon
Former Threat Of Huns That, Shou'd United States Bris
About Their Defeat, German People Would Turn To East
: And oFrm Alliance With Russia And Orient-This Will B2
Well Looked To At Conference. ;
By J. W. T. Mason
(United Press war exprt)
New York, Nov. 22. The failure of
thp German revolutionists to engage in
exuberant celebrations of their newly
won popular rights continues its sus
picious manifestation of sullen resent
fulness against the democratic nations
of the world.
The Germans are not preparing (o
enter the peace conference as the rep
resentatives of a nation that has boon
redeemed from tho mediaeval blight of
the Hohenzollern rule. On the contrary,
Germany is following a course of demo
cratic inaction that will inevitably load
to her future isolation among free na
tions, unless a change of spirit over
takes the present attitude of tho Gor
man people.
Germany is now a defeated nation,
but if the democratic leaven had work
ed its: way through tho nwas the peo
ple would not show, even in defeat,
this gruesome sileuco iu tlfl) presence
of human liberties that never before
has been theirs. '
Retreat Marked by Cruelties
The Gormans exhibit evidence of al
ready beginning to plot for revenge.
Their retirement from France and . Bel
gium has been marked iby iinal cruel
ties, furtively perpptrated on the in
habitants. It is impossible to overlook
the fact that some tie, stronger than
tho natural antipathy between democ
racy and reaction is holding together
in theso revolutionary days German ul
tra radicals and extreme conservatives,
iThig tio is ills desire of all Germans
for revenge. That is the dominant trait
Former Kaiserin Is Reported
To Be Too Senously III ;
To Join Wilhelm.
Amstcrdani, Nov. 22. Cecilic, the
former Gorman crown princess, assem
bled her , houshold attendants in the
throne room of her castle at Potsdam
Sunday, according to advices received
here today, and addressed them as roi
"You know how things have turned
out. The time to separate fins now
come. I hopo you will entertain pleas
ant remembrances of us. My heart
breaks. Farewell, my trusted friends.
May God bless you." ..,.
The weeping princess shook hands
with each and presented them with
small gifts, saying "I can't give more,
for the present."
Cecilie plans to visit; her sister, the
quoen of Denmark, and will reside per
manently with her children near Cop
enhagen, close to her mother, the Grand
Duchess Anastasia.
The former kaiserin is reported to be
so seriously ijl that the doctors oppose
her journey to joii the former kaiser,
who is telegraphing daily for her to
Remember Germany an' don't it tii'
big; head. You never hear a woman
refemn' to' ole times.
in the German character. It would not
exist if a true spirit of democracy had
taken possession of Germany. What
tho future German democracy will be
like the world has yet to know. '
Ditferemt from U. & Democracy .
: It is certain that it wiH be differ
ent, ia many respects front American
democracy. Itrwill probably gravitato
toward a natural intimacy with th
more orientally-tinged domo.-racy of
, Before America cniered the war it
was a favorite threat by Germans in
Berlin that if tho United S:ato
brought about Germany's defeat tho
; Gorman people would turn to tho cast
and nuike themselves tho leaders of a
j future alliance with Ruahia, and the
Orient. This method of revenge must
be well looked to at the poaee confer
ence. It can be blocked only by tho in
timate relations being permanently es
tablished among the . western (iemoc-
war Department will
keep out of matter of
military training
Public Ssntcnent May Gui
Administration Officials la
Ultimate Decision.
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 22. That the war
department will keep hands off in the
matter of universal military training
unless asked specifically for its views,
was the opinion in general staff quar-
win iuj
Indications are that tho president di
rectly, or through Secretary of War Ba
ilor, must sponsor the idea, else con-
'gress will have to ask tho war depart- .
mcnt for its suggestions. It was said
that indications now are that the mili
tary men themselves would not attempt
to urge such training unless asked to do
so by the president, secretary of war
or congress.
j. Stuff officers profess to bo in ignor
ance of what policy the iidininistration
will offer. The general staff has niailrt
a study of the subject and is ready to
present very definite proposals if tlieso
are desired.
i It i possible that Secretary Baker's
UllllUHt n,.uu .irivin ki .....
give an indication of the administra
tion's attitude toward this subject.
Eakor Sidetracked. Problem.
In his lust message Buhcr sidetracked
the problem because of the war situa
tion. . Since then it I1B3 been ,gossie,d
that tho jin sidciit was then in favor of
a modified plnu of universal training
which would not convert America into
an armed car.ip, but which would givo
an adequiito measure of prcparcdiios.
Chief of Htaff March will be culled
before the military committee when tho
military measure comes up, but men
close to him indicated that ho probab
ly would net give any suggestions as
to universal training unless tho commit
tee specifically sought his ideas. In
that case ,he will be ready with con
crete measures.
I Is Problem of Future.
I Thus far there is little in the way
!of public sentiment to guide either ad
I ministration officials or military men. j
8he suddenness of readjustment prob
lems has eclipsed this particular piob
! loin of the future. While the militai
men believe the ijation should maintain
such a system as a safeguard much de
pends upon the demands made of tha
ieague of nations for police protect 10:1.
The question of how large, a standing
army shall be maintained is likely tr
crystalize soon. Tims far, however, b!i
"Secretary Baker and Chief of Stint
March have declined to give any guid
ance as to their position towards oithcr
this question orthothaiulisrf matter,-,
Men Needed h Industries
Washington, Nov. 22. The w?r fl ;
partnient today ordered department ':
i-onmand-rs and jrmnandcrs of camns
Jto rt.'schnrj.'o eifrs'ed man- iron th'ir -own
fti;iUfiiti0ti when there is si'knpat
or other trouble la. the sn'dnr'i fain-
ilv or when he i needed to resume em-.
ploynient in an industry or occupation
in which there is urgent need of ts
semces. , ' ... ,