Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 21, 1918, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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l You Should Come U All Around Town I
And Inspect
Which just arrived and are the very latest and best
They are very pretty colors in the popular Fiber
Silk with angora wool trimmings. The prices are
v $7.50, $8.90 $9.S0
Ladies' Purses
t Always make acceptable
t line mai win supply your wains.
f You can get them at 98c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98,
t and $3.98.
Boiiijamiln R. Perkins, representing
the International Correspondence
School, Is registered at the Bligh.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McClard of Port
land are in the eity. ,
Dr. A. B. Starbuck of Dallas was
in tho city yesterday attending the
annual meeting of Willametto chapter,
Bed Cross.
D. C. Dickey of Mill City wag In Sa
lem yosterday.
Mr, and Mr W. G. Burl, of Kose
hurg wero registered at the Marion
FISCHER At his homo 332 North
Twentieth street, Wednesday Nov.
20, 1918, William II. Fischer.
lie is survived by two sisters, Miss
Anna Fischer and-Mrs. T. J. Kress.
The funeral services will be held at
the homo Uriday Nov. 22, at .2 oVloek
in the afternoon. Burial will be in the
City View cemetery.
While Portland la figuring on paying
from 45 to 47 cents a pound for its
Thanksgiving turkey, residents of Sa
lem and vicinity will got off with from
4(1 to 42 cents, according to tile present
indications. The tarkoy market is prot
iy hard to corral but within tho past
(few days it swing to Imvo settled close
in a retail 'price of 40 to 42 cents, ho
federal food administration has sent
out a warning that It regard,, seven
ents a pound as the limit for profit
1o the retail dealer for the Thanksgiv
ing bird.
At Closing Out Sale of
Farmes, Gash Store
Just received a big bankrupt stock of dry goods and
all kinds of shoes that we will combine with our
stock and sell at 50 cents on the dollar.
6 pounds Crisco at .$1.90
Reliance Coffee, pound ,30c
Economy Coffee, pound 19c
Canned sweet corn, at , . . . . 15c
20c canned peas 17c
15c Campbell Soups, at .12c
-Ghiradelli's Chocolate ....... . . . . . . ........ "... .30c
Cream of Barley, package .22c
Saler Brand Pineapple 23c
All kinds of spices, can ........... 8c
Best White Beans 9o
$1.15 Brooms at 75c
Best Australian Onions, lb. 2c; sack delivered....$1.75
No. 2 Onions, pound 1 14c
Best Potatoes, pound .. 2c
Best Potatoes, sack delivered , $1.75
Good Cabbage, pound....... ; 3c
Sweet Potatoes, pound 4c
No. 2 Cabbage l i-2c
All Orders of $3 or Over Delivered FREE of charge
Our New
gifts, and we have a good
1 i.
.Some cars are stolen once, some are
stolen twice and some not at all. In
the second class belongs a Cbandlor
roadster, the property of Miss Bain" of
Portland. A few days ago it disappear
ed in Portland and was finally located
in ABiany, A spoclal officer was ent
from the big city to Albany to bring
tho car back. Proceeding as far as Sa
lem on his way home about. .12 o'clock
noon yosterday the sight of the Whito
House restaurant caused the officer
to back up to the curb, enter therein
and refresh himself. While doing tho
refreshing act, the Toadstor was stolon
and up to a late hour thig afternoon
remains stolen the second time.
Today la the first day when people
may apply for cartons at tho Bed
t'rOB mailing station in which to send
Christmas presents to tho boys over
there in cose no label has boon receiv
ed. Cartons will be issued on the sign
ing of the affidavit in which it is
stated thai the Bender is the nearest
living relatives and that no other Christ
mas present has been mailed. In caso
the father and mother both Insist on
sonding tho curton, it will be up to the
Ked Cross mailing committee to decide
which is the nearest living relative.
" o
In a eahort address yesterday after
noon before members of Willamette
chapter Amorican Hod Cross, Walter
A. Denton, chairman of the pledge com
mittee, urged that all pledges be i paid
for the remainder of the yenr at least,
a now thore was a greater demand for
Kod Cross work in Europe thun ever.
Ho urged that monthly pledges should
lie paid to keep up tho relief work in
tho allied countries, Since tho last
pledges were made, through the month
ly contributions, there lius been paid
to tho Bed Cross, Willamette chapter,
the sum of $SuUU.
. o
Two former employes of the immi
gration service in Sun Francisco plead
ed guilty to graft charges Tuesday.
Nov. 28. Thanksgiving.
Nov. 30. Election on School
Budget. .
Dec. 1. Elks Annual Mem
orial . Services. Opera House
2:30 p. m-
Deo. 11-14 Fifth Annual
Marion County Corn Show."
"T&e funeral oeauttful."Webb It
dough Co. tf
A marriage license was Issued yester
day to Louis H. Fischer, age 48 of Sil
verton, a merchant, and Miss Jennie
Booth, age 43, a stenographer of Sa
lcm. Highest cash price paid for fresh
jggs. Midget Market. tf
I hare moved my offices Into more
pleasant and moro commodious quar
ters on the third floor of the u. o.
M:.,i r- r t. o.4
Chiropractic-Spinologist, 309-213 U. 8.
National bank bldgT tf
The body of Lawrence Keene who
was drowned about a week ago in High
River, Alberta, arrived in the city
in the city this
morning. The funeral services were
hold this afternoon at the chapel of
the Higdon company and were conduct
ed by the Bev. B. N. AvisOn. Burial
was in tho Hopewell cemetery.
Highways Rapid Transit auto service
to Portland and way points daily. Leav
er Salem 10 a. m. 137 S. Com'l Bt.
Phone 195. tf
i o
A new class in shorthand will be
commenced at the Capital Business
collcireNiext Monday, November 25. It
is hoped that air who intend to enter
between new ana the tirst ol toe year
may arrange to enter this class.
Best Hardwheat flour . . $3.00
Best Valley flour..... $2.80
Cream Rolled Oats, 3 bs . . 25c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes pk . 14c
Post Toasties, 2 pkg...25c
2 pkg. Grape Nuts 25c
I Shredded Wheat .... 25c
Ralston s Bran, pkg. ...13c
Roman Meal, pkg 25c
10 lbs. Pancake flour ...65c
10 lbs. Graham flour ...65c
10 lbs Wheat Cerea .... 65c
Knox Gelatine, pkg 15c
Jiffy Jell, pkg...;.... 11c
Jell 0, pkg .-..lie
Ataoores Mince Meat
2 pkss 25c
1 1-2 lb. pails Armours
Mince Meat ..50c
Citron Peel, lb ........27c
New Raisins, lb ..14c
While Figs, lb . .20c
Black Figs, lb......... 20c
Nutmeg, Cinnamon and
Cloves , pkg '. 10c
2 1- 2oz. YaniCa 25c
Small Can Oysters .....14c
Large Can Large Oysters 35c
Stuffed Olive Glass .....15c
No.l can ripe Olives.... 23c
Pimentoes, per can .....20c
Del Monte Catss, large
Bottle . 30c
2 cans Shrimp 25c
Small White beans, lb . . . 10c
Mexican Red beans, lb... 10c
New Crop Walnuts, lb... 36c
6 Boxes Matches 39c
5 Bars White Laundry
soap . . ..... .25c
3 cans Old Dutch Clean
ser 25c
Dr. fichenk has now returned from
his vacation and he extends a cordial
invitation to his patrons and friends
to visit his institution. tf
Better dentistry without pain. Two
post graduate courses in painless den
tistry. Dr. Hartley. Phone 114 tf
Today is the day to pay ten per cent
of the fourth liberty loan for those
who subscribed on the government plan
of paying in installments. Payments
are to be made at the banks designat
ed when the first five per cent was
. 0 ' .
Now la the time to place your orders
for rosebushes, shrubbery, fruit, walnut
and ornamental trees for immediate
planting, with the Capital City- Nur
sery Co., 1030 Chem. St. Phone 75. 11-31
"The best" Is ml you can do when
death comes. Call Webb A Clongh Co
Phone 120. tf.
Victory dance. Turner Sat. eve. Nov.
23. Salem orchestra. 11-22
o .
The Epworth Leaguers of Jason Lee
Memorial church will hold thoir an
nuul reception for the new students
u nuumieiw university i' riuay even-
1 .j nr:n ... : t .
i" N,0T' ,22' th,e P8!10'
U. 0 ? 0ck- N I?1? tudent? of 'he
university are invited but also the
yoi,n FT1" of the city wiU e. vo1'
cum? ? aceormng to
"f"" y""i"i a,ree .luvllu
to come in picnic garb and enjoy the
feed." .
Special meeting of Pacific
lodge No. 50, A. F. & A. M.,
thig evening. Work in the M.
M. degree. Visiting brethren
Wanted good reliable boy to work
few hours alter 2 p. in. Good salaTy
and chance to advance, See circulation
manager at Journal office.
United Artisans reg
ular meeting tonight,
nomination of officers.
Big dance at Dallas armory Friday
JUglU. (
Another restriction has been removed
on the uso of sugar. Powdered sugar
for domestic use ig now permitted and
the good housekeeper has the same priv
ilei?u an the mfinuffil.iii'Ai. nv Kalia
ThiB is according to a recent ruling of
the state food administration. But the
same board still insists that no refresh
ments bo served at soeial or pubire af
fairs and urges that' Everyone do his
or her eating at regular meal hours and
cut out the between times.
Dfcn't b selfish, tell font friends
and neighbors about what Is going to
happen at Woodry's auction on Sat.
Nov. 29.
A prize to be given to every person
buying $5 worth at Woodry'g auction
on Sat. See today's paper for full par
ticulars. . ,
A report conies from San Francisco
that IMvato Fred Schmidt of Salem,
Oregon, is one of the 25 or ii.ore young
men who wero in the battles of Sois
sons, Chateau Thierry and the Souinie
and whoi aro now at a hospital aet the
Presidio for treatment. ,
The funeral services of Elmer Bress-
ler will bo held Monday afternoon Nov.
2n, at 1:30 o'clock at the First Moth
odist church and will be conducted by
tho Rev. R. N. Avison, assisted by the
Corner Ferry and Liberty Sts.
8 Fine Shoats, 10 weeks old.
3 Work Horses.
1 HacK
1 J 2-inch Chilled Plow. ,
1 12-iuch steel plow.
2 Iron Force Pumps.
A lot of small tools, etc.
Farmers, if you have anything
to sell bring it in. .
10 P. M.
Household Furniture.
Range, Heaters, Stove Pipe,
Stove Boards, Rugs and Carpets
Beds, Springs, and Mattresses,
Rockers, IHners, Library Tables,
Sewing, Machine, K Cabinets,
Wash Machines, Pictures, Wash
Howls and Pitchers, Stand
Tables, Dressers.
I fine oak Library Table.
Buffet and 6 Diners,
1 Upholstered Reclining Chair .
All kinds of small ware and
many other articles.
If you wish something extra
good for your dining room don 't
miss this sale Some of the Fur
niture and Rugs are like new.
A fine piece of silverware will
be given away to every purchaser
buying $5.00 worth of merchan
dise in the afternoon sale. This
is an opportunity to supply your
needs in your home- .
Rev. A. Hawthorne, pastor of the Meth
odist chureh Bt livesley. Burial will
be at the livesley cemetery. He will
be buried with military honors es he
was a member of company M, Oregon
national guard. Besides his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bresslcr, of Lives
ley, he is survived by three sisters and
three brothers. One of the sisters, Mrs.
John Jayes, -lives in Snlcni.
The biggest auction of the year Sat
Nov. 23 at Woodry's market, Ferry
and Liberty Sts.
Farmers il yon have anything to sell
bring it in to Woodry's auction on Sat.
10:3O a. m. . '
Reopening auction sale at Woodry's
auction market on Sat. Win a prize.
Dr. A. B. Starbnck of DaJUase was
elected temporary chairman of the
board of directors of Willamette chap
ter, American Red Cross, at the annual
meeting' held yesterday afternoon at
the Commercial club.- December 2 was
the date selected for a meeting of the
21 directors to elect an executive com
mittee to consist of a chairman, two
vice chairmen, secretary and treasurer
and two other members. This execu
tive committee will include seven of
the most active workers for the Red
Cross and will be in practical charge
of its work for the coming year.-
Word was received yesterday of the
death at Pendleton of Miss Ella Wta
bor of pneumonia, after an illness of a
fe,w days. This summer she wus asso
ciated with the Meyers department
store and left to accept a position at
Pendleton. J5he was buriel today at
Now that the war Is about over and
many restrictions may be removed, the
chances are that next spring there will
be women' s shoes of U kinds' of col
ors. That is, provided the factories will
make them. A plan had been worked
out by -which all shoes to bo sold next
spring wero to be divided into four
classes, with a maximum price of $12.
Now the recent orders seem to indi
cate that purchasers of shces in Sa
lem will be able to buy any coiot next
year and pay just as much as the
pocketbook will stand.
The fifteen or more S. A T. C. boys
who were sent to Texas for special
training will be permitted to resume
their former standing in Willamette
university if they so choose, provided
thef decide at once as to their plans.
It is also prebable, judging from east
ern dispatches, that members of the S.
A. T. C. willynot be compelled to study
map reading, surveying and modern
ordnance, although no definite instruc
tions have as yet been received here.
The immediate release of all packing
houso employes now in any branch of
war service is urgently requested by the
food administration. - '
A call has been issued for 5000 volun
teers to man the Ships that Will" bring
the boys home from Franco.
"Birds Of A Feather"
2 big reels of high class
gloom chasing comedy
YeLiberty Theatre
' Pi
,Ui..j;T:.:;. i.. ' - - '''
3 Boxes for $2.00
A good grade for eating and cooking. Your choice
of Baldwfti, Ben Davis, Northern Spy, Red Cheek
Pippin, Spitzenberg and Roman Beauty.
Danish Ball Head Cabbage,, solid and well trim
med, fine for kraut, $2.50 per hundred.
Large mealy Burbank potatoes, in sack lots.
$1.10 per bushel.
Delivered North of Mission
Phone your order -
Phone 494
In J ? lUf J
The best and biggest
Assortment in Town
$1.95 ,2.49, $2.98,
And $3.98
98c to $2.49
$1.98 and $2.25
Our Prices Always The
"PHONE 1073
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
111 , . '
Victor McCone, Thought
To Have Suicided
Portland, Or., Nov. 21. Believed to
hnvo committed suicide, Victor J. Mc
Cone, formerly secretary of the Oregon
Socialist party, was drowned at 7:45
o'clock last night when he drove his
automobilo at high speed off the ap
proach to the Sellwood forry, plunging
into the Willamette river. McCone had
just been arrested on a statutory
charge, and for that reason the police
beliove he ended his own life. The So
cialist leader asked permission, follow
ing his arrest, to drive Jlis machine to
the garage,, but he speeded into the
ins n t. 4? -
- - - MliM"iftj'"T
2395 Front
Sir vyl " It
.. . . J
4t 4c b?
r r
"Washington, Nov. 21. Can
cellation of contracts by the
war ..department sinco signing
of the armistice has already
resulted in saving more than
$1,300,000, Sccrctury of War
Baker informed Senator Mar-
tin,Viiginia, in a letter intro
duced in the senate today.
river instead. Patrolman Brown, who
was following tho man he had tnkon
into custody, had difficulty in stopping
his own machine in tiino to prccludo
a cold plunge. '
Household goods, harness, wngons, tools,
ranges, heaters, eookstoves, farm ma-,
chinery, etc. I pay cash or will sell
, on commission from stock sales con
j ducted anywhere. Thone 510 or 511
Woodry, the Auctioneer.
Foot Specialist
Without Blood or Tain or Causing
Soreness or Other Inconvenience.
Chilblains and All Diseases of tho Feot
Special Attention to Antiseptics thera
by Preventing Infection.
. Appointments by Phone.
Lady Assistant.
518 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg.
Phone 416. Salem Ore,
care of
Yick So;Tcn2
Chinese Medicine end! Tea Ce,
Has medicine which will su
any known disease. .
Open Sundays from 10 a, wl
nntH 3 p. m,
153 Sontk High St
Balem, Oregon. Phana 181
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my Pricus Before
you sell.
. Phone SOS
The Square D ial House
271 Chemekf ta Street