Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 20, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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conn n wm: county-try teem for results
Eat pr word, New Today t
Xach insertion
One week (6 insertions)
On stoats: (26 insertions) '
. 5
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible tor more thai on insertion,
for errorj ia Classified Advertisements,
Bead oar advertisement the first da;
It appears and notify as Immediately il
rror oceore.
Minimum charge, 15&.
POTATOES for sale. Phone SOFil. tf
PORTABLE drag saw for sale. Phone
lions. 11-22
FURNITURE for sale for 3 days, 1341
. Slate St. J. O. C. Wimer. 11-21
1918 CHEVROLET touring car, cheap.
Enquire 660 Union St. 11-25
P108 TOR SALE About 50 lbs. Price
6 each. Phone 29F11. 11-25
papers for carpets, etc., Id cents
hundred, call at Journal offiee.
W A NT ED Secon d hand Victrola or
Sonora. Address J G care Journal.
FOR SALE Good horse, Wy cheap,
must sell, ask Schramm, Center feed
stables this week. . 11-20
SALEM chimney sweep, clean them
witfcout dust on the carpets, furnaces
cleaned and repaired, stoves repair
ed. Phone 1. tf
BALDWIN and Spitienberg apples
sixty c&its up. Fancy grade wrapped
and packed for shipment one seventy
five. Phone 101F12. 11-22
WANTED By U.' student work, any
hours outside of 9-5:30. Would do
chores on farm within two miles.
Call phone 1578. 11-20
WANTED Lady'g bieycle. 1298 South
13th. 11-20
FOR wood sawing call 493, business
hours. 12-2
WILL TRADE driving horse for cow
cycle seat. Phone 1074.
Will LTRADE driving horse for cow,
110 Lafollo St.. ll-2i
COW WANTED Must be in milk or
. fresh soon. 1'honc im. ll-is
FOR SALE 4-week old pigs. Phone
39F31, J. C. Schinder, Kt. 7. .11-26
FOR SALU Cheap, a fine banjo, nev
er been used. 6713 care Journal. 11-21
FOR SALE Ford, 1916, in good con
dition. 1263 N. Church St. ; 11-23
FOR SALE A-l stock ranch. Would
' take some trade. 812 care Journal tf
100 ACRES of improved Polk Co. land
at a bargain. E. N. Keency, Rt. 1,
Dallas. 11-20
WANTED Sewing by the day, by ex
perienced dressmaker'.' Phone U34M.
' - . 11-21
FOR SALE Man 'g wheel ia good run
- ning order. Phone 2494M after 5.
.--;'.v;-t- n-21
- pose of your bonds, we- Will buy
then-814 Masonic bldg. v tf
FOR SALE Team work horses, 6 years
old; 2 Jersey cows, 1 Holstein calf,
1 Jersey calf. Phone 37F14. 11-20
FOR SALE Or trade, 20 acres of good
plow land for 5 acre improved prune
farm about 2 miles from Salem.
;. 20 A care Journal. 11-23
FOR RENT Apts and sleeping rooms,
close in, to parties without children.
152 S. Church., Phone 248. 11-21
WANTED To buy beef cattle and
calves. Phone 157SW. 1212
TWO and three room furnished apart
ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203.
WANT $350, $500 aud $1300 loans on
Rood real estate security. Socolofsky,
31 State St. tf
LOST AJ)lack plush (belt at Liberty
theater Tues. afternoon. Phone 1074.
A SNAP 2 acre tract close in cheap
or will take some trade. Phono 794.
" 11-22
JJIPBOVED Oregon strawberry plants,
" 50c 100, $3 1000 plants. Rt. 5, box
37 Salem, Or.
BOY WANTED over sixteen for steady
work. Glove Factory, 1435 Oak St.
WILL trade Salem residence property
for merchandise of any kind. Ad
dress M S eare Journal. 12-1
, ALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
spwaid. Buret's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial tf.
PLENTY of money to loaJ on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonie
bldg, Salem. tf
HOE SALE Or trade. What have you
to trade in a 30 to 60 acre farm for
.11 acres with small house, barn, ell
clear,, good orchard, 'on rock, road,
one mile from small town, and 1
ere with 5 room house in good small
town. Will sell the two places ehcap
or will trade for farm and assume a
mortgage to $2000. Both places rent
the year round. Will make some one
good deal B C care Journal.
WANTED At once, good woman or
girl for housework. Every conven
ience, good wages. Address J C8re
' Journal. 11-21
SALEM LOTS wanted clear of incum
brance , for improved forty acres
hear Portland. Value $3000 with $700
mortgage. Neinwycr, 544 State. 1122
Rates Dedared Not To E Ef
fective For They Ha?e Not
Been Authorized.
WANTED Small modern, furnished
house or apartment, 3 in family, per
manent if satisfied. Address C C 3
care Journal. 11-22
FOR SALE Household goods, includ
ing bed room gets, stove, rugs, couch,
table and other things. Inquire Pur
vine Pump and Implement Co., 175
North Commercial. 11-20
WILL TRADE My 3 passenger Stu
debaker car for a span of mules, wa
gon and harness, or will consider
team of horse. Car is in good snape.
Address R V care Journal. 11-20
FOB SALE 1 acre tract located close
to carline, good 4 room house, well,
a- acre or Logan berries, price $1300
Terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275
State street. 11-20
FOR KALE Or exchange, sheep ranch
60S acres, price $33 per acre. Want
residence or small, well improved
farm near Salem. What have you to
trade? Rt. 1 box 66, Brownsville,
Or. . " . , . 11-26
FOR SALE-Good 5 room plastered
cottage,-, located on , paved street,
-.large east-, fwmt'lot close to school
-and carline. This property is a bar
. gain t $1250. W. H. Grabenhorst &
Co., 275 State street. 11-20
FOR SALE 40 acres of bearing Ital
ian prune orchard in first elass con
dition, trees 7 and 9 year old, pro
duced 55 tons of dryed fruit this
season. Price $350 per acre. W. H.
Grabenhorst A Co., 275 State street.
In a formal order issued last night
and wired to Postmaster General Burle
son, the publie service commission de
clared that the increase ia telephone
rates promulgated by too Pacifit Tel'
ephone 4 Telegraph company were of
"no force ana efrcct."
This order was issued after the com
mission had received a telegram from
the postmaster general saying:
"Answering your wire, my informa
tion is that wage increases were maeju
effective October 15, that increase in
rates to meet these waee increases were
regularly filed with your commission in
accordance with department order 1931
to companies to be effective November
15. The company was advised that the
increased rates had my approval."
From the message the commit, ,.u -sumed
that Burleson had not initiated
the increase in rates himself.
"It is apparent from your wiro of
even date," says the commission in Us
telegram sent to Burleson last night,
"that increased rates of the Pacific
(Telephone & Telegraph company were
not initiated by you, but were author
proper procedure through vthe usual
state state channels as prescribed by
your order 1931 had been followed."
For the information of the postmas
tor general, the commission then quut
cd its order which declares that tho
increased rates are of no force and ef
fect because they hove not been leg
ally obtained or authorized.
"The proposed rates," sayg the com
mission in conclusion, "will, according
(to our best information, increase reve
nues several hundred thousand dollars
more than is necessary to meet propos
ed increases in wages to operators
which go far as we know have not been
made effective. Are we correct in as
suming that you will advise the Pacif
ic Telephone and Telegraph company
that usual course and procedure should
be followed in seeking increased rates
as yvt yuuT vruur uue muu tiiree uuei
If these rate8 are forced upon the pub
lic without proper procedure we are
convinced that thousands of patrons
will discontinue service, thus defeating
the object sought."
FOR SALE Well improved 70 acre
farm, all cultivated, rich dark prai
rie soil, fine 10 room modern house,
barn, feedi and farm implement go:
If you are looking for a first class
farm at a bargain price, investigate
this. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275
State street. , 11-20
70 ACRES $100 land, on account of eir-
eumstancies will sell for $65 on easy
terms. 6 acres all cultivated, good
improvements. l'A mile of city limits
only $3300. li,4 acre good house, barn
all in fruit, good soil, close to car
line, $1230. Socolofskv, 311 State
d by well improved valley farras
ia amounts of $500 up to $10,000.
Thos. A. Roberts, Ehone 1427, 314
Masonic building. 13-4
On the 25th day of November, 1918,
at 2 o'clock p. m., the Oreeon State
Board of Control will receive Bealed
bid for furnishing wood for the vari
ous state institutions, as follows:
Oregon State Hospital Cottaee
Farm, 1600 cordg seeond growth fir.
state institution for Feeble Minded.
2000 cords seeond growth fir.
Oregon- (State Training School. 950
ords second growth fir, 50 cords ash.
Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital,
780 cords second growth fir.
Urcgon State School for the Blind,
300 cords second growth fir.
Oregon state school for the Deaf,
400 cords second growth fir.
Oregon State Industrial School, for
Girls, 100 cords second growth fir.
Ill da for slab wood will be entertain
ed, but bidders must state whether
they are bidding on mill run or round
Specifications will be furnished up
on application to the secretary.
All bids must be accompanied by
certified check in the sum of 10 per
cent of the whole amount of bid, pay
able to the Oregon State Board of Con
trol, which sum so deposited by the suc
cessful bidder shall be held by the
board as a guarantee that the bidder
will enter into a contract to furnish
the amount awarded. All bids are to be
enclosed in a sealed envelope and mark
ed "Bids for wood," and to be ad
dressed to'the unersigned.
The board reserves the right to re-
jeet any or all bids or to accept any'
part of bid.
Secretary, Oregon State Board of
Control. ... Nov. 13-16-20
FARMS WANTED In western Oregon
We ean sell your farms for cash. Or
will submit high grade income prop:
AfI IMM n aT.1i.Hn. tn vas.J f.tM
lands. List your properties with us. I
we also handle colonization tracts
. and wheat farms in Canada, Montana
and other northwest states. Write us
fully describing your properties. O.
H. Skotheim. Company, Fifth floor,
( Henry building, Portland, Or. 11-20
A traA shnr will 1m ffiven bv the
Liberty theatre Thursday afternoon,
from 2 until 4 o'clock for mothers,
wives and sisters of men in the ser
vice of the country. To prove relation
Tii'n all flint ill h tipceiuaxv will be
to show the service star or button. This
is a special matinee and will show the
very appropriate film, ''The Service
Star". It is the story of the hero's
waiting wife and of "The Flag of All
Mothers." .
Copenhagen, Nov.' 20. Nego
tiations regarding the food to
be supplied to Germany have
been completed, a . Berlin dis
patch announced today.
Germany, it was stated, will
receive monthly 75,000 tons of
fats, 150,000 tons of meat and
230,000 tons of corn.
Washington, Nov. 20. The
state department said today it
knew of no food arrangements
with1 Germany and any ration
ing agreement would wait upon
the arrival of Food Adminis.
trator Hoover abroad.
Washington, Nov. 20. The cons-res
sional pruning knife came back to its
oWn today after a year and a half of
war time idleness.
The new naval appropriations bill,
the first money measure to come up
since the. signing of the armistice, is
already feeling the congressional tern
per for peace time economy.
Members of tho house naval affairs
committee ar scrutinizing departmental
estimate's in a way which clearly shows
that congress is "hearing from home"
on the necessity for reduced expendi
tures. Secretary Daniels, scheduled to come
before, the committee today will be ask'
Instant Relief! Rub Nerve
Torture, Pain And Misery
Right Cut With "St. Ja
cobs' Liniment."
Conquers pain never fails.
Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Ja
cob Liniment" right on the ache or
pain, and out comes the neuralgia mis
ery. -
Here's a joyful experiment I Try it I
Get a small trial bottle from your
druggist; pour a little in your hand
and rub it gently on the sore, aching
nerves, and before you realize it in
just a moment all pain and neuralgia
disappear. It s almost magical, but the
joy is, that the misery doesn't come
back. No! The nerves are soothed end
eongestion is relieved and your neural
gia is overcome.
Stop suffering! It's needless neu
ralsria and pain of all kinds, either in
tie face, head, limbs or any part of
the body, is instantly banished, "ot.
Jacobs Liniment", is perfectly harm
less and doesn't burn or discolor the
skin. In use for half a century.
SAVE ? SERVE . . . if V j? 4-h -y .
-1 xv mm
svXW fit f
The cook who uses Kream Krisp is always
sure of her cake, for Kream Krisp gives
her confidence that she can depend on it
for perfect baking results.
Kream Krisp will win your confidence too, and
once you have tried this new shortening you will use
it continually. Kream Krisp is a pure product of big,
rich peanuts wholesome and perfect. It has been
tested and approved by Dr. Wiley's Good Housekeep
ing Bureau of Foods, Sanitation and Health, and
by the Westfield Board of Health.
Kream Krisp is more economical than either butter
or lard. Its first cost is low. Then for shortening you
oise only two-thirds to one-half as muchand you can.
depend on a measure of Kream Krisp being accurate.
' Try Kream Krisp for frying it forms on the food
a crispy brown crust that is delicate enough for the
digestion of a child. Kream Krisp does not absorb
taste or odor of food fried in it, and you can use it
again and again. v
Try Kream Krisp today for your cake--and in
frying. You will be convinced of its economy and
perfect quality.
BROWN COMPANY, Kream Krisp Department, Portland, Me?
Purely Vegetable
The Universal Shortening
tH" vNrvtMAL siwuns
ll MX OO0lj m.HL
When yon nse Journal clasoifi-
ei ads get what yon want them
to they work fast.
ed to outline his naval policy for the
next three years.
Daniels will, be told that the commit
tee will grant him anything necessary
for quick upbuilding and efficient op
eration of an enlarged personnel, but
that the "frills and furbelows" must
Eleven deaths have occurred at the
state institution for feeble-minded
from influenza. The situation there is
now considerably improved, according
to reports received tudoy.
Fred McClard died at the state peni
tentiary last sight from Spat'sh inf.a
enza, maklrg the eighth victim of that
disease at the prison. He was commit
ted from Marion county for burning
pioperty to' injure tuo insurer. Hi
mother lives at 320 C.f sby street, Porl
tunu, while he has other relatives In
Marion and Multnomah counties. Tito
i oiy was taken to i oitiand today for
Labor Commissioner U. F. Hoff myi
he will ask the next legislature to PJJS
a law providing a penuty for any em
ployer who refuses to pay the wages
owing to an employe he discharges. His
idea is that the rrq yer thou!d be pen
iii.ed certain r sentagi, of the wag
ts aue the empUve. Be bnd bill oi
tKt nature Iihk,. wid in ti't Ifltt two
tefcions of the ".i."iIr.urj. but it failed
t-i pass. -
Action ia the form of quo warranto
proceeding lias been begun in the su
preme court to oust Dan Kellabcr from
the office of eity commissioner in Port
land and permit T. L, Perkins, who ws
elected to serve the unexpired term to
which Kcllaher was temporarily ap
pointed, to assume the duties of tho
office. Kollahor refuses to turn over
tho office to Perkins, Contending thut
his uppointmont is good for the balane
f theterm, which docs not end untH
Juno 30, 1919.
Tho proceedings were brought in tho
name of the state on relation of T. h.
I'crkiiis. The complaint was filed b
City Attorney LaBoche. Time for ar
gument has been set for 1 o'clock nest.
, .Friday afternoon, and it is expected
that a decision of the court will be bann
ed down at an early date. '