Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 20, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Whei the Skin Seems Ablaze
With Itching and Burning
There's jast one thing to do.
If your skin seems ablaze with the
fiery burning and itching of Eczema,
real and lasting relief can only
come from treatment that goes be
low the surface that reaches down
to the very source of the trouble.
So-called skin-diseases come from
a disordered condition of the blood,
and search far and near, and you
cannot find a blood remedy that ap
proaches S.S.S. for real eSiciency.
Civiliau employes of the United'
tatei, whose number has been greatly
increased by the war activities come
tinder the scope of the federal compen
sation act.
The soldier vote has clanged the re
sult of the election in the Eleventh
congressional district of Pennsylvania,
lectin John J. Casey, democrat, by
61 majority.
amua Wizard OilaSafoRrst Aid Treatment
How often lockjaw and blood
foisoning result from the neglect
of a slight scratch or little cut I Ham
lin's Wizard Oil is a r.ufe and effec
tive first aid treatment. It it a pow
erful antiseptic and should be ap
plied immediately to wound of thij
kind to prevent danger of infection.
It is soothing and healing and
quickly drives out pain and inflam
mation iti cases of sprains, bruises,
cuts, burns, bites and stings. Just a
reliable, too, for stiff neck, sore feet,
cold sores, canker gores, earache and
Get it from druggists for 30 cents,
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back.
Ever constipated or have sick
headache? Just try Wizard Liver
Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30
cents. Guaranteed.
(Continued from page one)
in commander of the destroyer squadrou
of the First fleet. Aboard tho cruis
er Amethyst ha participated in the bat
tle of Heligoland August 27,11)14. He
.also participated In tho North sea en
gagement of January 24, 1915, when
the German cruiser Bluoehor was sunk.
Harwich is seaport in Essex county
on the cunt roast sixty fivenilos north
fast of London. Its strongly defended
harbor Is one of the best in England,
Communique Reports.
Washington, Nov. 20 "On the front
of the Third army the day passed with
ent incident, our troops occupying the
fioacral line of Etsile-St. Legcr-Loust-
I IL 1 II,,.,', , 1 W .Lm ,Li-l
6t tho Genuine
Every Cake
and Avoid ST KT?J
r j zvi&r- Fro
You will want nice Table Linens. Good, pure
linen damask is not plentiful enough for many
to talk about, but we still have a splendid line at
low figures. Why not make your choice now?
All ruro Linen Damask in a great
variety of patterns and many degrees
of finesness that should bring more
money than we ask. ttu to 64 inches
wide, $1.00, $1.15; 72 in. Vs wide, vard,
$1.B0, $1.70, $2, $i23, $2.18, fi 75,
: 3.00.
Plain, nil Linen Satin Finish Ihtiito
ask at V.6.
I'nioii (Mitin x'lnv h. $J."0. .
Half bleached, heavy, all Linen
DnniRsk, tiO inches d. 'l 00.
Merciri.ed Cotton Fuperfiiw IH.l
ask, vetv pre!:y l'ltterus, '2 iiVtl
wide, UW, $1.25
An exceptional Une, splendid
assortment, bleached u dun
bleached, come 18, SO, 36, 43
laches wide, yard 0c to $1.25.
Handkerchief Linen, sheer and
rery evenly woven. 38 inchea
wide, at, yard 75c to $1.60.
the proper treatment il through the
S.S.S.hs been on the market (or
fifty years, during which time it has
been giving uniform satisfaction for
aliamanner of blood disorders. If
you want prompt and lasting relief,
you can rely upon S. S. S. - For ex
pert advice as to the treatment of
your own individual case, write to
day to Chief' Medical Adviser, Swift
Specific Co. DeDt. C Atlanta. Ga, '
wy-Audun-Le Boman-firiey," according
to the American communique for Tues
day. Taken Pol Harbor. '
Some, Nov. 18. (Delayed.) In con
formity with tho armistice, Admirals
Cagui end Kock have taken over Fola
harbor. The Austrian drcadnaughts
Tegetthof and Prinz Eugen are now
flying the Italian flag.
The American naval mission under
Admiral Mayor fust completed an in
spection of the reeent Italian war bono.
The drcadnaughts Tegetthof and
Prinz Eugen are units of a class of four
of which the Viribus Unitis was one.
The lattor ship wat frequently destroy
ed as were the others.
When the Viribus Uaitis was torpe
doed just before tho armistice was
signed, it wat announced that its de
struction wiped out the last of this
class. Tho ships are of 20,000 tons,
carry twelve inch guns and were built
in 1011-13.
tUintuMied on page two)
momentous question out of the way
first. There was lively discussion here
today of the possibility that President
Wilon, in deciding to attend thvs peace
eontoronce, nugni .cause me nanus vi
other belligorent nations to attond al
soat least for one or more of the
sessions. It will be poinwu out tnat in
the greatest world adjustment it was
more than likely there would be at
least "kingly conclave" at which
King George, King Victor Emanuel,
President Poincare and Pivsident Wil
son would assemble together.
Who will represent Russia at the
peace conforence is a moot question,
the answer to which is not in sight.
(Continued from page one)
tho chairmanship of the navnl affairs
committee. They are not daunted by
warnings of "regular" republicans
that they aro endangering' party suc
cess just, at the moment of entering on
"We believe wo will do the party a
service," i&aid this western progressive
todav. "1 the Penrose taxation poli
cy is adopted .by the republican party,
not a republican candidate can bo elect
ed in 1920 west of Chicago."
San Francisco's municipal railway re
ceipts for the week ending Saturday
wore $34,444.83. '
John Pitcher, P2 years old, was r-
Moon Bay Cal.
Almost anything yon nay ask
for in Linen Crash, colored her
ders, strip es and checks, at
14c to 30c
Plain and Fancy Huck Towel
ing, all linen, 15 to 24 Inchea
wide, yard, 60c to 75c.
librarian, will be one of the
ftnpakpr flf h limphann in he
- -
given in Portland Saturday by the
Professional Women's League in honor
of the Countess of Kingston, a noted
visitor, who is in Portland in the in
terests of the wounded Irish soldiers
and sailors. Lady Kingston will speak
to the league on the part Ireland has
played in the world war. Miss Marvin
has recently returned from a trip along
the Mexican border, where she was in
charge of the travelling libraries used
by the border troops and will talk on
conditions there. Miss Helen Putnam,
a member of the faculty oT the Port
land Art school will also appear on the
program. The luncheon wili be given
at the University dab at 12:30.
. '
Lieutenant Clifford J. Allen of Min
neapolis arrived Jn Salens today to be
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank My
ers. Lieutenant Allen has been attach
ed to the service overseas since the be
ginning of the war, but after being
severely gassed and wounded was
sent back to this counftry to rectiper
ato, and upon recovery was appointed
inspector of the school of Fire at Ft.
Sill, Oklahoma. Later he was transfer
red to Camp Kearney at San Diego,
California. lie is now returning to the
southern cantonment after a 60 day's
furlough, which he has been spending
in the eastern part of the country. He
will be in Salem a few weeks, as he
is on leave until December seventh.
Those intending to enter the Y. W.
C. A. swimming aud gymnasium class
es, which will start tonight at 7.30 at
the Y, M. C. A., are requested to first
register at the Y. W. C. A. A special
class in swimming only will also be or
ganized this evening, beginning at 7:30
Mrs. Thomas Kay went to Portland
this morning to spend the day with her
sister, who has been ill.
Miss Yeda Swarts of Portland pass
ed Monday and Tuesday in Saleui.
Miss Mabel Garrett returned to
Woodburn this afternoon, having re
ceived notice that the Woodburn
schools would re-opon tomorrow. Miss
Garrett, who is an instructor in the
Woodburn high school, has been spend
ing the vacation afforded by the clos
ing of schools under the influenza ban,
in Balem, at tho residence of her moth
er, Mrs. Ida Garrett, 182 North ISth
street. Miss Garrett plans to eome
back to Salem for the? Thanksgiving
recess, which will bo limited to the one
day this year.
A pretty college event of yesterday
was that held at the residence of Mrs.
William E. Kirk on State street, .aen
the junior girls of Willamette univer
sity eutertainod their university sis
ters of the freshman class at a love
ly tea. In accordance with tho "big
sister" idea being successfully work
ed out in many of the eastern colleges,
the Willamette junior girls have each
one been constituted en older sister to
one or more of the incoming class
girls, thus ideally offering the new
co-eds the advantages of friendly in
terest and freely given assistance at
tho start of their college career
The guests were received yesterday
by Miss Mary Findlcy and further
greeted by Miss Genevieve Yannke.
The tea table, gmced iby a bowl of
pink carnations, wag presided over by
Mrs, Kirk and Miss Velma, Baker. As
sisting iu the rooms were: Miss Odell
Savage, Mis Bertha Knutba and Miss
Freda Campbell. About 70 girls en
joyed the occasion.
Vr on.l fm K V. MoMwhan have
returned from an enjoyable two weeks
trip in wasningioa, visiung at omn
Seattle aud North Yakima. The Mo
Mechans make their homo nt the Elec
tric apartmeuts.
Miss Vera Wright, who has been vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Eaymond K.
Drake of lone, Oregon, the past five
weeks, returned home Sunday morning.
Mi Inrn Coshow nf Rosclniri is the
guest of Mrs. Knaffle Pickens. She
will visit in Salem a week or more
lstor heir it entertained bv Mrs.
Thomas Kay, before her return.
Coming as decided surprise to their
friends was the announcement of tho
niarrisnt of Miss Onal B. Robertson
and Edward 8. Robinson, which took
place at. Portland October 27. Both
young people are graduates of the Sa
lem high school.
The bride is well known in Salem
mmlrnl i-iri'W a s ulcasinsr vocalist.
She will remain in the city to continue
her utiullr. under -Prnfcsaor Sites, dean
of music at Willamette university. Mr.
Df. Klflj; a New Discovery
relieves them and keep
you ftolnft on the job
Fifty continuous years of almost
Unfailing checking and relieving coughs,
colds and kindred sufferings is the
proud achievement of Dr. King's New
Grandparents, fathers, mothers, the
kiddies all have used and are using
it as the safest, surest, most pleasant
lo-take remedy they know of.
Sold by all druggists. 60c and $1.21
Keep Bowels On Schedule
Late, retarded functioning throwa
the whole day's duties out of gear.
Keep the system cleansed, the appe
tite lively, the stomach staunch with
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Mikl and
tonic a action. Sold ererywberc. 25c
I Robinson is manna raining instructor
in th junior high school.
I Mrs. Mable Poland Walsh has arriv
I (d in Salem from San Francisco, where
she was with Mr. Walsh while he was
stationed with eonrpaw D. Eighth in-
; fantry. He left the latter part of Oe
Itober for Fianee. Mrs. Walsh will re
I side in Salem with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Poland, during her hus
band's absence.
Look Mother! If Tongue Is
Coated Give Caitorcia
Syrup Of Figs." '
Every mother realizes, after giving
her children "California Syrup of
Figs," that this is1 their ideal laxa
tive, because they love, its pleasant
taste, and it thoroughly cleanses the
tender little stomach, liver and bowels
without griping.
When cross, inritaJble, feverish or
breath is bad, stomach Bour, look at the
tongue, mother! If coated, give a tea
spoonful of this harmless "fruit laxa
tive" and in a fsw hours all the foul,
constipated waste, sour bilo and undi
gested food passes out of the bowels,
and you have a well, playful child
again. When it's little system is full
of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache,
diarrhoet, indgestion, colic remem
bor a good "inside cleansing" should
always .be the first treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs," handy; they know
a teaspoonful today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Ask your druggist for bot
tle of "California 8yrup of Figs,"
which has directions for babies, child
ren of all ages and grown-ups printed
on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits
sold here, o don't be fooled. Get the
gonuine, made by "California Fig Sy
rup company." ,
(Continued from page one
by the local Brest newspaper and the
civilians, soldiers and sailovs had their
celebration under full headway before
I was able to get from Admit al Wilson
personally a copy of his written an
nouncement and his personal assurance
th$t the bulletin was official.
"The admiral then sent his personal
aide with me to assist me in filing the
dispatch, as I do not speak French flu
ently. "It was the fact that all Brest, in
cluding operators and censors, accept
ed the news as official and was cele
brating at tbe time, that caused my
wire to pass the French censorship at
Brest unchallenged.
' I'pon my return to the United
States I learned that no news had been
published here of the fact that cele
brations of the signing of the armis
tice took place on Nov. 7 at practical
ly all the army and naval bases on' the
French coast.
Celebrations In PrlB
"I was i'o surprised to learn that
nothing had reached hero by cable con
cerning the fact that all Paris had the
report of the armistice being signed.
At the American Luncheon club meet
ing in Parig on that day, the toastmas
tr arose, and with Admiral Benson
seated on one side of him and American
Consul Genera) Thacker on the other,
announced on what he said was the
authority of the American embassy that
the armistice had been signed.
"All the celebration on that, day was
by no means on this side of the Atlan
tic. Source of Story Nob Public
"Nothing much hat yet been said
as to the source of Admiral Wilson's
information. This is sot for me to dis
cuss. Nothing has been said as to the
reason for the report current on that
day throughout France. No explanation
has yet been offered of how the re
port reached the American embassy in
Paris as official. Neither has any ex
planation been offered yet as to what
became of the first German armistice
delegation headed by Von Hintie which
was reported to have reachod the
French lines on Nov. 6 and which then
disappeared from tho news, being sup
planted by the Erzberger plenipoten
tiaries. "Some of theso matters will be
cleared up after pence is signed."
Howard called upon Secretary Dan
iels yesterday to express his apprecia
tion of the courage and squareness of
Admiral Wilson in furnishing the Unit
ed Press with a signed statement
(mining full responsibility for the mul
letin which started the wenderful Am
erican celebration of November 7.
Continued from page one)
democracies in the present war. There
is absolutely no spirit of criticism or
jealousy in any of the notions with
which "the United States is associated
in the war. All former hostilities u
account of America's tardy entrance
into the conflict have been smothered
in the sincere gratitudo, not only be
cause of the republic's timely help,
without which it is generally recognis
ed the war would not have been won,
but also because of Wilson a masterly
handling of the conversations before
the signing of the armistice.
The allies not only trust the Amer
ican executive, but are depending on
his counsel and advtee, thoroughly ap
preciating his high oiindedness and his
It is understood here that, while Wil
son was considering the advisability of
a trip to this sine of the Ataatic, both
Uovd-Ueorge and llemcnccaa were
arging him to eome to the peace con
ference. It is believed his final decis
ion was largely the result of their representations.
6 Beixans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Continued from page one)
naughts which are the ultimate strength
or a nation on tbe seas, require about
three years to eonstract. The auiube,
of dreadnaughts any nation ean build
in a year is strietly limited both by
expense and by yard facilities. When,
therefore, the major portion of a coun
try's first line fleet is surrendered, it
ean seldom overcome the handicap thus
imposed on its future program of con
struction. The only practical hope of
recovery is a bcw era in warship de
signing which would make obsolete nil
present types and would compel every
nation to start afresh from zero on a
common equality. No such prospect is
now in sight.
"Dcr tag," the famous toast of Ger
man naval officers to the day when
they would meet the British fleet, has
come at lost. It is the day of ruin for
Hohenzollern, so fond of describing
himself as. the "admiral of the Atlan
tic." It is the day of destruction for
all pan-German hope of overseas donn
nation. It is the day of retribution for
German submarine piracy. It is the
day of freedom for the world's democ
Continued from page one)
rines, though, as a matter of fact, few
of them were actively occupied.
Only 12 Percent Active
"In January, 1917, when conditions
were favorable for submarine work, on
ly 12 per cent were active, while 30
per cent were in harbor, 8S per cent
were undergoing repairs and 20 per
cent incapacitated.
"Submarine crews were not suffi
ciently educated and trained, and they
looked with distrust upon tbe weapon.
In the- last points, indeed, it was very
difficult to get men for submarines,
as experienced seomeo looked upon bud
marine warfare as political stupidity.
"When, at the beginning of No
vember, the navy was ordered out for
the purpose of attacks, a mutiny broke
out. Had the seamen obeyed, innumer
able lives would have been lost. Every
thinking man, therefore, is of the opin
ion that the seamen on November 4
rondered invaluable service to their
Increase Ranges From Ten To
Seventeen Cents On Hun
dred Pounds.
Washington, Nov.' 20. Rates on all
express lines unler federal control were
raised, today by Director General Mc
Adoo. -
The increases, which range from ten
to 17 eenta per hundred pounds, are ex
pected to produce approximately $24,
000,000 additional revenue annually.
The essential features provide that in
territory east of the Mississippi river
and north of the Ohio and Potomac
rivers1, the increase will be 18 to 17
cents per hundred pounds, regardless
of the distance hauled. In tue balance
of the country the increase averages
from 30 to 12 cents per hundred pounds
The. increase on' food products will
be slightly less than that on the mer
chandise. Approximately half 'of the
increased revenue will go to the rail-
a safe
Never before have there been offered such a com
plete assortment of fashionable favorites, so com
plete a listing of sizes, so complete a range of values
to suit all purses placed on sale at the very height
of the season's demands, at prices so remarkably
reasonable, . .
COATS. ...J16.48, $19.75, $24.75
SUITS .$19.75, $24.75, $34.75
DRESSES ....... ... .... .$16.48, $19.75, $24.75
U. G. Shipley Co.
I Popular Prices
road, and the rest to the express com
panies under tho contract they previ
ously had with the1 railroad companies.
McAdoo explained that in raising
the rates in the eastern territory he
was seeking to restore the proper bal
ance between express and, freight rates
The eastern territory he said, has been
swamped with express traffic for two
Much of this has hceft diverted from
regular freight trains causing conges
tion at terminals, overcrowding pass
enger trains and producing a volume
of traffic which made good express
service impossible.
The new rates are effective January
1, 1919.
President Wilson Can't
Leave Without Passport
Washington, Nov. 20. With the war
time regulations still in effect, Presi
dent Wilson cannot, leave the country
for Euroe without a passport.
It -is possible, however, that foreign
govenrmcnts and this government will
relax the regulations ss a matter of
courtesy in "the case of the president,
Mrs. Wilson and others of the peace
delegation. Tho question has not yet
eome up for decision.
Vbur Children's
Table Drink
Regardless of your own choice !n
a table beverage you will aq'reo
children should drink neither
tea nor coffee.
answers "the requirements of
a hot drink for children, most
admirably. .
Its coffee-like flavor attracts and rb
purity and wholesomeness make it
drink for younrfor
There's. a Reason"
Quality Merchandise
Copenhagen, Nov. 20. An Austrian
delegation has be.gun negotiations iri
Berlin for annexation of German-Aun (
tria to Germany, according to advices
received hero today.
A recuperative diet in influenza,
lloilick's Malted Milk, very digestible-
Before applying powder give your
skia a protecting coat of
Motor Cream
Shields 6kin against wind end weather.
Prevents Ian and suntmm. Keeps skin soft
and velvety. HIuninMes oww of most com
plexion defect. Absolutely essential to.
proper care of facial beautj. Try it.
125 N. High SL . .