Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 19, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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M2S2SES2SteS2S2nS252S252SHS2SM j
i i
had been troubled for a long time u-ith
chronic constipation and never found aiiy-
thing that gaze me the natural relief that
Dr. Cold;
a letter
at gaze me the natural reitej mat y
tecH's Syrup Pepsin has." (From iT
to Dr. Caldwell written by Mr. I. V
hal, 6 W. 28th St., New York, N. Y.) U
Nearly every disease can be traced to
constipation. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is
a combination of simple laxative herbs with
pepsin that quickly relieves constipation and
restores normal activity. It is gentle in its
action and does not gripe.
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
. ' Sold by Druggists Everywhere
I: 0""
i' ! !
I ji'
'WOKKMr. Mary Hutcr -Willavd,
prenilent of the surgical dressing com
mittee of New York, has been award
' the gold moilail by the Ticnch gov
ernment lor fighting epidemics. 8hc
atartod for Pari six weok ago and
opinion wm expressed that the medal
we awarded hor because she aroused
the women of America to tho necessity
for surgical dressing.
(e) Underwood & Underwood
Continued from page one)
Ti dream of a return to the Roman
fold of the scattered flock in the Ori
ent in by no mvah a new one. There
ia every reason to believe that it was
cherished by Top Leo XIII, who cer
tainly made some progress in that (II
. wtioo. With tho assistance of tho
French government, which then haJ thai likely to become, that political think
protection of Catholics in the Turkish trs are pointing out that the various al
dominions, Catholic universities and col-Iliad nations that have 'Interests in the
When yon dm Journal clasaifi-
ed ads get what yon want thorn
tor they work fast.
, Czar had n0 intention of losing his spir
itual authority over tnese eastern enur-ches.
Tope Fius IX, apparently regarded
teh project as impractical,
But with the disappearance tic
Czar and the spiritual head of these
oriental churches, all is changed, and
Pope Benedict is at work to heal the
breaches that have existed. One of the
first steps to this end -has been the
creation of a Congregation of the Ori
vntnl churches, the highest form of
organization that exists under the Vati
can, corresponding very much to a min
istry in lay forms of government. This
new congregation has been placed on
the sumo high basis as tho Consistorial
Congregation, the higliost ministry of
tho Catholic church. Cardinal Marim,
y.crotniy of this new eongregauufl, ib
perhaps tho Vatican's greatest author
ity on tho Oriental churchos. The as
sessor of the congregation is a bishop
of the Greek rite from Athens.
l'ope Benedict also has opened close
to the Vatican a Pontifical Oriental In
stitute, which Is organized very much
on the basis of a university, and the 11
braries and courses of which aro opvn
free to clergy and laity alike,
Pope Benedict has just reorganized
In the historic Greek abbey at Orotta
fcrrnta, near Rome, a seminary for
education of Albanian priosts, the Al
banians in general taking more kind
ly to the Greek church thaln to the Bui
garian. Russian Orthodox or other
schismatic sects Represented in the Bal
kans. ,
This school is regarded as the first of
a series of seminaries in which native
priests of tho various countries where
schismatic religions exist, and who
know the native languago and native
customs, will bu trained to attend to
the spiritual needs of these variotw po
pulations, their work tending in the
end to bring these schlsmatio people
and religions gradually back to tne bos
om of the Mother Churen.
Ho effective dovs this policy seem
leges wero opened in the Orient, the
Koptic church was reorganized, and
eastern Mediterranean countries might
do well to follow Pot Benedict's lead
other atop taken. TVr separation of and establish schools for training of na
church and state in Prance left Pope tive professor, commercial and politi
Ijn without the support of Prance to eal representatives, instead of sending
continue this task. In fact tho French 'there representatives of a different
government began opening lay schools race, spunking a different language
C its ow ia the Orient. Simultaneous- and knowing little of local life and cus
ly Russia mado it apparent thai the toms. -
Come, Let Mother See!
When the child droops, won't play or is restless,
pale and grunty, look to see if the tongue is white,
the breath feverish, the stomach sour. Then
hurry, mother, but don't worryj Give Cascarets,
the harmless candy cathartic. Children take
Cascarets without coaxing -unly 10 cents a box!
Q Try Making Your Own K
cj Cough Remedy. . M ;
Cj Ttn m wrt iint l!, aaJ hvo Qj
I jj mmdm fclad. Easily w Q II
2S25Z52S2S2S2S2S2S2S2SSS2S2S252ffl , l
SGCE17 :,
Activity among the members of the nj
local enapter or me r. oiincr- f ym iht nrative proper- J
hood was resumed on Ha usual delight-1 tics of every known "ready-made'' cough i f f
ful scale, yesterday afternoon, when
Mra. Q. A. Wood was hosttst for-the
dyipter at her residence on North
Church street The meeting assumed a
more or ltas purely social nature, af
ter the influenza interim of the past
month, the members enjoying the op
portunity afforded for an afternoon '
informal reunion. I
The rooms were attractively decorat
ed with chrysanthemums of the rich
yellow and bronze hues. Dainty refreebr
nients were served toward tho close of
the gathering.
Mrs. W. w. Moore was elected re
cording aecretary in place of Mise
Laura Grant, who left Salem recently
to make her home, in Portland, -where
.the has taken a potation in the Walsh
electric company.
The date of meeting was also cnang-
ed from Monday to Thursday, hence
the members of the P. E. O. will nere-
after assemble on the fine and third
Thursdays of the month and during
the afternoon, not alternately alter
noon and evening as heretofore. The
next hostess will be Mrs. Ot. W. Laf
lar. MrSi Tom R. Townsend will leave the
latter tiart of this week for her former
home at Weed, California. She will be
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. L.
C. Smith of Weed, who has been
spending several weeks in Sslera with
htr daughter. The numerous Halcm
friends of Mrs. Townsend are rwjoie
ing in the ftict that she will return to
Salem the first of the year to make
her permanent borne here.
Mrs. Earl Flegel (Barbara fiteincr)
went to Portland yesterday to apend
the week. She will be the guest or her
husband's parents, Mr. and Mm. 0. P.
Mrs. Harriet Griffith returned to
Portland today to resume her studies
at Miss t'atlin 's school, after a months
stay in Salem, while tho ' Portland
schools were closed during the influ
enza outbreak. Miss Griffith was ac
companied by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Irwin Griffith, who motored
down for the day.
Miss Ada Kuntz, tho daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. P. J. Kuntz, who. accompan
ied by her father, left Salen: last Tues
day for San Francisco with the inten
tion of sailing for Manila Saturday,
was unable to leave as planned, owing
to the fact that Friday tha government
took over the steamer Santa Cruz, on
which Miss Kuntz was to have soiled,
for the shipment of food supplies to
Miss Kunts is now domiciled at the
Hotel Stewart .in San Francisco await
ing further instructions from the In
sular iBuranu at Washington. Having
accepted a position as a teacher in the
Philippine schools, Miss Kuntz is at
tached to the government service and
her date of sailing will depend upon
government orlera. Mr. Kuntz return
ed to Salom this morning from San
Mrs. Harry MarBdon of Washington,
D. C, ia visiting in Snlem for a few
days as the guest of Mrs. Charles El
gin. Mrs. Marsden will be woll remem
bered by Salom friends as Miss Maude
Lauchead, having spent the greater
part of her girlhood an the city. Her
husband is stationed in France as chap
lain of his regiment. Mrs. Marsden will
also be -entertained durinp hor -Salem
sojourn bv Mr George M. Elgin and
Mrs. H. W. Elgin.
Miss Alice Holltster is spending a
few weeks in La Grande, Oregon, whore
she- is the gucat of her sister.
Miss Vivian Hargrove and Miss Win-
uio Hargrove .fvere Fall City visitors
over the week end.
' The seventieth birthday of Mrs.
Mrv Asbbv Lonir was nrottlly observ
ed Sunday evening when a few friends
ihiililnn informally to the home
of the honoree'a daughter, Mrs. Claude
D. Rauoh on Fir street.
In true keeping with the spirit oi
birthday festivity, the pink and white
birthday eake, encircled by seventy
tiny gleaming candles formed the gala
feature of the occasion. It appeared on
the table in the guise of a birthday of-
faring to Mr. Long from Mrs, w. jm.
Hamilton, one of the guests. DcUeate
chrysanthemums in the pastel pink and
lavemtar shades decked the rooms, lat
er the stately- eandlea which were used
at Mrs. RauGhs wedding ceremony
were brought out and lighted thus add
ing a deeper glow to the eandle-lit
charm of the scene.
Mrs. Anna Read ot Torlland, who
hai knen the house truest of Mrs. O. P.
Unff for several weeks, has returneon
home. Mrs. Read is a teacher in the
Portland rfhools and has been enjoying
her enforced vacation in the Vapital
city, while the lniiucnza nan was an
..... L .4 a.. ma.
eal curative power as there is in
much r
this simple thome-made cough syrup, 1 1
which as easily preparea in a tew ma
Get fronf anr drueffist iVi ounces'
Finex, pour it into a pint bottle and
fill the bottle with syrup, using either
plain granulated sugar syrup, clarified
molasses, noney, or corn syrup,
I Suits Coats
desired. The result is a full pint of
Teally better cough syrup than you
could buv ready-made for three times
the money. Xaatea pleasant and sever
This Pinex and Svrtrp preparation gets
riprht at the cause of a cough and giv-
armosi immediate relief. It loosen the
phlegm, stops the nasty throat tickle
and heals the sore, irrit'ated'membranes
so gently and easily that it is really
A day's nse will usually overcome the
ordinary cough and or bronchitis,
croup, Whooping cough and bronchial
asthma, there is nothing better.
Pinex is a moat valuable concentrated
compound of genuine Norway pine ex
tract, and has been used- for generations
to break up severe coughs.
To avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex" with
full directions, and don't accept anything
else. Guaranteed to give absolute satis
faction or money promptly refunded.
The Pinex Co., ft. Wayne, Ind.
See Plot To Trick Alies In Ac
tion Of Wilhelm And
Paris, Nov. 19. French newspapers
insist that more light be thrown on the
status of William Hohenzollem.
L'lntransigeant wants to know
whether the "Dutch scandal" will keep
in). ;-
"It S certainly revolting to seo the
man responsible for everything com
fortably adapting himself to a purely
political 'abdication,'' " snys ij'jn
transdgeant. "It is also revolting to
find Holland offering facilities to an
ex-ruler who thus is admirably placed
to conduct intrigue and propaganda for
agaJin eeizing power."
The Temps insists that the affair
needs clearing up. It points out that
Prince Max of Baden did not state the
kaiser had abdicated, that he had " de
cide to abdicate."
The German press calls William's so
journ in Holland "idyllic."
Evidence of Plot
London, Nov. 19. The Express said
"There Ib evidence of a plot to trick
the allies, create a new German feder
ation stronger than the former empire,
foment revolutions in Holland and
Switzerland, which would be added to
tho federation and then foment revo'
lutions in allied countries and possibly
in Sweden. Eventually the kaiser would
(Continued Iron page one)
and supplies. Then these retired under
u whit flnfl.' ti
The advancing Americans , entered
scores of inhabited towns all of which
...... Ko.rio mriwi with hnatiiv construct-
--, " , .
ed docorations and home made Amen
can flags.
Emet Trtumsnai Aicacs.
a.Avat nimnnnltia vrepted trium
phal arehes. under which the American
mtivnliatil '
When the columns passed through
Conflan and Briery, the streets were
linn it with afhnnl children, who sane the
American and French national songs.
The mayors formally greeted the offi
Thn admne averaired about IS kilo-
objectives at noon and going into camp
TO MOTHERS 1 Nothing else "works" the nasty bile, the sour
fomentations and constipation poison so gently but so thoroughly from
the little stomach, liver and bowels like harmless Cascarets. While
children usually fight against laxatives and cathartics, they gladly eat a
csmW f!av.iret. Cisriirpts never crW th hnurolc n ;,-L-n ' r.i rim fraternity.
- - - - --r- - h.tm 0iwnt.il, nit 1.1 t . . t ' 1
disnnramr the worrit mother. Ea-h 1finr rwv f r,c-,,. ,f... !" relatives in Lea Angeles, M", pallid, that one week of inside bathing
, .......... "" - wuui.ira ,teT whieh (h(ly wili mike tneir Borne will have them both looking and feel
etfirections for dose for children aged one year old and upwards. I in Denver. ing better i every way.
Salem Mends of Mrs. Charles Dun-
dure (Paula Liun), the daughter of J.
R. Una of Salem, whose winkling was
a Portland event oi a rew r us,
will regret to hear that she has been
ill with pneumonia. Liicutenani ana
Mrs. Dundoro were tramrterred tae
first of November to Brookes Field,
San Antonio, and the bride developed
ia the following day. She is
out of danger at present, accordant
to the latest word received by reia-
Dr. and Mr. .1T Gunnell and ba
by, arrived in fvilem Sunday from
Spokane and are visitin? a siBter,
Miss Kathrvn L. Gunnell, and .hi
mother at 274 North Summer street.
Dr. Gunnell is a graduate of Denver
; university, and is member or tae
MM. uiianen
8ays glaat of hot water with
phosphate befert brakfit$
washet out poioona,.
: "'
& O JL iT SU id
With amazinsr vahies offered in stylish desirable jrarments. and though the
prices marked are surprisingly low there is a distinctiveness of style and ex
; cellent quality in every suit, coat or dress. Each price is plainly marked and at
a figure that will provide a rapid clearance ot most oesiraoie garments, de
lightfully fashioned and splendidly made.
We must make room for holiday displays of merchandise in quick time. Your
desire for an outer garment of style and quality can be gratified here and now
at a very moderate cost.
COATS . .......... . $16.48, $19.75, $24.75
SUITS .'; ..... . ;. . ., .$19.75, $24.75, $34.75
DRESSES $16.48, $19.75. $24.75
t 4eee
' -
There ds one sure way that never
fails to remove dandruff completely
and that is to dissolve it. This destroys
it entirely. To do this, just get about
four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night whtfc retiring!
use enough to moisten the scalp and
rub it in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all of your
dandruff will be gone, and three ol
tour more application wiy completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every sin
gle sign antf trace of it, no matter now
much dandruff you may have.
Yon will find. too. that all itching
and digging of the acalp Will stop in
stantly, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, miay' and soft.anu
look, and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arven at any
drug store. It Is inexpensive, and four
ounces i all you will need. This sim
ple remedy has never been known to
To see the tinge of healthy bloom in
your face, to see your skin get clearer
and clearer, to wake up without a
headache, backache, coated tongue or a
nasty- breath, in fact to feel your best,
day in and day out, just try inside bath
ing every morning for one week.
Before breakfast each dai, drink a
glass cf real hot water with a teaspoon
ful of limestone phoxphat in it as a
harmless means ef washirg from, tha
stoma h, liver, kidneys and bowels the
previous day' indigestible waste, sour
bile and toxins; thus cleaning, sweet
ening and purifying the entire alimen
tary canal -before pirttmg mora roou
into the stomach. The actioe of hot wa
ter and limestone phosphate cn an 'emp
ty stomach is wonderfully invigorat
ing. It cleans out all the sour fermen
tations, gtisee and acidity and ives
one a splendid appetite for breakfast.
A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate will coat very little at the drug
store but U suffifftent to demons:rate
that. Those who are subject . to con
stipation, bilious attacks, acid etorn
ac'a, rheumatic twinges, also those
whose skin, ia sallow aad complexion
on the lines assigned to them.
The Americans found the immensely
valuable mines apparently undamaged.
Several were actually in operation as
they marched hy. Others suspended
when the Germane evacuated. Towns
people said the Germane had removed
none of the machinery sinectnearmis
tice became effective. The Franco-Bel
gian frontier was crossed east of Mont-
niedy and the Belgian towns of Wt. jueg-
er, i-tutlM and virion occupied.
The Americans lso reached the jun
ction of the French, Belgian, and Lux
emburg frontiers, northeast oi Longwy
another great iron eenter. Tho import
ant railway towns of Conflnns and
Lenzwv are now in our hands. Scores
of new -towns were added to the hund
red already passed.
New Divisions Tor Heller.
New divisions have marched in to
support thoeu in the front line. Those
incjude the Fifth, 2th, S9th and Nine
teenth divisions.
Opposite the Tearas amd Oklahoma
troops the German aent over 300 It
alian who bad been prisoners -three
years. They dvclared they had been
forced to work on roads and defenses
close behind the front lines. UhC of
them. JaoM-s- Yienulles, of Chicago, suid
the Germans- Vpst bo time in getting out
of that particular ivgion after tne ar
mistice was signed, save a small group
that acted aa a rear guard.
Twcuty-cight American captured in
the last hours of fighting were sent
back iuto the ranks of the Michigan
and Wisconsin troops. German non-commissioned
offiert who accompanied
thvm to the line explained they did not
want to be bothered with them, ana
would trade the prisoner for twenty
cartoons of cigarettes. A Grand Rapids
soldiM famished the ogarettee ana
rook charge ef the prisoner.
Soldien Flay Catch.
Many front liflv- nnits have been re
lieved, including New Englana troops,
Oklahoma and Texan, and have been
sent back to rest billets for reorgani
Just before the advance began Sun
day I saw an outpost playing catch
with a ball impoverished from eioth
and string in a fK'W near the front line
east of Verdan. Frrnn a nearby iiHguut
a German who had been left behind to
assist ia turning over some material ap
proached and called in English:
Give me a catch.
The doughboys -laughed and tossed
th ball, across a few times. The Ger
man said he lived ia Milwaukee for ten
In some places the American re-
Iliillllll J V
j liiPMK W'ii'I IV- j '
' '"L. J tf '
i.-:j4oi B"' -jh
I lilllilliailllllillliii I - :-
lllSiK--siMIBaia ;
moreland Davis is one of the most patriotic women in the
country, always ready to lend a hand to the sacred cause
of humanity. Here she is seen nursing influenza victims
at the John Marshal High School, which has been turned
into an emergency hospital. Mrs. Davis has six sons in the
service. - ; " i
fused to fraternize with the Germans, I Lambs-Friar frolic.
but in others they talked acre's thai " was simply their method of get-.
Unes and traded bread for buttons andi'1" m"ncv that. resented," explnin
othcr souvenir. !ed Io-- Ho that he had eontrv
Opposite some Massachusetts tioope ulva -"ocraiiy to tae rund and did net
the Germans traded off all tksir am-?8 e n,a(,e tne Vlctlm ot
--1101Q Up. -
He also stated that he was going to
give more and was also going to give a
job to every returned soldier that need
ed it. -
Ford withdrew from the epvra house
shortly after the opening of the frolic
when he was informed by United States
Marshal McCarthy that it was the niai
New York, Nov. 19. Henry Ford to- 'bal ' intention to get $5,000 from Ford
day explained his action in leaving the 0r 'black,j.nk 1'""" -Metropolitan
opera house- last night
t?eni,e7wrrtorfLri::tiJ0URNAL want adspay
munition and equipment, declaring they
had no more nse for them.
Henry Ford Explains
Why Ha Left Opera Hssse
and Alter
Tha CM Sellable -Round
alted r.lilft
Very Nutritious, Digestible
The REAL Food-Drink, Instantly prepared.
Made by the ORIGINAL Horlick process and
from cartfuUy selected materials.
Used successfully over lA century..
Endorsed by physicians everywhere.'
dt IlOrlich'SCrna!
Thus Avoiding Imitations