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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1918)
Weather Report n Oregon: Tonight and Wed nesday rain in the west portion. Fair in the east rjortion. eentle easterly winds. ct ft FORTY-FIRST YEAR'-4 274. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1918.: PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAIN'S AND NEWS STANDS F1VK CENTS 4,800 SUBSCRIBERS (iJ.QOO HEADERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE -DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS SERVICE pf f l! I if i ! : f i ! I! ii Il - i'l- I i I II II i3 el II 11 f ! 1 1 i I . . vtvt yjlv V i. Vi 1 V. V . v-1 vt VIV Si fSWTVtSOl HIMSELF. WILL ROPOUND LASTING PEACE AT CONFERENC win hot nn 10 PARTICIPATE IN All SESSIONS Mrs. Wilson And Admiral - Grayson Will Accompany President To Europe. DELEGATES WILL FINISH U.S. DUTIES AT CONCLAVE Chief Executive Will Return In Time To Take Charge Of Legislation. By Robert, J. Bender ( United Press staff correspondent) Washington, Nov. 19. America's i-leals for a lasting peace will be pro pounded at too great peace conference liy" President Wilson in person. ' Sweeping .aside all precedents, the president has announced he will sail lor Fiance early in December to active ly participate in the concItie at Vor willen. ' :. With him will go Mrs.. Wilson and Admiral Cary T. 'Grayson, his private ihysieian. Secretary Tumulty probab-. If will remain on 'this side" to assist Vice President Marshall in conducting the executive duties if Marshall is left responsible for them during the prosi tieikt 's absence), Only unllooked for developments in central Europe 1 will now change the ilan to have the pcaee Conference in mid-DErcembr, and ths domestic situa tion hers is. expected to raise nu ob stacle in the path of the president's itan to attend. While the president will be unble to sit in at the entire conference, he will I'artieipate in tho discussion aim aot tiemont of tim 'main features of the eaco treaty, Thereafter he will turn the conduct of AmeiT.ea 's part in the conclave over to the United States del egates who wilt accomany him. Considering Delegates Tho president is now giving much thought to the- personnel of the delega tion. He would prefer to have it made up largely from his own official family members of his cabinet, of whom those most influential tin assisting him to shape the foreign policies of the gov orninsnt have been Secretaries Lang tug, Baker and Houston. Thore wi!l be one republican at least i tho delegation. It is pointed out by li;s advisers that he must select a re publican who has shown sympathy with liis foreign principles of pence which t-ive been adopted by tue allies also on theirs. ' ' The conspicuous repnblcnns wb ' tnight be mentioned for the peace post Jike Former President Taft and others, jnined inithe attack upon these princi ples dorilig the recent campaign. Neither- Charles' E. Hughes or Klihu Root, liowevcr, shared in these attacks and It is possible one of these may be so- 'ete 1 by the president a the repub lican representative. Sjjne believe, on ' thp other hand, that he may select his men from, tho progressive wing of tho republican party and in this connection Senator Borah, Idaho, is mentioned. Will Deliver Message If the president goes, be will deliver liis annuul message to confess outlin ing his policies of reconstruction. Jt is pointed out by his friends that' lie will be back conference in ample time to take up personal charge of his proposed legislation if (Continued on page three) - i : Cards Bearing Quotations . - From Sate Law Displayed Large sized cards will be printed with quotations from the state law re garding the sale of cigaretteg to minors and be plai t J on display at all.places v here cigars or cigaretteg are sold. At the meeting Jield this morning by the ministers' association of Salem, it was decided, jnst as a matter of education 10 have the cards printed and distri cted. The ministers are not accusing hey firm of violating the law, but thvy - "V feel it would be helpful if the . - law was better known to the deal-is .'s well s to young men. The eards v, ill ai?o be put on display in the SaK-in 11 ih K'inol and all olier high schools ia the county. AMERICA'S " PBIZE COOTIE STOSY. Now York, Nov. 19. People who think tho boys havs been the least bit exxageratcd about the cooties over there ought to rwd this. Just how tough theso cooties really are can be .judged from ' the fast that a gang of them have killed 24 snakes out of the bronx zoo. Curator Ditmar is authority for tho story. Ho says he no- ticcd that the snaky?, who bad' shed their skins last summer, were shedding them again. Ho investigated and found the rep- tiles had literally bevn bitten to death by the cooties. "They shed their skaig just sje like n soldier afflicted with the cooties sheds his shirt," was Ditmar 's explanation. , y - .!. KEYNOIE OF POLICY " Development America's Re sources Will Be Necessity In Future. Washington, Nov. . 19. When JPrcsi dant Wilson delivers bis annual mes sage to congress early iiiext month he would sound the keynote of his leader ship for the remaining two years of his term. The outstanding themo of the presi dent 's address will bo development of America's resources tynd, water pow er and minerals and provision for dis tributioa of theso resources such as will inure fair share to rich and poor alike. By onv usually well advised, it was indicated that he would advocate thu following in his message as mousurets to insmo employment for tho millions returning from war zones, canips and war industries: Continue unification of railroads aud canal system to insure facilities fot nil alikv. Protection of the American mchchant (Continued on page three) HUN FLEET SCHEDULED TO SURRENDER THURSDAY Disposition Of Battle Craft Wl Be Decided At Peace Conference. Copenhagen, Nov., 19. ; In compli ance with the armistice, the German dreadnaughts Bayern, Grosser Kurfurst Kronprinz Wilhelm, Markgrf, Kaiser and Koenig Albert, and the battle cruisers Seydlitz and Moltke, left Kiel on Sunday en route to the North sea. British admiralty reports said the German fleet was to leave its bases at 5:30 yesterday morning. Unofficial ad vices late yesterday jnid the enemy ships would not leave until Wednes day morning and would surrender Thuwlay morming. The ships named in the above dis;. patch are only a portion of those to be turned over to the allies. llacision Left With Conclave Washington, Nov. 18. The disposi tion of German battle craft ordered turned over to the associated govern ments will be left to the peace con ference. " This feet developed at the navy de partment today. ' . ' This infoimation disposed of an im pression in some quarters that a divis ion of the spoils had been settled on.. It is recalled in this connection that Germany had to ." surrender " all her submarines but tho term "surrender" was not used in connection with ma jor craft. It developed also today that Admir al Benson, American chief of opera tions, will probably remain in Versail les throushont the peace conference. Not Interned in TJ. S. Porto Benson had a voice in the . determi nation of what ports the German bat IDEALS FOR SOLF IS APPEALING IN VI FOR ARMISTICE Hoover Will Go To Berlin To Determine Whether Whines Are Justified Or Not Washington, Nov. 19' Germany is appealing in vain for the present for mollification of the armistice terms. " Her latest attempt to get the terms modified fell today on deaf ears here. There will be no change of terms be fore the thirty day life of the armistice lis concluded, according to the belief. What will 'be done thereafter m the way of extending or altering the ar mistice is a matter for the military men "to decide. . Dr. Solf has wirelessed here and to the allied capitals asking for a tem pering of terms as to the Rhinclands occupation, but authorities see no rea son to alter them now. The spectre of bolsfoevlisni is used by Solf is a reason for modification. .The Versailles conference and tho associated governments took this de structive influence into account in all they" did, and they realize that thare really is a danger from that source. However, they 'do not intend to- im peril allied supremacy through a false 'sympathy. " ', -. . , . , In fact, the German propaganda of sympathy has long since begun to pall on this government. It tis now taking the course of withholding 'the wireless plaints from, Germany ton the theory that most of them are propaganda ef forts without real .merit. ' Meantime, cable reports indicated to day that Iteiberf Hoover would soon go to Germany to see whether the star vation whines of Solf are justified or hysteria. v The government regards Solf's talk of bolshevisra a3 largely an effort to get sympathy by rather coercive meth ods. In other words, it holds, that Solf is trying to raise the bugbear of an archy as a reason why . this nation should be inordinately sympatnetic with the plight of the iierman nation. " PRIORITY FOE LUMBER. (' Washington, Nov. 19 A decision giv ing priority rating to lumber ordors for the railroads higher than was accorded any other class of orders, was announc ed today by the war industries board. This action was taken to permit con strnction. delayed by the war. tleships should be sent to, but it was said today there were no recommenda tions for interning any in American ports. What disposition shall be made of American naval ships now abroad is not fully determined. Relaxation of the'guard lino will be possible as soon as the German ships are dismantled or interned. What por tion of the American ships can then be rctu'yed heme or assigned to other duty is a question yet to be decided. The Atlantic fleet is mainly station ed in Yorktou harbor, Va. Thus far no orders to shift it have been given. Sec retary Daniels has just completed his annual report to congress, the longest one he ever made. It will be published in December. He gives an extended re view of the navy operations in the war, along with recommendations, PEACE PAEADE IN PAEIS v Paris, Nov. 19. France pro- poses to invite the allied rulers to witness a pea?e parr He thru the Arch of Triumph hi le, fol- lowing the signing of the treaty . was the belief expressed todav, NOT REGARDED SERIOUSLY. " Washington, Nov. 19. Tho state de partment today did not regard as ser ious the question of whether or not the kaiser had gone through the official form of abdication. It n-f-ver has bad official notice that he did abdicate; it was stated, but it ha assumed that his flight and the subsequent disintegra tion of Prussian and the German prin cipalities were such as to make the ab dication a reality in any event. MOONEY HAS FAITH IN LABOR OSGIZATIOfi TO SAVE FROM GALLOYS Labor Councils Plan Strikes As Pretest Against Hang ing Of Leader. San Francisco, Nov. 19. Thonma J. Mooney issued a statement from his cell in the condemned row At Saa Quen tin penitentiary today reiterating his belief that lie will be save! from the gallows despite the refusal of the United States court to review his case. The statement follows: "The highest courts of the land, the supreme court of the United States, the supreme court of California, the ap pellate court of California nave said thTit a corrupt district attorney can use prejudiced testimony and can con ceal and suppress material evidence to convict an Amorielin otstinen. These courts have further said that a citizen so convicted is without remedy so far as judgment is concerned. Then they wonder why some workers become in fected with bolshevism. "My cas is now finally out of all courts and in "the nnnd9 of Governor Stephens on my petition for a' pardon, which petition was filed with- Govern or Stephens in March, 1918. "The labor movement of the entire world has petitioned President "Wilson and Governor Stephens - protesting against thhe foul methods used by the chamber of commerce through District Attorney Fickorr. "President WiLson has three times asked Governor Stephens to make it possible for me- to be tried on ouo of the rcmaSniug indictments still pend ing, involving practically the same charges" as tho one on which I was un justly convicted, it have not the slight est notion what ho will do, but 1 have confidence that it is never too late for the solidarity of labor to rijht the terrible wrong. I know they will. "Fraternal greetings to the organ ized workers everywhere. (Signed) "Tom Mooney.'' Make Final Effort : San Francisco, Nov. ,19. Labor or ganizations hero started today their final effort to save the life of Thomas J. Mooney. The Oakland central labor council ,.n.i ,niihir fnr December 2 to consider plans for a general strike as a protest against Mooncy's execution. Similar action was aniicimiteu imme diately from the San Francisco labor council and other organizations on tho ccast. . ... Mrs. Mooney today declared ner Be lief that labor organizations will save her husband's We. "I can't believe they're really go ing to hang Tom for something he didn't do," she said..,'! still have faith in" labor. I don't believe the working men of this, corn-try will al low it. Labor is his court of last re sort, and 1 feel that somehow, some wav, the orgnnUed workers will bring pressure to bear on Governor Stephens to answer President Wilson's- appeal for his lifo. I cant give up hope yet Mooney is sentenced to be' hanged December 13. Ebert Sees Uselessness Of Continued Anarchy Amsterdam, Nov. 19 "If the .enemy sees that anarchy prevails he will dic- IdIa maun pnn ilitinno that will destrov German economic life," Chancellor Eb ert declared in an address to tne woik mcn and soldiers at the rciclistag, a Berlin dispatch reported today. "We do not wnnt a 'red guard.' Democracy will march on only if its head is untouched." According to the Vissisehe Zeilung, Ebert stated that the constituent as ...mlittr will Ka .nnimnnwl nn n,i ma 'possible after the election to be pre- in .r.frinnrv. ft. : ABE MARIU : .I a ; mm Th' Moots-l'usey wwddin' wuz purty; brilliant, considerin' th' groom wuz a' civilian. It's wonderful how neat au'; tiday a couple o' fried eggs kin look a,fter couiin' from resturint kitchen. Ml 1 1 1 FRENCH TO MblFfenck Troops Near STRASSBURGY NEXT SUNDAY OR MONDAY City Of Metz Changed Its Na tionality From German To French Today. GERMAN DOCTORS AND NURSES FEAR UPRISING Shopkeepers Tear Down Teu ton Signs Replacing Them With French; Paris, Nov. 19. (By wireless to New York) French troops under command of Marshal Pctain entered Metz this morning amid scenes of indescribable enthusiasm, the French war official communique stiid this afternoon. This is tho first time that General Petain has been called marshal. He was promoted to that high rank this morn ing by the council "of ministers. Petain is one of tho youngeat and most bril liant of French generals. He was born April 24, ISofl at Cauchy La Tour. At the beginning of the war Potain was a colonel, but he rapidly gained his general star after leading great opera tions in tho Artois, iu Clium uguo and particularly in the. Verdun region. In 1918 ho wns appointed chief of the general staff and finally, on March IB, 19i6, he succeeded General Nlvello, commanding the northern and eastern armies. . . . METZ CHANGED NATIONALITY. By Frank J. Taylor. With The French Advancing Toward Metz, Nov. 18. General Petain entered Mot? today. "The ceremony was sti'ict lv military and symbolic, of the recov ery, of Alsace-Lorraine. French, civil ians have dominated tho townfor sev eral days. ', , The story of how Metz changed from a. German to a Frenchtown last week was told nie by an eyo witness, Lt. Charles M. Divw of Philadelphia,. Am erican aviator, who just returned from a Metz hospital. "Walter J. Wakefield of New Jer sey and I got the news of the armistice through newspapers which were suing gled in by an Alsatian guard, who was an allivd sympathizer," said JJiow. Doctors and Nurses Strict. "The German doctoin, nurses nnd guards were nil right, but they were strict. Ave felt a change in the rigid ness of tho discipline Saturduy. On Monday the. eleventh, tlw Bavarians on guard at tha -hospital threw down then arms. They were roplaccd by old men, manv of whom carried flugs. These self -stvled 'soldiers of tho republic' did not salute the officers. They fra temized with tlio prisoners Bnd liberat ed several of them. . "Tho Germans who bad discarded tl.vir weapons put on Red Cross bands and talked fearfully f the red flug demonstrations iu tho streets. Tho doc tors put on civilian clothes. They and tho nurses stayed until somo French doctors arrived. Crowds Wearing Tri-Color. "In the moantime, none of tho guards prevented us from walking about Metz. There was a strange at mosphere." Crowds gathored and told of their French sympathizers, boldly wearing t1i Tri-Color. "As tho German regiments marched out of tho city tho soldiers mingled with, the crowds, assuring the civilians they had no ill feeling toward them and saluting many of the municipal of ficials. "The shopkecpvrs immediately got busy and tore down erman signs, re placing them with French, Their, sup-i plies were meagre, but good, particu larly the clothes. Alsaian Desert. "A thousand Alsatians who deserted from the German army donned civilian clothes and sought jobs running trams and clerking m stores. "After Monday the streets were brightly' lighted every night. There were many French and a few American flags displayed. The streets were crowdvd with happy men, women and children, but theie were no wild dem onstrations. We received uiimeroug in vitations to dinners and teas. We ac cepted one from tho mayor, who hearti ly entertained Wakefield, two French officers and myself, in honor of the eity's liberation. His wife had made French, British and Americun flags with her own hands. Theso were placed over the door. The mayor then appoint ed thy four as a sort of reception com mittee and we stood under the flags shaking hands with a great numbcr of citizens who called to pay their re pects. Thy meal aad the cigar were splendid. PEESIDENT VAN RISE. DIES Madison, Wis., Nov. 19. Charles K. Van Hisc, president of th University of Winconiin, died in a Milwaukee hospital todity, following an operation. Vicinity of Rhine on Front of Thirty Miles American Third Army Completes Second Lap Of March To ward Famous River, Halting On Line Nine Miles Ahead Of Last Night's Positions. Germans Carry Out Armistice TermsSurrender Ammunition And Leave Bridges Intact. ALLIES ADVANCE The allied armies occupation have advanced an aver age of 20 to 25 miles from the lines established at the close of hostilities, it was indicated in official and unofficial re ports today. . The general line now held by the allies apparently runs as follows: . Antwerp and Brussels (occupied by the Belgians); Hal, Seneffe, Charleroi and Florennes (occupied by Brit- . ish) ; Mariemburg, Fumay and Florenrrville (occpuied by the French) : Etalle, St. Legar, Athus, Audun-Le-Roman and Briey (occupied by the Americans) ; Gravelotte, Chat eau Salins, Dieuze, Saarburg, Markirch, Colmar, JMeu Breisach and the line of the Rhine to the Swiss border (occupied by the French). The greatest distance traveled was by the Belgians who marched 26 miles to occupy Antwerp. The Ameri cans advanced 22 miles to Athus and the British and French moved forward 20 miles each, to Florennes and Neu Briesach, respectively. -,: . The French are now in German territory on the whole line from the Metz region southward. A slight advance by ; the Americans .will carry them across the German border from the Luxemburg frontier southward into the Metz region.' . 1 Conflicting reports havp been received regarding consummation of the naval provisions of the armistice. A British admiralty statement Sunday said the German ships would leave their bases at 5:30 Monday morning. Unofficial reports yesterday said the sailing had be?n postponed until Wednesday morning and that the ships would surrender Thursday. A Stockholm dispatch today said that six dreadnaughts and two battle cruisers sailed from their bases at Kiel on Sunday, en route to the North sea. . ;..,,. . "'. .'. POPE WOULD WIN BACK ORIENTAL SECTS Definite Policy Already Put Into Effect To Accom plish That End. By Henry Wood. (Uuitod Press Staff Correspondent.) Rome, Nov. 1. (By Mail.) One of the results of the war has been to re new at the Vatican the long chvrished dream of a return to the bosom of tho Boman church of the various schismat ic sects or Oriental rites, with which the Eastern Mediterranean countries abound. . .. A definite policy towards this end has already been adopted and put into execution by Pope Benedict XT, and progress is boing made. Just tts mo world dreams of universal political peace after the war, with fraternity and brotherhood existing among vario us political states, tho Vatican is look ing forward to niofla or less of a univer sal religious peace, at least as far as tho Oriental schismatic churches are concerned, and either a direct return to the Koman fold or at Jeast fruter nitv and brotherhood among them un it;t ilMipAntrnl flriiritiinl head of the Holy Hoc. Tho one. great historic fact that has .u:U....l n,n Hit. anvtMniy j CUIIll lUllll'll IU li". m" 'i" 'V else, has been the overthrow or izarism in Russia. Thv of all the Bus sian church, and in general was looked noon bv nearly all of the schismatic churches of the Orient as the spiritual head of their religion rather than the Pope at Borne. With tho disappearance from the po litical and religious horizon of the Czar, many of these Oriental churches are now left without a central spiritual an thority. Two possibilities lie before the Vatican. First of all, to secure their re turn to the bosom of the mother church from which they -haw been separated for centuries, if possible. Koeondly to make concessions to tho various Orien tal rite, in the matter of eercmoules anil other details, to at least bring them within tho sphvre and control of fha church of Home. Tho Church of Rome has made many concessions in the past in tho matter of form, and it is not considered improbable that it may do so agaiu. (Continued on. nags twd) . INTO GERMANY. Paris, Nov. 19. (2:10 p. m.) Fioneh troops have reached tho neighborhood of tlw Hhiuo on a front of about thirty miles, from the Kvviss frontier north ward, it waa officially announced to day. "Large quantities of war materials and allied prisoners have fallen into our linnds,'' the eommuniquo smd. ' "In Belgium- we passed tho railroad from Beuuinin to Florenville. " Wo vntcrod Kunrhnrg, Dicnee and Morhunge and reached tho proximity of the Rhino between a point north of Neu Briesach and tho Swiss frontier." '(Nou Briesach is a mile and a half west of the Rhine and is about SO mite north of tho junction of the Frengch, German and Swiss frontiers.) Beached Baesrode. Havre, Nov. 19. "We have reached tho lino from Baosrodu to Alost," tbt Belgiuu wur office announced today. "Our cavalry has advanced from Brussels toward Malines, (midway bet- : ween Brussels and Antwerp.) 1 "Munition depots were exploded at jthrip rail stations in. Brussels, setting 'fire to t lio station buildings." NINE MILE ADVANCE, By Webb Miller, (t'nited Itess Htaff Correspondent.) With Tho Americans Advancing To- 1 Tl... 1)1,;.,. 'K.iit '1H1()::S0 1. in.) The American Third army advanc ing with machiue-liko precison, nau i ,.,,,,inlni,.,l the nei'timl Inn of its march, j toward the Rhine tonight. It halttd on a genera) lino fifteen kilometers (moro than 9 miles, ahead of tho positions occupied last night. Hit tar as can be observed, the Gcr- nians are carrying out thp terms of tho 'armistice in good faith. Today they sur- t i i :n:..n.. nl l..l!ura wnrth ftf remuueii miiiuna w. ......... ....... materials, guns, and ammunition. At several places they turned hngo ammu nition dumps over intBct. At Douligny, several hundred carloads of lumber, ce ment and stvel rails and 22 guns fell into the hands of tho Americans. Bridges Intact. I rode more than 60 miles parallel to ihc lino of the advance. 1 found a net work of light railways, all in good or der with bridges intact. At Ixingwy, hundreds of cars, scores of locomotives, 't.-.itn mahinfl trims, thnusnnds of rifh8) land various other materials were sur rendered. At many other points thcro wers similar scenes. Most of the town, are undamaged or Hohtl., mi. The Gorman with drawal continift-s far ahead of the Am ericans, only a few enemy officers re maining to surrender munitions, guns (vimuiiueu on page t' "