Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 18, 1918, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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Hull nf Simmr n
brpm Over There
Central Pershing's Official Report
Killed iu action 40
li(l of wound 66
lHdt of disease 110
Total .
- Haines of the following Oregon men
vere in today's casualty list:
John W Pierce, Bandop, killed in
Kenna P Plowman, Huntington, kill
ed in action
Killed in Action
Sergeants "
Avery I Bigelow, Pontine Mich
William J Clayey .Garland Pa
: Patrick Conway, lomerville Mass
George H Knebel, Rochester N Y
Herbert W Noel, Giillitzin Pa
Chas Devoss, Covington Ky
Chester L Hawkins, Jetmore Kas
Harry R Taylor, Greensboro N C
. Cook Ned J Cooper, IJluridge Spgs
. Alvis Apple, Youngs Creek Ind
Rudolph J Bnkken, Houston Miuu
Jerry B -Barber, Seattle Wn
Fred M Barr, Buger Ky
Willium H Campbell, Cleveland 0
, - Hichg R Carlile, Rockdale Tex
John T Carter, Pecan Gap Tex
Clifton Chapman, Pliny V Va
Roy H Donnison, Black Mo
Arthur N Frank,-Brooklyn
. William Frey, Newark K J
John V Fry, Newton N C
James L Fulford, Morehcad City N C
Charles Galyon, Lenoire City Tcnn
Stephen Gams, Lancaster N Y
Leonard Graham, Henrietta Mo
Que Gucat, Rockykill N J
tester Ham, Lansing N C
Grady Harris, Spartanburg S C
Thomas O Hastings, Walla Walla Wn
Henry Haydock, Greenville 8 C
James Ketchem, Bristol Tenn
Ernest N King, Burlington N C
Walter R King, S English la
Rudolph Kluzendorf, Welcome Minn
Doctor T Borninn, Marion N C
Alvin A Smith, Leroy N Y
Gilbert Thompson, Hnrtwell Ga
Charles B Thorne, Pierre S D
Byrd White, St Charles Va,.
. Died of Wounds
Sgt Albert M Kiddcr,Ad'ian Miclr
Cook Roy W Smith, Jackson Mich
Frank E Bauers, Dayton Wn
FrederiT-k L Berg, Dubuque la
Ralph E Boles, Fountain City Tenn
Charles A Drier, lloxbnry Mass
Vcrnie F Kite, Drumright Okla
Benj C Robertson, Areola N 0
Daivl W Ahern, Minneapolis Minn
Homer H Beasley, Potts Camp Miss
.Bryan L Bennett, I-vnuhor W Va
Jasper F Bennett, -Wayncshurg Ky
Otto.F Binkley, Hartyille Mo
Dnvid'fi Bo"deetf; Cambridge III
Julian R Campbell, Luray va
Virgil 0 Clark, Kansas City Mo
Thomas J Gonnollv, Roxbury Mass
Taylor S Dnnt, St Joseph Ky
Anthony A Delbenc, Pittsburg
William L Dent, LeuoviHe la
Clayton M Dickers, Harrison 0
George D Dickson, Chicago
Walter L Fox, Dover Del
Raoul Genson, New York
Harvey M Gooeh, Ilnnovr Wis
John T Goodman, Parkers Landing
Isaac J Harvey, Wauneta Nek
Charles F Hill, Punasminwanoy Pa
John IC Hillard Jr, Rhine Ga
George B Hirtzel, Buffalo N Y
Dewey Howlett, Brady Lake O
Rexter Hughes, Windom C ,
Loyd vester, Clarksville Ga
. Watdetnar Jensen, Denmark
Alonzo L-; Kay, Anna 0
Arthur L Kecsee, Bristol Vn
- Charles S Kegley, Detroit Mich
John A Kendall, Washingtoa
Morris Kessdor, San Ifcraneiseo
Joseph G Klattor, Canton O
Otto Kmitson,- NewfoMcn Minn
Joseph F Koch, Cape Girardeau Mo
Frank Kominek. Kerning Mich
Tliomng McGraw, Chicago
John L Madileh, Anderson Mo
.Tnmes. 8 Martin. Cambridge Mass
Herbert C Maske. New Richmond
Wis. v
Robert Nardi, Cleveland 0.
William Norris, Sherbonrnc Ind
Lawrence O'Donnell, Lacpiio Pa
Frederick W Pincmnn, Brooklyn
Frank M Ring, Frank! is Tenn
Wilbur. N Sims, Branch Mich
David Thyr, Minneapolis Minn
Em ashburn Willinmsli wn Mo
Oeorgo F Weiier, ftr.if 'a
Buryl Williams, Washington C H 0
Died of Disease
Lt Col Walter V Osllagiu-r. Detroit
Mich ,.
Julian G Guitcras, Denver
John B Tomlinson, liinnintliam A!
Lt William CI Holio. V:uiwfrth III
" -' ' SeTgens
Arthur IT Belles, Berwick I'a
Luther C Billig, Numidia V
Edwin E Dudley, Frit ?! burs' Mass
Joe O Emmons, Millville Pa
. Esan Harvey, Millville Pa
Herman J Jahnke, Applcton Wis
Apply Cream in Nostrils
Open Up Air Passages.
Ah I What relief! Tour clogged nos
trils open right up, the air passage of
your head are clear and you can breathe
ireely. No more hawking, snuffling,
mucous discharge, headache, dryness no
Btrugpling for breath at night, your eold
or catarrh is gone. ,
Don't stay stuffed np! Get small
fcottle of Ely' Cream Balm from your
druggist now.' " Apply a little of this
fragrant, antiseptic eream in your nos
trils, let it penetrate through every air
passage of the bead; soothe and heal
the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane,
f'ving you instant relief. Ely' Cream
aim is just what every eold and ca
tarrh sufferer baa bcea ieeking. It'i
jilst splendid.
John L King, Ceviag:ua Ky
' Dfn Berfield, Dubois Pa
Louis F Ehrman, North He'gen N J
Leslie E Kidney, ,:levclauj O
Bert Rruletz, Dillon Mont
Francis W Kunz, West Onaigo N J
Cook Charles Lute, Chicago
Harold W Bailey, Owosso Mich
George J Bisrer, Olebolt la
Charles G Bixby, Charles City la
. Charles H Blaklcy, Vvtory Vt
Herman K Beleas, Spring LaUe Mich
Clyde G Brazil, Brem:n aa
' Raymond H Brittjii, Cambridge O
Oliver L Brown, t'tate Itoau Del
Jjmes Calton, CU'.efland Levy Fla
Frank E Carn, X M'mieiipoih Minn
Emile- Carral, E Cedrr Hupid ja
Leo E Clark, St?j;e Lod:;e Pje iS D
Elmer (,'oley, Sinuyknu Ky
Hs.rry A Coxon, Fiaekvilli; I'a
'.".imej C Crira, Jiiili.io 'fox
Calvin L Croson, Mvshaltown la ,
Thomas II Delk, Fitz3.-r.1Ul da
- Joseph Dewtbirst, iJuron 0
Gorge H Dibble, Lorain 0
Gorge R Dismukes, fioodleltsvillc Ten
Cecil H Dooley, Little Ro.k Wn
Norman K Egolf, Souduton Pa
Guy V Finch, Rustburg V'm -
Francis R Gilroy, 8 Minneapolis Min
. Halvor Halverson, Barron Wis '
Ben A Harding, Denver
Ernest Harris, Porter Del ,
Jumeg L Hawkins, Fredricksburg Va
Kulpli E Ziduehr, St Louis Mo
Arvid I Hill, Embarrass Minn
Willie Hill, Welview Tex
' Ferman ,B Hilton, Rethune S C
Archie Hinson, Dudley G11
John H Hoffard, Churchtown Pa
Clyde E Hooten, Fargo lnd
Robert L Houck, Elisabeth N J
Earl R Jeffera Springfield Mass
Clifton Jones, Thompson Sta Tenn
Elroy fS Kenrns, North Adams Mass
Rankin L Keeney, Schell City Mo
Roland P Kisingcr, Spencer Wis
Oscar Lee, Woodville Wig
George R Loekhart, Phiiadelphla
Fred W I.nlmias, E Pcppcrcll Mass
William E Lntlicr, Marshall Wis
James B McCarthy, St Leuis Mo
Ray W McDonald, Zanesville 0
Carl L Makumson, Colfax la
Erwin II Metcal'f, Lamar Ark
Guy L Miller, 8as City la.
J i ni Murrell, Memphis Tenn
Emil .J Olson, Cokato Minn "
Adolph Patsch, Lancaster Pa
Louis A Pearson, Wolf Cftek Wis'
Haskel C Pogue, Garden City as
Kirkland Posey, Newvilb Ala
Nornmn It Potts, Cainino Cal -Homer
8 ProcMr, Nashville N C
Wlter Road, Sweeneyvillc Ky
Raymond Run, Porto Rico
Ray Satterlee, Moline Kn.i (
John A Savage, Hollister Mo
Ira Schnntz, Crawfordsviile la
Lee J Slioner, Lakeview Mich
Charles Scott, Iiererett Go.r
William A Severson, Rosdawh Wis
Alvah E Showers, Cromwell la
Fred M Slayden, St Charles la
Roy Sloan, Dodge City Tex
. James. Stinziano, Fall -River Mass
George E Strnusibaugh, Spring Grove
Ory J Struthers, Morrow ,0
Harrison Swilling, Anderson S C
Lutie W Thompson, Mulkeytown 111
Herman P Tressclt, York Pa
Oley E Tressler, Pleasant Gap Pa
Lonuie G Tuckr, Warrior Ala
Herbert D Turner, Equality 111
William Tustiiij Philadelphia
Morris Van Vliet, Brooklyn
Snmuel C ' Vaughn. ST Louis Mo
Maurice Verscheldei Minneoua Minn
Albert H ogt, Corona NY
Raymond L Waggoner, Newcastle Ind
Mack Weakley, Cnnmngliam Tenn
Ike Whntley, Lincoln N' 11
Corlice Whitford, Toone Tenn
' Saml W Wilcox, Honesd-.-lc Pa
Everybody loves a baby and
everybody wants a baby abun
dantly robust There are many
young children to whom
given in small portions at intervals during
each day, would be an Important factor
in overcoming malnutrition and starling
them well on the road lo robust
nets. Every drop of SOOtt'm
it pure, rich nourithmtnt, thm
kind that baiUt strength and
sramote healthy growth.
OMldron Thrlvo on Soott'
Scott & Bowne, Bloomficld, H.J. 1S-1J
lanital Journal Special Service.)
Turner. Nov. 18. Mrs. A. L. Boeas
has been visiting relatives in Portland
during the past week.
School started last aionuay aim
ed again Tuesday ewning on account
of the sickness of Donovan Hastier, j
Dr. George Masscy is in ssoutnern
Oregon on a business trip.
Miss Annie L. Smnn was in oaicui
Wvdnesdav shopping.
The Ed LaBranch family have moved
to the old Gicenhaugh place north of
Mrs. Harry Martin of Maeleay lavor-
ed Turner people with a visit reentry.
J. Al Puttison of Portland was in
town tbv. fust of the week looking af
tr losing interests. A heavy . Jim
rv. l,.-incr erected and the company
ill hei.in shiimin? out the mass of
logs that are being oiled between 3rd
and Rcilroad..
. Miss Evelyn Martin is ill. Dr. Cash
ntr wfii called Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Conner will be at borne
to their frlvnds within a lew. clays
Thcyaie to live in the Brown bunga
low near the puttlie school.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
North Howell, Or., Nov. 18. Born to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manning, Wedres
daj. November 13, 1918, aa 8i pound
hoy,' This is their fifth child and the
first boy.
Airs. Carl Russ has been very ill at
her home here but is improving at this
Ovid Coomler who is attvnding school
at Portland fell a victim to the flu and
is in a' hospital there.
A few potatoes are being sold here
now and the prices range from i.0o
to $1.23 wr cwt.
Burn to Mr. and Mrs. August Woclke
a daughter. This is their first child.
Miss Edua Stevens is spending a few
weeks at home, her office duties in
Sarem being stopped by the flu, .
Geo. A. Russ arrived in Franco last
week, according to word received by
his parents November 11. This youn
man left here July 5 and lvn-eived in
tensive training at " Fort McArthur,"
California, and at Camp Eustis, Ya.
Isaac otevens returned Wednesday
to Estacada after spending the wvck
looking after business interests here.
Mr. Crouser is moving his family to
Silverton where he is to work iu tbt
mill again this winter.
(Capital Journal Special Service,
Spring Valley, Ore., Nov. 18. Mrs.
Donncl Crawford and Mrs. Wavne
Henry are both recovering from sev
eral days illness with bronchitis.
Mr- and Mrs. Oscar Cotton, of Port
land, arc visiting his father, W. S. Cot
ton, ana Drotner Holland cotton.
Mrs. Lucv French and Mrs. Judson
of Salem are guests of the 1 James
French familv. , . ' !
Rav Nash was a caller at Hopewell,
Captain P. E. Clarke ha9 been rathor
ill "the past week. He is nearly ninety
years old and the infirmities of age are
being felt.
Mrs. Eva Walling end daughter, Mar
jory, are visiting, her brother, Jcjsse
Walling ond family.
The Shepard family have recovered
from the influenza. All but Mis.
Shepard had the disease.
If no new eases of influenza develop
school will probably be resumed on
Monday morning after being closed for
several weeks.
The dredge belonging to the iPort-
land Bridge company, which has boon
getting out gravel at Lincoln, was
taken to Portland Tuesday morning.
There is a splendid big pile of gravel
now piled up on the Lincoln river
bank to ibe used in improving the dis
trict. Arthur Zinzer, who recently under
went an appendicitis operation at the
Salem hospital returned to Spring Val
ley Friday.
Campaign Expenses Of
State Central Committee
Campaign expenditures of the Oregon
Rvpublican stato central committee
amounted to $6,396.65, according to a
statement filed with Secretary of State
Olcott today by Arthur C, Jones, treas
urer, and J. W. Cochran, secretary, of
the committee.
Other campaign expense statements
were filed today as follows:
L, J. Goldsmith, secretary Stute Tax
payers league, $189.25.
J. A. McLean, chairman and acting
treasurer of the Lane county democrat
ic central committee, $163.60.
Arthur K. McMahau, secretary-treasurer
of the Linn county democratic
control committee, $100.00.
James H. Graham, congressman, 2nd
district, democratic, nil.
J. Deaii Butler, secretary-treasurer J.
Campb-ell for Supreme Court cam
paign committee, $925.50.
Chester A. Moores, in behalf of the
candidacy of Governor Withycorube for
governor, $32.04
J. A. Churchill, superintendent of
public instruction, r6publican-dv!mocrat-ic
Geo. T. dochran, superintendent of
Water division No. 2, rcpublican-dcmo
cratie, nil. .
Lotus 'f- Langley, circuit judge, 4th
judicial district, department No, 0, dem
ocratic, $201.29.
Gustav Anderson, circuit judgy, 8th
district, republican, $27.05.
John R. Nicholson, senator, 16th dis
trict, independent, $52.45.
David H. Loncy, representative, 1st
district, -republican-democratic, $25.00.
C. R. Mathis, representative 13th
district, democratic, nil.
it. bchubel, ropreseufutive 16th dis
trict, socialist, $2.50. .
Aua Wallace Curuh, representative,
18th district, prohibit ion-nauonl, nil.
Lou Hodgcn, representative, 23rd dis
trict, democratic., $57.00.
tj. L. iiurnnugli, representative, 241 ii
district, democratic, $41.27.
Red Cross Work Now
Greater Than Ever Before
Washington, Nov 18. With the com
ing of peace, tW work of the American
nuu CitiH is -only just beginning, ae
cording to lied Cross Heads here.
vtuvrc before the lied Cross uctivi
tfi-8 have been centertd almost emirel
ou half a dozen battle 1 routs, the oi
ganiKution now must spread over tiie
Horid to rebuild what four yeur3 of wai
has destroyed.
first tunics the rebuilding of tho
LvalUi aud morale of tne battle scarred
people of the countries ever which the
waves of war have passed and re-pa&t
There are still thousands of oidX:rs
in hospitals, overseas and here, who
will need tne service of the Hvd Crosx
nurtv in their cure end final rehabilita
tion, it was stated.
In Oiiua, Korea and in the Arctit
iaud9 the Ked Cross is planning to ex
tend aud build up its service .
Journal Want Ads Pay
Germ Eludes Bacteriologists
And Health 1 Authorities
- Are Baffled.
' The influenssa epidemic continues
unabated. Its ravages are not confin
ed to this eity or state or even fo the
United States, and cable reports- indi
cate -that it is rapidly spreading over
the civilized world. It has baffled mell
kal skill to arr unusual extent and has
claimed more victims perhap than any
other epidemie in a seere of years. The
germ has eluded the bacteriologists and
medical men now agree Jthat the best
cure is prevention.
The surest prevention is to build up
the bodily power of resistance and to
get the system in the best physical
condition possible. It is now universal
ly agreed that it ia possible to perfect
the powers of resistance of the human
system so that it can throw off almost
any infection not excepting Spanish
-It has been discovered that persons
who are weak and rundown are the
earliest victims, and if jou find your
self tired or weak and losing flesh, or
if you are in a generally rundown con
dition and -below your normal weight,
this warning should be hoedti1 prompt-
If vou are. in this condition nothing
on earth will build you up aud strength
en you like Taulac, which contains tho
most powerful tonio properties known
to science. As a reconstructive tonic
and system builder it is without an
equal and contains the very elements
needed by tho system to give you tight
ing strength to ward off the influenza
germ. This is a statement of facts and
is supported by the recognized author
ities and reference works, including the
Unitod States Dispensatory and . the
Encyclopoedia Brittannica lead
ing tettbooks' used in the school of
medicine. This statement is xurtner
proven by the fact that million of
persons who have actually taken Tan
lao have testif ied to its extraordinary
merit as a medicine, and by the- fact
that.Tanlae is today having the great
est sale of any tdnic on the American
market, over eleven million bottles hav
ing been sold, within the past "three
years.- ,;
Tanlac is also the ideal strengthen
ing tonic for persons who are suffer
ing from the' after effects or influen
za, grippe or, bronchial troubles and
hundreds of thousands are using it daily
with the most gratifying results.
In connection with the Tanlac .state
ment it is necessary to keep the bowels
open by taking Taulae Laxative Tab
lets, samplos . of which are ' included
With every bottle; of Tanlac. .
Tanlac is sold in flubbard by Hub
bard Drug Co., liiMt. Angel ty xJen
Goochj in Gervait by John Kelly, in
turner by H. P. 'Cornelius, in Wood
burn by Lyman H. Shorey, in Salem
by Dr. S. C. Stone, in Silverton by Geo,
A. Steelhammert in Gates by Mrs. J
P. Mcfurdy and in Btayton.by V. A.
rleauchamp, in Aurora by Aurora irug
Store. (Aav.)
(Capital Journal Specal Service)
Rosedale, Ore , Nov. 18. Several of
the people here attonded the Friends
Quarterly meeting at sseutn tsaicmi t ri
day and Saturday,
' Mr. Roy Bates and family have mov
ed into the house owned by Mr. Paul
us. John Palmer and wife of Monmouth
visited Mr. and Mrs. Way ono day this
week. -
' Mrs. Clara Necdham has been ha'ving
an attack -of the-grippe,
'i Miss Stella Blinston started to bust
ress college in Salem this week.
: School will commence next Monday.
Miss Florence Frazier of Salem is the
Mrs. Bear of near Turner visited her
mother Mrs. R. J- Stroud last Wed
nesday. Mr. and -Mrs. A. Ei Kiser have moved
to Salem where Mr. Kiser ha a po
sition with the Salem Electri com
I i in ii. mm . f
Thousands Have Discovered Dr.
Edwards' Qlive Tablets are
a Harmless Substitute.
Dr . Edwards Olive Tablets the tubstl
h. for ralnmel are a mild but sure
laxatfv?, and their effect on the Uver ia
almost instantaneous. They are the result
of Dr. Edwards' determination hot to treat
liver and bowel complaints with calomel.
His efforts to banish it brought out these
little olive-colored tablets.
These pleasant little tablets do the good
that calomel does, but have no bad after
effects, They don't Injure the teeth like
strong liquids or calomel. They take hold
of h trmibla and ouickh? correct It. Why
cure the liver at the expense oi the teeth?
Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the
Snfatmn?uauida. It Is best not
j to take calomel but to let Dr. Edwards'
I HttMk 1 an PTK THKB 1LS UlSICK. am
Most headaches, "dullness and that
tan 4asina mm from constlDatioti and
a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwardsf
Olive Tablets when ypu teei -joggy- ana
"heavy.". Note how they "clear" clouded
brain and how they "perk up" the spirits.
10caod2acabQX. All druggists.
To tho Clerk of School District No. 24,
Marion County, Oregon!
' 'FoltowirHr is a statement of the es
timated amount of money needed by
the. district dunog the fiscal year be
ginning on June 30, 1918, and ending
on June 30, 1919. This budget is made
in compliance with Section 217 of the
School Law of 1917, and include the
Jaga riectria Co, lUsoais Temple, 127 North Hi
; TON Osteopathic physician and
- serve specialists. Graduates of Am
erican school of Osteopathy. Kirk
1 ville, Mo. -Post grarluate and Jpec-
ialized in nervous diseases at Lo
: Angeles College. Office 505-508 Nat
: Bank Bldg. Phone 8orf. Residence,
1620 Court. Phone 2Z18. Dr. Whit
Be. Phone 4C9.
413-414 Bank of Commerce building.
: corner Commercial and Trad streets
; Bill payable monthly in advance.
Phone 606.
estimated amounts to be received from
the county school fund, state school
fund, special district tax and all other
moneys of tho district: ,
Estimated Expenditure
Teachers' salaries ..-$105,417.00
Furniture , '200 00
Apparatus and supplies, Buck
as maps, chalk, erasers,
stoves, curtains, etc 4,500.00
Library books (included in
item 3) r
Flags (included in item 3) V
Repairs of school houses, out
buildings or fences - 1,200.00
Improving grounds and bet
terments - 6,000.00
Playground equipment -
Transportation of pupils .... ..
TuUion of pupils, purchase
or Holman property S.UftO.OO
Janitor' wage 1 7,123.50
Janitor' supplies (included
in item A)
Fuel 4,2004)0
Light- and power . 1,030.00
Water and .phone ..
. H51.00
Clerk a salary
Postage and stationery,
printing and census
For the payment of bonded
! debt and interest thereon,
issued undor Section 117,
144 to 148, and 422 of the
' School Law of Oregon,
Miscellaneous -expenses
Inf eresti on, demand", note ?
and bonds ....
Freight express and oartage
Insurance -
Payment of demand notes
, outstanding June 17-1$.
Total estimated- amount' of
money to bo expended for
all purposes during the
year .$177,609.50
- Estimated Beceipts
Prom county and i stato
school fund during the
coming school year 81,109.00
From state school fund dur
1 ing coming school year'
(see above)
('nh now in hands of the
district clerk 943.71
Uncollected taxes .... 34,498.25
Estimated amount to be re- .
ceived from all other
sources during coining
school years tuition $13,-
600j U. S. Gov. subsidy
$1800 15,300.00
Total estimated receipts, not. -including
money to bo re
ceived from the tax which
it is proposed to vote 81,818.54
Total estimated expenses
for the year ; $177,009.50
Total estimated receipt not
including tho tax to be
voted ' 81,850.86
Balance, amount to be rais
ed by district tax .." uu.ais.M
" $177,609.50
(If the amount to be raised by spe
cial tax is. more by 6 per eent than
the amount raised the year immediate
ly preceding, fill out the following
blank; otherwise cros out thi part.)
The amount of money to oe raisea
by this special tax is nwire than the
amount raised by special school dis
trict tax in the year immediately pre
ceding this, plus 6 per cent. It is nec
essary to raise thi additional amount
by spceiril levy for the following rea
sons. (Here givareasons in not to ex
ceed 100 words.)
The increase in taxc is due to iour
items: (1) Increases in salaries, $5,
971.59; (2) decrease in money eoming
from the state and county iunus ue
cause there is a decrease of number of
pupils on tho tensn which decrease
lewors. the income from state and
ounty funds by $5300.U;; (i) a sarins.
ago Of fliJ.IO at icani on uiieuucvvvv.
taxe of laA year is certain and (4)
the" purchase of the Holman property,
whkh is an addition to the high school
inmunds and buildings osting $3250.
The first thrco item are directly eau-
ed by war conditions: (1) The tcacn
ers' salaries bad to be raised to main
tain our force; (2) parent with large
familie moved to localities where em
ployment is more profitable and (3)
it i not safe to figure all the ineome
from taxes. The Holman property is a
good buy at the figure mentioned.
Dated this btb day of November,
ll. L. Clark,
R. C. Bishop,
' . . It. O. White,
W. C. Winslow,
E. T. Barnes.
Board of Directors, School District
No. 24. 11-12, 15, 18, 27
Mala 1201
.Men's elothesy shoes, hats, jewelry,
watches, tools, nusiebl instrsments,
' bicycles, guns,-rifles, revolvers, suit
eases, trunks, cameras, typewriter
and furniture. Capital Exchange 337
Court street. Phone 493.
On Good Pea! Estate Security
O.er Lftdd & Bush bank Saleiu Oregon
. eent 34 year tim. A. C. Bohrnstedt,
401 Masonie Temple. 8alem, Oregon.
FOR SALE And worth 4,he prioe five
acres of -choice' land for ha v. crain
. or fruit; located about 2 & miles
- trom city limits, a new" ana wen
furnished house and barn, an, excel
lent well with pump, V4 acre of tim
ber, place well fohced on B.- Fi D.
Plenty and vnriety1 of fruit for fam
ilv use. Pric $2000. mprovembnts
are worth the money asked.- Inquire
of Bquaro Deal 3ealtyCo. Phone 470
8 ACRES, house, barn, fenced, 1n
cultivation, first was new land,
some- iberries, 1H mile from fealom,
will soil cheap or exchange for Sa
lem rcsidoneo. I acre good improve
ments, in Salem, if takon at once,
$1250. 70 acres, joining town,, $65
per acre, easy terms. Strictly mod
ern now bungalow cheap, Socolofsky
341 State St. ' tf
I can match you. 0. W. Nicmeyer, Aeal
Estate Agent, Canadian 'Lands, 644
State street.
i ii ii ii I J . ii.i .UB1 ! Hil LL L3
THE FLXIT SHOP Let i repair end
Sharpen your kwn mower. 26V Court
' Phone 1022. tf
50 year experience, Depot, National
. and American fence.
' Size 28 to 58 in high ,
; Paints, oil and varnish, etc
- Loganborry and hop hooks. r
Salom Fence and Stove Works,,
i B50 Court t,reet. Phone 124.
Effective Oetober 28, 1918)
- ' Main Line,
No. 18 Oreiron Express ..6:55 a. m
No. 54 Oreironian . ... 6:05 a. m
No. 28 Willamette Limited -9;15 a. m.
No. 18 Portland PaBscngor ..li20 p. m
No. 24 Coos Bay Limited ...4:00 p. m
No. 14 Portland Express 7:65 p. m
No. 53 Orcgonian ................8:20 a. m.
No. 23 Coo Bay Limited . M2 a. m
No. 15 California Expres .10:0S a. m.
No. 17 Kosoburg Passenger ....4.18 p. m,
No. 27 Willamettcd Limited..6:54 p. m.
No. 13 'Frisco Express 9:33 p.m.
No. 73 Arrive at Balem :10
No. 74 Leave Salom 3:10 p. m
161 Leave Salem, motor .,..7:00 a.m.
103 Leave Salem, motor ...9:28 a.m
165 Leaves Salem, motor :53 p.m.
(Through car to Monroiuth and Arlie.)
171 Leave Balcm ..... .i...oao p.m
102 Arrive at Salem 8:25 a.m
104 Arriva at Salom 11:00 a. m.
166 Ariv at Salom '. 3:20 p.m.
178 Arrives at Salom .,....7:40 p.m,
Train Leave Arrive Arrive
No. Portland Balem rJugeat
S Ltd..,...8:15ara 10:15 am 12:30 pra
7 10:40 am 13:50 pm Salem only
..2:05 pm 4.12 pm 6:85 pm
13 Ltd 4:45 pro 8.40 pm 8:50 pm
17 .8:05 pm 8:07 pm Salom only
10 9:20 nm 11:20 pm Balom only
No. 63 school train from Woouburn, ar
rive 8:35 a. m. except Saturday end
(Nortn Bank Station (leaving jewerios
Street 15 and 20 minuto later,)
frain Leave Arrive Arrive
No. Euecfl Salem Tortland
6 . 7:15 am 9:20 am
No. 04 to Woodburn 8:55 a. m. -except
Saturday and Sunday.
10 Ltd 7:25 am :4, am 1I .3U am
12 12:15 pm 2:25 pm
16 Ltd. l:4Jl pm 4:00 pm 5:50 pm
20 5:30 pm 7:40 pm
22 5:25 pm 7:55 pm 10:00 pm
(North Bank Station (Arriv Jefferson
street 15 minutes earner.
The Journal classified ad are
greet favorite with peopl who
do thing-rTry one. . ,
refuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contract at reasonable rates.
Ces pool cleaned. Dead animal re
moved. Office phone, Main 2247.
Residence, Main 2272.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. P. Andreson, C. C. P. J. Ensta
K. R. & 8.
. Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets
every 8rd and 4th Thar, eve, S o'clock
in Derby building, corner Court and
High street. B. F, Day, V. C.j F. A.
Turner, clerk. ,
Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360,
meet every Thursday evening ia
Derby building, Court and High St.
Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St.
oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record
er 1415 X. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly No.- 84 meets first Thursday of .
, each. month, at S p. -m- in I. O. O. T.
Hall. Norma I . Terwilliger, M. A. j
C." A Vlbbert, secretary, 34ft Owen
. streot. .
Wheat, oft white , $1.94
Wheat, lower trade on sample -
Oat ; . 80cl
Hay, oats - $23
Barley, ton ' . $50sa
Hay, cheat, new $24
win run . a(
Butterfat .
Butterfat - 7e
Creamery- butter r 66
Fork, Vsal and Hutton
Pork;"' On -foot 16
Pork, dressed - 1820e
Veal, fancy ... ni&m
8tecr ... . 7(d) 9
Cow (oe
Spring lamb .. .' lO'e
Ewes...- . . '8e
'ambs, yeat'.'.cs . . - . 67e
- r . n . . .
ohm ana ruuiuj
Eggs, eash .. 6002
Hens, live ... . 2028
Old rooster 15e
Chickens : : 2124e
Turkeys, dressed 3335e
Turkeys, live znwioc
Sweet potatoo ................ 8e
Potatoes .....,.....r........... ei.u
Onions, local $L75
Cabbage.... ...,,....: 2e
Cabbage , 2MiO
Horse taclish reot, id....m,..m.. "
Beet tse
Grape $22.50
Green pepper -
Parsnips - "
Cranberries,, box j...... $4.25
Orange -
Lemons, hox $1010.50
Huckleberries, pound 17e
California grape fruitcae .ouiae.o
Black fig, 85 25 lbs , -5J
Kie. 4 os package
Figs, 8 oz, packages .. .
Figs, 8 oz. package
Figs, 10 lb. fancy J2.B5
Figs, 10 ID. ex. iancy..--
No. 1 comb honey -
Retail Price
Creamery butter
Flour, hard wheat -..
Country butter ..-
. TO
.- $33.2S
Eggs, dozen
Portland, Or., Nov. 18. Butter, city
creamory 66c
creamery oue
Eggs, selected local ex. 6358o
Hons 2527o
Broiler 2730
Geee 17(S)18e !
Cheese triplet 8536o
Receipts none
Tone of market steady unchanged
Primo eteei $12.25a;12.7S.
Choice to good steer $U13
Medium to good steer $10(uill
Fair to medium teer $8.50(ft9.50
Common to fair teer $C8
Choice cow and heifer $i)(ff 8.50
Medium to good cow and heifer
Fairto medium eows
( 'aimers $3(ffi4
Bull $5(5)7.50
Calve $9tol2
Storker end feeder $68
Hog ' f -
Receints 107 i
Tone of market steady unchanged
Prime mixed $16.(HftH7
Medium mixed $16.50)10 75 -Rough
heavie $14.90fe)15.73
Pigs $14(3)14.50
Bulk $16.90
Receipts none
Tone of market steady unchanged
Prime lamb $11.50(12.5O
Fair to medium lamb $8.5010.5O
Yearling $1011 - -
Wothcrs $9(310
Ewe $i.8.50
Leav Corvalli Arrive . Salen
8:20 am Northbound..-9:45
2:41 pm Northbound 4:00 pm
6:18 im... Northbound 7:55 jn
Leav Saltan . -. Arrive Corralli
10:W u Southbmind..H:37 M
4:13 pm .Southbound.... 5:40 p
0:40 piuJ4ouUibouad JS:M t